Results for 'Deletion link property'

968 found
  1.  19
    LIMK1 and CLIP‐115: linking cytoskeletal defects to Williams syndrome.Casper C. Hoogenraad, Anna Akhmanova, Niels Galjart & Chris I. De Zeeuw - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (2):141-150.
    Williams Syndrome is a developmental disorder that is characterized by cardiovascular problems, particular facial features and several typical behavioral and neurological abnormalities. In Williams Syndrome patients, a heterozygous deletion is present of a region on chromosome 7q11.23 (the Williams Syndrome critical region), which spans approximately 20 genes. Two of these genes encode proteins that regulate dynamic aspects of the cytoskeleton of the cell, either via the actin filament system (LIM kinase 1, or LIMK1), or through the microtubule network (cytoplasmic (...)
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  2. Values for rooted-tree and sink-tree digraph games and sharing a river.Anna B. Khmelnitskaya - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (4):657-669.
    We introduce values for rooted-tree and sink-tree digraph games axiomatically and provide their explicit formula representation. These values may be considered as natural extensions of the lower equivalent and upper equivalent solutions for line-graph games studied in van den Brink et al. (Econ Theory 33:349–349, 2007). We study the distribution of Harsanyi dividends. We show that the problem of sharing a river with a delta or with multiple sources among different agents located at different levels along the riverbed can be (...)
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    Linking Property-Owning Democracy and Basic Income - An Exploration through the Reinterpretation of Rawls’s Theory of Justice -.Gwang Eun Choi - 2019 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 30 (3):121-156.
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    Algebraic Semantics in Language and Philosophy.Godehard Link - 1998 - CSLI Publications.
    An analysis of the structural properties of collections or pluralities, homogeneous objects like water, and the semantics and philosophy of events.
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    Relations Between Elements of Sentence in the Light of the Syntactic Connection.Yaşar Daşkiran - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):255-272.
    This research aims to show grammatical relations between the elements of the sentence based around the syntactic connection. The phenomenon of syntactic connection is one of the basic concepts for al-Jurjānī’s theory of nazm (construction). This view, which makes more understanding the structure of Arabic sentence, is studied in the light of the ideas of classic and modernists linguists. This attempt to facilitate Arabic grammar has continued routinely from relationships between grammar and meaning. The integration of grammar, which consists of (...)
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    Characterising nested database dependencies by fragments of propositional logic.Sven Hartmann & Sebastian Link - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 152 (1-3):84-106.
    We extend the earlier results on the equivalence between the Boolean and the multivalued dependencies in relational databases and fragments of the Boolean propositional logic. It is shown that these equivalences are still valid for the databases that store complex data elements obtained from the recursive nesting of record, list, set and multiset constructors. The major proof argument utilises properties of Brouwerian algebras.The equivalences have several consequences. Firstly, they provide new insights into databases that are not in first normal form. (...)
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    Towards a classification of defaults logics.Thomas Link & Torsten Schaub - 1997 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (4):397-451.
    ABSTRACT Reiter's default logic is one of the most prominent and well-studied approaches to nonmonotonic reasoning. Its evolution has resulted in diverse variants enjoying many interesting properties. This process however seems to be diverging because it has led to default logics that are difficult to compare due to different formal characterizations—sometimes even dealing with different objects of discourse. This problem is addressed in this paper in two ways. One the one hand, we elaborate on the relationships between different types of (...)
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    Is infant-directed speech interesting because it is surprising? – Linking properties of IDS to statistical learning and attention at the prosodic level.Okko Räsänen, Sofoklis Kakouros & Melanie Soderstrom - 2018 - Cognition 178 (C):193-206.
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    Eleven-Month-Olds Link Sound Properties With Animal Categories.Ena Vukatana, Michelle S. Zepeda, Nina Anderson, Suzanne Curtin & Susan A. Graham - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    We examined 11-month-olds’ tendency to generalize properties to category members, an ability that may contribute to the inductive reasoning abilities observed in later developmental periods. Across 3 experiments, we tested 11-month-olds’ (N= 113) generalization of properties within the cat and dog categories. In each experiment, infants were familiarized to animal-sound pairings (i.e., dog-barking; cat-meowing), and tested on this association and the generalization of the sound property to new members of the familiarized categories. After familiarization with a single exemplar, 11-month-olds (...)
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    The property-identity link and its role in understanding.Christopher Peacocke - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack (eds.), Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--339.
