Results for 'Determinism vs. nondeterminism'

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  1.  14
    On P Versus NP for Parameter‐Free Programs Over Algebraic Structures.Armin Hemmerling - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (1):67-92.
    Based on the computation mode introduced in [13], we deal with the time complexity of computations over arbitrary first-order structures.The main emphasis is on parameter-free computations. Some transfer results for solutions of P versus NP problems as well as relationships to quantifier elimination are discussed. By computation tree analysis using first-order formulas, it follows that P versus NP solutions and other results of structural complexity theory are invariant under elementary equivalence of structures.
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    Tautologies with a unique craig interpolant, uniform vs. nonuniform complexity.Daniele Mundici - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 27 (3):265-273.
    If S ⊆{0,1}; * and S ′ = {0,1} * \sb S are both recognized within a certain nondeterministic time bound T then, in not much more time, one can write down tautologies A n → A′ n with unique interpolants I n that define S ∩{0,1} n ; hence, if one can rapidly find unique interpolants, then one can recognize S within deterministic time T p for some fixed p \s>0. In general, complexity measures for the problem of finding (...)
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    Determinism vs. solidarism: the philanthropic approach of foundations.Giacomo Boesso, Fabrizio Cerbioni, Kamalesh Kumar & Giulia Redigolo - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 16 (3):317.
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    Strong Determinism vs. Computability.Cristian Calude, Douglas Campbell, Karl Svozil & Doru Ştefănescu - 1995 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3:115-131.
    Penrose [40] has discussed a new point of view concerning the nature of physics that might underline conscious thought processes. He has argued that it might be the case that some physical laws are not computable, i.e. they cannot be properly simulated by computer; such laws can most probably arise on the “no-man’s-land” between classical and quantum physics. Furthermore, conscious thinking is a non-algorithmic activity. He is opposing both strong AI , and Searle’s [47] contrary viewpoint mathematical “laws”).
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    A Potential Subtlety Concerning the Distinction between Determinism and Nondeterminism.W. Hugh Woodin - 2011 - In Michał Heller & W. H. Woodin (eds.), Infinity: new research frontiers. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 119.
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  6. Part III. Technical perspectives on infinity from advanced mathematics : 4. The realm of the infinite / W. Hugh Woodin ; 5. A potential subtlety concerning the distinction between determinism and nondeterminism / W. Hugh Woodin ; 6. Concept calculus : much better than. [REVIEW]Harvey M. Friedman - 2011 - In Michał Heller & W. H. Woodin (eds.), Infinity: new research frontiers. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  7. Folk fears about freedom and responsibility: Determinism vs. reductionism.Eddy Nahmias - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):215-237.
    My initial work, with collaborators Stephen Morris, Thomas Nadelhoffer, and Jason Turner (2005, 2006), on surveying folk intuitions about free will and moral responsibility was designed primarily to test a common claim in the philosophical debates: that ordinary people see an obvious conflict between determinism and both free will and moral responsibility, and hence, the burden is on compatibilists to motivate their theory in a way that explains away or overcomes this intuitive support for incompatibilism. The evidence, if any, (...)
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  8. Praxis vs Determinism in Marx-A Reconstruction.T. V. Madhu - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):337-358.
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  9. Determinism and uniformitarianism in science vs. Aton Forest: transcript of the first Aton Forest Forum, October 28, 1995.M. W. Lefor & Roland C. Clement (eds.) - 1996 - Norfolk, Conn.: Aton Forest.
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    Relationships between Nondeterministic and Deterministic Tape Complexities.Walter J. Savitch - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):346-347.
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    (1 other version)Eliminating modality from the determinism debate? Models vs. equations of physical theories.Thomas Müller - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction: Between the Mind and the Brain. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
  12.  46
    Freedom vs. Determinism in Relation to the Dynamic vs. the Static.Raymond Holder Wheeler - 1924 - The Monist 34 (3):452-465.
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  13. Incompatibilism, nondeterministic causation, and the real problem of free will.Patrick Francken - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Research 18:37-63.
