Results for 'Denise Curchod-Ruedi'

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  1.  27
    De l’intégration à l’inclusion scolaire : implication des enseignants et importance du soutien social.Denise Curchod-Ruedi, Serge Ramel, Patrick Bonvin, Ottavia Albanese & Pierre-André Doudin - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (2):135-147.
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    Inclusion scolaire : de l’injonction sociopolitique à la mise en œuvre de pratiques pédagogiques efficaces.Patrick Bonvin, Serge Ramel, Denise Curchod-Ruedi, Ottavia Albanese & Pierre-André Doudin - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (2):127-134.
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    Denise Levertov and the Poetry of Incarnation.Denise Lynch - 1997 - Renascence 50 (1-2):49-64.
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  4. In the Moment: The Effect of Mindfulness on Ethical Decision Making. [REVIEW]Nicole E. Ruedy & Maurice E. Schweitzer - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (1):73 - 87.
    Many unethical decisions stem from a lack of awareness. In this article, we consider how mindfulness, an individual's awareness of his or her present experience, impacts ethical decision making. In our first study, we demonstrate that compared to individuals low in mindfulness, individuals high in mindfulness report that they are more likely to act ethically, are more likely to value upholding ethical standards (self-importance of moral identity, SMI), and are more likely to use a principled approach to ethical decision making (...)
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    Icônes.Ruedi Baur & Odyssée Khorsandian - 2021 - Multitudes 83 (2):1-215.
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    Questions ouvertes.Ruedi Baur & Claudia Cano - 2021 - Multitudes 83 (2):54-57.
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    Minima mediaevalia: saggi di filosofia medievale.Ruedi Imbach - 2019 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  8. The treatise on the eucharist by Aquinas, Thomas and the averroists+ Aquinas, Thomas and the eucharist, a case of exemplary exchanges between philosophy and theology.Ruedi Imbach - 1993 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 77 (2):175-194.
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    De Prague à Lombardie. Reliques et culte des saints durant la deuxième moitié du XIVe siècle.Denise Zaru - 2014 - Convivium 1 (1):102-114.
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    Swissair Souvenirs: The Swissair Photo Archive.Ruedi Weidmann - 2012 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Als die Swissair 1931 gegründet wurde hob der helvetische Nationalstolz ab. Die Fluggesellschaft mit dem weissen Kreuz auf rotem Grund wurde nach dem Grounding von 2001 endgültig zum Mythos. Während der siebzig Jahre ihres Bestehens verwandte sie viel Sorgfalt darauf, Menschen und Maschinen, den Betrieb an Bord und am Boden sowie die Sicht aus dem Flugzeug zu dokumentieren. Die Fotografen der Swissair bzw. ihrer Vorgängerfirmen rückten den Alltag der Fluglinie ins Bild - Flotte und Flugplätze, Piloten und Stewardessen, die Alpen (...)
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    False consciousness.Denise Meyerson - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is a contribution both to analytical philosophy of mind, and to Marxist philosophy. Marxists see pervasive irrationality in the conduct of human affairs, and claim that people in a class-divided society are prone to a variety of misconceptions. They say that we can suffer from "false consciousness" in our views about what inspires our behavior and in our judgments as to what is good for us. Meyerson uses the techniques of analytic philosophy to investigate this picture and argues (...)
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    Genèse de la pensée en Occident.Denise Bonan - 1999 - Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose.
    De tout temps, les hommes d'Etat ont eu pour préoccupation majeure de réaliser l'intégration de leurs citoyens. C'est ce souci qui conduit, dès -334, Alexandre le Grand, élève d'Aristote, à l'élaboration d'une pensée unique et universelle pour assurer la cohésion de son Empire à l'échelle planétaire. La pensée devient alors, par sa fonction d'intégration, une entreprise gérée par l'Etat qui la fait évoluer selon des procédés appelés à se transmettre d'Empire à Empire. L'enquête menée par l'auteur, en suivant la formation (...)
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    Sacred legacies: healing your past and creating a positive future.Denise Linn - 1999 - New York: Ballantine Wellspring.
    "Healing the past helps restructure the present, which then becomes the hope for the future." As we approach a new millennium, many of us are fearing for the future while hungering for a vision of our place in a sacred whole. The immense changes of the last hundred years have severed our sense of connection to a spiritual lineage that gave past generations the strength to meet life's challenges and bequeath wisdom to their descendants. In this inspirational yet down-to-earth book, (...)
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    La transcendance de Dieue.Denise Couture - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (3):465-478.
    Après avoir situé le contexte québécois de l’apparition du vocable de la Dieue avec un «e», l’auteure propose l’hypothèse selon laquelle la féminisation du divin ne signifie pas d’abord que la Dieue chrétienne serait de genre féminin, mais renvoie à l’acte d’énonciation féministe. Dans le domaine de la théologie universitaire, on peut analyser le dire la Dieue à partir d’une intersection construite entre une théologie existentielle et une approche féministe. Dans cette perspective, des théologiennes féministes ont critiqué une compréhension de (...)
