Results for 'Darren Good'

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  1.  11
    It Takes a (Virtual) Village: Exploring the Role of a Career Community to Support Sensemaking As a Proactive Socialization Practice.Darren Good & Kevin Cavanagh - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Moral Metacognition Scale: Development and Validation.Joan M. McMahon & Darren J. Good - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (5):357-394.
    Scholars have advocated for the inclusion of metacognition in our understanding of the ethical decision making process and in support of moral learning. An instrument to measure metacognition as a domain-specific capacity related to ethical decision making is not found in the current literature. This research describes the development and validation of the 20-item Moral Metacognition Scale. Psychometric properties of the scale were assessed by exploration and confirmation of the factor structure, and the demonstration of convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity. (...)
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    Being While Doing: An Inductive Model of Mindfulness at Work.Christopher J. Lyddy & Darren J. Good - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  4. Good Practice in Virtual Worlds Teaching: Designing a Framework through the Euroversity Project.Darren Mundy Judith Molka-Danielsen - 2014 - Iris 35.
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  5. Good Practice in Virtual Worlds Teaching: Designing a Framework through the Euroversity Project.Judith Molka-Danielsen, Darren Mundy, Stella Hadjistassou & Cristina Stefannelli - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    Without Good Reason: The Rationality Debate in Philosophy and Cognitive Science By Edward Stein Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, pp. x + 296, £30.00 Hb. [REVIEW]Darren Brierton - 1997 - Philosophy 72 (281):482-.
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  7. Tossing the rotten thing out: Eliminating bad reasons not to solve the problem of moral luck.Darren Domsky - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (4):531-541.
    Solving the problem of moral luck—the problem of dealing with conflicting intuitions about whether moral blameworthiness varies with luck in cases of negligence—is like repairing a dented fender in front of two kinds of critic. The one keeps telling you that there is no dent, and the other sees the dent but keeps warning you that repairing it will do more harm than good. It is time to straighten things out. As I argue elsewhere, the solution to the problem (...)
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    Canon and Cultural Negotiation.Darren Hudson Hick & Craig Derksen - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    By questions of “canon,” we mean questions of what is fictionally true of some character, story, or world. What is canon is treated as authoritative or official, usually by creators and fans alike. But disputes about canon have arisen as storytellers and publishers have sought to capitalize on the popularity of their characters, churning out more and more stories to meet public demand, and at the same time engaging with growing fan bases. As audiences have become more involved, and as (...)
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    Hell Is Other People's Tastes.Darren Hudson Hick & Sarah E. Worth - 2020 - In Kimberly S. Engels (ed.), The Good Place and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 211–223.
    Much ink has been spilled in philosophy over the question of whether morality is an objective or subjective matter. In the world of The Good Place, the answer to the moral question seems fairly firmly determined: right and wrong are objective matters, and there is a fact about whether our actions are good or bad. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that beauty was a quantifiable principle of nature, and that we could find the source of beauty in (...)
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    Scientific Method and the Regulation of Health and Nutritional Claims by the European Food Safety Authority.Darren Hoad - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (2):123-133.
    The protection of European consumers from the false or misleading scientific and nutritional claims of food manufacturers took a step forward with the recent opinions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). As a risk assessment agency, the EFSA recently assessed and rejected a vast number of food claim forcing the withdrawal of many claims from leading manufacturers. Focusing on the functional food sector, consumer protection issues, and market impacts, this article looks into the role of the EFSA and examines (...)
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    Screening for infectious diseases of asylum seekers upon arrival: the necessity of the moral principle of reciprocity.Dorien T. Beeres, Darren Cornish, Machiel Vonk, Sofanne J. Ravensbergen, Els L. M. Maeckelberghe, Pieter Boele Van Hensbroek & Ymkje Stienstra - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):16.
    With a large number of forcibly displaced people seeking safety, the EU is facing a challenge in maintaining solidarity. Europe has seen millions of asylum seekers crossing European borders, the largest number of asylum seekers since the second world war. Endemic diseases and often failing health systems in their countries of origin, and arduous conditions during transit, raise questions around how to meet the health needs of this vulnerable population on arrival in terms of screening, vaccination, and access to timely (...)
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  12. Review of 'Ontology after Carnap' Edited by Stephan Blatti and Sandra Lapointe. [REVIEW]Darren Bradley - 2017 - Analysis 77 (4):858-861.
    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Trust. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected]‘Carnap is not completely unknown to us’ comments Richard Creath in his contribution to this book. ‘We often know just enough to be baffled’. It will be no surprise to anyone when I say that this book will not unbaffle us. But it does give us a collection of rewarding papers that each wrestle with the legacy Carnap has (...)
