Results for 'Dimitra Kandia'

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  1.  19
    Prediction and Mismatch Negativity Responses Reflect Impairments in Action Semantic Processing in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Luigi Grisoni, Rachel L. Moseley, Shiva Motlagh, Dimitra Kandia, Neslihan Sener, Friedemann Pulvermüller, Stefan Roepke & Bettina Mohr - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Niamh Bhalla. Experiencing the Last Judgement, bespr. von Dimitra Kotoula.Dimitra Kotoula - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):1125-1129.
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    Confucius: The Analects.Dimitra Amarantidou - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (3):295-297.
  4.  14
    Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, 'Law by Night'.Dimitra Mareta - 2024 - Philosophy in Review 44 (4):13-15.
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    Carl Schmitt as a reader of Juan Donoso Cortés: the concept of dictatorship as counterrevolution from 1848 to 1921.Dimitra Mareta - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This essay proposes an examination of Carl Schmitt’s thought by placing at its core the influence from Juan Donoso Cortés. Donoso Cortés has been largely forgotten over the centuries, and his influence on Schmitt’s thought has been overlooked as well. This essay advocates a reevaluation of their intellectual relationship by focusing on the defence of dictatorship as counterrevolution by both Schmitt and Donoso Cortés. To achieve this, the essay first presents the counterrevolutionary philosophy of Donoso Cortés framing him as a (...)
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    The irony of Confucius.Dimitra Amarantidou - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12839.
    In this article, I present different readings of Confucius's irony in the Analects (or Lunyu 論語) and expand on the implications of irony for how we perceive Confucius. Scholars who have appreciated the irony of Confucius tend to see it as distinctive of an unsagely, everyday man, often juxtaposed to the dominant image of the Master as a hyperserious sage. Moreover, irony is considered a pedagogical tool. These readings mainly recognize verbal irony (Confucius means the opposite of what he says). (...)
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    Irigaray and Confucius: A Collaborative Approach to (Feminist) Agency.Dimitra Amarantidou & Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (2):150-162.
    In this paper we take Luce Irigaray’s idea of fluid feminine subjectivity as productive for the project of rethinking agency in a collaborative feminist-Confucian context. We discuss how diffused agency in the Analects can be used alongside Irigaray’s work to critique contemporary notions of atomic agency. Our argument employs the notions of fluidity and agency in Irigaray and the Analects with concentrations on: 1) similarities between Irigaray’s “philosophy of breath” and Confucian ritual; 2) parallels between fluid feminine subjectivity and diffused (...)
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  8.  38
    Parkes, Graham, How to Think About the Climate Crisis: A Philosophical Guide to Saner Ways of Living: London, Oxford, New York, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021, xiv + 272 pages.Dimitra Amarantidou - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (2):331-333.
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  9.  19
    The Touch of Kongzi’s Irony and Reflections on Methodology.Dimitra Amarantidou - 2023 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 6 (1):49-62.
    Scholars have often recognized the “touch of irony” in Kongzi’s “collected conversations” (Lunyu 論語 or Analects of Confucius). Some interpreters have taken the ironic face as one of his faces. Others have celebrated the ironic Kongzi as the “true” depiction of the Master. This paper presents two seemingly contrasting images of Kongzi – the non-ironic sage and the ironic non-sage – and looks at their assumptions. I then explore the methodological implications of taking the Master’s irony seriously. I argue that, (...)
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  10.  26
    Chai, David, ed., Daoist Encounters with Phenomenology: Thinking Interculturally about Human Existence.Dimitra Amarantidou & Fabian Heubel - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (3):481-485.
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  11. Confucius's irony : silent subversion and critique in the analects.Dimitra Amarantidou - 2020 - In Hans-Georg Moeller & Andrew K. Whitehead, Critique, subversion, and Chinese philosophy: socio-political, conceptual, and methodological challenges. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  12. Reflections on Minority Rights Politics for East Central European Countries.Panayote Dimitras & Nafsika Papanikolatos - 2001 - In Will Kymlicka & Magda Opalski, Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported?: Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe. Oxford University Press.
