Results for 'David Mao'

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  1. Mr. Weidman Honors English II May 5, 2009 Argument of The Grapes of Wrath.David Mao - forthcoming - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal.
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    Philosophical Influences of Mao Zedong, written by Robert E. Allinson.David Chai - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (4):424-426.
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    Mao's Republic.David Apter - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
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    Mao Zedong’s thought and the construction of socialist ideology.Min Zhang, Haiyong Zong & David Zeen - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe):211-232.
    Resumo: A prática de 70 anos da Nova China mostra que nosso Partido tem, de forma permanente, valorizado e fortalecido a liderança do trabalho ideológico, fator essencial para que a nação chinesa consiga o salto de rica e poderosa, e consolide continuamente a posição dominante do partido. As sucessivas lideranças coletivas do partido exploraram e inovaram a teoria da ideologia socialista em diferentes períodos da história da China, em vista da situação internacional e doméstica, fornecendo ao PCCh uma base teórica (...)
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    Chinese Marxism in the Post-Mao Era.Bill Brugger & David Kelly - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (1):135-136.
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    Images at work: the material culture of enchantment.David Morgan - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Images can be studied in many ways--as symbols, displays of artistic genius, adjuncts to texts, or naturally occurring phenomena like reflections and dreams. Each of these approaches is justified by the nature of the image in question as well as the way viewers engage with it. But images are often something more when they perform in ways that exhibit a capacity to act independent of human will. Images come alive--they move us to action, calm us, reveal the power of the (...)
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    The property of knowledge.David Joselit - 2019 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 28 (57-58):158-165.
    We can note three phases in the tradition of the readymade and appropriation since Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel of 1913. First, they include early enactments in which the readymade posed an onto- logical challenge to artworks through the equation of commodity and art object. Second, practices in which readymades were de- ployed semantically as lexical elements within a sculpture, paint- ing, installation or projection. In a third phase, which most directly encompasses the global, the appropriation of objects, images, and other forms (...)
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    A filosofia da mec'nica qu'ntica de Gaston Bachelard.David Velanes - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):229-242.
    Gaston Bachelard, filósofo francês, acompanhou um período de rupturas, isto é, de modificações conceituais e metodológicas na física contemporânea. Ele é um dos diversos pensadores que apresentaram reflexões importantes para a compreensão da atomística contemporânea. Este artigo evidencia suas principais reflexões filosóficas acerca dos fundamentos da mecânica quântica. Para tanto, lança-se mão de conceitos importantes de sua epistemologia sem os quais se tornam incompreensíveis suas ideias. Assim, este trabalho remarca como a física rompe com as ideias científicas e filosóficas tradicionais (...)
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  9. China and the Human: Part Ii.David L. Eng, Teemu Ruskola & Shuang Shen - 2012 - Duke University Press.
    In the Western media, stories about China seem to fall into one of two categories: China’s astounding economic development or its human rights abuses. As human rights discourses follow increasingly hegemonic conventions, especially with regard to China, many of their key assumptions remain unexamined. This special issue—the second in a two-part series beginning with “Cosmologies of the Human”—critically investigates the relationship between China and the human as it plays out in law, politics, biopolitics, political economy, labor, medicine, and culture. The (...)
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    Falun Gong and the Future of China.David Ownby - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    On April 25, 1999, ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners gathered outside Zhongnanhai, the guarded compound where China's highest leaders live and work, in a day-long peaceful protest of police brutality against fellow practitioners in the neighboring city of Tianjin. Stunned and surprised, China's leaders launched a campaign of brutal suppression against the group which continues to this day. This book, written by a leading scholar of the history of this Chinese popular religion, is the first to offer a full explanation (...)
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    Ritual and the moral life: reclaiming the tradition.David Solomon, Ruiping Fan & Bingxiang Luo (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    In the twentieth century, in both China and the West, ritual became marginalized in the face of the growth of secularism and individualism. In China, Confucianism and its essentially ritualistic comportment to the world were vigorously suppressed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) under Mao Zedong. But de-ritualization already took place as a result of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 under Sun Yat-Sen. In the West, while the process of de-ritualization has been generally more gradual, it has been nonetheless drastic. In (...)
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    Cognitive Control as a 5-HT1A-Based Domain That Is Disrupted in Major Depressive Disorder.Scott A. Langenecker, Brian J. Mickey, Peter Eichhammer, Srijan Sen, Kathleen H. Elverman, Susan E. Kennedy, Mary M. Heitzeg, Saulo M. Ribeiro, Tiffany M. Love, David T. Hsu, Robert A. Koeppe, Stanley J. Watson, Huda Akil, David Goldman, Margit Burmeister & Jon-Kar Zubieta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441648.
