Results for 'Didactic obstacles'

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  1.  24
    Funciones Docentes: Su Enseñanza y Aprendizaje En Los Grados En Maestro.Olga Belletich & Miguel R. Wilhelmi - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-10.
    La experiencia docente universitaria en los Grados en Maestro demuestra que existen obstáculos didácticos para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las competencias asociadas a las funciones y prácticas docentes requeridas en la escuela. El objetivo es describir una propuesta didáctica diseñada ex profeso que permite superar estos obstáculos. Se demuestra que las metodologías activas que conceden mayor autonomía en el estudio y que fomentan la indagación son más propicias para el desarrollo de estos aprendizajes. El marco teórico se fundamenta en (...)
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    The God Question: An Invitation to a Life of Meaning.J. P. Moreland - 2009 - Eugene: Harvest House.
    A leading evangelical thinker offers this brand-new way of addressing life's most important questions: Does God exist, and can we know Him? J.P. Moreland, distinguished professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, abandons traditional didactic apologetics and entices skeptics and dissatisfied believers into a conversation about the emptiness and anxiety so many feel today. He invites them to the abundant life Jesus offers but that so few seem to be experiencing. Moreland shows that people are created by a (...)
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  3. Traditions and tendencies: A reply to Carine Defoort.Rein Raud - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):661-664.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Traditions and Tendencies:A Reply to Carine DefoortRein RaudIn 1899 William Aston, a British diplomat, published the first overall history of Japanese literature in English. In it, Japanese poetry is characterized as follows:Narrow in its scope and resources, it is chiefly remarkable for its limitations-for what it has not, rather than what it has.... Indeed, narrative poems of any kind are short and very few, the only ones which I (...)
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    The Fountainhead: An American Novel.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1999 - Macmillan Reference USA.
    Ayn Rand's 1943 masterpiece, The Fountainhead is the story of Howard Roark, an architect of enormous talent who turns down one lucrative commission after another because they would force him to modify his designs and compromise his integrity, but in spite of his refusals, or perhaps because of them, he goes on to triumph over many obstacles and establish himself as a master. Douglas Den Uyl's new study, The Fountainhead: An American Novel, is the first volume to exclusively explore (...)
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    La notion de « praxéologie » pour soutenir l’articulation entre fondements épistémologiques et pratiques enseignantes dans le champ des pédagogies de l’éducation au développement durable.Cécile Redondo - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):194-215.
    In the field of education for sustainable development (ESD), the theoretical background is often absent (Considère and Tutiaux-Guillon, 2013 ; Tutiaux-Guillon, 2013), suggesting that a shared culture would be established and practices would be self-evident. Indeed, the exploration of ESD pedagogies highlights epistemological bases that are absent, incomplete or very personal and ideologically marked. We base our argument on the results of our thesis, defended in 2018 and based on a methodological device that has enabled us to collect the statements (...)
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    Replanteamiento de fondo en la enseñanza de la filosofía: temas y apropiación.Carla Isabel Velásquez Giraldo - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (2).
    Deeply rethinking the teaching of philosophy: problems and appropriationResumen: ¿Para qué sirve la filosofía? es la pregunta que se hace desde fuera de la comunidad filosófica y cuya respuesta puede abrir puertas o poner serios obstáculos a su consolidación como asignatura. El permanente cuestionamiento externo por la “falta de utilidad” y la constante labor apologética que genera, parecen ser un indicio de que la filosofía requiere innovación en algunos aspectos de su enseñanza. A fin de contribuir con este esfuerzo es (...)
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    Podmiotowość nauczyciela polonisty.Monika Worsowicz - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 4:313-332.
    The article contains discussion about the most important aspects of subject attitude in teaching of Polish language. The analysis of conditions of perception a student as a subject indicates that a teacher of Polish language needs high qualifications. Broad knowledge and good discernment in a psychological and social interactions between a student and him let the teacher respect individuality of his pupil and enrich consciousness of both of them. Frankness for subject understanding for the fact that they are two separate (...)
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    Didactic guide for the education in the work from the Community Medicine subject.Sara de Posada Rodríguez, Ismedys Martínez Sánchez, Nohelvis Pirez Rodríguez & Raquel Rodríguez Agramonte - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):547-565.
