Results for 'Donald Barrett'

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  1. A Concordance to Darwin's Origin of Species.Paul H. Barrett, Donald J. Weinshank & Timothy T. Gottleber - 1982 - Journal of the History of Biology 15 (3):472-473.
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    Network relaxation as biological computation.Hon C. Kwan, Tet H. Yeap, Donald Barrett & Bai C. Jiang - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):354-356.
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    Clifford Leslie Barrett 1894-1971.Donald C. Williams - 1971 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 45:209 - 210.
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    The Hermeneutical Quest: Essays in Honor of James Luther Mays on His Sixty-fifth Birthday.Donald G. Miller - 1986 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    This long-standing series provides the guild of religion scholars a venue for publishing aimed primarily at colleagues. It includes scholarly monographs, revised dissertations, Festschriften, conference papers, and translations of ancient and medieval documents. Works cover the sub-disciplines of biblical studies, history of Christianity, history of religion, theology, and ethics. Festschriften for Karl Barth, Donald W. Dayton, James Luther Mays, Margaret R. Miles, and Walter Wink are among the seventy-five volumes that have been published. Contributors include: C. K. Barrett, (...)
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    The Futures of American Studies.Robyn Wiegman & Donald E. Pease (eds.) - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    Originating as a proponent of U.S. exceptionalism during the Cold War, American Studies has now reinvented itself, vigorously critiquing various kinds of critical hegemony and launching innovative interdisciplinary endeavors. _The Futures of American Studies_ considers the field today and provides important deliberations on what it might yet become. Essays by both prominent and emerging scholars provide theoretically engaging analyses of the postnational impulse of current scholarship, the field's historical relationship to social movements, the status of theory, the state of higher (...)
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    A Concordance To Darwin's The Expression Of The Emotions In Man And Animals By Paul Barrett; Donald J. Weinshank; Paul Ruhlen; Stephen J. Ozminski; Barbara N. Berghage. [REVIEW]Richard Burkhardt Jr - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):593-594.
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    Concordance to Darwin's Origin of Species, First Edition. Paul H. Barrett, Donald J. Weinshank, Timothy T. Gottleber. [REVIEW]Ernst Mayr - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):476-477.
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    Review of Facets of Buddhism, by Shotaro Iida ; Li Ao: Buddhist, Taoist, or Neo-Confucian?, by T. H. Barrett ; and Spirituality & Emptiness, by Donald W. Mitchell. [REVIEW]Karel Werner, Whalen Lai & W. Hudson - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (2):165-170.
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    The Truth shall make you Freire.Robert Canter - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):336-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Truth Shall Make You FreireRobert CanterTeaching Contemporary Theory to Undergraduates, edited by Dianne F. Sadoff and William E. Cain; 271 pp. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1994; $19.75, paper.IThe newest title in the MLA’s Options for Teaching series, this publication is well-timed. Concerns about “classroom advocacy” and “politicized teaching” have recycled into near-critical mass, even in the mass media. The book is well-arranged, too, with a (...)
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  10. Vico's science of imagination.Donald Phillip Verene - 1981 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Preface Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) was throughout his mature years professor of Latin Eloquence at the University of Naples. His works, first written in ...
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    Republicanism, Deliberative Democracy, and Equality of Access and Deliberation.Donald Bello Hutt - 2018 - Theoria 84 (1):83-111.
    The article elaborates an original intertwined reading of republican theory, deliberative democracy and political equality. It argues that republicans, deliberative democrats and egalitarian scholars have not paid sufficient attention to a number of features present in these bodies of scholarships that relate them in mutually beneficial ways. It shows that republicanism and deliberative democracy are related in mutually beneficial ways, it makes those relations explicit, and it deals with potential objections against them. Additionally, it elaborates an egalitarian principle underpinning the (...)
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    How emotions are made: the secret life of the brain.Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2017 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
    A new theory of how the brain constructs emotions that could revolutionize psychology, health care, law enforcement, and our understanding of the human mind Emotions feel automatic, like uncontrollable reactions to things we think and experience. Scientists have long supported this assumption by claiming that emotions are hardwired in the body or the brain. Today, however, the science of emotion is in the midst of a revolution on par with the discovery of relativity in physics and natural selection in biology--and (...)