    Heterogeneity within MDD has hampered identification of biological markers (e.g., intermediate phenotypes, IPs) that might increase risk for the disorder or reflect closer links to the genes underlying the disease process. The newer characterizations of dimensions of MDD within Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) domains may align well with the goal of defining IPs. We compare a sample of 25 individuals with MDD compared to 29 age and education matched controls in multimodal assessment. The multimodal RDoC assessment included the primary IP (...)
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    Chinese Philosophers.Laurence C. Wu, Shu-Hsien Liu, David L. Hall, Francis Soo, Jonathan R. Herman, John Knoblock, Chad Hansen, Kwong-Loi Shun & Warren G. Frisina - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 39–107.
    Some of the authors of the essays on Chinese philosophers prefer the pin yin system of romanization for Chinese names and words, while others prefer the Wade‐Giles system. Given that both systems are in wide use today, important names and words are given in both their pin yin and Wade‐Giles formulations. The author's preference is printed first, followed by the alternative romanization within brackets.
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    Review of The Philosophy of the Grammarians. Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies, Vol. 5, by Harold G. Coward and K. Kunjunni Raja ; Taoist Body, by Kristofer Schipper, trans. Karen C. Duval ; Taoist Meditation: The Mao-Shan Tradition of Great Purity, by Isabelle Robinet, trans. Julian F. Pas and Norman J. Girardot ; Al-Ghazamacrli and the Ash'arite School, by Richard M. Frank ; and World Philosophies: An Historical Introduction, by David E. Cooper. [REVIEW]Karel Werner, Whalen Lai, Oliver Leaman & D. O'Connor - 1996 - Asian Philosophy 6 (2):161-167.
  15. (2 other versions)Sameness and substance.David Wiggins - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):125-128.
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  16. On the plurality of quantum theories: Quantum theory as a framework and its implications for the quantum measurement problem.David Wallace - 2020 - In Juha Saatsi & Steven French (eds.), Scientific Realism and the Quantum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    `Quantum theory' is not a single physical theory but a framework in which many different concrete theories fit. As such, a solution to the quantum measurement problem ought to provide a recipe to interpret each such concrete theory, in a mutually consistent way. But with the exception of the Everett interpretation, the mainextant solutions either try to make sense of the abstract framework as if it were concrete, or else interpret one particular quantum theory under the fiction that it is (...)
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    The False Prison Volume Two.David Pears - 1988 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This is the second of David Pears's acclaimed two‐volume work on the development of Wittgenstein's philosophy, covering the Philosophical Investigations and other writings from 1929 onwards. Though more selective in its coverage than the first volume (it deals mainly with Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology and the ego, the possibility of a private language and rule‐following), the book reveals with great clarity the style, method, and content of Wittgenstein's later thought. While this volume is independently comprehensible, Pears remains largely within (...)
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    Essays And Treatises On Several Subjects.David Hume - 2002 - Thoemmes.
    David Hume (1711-76) is the grand intellectual figure of the Scottish Enlightenment. Ironically, what is now considered his magnum opus, the ill-received three-volume A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40), was rejected by Hume himself by 1751. Subsequently, when Hume first compiled his Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects two years later, he excluded the Treatise and considered this new collection of essays to be his complete philosophical writings. Hume revised the Essays and Treatises some ten times in various editions, (...)
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    Science, Order and Creativity.David Bohm & F. David Peat - 2010 - Routledge.
    One of the foremost scientists and thinkers of our time, David Bohm worked alongside Oppenheimer and Einstein. In Science, Order and Creativity he and physicist F. David Peat propose a return to greater creativity and communication in the sciences. They ask for a renewed emphasis on ideas rather than formulae, on the whole rather than fragments, and on meaning rather than mere mechanics. Tracing the history of science from Aristotle to Einstein, from the Pythagorean theorem to quantum mechanics, (...)
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    Children, Family and the State.David Archard - 2003 - Routledge.
    This title was first published in 2003. This book critically examines the moral and political status of the child by a consideration of three interrelated questions: What rights if any does the child have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child do parents have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child does the state have? David Archard adopts three areas for particular discussion on the practical implications of the general theoretical issues: education, child (...)
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  21. Normative Perfectionism and the Kantian Tradition.David O. Brink - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    Perfectionism is an underexplored tradition, perhaps because of doubts about the grounds, content, and implications of perfectionist ideals. Aristotle, J.S. Mill, and T.H. Green are normative perfectionists, grounding perfectionist ideals in a normative conception of human nature involving personality or agency. This essay explores the prospects of normative perfectionism by examining Kant’s criticisms of the perfectionist tradition. First, Kant claims that the perfectionist can generate only hypothetical, not categorical, imperatives. But insofar as the normative perfectionist appeals to the normative category (...)