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  13.  21
    Pythagoras: pioneering mathematician and musical theorist of Ancient Greece.Dimitra Karamanides - 2005 - New York: Rosen Pub. Group.
    The early years -- The traveling student -- Egypt and Babylon -- A return to Greece -- The Pythagorean school -- Pythagorean thought -- Pythagoras' legacy.
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    Symphonia und politike Asymphonia. Randgruppen im Rahmen der Gesellschaft der Spätantike.Dimitra Karamboula - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):481-508.
    Antike Idealtypologien sprechen von Gemeinschaft der Bürger (ϰοινωνία πολιτιϰή) und sozialer Harmonie (σνμφωνία), wenn sie über den autarken Staat sprechen, einen Staat, der die Fähigkeit besitzt, seinen Zweck zu erfüllen, d. h. das εν ζην zu ermöglichen. Die Bürgerschaft wird mit einem disziplinierten, gut eingestimmten Chor verglichen. Dion von Prusa lobt die Bürger einer Stadt, da sie eine Kleidung trügen, eine Sprache sprächen und die gleichen Ziele hätten. Diese Vorstellungen von Gleichheit, ισóτης, ισονομια oder ομóνοια spiegeln stets nur eine Idee (...)
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  15.  22
    Antony Eastmond, Art and Identity in thirteenth-century Byzantium.Dimitra Kotoula - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (1):197-201.
  16.  12
    Jessica Pierce. Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016.Dimitra Kountaki - 2019 - Conatus 4 (1):137.
    In her book Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets, bioethicist Jessica Pierce attempts to explore a narrower field of Animal Ethics, the ethics of keeping pets, as the title indicates. Τhere has not been much research in this field, although contemporary literature has dealt with certain issues within its context, such as the issue of euthanasia. The author states that her main aim is to lead the reader, by the time he reaches the last page of the book, (...)
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  17.  15
    (1 other version)Agora de Thasos : la gestion de l’eau de l’Antiquité à nos jours.Dimitra Malamidou & Natacha Trippé - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):767-768.
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  18.  23
    Les poteries néolithiques à décor peint « noir sur rouge » en Grèce du Nord : matières premières et production.Dimitra Malamidou, Zoï Tsirtsonis, Paraskevi Yiouni, Laurent Lespez, Vassilis Kilikoglou & Alexandra Τsolakidou - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (2):571-611.
    Το άρθρο αυτό παρουσιάζει τους σκοπούς και τα κύρια αποτελέσματα ενός διατμηματικού ερευνητικού προγράμματος για τη μελέτη της κεραμικής με διακόσμηση «μελανού επί ερυθρού», ένα χαρακτηριστικό της Νεότερης Νεολιθικής περίοδο (4800/4700 -3900/3800 π.Χ.) στην βόρεια Ελλάδα. Από την μακροσκοπική μελέτη μπορούμε να ξεχωρίσουμε τέσσερις τύπους κεραμικής, που καλύπτουν την ανατολική Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη, την Μέση και την άνω κοιλάδα του Στρυμώνα, την κεντρική Μακεδονία και την δυτική Μακεδονία. Η εκτενέστερη μελέτη του πρώτου τύπου, που τεκμηριώνεται καλύτερα από τους άλλους (...)
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  19.  68
    Reading Platonic Myths from a Ritualistic Point of View: Gyges' Ring and the Cave Allegory.Dimitra Mitta - 2003 - Kernos 16:133-141.
  20.  36
    Urteilskraft und Vernunft. Kants Ursprüngliche Fragestellung.Dimitra Mitta - 1992 - Philosophical Inquiry 14 (1-2):70-76.
  21.  19
    Perceived effectiveness of conventional, non-conventional and civic forms of participation among minority and majority youth.Dimitra Pachi & Martyn Barrett - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (3):345-359.
    The existing literature on political and civic participation has tended to neglect individuals’ judgements about the effectiveness of specific forms of participation, focusing instead on the role of internal, external and collective efficacy in driving levels of participation. The present study examined young people’s judgements of the effectiveness of specific forms of conventional, non-conventional and civic participation and the reasons which are given for these judgements. Fourteen focus groups were conducted with English, Bangladeshi and Congolese young people aged between 16 (...)