    RESUMEN Introducción: La educación en el trabajo es la forma fundamental del proceso docente educativo en las carreras de las ciencias médicas y en específico para la asignatura de Medicina Comunitaria de la carrera de Medicina. Objetivo: Exponer elementos referidos a una guía didáctica para la educación en el trabajo de la asignatura Medicina Comunitaria. Método: Se diseñó una guía didáctica para la educación en el trabajo, desde la asignatura Medicina Comunitaria. Se interactuó con estudiantes de segundo año de la (...)
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    Modern Didactic-Methodical Designed Teaching Materials in Macedonian Language Teaching.Elizabeta Tomevska Ilievska & Martina Trajkovska - 2023 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 76 (1):185-198.
    The purpose of this paper is aimed at examining the educational needs and didactic competences of teachers for the preparation and use of didactic-methodical teaching materials in the teaching of the subject Macedonian language for the program areas Initial reading and writing and Language (first, second and third grade), and all with the aim of improving the teaching of the Macedonian language. For the successful realization of the goals/standards for evaluation needed in the program areas Initial reading and (...)
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  10.  25
    Didactic Aggressions in the Nile Excursus of Lucan's Bellum Civile.Francisco Barrenechea - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):259-284.
    In the Nile excursus of his Bellum Civile (10.172-333), Lucan portrays Caesar's inquiry into the source of the river, a well-known topos of human ambition, as an act of aggression, an imperialistic push to transgress natural boundaries. This aggressive drive is foiled by the duplicitous response of both the priest Acoreus and the divinity who inspires him. The digressive quality of the episode offers a redirection and setback for the character of Caesar, which are achieved through the momentary transference of (...)
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    Obstacles to Divine Revelation: God and the Reorientation of Human Reason.Rolfe King - 2008 - London: Continuum.
    Obstacles to Divine Revelation examines the notion that there are obstacles to God giving revelation, if God exists. Rolfe King argues that exploring these significantly refines ideas of evidence for God, including the claim that God must operate within a logically necessary structure of revelation. Examining obstacles to divine revelation clarifies this structure and paves the way to evaluating its significance.
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  12. Didactic Sermons: A Selection.Jasper Hopkins - unknown
    The title of this present volume tends to be misleading. For it suggests that Nicholas’s didactic sermons are to be distinguished from his non-didactic ones—ones that are, say, more inspirational and less philosophical, or more devotional and less theological, or more situationally oriented and less Scripturally focused. Yet, in truth, all 293 of Nicholas’s sermons are highly didactic, highly pedagogical, highly exegetical.1 To be sure, there are inspirational and devotional elements; but they are subordinate to the primary (...)
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  13. Nicholas of cusa's didactic sermons: A selection.Jasper Hopkins - unknown
    The title of this present volume tends to be misleading. For it suggests that Nicholas’s didactic sermons are to be distinguished from his non-didactic ones—ones that are, say, more inspirational and less philosophical, or more devotional and less theological, or more situationally oriented and less Scripturally focused. Yet, in truth, all 293 of Nicholas’s sermons are highly didactic, highly pedagogical, highly exegetical.1 To be sure, there are inspirational and devotional elements; but they are subordinate to the primary (...)
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    Didactic works for women and the ambivalent discourse on desire in the Middle Ages.Elizabeth Kinne - 2010 - Clio 31:135-152.
    Le Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry pour ses filles et Le Ménagier de Paris, textes didactiques écrits au quatorzième siècle, enseignent aux jeunes filles et aux épouses les normes du comportement sexuel qu’elles doivent adopter en puisant dans les écrits courtois et religieux. Cependant, les formes socialement acceptables du désir divergent pour les hommes et les femmes. Tandis que le désir masculin est associé à la vie et la continuité, le désir féminin demeure placé sous les auspices de (...)
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    Didactic opportunities and terms of use of web-quest technology in professional training of students.Aleksandra Vasilievna Deryabkina - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):217-222.
