Results for 'Dayle Anderson'

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  1. Knowledge, Human Interests, and Objectivity in Feminist Epistemology.Elizabeth Anderson - 1995 - Philosophical Topics 23 (2):27-58.
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    The Philosophy of Being.James F. Anderson - 1946 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 21:106-111.
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    The Problem of “Manhood” in a Women's Prison.Jami Anderson - 2009 - In Olga Gershenson Barbara Penner (ed.), Ladies and Gents: Public Toilets and Gender. Temple University Press. pp. 90.
  4. Psychology and Physics Reconciled: Whitehead’s Vision of Metaphysics.Anderson Weekes - 2003 - In Franz Riffert Michel Weber (ed.), Searching for New Contrasts: Whiteheadian Contributions to Contemporary Challenges in Neurophysiology, Psychology, Psychotherapy, and the Philosophy of Mind. Peter Lang.
    Major schools of thought in the 20th century agreed in repudiating metaphysical speculation, but the agreement was superficial, for what they repudiated as “metaphysical” was often one another. Whitehead’s defense of speculative philosophy as “productive of important knowledge” singled him out for scorn from all sides at the same time that it enabled him to move beyond dogmatic standoffs . Employing the same method of speculative generalization that led to the most celebrated theoretical discoveries of the 20th century, quantum theory (...)
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  5. Psychology and Physics Reconciled: Whitehead’s Vision of Metaphysics.Anderson Weekes - 2003 - In Franz Riffert Michel Weber (ed.), Searching for New Contrasts: Whiteheadian Contributions to Contemporary Challenges in Neurophysiology, Psychology, Psychotherapy, and the Philosophy of Mind. Peter Lang.
    Major schools of thought in the 20th century agreed in repudiating metaphysical speculation, but the agreement was superficial, for what they repudiated as “metaphysical” was often one another. Whitehead’s defense of speculative philosophy as “productive of important knowledge” singled him out for scorn from all sides at the same time that it enabled him to move beyond dogmatic standoffs . Employing the same method of speculative generalization that led to the most celebrated theoretical discoveries of the 20th century, quantum theory (...)
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    A test of a statistical learning theory model for two-choice behavior with double stimulus events.Norman H. Anderson & David A. Grant - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):305.
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    Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God.Leona Anderson - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):324.
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    Integrando la Ciencia y la Sociedad a través de la Investigación Socio-Ecológica de Largo Plazo.Christopher B. Anderson, Gene E. Likens, Ricardo Rozzi, Julio R. Gutiérrez, Juan J. Armesto & Alexandria Poole - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (9999):81-99.
    La investigación ecológica a largo plazo (Long Term Ecological Research, LTER) maneja problemas que abarcan décadas o plazos más largos. El programa y su nombre formal comenzaron en Estados Unidos en 1980. Si bien los estudios y observaciones a largo plazo comenzaron tempranamente en 1400 y 1800 en Asia y Europa, respectivamente, el enfoque a largo plazo no se formalizó sino hasta el establecimiento de los programas de investigación ecológica de largo plazo en Estados Unidos. Estos programas han permitido experimentos (...)
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    This-Worldly Nibbāna: A Buddhist-Feminist Social Ethic for Peacemaking in the Global Community by Hsiao-Lan Hu.Carol S. Anderson - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:223-226.
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    (1 other version)Tautological entailments.Alan Ross Anderson & Nuel D. Belnap - 1962 - Philosophical Studies 13 (1-2):9 - 24.
  11. The Wolffian Paradigm and its Discontent: Kant’s Containment Definition of Analyticity in Historical Context.R. Lanier Anderson - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (1):22-74.
    I defend Kant’s definition of analyticity in terms of concept “containment”, which has engendered widespread scepticism. Kant deployed a clear, technical notion of containment based on ideas standard within traditional logic, notably genus/species hierarchies formed via logical division. Kant’s analytic/synthetic distinction thereby undermines the logico-metaphysical system of Christian Wolff, showing that the Wolffian paradigm lacks the expressive power even to represent essential knowledge, including elementary mathematics, and so cannot provide an adequate system of philosophy. The results clarify the extent to (...)
