Results for 'Decreasing risk aversion'

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  1.  98
    Decreasing higher-order absolute risk aversion and higher-degree stochastic dominance.Michel Denuit & Liqun Liu - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):287-295.
    Fishburn and Vickson showed that, when applied to random alternatives with an equal mean, 3rd-degree and decreasing absolute risk aversion stochastic dominances represent equivalent rules. The present paper generalizes this result to higher degrees. Specifically, higher-degree stochastic dominance rules and common preference by all decision makers with decreasing higher-order absolute risk aversion are shown to coincide under appropriate constraints on the respective moments of the random variables to be compared.
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    Downside risk aversion vs decreasing absolute risk aversion: an intuitive exposition.James K. Hammitt - 2022 - Theory and Decision 95 (1):1-10.
    Downside risk aversion (downside RA) and decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA) are different concepts that describe preferences for which the harm from bearing risk is lessened by an increase in wealth. This note presents some intuitive explanations of the difference between the two concepts using simple lotteries and graphical analysis. All risk-averse utility functions exhibit downside risk aversion, except those that exhibit sufficiently strong increasing absolute risk aversion. In a (...)
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    Risk aversion and the value of diagnostic tests.Han Bleichrodt, David Crainich, Louis Eeckhoudt & Nicolas Treich - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (2):137-149.
    Diagnostic tests allow better informed medical decisions when there is uncertainty about a patient’s health status and, therefore, about the desirability to undertake treatment. This paper studies the relation between the expected value of diagnostic information and a patient's risk aversion. We show that the ex ante value of diagnostic information increases with risk aversion for diseases with low prevalence, but decreases with risk aversion for diseases with high prevalence. On the other hand, the (...)
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  4. Measuring risk aversion with lists: a new bias. [REVIEW]Antoni Bosch-Domènech & Joaquim Silvestre - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (4):465-496.
    Various experimental procedures aimed at measuring individual risk aversion involve a list of pairs of alternative prospects. We first study the widely used method by Holt and Laury :1644–1655, 2002), for which we find that the removal of some items from the lists yields a systematic decrease in risk aversion and scrambles the ranking of individuals by risk aversion. This bias, that we call embedding bias, is quite distinct from other confounds that have been (...)
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  5. Risk vulnerability: a graphical interpretation.Louis Eeckhoudt & Béatrice Rey - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (2):227-234.
    The article gives a graphical interpretation of the concept of risk vulnerability. It shows that in a specific context of binary lotteries the assumption of risk vulnerability adds to prudence what the assumption of decreasing absolute risk aversion adds to risk aversion. We end the presentation showing that results can be extended to the concept of multiplicative risk vulnerability.
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  6.  92
    Changes in multiplicative background risk and risk-taking behavior.Octave Jokung - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (1):127-149.
    This article analyzes the conditions under which any change in a multiplicative background risk induces a more cautious behavior. We give necessary and sufficient conditions under which any change in the multiplicative background risk with respect to the Nth-degree stochastic dominance raises local risk aversion. Surprisingly, decreasing relative risk aversion of any order up to N in the sense of Pratt coupled with decreasing relative risk aversion in the sense of (...)
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  7.  59
    Social comparison and risk taking behavior.Astrid Gamba, Elena Manzoni & Luca Stanca - 2017 - Theory and Decision 82 (2):221-248.
    This paper studies the effects of social comparison on risk taking behavior. In our theoretical framework, decision makers evaluate the consequences of their choices relative to both their own and their peers’ conditions. We test experimentally whether the position in the social ranking affects risk attitudes. Subjects interact in a simulated workplace environment where they perform a work task, receive possibly different wages, and then undertake a risky decision that may produce an extra gain. We find that social (...)
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  8.  24
    A test of risk vulnerability in the wider population.Philomena M. Bacon, Anna Conte & Peter G. Moffatt - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):37-50.
