Results for 'Dominik Neff'

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  1.  31
    Somatosensory Stimulus Intensity Encoding in Borderline Personality Disorder.Kathrin Malejko, Dominik Neff, Rebecca C. Brown, Paul L. Plener, Martina Bonenberger, Birgit Abler, Georg Grön & Heiko Graf - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Holding Out and Hanging On: Surviving Hurricane Katrina.Thomas Neff - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    Neff's gripping images and poignant narratives are the stories that New Orleans citizens told one another - a view of the disaster not captured by the news cameras - and pho.
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    Embodying integration: a fresh look at Christianity in the therapy room.Megan Anna Neff - 2020 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press. Edited by Mark R. McMinn.
    Representing two generations of counselor education and practice, Megan Anna Neff and Mark McMinn provide practitioners with a fresh look at integration in a postmodern world. Modeling how to engage hard questions, they consider how different theological views, gendered perspectives, and cultures integrate with psychology and counseling.
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    Introduction: Daring to Dream.John Hallmark Neff - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):857-859.
    In the absence of shared beliefs and even common interests, it should not be surprising that so much of the well-intentioned art acquired for public spaces has failed—failed as art and as art for a civic site. The conventional wisdom of simply choosing “the best artist” and then turning him or her loose to create a work within time and budget guidelines lost much credibility with the drama of Richard Serra’s Tilted Arc commission: the process of selection, erection, litigation, rejection, (...)
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    Vital and enchanted: Jane Bennett and new materialism for nursing philosophy and practice.Ian Neff - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12273.
    Nursing theories are typically anthropocentric and emphasize caring for a person as a unitary whole. They maintain the dualisms of human–nonhuman, natural–social and material–ideal. Recent developments in nonhuman ontology question the utility of that approach. One important philosopher in this new materialism is political theorist Jane Bennett. In this paper, I explore Bennett's vital materialism and enchantment as two concepts arising from the nonhuman turn that should inform nursing philosophy. Vital materialism considers the lively power of matter to affect the (...)
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  6. Education and the speculative function of philosophy.Frederick C. Neff - 1969 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 1 (2):41–52.
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    Philosophy and American education.Frederick C. Neff - 1966 - New York,: Center for Applied Research in Education.
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    Shared vision promotes family firm performance.John E. Neff - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Research Prioritization and the Potential Pitfall of Path Dependencies in Coral Reef Science.Mark William Neff - 2014 - Minerva 52 (2):213-235.
    Studies of how scientists select research problems suggest the process involves weighing a number of factors, including funding availability, likelihood of success versus failure, and perceived publishability of likely results, among others. In some fields, a strong personal interest in conducting science to bring about particular social and environmental outcomes plays an important role. Conservation biologists are frequently motivated by a desire that their research will contribute to improved conservation outcomes, which introduces a pair of challenging questions for managers of (...)
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    An Aristocratic Copy of a Mendicant Text: James of Milan's Stimulus amoris in 1293.Amy Neff - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):235-250.
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    A Revolution in European Poetry. 1660-1900.Emery Neff - 1941 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 1 (2):136-137.
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  12. Carlyle and Mill: Mystic and Utilitarian.Emery Neff - 1924 - Columbia University Press.
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    Community Psychology: A New Academic and Professional Specialty in Psychology.Walter Neff - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
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    (1 other version)Filosofický slovník pro samouky, neboli, Antigorgias.Vladimír Neff - 1948 - Prague: Družstevní práce.
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  15. How to eat an elephant; or, There's life outside academia.Rachel Neff - 2018 - In Joseph Fruscione & Kelly J. Baker (eds.), Succeeding outside the academy: career paths beyond the humanities, social sciences, and STEM. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
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    L'Esthetique d'Emerson.Emery Neff & Regis Michaud - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (26):715.
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    'Palma dabit palmam': Franciscan themes in a devotional manuscript.Amy Neff - 2002 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 65 (1):22-66.
  18. Prisoners of War in International Law: The Nineteenth Century.Stephen C. Neff - 2010 - In Sibylle Scheipers (ed.), Prisoners in War. Oxford University Press.
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    Perceived size change in a masking paradigm with heightened contrast.Karen L. Neff & Robert H. Pollack - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (4):287-290.
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    Rejoinder to George McClure.Warrena Neff - 1966 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 4 (3):346-351.
  21. The Dialogus Beatae Mariae et Anselmi de Passione Domini. Toward an Attribution.Amy Neff - 1986 - Miscellanea Francescana 86 (1):105-108.