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    Foreign policy as a goal directed activity.Paul A. Anderson - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (2):159-181.
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    Love in the Greek Novel.Graham Anderson - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (02):330-.
  14. It Adds Up After All: Kant’s Philosophy of Arithmetic in Light of the Traditional Logic.R. Lanier Anderson - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (3):501–540.
    Officially, for Kant, judgments are analytic iff the predicate is "contained in" the subject. I defend the containment definition against the common charge of obscurity, and argue that arithmetic cannot be analytic, in the resulting sense. My account deploys two traditional logical notions: logical division and concept hierarchies. Division separates a genus concept into exclusive, exhaustive species. Repeated divisions generate a hierarchy, in which lower species are derived from their genus, by adding differentia(e). Hierarchies afford a straightforward sense of containment: (...)
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    Rereading Russell: Essays in Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics and Epistemology.C. Wade Savage & C. Anthony Anderson (eds.) - 1989 - University of Minnesota Press.
    In a well- known barb, CD Broad said: "Mr. Bertrand Russell produces a new system of philosophy each year or so, and Mr. GE Moore none ...
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  16. Dewey's moral philosophy.Elizabeth Anderson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    John Dewey (1859-1952) lived from the Civil War to the Cold War, a period of extraordinary social, economic, demographic, political and technological change. During his lifetime the United States changed from a rural to an urban society, from an agricultural to an industrial economy, from a regional to a world power. It emancipated its slaves, but subjected them to white supremacy. It absorbed millions of immigrants from Europe and Asia, but faced wrenching conflicts between capital and labor as they were (...)
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    The Art of Lucan Lucan-interpretationen. Von Marie Wuensch. Pp. 62. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1930. Paper, M. 3.W. B. Anderson - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (06):270-.
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    On the logic of “commitment”.Alan Ross Anderson - 1959 - Philosophical Studies 10 (2):23 - 27.
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  19. Disputing Autonomy: Second-Order Desires and the Dynamics of Ascribing Autonomy.Joel Anderson - 2008 - SATS 9 (1):7-26.
    In this paper, I examine two versions of the so-called “hierarchical” approach to personal autonomy, based on the notion of “second-order desires”. My primary concern will be with the question of whether these approaches provide an adequate basis for understanding the dynamics of autonomy-ascription. I begin by distinguishing two versions of the hierarchical approach, each representing a different response to the oft-discussed “regress” objection. I then argue that both “structural hierarchicalism” (e.g., Frankfurt, Bratman) and “procedural hierarchicalism” (e.g., Dworkin, Christman, Mele) (...)
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  20. Technics and Atheism in Gabriel Marcel.Thomas Anderson - 1995 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 7 (1-2):59-68.
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    Editors’ Introduction.Carol S. Anderson & Thomas Cattoi - 2016 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 36 (1):vii-ix.
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    Ethical Preparedness and Performance of Gene Therapy Study Co-Ordinators.Gwen Anderson - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (2):208-221.
    Little is known about study co-ordinators of gene therapy clinical trials. The purposes of this study were to: (1) describe characteristics of co-ordinators of gene therapy (transfer) clinical trials; (2) assess differences between nurse and non-nurse study co-ordinators; and (3) identify factors indicative of study co-ordinators' role preparation that could affect their role performance. This exploratory correlational study employed a convenience sample of 118 co-ordinators in the USA (55 participants; 47% response rate). The researcher created the Study Coordinator Role Preparedness (...)
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    Prometheus 2,000.Albert A. Anderson - 1995 - Dialogue and Universalism 5 (8):90-93.
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    Response to “Mousike and Bluegrass”.Rodino Anderson - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:298-300.
