Results for 'Donato Mancini'

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  1.  28
    Legal meanings: the making and use of meaning in legal reasoning.Janet Giltrow, Frances E. Olsen & Donato Mancini (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This collection is about how law makes meaning and how meaning makes law. Through clear methodology and substantial findings, chapters expose the deficits of 'literal' meaning and the difficulties in 'ordinary' meaning, in international legal contexts and in more immediate social ones, as well as in courtrooms. Further, chapters in this volume see the challenges to national and international commitments to all speakers sharing a common meaning.
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    La «Passio» di san Donato vescovo di Arezzo, edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Pierluigi Licciardello, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2018.Donato Bono - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):554-557.
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  3. How Not to Not Change the Subject (And How to Actually Not Change the Subject).John Mancini - forthcoming - Southwest Philosophy Review.
    In 2015, ‘marriage’ was redefined in the United States to include same-sex couples. In conceptual engineering, this is often assumed to be a paradigm case of Sally Haslanger’s (2020a, 2020b) semantic amelioration. Semantic amelioration changes a concept’s content to make it better. In the case of [MARRIAGE], [MARRIAGE]’s content was broadened to include same-sex couples – which, many contend, made it morally better. Semantic amelioration faces the following challenge, however: Doesn’t changing a concept’s content ‘change the subject?’ By broadening [MARRIAGE]’s (...)
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    Poor judgment of distance between nociceptive stimuli.Flavia Mancini, Hannah Steinitz, James Steckelmacher, Gian Domenico Iannetti & Patrick Haggard - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):41-47.
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    When Grammar and Parsing Agree.Simona Mancini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  6. Logical Abductivism on Abductive Logic.Filippo Mancini - 2024 - Synthese 203 (188):1-23.
    Logical abductivism is the epistemic view about logic according to which logical theories are justified by abduction (or Inference to the Best Explanation), that is on how well they explain the relevant evidence, so that the correct logical theory turns out to be the one that explains it best. Arguably, this view should be equally applied to both deductive and non-deductive logics, abduction included. But while there seems to be nothing wrong in principle in using abduction to determine the correct (...)
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    The Elaborated Environmental Stress Hypothesis as a Framework for Understanding the Association Between Motor Skills and Internalizing Problems: A Mini-Review.Vincent O. Mancini, Daniela Rigoli, John Cairney, Lynne D. Roberts & Jan P. Piek - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  8.  17
    A biosemiotics perspective on dogs’ interaction with interfaces.Clara Mancini - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (2):201-224.
    Understanding how animals might make sense of the interfaces they interact with is important to inform the design of animal-centered interactions. In this regard, biosemiotics provides a useful lens through which to examine animals’ interactions with interfaces and the sensemaking mechanisms that might underpin such interactions. This paper leverages Uexküll’s Umwelt theory, Peirce’s logic of sign relations and Gibson’s theory of affordances to analyze examples of dogs’ interactions with interfaces, particularly the role of the semiotic mechanisms of indexicality and isomorphism. (...)
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    The Conscience Wars: Rethinking the Balance Between Religion, Identity, and Equality.Susanna Mancini & Michel Rosenfeld (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this work, Professors Rosenfeld and Mancini have brought together an impressive group of authors to provide a comprehensive analysis on the greater demand for religions exemptions to government mandates. Traditional religious conscientious objection cases, such as refusal to salute the flag or to serve in the military during war, had a diffused effect throughout society. In sharp contrast, these authors argue that today's most notorious objections impinge on the rights of others, targeting practices like abortion, LGTBQ adoption, and (...)
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    Comentarios sobre la cosmovisión científica en Mariano Artigas.Héctor L. Mancini - 2014 - Scientia et Fides 2 (1):59.
    Some concepts widely used in science are fundamental keys in the work of Mariano Artigas. Words like ‘order’, ‘dynamism’, ‘activity’, ‘chaos’, ‘randomness’, ‘patterns’, ‘structure’, ‘emergence’ or ‘complexity’, which are also used in other fields of thinking, have been used to build M. Artigas’ worldview. From this point of view, he presents the existence of philosophical bridges to overcome the methodological gaps between science and religion. Since the years in which Artigas wrote his work up to now, the scientific meanings of (...)