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    The ontology of aspectual shape.Martin Kurthen & Detlef B. Linke - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):612-614.
    Searle (1990) argues that unconscious intrinsic intentional states must be accessible to consciousness because (1) all intrinsic intentional states have aspectual shape, the of which cannot be explained in a third-person (e.g., neurophysiological) vocabulary, and (2) ontologically, unconscious mental states are neurophysiological processes. This argument confuses three senses of namely, factuality, individuative properties, and phenomenological presence.
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    Intellectual Property and Access to Essential Medicines: A Tenuous Link?Calvin W. L. Ho & Klaus M. Leisinger - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (4):376-382.
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    Genes and genomes: Carrier detection of deletions in female relatives of X‐linked disorders by non‐isotopic in situ hybridisation.M. Adinolfi, S. Stone & D. Moralli - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):421-426.
    Recent studies suggest that a non‐isotopic in situ hybridisation (NISH) approach can be successfully employed to investigate the carrier status of female relatives in families of selected patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) or Hunter syndrome, whose diseases are due to a specific X chromosome deletion.Whilst the majority of metaphase spreads from normal females show specific hybridisation signals on both X chromosomes when tested with either dystrophin or Hunter gene‐derived probes, only one X chromosome in each metaphase spread will (...)
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  14. The trace deletion hypothesis and the tree-pruning hypothesis: Still valid characterizations of broca's aphasia.Yosef Grodzinsky - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):55-64.
    I begin with a characterization of neurolinguistic theories, trying to pinpoint some general properties that an account of brain/language relations should have. I then address specific criticisms made in the commentaries regarding the syntactic theory assumed in the target article, properties of the Trace Deletion Hypothesis (TDH) and the Tree-Pruning Hyothesis (TPH), other experimental results from aphasia, and findings from functional neuroimaging. Despite the criticism, the picture of the limited role of Broca's area remains unchanged.
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  15.  62
    (1 other version)D-linking and the inability of subjects in English to topicalise.Georgios Ioannou - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (1):4-31.
    This paper inquires into the inability ofsubjects in English to topicalise. Treatingtopicalisation as a specific case of d-linking,it asks: why don’t subjects topicalise inEnglish? And why cannot they be d-linkedthrough further movement? It concludes thatthe property of [aboutness] of subjects is anunderspecified instance of a more compositederivative effect realised as [topic]. Giventhe ability of objects in English to be readilyd-linked through extraction in CP, theanalysis takes a detailed look at the structuraldifferences between subjects and objects. Itconcludes that d-linking of (...)
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  16.  68
    Property dualism, phenomenal concepts, and the semantic premise.Stephen L. White - 2006 - In Torin Alter & Sven Walter (eds.), Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 210-248.
    This chapter defends the property dualism argument. The term “semantic premise” mentioned is used to refers to an assumption identified by Brian Loar that antiphysicalist arguments, such as the property dualism argument, tacitly assume that a statement of property identity that links conceptually independent concepts is true only if at least one concept picks out the property it refers to by connoting a contingent property of that property. It is argued that, the property (...)
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  17.  44
    Disclosing false identity through hybrid link analysis.Tossapon Boongoen, Qiang Shen & Chris Price - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 18 (1):77-102.
    Combating the identity problem is crucial and urgent as false identity has become a common denominator of many serious crimes, including mafia trafficking and terrorism. Without correct identification, it is very difficult for law enforcement authority to intervene, or even trace terrorists’ activities. Amongst several identity attributes, personal names are commonly, and effortlessly, falsified or aliased by most criminals. Typical approaches to detecting the use of false identity rely on the similarity measure of textual and other content-based characteristics, which are (...)
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  18. The Essences of Fundamental Properties.Jennifer Wang - 2019 - Metaphysics 2 (1):40-54.
    There is a puzzle concerning the essences of fundamental entities that arises from considerations about essence, on one hand, and fundamentality, on the other. The Essence-Dependence Link (EDL) says that if x figures in the essence of y, then y is dependent upon x. EDL is prima facie plausible in many cases, especially those involving derivative entities. But consider the property negative charge. A negatively charged object exhibits certain behaviors that a positively charged object does not: it moves (...)
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  19.  26
    Loops, projective invariants, and the realization of the Borromean topological link in quantum mechanics.Elias Zafiris - 2016 - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 3 (4):337-359.