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  22. Three kinds of incommensurability.David B. Wong - 1989 - In Michael Krausz (ed.), Relativism: Interpretation and Confrontation. Notre Dame University Press. pp. 140--58.
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    The World of Colour.David Katz - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Entendimento e sociedade na filosofia Humeana.Cainan Freitas De Jesus - 2017 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 10 (23).
    A interação entre indivíduos depende de uma complexa teia de relações na filosofia de David Hume, que necessitam da maneira como o encadeamento de ideias é feita na mente humana, estando estes assentados sobre os mesmos princípios que fornecem a inclinação do sujeito para asseverar sobre os eventos da matéria. Mais do que ancorar sua teoria da Moral ou da Política sobre os mesmos princípios da crença, a filosofia humeana parece adotar um caminho que se configura por uma via (...)
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    Philosophy at the limit.David Wood - 1990 - Boston: Unwin Hyman.
    The structure and style of philosophy has evolved in response to philosophy's confrontation with its own limits. Are these limits real or are they just phantoms haunting the philosophical project? How do philosophy and philosophers attempt to overcome these limits, or at least come to terms with them? In "Philosophy at the Limit" David Wood pursues this theme in modern philosophers from Hegel to Derrida including Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Gadamer. He focuses on questions of philosophical style, problems with (...)
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    Children.David Archard - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Whether children have rights is a debate that in recent years has spilled over into all areas of public life. It has never been more topical than now as the assumed rights of parents over their children is challenged on an almost daily basis. David Archard offers the first serious and sustained philosophical examination of children and their rights. Archard reviews arguments for and against according children rights. He concludes that every child has at least the right to the (...)
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    The total work of art in European modernism.David Roberts - 2011 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Library.
    In this groundbreaking book David Roberts sets out to demonstrate the centrality of the total work of art to European modernism since the French Revolution.
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    Japan and the enemies of open political science.David Williams - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Japan and the Enemies of Open Political Science argues that Eurocentric blindness is a scientific failing, not a moral one. In a way true of no other political system, Japan's greatness has the potential to enliven and reform almost all the main branches of Western Political Science. David Williams criticizes Western social science, Anglo-American Philosophy and French Theory and explains why mainstream economists, historians of political thought and postculturalists have ignored Japan's modern achievements. Williams demonstrates why the renewal of (...)
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  29. A Neglected Position.David Wiggins - 1993 - In John Haldane & Crispin Wright (eds.), Reality, representation, and projection. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 329--336.
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    Theology on the Menu: Asceticism, Meat and Christian Diet.David Grumett & Rachel Muers - 2010 - Routledge.
    Food - what we eat, how much we eat, how it is produced and prepared, and its cultural and ecological significance- is an increasingly significant topic not only for scholars but for all of us. Theology on the Menu is the first systematic and historical assessment of Christian attitudes to food and its role in shaping Christian identity. David Grumett and Rachel Muers unfold a fascinating history of feasting and fasting, food regulations and resistance to regulation, the symbolism attached (...)
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    Rousseau's Social Contract: An Introduction.David Lay Williams (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it was banished from France. Soon thereafter, Rousseau fled to Geneva, where he saw the book burned in public. At the same time, many of his contemporaries, such as Kant, considered Rousseau to be 'the Newton of the moral world', as (...)
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    Discourse on the Method and Meditations on First Philosophy.David Weissman (ed.) - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    Descartes' ideas not only changed the course of Western philosophy but also led to or transformed the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, physics and mathematics, political theory and ethics, psychoanalysis, and literature and the arts. This book reprints Descartes' major works, _Discourse on Method_ and _Meditations_, and presents essays by leading scholars that explore his contributions in each of those fields and place his ideas in the context of his time and our own. There are chapters by David Weissman on (...)
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  33. The guise of the good.David Velleman - 1992 - Noûs 26 (1):3–26.
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    What's the use of meetings?David Bridges - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 9 (1):7–25.
    David Bridges; What’s the use of Meetings?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 9, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 7–25,
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    Beyond Mechanism: The Universe in Recent Physics and Catholic Thought.David L. Schindler - 1986 - Upa.
    Examines the meaning of nature, or physics, in light of some of the central concerns of Catholic theology and philosophy. The papers presented here result from a conference which examined developments in twentieth-century physics, particularly as interpreted in the work of theoretical physicist David Bohm. Co-published with COMMUNIO International Catholic Review.
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  36. More on science.David Tribe - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 109 (109):17.
    Tribe, David I was disappointed, but not surprised, by criticisms of my 'On science, good, bad and ugly' , which may also have prompted the appearance in the same issue of other articles confirming points in mine. While I don't agree with many details, Massimo Pigliucci's 'Science needs philosophy' directs timely attention to 'an over-enthusiastic embrace of science' and a scientism which 'leads to nihilism'.
