Results for 'Demertzi Athina'

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  1.  98
    Pain Perception in Disorders of Consciousness: Neuroscience, Clinical Care, and Ethics in Dialogue.Athina Demertzi, Eric Racine, Marie-Aurélie Bruno, Didier Ledoux, Olivia Gosseries, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Marie Thonnard, Andrea Soddu, Gustave Moonen & Steven Laureys - 2013 - Neuroethics 6 (1):37-50.
    Pain, suffering and positive emotions in patients in vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS/uws) and minimally conscious states (MCS) pose clinical and ethical challenges. Clinically, we evaluate behavioural responses after painful stimulation and also emotionally-contingent behaviours (e.g., smiling). Using stimuli with emotional valence, neuroimaging and electrophysiology technologies can detect subclinical remnants of preserved capacities for pain which might influence decisions about treatment limitation. To date, no data exist as to how healthcare providers think about end-of-life options (e.g., withdrawal of artificial nutrition (...)
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  2.  31
    Thinking on patients’ behalf: attitudes of healthcare providers towards medico-ethical issues in non-communicating patients.Athina Demertzi & Steven Laureys - 2015 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 19 (1):147-162.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 19 Heft: 1 Seiten: 147-162.
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  3. A survey on self-assessed well-being in a cohort of chronic locked-in syndrome patients: happy majority, miserable.Athena Demertzi - unknown
    Marie-Aure´lie Bruno,1 Jan L Bernheim,2 Didier Ledoux,1 Fre´de´ric Pellas.
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  4.  34
    Looking for the Self in Pathological Unconsciousness.Athena Demertzi, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Serge Brédart, Lizette Heine, Carol di Perri & Steven Laureys - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  5.  43
    Schizorevolutions versus microfascisms: The fear of anarchy in state securitisation.Athina Karatzogianni & Andrew Robinson - 2017 - Journal of International Political Theory 13 (3):282-295.
    This article investigates the role of ‘anarchy’ in state securitisation. First, we discuss state hierarchies’ struggle with active and reactive anarchic networks, theorising a state in existential crisis, which exploits anti-anarchist discourses to respond to network threats. In the second part, we illustrate with examples the use of fear of anarchy in hierarchical productive structures of securitisation. As an ‘antiproduction assemblage’, the state treats logics stemming from the ‘social principle’ as a repressed Real, the exclusion of which underpins its own (...)
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    Where in the brain is pain? : evaluating painful experiences in non-communicative patients.Athena Demertzi & Steven Laureys - 2012 - In Sarah Richmond, Geraint Rees & Sarah J. L. Edwards, I know what you're thinking: brain imaging and mental privacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 89.
  7.  66
    Audio-visual crossmodal fMRI connectivity differentiates single patients with disorders of consciousness.Demertzi Athena, Antonopoulos Georgrios, Voss Henning, Crone Julia, Schiff Nicholas, Kronbichler Martin, Trinka Eugen, De Los Angeles Carlo, Gomez Francisco, Bahri Mohammed, Heine Lizette, Tshibanda Luaba, Charland-Verville Vanessa, Whitfield-Gabrieli Susan & Laureys Steven - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8. Reaching across the abyss: recent advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging and their potential relevance to disorders of consciousness.Athena Demertzi & Mario Stanziano - unknown
    Disorders of consciousness (DOC) raise profound scientific, clinical, ethical, and philosophical issues. Growing knowledge on fundamental principles of brain organization in healthy individuals offers new opportunities for a better understanding of residual brain function in DOCs. We here discuss new perspectives derived from a recently proposed scheme of brain organization underlying consciousness in healthy individuals. In this scheme, thalamo-cortical networks can be divided into two, often antagonistic, global systems: (i) a system of externally oriented, sensory-motor networks (the ‘‘extrinsic’’ system); and (...)
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  9.  39
    Going beyond the “common suspects”: to be presumed innocent in the era of algorithms, big data and artificial intelligence.Athina Sachoulidou - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-54.
    This article explores the trend of increasing automation in law enforcement and criminal justice settings through three use cases: predictive policing, machine evidence and recidivism algorithms. The focus lies on artificial-intelligence-driven tools and technologies employed, whether at pre-investigation stages or within criminal proceedings, in order to decode human behaviour and facilitate decision-making as to whom to investigate, arrest, prosecute, and eventually punish. In this context, this article first underlines the existence of a persistent dilemma between the goal of increasing the (...)
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  10.  35
    (1 other version)Corporate governance in real estate investment trusts: a systematic literature review and ideas for future research.Athina Stavrou, Michail Pazarskis, Andreas G. Koutoupis & Stergios Galanis - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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  11.  25
    Financial crisis: the myth of free market ideology and current regulatory reforms.Avgitidou Athina - 2011 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 5 (3):218.