    All the typical global quantum mechanical observables are complex relative phases obtained by interference phenomena. They are described by means of some global geometric phase factor, which is thought of as the “memory” of a quantum system undergoing a “cyclic evolution” after coming back to its original physical state. The origin of a geometric phase factor can be traced to the local phase invariance of the transition probability assignment in quantum mechanics. Beyond this invariance, transition probabilities also remain invariant under (...)
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  20.  33
    Nonnomic Properties of Stimuli and Psychological Explanation.Randall K. Campbell - 1991 - Behavior and Philosophy 19 (1):77 - 92.
    Recently there has been a great deal of argument about what justifies references to representational states in explanations of behavior. I discuss Jerry Fodor's claim that it is necessary to ascribe representational states to organisms that respond to "nonnomic properties" of stimuli. Zenon Pylyshyn's (apparently equivalent) claim that it is necessary to ascribe representational states to organisms that respond to "nonprojectable properties" of stimuli and Fodor's claim that an organism's ability to respond to nonnomic properties of stimuli is a criterion (...)
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  21.  41
    Properties based on relative contributions for cooperative games with transferable utilities.Yoshio Kamijo & Takumi Kongo - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (1):77-87.
    By focusing on players’ relative contributions, we study some properties for values in positive cooperative games with transferable utilities. The well-known properties of symmetry (also known as “equal treatment of equals”) and marginality are based on players’ marginal contributions to coalitions. Both Myerson’s balanced contributions property and its generalization of the balanced cycle contributions property (Kamijo and Kongo Int J of Game Theory 39:563–571, 2010; BCC) are based on players’ marginal contributions to other players. We define relative versions (...)
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  22.  20
    Property as a Fiduciary Relationship and the Extension of Economic Democracy.David Casassas & Jordi Mundó - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):74-96.
    During the last two centuries, property understood as an exclusive and unlimited dominion became common sense. Before, the idea of property as a fiduciary relationship, which is still present in contemporary social constitutionalism, was closely linked to the view that the exercise of freedom entails the capacity to shape those property rights that channel socioeconomic life. Today, new ways to operationalise such an approach must be found. This article explores the scope of ‘direct strategies’ and ‘indirect strategies’ (...)
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  23. A discourse on property: John Locke and his adversaries.James Tully - 1980 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Locke's theory of property is perhaps the most distinctive and the most influential aspect of his political theory. In this book James Tully uses an hermeneutical and analytical approach to offer a revolutionary revision of early modern theories of property, focusing particularly on that of Locke. Setting his analysis within the intellectual context of the seventeenth century, Professor Tully overturns the standard interpretations of Locke's theory, showing that it is not a justification of private property. Instead (...)
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  24.  9
    DNMT cooperativity—the developing links between methylation, chromatin structure and cancer.Assam El-Osta - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1071-1084.
    Controversy has reigned for some time over the biological connection between DNA methylation and cancer. For this reason, the methylation mechanism responsible for increased cancer risk has received greater attention in recent years. Tumor suppressor genes are often hypermethylated resulting in gene silencing. Although some have questioned this interpretation of the link between methylation and cancer, it appears that both hypermethylation and hypomethylation events can create epigenetic changes that can contribute to cancer development. Recent studies have shown that the (...)
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  25.  60
    E-Type Anaphora as NP-Deletion.Paul Elbourne - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (3):241-288.
    This paper argues that donkey pronouns should be construed as definite articles, followed by an NP sister which has undergone deletion in the phonology. So Every man who owns a donkey beats it is claimed to share a Logical Form with Every man who owns a donkey beats the donkey, which means the same. There is independent evidence for assimilating pronouns to determiners, and for NP-deletion; so this theory explains E-type anaphora without postulating any special entity (`E-type pronoun') (...)
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  26.  26
    From the emergent property of consciousness to the emergence of the immaterial soul or mind's substance.Ahmad Ebadi & Mohammadmahdi Amoosoltani - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    According to property-emergentism, consciousness is an emergent property of certain aggregate neurological constructions, whereas substance-emergentism maintains that the emergence of consciousness depends on the emergence of mental substance or soul. In this article, we presented some arguments supporting substance-emergentism by analysing various properties of consciousness, including the first-person perspective, referral state, qualia, being active, causative, non-atomic, interpretative, inferential and inventive. We also explored the impossibility of representing big images on the small monitor and the incapacity of physical entities (...)
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  27.  28
    Housing and property.David Cowan - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 331.