    Educational web quest is an example of the introduction of the Internet in the learning process. Using the web quest as a pedagogical technology allows students to form and develop competencies in the use of information and communication technologies in the performance of educational tasks, research skills, skills of analysis and systematization of information received, teamwork skills and responsibility for the quality of their training. The article describes the didactic possibilities of an educational web quest in the educational process (...)
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    Some Obstacles Facing a Semantic Foundation for Constructive Mathematics.Michael R. Koss - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (5):1055-1068.
    This paper discusses Michael Dummett’s attempt to base the use of intuitionistic logic in mathematics on a proof-conditional semantics. This project is shown to face significant obstacles resulting from the existence of variants of standard intuitionistic logic. In order to overcome these obstacles, Dummett and his followers must give an intuitionistically acceptable completeness proof for intuitionistic logic relative to the BHK interpretation of the logical constants, but there are reasons to doubt that such a proof is possible. The (...)
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    Didactic Units in Biology and Environmental Education: A Review for Latin America.Juan Carlos González García, Wilmer Orlando López González, Andrés Fernando Alulema Moncayo & Marco Antonio García Pacheco - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:236-248.
    This article reviews the didactic units in biology and environmental education in the context of Latin America, analyzing their design, implementation, and effectiveness in the teaching of environmental and biological topics. Through a literature review and case analysis, the most commonly used teaching strategies are identified and their impact on student learning is evaluated. It highlights best practices and proposes recommendations to improve the quality of biology and environmental education in the region.
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    Didactic potential of comics.Veronika Bogdanova - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:79-87.
    In the article, the author analyzes the conditions for a subject’s existence in the post-informational society, which lead to forming a new style of thinking in the younger generation, functioning outside the textocentric paradigm. The author raises the actual problem of the education system, since it is impossible to build a successful learning process without meeting the demands of the time, without taking into account the peculiarities of perceiving the world by modern people. In the youth environment, the screen (clip) (...)
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    Two Didactic Strategies at the End of Herodotus 'Histories(9.108–122)'.Christopher Welser - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (2):359-385.
    Although most scholars now seem to agree that Herodotus was to some extent a didactic historian writing for the instruction of his readers, the systematic nature of his didacticism has perhaps not been fully appreciated. The Histories' concluding episodes reveal at least two didactic programs or strategies: first, the reader is to be trained in the application of Herodotean thinking to events subsequent to the period covered by the narrative; second, the reader is to be warned of the (...)
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    Views, obstacles, and uncertainties around the inclusion of children and young people’s time in economic evaluations : findings from an international survey of health economists.Lazaros Andronis, Cameron Morgan, Cam Donaldson, Emily Lancsar & Stavros Petrou - forthcoming - .
    People's time is a limited resource and, in economic evaluations that adopt a societal perspective, it is important that it is valued and accounted for. Yet, in economic evaluations of interventions for children and young people (CYP), attempts to take into account the opportunity cost of their time are rare. To understand why this is the case, we need to first understand what views health economists hold in relation to CYP time, and what challenges they face in incorporating this in (...)
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  21. Obstacles to Cybernetics becoming a Conceptual Framework and Metanarrative in the Psychologies.P. Baron - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):524-527.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Cybernetic Foundations for Psychology” by Bernard Scott. Upshot: Scott’s ideas of a unifying conceptual framework and metanarrative for the seemingly divergent psychology fields may be met with challenges. Four obstacles are presented, which can be addressed in order to mitigate resistance to Scott achieving his goal of cybernetics fulfilling these dual roles in the psychologies.
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    Media didactics: Yesterday, today, tomorrow.Tomislav Topolovčan - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):153-178.
    A genesis of media didactics was deconstructed through a theoretical-comparative and historical methodological approach, with the aim of gaining insight into its history and characteristics, defining the discipline, and recent development trends. The study elaborates the role of media in education, schooling, teaching, and learning. The anatomy of the social circumstances of the emergence of certain curriculum innovations and their consequences for global education as well as the development of media didactics is systematically explained. A synthesis of the facts obtained (...)
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  23. The obstacles against reaching the highest level of Aristotelian friendship online.Robert Sharp - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (3):231-239.