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  12.  48
    Die Rede vom verborgenen Gott. Eine Untersuchung zu Nikolaus von Kues mit einem Blick auf Martin Luther.Athina Lexutt - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (4):372-391.
    ZusammenfassungDer ca. 1445 von Nikolaus von Kues verfasste Dialog »De Deo abscondito« widmet sich der erkenntnistheoretischen Frage, ob Gott und was von ihm erkannt werden kann. Damit führt der Kusaner seine Überlegungen insbesondere aus seinem Hauptwerk »De docta ignorantia« fort. Wie dort, so kommt er auch in diesem Dialog zu dem Schluss, Gott als derjenige, der alle Gegensätze in sich vereinige, könne weder via positionis noch via negationis erkannt und beschrieben werden. Vielmehr sei Gott vor aller sagbaren Wahrheit und mehr (...)
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  13.  18
    Surface terracing on ferritic stainless-steel fibres and potential relevance toin vitrocell growth.Athina E. Markaki, Kevin M. Knowles, Rachel A. Oliver & Ali Gholinia - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (26):2285-2303.
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  14.  10
    Solon’s Citizenship Law.Athina Papachrysostomou - 2019 - História 68 (1):2.
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  15. Pain Perception in Disorders of Consciousness: Neuroscience, Clinical Care, and Ethics in Dialogue. [REVIEW]A. Demertzi, E. Racine, M.-A. Bruno, D. Ledoux, O. Gosseries, A. Vanhaudenhuyse, M. Thonnard, A. Soddu, G. Moonen & S. Laureys - 2012 - Neuroethics 6 (1):37-50.
    Pain, suffering and positive emotions in patients in vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS/UWS) and minimally conscious states (MCS) pose clinical and ethical challenges. Clinically, we evaluate behavioural responses after painful stimulation and also emotionally-contingent behaviours (e.g., smiling). Using stimuli with emotional valence, neuroimaging and electrophysiology technologies can detect subclinical remnants of preserved capacities for pain which might influence decisions about treatment limitation. To date, no data exist as to how healthcare providers think about end-of-life options (e.g., withdrawal of artificial nutrition (...)
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  16. Two Distinct Neuronal Networks Mediate the Awareness of Environment and of Self.Christophe Phillips, Athena Demertzi, Manuel Schabus & Quentin Noirhomme - unknown
    ■ Evidence from functional neuroimaging studies on resting state suggests that there are two distinct anticorrelated cortical systems that mediate conscious awareness: an “extrinsic” system that encompasses lateral fronto-parietal areas and has been linked with processes of external input (external awareness), and an “intrinsic” system which encompasses mainly medial brain areas and..
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  17.  12
    More commentary on Aristophanes’ fragments - (A.) bagordo Aristophanes skenas katalambanousai – horai (fr. 487–589). Übersetzung und kommentar. (Fragmenta comica 10.8.) Pp. 258. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020. Cased, €85. Isbn: 978-3-946317-77-7. [REVIEW]Athina Papachrysostomou - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):49-51.
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  18.  94
    Attitudes towards Personhood in the Locked-in Syndrome: from Third- to First- Person Perspective and to Interpersonal Significance.Marie-Christine Nizzi, Veronique Blandin & Athena Demertzi - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (2):193-201.
    Personhood is ascribed on others, such that someone who is recognized to be a person is bestowed with certain civil rights and the right to decision making. A rising question is how severely brain-injured patients who regain consciousness can also regain their personhood. The case of patients with locked-in syndrome is illustrative in this matter. Upon restoration of consciousness, patients with LIS find themselves in a state of profound demolition of their bodily functions. From the third-person perspective, it can be (...)
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  19.  41
    Assistive HCI-Serious Games Co-design Insights: The Case Study of i-PROGNOSIS Personalized Game Suite for Parkinson’s Disease.Sofia Balula Dias, José Alves Diniz, Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Theodore Savvidis, Vicky Zilidou, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Athina Grammatikopoulou, Kosmas Dimitropoulos, Nikos Grammalidis, Hagen Jaeger, Michael Stadtschnitzer, Hugo Silva, Gonçalo Telo, Ioannis Ioakeimidis, George Ntakakis, Fotis Karayiannis, Estelle Huchet, Vera Hoermann, Konstantinos Filis, Elina Theodoropoulou, George Lyberopoulos, Konstantinos Kyritsis, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Anastasios Depoulos, Dhaval Trivedi, Ray K. Chaudhuri, Lisa Klingelhoefer, Heinz Reichmann, Sevasti Bostantzopoulou, Zoe Katsarou, Dimitrios Iakovakis, Stelios Hadjidimitriou, Vasileios Charisis, George Apostolidis & Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:612835.
    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and games set a new domain in understanding people’s motivations in gaming, behavioral implications of game play, game adaptation to player preferences and needs for increased engaging experiences in the context of HCI serious games (HCI-SGs). When the latter relate with people’s health status, they can become a part of their daily life as assistive health status monitoring/enhancement systems. Co-designing HCI-SGs can be seen as a combination of art and science that involves a meticulous collaborative process. The (...)