    This article deals with property laws, based on two premises. Firstly, property law as means to a contemporary comprehension of social and crime control. Secondly, it posits that the focus has shifted from law and society to law in society. It is concerned with the ways in which law and legality are interpreted and invoked in social life and focuses specifically on their role in the commonplace construction of home, tenure, exclusion, and jurisdiction. It analyses the relationship between (...)
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  28.  17
    A Method for Improving the Accuracy of Link Prediction Algorithms.Jie Li, Xiyang Peng, Jian Wang & Na Zhao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-5.
    Link prediction is a key tool for studying the structure and evolution mechanism of complex networks. Recommending new friend relationships through accurate link prediction is one of the important factors in the evolution, development, and popularization of social networks. At present, scholars have proposed many link prediction algorithms based on the similarity of local information and random walks. These algorithms help identify actual missing and false links in various networks. However, the prediction results significantly differ in networks (...)
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    Notes on the Dprm Property for Listable Structures.Hector Pasten - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):273-312.
    A celebrated result by Davis, Putnam, Robinson, and Matiyasevich shows that a set of integers is listable if and only if it is positive existentially definable in the language of arithmetic. We investigate analogues of this result over structures endowed with a listable presentation. When such an analogue holds, the structure is said to have the DPRM property. We prove several results addressing foundational aspects around this problem, such as uniqueness of the listable presentation, transference of the DPRM (...) under interpretation, and its relation with positive existential bi-interpretability. A first application of our results is the rigorous proof of (strong versions of) several folklore facts regarding transference of the DPRM property. Another application of the theory we develop is that it will allow us to link various Diophantine conjectures to the question of whether the DPRM property holds for global fields. This last topic includes a study of the number of existential quantifiers needed to define a Diophantine set. (shrink)
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  30. The Finite Values Property.E. Howarth & J. B. Paris - 2016 - In Beierle C., Brewka C. & Thimm M. (eds.), Computational Models of Rationality, Essays Dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the Occasion of her 60th Birthday. College Publications. pp. 316-331.
    We argue that the simplicity condition on a probability function on sentences of a predicate language L that it takes only finitely many values on the sentences of any finite sublanguage of L can be viewed as rational. We then go on to investigate consequences of this condition, linking it to the model theoretic notion of quantifier elimination.
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  31. The Missing Link / Monument for the Distribution of Wealth (Johannesburg, 2010).Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei & Jonas Staal - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):242-252.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 242—252. Introduction The following two works were produced by visual artist Jonas Staal and writer Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei during a visit as artists in residence at The Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa during the summer of 2010. Both works were produced in situ and comprised in both cases a public intervention conceived by Staal and a textual work conceived by Van Gerven Oei. It was their aim, in both cases, to produce complementary works that could (...)
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    Link’s Revenge: A Case Study in Natural Language Mereology.Eric Snyder & Stewart Shapiro - 2018 - In Gabriele Mras, Paul Weingartner & Bernhard Ritter (eds.), Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: Proceedings of the 41st International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 3-36.
    Most philosophers are familiar with the metaphysical puzzle of the statue and the clay. A sculptor begins with some clay, eventually sculpting a statue from it. Are the clay and the statue one and the same thing? Apparently not, since they have different properties. For example, the clay could survive being squashed, but the statue could not. The statue is recently formed, though the clay is not, etc. Godehart Link 1983’s highly influential analysis of the count/mass distinction recommends that (...)
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  33.  52
    Life, Liberty, and Property.David Kelley - 1984 - Social Philosophy and Policy 1 (2):108.
    The words “liberty” and “liberalism” have a common root, reflecting the commitment of the original or classical liberals to a free society. Over the last century, the latter term has come to represent a political position that is willing to sacrifice liberty in the economic realm for the sake of equality and/or collective welfare. As a consequence, those who wish to reaffirm the classical version of liberalism – those who advocate liberty in economic as well as personal and intellectual matters (...)
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  34.  48
    Is There a Gold Social Seal? The Financial Effects of Additions to and Deletions from Social Stock Indices.Konstantina Kappou & Ioannis Oikonomou - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):533-552.
    This study investigates the financial effects of additions to and deletions from the most well-known social stock index: the MSCI KLD 400. Our study makes use of the unique setting that index reconstitution provides and allows us to bypass possible issues of endogeneity that commonly plague empirical studies of the link between corporate social and financial performance. By examining not only short-term returns but also trading activity, earnings per share, and long-term performance of stocks that are involved in these (...)
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  35.  86
    (Il)Legitimacy of International Intellectual Property Regime?Gürkan Çapar - 2023 - Leiden Journal of International Law 36 (3):721-747.