    The ubiquity of online social networks has led to the phenomena of having friends that are known only through online interaction. In many cases, no physical interaction has taken place, but still people consider each other friends. This paper analyzes whether these friendships would satisfy the conditions of Aristotle’s highest level of friendship–what he calls perfect friendship. Since perfect friendship manifests through a shared love of virtue, physical proximity would seem to be unnecessary at first glance. However, I argue that (...)
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    Didactics of Logic in Ken Schools and the Conception of Logicin the "Encyclopédie Ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné".Stanisław Janeczek - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (S1):41-62.
    The paper describes the conception of logic in Polish didactics authored by the Commission of National Education (KEN), an important educational institution of the European Enlightenment. Since the documents of the Commission refer to a vision of science presented by such influential works then as the Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire universel raisonné [Great French Encyclopedia], the paper compares the requirements from the Commission’s programmer with the encyclopaedic entries that entail logical problems broadly understood. It turns out that the Commission, following the (...)
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    Surmounting obstacles: circulation and adoption of algebraic symbolism.Albrecht Heeffer - 2012 - Philosophica 87 (4):5-25.
    This introductory paper provides an overview of four contributions on the epistemological functions of mathematical symbolism as it emerged in Arabic and European treatises on algebra. The evolution towards symbolic algebra was a long and difficult process in which many obstacles had to be overcome. Three of these obstacles, related to the circulation and adoption of symbolism, are highlighted in this special volume: 1) the transition of material practices of algebraic calculation to discursive practices and text production, 2) (...)
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    Intralingual translation in didactic practice: five case studies.Aage Hill-Madsen - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (257):49-79.
    This article is a qualitative study charting the dimensional range of a particular type of translative phenomenon, namely, intralingual translation within educational practice. Theoretically, the article is based on a broadened concept of translation that encompasses any kind of sign translation, including the transcending of a language-internal comprehension barrier, such as the one between scientific and lay linguistic registers. Further, the article assumes that such intralingual translation is conceptually identical with the interpretive procedures found in didactic practice, given that (...)
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    Cultural Obstacles to Political Dialogue in China.Yingchi Chu & Horst Ruthrof - 2012 - Culture and Dialogue 2 (2):31-50.
    This essay asks how we can explain why, in contrast with Western responses, a large number of Chinese citizens from all walks of life appear to have little sympathy with the spate of recent cases of dissidents having fallen foul of government regulations pertaining to public political criticism. The answer proposed in the essay is that there are cultural obstacles to the emergence of political dialogue in China beyond the well-canvassed official strictures on political critique. The essay addresses two (...)
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    Obstacles to Widening Biosample Research.Flora Colledge, Jakob Passweg & Bernice Elger - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):113-128.
    Switzerland has an excellent culture of medical research and is a melting pot for medical experts with international expertise. Nevertheless, as in other countries, the resources available to medical researchers are not being fully used. Biological samples, which enable a host of medical research studies to be carried out without invasive methods involving patients, are frequently left unused or forgotten. The aim of this study is to examine the experiences of biobank stakeholders regarding the use or underuse of biosamples, in (...)
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    Obstacles to ethical decision-making: mental models, Milgram and the problem of obedience.Patricia Hogue Werhane - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In commerce, many moral failures are due to narrow mindsets that preclude taking into account the moral dimensions of a decision or action. In turn, sometimes these mindsets are caused by failing to question managerial decisions from a moral point of view, because of a perceived authority of management. In the 1960s, Stanley Milgram conducted controversial experiments to investigate just how far obedience to an authority figure could subvert his subjects' moral beliefs. In this thought-provoking work, the authors examine the (...)
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    The Didactic Potentials of Films and Contemporary Media in the EFL Classes.Veneranda Hajrulla & Marsela Harizaj - 2017 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 1 (1):31-38.
    It is important for teachers who work with children and teenagers to be aware of the role of media and popular culture in young people’s lives. It is a challenge to have an open and flexible approach to film, TV and other media products. Students’ real experiences have to be considered as equal in importance to the experiences and ideas of the teacher. The teacher has to help students to place their experiences in a larger perspective. In this study, the (...)
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    The Didactics of History in West Germany: Towards a New Self-Awareness of Historical Studies.Jorn Rusen - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):275-286.