    Panel data from the German SOEP is used to test for risk vulnerability in the wider population. Two different survey responses are analysed: the response to the question about willingness-to-take risk in general and the chosen investment in a hypothetical lottery. A convenient indicator of background risk is the VDAX index, an established measure of volatility in the German stock market. This is used as an explanatory variable in conjunction with HDAX, the stock market index, which proxies (...)
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  9.  10
    Risk Attitude in the DuLong Minority Ethnicity of China.Lili Tan, Siyuan Li & Xiaomin Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Prospect theory predicts a four-fold risk attitude, which means that people are risk seeking for low-probability gain and high-probability loss and risk averse for low-probability loss and high-probability gain because they overweight probability when it is low. The four-fold pattern of risk attitude has been supported by several former studies with mainstream industrialized populations but has never previously been tested in a non-industrialized society. In this work, we examined the robustness of the four-fold risk attitude (...)
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  10.  51
    Supermodularity and the comparative statics of risk.John Quiggin & Robert G. Chambers - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (2):97-117.
    In this article, it is shown that a wide range of comparative statics results from expected utility theory can be extended to generalized expected utility models using the tools of supermodularity theory. In particular, a range of concepts of decreasing absolute risk aversion may be formulated in terms of the supermodularity properties of certainty equivalent representations of preferences.
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  11. Pareto utility.Masako Ikefuji, Roger J. A. Laeven, Jan R. Magnus & Chris Muris - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (1):43-57.
    In searching for an appropriate utility function in the expected utility framework, we formulate four properties that we want the utility function to satisfy. We conduct a search for such a function, and we identify Pareto utility as a function satisfying all four desired properties. Pareto utility is a flexible yet simple and parsimonious two-parameter family. It exhibits decreasing absolute risk aversion and increasing but bounded relative risk aversion. It is applicable irrespective of the probability (...)
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  12.  46
    Common ratio using delay.Manel Baucells & Franz H. Heukamp - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (1-2):149-158.
    We present an experiment in which we add a common delay in a choice between two risky prospects. The results show that delay produces the same change in preferences as in the well-documented common ratio effect in risky lotteries. The added common delay acts as if the probabilities were divided by some common ratio. Moreover, we show that there is a strong magnitude effect, in the sense that the effect of delay depends on the magnitude of the outcome. The results (...)
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  13. Can risk aversion survive the long run?Hayden Wilkinson - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):625-647.
    Can it be rational to be risk-averse? It seems plausible that the answer is yes—that normative decision theory should accommodate risk aversion. But there is a seemingly compelling class of arguments against our most promising methods of doing so. These long-run arguments point out that, in practice, each decision an agent makes is just one in a very long sequence of such decisions. Given this form of dynamic choice situation, and the (Strong) Law of Large Numbers, they (...)
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  14.  50
    Uncertain indemnity and the demand for insurance.Kangoh Lee - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (2):249-265.
    This paper considers the demand for insurance in a model with uncertain indemnity. Uncertain indemnity tends to increase the demand for insurance for precautionary reasons, but it also tends to decrease the demand due to the risk created by indemnity uncertainty. When the coefficient of relative prudence is not too large, uncertain indemnity reduces the demand for insurance and partial coverage is optimal even at actuarially fair premiums. In addition, insurance may be an inferior good or a normal good, (...)
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  15.  66
    An Experiment on Rational Insurance Decisions.Richard Watt, Francisco J. Vázquez & Ignacio Moreno - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (2/4):247-296.
    We describe the results of an experiment on decision making in an insurance context. The experiment was designed to test for the underlying rationality of insurance consumers, where rationality is understood in usual economic terms. In particular, using expected utility as the preference function, we test for positive marginal utility, risk aversion, and decreasing absolute risk aversion, all of which are normal postulates for any microeconomic decision context under uncertainty or risk. We find that (...)
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  16. Risk aversion over finite domains.Jean Baccelli, Georg Schollmeyer & Christoph Jansen - 2021 - Theory and Decision 93 (2):371-397.