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    The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence.David Walsh - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Modern Philosophical Revolution breaks new ground by demonstrating the continuity of European philosophy from Kant to Derrida. Much of the literature on European philosophy has emphasised the breaks that have occurred in the course of two centuries of thinking. But as David Walsh argues, such a reading overlooks the extent to which Kant, Hegel, and Schelling were already engaged in the turn toward existence as the only viable mode of philosophising. Where many similar studies summarise individual thinkers, this (...)
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  38. Confucian Political Philosophy.David Wong - 2011 - In George Klosko (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Definindo boato.Felipe de Matos Müller - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (2):425-436.
    Neste ensaio, eu analisarei criticamente três definições de boato. Na primeira seção, eu considerarei a explicação de C. A. J. Coady, na qual o boato é um caso de testemunho aparente, mas não é um caso de testemunho genuíno. Na segunda seção, eu considerarei a definição de boato oferecida por David Coady, na qual o boato se espalha em uma larga cadeia sem status oficial. Na terceira seção, eu considerarei a definição de boato de Axel Gelfert, na qual o (...)
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    Solidarity and the root of the ethical.David Wiggins - 2008 - Kansas: Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas.
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    The World and the Wild.David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus - 2001 - University of Arizona Press.
    Can nature be restored to a pristine state through deliberate action? Must the preservation of wilderness always subordinate the interests of humans to those of other species? Can indigenous peoples be entrusted with the guardianship of their own wild resources? This collection of international writings tackles tough questions like these as it expands wilderness conservation beyond its American roots. One of the first anthologies to consider wilderness as a global issue, it takes a stand against the notion that wilderness is (...)
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    Quelle juste part ? Normativité, remplaçabilité et portée.David Robichaud & Patrick Turmel - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (1):177-193.
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  43. Observations on Man: Volume 2: His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations.David Hartley - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The orphaned son of an Anglican clergyman, David Hartley was originally destined for holy orders. Declining to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles, he turned to medicine and science yet remained a religious believer. This, his most significant work, provides a rigorous analysis of human nature, blending philosophy, psychology and theology. First published in two volumes in 1749, Observations on Man is notable for being based on the doctrine of the association of ideas. It greatly influenced scientists, theologians, social reformers (...)
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    Observations on Man: Volume 1: His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations.David Hartley - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    The orphaned son of an Anglican clergyman, David Hartley was originally destined for holy orders. Declining to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles, he turned to medicine and science yet remained a religious believer. This, his most significant work, provides a rigorous analysis of human nature, blending philosophy, psychology and theology. First published in two volumes in 1749, Observations on Man is notable for being based on the doctrine of the association of ideas. It greatly influenced scientists, theologians, social reformers (...)
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    Facing Death: Theme and Variations.David F. Martin - 2006 - Bucknell University Press.
    If we do not, at some point in our life, face death—thinking hard and straight about it—we turn away from our authenticity. If that facing rejects irrational faith, dogmas, mystification, and personal immortality, is there yet a path free of despair? David Martin argues that participatory pantheism—the experience of the secular and the sacred both as a unity and as a mystery—provides such a path.
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    Romain Rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement.David Fisher - 2004 - Routledge.
    This intellectual portrait of Romain Rolland --French novelist, musicologist, dramatist, and Nobel prizewinner in 1915--focuses on his experiments with political commitment against the backdrop of European history between the two world wars. Best known as a biographer of Beethoven and for his novel, Jean-Christophe, Rolland was one of those nonconforming writers who perceived a crisis of bourgeois society in Europe before the Great War, and who consciously worked to discredit and reshape that society in the interwar period. Analyzing Rolland's itinerary (...)
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  47. Africa and the Africans in the Old Testament.David Tuesday Adamo - 1998
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    Roma Rights and Discrimination Based on Ethnicity in Sweden.David Berat - 2018 - Seeu Review 13 (1):15-29.
    This article is about the rights of the Roma in Sweden and the level of discrimination that Roma are facing. The aims and objectives of the article is theoretical and practical understanding of the situation of the Roma and their human rights through our research and analysis of reports from international organizations, civil society organizations, deep interviews and data from the collected 57 questionnaires. The data is collected during the two study visits in November 2016 and February 2017. The article (...)
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  49. Beyond GIS : geospatial technologies and the future of history.David J. Bodenhamer - 2012 - In Alexander von Lünen & Charles Travis (eds.), History and GIS: epistemologies, considerations and reflections. Dordrecht: Springer.
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  50. Is bigger really better? The search for brain size and intelligence in the 21st century.David Carey - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press.
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