    The didactics of history traditionally are assigned no role in the academic discipline of history, influencing the students, rather than the practitioners, of history. The developments of the categories of history and pedagogy in West Germany serve to illustrate the actual field of the didactics of history -questions of how one thinks of history; the role of history in human nature; and the uses to which history can be put. In the 1960s and 1970s, as part of an emerging process (...)
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    Didactic Strategy to diminish the academic stress produced by the statistic content in the Medical Students.Arnaldo Espindola Artola & López Benítez - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):499-521.
    En la carrera de medicina se evidencia desmotivación del estudiante hacia el aprendizaje del contenido estadístico y la presencia del estrés académico que genera este contenido que se imparte en la asignatura Metodología de la Investigación y Estadística. En el trabajo se diseña una estrategia didáctica para la disminución del estrés académico en los alumnos de segundo año de la carrera de medicina. Se realizó un estudio pre-experimental, con análisis cuanti-cualitativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por los 43 estudiantes del grupo (...)
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    Didactic and organizational requirements of Integrated Community Work to Medical Education.Alberto Bujardón Mendoza - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):521-531.
    RESUMEN El trabajo responde al desarrollo del Programa Nacional Formación Médica Integral Comunitaria, dada la necesidad de consolidar el proceso formativo desde las potencialidades que brinda el trabajo comunitario integrado. Se reflexionó desde el tratamiento teórico metodológico en aspectos epistemológicos del tema, sus relaciones, que desde la acción práctico transformadora puede y debe lograr la entrada en las áreas de residencias de colectivos humanos identificados ya por estilos y formas de vida, por costumbres y cultura autóctonas. El objetivo está dirigido (...)
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  34. The Didactics of Emotion Education.Kristjan Kristjansson - 2001 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 21 (1):5-15.
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    Didactic Implementation of Ekkehard Marten’s Five Finger Model.Eva Marsal & Hope Hague - 2008 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 18 (4):19-22.
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    Obstacles to emancipation of Roma women.Alena Kajanová, Tomáš Mrhálek & Lenka Lidová - 2016 - Human Affairs 26 (4):478-484.
    The article describes the obstacles to the emancipation of Roma women in the family and Czech society. The theoretical side deals with the recent changes in gender roles in the Roma family, changes in the position of Roma women and their discrimination as well as the concept of emancipation. The article aims to describe the obstacles a Roma woman must overcome in the course of emancipation. The data are based on qualitative socio-ethnographic research conducted through narrative interviews with (...)
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  37. The Didactic Status of Problem-Learning and the Conditions of Possibility of Its Application.Adrian Costache - 2009 - Journal of Didactics 1 (1):133-146. Translated by Adrian Costache.
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    The didactic interpretation of music.Christoph Richter, Oliver Kraemer, Iris Yob & Monika Herzig - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Didactical reflexions on music teaching in early Socialism.Lada Duraković & Sabina Vidulin - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (1):223-243.
    The article analyzes textbooks and offers an insight into the didactical manuals written in early socialism. Textbooks of modest volume, published at the end of the forties and in the fifties of the last century, reflected the basic requirements of educational policy. The main goal of music education was to educate students to sing by notes. The publications were conceived as theoretical instructions for musical literacy. The first didactical manual written by Joža Požgaj was published, which in its revised version (...)
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  40. Some Obstacles to Applying the Principle of Individual Responsibility for Illness in the Rationing of Medical Services.Eugen Huzum - 2010 - Romanian Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):104-113.
    Lately, more and more authors have asserted their belief that one of the criteria which, together with the medical ones, can and should be applied in the policy of selecting and/or prioritizing the patients in need for the allocation of medical resources with limited availability, is the principle of individual responsibility for illness. My intention in this study is to highlight some very serious obstacles looming against the attempt to apply this principle in the distribution of the medical services (...)
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  41. The didactic, persuasive and scientific uses of illustrations after Descartes.Andrea Strazzoni - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):432-480.