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  22.  9
    L'hypothèse platonicienne.Dimitra Panopoulos - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Nietzsche présente sa philosophie comme "un platonisme inversé". Deleuze reprend ce fil et ouvre ainsi l'espace contemporain de cette injonction : "la tâche de la philosophie moderne a été définie : renversement du platonisme. Que ce renversement conserve beaucoup de caractères platoniciens n'est pas seulement inévitable, mais souhaitable." Il s'agit avant tout de suivre le fil des reconstructions de ce nom dans l'espace des philosophies contemporaines, afin d'en saisir et de mettre en évidence la (...)
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  23. The Althusser Fact : For Madness Creates no Right - On the Secularization of Law.Dimitra Panopoulos - 2013 - In Laurent De Sutter, Althusser and Law. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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  24.  12
    Isotopic Analysis and Intentionality.Dimitra Sarakatsianou & Nikolaos Myridis - forthcoming - Semiotics:9-25.
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  25.  33
    Generalizing About Striking Properties: Do Glippets Love to Play With Fire?Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Napoleon Katsos & Linnaea Stockall - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Two experiments investigated whether 4- and 5-year-old children are sensitive to whether the content of a generalization is about a salient or noteworthy property (henceforth “striking”) and whether varying the number of exceptions has any effect on children’s willingness to extend a property after having heard a generalization. Moreover, they investigated how the content of a generalization interacts with exception tolerance. Adult data were collected for comparison. We used generalizations to describe novel kinds (e.g., “glippets”) that had either a neutral (...)
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  26.  48
    Genericity is Easy? Formal and Experimental Perspectives.Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Napoleon Katsos & Linnaea Stockall - 2015 - Ratio 28 (4):470-494.
    In this paper, we compare the formal semantics approach to genericity, within which genericity is viewed as a species of quantification, and a growing body of experimental and developmental work on the topic, mainly by psychologists rather than linguists, proposing that genericity is categorically different from quantification. We argue that this generics-as-default hypothesis is much less well supported by evidence than its supporters contend, and that a research program combining theoretical and experimental research methods and considerations in the same studies (...)
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  27.  22
    Eugenics between Darwin’s Εra and the Holocaust.George Boutlas, Dimitra Chousou, Daniela Theodoridou, Anna Batistatou, Christos Yapijakis & Maria Syrrou - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):171.
    Heredity and reproduction have always been matters of concern. Eugenics is a story that began well before the Holocaust, but the Holocaust completely changed the way eugenics was perceived at that time. What began with Galton as a scientific movement aimed at the improvement of the human race based on the theories and principles of heredity and statistics became by the beginning of the 20th century an international movement that sought to engineer human supremacy. Eugenic ideas, however, trace back to (...)
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  28. A new look at the ‘Generic Overgeneralisation’ effect.Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Linnaea Stockall & Napoleon Katsos - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (9):1655–1681.
    While generic generalisations have been studied by linguists and philosophers for decades, they have only recently become the focus of concentrated interest by cognitive and developmental psychologists, who propose the generics-as-default view. In this paper we focus on the ‘Generic Overgeneralisation’ (GOG) effect proposed by Leslie and colleagues and the native speaker judgments that have been used to support it, and by extension, the generics-as-default view. We take a step back to look at the history of the GOG effect in (...)
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  29.  17
    Divergently Seeking Clarification: The Emergence of Clarification Interaction.Jonathan Ginzburg & Dimitra Kolliakou - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (2):335-366.
    Clarification requests, queries posed in response to a “problematic” (misheard, misunderstood, etc.) utterance, are a challenge to mainstream semantic theories because they call into question notions such as “shared content” or “the context.” Given their strong parallelism requirements, elliptical clarification requests introduce in addition significant complexities concerning the need for long-term maintenance of non-semantic information in context. In this paper, we consider a puzzle concerning the emergence of elliptical clarification requests in child English: Data from the Belfast and Manchester corpora (...)