    I argue that there cannot be a sense attached to “could have done otherwise” that is both compatible with the truth of determinism and relevant to the question of free will. Then I develop an incompatibilist response to the common objection that the incompatibilist requires of free actions that they have no causes and therefore cannot be anything for which an agent can be responsible. In the process, I bring out a similarity between compatibilism and incompatibilism in respect of (...)
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    On Nondeterminism, Enumeration Reducibility and Polynomial Bounds.Kate Copestake - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (3):287-310.
    Enumeration reducibility is a notion of relative computability between sets of natural numbers where only positive information about the sets is used or produced. Extending e‐reducibility to partial functions characterises relative computability between partial functions. We define a polynomial time enumeration reducibility that retains the character of enumeration reducibility and show that it is equivalent to conjunctive non‐deterministic polynomial time reducibility. We define the polynomial time e‐degrees as the equivalence classes under this reducibility and investigate their structure on the recursive (...)
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    The Epistemology of Nondeterminism.Adam Bjorndahl - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (4):619-644.
    This paper proposes new semantics for propositional dynamic logic (PDL), replacing the standard relational semantics. Under these new semantics, program execution is represented as fundamentally deterministic (i.e., functional), while nondeterminism emerges as an epistemic relationship between the agent and the system: intuitively, the nondeterministic outcomes of a given process are precisely those that cannot be ruled out in advance. We formalize these notions using topology and the framework of dynamic topological logic (DTL) (Kremer and Mints in Ann Pure Appl (...)
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    Walter J. Savitch. Relationships between nondeterministic and deterministic tape complexities. Journal of computer and system sciences, vol. 4 , pp. 177–192. [REVIEW]Albert R. Meyer - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):346-347.
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  17.  28
    An Epistemic Approach to Nondeterminism: Believing in the Simplest Course of Events.James P. Delgrande & Hector J. Levesque - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (5):859-886.
    This paper describes an approach for reasoning in a dynamic domain with nondeterministic actions in which an agent’s beliefs correspond to the simplest, or most plausible, course of events consistent with the agent’s observations and beliefs. The account is based on an epistemic extension of the situation calculus, a first-order theory of reasoning about action that accommodates sensing actions. In particular, the account is based on a qualitative theory of nondeterminism. Our position is that for commonsense reasoning, the world (...)
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  18. (1 other version) Kant: Freedom, Determinism and Obligation (Ethics-1, M23).Shyam Ranganathan - 2016 - In A. Raghuramaraju (ed.), Philosophy, E-Pg Pathshala. Delhi: India, Department of Higher Education (NMEICT).
    In this module, I first explore the dialectic that leads to Kant’s substantive moral theory. In the second section, I explicate the roots of Kant’s ethical theory in terms of his attempt to resolve the antinomy of freedom and determinism. Kant’s solution is a Normative Compatibilism that resolves the inconsistency via morality, in general, and self-governance in particular. As noted in our lesson on Yoga, this is a strategy that Yoga endorses, and hence, predates the Kantian approach by over (...)
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    Realization for causal nondeterministic input-output systems.Norman Y. Foo & Pavlos Peppas - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (3):419-437.
    There are two well-developed formalizations of discrete time dynamic systems that evidently share many concerns but suffer from a lack of mutual awareness. One formalization is classical systems and automata theory. The other is the logic of actions in which the situation and event calculi are the strongest representatives. Researchers in artificial intelligence are likely to be familiar with the latter but not the former. This is unfortunate, for systems and automata theory have much to offer by way of insight (...)
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  20. 5-valued Non-deterministic Semantics for The Basic Paraconsistent Logic mCi.Arnon Avron - 2008 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 14 (27).
    One of the most important paraconsistent logics is the logic mCi, which is one of the two basic logics of formal inconsistency. In this paper we present a 5-valued characteristic nondeterministic matrix for mCi. This provides a quite non-trivial example for the utility and effectiveness of the use of non-deterministic many-valued semantics.
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  21. (1 other version)Vedānta – Rāmānuja and Madhva: Moral Realism and Freedom vs. Determinism (Ethics 1, M11).Shyam Ranganathan - 2016 - In A. Raghuramaraju (ed.), Philosophy, E-Pg Pathshala. Delhi: India, Department of Higher Education (NMEICT).