    The aim of this article is to unveil the ways of teaching new philosophical paradigms in Dutch Universities between Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century, by means of an analysis of the uses of illustrations in Cartesian and Newtonian natural-philosophical textbooks. This analysis allows to understand the overall functions of philosophical textbooks, where illustrations act as conceptual means, filling the gap between the premise of a theory and its actual contents; didactic means, aiming to help the reader in understanding scientific models (...)
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    Mimesis in Bible Didactics – an outline in the context of religious education.Mirjam Zimmermann & Ruben Zimmermann - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1):6.
    ‘Mimesis’ is a concept explored in Antiquity as well as in cultural history. It also plays an important role in the Bible. In this article we argue for ‘mimesis’ as a role model for Bible teaching in religious education. In the first part we give some insights into the concept of mimesis, drawing on ancient philosophers (Aristotle, Plato). ‘Mimesis’ does not denote a copy of a prescribed object; instead, the type of depiction and reference brings it into the present in (...)
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    The obstacles to organ donation following brain death in Iran: a qualitative study.Parvin Abbasi, Javad Yoosefi Lebni, Paricher Nouri, Arash Ziapour & Amir Jalali - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundOrgan donation following brain death has become an important way of supplying organs for transplantation in many countries. This practice is less common in Iran for different reasons. Therefore, this study aims to explore the obstacles to organ donation following brain death in Iran.MethodsThis qualitative research was conducted following the conventional content analysis method. The study population consisted of individuals with a history of brain death among their blood relatives who refused to donate the organs. Snowball sampling was employed (...)
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    Obstacles to the integration of competing theories in psychology.Michael Wertheimer - 1988 - Philosophical Psychology 1 (1):131 – 137.
    Among the obstacles to the integration of competing theories in psychology is that it is unclear why and how they differ. Some thoughtful speculations have been offered for why they differ, but they remain preliminary. A plethora of schemes has been proposed for analysing how theories differ, but there is no convincing basis for choosing among these schemes. Furthermore, several kinds of relationships can be identified between apparently competing theories, each of which has implications for the potential integration of (...)
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    Obstacles and possibilities in police research.Ragnhild Sollund - 2005 - Outlines 7 (2):43-64.
    Drawing on a Norwegian research project investigating the possible existence of police racism, this article explores challenges related to conducting research in such sensitive sites as the police with reference to methodological and institutional obstacles. The project featured participant observation, in-depth interviews with ethnic minority men, and in-depth interviews with police officers and lays the basis for a discussion of the diverging perspectives on police racism held by the police and by members of ethnic minorities. The degree to which (...)
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    Obstacles and opportunities.Douglas Walton - 1977 - Philosophical Papers 6 (1):11-20.
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    Self-reference: Theory and didactics between language and literature.Svend Erik Larsen - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):13-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Reference:Theory and Didactics between Language and LiteratureSvend Erik Larsen (bio)Semiotics of Self-ReferenceLiterary metafiction constitutes the extreme case of self-referential texts. Therefore we can either discard it as generally irrelevant for the understanding of the cultural functions of texts, or use it as a point of departure for the formulation of both general and basic aspects of such functions. The position taken in this essay will opt for the last (...)
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    Obstacles et perspectives des soins psychiques aux enfants confiés à la Protection de l’enfance.Emmanuelle Bonneville-Baruchel - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):45-56.
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    Hesiod's Didactic Poetry.Malcolm Heath - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):245-.
    In this paper I shall approach Hesiod's poetry from two, rather different, directions; consequently, the paper itself falls into two parts, the argument and conclusions of which are largely independent. In I offer some observations on the vexed question of the organisation of Works and Days; that is, my concern is with the coherence of the poem's form and content. In my attention shifts to the function of this poem and of its companion, Theogony; given the form and content of (...)
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    Didactic competencies of teachers from the learner's viewpoint.Milena Valenčič Zuljan, Cirila Peklaj, Sonja Pečjak, Melita Puklek & Jana Kalin - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (1):51-62.
    Teacher competencies can be researched in many different ways. In the present article they are studied from the learner’s viewpoint. The article presents results of the extensive project “Teacher Education for New Competencies for the Knowledge Society and the Role of these Competencies in Educational Goal Attainment at School”, carried out at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, with the financial support of the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport. We present the results of the learner’s judgement (...)
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