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    Euripides' Women - Chong-Gossard Gender and Communication in Euripides' Plays. Between Song and Silence. Pp. x + 263. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Cased, €89, US$142. ISBN: 978-90-04-16880-0. [REVIEW]Dimitra Kokkini - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):24-25.
  31.  18
    Classics and children's fiction - (c.) Nelson, (A.) morey topologies of the classical world in children's fiction. Palimpsests, maps, and fractals. Pp. XII + 267, ills. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2019. Cased, £70, us$90. Isbn: 978-0-19-884603-1. [REVIEW]Dimitra Fimi - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):231-234.
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    Thomas Green, Concepts of Arthur. Stroud, Eng.: Tempus, 2007. Paper. Pp. 282; tables. £18.99. [REVIEW]Dimitra Fimi - 2009 - Speculum 84 (3):722-724.
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    A new edition of euripides’ hecuba - battezzato euripides: Hecuba. Pp. X + 287. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2018. Paper, £23.99, us$29.99 . Isbn: 978-0-521-13864-2. [REVIEW]Dimitra Kokkini - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (1):29-30.
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    Liapis V. A Commentary of the Rhesus Attributed to Euripides. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. lxxviii + 364. £90. 9780199591688. [REVIEW]Dimitra Kokkini - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:172-173.
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    Philosophie der humanen Welt. Abhandlungen. [REVIEW]Dimitra Mitta - 1990 - Philosophical Inquiry 12 (3-4):77-79.
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    Ambiguity in Argumentation: The Impact of Contextual Factors on Semantic Interpretation.Petros Stefaneas & Dimitra Serakioti - 2022 - Studia Humana 11 (3-4):18-24.
    This article is concerned with the concept of ambiguity in argumentation. Ambiguity in linguistics lies on the coexistence of two possibly interpretations of an utterance, while the role of contextual factors and background/encyclopedic knowledge within a specific society seems to be crucial. From a systemic point of view, Halliday has proposed three main language functions (meta-functions): a) ideational function, b) interpersonal function, c) textual function. Language could reflect speaker’s experience of his external and internal world, interpersonal relationships and organization of (...)
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    Aristotle's Wondering Children.Ioannis Alysandratos, Dimitra Balla, Despina Konstantinidi & Panagiotis Thanassas - 2019 - Politeia 1 (3):68-81.
    Wonder is undoubtedly a term that floats around in today’s academic discussion both on ancient philosophy and on philosophy of education. Back in the 4th century B.C., Aristotle underlined the fact that philosophy begins in wonder, without being very specific about the conditions and the effects of its emergence. He focused a great deal on children’s education, emphasizing its fundamental role in human beings’ moral fulfillment, though he never provided a systematic account of children’s moral status. The aim of this (...)
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  38.  26
    Espoused Values of the “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For”: Essential Themes and Implementation Practices.Peter G. Dominick, Dimitra Iordanoglou, Gregory Prastacos & Richard R. Reilly - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):69-88.
    This study identifies and describes the values espoused by the 62 companies that have consistently appeared on the “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For” list. We identify 24 separate values and offer an analysis of the keywords and phrases used to promote them. We confirm that these values fall within the categories of four well-accepted theoretical frameworks of corporate values and culture. We then provide evidence for three underlying dimensions transcending all four models. They are values that guide relationships (...)
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  39. Diverse Fates in Homer: How Are They Meant to Be?Chunpeng Hao & Dimitra Amarantidou - 2024 - Philosophy and Literature 48 (2):417-423.
    In Greek, moira means "share, portion of something" and it is related to "part, lot" (meros), to "receiving one's share" (meiresthai), and to "doom" (moros). Mortal humans generally accept that fate as "lot" refers to one's life or limitedness. For immortal gods, fate is a god's share in power, manifest as the domain under their respective control (e.g., Zeus of the sky, Poseidon of the sea, and Hades of the underworld).1But was the power of Zeus, the father and king of (...)
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  40.  40
    La production des poteries néolithiques à décor peint « noir sur rouge » en Grèce du Nord.Vassilis Kilikoglou, Dimitra Malamidou, Zoï Tsirtsonis, Alexandra Tsolakidou & Paraskevi Yiouni - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):547-549.