  22. The Internet: A dream of freedom?O. Neff - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46 (1):73-83.
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  23. The Ills of Man Writ Large: Hythloday's Diagnosis and Solution in Thomas More's Utopia.Elisa Torres Neff - 2021 - In Terence J. Kleven (ed.), Faith and Reason in the Reformations. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  24. Accuracy and Credal Imprecision.Dominik Berger & Nilanjan Das - 2019 - Noûs 54 (3):666-703.
    Many have claimed that epistemic rationality sometimes requires us to have imprecise credal states (i.e. credal states representable only by sets of credence functions) rather than precise ones (i.e. credal states representable by single credence functions). Some writers have recently argued that this claim conflicts with accuracy-centered epistemology, i.e., the project of justifying epistemic norms by appealing solely to the overall accuracy of the doxastic states they recommend. But these arguments are far from decisive. In this essay, we prove some (...)
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  25. De-Facto Science Policy in the Making: How Scientists Shape Science Policy and Why it Matters (or, Why STS and STP Scholars Should Socialize).Thaddeus R. Miller & Mark W. Neff - 2013 - Minerva 51 (3):295-315.
    Science and technology (S&T) policy studies has explored the relationship between the structure of scientific research and the attainment of desired outcomes. Due to the difficulty of measuring them directly, S&T policy scholars have traditionally equated “outcomes” with several proxies for evaluation, including economic impact, and academic output such as papers published and citations received. More recently, scholars have evaluated science policies through the lens of Public Value Mapping, which assesses scientific programs against societal values. Missing from these approaches is (...)
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    Credence as doxastic tendency.Dominik Kauss - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4495-4518.
    This paper addresses the ongoing debate over the relation between belief and credence. A proposal is made to reverse the currently predominant order of analysis, by taking belief as conceptually basic and credence as the phenomenon to be clarified. In brief, the proposal is to explicate an agent’s credence in a proposition P as the agent’s tendency toward believing P. Platitudinous as this reduction may seem, it runs counter to all of the major positions in the debate, including the Threshold (...)
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    Zweifel und Gewissheit: Skeptische Debatten im Mittelalter (Philosophische Abhandlungen, Bd. 92).Dominik Perler - 2006 - Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann.
    Zweifel und Gewissheit: Skeptische Debatten im Mittelalter (Philosophische Abhandlungen, Bd. 92).
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    Ethics program evaluation: The Virginia hospital ethics fellows example. [REVIEW]Martha Neff-Smith, Scott Giles, Edward M. Spencer & John C. Fletcher - 1997 - HEC Forum 9 (4):375-388.
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    The Growth of Philosophical Radicalism. [REVIEW]Emery Neff - 1929 - Journal of Philosophy 26 (15):414-417.
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    Theorien der Intentionalität im Mittelalter.Dominik Perler - 2002 - Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann.
    Die Intentionalitätsproblematik steht nicht nur im Mittelpunkt der heutigen philosophischen und kognitionstheoretischen Debatten. Sie wurde bereits im Mittelalter scharfsinnig diskutiert, ja die scholastischen Autoren prägten als Erste die Fachausdrücke "Intentionalität" und "intentionale Existenz" und entwarfen verschiedene Modelle, um das Rätsel der kognitiven Bezugnahme zu lösen. Dieses Buch stellt fünf einflußreiche Intentionalitätsmodelle vor, die im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert entstanden sind. Dabei werden so unterschiedliche Autoren wie Thomas von Aquin, Petrus Johannes Olivi, Dietrich von Freiberg, Johannes Duns Scotus, Petrus Aureoli, Hervaeus (...)
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    Suárez on the Unity of Material Substances.Dominik Perler - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (3):143-167.
    Many late medieval Aristotelians assumed that a natural substance has several substantial forms in addition to matter as really distinct parts. This assumption gave rise to a unity problem: why is a substance more than a conglomeration of all these parts? This paper discusses Francisco Suárez’s answer. It first shows that he rejected the idea that there is a plurality of forms, emphasizing instead that each substance has a single form and hence a single structuring principle. It then examines his (...)
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  32. Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality.Dominik Perler (ed.) - 2001 - Leiden: Brill.
    This volume analyses ancient and medieval theories of intentionality in various contexts: perception, imagination, and intellectual thinking.
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  33. Talking about Tolerance: A New Strategy for Dealing with Student Relativism.Dominik Balg - 2020 - Teaching Philosophy 43 (2):1-16.