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  20. The Scientific Study of Consciousness Cannot and Should Not Be Morally Neutral.Matan Mazor, Simon Brown, Anna Ciaunica, Athena Demertzi, Johannes Fahrenfort, Nathan Faivre, Jolien C. Francken, Dominique Lamy, Bigna Lenggenhager, Michael Moutoussis, Marie-Christine Nizzi, Roy Salomon, David Soto, Timo Stein & Nitzan Lubianiker - 2023 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 18 (3):535-543.
    A target question for the scientific study of consciousness is how dimensions of consciousness, such as the ability to feel pain and pleasure or reflect on one’s own experience, vary in different states and animal species. Considering the tight link between consciousness and moral status, answers to these questions have implications for law and ethics. Here we point out that given this link, the scientific community studying consciousness may face implicit pressure to carry out certain research programs or interpret results (...)
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  21.  43
    Behavioral Neuromodulation : Hypnosis.Vanhaudenhuyse Audrey, Gosseries Olivia, Bruno Marie-Aurélie, Demertzi Athena, Laureys Steven & Faymonville Marie-Elisabeth - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  22. Hypocretin regulates brain reward function and cocaine consumption in rats.Benjamin Boutrel, Paul J. Kenny, Cory Wright, R. Winsky, S. Specio, George Koob, Athina Markou & L. De Lecea - 2003 - Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:879.7.
    Hypocretin regulates brain reward function and cocaine consumption in rats. The hypocretinergic (Hcrt) system is implicated in energy homeostasis, feeding and sleep regulation. Hypocretinergic cell bodies are located in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and project throughout the brain. The aim of the present studies was to investigate the role of the Hcrt system in regulating brain reward function and the reinforcing properties of cocaine in rats. Intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) thresholds provide an accurate measure of brain reward function in rats. Here (...)
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  23. Stimulation of mGluR2/3 receptors precipitates nicotine withdrawal in rats: role of mGluR5 and NMDA receptors.Paul J. Kenny, Cory Wright, Fabrizio Gasparini & Athina Markou - 2001 - Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:376.2.
    Elevations in brain stimulation reward (BSR) thresholds have been observed in rats undergoing nicotine withdrawal and have been proposed as a sensitive measure of the negative affective state associated with nicotine withdrawal. mGluR are presynaptic autoreceptors that decrease glutamate release when stimulated. The aim of this study was to examine the role of glutamate neurotransmission in nicotine dependence. The mGluR agonist LY314582 (2.5–7.5 mg/kg) precipitated nicotine withdrawal as measured by elevations in BSR thresholds in nicotine-treated rats but not in controls. (...)
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  24.  26
    The effect of blockade of NMDA and metabotropic glutamate5 (mGluR5) receptors in nicotine-dependent rats.Paul J. Kenny, Cory Wright, F. Gasparini & Athina Markou - 2003 - Behavioural Pharmacology 12 (1):S52.
  25.  22
    Virtually Together: Developing a Local Social Network for Neighborhoods.Konstantinos Koskinas, Georgios Vagias, Dimitris Karras, Athina Papadopoulou, Nikolaos Sfakianos & Maria Koletsi - 2021 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41 (1):10-19.
    The paper presents the main preliminary findings of GEITONIA research project (Growing and Enabling of Information Technologies for Online Neighborhoods: Implications and Applications). Focusing on the development of a local social network for neighborhoods of Nea Smyrni community in Attica (Greece), the main results of an exploratory mixed methods research study, are discussed. The local social network is a non-commercial social medium that operates as a mobile application. Residents of the local community will have the opportunity to use the application (...)
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  26.  78
    The role of ATF‐2 in oncogenesis.Spiros A. Vlahopoulos, Stella Logotheti, Dimitris Mikas, Athina Giarika, Vassilis Gorgoulis & Vassilis Zoumpourlis - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (4):314-327.
    Activating Transcription Factor-2 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that belongs to the bZIP family of proteins and plays diverse roles in the mammalian cells. In response to stress stimuli, it activates a variety of gene targets including cyclin A, cyclin D and c-jun, which are involved in oncogenesis in various tissue types. ATF-2 expression has been correlated with maintenance of a cancer cell phenotype. However, other studies demonstrate an antiproliferative or apoptotic role for ATF-2. In this review, we summarize the (...)
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  27.  17
    Nikolaos Chrissis, Athina Kolia-Dermitzaki, and Angeliki Papageorgiou, eds., Byzantium and the West: Perception and Reality (11th–15th c.). London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xii, 328. $160. ISBN: 978-1-1380-5974-0. Table of contents available online at ssis-Kolia-Dermitzaki-Papageorgiou/p/book/9781138059740. [REVIEW]Jonathan Harris - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):484-485.
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