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    The Quantum Mechanics of Minds and Worlds.Jeffrey Alan Barrett - 1999 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Jeffrey Barrett presents the most comprehensive study yet of a problem that has puzzled physicists and philosophers since the 1930s.
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    Character traits and the Humean approach to ethics.Donald Ainslie - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 94 (1):79-110.
  15. The Cambridge Companion to Hume's Treatise.Donald C. Ainslie & Annemarie Butler (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Revered for his contributions to empiricism, skepticism and ethics, David Hume remains one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy. His first and broadest work, A Treatise of Human Nature, comprises three volumes, concerning the understanding, the passions and morals. He develops a naturalist and empiricist program, illustrating that the mind operates through the association of impressions and ideas. This Companion features essays by leading scholars that evaluate the philosophical content of the arguments in Hume's Treatise (...)
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    Rhetorical Philosophy in a Difficult and Dangerous Time.Donald Phillip Verene - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (3):332-335.
    ABSTRACT Philosophy combined with rhetoric offers a consolation in a time of crisis that politics cannot achieve. Political speech is guided by ideology. Philosophical speech is guided by ideas. It is the ideas that offer perspective that is so much needed in difficult and dangerous times.
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    Speculative Philosophy.Donald Phillip Verene - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Introduction: On philosophical tetralogy -- The canon of the primal scene in speculative philosophy -- Philosophical pragmatics -- Putting philosophical questions (in)to language -- Absolute knowledge and philosophical language -- The limits of argument : argument and autobiography -- Philosophical aesthetics -- Philosophical memory -- Culture, categories, and the imagination -- Metaphysical narration, science, and symbolic form -- Myth and metaphysics.
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    Beyond the Brain: How Body and Environment Shape Animal and Human Minds.Louise Barrett - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    When a chimpanzee stockpiles rocks as weapons or when a frog sends out mating calls, we might easily assume these animals know their own motivations--that they use the same psychological mechanisms that we do. But as Beyond the Brain indicates, this is a dangerous assumption because animals have different evolutionary trajectories, ecological niches, and physical attributes. How do these differences influence animal thinking and behavior? Removing our human-centered spectacles, Louise Barrett investigates the mind and brain and offers an alternative (...)
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  19.  33
    A Network Analysis of Shareholder Activism.Donald H. Schepers - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:351-356.
    This paper examines the motivation theory of Rowley and Moldoveanu (2003) on shareholder activism in the context of shareholder resolution networks. Shareholder resolution filings occur both within subnetworks as well as across subnetworks, indicating these motivations are mixed. I extend the motivational issue by also examining the response of the corporation to such activism. That resolutions might migrate from identity to interest motivated groups is examined as an element of future research.
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  20. Act vs. rule-utilitarianism.Donald C. Emmons - 1973 - Mind 82 (326):226-233.
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    Hume Studies Referees, 2007–2008.Donald Ainslie, Carla Bagnoli, Donald Baxter, Tom Beauchamp, Helen Beebee, Martin Bell, Deborah Boyle, John Bricke, Deborah Brown & Dorothy Coleman - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (2):323-324.
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  22.  40
    AIDS and Sex: Is Warning a Moral Obligation?Donald C. Ainslie - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (1):49-66.
    Common-sense holds that morality requirespeople who know that they are infected with theHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) to disclosethis fact to their sexual partners. But manygay men who are HIV-positive do not disclose,and AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) promotepublic-health policies based on safer sex byall, rather than disclosure by those who knowthat they are infected. The paper shows thatthe common-sense view follows from a minimalsexual morality based on consent. ASOs'seeming rejection of the view follows fromtheir need to take seriously widespreadweakness of will (...)
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    The.Donald A. Cress - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 54 (1):33-43.
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    The moment of evidence: an inquiry into the alleged vicious circle in the works of René Descartes.Donald A. Cress - unknown
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  25. (2 other versions)Interpretative theories of religion.Donald A. Crosby - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (4):662-663.
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    Cultural Historical Activity Theory From a Semiotic Standpoint.Donald J. Cunningham - 1999 - Semiotics:71-77.
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    Critical notices.Donald Macalister - 1883 - Mind (30):276-284.
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    A Typology of Historical Theories.Donald Ostrowski - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (129):127-145.