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  13. Everettian Confirmation and Sleeping Beauty.Alastair Wilson - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (3):axt018.
    Darren Bradley has recently appealed to observation selection effects to argue that conditionalization presents no special problem for Everettian quantum mechanics, and to defend the ‘halfer’ answer to the puzzle of Sleeping Beauty. I assess Bradley’s arguments and conclude that while he is right about confirmation in Everettian quantum mechanics, he is wrong about Sleeping Beauty. This result is doubly good news for Everettians: they can endorse Bayesian confirmation theory without qualification, but they are not thereby compelled to (...)
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    Everettian Confirmation and Sleeping Beauty.Alastair Wilson - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (3):573-598.
    Darren Bradley has recently appealed to observation selection effects to argue that conditionalization presents no special problem for Everettian quantum mechanics, and to defend the ‘halfer’ answer to the puzzle of Sleeping Beauty. I assess Bradley’s arguments and conclude that while he is right about confirmation in Everettian quantum mechanics, he is wrong about Sleeping Beauty. This result is doubly good news for Everettians: they can endorse Bayesian confirmation theory without qualification, but they are not thereby compelled to (...)
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    Two Cheers for Blueprints, or, Negative Reasons for Positive Utopianism.Antonis Balasopoulos - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):489-497.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Cheers for Blueprints, or, Negative Reasons for Positive UtopianismAntonis Balasopoulos (bio)It is well known that the decline of programmatic or so-called blueprint utopias and utopianism came on the heels of a widespread and concerted attack against them during the first two decades of the Cold War. In the writings of thinkers like Hayek, Popper, Talmon, Kolakowski, and many others, program became synonymous with hubris.1 It was construed as (...)
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  16. Open Hope as a Civic Virtue.Judith Andre - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:89-100.
    Hope as a virtue is an acquired disposition, shaped by reflection; as a civic virtue it must serve the good of the community. Ernst Bloch and Lord Buddha offer help in constructing such a virtue. Using a taxonomy developed by Darren Webb I distinguish open hope from goal-oriented hope, and use each thinker to develop the former. Bloch and Buddha are very different (and notoriously obscure; I do not attempt an exegesis). But they share a metaphysics of change, (...)
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  17. The Sacrificial Ram and the Swan Queen: Mimetic Theory Fades to Black.Brian Collins - 2013 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 20:207-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sacrificial Ram and the Swan QueenMimetic Theory Fades to BlackBrian Collins (bio)“We speak of a ‘black’ mirror. But where it mirrors, it darkens, of course, but it doesn’t look black, and that which is seen in it does not appear ‘dirty’ but ‘deep.’”—Ludwig Wittgenstein, Remarks on ColorThis paper explores the ways in which male and female bodies become the sites of mimetic desire and ritual violence in (...) Aronofsky’s two companion films The Wrestler (109 min, Wild Bunch, 2008, DVD) and Black Swan (108 min, Fox Searchlight, 2010, DVD). Both films (which were originally intended to be one film, explaining their thematic consistency)1 share three elements. First, both explore cultural forms, wrestling and dance, respectively, that punish the body of the performer in a spectacular way. Second, both films end with the ritualistic dying (if not the death) of the main character. Third, in both films, this dying is accompanied by a kind of transformation that can only be called “becoming-animal.”2 Though this last point is much easier to demonstrate [End Page 207] in the case of Black Swan, I will argue that this is also true for The Wrestler. In interpreting these films, I will rely mainly on René Girard’s ideas about mimetic desire and the surrogate victim mechanism, supplemented by Slavoj Žižek’s notion of symbolic death. Symbolic death or “second death” is Žižek’s Hegelian appropriation of the psychoanalytic death drive. The death drive holds a special place for Girard, since he considers Freud’s formulation of the death drive his admission that the Oedipal complex cannot explain the compulsion to repetition, an admission for which he credits Freud’s honesty. In this paper, I demonstrate that pseudo-masochism, Girard’s alternate theory of repetition, and the Žižekian second death are both present in Black Swan and The Wrestler, and that each film plays on the animal/human distinction and ritual transformations of the body to explore these themes.Part One: The Sacrificial Ram“The function of the wrestler is not to win: it is to go exactly through the motions which are expected of him.”