    Student relativism is a widespread phenomenon in philosophy classes. While the exact nature of student relativism is controversially discussed, many authors agree on two points: First, it is widely agreed that SR is a rather problematic phenomenon, because it potentially undermines the very purpose of doing philosophy—if there is no objective truth, arguing seems to be pointless. Second, it is widely agreed that there will be some close connection between SR and a tolerant attitude towards conflicting opinions. In this paper, (...)
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    A Rational Agent With Our Evidence.Dominik Kauss - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (7):2803-2824.
    This paper discusses a scenario borrowed from Williamson (2000) and repurposes it to argue for the possibility of conflict between two _prima facie_ categorical norms of epistemic rationality: the norm to respect one’s evidence and the norm to be coherent. It is argued, _pace_ Williamson, that in the conflict defining the scenario, the evidence norm overrides the coherence norm; that a rational agent with our evidence would lack evidence about some of their own credences; and that for agents whose evidence (...)
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  35.  27
    Eine Person sein. Philosophische Debatten im Spätmittelalter.Dominik Perler - 2019 - Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann.
    Was ist eine menschliche Person? Durch welche besonderen Eigenschaften zeichnet sie sich aus? Und wodurch unterscheidet sie sich von einem blossen Lebewesen? Mittelalterliche Autoren widmeten sich mit viel Scharfsinn diesen Fragen, indem sie sich auf drei Dimensionen einer Person konzentrierten. Sie setzten bei der metaphysischen Dimension an, indem sie eine Person als eine individuelle Substanz mit einer rationalen Natur bestimmten. Dies fuhrte sie dazu, diese Substanz genauer zu untersuchen: ihre wesentlichen Bestandteile, ihre Einheit und ihre Identitat uber die Zeit hinweg. (...)
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    Legitimation Work Within a Cross-Sector Social Partnership.Dominik Rueede & Karin Kreutzer - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):39-58.
    This study illuminates how a cross-sector social partnership legitimizes itself toward multiple internal and external stakeholders. Within a single-case study design, we collected retrospective and real time data on the partnership between Deutsche Post DHL and The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Within this partnership, Deutsche Post DHL provides corporate volunteers that support disaster response after natural disasters on a pro bono basis. The main objects that needed legitimacy as well as the audiences from which legitimacy (...)
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    Toleranz - was müssen wir aushalten?Dominik Balg - 2021 - Heidelberg, Deutschland: Metzler.
    Toleranz – eine Haltung, die in westlichen Gesellschaften wie kaum eine andere mit Nachdruck gefordert und mit Vehemenz verteidigt wird. Insbesondere eine tolerante Haltung gegenüber fremden Ansichten, Standpunkten und Überzeugungen wird von vielen als unverzichtbare Bedingung für das Gelingen eines demokratischen Miteinanders angesehen. Gleichzeitig wird kontrovers diskutiert, wo eigentlich die Grenzen einer toleranten Pluralität verschiedener Meinungen gezogen werden sollen. Welche Ansichten sind noch tolerabel, und welche nicht? Mit Blick auf aktuelle gesellschaftliche Diskurse und vor dem Hintergrund umfassender Kenntnisse der philosophischen (...)
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    Occasionalismus. Theorien der Kausalität im arabisch-islamischen und im europäischen Denken.Dominik Perler & Ulrich Rudolph - 2000 - Göttingen, Deutschland: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Edited by Ulrich Rudolph.
    Thomas von Aquin reagierte im 13. Jahrhundert als erster europäischer Theologe auf den Occasionalismus, der sich im arabisch-islamischen Denken vom 8. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert entwickelte, und begann damit die bis in das 17. Jahrhundert fortdauernde Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema. Die Autoren stellen in chronologischer Reihenfolge die gesamte arabisch-islamische und europäische Diskussion vor.
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  39. From Oughts to Goals: A Logic for Enkrasia.Dominik Klein & Alessandra Marra - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (1):85-128.
    This paper focuses on the Enkratic principle of rationality, according to which rationality requires that if an agent sincerely and with conviction believes she ought to X, then X-ing is a goal in her plan. We analyze the logical structure of Enkrasia and its implications for deontic logic. To do so, we elaborate on the distinction between basic and derived oughts, and provide a multi-modal neighborhood logic with three characteristic operators: a non-normal operator for basic oughts, a non-normal operator for (...)
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    Why Be Virtuous? Towards a Healthy Epistemic Social Environment.Dominik Jarczewski - 2024 - Logos and Episteme 15 (2):163-183.