    Vedānta has two meanings. The first is the literal sense – “End of Vedas” – and refers to the Āraṇyakas and Upaniṣads—the latter part of the Vedas. The second sense of “Vedanta” is a scholastic one, and refers to a philosophical orientation that attempts to explain the cryptic Vedānta Sūtra (Brahma Sūtra) of Bādarāyaṇa, which aims at being a summary of the End of the Vedas. In the previous module, I review the ethics of the End of the Vedas and (...)
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    Non Deterministic Classical Logic: The -calculus.Karim Nour - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (3):357-366.
    In this paper, we present an extension of λμ-calculus called λμ++-calculus which has the following properties: subject reduction, strong normalization, unicity of the representation of data and thus confluence only on data types. This calculus allows also to program the parallel-or.
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  23. (1 other version)Yoga and Sāṅkhya: Freedom versus Determinism (Ethics-1, M38).Shyam Ranganathan - 2016 - In A. Raghuramaraju (ed.), Philosophy, E-Pg Pathshala. Delhi: India, Department of Higher Education (NMEICT).
    The Yoga Sūtra (YS) is perhaps the most popular book of Indian philosophy today the world over. It is widely regarded by practitioners of Yoga as a conceptual manual for yoga and there are several competing translations of the work on the market. Yet, the Yoga Sūtra is also widely regarded as a difficult text to read. It is written in a dense, aphoristic, sūtra format. In the introductory section, I tackle the question of methodology in reading the Yoga Sūtra. (...)
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  24. Body vs. mind.Seymour Spencer - 1967 - New York,: [Paulist Press.
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  25.  24
    Słabe łamanie ergodyczności vs. determinizm.Andrzej Fuliński - 2015 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 59:83-100.
    All physical processes are deterministic de iure. Physicists speak about different types of determinism of physical processes, depending on the degree with which their course can be anticipated. Usually, the course of ergodic processes can be predicted with less certainty than the non-ergodic ones, the latter being integrable. Recent measurements of motions of single particles in composite systems, especially in living biological cells, show that such motions are, in most cases, breaking the Boltzmann’s ergodic hypothesis. On the other hand, (...)
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  26. Leeway vs. Sourcehood Conceptions of Free Will.Kevin Timpe - 2016 - In Kevin Timpe, Meghan Griffith & Neil Levy (eds.), Routledge Companion to Free Will. New York: Routledge. pp. 213-224.
    One reason that many of the philosophical debates about free will might seem intractable is that di erent participants in those debates use various terms in ways that not only don't line up, but might even contradict each other. For instance, it is widely accepted to understand libertarianism as\the conjunction of incompatibilism [the thesis that free will is incompatible with the truth of determinism] and the thesis that we have free will" (van Inwagen (1983), 13f; see also Kane (2001), (...)
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  27. Synchronic vs. diachronic emergence: a reappraisal.Olivier Sartenaer - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (1):31-54.
    In this paper, I put forward a benchmark account of emergence in terms of non-explainability and explicate the relationship that exists between its synchronic and diachronic declinations. I develop an argument whose conclusion is that emergence is essentially a “two-faceted” notion, i.e. it always encapsulates both synchronic and diachronic dimensions. I then compare this account with alternative recent accounts of emergence that define the concept through the notion of unpredictability or topological non-equivalence.
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    The good vs. “the own”: moral identity of the (post-)Soviet Lithuania.Nerija Putinaitė - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (3):261-278.
    What is the meaning of perestrojka? There is no doubt that it led to the end of the Cold War and had a huge impact on the international situation. Nevertheless, there is no consensus as to the outcomes of perestrojka. Perestrojka brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. This fact might be interpreted positively: it opened the possibility to restore historical truth and to create independent democratic states. From another perspective, it can be conceived negatively as a destruction of (...)
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  29. Why Bohm was never a determinist.Marij Van Strien - 2023 - In Andrea Oldofredi (ed.), Guiding Waves In Quantum Mechanics: 100 Years of de Broglie-Bohm Pilot-Wave Theory. Oxford University Press.