    We investigate risk attitudes when the underlying domain of payoffs is finite and the payoffs are, in general, not numerical. In such cases, the traditional notions of absolute risk attitudes, that are designed for convex domains of numerical payoffs, are not applicable. We introduce comparative notions of weak and strong risk attitudes that remain applicable. We examine how they are characterized within the rank-dependent utility model, thus including expected utility as a special case. In particular, we characterize (...)
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  17. Is risk aversion irrational? Examining the “fallacy” of large numbers.H. Orri Stefánsson - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4425-4437.
    A moderately risk averse person may turn down a 50/50 gamble that either results in her winning $200 or losing $100. Such behaviour seems rational if, for instance, the pain of losing $100 is felt more strongly than the joy of winning $200. The aim of this paper is to examine an influential argument that some have interpreted as showing that such moderate risk aversion is irrational. After presenting an axiomatic argument that I take to be the (...)
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  18.  76
    Risk aversion elicitation: reconciling tractability and bias minimization. [REVIEW]Mohammed Abdellaoui, Ahmed Driouchi & Olivier L’Haridon - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (1):63-80.
    Risk attitude is known to be a key determinant of various economic and financial choices. Behavioral studies that aim to evaluate the role of risk attitudes in contexts of this type, therefore, require tools for measuring individual risk tolerance. Recent developments in decision theory provide such tools. However, the methods available can be time consuming. As a result, some practitioners might have an incentive to prefer “fast and frugal” methods to clean but more costly methods. In this (...)
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  19. Rational riskaversion: Good things come to those who weight.Christopher Bottomley & Timothy Luke Williamson - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (3):697-725.
    No existing normative decision theory adequately handles risk. Expected Utility Theory is overly restrictive in prohibiting a range of reasonable preferences. And theories designed to accommodate such preferences (for example, Buchak's (2013) Risk‐Weighted Expected Utility Theory) violate the Betweenness axiom, which requires that you are indifferent to randomizing over two options between which you are already indifferent. Betweenness has been overlooked by philosophers, and we argue that it is a compelling normative constraint. Furthermore, neither Expected nor Risk‐Weighted (...)
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  20.  11
    Risk aversion and equilibrium selection in a vertical contracting setting: an experiment.Nicolas Pasquier, Olivier Bonroy & Alexis Garapin - 2022 - Theory and Decision 93 (4):585-614.
    The theoretical literature on vertical relationships usually assumes that beliefs about secret contracts take specific forms. In a recent paper, Eguia et al. (Games Econ Behav 109:465–483,2018) propose a new selection criterion that does not impose any restriction on beliefs. In this article, we extend their criterion by generalizing it to risk-averse retailers, and we show that risk aversion modifies the size of the belief subsets that support each equilibrium. We conduct an experiment which revisits that of (...)
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  21.  52
    The risk aversion measure without the independence axiom.Aldo Montesano - 1988 - Theory and Decision 24 (3):269-288.
  22. Risk aversion and the long run.Johanna Thoma - 2018 - Ethics 129 (2):230-253.
    This article argues that Lara Buchak’s risk-weighted expected utility (REU) theory fails to offer a true alternative to expected utility theory. Under commonly held assumptions about dynamic choice and the framing of decision problems, rational agents are guided by their attitudes to temporally extended courses of action. If so, REU theory makes approximately the same recommendations as expected utility theory. Being more permissive about dynamic choice or framing, however, undermines the theory’s claim to capturing a steady choice disposition in (...)
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  23. Risk aversion and elite‐group ignorance.David Kinney & Liam Kofi Bright - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (1):35-57.
    Critical race theorists and standpoint epistemologists argue that agents who are members of dominant social groups are often in a state of ignorance about the extent of their social dominance, where this ignorance is explained by these agents' membership in a socially dominant group (e.g., Mills 2007). To illustrate this claim bluntly, it is argued: 1) that many white men do not know the extent of their social dominance, 2) that they remain ignorant as to the extent of their dominant (...)