    The paper argues that, although the role of responsibilist epistemic virtues is unclear in the framework of traditional knowledge-centred individualist and idealised epistemology, it can be properly understood if one considers other epistemic goods and activities, adopts insights from social epistemology, and acknowledges the non-ideality of our epistemic world. It proposes to explain the value of epistemic virtues in terms of their contribution to a healthy epistemic social environment. Specifically, it is argued that responsibilist virtues are essential (1) for respecting (...)
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  41.  29
    Faculties in Medieval Philosophy.Dominik Perler - 2015 - In The Faculties: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 97-139.
    What kind of entities are faculties? How are they related to the soul and to the entire living being? How can they be classified? And in what sense are they responsible for a large variety of activities? This chapter examines these questions, which were extensively discussed by scholastic authors, and focuses on the metaphysical models established by William of Auvergne, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, and Francisco Suárez. It argues that there was no unified scholastic doctrine. While some authors (e.g. (...)
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    Information-geometric approach to inferring causal directions.Dominik Janzing, Joris Mooij, Kun Zhang, Jan Lemeire, Jakob Zscheischler, Povilas Daniušis, Bastian Steudel & Bernhard Schölkopf - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 182-183 (C):1-31.
  43. Weniger ist mehr. Das Aufgeben philosophischer Einstellungen als Ziel argumentativer Auseinandersetzungen im Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht.Dominik Balg - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Didaktik der Philosophie Und Ethik 4:93-104.
    Dass das Verständnis von und die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit argumentativen Zusammenhängen für den Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht von besonderer Bedeutung ist, ist unumstritten. Ebenso unumstritten ist es, dass es sich bei der schulischen Vermittlung von Argumentationskompetenzen um keinen Selbstzweck handelt, sondern dass Lernende vor dem Hintergrund der erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu einer fundierten Meinungsbildung befähigt werden sollen. In diesem Artikel argumentiere ich vor dem Hintergrund neuerer Ergebnisse der erkenntnistheoretischen Forschung dafür, dass das soeben skizzierte Bild jedoch einer grundlegenden Ergänzung bedarf, (...)
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  44. The picture story and biography of Tom Paine.Grace Neff Brett - 1965 - Chicago,: Follett Pub. Col.. Edited by Robert Frankenberg.
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    The development of intra-serial relationships in rote learning.M. Hertzman & W. S. Neff - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (4):389.
  46.  8
    The influence of French thought on Feijoo..Charles Neff Staubach - 1938 - [Iowa City, Ia.,: [Iowa City, Ia..
    Feijóo on Cartesianism; a chapter on French influence in Spain.--Feijóo and Malebranche.--The influence of Pierre Bayle on Feijóo.--Fontenelle in the writings of Feijóo.
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    Upsetting the Foundations for Mathematics.Lawrence Neff Stout - 2005 - Philosophia Scientiae 9 (2):5-21.
    Commençant par une revue sommaire des types de questions qu’une fondation des mathématiques devrait poser, cet article présente premièrement une critique des fondements basés sur la théorie des ensembles, puis propose l’idée que plusieurs fondements catégoriques, reliés les uns aux autres, seraient plus avantageux, et finalement indique une méthode pour retrouver la théorie des ensembles à travers une approche catégorique.
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  48. An Interprofessional Journal on HealthCare Institutions' Ethical and Legal Issues.Robin Fretwell Wilson & Martha Neff-Smith - forthcoming - Hec Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Hospitals' Ethical and Legal Issues.
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    Suárez on Consciousness.Dominik Perler - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (3-4):261-286.
    It seems quite natural that we have cognitive access not only to things around us, but also to our own acts of perceiving and thinking. How is this access possible? How is it related to the access we have to external things? And how certain is it? This paper discusses these questions by focusing on Francisco Suárez’s theory, which gives an account of various forms of access to oneself and thereby presents an elaborate theory of consciousness. It argues that Suárez (...)
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  50. Convergence, Continuity and Recurrence in Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Dominik Klein & Rasmus K. Rendsvig - 2017 - In Alexandru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman & Tomoyuki Yamada (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI 2017, Sapporo, Japan). Springer. pp. 108-122.
    The paper analyzes dynamic epistemic logic from a topological perspective. The main contribution consists of a framework in which dynamic epistemic logic satisfies the requirements for being a topological dynamical system thus interfacing discrete dynamic logics with continuous mappings of dynamical systems. The setting is based on a notion of logical convergence, demonstratively equivalent with convergence in Stone topology. Presented is a flexible, parametrized family of metrics inducing the latter, used as an analytical aid. We show maps induced by action (...)
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