    The historical literature of the past two centuries testifies to disputes about what historical knowledge is and the relationship of the historian to it. The disputes have been fierce enough for each side to declare that any position other than its own is untenable. It would be futile to try to convince those who so staunchly defend their own ground that the other side might have a legitimate contribution to make. Yet, it might be worthwhile to classify the positions so (...)
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    Familiarization (n) as a stimulus factor in paired-associate verbal learning.Donald R. Gannon & Clyde E. Noble - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (1):14.
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    The Ground for a Scientific Ethics according to St. Thomas.Donald H. Johnson - 1963 - Modern Schoolman 40 (4):347-372.
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    The Joy and Aggravation of Being a Career Nursing Assistant.Donald Koenig - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (3):141-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Joy and Aggravation of Being a Career Nursing AssistantDonald KoenigI am a male career nursing assistant with 10 years experience. I also happen to be the Ohio Chair Person for the Male Nursing Assistants Task Force. This task force is designed to help recruit, offer continuing education, increase public awareness, and help maintain the good quality men that work as career nursing assistants.Today I want to talk to (...)
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    "True Speech".Donald Kunze - 1985 - Semiotics:688-700.
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  33. On invoking "culture" in the analysis of behavior in financial markets.Donald MacKenzie - 2017 - In Karine Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller, Cultures without culturalism: the making of scientific knowledge. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Content Approaches for Technology Education in the Secondary School of America.Donald Maley - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):186-196.
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    Unraveling the mechanism for respiratory rhythm generation.Donald R. McCrimmon, Jan-Marino Ramirez, Simon Alford & Edward J. Zuperku - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (1):6.
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    Values and Ethical Decision-making Among Professional School Students.Donald L. McCabe, Janet M. Dukerich & Jane E. Dutton - 1992 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (3):117-136.
  37. The Scent of Eternity: A Life of Hams Elliott Kirk of Baltimore.Donald G. Miller - 1989
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  38. Mijn beste Ted.Donald Mitchell - 2005 - Nexus 43.
    Het lijdt geen twijfel dat er nog veel werk moet worden verzet om methoden en middelen te vinden om deze stoutmoedige dimensie van Mahlers late verbeelding tot vrucht te brengen waarvan ik meen dat deze nog steeds niet naar behoren in onze concertzalen en opnamestudio’s te horen is geweest. Wellicht zullen Mahler-vertolkers van toekomstige generaties, met name slagwerkers, deze arbeid voortzetten. Een mooiere nalatenschap kan ik me niet wensen. Bovendien, als we in de toekomst Mahlers koebellen kunnen horen als symbool (...)
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  39. Austin and Sense Data.Donald David Todd - 1967 - Dissertation, The University of British Columbia (Canada)
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    Bibliography.Donald Phillip Verene - 2003 - In Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake. Berghahn Books. pp. 241-254.
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    Chronology.Donald Phillip Verene - 2003 - In Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake. Berghahn Books. pp. 207-220.
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    Contents.Donald Phillip Verene - 2003 - In Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake. Berghahn Books.
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    6. Chronological Table.Donald Phillip Verene - 2015 - In Vico's "New Science": A Philosophical Commentary. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 56-70.
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    Frontmatter.Donald Phillip Verene - 2003 - In Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake. Berghahn Books.
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    New Vico Studies.Donald Phillip Verene - 2007 - New Vico Studies 25:1-3.
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    On Rhetoric and Imagination as Kinds of Knowledge.Donald Phillip Verene - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:1362-1369.
    Since Descartes and Locke, theory of knowledge and the concept of rationality itself have been closely allied with the sciences, common sense, and empirical understanding. I argue: that theory of knowledge must be extended to theory of myth, to a theory of the origin of consciousness understood in cultural terms, rather than purely logical or metaphysical terms; and that this understanding of origin involves an understanding of the fundamental relationship between rationality and two forms of mind which have traditionally be (...)
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    Postface.Donald Phillip Verene - 2003 - In Knowledge of Things Human and Divine: Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake. Berghahn Books. pp. 204-206.
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    Philosophical Laughter.Donald Phillip Verene - 1984 - New Vico Studies 2:75-81.
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    Sexual love and Western morality.Donald Phillip Verene - 1972 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    Considered as a form of love, sex is clearly involved in the total set of ethical relationships that exists between persons and is therefore ethically significant.
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    3. Structure of the New Science.Donald Phillip Verene - 2015 - In Vico's "New Science": A Philosophical Commentary. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 18-26.
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