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  24.  63
    On the Effect of Risk Aversion in Bimatrix Games.Caroline Berden & Hans Peters - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (4):359-370.
    Nash equilibria with identical supports are compared for bimatrix games that are different with respect to the risk aversion of player 2. For equilibria in 2× 2-bimatrix games and for equilibria with efficient supports in coordination games it is established for which cases increased risk aversion of player 2 benefits or hurts player 2.
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  25.  10
    Risk aversion, downside risk aversion, and the transition to entrepreneurship.Claudio A. Bonilla & Marcos Vergara - 2020 - Theory and Decision 91 (1):123-133.
    In this paper, we discuss the transition from secure employment to risky self-employment caused by a small increase in wealth. Building on the apportioning risk literature, we prove that the transition from secure employment to risky entrepreneurship is based on a measure of the difference between the strength of downside risk aversion and the strength of risk aversion. This result highlights the idea that using the behavioral approach of risky lotteries to study entrepreneurship can produce (...)
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  26. Risk aversion in expected intertemporal discounted utilities bandit problems.Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara & André de Palma - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (4):433-440.
    We consider a situation where an individual is facing an uncertain situation, but may costly alter his knowledge of the uncertainties. We study in this context how risk aversion may modify the individual search behavior. We consider a one-armed bandit problem (where one arm is safe and the other is risky) and study how the agent risk aversion can change the sequence of arms selected. The main result is that when the utility function is more concave, (...)
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  27.  64
    Herbicide resistant sugar beet – what is the problem?Kathrine Hauge Madsen & Peter Sandøe - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2):161-168.
    Risk assessment studies of herbicide resistant sugarbeet have revealed no risks to human health or the environment.Indeed it appears that commercial growth of this crop mightsecure benefits such as decreased pesticide use and increasedbiodiversity. However, widespread resistance to GM crops such asherbicide resistant sugar beet still persists in Europe. It isargued that this is not just because people do not know therelevant facts. Rather it is because popular resistance to GMfood is driven in part by concerns other than the (...)
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  28.  24
    Context-Dependent Risk Aversion: A Model-Based Approach.Darío Cuevas Rivera, Florian Ott, Dimitrije Markovic, Alexander Strobel & Stefan J. Kiebel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393268.
    Most research on risk aversion in behavioral science with human subjects has focused on a component of risk aversion that does not adapt itself to context. More recently, studies have explored risk aversion adaptation to changing circumstances in sequential decision-making tasks. It is an open question whether one can identify evidence, at the single subject level, for such risk aversion adaptation. We conducted a behavioral experiment on human subjects, using a sequential decision (...)
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  29. Risk Aversion when Gains are Likely and Unlikely: Evidence from a Natural Experiment with Large Stakes. [REVIEW]Pavlo Blavatskyy & Ganna Pogrebna - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (2-3):395-420.
    In the television show Deal or No Deal a contestant is endowed with a sealed box, which potentially contains a large monetary prize. In the course of the show the contestant learns more information about the distribution of possible monetary prizes inside her box. Consider two groups of contestants, who learned that the chances of their boxes containing a large prize are 20% and 80% correspondingly. Contestants in both groups receive qualitatively similar price offers for selling the content of their (...)
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  30.  43
    Mixed risk aversion and preference for risk disaggregation: a story of moments. [REVIEW]Patrick Roger - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (1):27-44.
    In a recent article entitled “Putting Risk in its Proper Place,” Eeckhoudt and Schlesinger (2006) established a theorem linking the sign of the n-th derivative of an agent’s utility function to her preferences among pairs of simple lotteries. We characterize these lotteries and show that, in a given pair, they only differ by their moments of order greater than or equal to n. When the n-th derivative of the utility function is positive (negative) and n is odd (even), the (...)
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  31.  22
    Risk-averse autonomous systems: A brief history and recent developments from the perspective of optimal control.Yuheng Wang & Margaret P. Chapman - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 311 (C):103743.