    The recent Covid-19 global health crisis not only brings into sharp relief the current problems afflicting the international intellectual property regime (IIPR) but also calls into question its legitimacy as an international authority. Against this backdrop, the article aims to launch an investigation into the legitimacy of the IIPR, as an international co-ordinative authority, designed to protect IP rights without prejudice to international trade norms. Drawing on Raz’s service conception of authority, it explores whether the IIPR lives up to (...)
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  36.  82
    Formal linking in Internally Headed Relatives.Min-Joo Kim - 2007 - Natural Language Semantics 15 (4):279-315.
    This paper aims to clarify and resolve issues surrounding the so-called formal linking problem in interpreting the Internally Headed Relative Clause construction in Korean and Japanese, a problem that has been identified in recent E-type pronominal treatments of the construction (e.g., Hoshi, K. (1995). Structural and interpretive aspects of head-internal and head-external relative clauses. PhD dissertation, University of Rochester; Shimoyama, J. (2001). Wh-constructions in Japanese. PhD dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst). In the literature, this problem refers to the difficulty (...)
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  37. Link's Revenge: A Case Study in Natural Language Mereology.Eric Snyder & Stewart Shapiro - 2018 - In Gabriele Mras, Paul Weingartner & Bernhard Ritter (eds.), Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: Proceedings of the 41st International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 3-36.
    Most philosophers are familiar with the metaphysical puzzle of the statue and the clay. A sculptor begins with some clay, eventually sculpting a statue from it. Are the clay and the statue one and the same thing? Apparently not, since they have different properties. For example, the clay could survive being squashed, but the statue could not. The statue is recently formed, though the clay is not, etc. Godehart Link 1983’s highly influential analysis of the count/mass distinction recommends that (...)
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    Natural Law, Property, and Redistribution.Paul J. Weithman - 1993 - Journal of Religious Ethics 21 (1):165 - 180.
    In his essay "Natural Law, Property, and Justice," B. Andrew Lustig argues for what he calls "significant correspondences" between John Locke's theory of property and scholastic theories of property on the one hand, and between Locke's theory and contemporary Catholic social teaching on the other. These correspondences, Lustig claims, establish an intellectual "tradition of property in common." I argue that linking Aquinas--even via Locke--to the redistributivism of contemporary Catholic social teaching requires distorting his political theory. This (...)
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    The Effect of Mitochondrial DNA Half-Life on Deletion Mutation Proliferation in Long Lived Cells.Adrian M. Davies & Alan G. Holt - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):671-695.
    The proliferation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with deletion mutations has been linked to aging and age related neurodegenerative conditions. In this study we model the effect of mtDNA half-life on mtDNA competition and selection. It has been proposed that mutation deletions (mtDNAdel\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\text {mtDNA}_{del}$$\end{document}) have a replicative advantage over wild-type (mtDNAwild\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\text {mtDNA}_{wild}$$\end{document}) and that this is detrimental to the host cell, especially in (...)
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    The property of knowledge.David Joselit - 2019 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 28 (57-58):158-165.
    We can note three phases in the tradition of the readymade and appropriation since Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel of 1913. First, they include early enactments in which the readymade posed an onto- logical challenge to artworks through the equation of commodity and art object. Second, practices in which readymades were de- ployed semantically as lexical elements within a sculpture, paint- ing, installation or projection. In a third phase, which most directly encompasses the global, the appropriation of objects, images, and other forms (...)
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    “And then a miracle occurs” — weak links in the chain of argument from punctuation to hierarchy.Davida E. Kellogg - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (1):3-28.
    Weak links, in the form of inadequacies in both reasoning and supporting evidence, exist at several critical steps in the derivation of an hierarchical concept of evolution from punctuated equilibria. Punctuation itself is predicated on a distorted reading of phyletic change as phyletic gradualism, and of allopatric speciation as the instantaneous formation of unchanging typological taxa. The concept of punctuation is further confounded by the indescriminate employment of the same term to denote both a causal explanation for evolutionary change and (...)
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    Person, Property and Contract: A critical dialogue with Hegel from Marx.Christian Iber & Agemir Bavaresco - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:9-26.
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Law deals in theLaw section of the categories: person, property and contract. Research critically reconstructs this theory from a Marxist perspective. In the concept of person, first of all, the singular will is reduced to a solipsist will unrelated to intersubjectivity. Then, the concept of Hegelian property bases the private appropriation of property as the externalization of the singular will. This legal property guarantees the maintenance and reproduction of private property, that is, (...)