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  11. Sul Dialeteismo. Lezioni Padovane di Graham Priest Ed Altri Saggi Su L Dialeteismo.Filippo Mancini & Massimiliano Carrara - 2021 - Padua, Province of Padua, Italy: Padova University Press.
    Per il dialeteismo ci sono contraddizioni vere. Questa concezione filosofica ha assunto una forma chiara e definita a partire dal lavoro del filosofo e logico Graham Priest – uno dei suoi padri fondatori, nonché uno dei suoi più strenui difensori. Questo libro intende portare il dialeteismo all’attenzione di un ampio pubblico, che non sia solo quello degli addetti ai lavori. Il volume è suddiviso in due parti. La prima include le cinque lezioni su "Dialeteismo e storia della filosofia" tenute da (...)
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  12.  25
    When acute adversity improves psychological health: A social–contextual framework.Anthony D. Mancini - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (4):486-505.
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    Emotional depersonalization in persons with feeding and eating disorders.Milena Mancini & Giovanni Stanghellini - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:154-160.
    In a previous paper, we discussed a model that considers abnormal eating behaviour epiphenomena of a more profound disorder of lived corporeality and identity (Stanghellini and Mancini, this issue). The core idea is that persons with FEDs experience their own body first and foremost as an object being looked at by another, rather than coenaesthetically or from a first-person perspective. In this paper, alienation from one’s own emotions, disgust and shame for one’s body of persons with FED, will be (...)
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    Filosofia della religioné.Italo Mancini - 1968 - Roma,: ABETE.
    Dopo aver brevemente ripercorso la storia della filosofia della religione, Italo Mancini organizza la sua trattazione secondo i seguenti capitoli: Forme spurie, La forma pura, Ermeneutica o strutturalismo, L'essenza della religione, La fede come evento, Teoria della parola di Dio, Teoria degli eventi fondatori, Il principio della creazione, Quale fondamento, L'utopia della filosofia della religione.
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    Saggi sull'argomentazione giuridica.Massimo Mancini (ed.) - 2017 - Turin, Italy: Giappichelli.
    Analisi di più aspetti dell’argomentazione giuridica, esposti in quattro saggi. 1. La ricerca della verità nella testimonianza della vittima dei processi per stupro, partendo dalla vicenda biblica di Susanna e i vecchioni, dal processo seicentesco per lo stupro di Artemisia Gentileschi, passando per il romanzo “A Passage to India”, fino all’esame della più recente giurisprudenza (Susanna, Artemisa, Adela … ovvero la semplice verità, di Emanuele Filograna). 2. La giustificazione dialogica e monologica delle argomentazioni: confronto tra le tesi di E. Tugendhat (...)
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    Tornino i volti.Italo Mancini - 1989 - Genova: Marietti.
    "Con uno stile piano, e nello stesso tempo acceso, Italo Mancini presenta una sintesi che potrebbe raccogliersi attorno al quesito sul "che fare, adesso?", soprattutto da parte di un credente, di fronte a forme sempre più avvertite di appesantimento e di invecchiamento della Terra.
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  17. “Reductionist holism”: an oxymoron or a philosophical chimaera of E.P. Odum’s systems ecology?Donato Bergandi - 1995 - Ludus Vitalis 3 ((5)):145-180..
    The contrast between the strategies of research employed in reductionism and holism masks a radical contradiction between two different scientific philosophies. We concentrate in particular on an analysis of the key philosophical issues which give structure to holistic thought. A first (non-exhaustive) analysis of the philosophical tradition will dwell upon: a) the theory of emergence: each level of organisation is characterised by properties whose laws cannot be deduced from the laws of the inferior levels of organisation (Engels, Morgan); b) clarification (...)
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    Embodied wisdom: philosophical reflections on boxing as a formative educational practice.Renato De Donato - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (3):539-554.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the intersection between the ancient philosophical concept of àskēsis and contemporary boxing discipline, investigating boxing’s potential as an educational tool for cultivating ethics, personality, and virtues. Drawing on Hadot and Foucault’s theories, the study analyzes the ethopoietic purposes of Stoic spiritual exercises and technologies of the self, examining their relevance to modern boxing practices. By scrutinizing the cultural practices of boxing, the article elucidates how they can judiciously be employed to foster ethical (...)