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    Innately Good: Dispelling the Myth That You're Not.Jan Denise - 2008 - Health Communications.
    Introduction -- Part I: The lie that we are not good enough as we are -- Where the lie came from and why we bought it -- Trying to meet the criteria for good enough -- Perpetuating the striving and the lack -- Part II: Dead ends and what they teach us -- Money/stuff -- Appearance -- Religion -- Food -- Drugs/alcohol -- Sex/romantic love -- Accomplishment/education/notoriety -- Busyness -- Part III: The truth : we are innately good -- Evil (...)
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  16. Interspecies altruism : learning from species on earth.Denise L. Herzing - 2014 - In Douglas A. Vakoch (ed.), Extraterrestrial altruism: evolution and ethics in the cosmos. New York: Springer.
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  17. Blog You.Denise M. Howell - 2006 - Nexus 11:69.
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    Der Brieftraktat des Heymericus de Campo für Papst Eugen IV.Ruedi Imbach & Pascal Ladner - 2020 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1:335-355.
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  19. Epilog : "Che, non men che saver, dubbiar m'aggrata" : Gedanken zur Aufgabe des Lehrers in Erinnerung an Thomas Ricklin.Ruedi Imbach - 2019 - In Christian Kaiser, Leo Frank & Oliver Maximilian Schrader (eds.), Die nackte Wahrheit und ihre Schleier: Weisheit und Philosophie in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit - Studien zum Gedenken an Thomas Ricklin. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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  20. Metaphysik, Theologie und Politik. Zur Diskussion zwischen Nikolaus von Strassburg und Dietrich von Freiberg über die Abtrennbarkeit der Akzidentien (Métaphysique, théologie et politique. A propos de la discussion entre Nicolas de Strasbourg et Thierry de Freiberg sur la séparabilité des accidents).Ruedi Imbach - 1986 - Theologie Und Philosophie 61 (3):359-395.
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    Raymond Lulle: christianisme, judaïsme, islam: les actes du Colloque sur R. Lulle, Université de Fribourg, 1984.Ruedi Imbach (ed.) - 1986 - Fribourg, Suisse: Editions universitaires.
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    Virtual Business Models To Address Real World Strategic Challenges.Denise Jarratt & James Thompson - 2012 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 14 (2).
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    Moral accountability: motives for corporate social responsibility.Denise Kleinrichert - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (2):146.
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    Foucault and school leadership research: bridging theory and method.Denise Mifsud - 2017 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction : setting the stage for the research narrative -- Foucauldian props for data interpretation and representation i -- Foucauldian props for data interpretation and representation ii -- Data analysis choices and the crisis of representation -- Data analysis choices and the fictional representation of narrative -- Raising the curtain on sunnyside college -- The performance of collegiality -- The fluidity in the emerging relations of power -- The unfolding of leadership distribution -- Bringing down the curtain? -- Presenting conclusions (...)
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  25. Rethinking Peer Support: An Intersectional Approach to Mental Health for Black, Indigenous and People of Color.Denise Miller - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):41-43.
    In a recent article, Knopes (2025) examines how mental health peer support providers make use of the medical model and neurodiversity frameworks to better understand and express their mental health...
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    Fragments pour une poétique du discours historique.Denise Modigliani - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre questionne. Il ne prétend pas dissoudre les obscurités qui subsistent concernant l'histoire du XXe siècle. Bien plutôt se voit-il confronté à la nécessité d'entamer une réflexion de fond sur l'écriture de l'histoire abordée sous un jour nouveau, dans une perspective transdisciplinaire - la discipline historique n'ayant pas le monopole de son objet. L'écriture de l'histoire est appréhendée thématiquement, géopolitiquement (auteurs allemands et français alternent), historiquement (du milieu du XVIIIe à nos jours) et par les disciplines respectives dont ils (...)
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  27. El saber de la violencia y la violencia del saber.Denise Najmanovich - 2016 - In Gina Paola Rodríguez, Franco Caviglia & Alberto Guillermo Ferrazzano (eds.), La medusa en el espejo: ensayos sobre la violencia contemporánea. CABA: Ediciones Ciccus.
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    Capa e Apresentação.Denise Siqueira & Leticia Matheus - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (22).
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    Swissair Aerial Photographs.Ruedi Weidmann - 2014 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Aerial photography had a special place in the business of the legendary former Swiss airline, "Swissair." Walter Mittelholzer, aviation pioneer and one of the founders of "Swissair," first trained as a photographer before joining the Swiss army s flying corps during WW I and later turning to civil aviation because of his keen interest in aerial photography. Photography was also the more profitable part of "Ad Astra Aero," one of "Swissair s "preceding companies which continued to exist as a subsidiary (...)
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  30. Apontamentos Teórico-Metodológicos da Pesquisa em História da Educação: O Método Materialista Histórico-Dialético.Denise Kloeckner Sbardelotto, Adair Angelo Dalarosa & Maria Isabel Moura Nascimento - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (1).