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    (4 other versions)Recent Work in Roman Satire.W. S. Anderson - 1964 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 57 (8):343.
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    Symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving.Robert B. Anderson - 1973 - Artificial Intelligence 4 (3-4):245-246.
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    The Widow of Ephesus.Graham Anderson - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):363-.
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    University planning in an underdeveloped country.C. Arnold Anderson - 1968 - Minerva 7 (1-2):36-51.
  29. Welfare, Work Requirements, and Dependant-Care.Elizabeth Anderson - 2004 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (3):243-256.
    the arguments in their favour are weak. Arguments based on reciprocity fail to explain why only means-tested public benefits should be subject to work requirements, and why unpaid dependant care work should not count as satisfying citizens’ obligations to reciprocate. Argu- ments based on promoting the work ethic misattribute recipients’ nonwork to deviant values, when their core problem is finding steady employment consistent with supporting a family and meeting dependant care responsibilities. Rigid work requirements impose unreasonable costs on some of (...)
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    Once people understand that machine ethics is concerned with how intelligent machines should behave, they often maintain that Isaac Asimov has already given us an ideal set of rules for such machines. They have in mind Asimov's three laws of robotics: 1. a robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human.Susan Leigh Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson (eds.), Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  31. Circuit sharing and the implementation of intelligent systems.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    One of the most foundational and continually contested questions in the cognitive sciences is the degree to which the functional organization of the brain can be understood as modular. In its classic formulation, a module was defined as a cognitive sub-system with nine specific properties; the classic module is, among other things, domain specific, encapsulated, and implemented in dedicated neural substrates. Most of the examinations—and especially the criticisms—of the modularity thesis have focused on these properties individually, for instance by finding (...)
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    Normative orientations of university faculty and doctoral students.Melissa S. Anderson - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):443-461.
    Data from two national surveys of 4,000 faculty and doctoral students in chemistry, civil engineering, microbiology and sociology indicate that both faculty and students subscribe strongly to traditional norms but are more likely to see alternative counternorms enacted in their departments. They also show significant effects of departmental climate on normative orientations and suggest that many researchers express some degree of ambivalence about traditional norms.
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  33. Logic, self-awareness and self-improvement: The metacognitive loop andthe problem of brittleness.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    This essay describes a general approach to building perturbation-tolerant autonomous systems, based on the conviction that artificial agents should be able to notice when something is amiss, assess the anomaly, and guide a solution into place. This basic strategy of self-guided learning is termed the metacognitive loop; it involves the system monitoring, reasoning about, and, when necessary, altering its own decision-making components. This paper (a) argues that equipping agents with a metacognitive loop can help to overcome the brittleness problem, (b) (...)
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    The development of self-recognition: A review.John R. Anderson - 1984 - Developmental Psychobiology 17:35-49.
  35. The metacognitive loop I: Enhancing reinforcement learning with metacognitive monitoring and control for improved perturbation tolerance||.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    Maintaining adequate performance in dynamic and uncertain settings has been a perennial stumbling block for intelligent systems. Nevertheless, any system intended for real-world deployment must be able to accommodate unexpected change—that is, it must be perturbation tolerant. We have found that metacognitive monitoring and control—the ability of a system to self-monitor its own decision-making processes and ongoing performance, and to make targeted changes to its beliefs and action-determining components—can play an important role in helping intelligent systems cope with the perturbations (...)
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  36. Research Ethics in Practice: The Animal Ethics Committees in Sweden. 1979-1989.Birgitta Forsman, Warwick P. Anderson & Andrea Lomdahl - 1996 - Bioethics 10 (1):73-75.
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  37. Representation, evolution and embodiment.Michael L. Anderson - 2005 - Theoria Et Historia Scientarum.
    As part of the ongoing attempt to fully naturalize the concept of human being--and, more specifically, to re-center it around the notion of agency--this essay discusses an approach to defining the content of representations in terms ultimately derived from their central, evolved function of providing guidance for action. This 'guidance theory' of representation is discussed in the context of, and evaluated with respect to, two other biologically inspired theories of representation: Dan Lloyd's dialectical theory of representation and Ruth Millikan's biosemantics.