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    Knowledge as Property: Issues in the Moral Grounding of Intellectual Property Rights.Rajshree Chandra - 2012 - Oxford University Press India.
    The book critically analyses the nature and scope of intellectual property rights using three different approaches: the philosophical, the empirical, and the theoretical. It studies the different justifications usually put forward in favour of protecting intellectual property rights, and shows how such rights come into conflict with other rights in society. The volume also discusses their benefits and drawbacks with the help of case studies. The author contends that rights can and should be 'structured in a lexical order (...)
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    A framework linking non-living and living systems: Classification of persistence, survival and evolution transitions. [REVIEW]L. Dennis, R. W. Gray, L. H. Kauffman, J. Brender McNair & N. J. Woolf - 2009 - Foundations of Science 14 (3):217-238.
    We propose a framework for analyzing the development, operation and failure to survive of all things, living, non-living or organized groupings. This framework is a sequence of developments that improve survival capability. Framework processes range from origination of any entity/system, to the development of increased survival capability and development of life-forms and organizations that use intelligence. This work deals with a series of developmental changes that arise from the uncovering of emergent properties. The framework is intended to be general, but (...)
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    Towards a social contract for genomics: property and the public in the 'Biotrust' Model.David Winickoff & Larissa Neumann - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (3):1-14.
    Large-scale genetics cohort studies that link genotypic and phenotypic information hold special promise for clinical medicine, but they demand long-term investment and enduring trust from human research participants. Currently, there are a handful of large-scale studies that aim to succeed where others have failed, seeking to generate significant private-sector investment while preserving long-term interest and trust of studied communities. With project planners looking for new modes of managing such complex collective endeavors, the idea of using a charitable trust structure (...)
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    Property and Prices.Andre Burgstaller - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides the missing theoretical link between Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities and Debreu's Theory of Value. Its thesis is that both classical and neoclassical value theory operate through arbitrage and speculation in the financial markets. Key among those markets is the bourse or stock market. Once a stock market is incorporated into general-equilibrium theory, the classical analysis of value and the neoclassical theory of price can be seen to possess the same mathematical structure. Thus (...)
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  47.  23
    Elastic and structural properties of vanadium–lithium–borate glasses.M. A. Sidkey, A. Abd El-Moneim, M. S. Gaafar, N. S. Abd El-Aal, L. Abd El-Latif & I. M. Youssof - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (11):1705-1722.
    The ternary xV2O5–(40 − x)Li2O–60B2O3 glass system, where x = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 mol%, was prepared by normal quenching. Ultrasonic velocities and attenuation were measured at room temperature using a pulse-echo technique. Various parameters, such as elastic moduli, micro-hardness, Poisson's ratio and Debye temperature, were determined from the measured densities and velocities. The composition dependence of these parameters, in addition to the glass-transition temperature, suggested that vanadium ions were incorporated into these glasses as a network modifier, resulting (...)
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    Property and Emotions.Heather Conway & John Stannard - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):38-43.
    Relatively little has been written on the connection between property and emotions from a legal perspective, despite the centrality of property in everyday life and the complex relationships that exist between owners and their property. Scholars working in other disciplines have analyzed these links, identifying “proprietary” emotions and corresponding emotional traits. However, little has been mapped onto the field of law. This article looks at key emotions surrounding property as identified in psychological and, to a lesser (...)
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  49. Time-dependent symmetries: the link between gauge symmetries and indeterminism.David Wallace - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani (eds.), Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 163--173.
    Mathematically, gauge theories are extraordinarily rich --- so rich, in fact, that it can become all too easy to lose track of the connections between results, and become lost in a mass of beautiful theorems and properties: indeterminism, constraints, Noether identities, local and global symmetries, and so on. -/- One purpose of this short article is to provide some sort of a guide through the mathematics, to the conceptual core of what is actually going on. Its focus is on the (...)
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    Recombinations, Alien Properties and Laws of Nature.Alexander R. Pruss - unknown
    A recombinationist like the earlier Armstrong (1989) claims that logically possible worlds are recombinations of items found in the actual world, with some items reduplicated if need be and others deleted. An immediate consequence of this is that if an alien property is a property that could only be defined in terms of fundamental properties that are actually uninstantiated, then it is logically impossible that an alien property be instantiated as no recombination of the items in the (...)
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