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    Does everybody do it? Hierarchically organized sequential activity in robots, birds and monkeys.Denise Piñon & Patricia M. Greenfield - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):361-365.
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    Foucault and nursing: a history of the present.Denise Gastaldo & Dave Holmes - 1999 - Nursing Inquiry 6 (4):231-240.
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    Ethical and Equity Guidance for Transplant Programs Considering Thoracoabdominal Normothermic Regional Perfusion (TA-NRP) for Procurement of Hearts.Denise M. Dudzinski, Jay D. Pal & James N. Kirkpatrick - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):16-26.
    Donation after circulatory determination of death (DCDD) is an accepted practice in the United States, but heart procurement under these circumstances has been debated. Although the practice is experiencing a resurgence due to the recently completed trials using ex vivo perfusion systems, interest in thoracoabdominal normothermic regional perfusion (TA-NRP), wherein the organs are reanimated in situ prior to procurement, has raised many ethical questions. We outline practical, ethical, and equity considerations to ensure transplant programs make well-informed decisions about TA-NRP. We (...)
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    Anagogical Vision and Comedic Form in Flannery O'Connor.Denise T. Askin - 2004 - Renascence 57 (1):47-62.
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    Opening Business Stuents’ Eyes.Denise Baden, Edgar Meyer & Marianna Tonne - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:511-523.
    The main contention of this paper is that the underlying aim behind efforts to integrate ethics into the business school curriculum is in order to motivate and enable future business leaders to manage ethically and respond effectively to the challenges of sustainable development. Conceptualising ethics education in terms of eliciting behavioural change enables access into the insights provided by social psychological research into factors affecting behaviour, such as self-efficacy, subjective norms, knowledge, awareness, attitudes and role models. MSc students studying entrepreneurship (...)
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    What's Wrong with that Kid?Denise M. Bausch - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 10 (1):70-74.
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    O Que É Ser Professor? Contribuições de Michel Foucault Para (Re)Pensar a Docência.Denise da Silva Braga & Gislene Valério de Barros - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 6:3-13.
    Partindo da noção de discurso de Michel Foucault buscamos pontuar os efeitos das falas comumente admitidas sobre o(a) professor(a) nos meios sociais e as formas como essas falas corroboram a instituição da figura do(a) bom(boa) professor(a). Para tanto recorremos aos textos publicados na seção "Obrigado, professor" da revista Nova Escola, sobre os quais empreendemos nossa análise.
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    À propos d'une note romaine sur le livre d'André Guindon: The Sexual Creators.Denise Couture - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (2):321-329.
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    Against prescriptivism in ethics.Denise Meyerson - 1979 - Philosophical Papers 8 (2):72-74.
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    Preferring blacks to whites.Denise Meyerson - 1982 - Philosophical Papers 11 (1):31-39.
  41. Las resistencias a la justicia intercultural.Denise Helly - 2009 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 33:25-38.
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  42. Au-dela de la metaphysique: notule sur l' importance du commentaire de Berthold de Moosburg OP sur les Elements de theologie.Ruedi Imbach - 2019 - In Dragos Calma (ed.), Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates. Boston: Brill.
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    Étude critique. À l’orée de la philosophie moderne.Ruedi Imbach - 2023 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 155 (2):155-164.
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    Incongruence in Lighting Impairs Face Identification.Denise Y. Lim, Alan L. F. Lee & Charles C.-F. Or - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The effect of uniform lighting on face identity processing is little understood, despite its potential influence on our ability to recognize faces. Here, we investigated how changes in uniform lighting level affected face identification performance during face memory tests. Observers were tasked with learning a series of faces, followed by a memory test where observers judged whether the faces presented were studied before or novel. Face stimuli were presented under uniform bright or dim illuminations, and lighting across the face learning (...)
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    Basil Gildersleeve and John Scott: Race and the Rise of American Classical Philology.Denise Eileen McCoskey - 2022 - American Journal of Philology 143 (2):247-277.
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    Right to Try: In response.Denise Meyerson - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):467-468.
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    Multi-institutional ethics committees.Denise A. Niemira, Ken S. Meece & C. William Reiquam - 1989 - HEC Forum 1 (2):77-81.
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    Postcolonial Criticism, Transnational Identifications and the Hegemonies of Dancehall's Academic and Popular Performativities.Denise Noble - 2008 - Feminist Review 90 (1):106-127.
    Despite the unprecedented freedoms that decolonization has brought for many Black1 people – especially in specific regions of the African Diaspora – freedom and its fulfilment, adequate signs and contested meanings remain a preoccupation within Black cultural discourses and practices. At the same time, while political and cultural nationalisms have led to greater political and civil rights, racism has not been eradicated. Furthermore, the new postcolonial globalizations of capital, people and cultures have destabilized the collective identities that framed twentieth-century struggles (...)
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  49. Showing one's true colours in Roman history.Denise Reitzenstein - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Pascale Derron & Pierre Ducrey (eds.), Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue. Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
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    Abitudine e follia: studi di storia della filosofia e della psicologia.Denise Vincenti - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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