    Bohm’s interpretation of quantum mechanics has generally been received as an attempt to restore the determinism of classical physics. However, although this interpretation, as Bohm initially proposed it in 1952, does indeed have the feature of being deterministic, for Bohm this was never the main point. In fact, in other publications and in correspondence from this period, he argued that the assumption that nature is deterministic is unjustified and should be abandoned. Whereas it has been argued before that Bohm’s (...)
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    Dem wissenschaftlichen Determinismus auf der Spur. Von der klassischen Mechanik zur Entstehung der Quantenphysik.Donata Romizi - 2019 - Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland: Karl Alber.
    The book deals with the changing nature and with the history of the concept of scientific determinism from the classical mechanics until the time immediately preceding quantum mechanics: such a historical-philosophical reconstruction is aimed at (1) signalizing and overcoming the deficiencies of the received opinion on the topic and (2) understanding better a concept which has influenced science from the beginning. -/- Before dealing with historical matters I develop in the first Chapter a kind of new, three-dimensional “measurement system” (...)
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    Ethical implications of validity-vs.-reliability trade-offs in educational research.Lynn Fendler - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (2):214-229.
    In educational research that calls itself empirical, the relationship between validity and reliability is that of trade-off: the stronger the bases for validity, the weaker the bases for reliability. Validity and reliability are widely regarded as basic criteria for evaluating research; however, there are ethical implications of the trade-off between the two. The paper traces a brief history of the concepts, and then describes four ethical issues associated with the validity–reliability trade-off in educational research: bootstrapping, stereotyping, dehumanization, and determinism. (...)
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    Errata and Addenda to ‘Finite non-deterministic semantics for some modal systems’.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Luis Fariñas del Cerro & Newton M. Peron - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):336-345.
    In this note, an error in the axiomatization of Ivlev’s modal system Sa+ which we inadvertedly reproduced in our paper “Finite non-deterministic semantics for some modal systems”, is fixed. Additionally, some axioms proposed in were slightly modified. All the technical results in which depend on the previous axiomatization were also fixed. Finally, the discussion about decidability of the level valuation semantics initiated in is taken up. The error in Ivlev’s axiomatization was originally pointed out by H. Omori and D. Skurt (...)
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  33.  39
    Empirical study of Rawls' political philosphy: Impartiality vs. metaphysics.Olivier Collard-Bovy - 2006 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 26 (1-2):95-119.
    Frohlich and Oppenheimer's works aim to study empirically Rawls' philosophy. They replicate the original position, using a veil of ignorance covering the subjects' deliberations. This should provide empirical data usable by philosophers, a claim discussed here: Rawls' foundationalism precludes a genuine opening of his philosophy to empirical data. On the other hand, Rawls' distinction between natural and moral justice attitudes sheds light on the deterministic metaphysics indirectly required by the Rawlsian sense of justice. This leads to the question of the (...)
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    Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature.Valia Allori (ed.) - 2020 - Singapore: World Scientific.
    The book explores several open questions in the philosophy of statistical mechanics. Each chapter is written by a leading expert in the field. Here is a list of some questions that are addressed in the book: 1) Boltzmann showed how the phenomenological gas laws of thermodynamics can be derived from statistical mechanics. Since classical mechanics is a deterministic theory there are no probabilities in it. Since statistical mechanics is based on classical mechanics, all the probabilities statistical mechanics talks about cannot (...)
  35.  18
    Countering Reverse Détournement: Subversive vs. Subsumptive Creativity.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (2):145-162.
    Abstract:This paper argues that the neoliberal (mis)appropriation of artistic creativity that begins to have a serious impact on music education can be seen as the result of a reverse détournement, whereby the very terms that used to play a pivotal role in describing the anti-systemic, anti-commercial, unsettling, emancipatory qualities of artistic creativity are being used to legitimize a thoroughly economized conception of creativity. It is suggested that this reverse détournement shapes a notion of creativity that can be referred to as (...)
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  36.  57
    The program-substitution in algorithmic logic and algorithmic logic with non-deterministic programs.Andrzej Biela - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (2):69-72.