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  32.  47
    Risk aversion, prudence, and asset allocation: a review and some new developments.Michel M. Denuit & Louis Eeckhoudt - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):227-243.
    In this paper, we consider the composition of an optimal portfolio made of two dependent risky assets. The investor is first assumed to be a risk-averse expected utility maximizer, and we recover the existing conditions under which all these investors hold at least some percentage of their portfolio in one of the assets. Then, we assume that the decision maker is not only risk-averse, but also prudent and we obtain new minimum demand conditions as well as intuitively appealing (...)
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  33.  11
    Risk aversion for losses and the Nash bargaining solution.Hans Peters - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (3-4):703-715.
    We call a decision maker risk averse for losses if that decision maker is risk averse with respect to lotteries having alternatives below a given reference alternative in their support. A two-person bargaining solution is called invariant under risk aversion for losses if the assigned outcome does not change after correcting for risk aversion for losses with this outcome as pair of reference levels, provided that the disagreement point only changes proportionally. We present an (...)
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  34.  15
    Risk aversion in expected intertemporal discounted utilities bandit problems.Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel Lara & André Palma - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (4):433-440.
    We consider a situation where an individual is facing an uncertain situation, but may costly alter his knowledge of the uncertainties. We study in this context how risk aversion may modify the individual search behavior. We consider a one-armed bandit problem (where one arm is safe and the other is risky) and study how the agent risk aversion can change the sequence of arms selected. The main result is that when the utility function is more concave, (...)
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  35. Is risk aversion irrational? Examining the “fallacy” of large numbers.Orri Stef\’Ansson - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4425–37.
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  36. Small stakes risk aversion in the laboratory: A reconsideration.Glenn W. Harrison, Morten I. Lau, Don Ross & J. Todd Swarthout - unknown
    Evidence of risk aversion in laboratory settings over small stakes leads to a priori implausible levels of risk aversion over large stakes under certain assumptions. One core assumption in statements of this calibration puzzle is that small-stakes risk aversion is observed over all levels of wealth, or over a â sufficiently largeâ range of wealth. Although this assumption is viewed as self-evident from the vast experimental literature showing risk aversion over laboratory stakes, (...)
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  37. Distinguishing indeterminate belief from “risk-averse” preferences.Katie Steele - 2007 - Synthese 158 (2):189-205.
    I focus my discussion on the well-known Ellsberg paradox. I find good normative reasons for incorporating non-precise belief, as represented by sets of probabilities, in an Ellsberg decision model. This amounts to forgoing the completeness axiom of expected utility theory. Provided that probability sets are interpreted as genuinely indeterminate belief, such a model can moreover make the “Ellsberg choices” rationally permissible. Without some further element to the story, however, the model does not explain how an agent may come to have (...)
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  38.  13
    Risk-averse policy optimization via risk-neutral policy optimization.Lorenzo Bisi, Davide Santambrogio, Federico Sandrelli, Andrea Tirinzoni, Brian D. Ziebart & Marcello Restelli - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 311 (C):103765.
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    Does CEO Risk-Aversion Affect Carbon Emission?Ashrafee Hossain, Samir Saadi & Abu S. Amin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1171-1198.
    Does CEO tolerance to risk affect a firm’s long-run sustainability? Using CEO insider debt holding, we show that CEO’s risk-aversion encourages immoral yet rational decisions of emitting more greenhouse gas thereby adversely affecting the firm’s long-run sustainability. Our result is robust to several endogeneity tests including a quasi-natural experiment. Our finding also suggest that to mitigate potential adverse reactions from stakeholders, carbon emitting firms with risk-averse CEOs tend to spend more on CSR activities. Much of the (...)
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  40.  34
    Health Security and Risk Aversion.Jonathan Herington - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (7):479-489.