—Roland Barthes, “The World of Wrestling,” MythologiesThe Pseudo-Masochistic Body I: Becoming-RamWilliam Golding’s novel Pincher Martin: The Two Deaths of Christopher Martin (London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1956) follows a bitter, selfish, and intransigent sailor who finds himself clinging to a rock in the middle of the ocean, the sole survivor of a shipwreck, only to slowly learn that he is not a survivor at all, but is rather trapped like a character from The Twilight Zone in the utter loneliness of the timeless time between his titular “two deaths.” The first death comes when Martin goes down with his ship and the second comes when he is annihilated (possibly; the ending is ambiguous) by the “black lightning,” which Terry Eagleton identifies in his analysis of the book as “the fire of God’s ruthless love, which burns up those who cannot bear it.” Martin’s misotheism is his last defense against the terrifying power of love, and he continues to defy God as the black lightning engulfs him.3 Why the two deaths? Martin is unable to die properly the first time, Eagleton argues, “because he is incapable of love. Only the good are capable of dying. Martin cannot yield himself up to death because he has never been able to yield himself up to others in life.”4 [End Page 208]Randy “The Ram” Robinson, born Robin Ramzinski, (Mickey Rourke), the protagonist of The Wrestler, is, like Pincher Martin, between two deaths, isolated from the rest of humanity because of his inability to connect with others. But while Pincher Martin is defiant and bound for a self-created Hell because of his deliberate rejection of love, Ram is a much more sympathetic character—though no less doomed—because he tries but fails time after time to accept the love of those who could save him. Pincher Martin’s self-created internal obstacle is his hatred of God, externalized through his encounter with the black lightning. But in Ram’s case... (shrink)
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    Funding Utopia: Utopian Studies and the Discourse of Academic Excellence.Adam Stock - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):517-527.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Funding Utopia: Utopian Studies and the Discourse of Academic ExcellenceAdam Stock (bio)As an academic field, there is in some important ways nothing special about utopian studies. Granted, our object of inquiry may look beyond the present toward what Ruth Levitas terms the Imaginary Reconstruction of Society, but we are still workers in what Darren Webb calls the “corporate-imperial” university.1 Webb argues that within the university we can at (...)
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    Searching across boundaries: National information resource on ethics and human genetics.Martina Darragh, Harriet Hutson Gray, Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Susan Cartier Poland - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):103-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.1 (2002) 103-113 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note Update Searching Across Boundaries: National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics* While indeed an historical moment, the announcement of the mapping of the human genome has been treated in the literature as a beginning—a new way to think about biology and the ways in which biological concepts are applied to medicine. Issues of both (...)
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    Good Thinking: The Foundations of Probability and its Applications.Irving John Good - 1983 - Univ Minnesota Pr.
    ... Press for their editorial perspicacity, to the National Institutes of Health for the partial financial support they gave me while I was writing some of the chapters, and to Donald Michie for suggesting the title Good Thinking.
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  21. Chapter Twelve Growing Minds, Computability, and the Potentially Infinite Darren Abramson.Darren Abramson - 2007 - In Soraj Hongladarom (ed.), Computing and Philosophy in Asia. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 179.
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    Age, Pain Intensity, Values-Discrepancy, and Mindfulness as Predictors for Mental Health and Cognitive Fusion: Hierarchical Regressions With Mediation Analysis.Darren J. Edwards - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  23. There Is No Door: Finally Solving the Problem of Moral Luck.Darren Domsky - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy 101 (9):445-464.
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    Two visual systems but only one theory of perception.Darren Burke & William G. Hayward - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):100-100.
    The parallel drawn by Norman between the dorsal and ventral systems and direct and indirect approaches is based on two misrepresentations of the direct approach – that it is concerned only with the unconscious control of action, and that it cannot explain learning. We propose a way of understanding the visual system differences from within the direct approach.
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    Instrumental Authority and the Liberal State: A Proposal for Illiberal Minorities.Darren Corpe - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Calgary
    The best way to divide control over children’s education between private and state authorities is unclear. This task has ethical implications that this thesis explores—in the context of a pluralist liberal democracy. In cases where authority over children’s education is granted to private groups, like ethnic or religious minorities, rights are often part of the default vocabulary adopted by politically liberal commentaries. These rights are often viewed as a shield that offers the group immunity from state interference. Some illiberal minority (...)
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    Autonomy or Exploitation?Darren Esau & Catherine Hickey - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (6):13-14.
    An eighty‐six–year‐old woman has had lifelong obsessive‐compulsive disorder. At times, it has been so severe that she has lost touch with reality and been psychotic. She is actively followed by a community mental health nurse. Since she is physically frail, the nurse visits her at home and liaises with the attending psychiatrist, who adjusts medications as needed. Currently, the patient is stable, and there is no evidence of psychosis.The patient's home deteriorates, and several repairs are needed. The nurse questions the (...)