    This note presents a point of view upon the notions of programsubstitution which are the tools for proving properties of programs of algorithmic logics [5], [3] being sufficiently strong and universal to comprise almost all previously introduced theories of programming, and the so-called extended algorithmic logic [1], [2] and algorithmic logic with nondeterministic programs [4]. It appears that the mentioned substitution rule allows us to examine more deeply algorithmic properties of terms, formulas and programs. Besides the problem of Post-completeness and (...)
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  37. Moral Responsibility and the Irrelevance of Physics: Fischer’s Semi-compatibilism vs. Anti-fundamentalism.Helen Steward - 2008 - The Journal of Ethics 12 (2):129-145.
    The paper argues that it is possible for an incompatibilist to accept John Martin Fischer's plausible insistence that the question whether we are morally responsible agents ought not to depend on whether the laws of physics turn out to be deterministic or merely probabilistic. The incompatibilist should do so by rejecting the fundamentalism which entails that the question whether determinism is true is a question merely about the nature of the basic physical laws. It is argued that this is (...)
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  38. Determinismo en la física clásica: Laplace vs. Popper o Prigogine.Martín Lopez Corredoira - 2001 - El Basilisco 29:29-42.
    Pretende mostrarse en este artículo que la física clásica1 no deja lugar para el indeterminismo, tal como Laplace proclamó hace casi dos siglos. No se discute aquí la validez de la física clásica; el objetivo es mostrar que ésta es un modelo del mundo determinista, y si el mundo responde a este modelo o no es otro tema. Algunos autores, como Popper o Prigogine, han intentado rebatir este determinismo en la física clásica en base a argumentos tales como la existencia (...)
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  39.  29
    Accounting for political preferences: Cultural theory vs. cultural history.Jeffrey Friedman - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (3):325-351.
    Liberalism sanctifies the values chosen by the sovereign individual. This tends to rule out criticisms of an individual's “preference” for one value over another by, ironically, establishing a deterministic view of the self that protects the self's desires from scrutiny. Similarly, rational choice approaches to social theory begin with previously determined individual preferences and focus on the means by which they are pursued, concentrating on the results rather than the sources of people's values.A striking new attempt to go behind the (...)
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  40.  93
    Temporal relations vs. logical reduction: A phenomenal theory of causality. [REVIEW]Alba Papa-Grimaldi - 2008 - Axiomathes 18 (3):339-358.
    Kant, in various parts of his treatment of causality, refers to determinism or the principle of sufficient reason as an inescapable principle. In fact, in the Second Analogy we find the elements to reconstruct a purely phenomenal determinism as a logical and tautological truth. I endeavour in this article to gather these elements into an organic theory of phenomenal causality and then show, in the third section, with a specific argument which I call the “paradox of phenomenal observation”, (...)
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    Contingency and convergence in the theory of evolution: Stephen Jay Gould vs. Simon Conway Morris.Andrej Jeftić - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35:31-48.
    Debating the interpretation of the Burgess Shale fossil records, Stephen Jay Gould and Simon Conway Morris have formulated two conflicting theses regarding the nature of evolutionary processes. While Gould argued that evolution is essentially a contingent process whose outcomes are unpredictable, Conway Morris claimed that the omnipresence of convergence testifies that it is in fact deterministic, leading to predictable and inevitable outcomes. Their theses have been extensively researched from various perspectives. However, a systematic parallel analysis of the core arguments each (...)
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  42. Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring System for learning Computer Theory.Mohammed A. Al-Nakhal & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system developed to help students in learning Computer Theory. The Intelligent tutoring system was built using ITSB authoring tool. The system helps students to learn finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines and examines the relationship between these automata and formal languages, deterministic and nondeterministic machines, regular expressions, context free grammars, undecidability, and complexity. During the process the intelligent tutoring system gives assistance and feedback of many types in an intelligent manner according to (...)
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  43. Local Causality and Completeness: Bell vs. Jarrett. [REVIEW]Travis Norsen - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (3):273-294.