    Health security has become a popular way of justifying efforts to control catastrophic threats to public health. Unfortunately, there has been little analysis of the concept of health security, nor the relationship between health security and other potential aims of public health policy. In this paper I develop an account of health security as an aversion to risky policy options. I explore three reasons for thinking risk avoidance is a distinctly worthwhile aim of public health policy: that security (...)
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  41. What Is Risk Aversion?H. Orii Stefansson & Richard Bradley - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (1):77-102.
    According to the orthodox treatment of risk preferences in decision theory, they are to be explained in terms of the agent's desires about concrete outcomes. The orthodoxy has been criticised both for conflating two types of attitudes and for committing agents to attitudes that do not seem rationally required. To avoid these problems, it has been suggested that an agent's attitudes to risk should be captured by a risk function that is independent of her utility and probability (...)
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  42.  81
    Nonbinding recommendations: the relative effects of focal points versus uncertainty reduction on bargaining outcomes. [REVIEW]David L. Dickinson & Lynn Hunnicutt - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (4):615-634.
    This article focuses on the effects of nonbinding recommendations on bargaining outcomes. Recommendations are theorized to have two effects: they can create a focal point for final bargaining positions, and they can decrease outcome uncertainty should dispute persist. While the focal point effect may lower dispute rates, the uncertainty reduction effect is predicted to do the opposite for risk-averse bargainers. Which of these effects dominates is of critical importance in the design of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures, which are (...)
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  43. Valuing environmental costs and benefits in an uncertain future: risk aversion and discounting.Fabien Medvecky - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):1-1.
    A central point of debate over environmental policies concerns how future costs and benefits should be assessed. The most commonly used method for assessing the value of future costs and benefits is economic discounting. One often-cited justification for discounting is uncertainty. More specifically, it is risk aversion coupled with the expectation that future prospects are more risky. In this paper I argue that there are at least two reasons for disputing the use of risk aversion as (...)
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    Risk-averse optimization of reward-based coherent risk measures.Massimiliano Bonetti, Lorenzo Bisi & Marcello Restelli - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 316 (C):103845.
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    Risk-averse receding horizon motion planning for obstacle avoidance using coherent risk measures.Anushri Dixit, Mohamadreza Ahmadi & Joel W. Burdick - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 325 (C):104018.
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    Proper and Standard Risk Aversion in Two-Moment Decision Models.Fatma Lajeri-Chaherli - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (3):213-225.
    For linear distribution classes, mean-variance and expected utility specifications have been shown in the literature to be fully compatible when studying the concepts of risk aversion, prudence, risk vulnerability and temperance. This paper shows that such compatibility does hold for the concept of standard risk aversion but not for the concepts of proper risk aversion and proper prudence.
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    Assessing Risk Aversion From the Investor’s Point of View.Antonio Díaz & Carlos Esparcia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. The tragedy of the risk averse.Orri Stef\’Ansson - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1–14.
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    Risk aversion and rational choice theory do not adequately capture complexities of medical decision-making.Zeljka Buturovic - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (11):761-762.
    In his paper, ‘Patients, doctors and risk attitudes’, Makins argues that doctors, when choosing a treatment for their patient, need to follow their risk profile.1 He presents a pair of fictitious diseases facing a patient who either has ‘exemplitis’, which requires no treatment or ‘caseopathy’, which is severe and disabling and for which there is a treatment with unpleasant side effects. The doctor needs to decide whether the patient should pursue the unpleasant treatment, just in case he has (...)
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    Can We Turn People into Pain Pumps? On the Rationality of Future Bias and Strong Risk Aversion.David Braddon-Mitchell, Andrew J. Latham & Kristie Miller - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (5-6):593-624.
    Future-bias is the preference, all else being equal, for negatively valenced events to be located in the past rather than the future, and positively valenced ones to be located in the future rather than the past. Strong risk aversion is the preference to pay some cost to mitigate the badness of the worst outcome. People who are both strongly risk averse and future-biased can face a series of choices that will guarantee them more pain, for no compensating (...)
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