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    La production des poteries néolithiques à décor peint « noir sur rouge» en Grèce du Nord.Laurent Lespez, Dimitra Malamidou, Zoï Tsirtsonis & Paraskevi Yiouni - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (2):630-632.
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  42.  20
    Une nouvelle phase d’occupation à Dikili Tash.Zoï Tsirtsoni & Dimitra Malamidou - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:487-541.
    Les fouilles conduites en 2013 à Dikili Tash dans le secteur 6 ont mis en évidence une nouvelle phase d’occupation. Deux fosses et leur sol environnant se trouvent dans une position stratigraphique intermédiaire entre la couche de destruction de la fin du Néolithique Récent et les premières structures du Bronze Ancien. Parmi les quelque 80 vases ou fragments collectés dans le remblai, plusieurs ont des parallèles sur des sites de Thasos et des Rhodopes dans des niveaux du Néolithique/Chalcolithique Final. Les (...)
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  43. Are Generics Defaults? A Study on the Interpretation of Generics and Universals in 3 Age- Groups of Spanish-Speaking Individuals.Elena Castroviejo, José V. Hernández-Conde, Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Marta Ponciano & Agustin Vicente - 2022 - Language Learning and Development 10.
    This paper reports an experiment that investigates interpretive distinctions between two different expressions of generalization in Spanish. In particular, our aim was to find out when the distinction between generic statements (GS) such as Tigers have stripes and universally quantified statements (UQS) such as All tigers have stripes was acquired in Spanish-speaking children of two different age groups (4/5-year-olds and 8/9-year-olds), and then compare these results with those of adults. The starting point of this research was the semantic distinction between (...)
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    Recensions.Jérôme Flas, Johan Kalonji, Clémence Mercier, Peter Reynaert, Valeria Bizzari, Dimitra-Mimika Koulaxidi & Remy Rizzo - forthcoming - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
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    The Ecological Silence: Producing Green Policies outside the Environmental Discourse.Boris Popivanov, Dimitar Ganev, Dimitra Voeva & Emil Markov - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):23-44.
    The development of the green policies of the European Union (EU) has established a framework in which national governments had to introduce environmental measures with serious social and economic consequences. The present article examines the relationship political initiative – environmental awareness – pro-environmental behavior through the prism of a specific case study related to the 2023 protests in Bulgaria against the closure of coal plants. The analysis of public attitudes and of media discourse reveals that the Bulgarian government avoided legitimizing (...)
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  46.  42
    Teaching (Chinese/Non-Western) Philosophy as Philosophy.Paul J. D’Ambrosio, Dimitra Amarantidou & Tim Connolly - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (4):513-534.
    In this paper we argue that the approach for teaching non-Western, and specifically Chinese philosophy to undergraduate Western students, does not have to be significantly different than that for teaching philosophies from “Western” traditions. Four areas will be explored. Firstly, we look at debates on teaching non-Western philosophy from the perspective of themes or traditions, suggesting that, as an overarching guideline, it is mote discussion. Secondly, in terms of making generalizations, we argue that no more explanation of the “Chineseness” of (...)
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    (3 other versions)Dikili Tash.Pascal Darcque, Haïdo Koukouli-Chryssanthaki, Dimitra Malamidou & Zoï Tsirtsonis - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):529-541.
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    The power of the unexpected: Prediction errors enhance stereotype-based learning.Johanna K. Falbén, Marius Golubickis, Dimitra Tsamadi, Linn M. Persson & C. Neil Macrae - 2023 - Cognition 235 (C):105386.
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    Andrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi+ 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80. Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white. [REVIEW]Victor Bers, Rachel Bowlby, Claude Calame, Viccy Coltman, Katharina Comoth & Joan Breton Connelly - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):345-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAndrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi + 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80.Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white figs. Paper, €15.Bartsch, Shadi, and David Wray, eds. Seneca and the Self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ix + 304 pp. (...)
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    Tolkien, Race and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits. By Dimitra Fimi.Verlyn Flieger - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):408 - 409.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 408-409, June 2012.
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