    J.S. Bell believed that his famous theorem entailed a deep and troubling conflict between the empirically verified predictions of quantum theory and the notion of local causality that is motivated by relativity theory. Yet many physicists continue to accept, usually on the reports of textbook writers and other commentators, that Bell’s own view was wrong, and that, in fact, the theorem only brings out a conflict with determinism or the hidden-variables program or realism or some other such principle that (...)
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    (1 other version)Free Will: A Philosophical Reappraisal.Nicholas Rescher - 2008 - New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
    Introduction -- The nature of free will -- Requirements of freedom : preeminently deliberation -- Free will requires the absence of thought-external -- Determination over choices and decisions -- Choice and decision are crucial -- Doing and trying -- Free action and agent causality -- Modes of freedom -- Metaphysical and moral freedom -- Moral freedom is removed by manipulation and especially -- Compulsion -- Intention and moral standing -- Moral freedom of the will involves agent intent and motivation -- (...)
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    Relating word and tree automata.Orna Kupferman, Shmuel Safra & Moshe Y. Vardi - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 138 (1):126-146.
    In the automata-theoretic approach to verification, we translate specifications to automata. Complexity considerations motivate the distinction between different types of automata. Already in the 60s, it was known that deterministic Büchi word automata are less expressive than nondeterministic Büchi word automata. The proof is easy and can be stated in a few lines. In the late 60s, Rabin proved that Büchi tree automata are less expressive than Rabin tree automata. This proof is much harder. In this work we relate the (...)
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    Tailoring recursion for complexity.Erich Grädel & Yuri Gurevich - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (3):952-969.
    We design functional algebras that characterize various complexity classes of global functions. For this purpose, classical schemata from recursion theory are tailored for capturing complexity. In particular we present a functional analog of first-order logic and describe algebras of the functions computable in nondeterministic logarithmic space, deterministic and nondeterministic polynomial time, and for the functions computable by AC 1 -circuits.
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    Il n’y a pas d’homme, l'che ou brave, qui ait échappé a sa Moira . Porphyre vs. les stoiciens sur l’autonomie individuelle et l’origine du mal. [REVIEW]Daniela Patrizia Taormina - 2013 - Chôra 11:23-35.
    In an excerpt preserved by John Stobaeus in the chapter of the Anthologion entitled Peri tôn eph’hêmin, Porphyry addresses the issue of the origin of evil within the context of a broader investigation of individual autonomy : is it enough to envisage man as a subject with the freedom to act in order to make him responsible for evil and thus to free God of any responsibility with regard to the ills besetting individuals? An answer to this question is provided (...)
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    Quantum mechanics, time and ontology.Valia Allori - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 66 (C):145-154.
    Against what is commonly accepted in many contexts, it has been recently suggested that both deterministic and indeterministic quantum theories are not time‐reversal invariant, and thus time is handed in a quantum world. In this paper, I analyze these arguments and evaluate possible reactions to them. In the context of deterministic theories, first I show that this conclusion depends on the controversial assumption that the wave‐function is a physically real scalar field in configuration space. Then I argue that answers which (...)
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    Indeterminism and persistence.Thomas Müller - 2011 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (1):113-136.
    This paper aims at bringing together two debates in metaphysics that so far have been kept separate: the debate about determinism vs. indeterminism as de re modality on the one hand, and the debate about persistence on the other hand. Both debates significantly involve talk of things. We will show that working out a proper semantics for singular terms and an accompanying theory of things, motivated by considerations of quantified modal logic, can significantly further the persistence debate. We will (...)
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  50. Perinatal Brain Damage Causation.Olaf Dammann - 2007 - Developmental Neuroscience 29:280–8.
    The search for causes of perinatal brain damage needs a solid theoretical foundation. Current theory apparently does not offer a unanimously accepted view of what constitutes a cause, and how it can be identified. We discuss nine potential theoretical misconceptions: (1) too narrow a view of what is a cause (causal production vs. facilitation), (2) extrapolating from possibility to fact (potential vs. factual causation), (3) if X, then invariably Y (determinism vs. probabilism), (4) co-occurrence in individuals vs. association in (...)
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