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  27. Forthcoming, Inquiry, Summer 2004.Darren Grant & Melayne Morgan McInnes - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    John Scottus Eriugena on the Composition of Material Bodies.Darren Hibbs - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (3):385 - 393.
    This paper examines John Scottus Eriugena's account of material bodies. Some scholars have argued that Eriugena's account prefigures Berkeleyan idealism. The interpretation offered in the paper rejects the Berkeleyan interpretation on the grounds that Eriugena, unlike Berkeley, did not propose a thoroughly immaterialist view of reality.
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    I Bury the Dead: Poe, Heidegger, and Morbid Literature.Darren Hutchinson - 2012 - PhaenEx 7 (1):195-220.
    This essay investigates the way in which dying and dead bodies resist poetic incorporation and the way in which such bodies can be fugitively attested to through fictive prose. It examines Heidegger's treatment of dead and dying bodies from Being and Time to his later work on poetry and language, and it offers as a counterpoint another mode of addressing these bodies found in the fiction of Poe. It also shows how even the poetry of Trakl, heralded by Heidegger as (...)
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    Healthcare professionals and the reciprocal duty to treat during a pandemic disaster.Darren P. Mareiniss - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):39 – 41.
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    Anyone can add 360-degree panoramas to Google Maps with Android 4.2′ s new Photo Sphere feature.Darren McCarra - forthcoming - Nexus.
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  32. The Search for a Meaningful Past.Darren Staloff - 1995 - Teaching Co..
    pt. 1. lecture 1. Issues and problems ; lecture 2. Mircea Eliade's Cosmos and history and cyclical time ; lecture 3. The early enlightenment and the search for the laws of history, Vico's New science of history ; lecture 4. The high enlightenment's cult of progress, Kant's idea for a universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view ; lecture 5. Hegel's philosophy of history ; lecture 6. Marx's historical materialism ; lecture 7. Nietzche's critique of historical consciousness, On the (...)
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    Hegel, Weber, and Bureaucracy.Darren Nah - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (3-4):289-309.
    ABSTRACT Hegel gave the bureaucracy a distinctively corporatist and collegiate structure and insulated it from legislative control. The close match between these features of the Philosophy or Right and the structure of the Prussian bureaucracy, which had been used by reformers to insulate progressive decisions from Junker resistance, suggests that Hegel, too, wanted the bureaucracy to spearhead reform within a hostile environment.
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    A Functional Contextual Account of Background Knowledge in Categorization: Implications for Artificial General Intelligence and Cognitive Accounts of General Knowledge.Darren J. Edwards, Ciara McEnteggart & Yvonne Barnes-Holmes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:745306.
    Psychology has benefited from an enormous wealth of knowledge about processes of cognition in relation to how the brain organizes information. Within the categorization literature, this behavior is often explained through theories of memory construction called exemplar theory and prototype theory which are typically based on similarity or rule functions as explanations of how categories emerge. Although these theories work well at modeling highly controlled stimuli in laboratory settings, they often perform less well outside of these settings, such as explaining (...)
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  35. When betting odds and credences come apart: more worries for Dutch book arguments.Darren Bradley & Hannes Leitgeb - 2006 - Analysis 66 (2):119-127.
    If an agent believes that the probability of E being true is 1/2, should she accept a bet on E at even odds or better? Yes, but only given certain conditions. This paper is about what those conditions are. In particular, we think that there is a condition that has been overlooked so far in the literature. We discovered it in response to a paper by Hitchcock (2004) in which he argues for the 1/3 answer to the Sleeping Beauty problem. (...)
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  36. Functionalism and The Independence Problems.Darren Bradley - 2013 - Noûs 47 (1):545-557.
    The independence problems for functionalism stem from the worry that if functional properties are defined in terms of their causes and effects then such functional properties seem to be too intimately connected to these purported causes and effects. I distinguish three different ways the independence problems can be filled out – in terms of necessary connections, analytic connections and vacuous explanations. I argue that none of these present serious problems. Instead, they bring out some important and over-looked features of functionalism.
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  37. The Protein Ontology: A structured representation of protein forms and complexes.Darren Natale, Cecilia N. Arighi, Winona C. Barker, Judith A. Blake, Carol J. Bult, Michael Caudy, Harold J. Drabkin, Peter D’Eustachio, Alexei V. Evsikov, Hongzhan Huang, Jules Nchoutmboube, Natalia V. Roberts, Barry Smith, Jian Zhang & Cathy H. Wu - 2011 - Nucleic Acids Research 39 (1):D539-D545.