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    Microtubule dynamic instability: A new model with coupled GTP hydrolysis and multistep catastrophe.Hugo Bowne-Anderson, Marija Zanic, Monika Kauer & Jonathon Howard - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):452–461.
    A key question in understanding microtubule dynamics is how GTP hydrolysis leads to catastrophe, the switch from slow growth to rapid shrinkage. We first provide a review of the experimental and modeling literature, and then present a new model of microtubule dynamics. We demonstrate that vectorial, random, and coupled hydrolysis mechanisms are not consistent with the dependence of catastrophe on tubulin concentration and show that, although single-protofilament models can explain many features of dynamics, they do not describe catastrophe as a (...)
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    Before, Below, Behind, Beyond: Seeking Consciousnesses.Katja Pettinen & Myrdene Anderson - 2016 - Semiotics:73-86.
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  40. Research misconduct and misbehavior.Melissa S. Anderson - 2011 - In Tricia Bertram Gallant (ed.), Creating the ethical academy: a systems approach to understanding misconduct and empowering change in higher education. New York: Routledge.
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  41. What Is Realistic about Putnam’s Internal Realism?David L. Anderson - 1992 - Philosophical Topics 20 (1):49-83.
    Failure to recognize the "realistic" motivations for Putnam's commitment to internal realism has led to a widely shared misunderstanding of Putnam's arguments against metaphysical realism. Realist critics of these arguments frequently offer rebuttals that fail to confront his arguments. Simply put, Putnam's arguments --the brains in a vat argument as well as the model-theoretic argument -- are "reductios" that are intended to show that "metaphysical realism itself is not sufficiently realistic". If that claim can be substantiated then Putnam can go (...)
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    Toward a formal analysis of cultural objects.Alan Ross Anderson & Omar Khayyam Moore - 1962 - Synthese 14 (2-3):144 - 170.
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  43. The effects of time of day on prose memory.We Beckwith, M. Anderson & Tv Petros - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):491-491.
  44. Taught by God: Teaching and Spiritual Formation.Karen-Marie Yust & E. Byron Anderson - 2006
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  45. Devoção e identidades: significados do culto de Santo Elesbão e Santa Efigênia no Rio de Janeiro e nas Minas Gerais no Setecentos Devotion and Identities: meanings os.Anderson José Machado de Oliveira - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12):60-115.
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    Gabriel Marcel on Personal Immortality.Thomas Anderson - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (3):393-406.
    The question of personal immortality is a central one for Gabriel Marcel. Early in his life he took part in parapsychological experiments which convincedhim that one could, rarely and with great difficulty, communicate with the dead. In a philosophical vein he argued that each self has an eternal dimension which isof eternal worth. This dimension is particularly manifest in self-sacrifice, where I find it meaningful to give my life for another and when I unconditionally commitment myself in love to another (...)
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    The Feminism of T. H. Green: A Late-Victorian Success Story?O. Anderson - 1991 - History of Political Thought 12 (4):671.
    Rather surprisingly, T.H.Green's ideas on women and the family are as neglected today as they were immediately after his death in 1882, when his thought was first interpreted for a wider public by his colleagues and friends.1 Silence on such matters in the 1880s is not remarkable. It is odd, however, that it persists today, despite recent intense concern with the history of women and the family, including their place in political thought, and despite reviving philosophical interest in the British (...)
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  48. The Logic of Norms.Alan Ross Anderson - 1958 - Logique Et Analyse 1 (2):84.
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    Representations, symbols and embodiment.Dr Michael L. Anderson - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 149 (1):151-156.
    Response to "Embodied artificial intelligence", a commentary by Ron Chrisley.
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    The Budé Lucian II. [REVIEW]Graham Anderson - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (1):78-80.
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