    The Protein Ontology (PRO) provides a formal, logically-based classification of specific protein classes including structured representations of protein isoforms, variants and modified forms. Initially focused on proteins found in human, mouse and Escherichia coli, PRO now includes representations of protein complexes. The PRO Consortium works in concert with the developers of other biomedical ontologies and protein knowledge bases to provide the ability to formally organize and integrate representations of precise protein forms so as to enhance accessibility to results of protein (...)
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  38. Descartes' influence on Turing.Darren Abramson - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):544-551.
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    Direct Action and Political Coercion.Darren Yau - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (2):341-357.
    Most nonviolent resistance is a species of collective political action and therefore a form of collective power. In many cases, the use of power in nonviolent action is best characterized as a kind of intelligently used coercion. How then should ethicists think about the norms that govern the use of coercion in nonviolent actions? This essay critically examines the answers provided by the early Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Ramsey. Both analyzed nonviolent resistance in similar ways: they distinguished nonviolent action from (...)
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    The Orville as Philosophy: The Dangers of Religion.Darren M. Slade & David Kyle Johnson - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 425-451.
    Seth MacFarlane’s space adventure, The Orville, is not “Family Guy in Space.” It is a social commentary of the most direct and compelling sort. Through satire, humor, and symbolism, The Orville explores the potential dangers of religion. It does so in individual episodes, such as “If the Stars Should Appear” and “Mad Idolatry,” as well as through the series as a whole in its depiction of how the Union resolves its political differences with the Krill and the Moclans. In this (...)
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    Ethical Care for Vulnerable Populations Receiving Psychotropic Treatment.Darren R. Bernal, Rachel Becker Herbst, Brian L. Lewis & Jennifer Feibelman - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (7):582-598.
    The increasing use of pharmacotherapy raises specific ethical concerns for psychologists working with vulnerable populations. Due to a shortage of trained specialists, professionals without training in mental health, such as primary care providers, are increasingly prescribing and monitoring psychotropic medications. Vulnerable populations face additional barriers to mental health treatment and are at heightened risk when these factors intersect. Hence, these patients experience unique barriers to receiving optimal psychopharmacological care and are differentially vulnerable to deleterious outcomes associated with misdiagnosis and overmedication. (...)
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    Complex interactions confound any unitary approach to social phenomena, not just biological ones.Darren Burke - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e210.
    Although Burt clearly explains how modern genomic techniques work, and describes their limitations, her conclusion that they are therefore not valuable additions to understanding social outcomes is unwarranted. Understanding the causes of complex social outcomes depends on understanding how social, individual, and genetic factors complexly interact with each other. None can be understood without reference to the others.
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    Inconsistent with the data: Support for the CLASH model depends on the wrong kind of latitude.Darren Burke, Danielle Sulikowski, Ian Stephen & Robert Brooks - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Investigating Humor in Social Interaction in People With Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Darren David Chadwick & Tracey Platt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Background: Humor, both producing and appreciating, underpins positive social interactions acting as a facilitator of communication. There are clear links to wellbeing that go along with this form of social engagement. However, humor appears to be a seldom studied, cross-disciplinary area of investigation when applied to people with an intellectual disability, this review collates the current state of knowledge regarding the role of humor behavior in the social interactions of people with intellectual disabilities and their carers. Method: A systematic review (...)
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  45. Mcginn's Theory Of Consciousness, and Searle's Indignant Response.Darren Domsky - 2001 - Gnosis 5 (1):1-17.
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    Why Callicott’s Ecological Communitarianism Is Not Holistic.Darren Domsky - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (3):389-396.
  47. Pedagogical Judgment.Darren Garside - 2016 - In Babs Anderson (ed.), Philosophy for children: theories and praxis in teacher education. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Jeepney spirituality.Darren L. Gustafson - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):87-97.
    The orientation of public space is either logocentric or eclectic. The surface of a Philippine jeepney is an example of a successful inversion of American militaristic individualism into a place for the celebration of idiosyncrasies. Using Walter Benjamin’s differentiation between allegory and symbolism – and photographs of Philippine jeepney art – this essay problematizes the collapse of contemporary spirituality into a political demographic.
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  49. Bloomsbury Contemporary Aesthetics Case Studies.Darren Hudson Hick (ed.) - 2022
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    Death Star, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Globalization.Darren Jorgensen - 2007 - Symploke 15 (1):206-217.
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