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  19. Multifaceted Ecology Between Organicism, Emergentism and Reductionism.Donato Bergandi - 2011 - In Astrid Schwarz & Kurt Jax, Ecology Revisited: Reflecting on Concepts, Advancing Science. Springer. pp. 31-43.
    The classical holism-reductionism debate, which has been of major importance to the development of ecological theory and methodology, is an epistemological patchwork. At any moment, there is a risk of it slipping into an incoherent, chaotic Tower of Babel. Yet philosophy, like the sciences, requires that words and their correlative concepts be used rigorously and univocally. The prevalent use of everyday language in the holism-reductionism issue may give a false impression regarding its underlying clarity and coherence. In reality, the conceptual (...)
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    Together Against COVID-19 Concerns: The Role of the Dyadic Coping Process for Partners’ Psychological Well-Being During the Pandemic.Silvia Donato, Miriam Parise, Ariela Francesca Pagani, Margherita Lanz, Camillo Regalia, Rosa Rosnati & Raffaella Iafrate - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The situation caused by the 2019 coronavirus disease has been representing a great source of concern and a challenge to the psychological well-being of many individuals around the world. For couples in particular, this extraordinary rise in concern, combined with the stress posed by the virus containment measures, such as prolonged cohabitation and lack of support networks, may have increased the likelihood of couple problems. At the same time, however, COVID-19 concerns may have been a stimulus to activate couples’ stress (...)
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  21. The structure of idealization in biological theories: the case of the Wright-Fisher model.Xavier de Donato Rodríguez & Alfonso Arroyo Santos - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (1):11-27.
    In this paper we present a new framework of idealization in biology. We characterize idealizations as a network of counterfactual and hypothetical conditionals that can exhibit different “degrees of contingency”. We use this idea to say that, in departing more or less from the actual world, idealizations can serve numerous epistemic, methodological or heuristic purposes within scientific research. We defend that, in part, this structure explains why idealizations, despite being deformations of reality, are so successful in scientific practice. For illustrative (...)
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  22. The Relationship between Motor Skills, Perceived Social Support, and Internalizing Problems in a Community Adolescent Sample.Vincent O. Mancini, Daniela Rigoli, Brody Heritage, Lynne D. Roberts & Jan P. Piek - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Do not play God: contrasting effects of deontological guilt and pride on decision-making.Alessandra Mancini & Francesco Mancini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:147526.
    Recent accounts support the existence of two distinct feelings of guilt: altruistic guilt (AG), arising from the appraisal of not having been altruistic toward a victim and deontological guilt (DG), emerging from the appraisal of having violated an intuitive moral rule. Neuroimaging data has shown that the two guilt feelings trigger different neural networks, with DG selectively activating the insula, a brain area involved in the processing of disgust and self-reproach. Thus, insula activation could reflect the major involvement of self-reproach (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Environnement, éthique et politique : les limites d’une démocratie inaboutie et leurs conséquences néfastes sur la protection de la nature.Donato Bergandi - 2014 - Éthique Publique 16 (1):63-81.
    Environmental public policies are suffering the harmful effects of a tacit agreement between political and economical elites. Heedless of philosophical-political references, an international politico-economical oligarchic caste is largely united around dealing with environmental issues based on the sustainable development model, which is an expression of a utilitarian, anthropocentric perspective. Moreover, for this model biodiversity is in the main merely a reservoir of natural resources for human use. A dual transition – both ethical and political – is thus urgently needed to (...)
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  25. De la protection de la nature au développement durable : Genèse d'un oxymore éthique et politique.Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):103-142.
    Le concept de développement durable s’enracine dans l’histoire des mouvements de préservation de la nature et de conservation des ressources naturelles et de leurs relations avec les sciences de la nature, en particulier l’écologie. En tant que paradigme sociétal, à la fois écologique, politique et économique, il se présente comme un projet politique idéal applicable à l’ensemble des sociétés, qui prétend dépasser l’opposition entre ces deux visions profondément divergentes des relations homme‑nature. L’analyse des textes internationaux pertinents permet de dégager les (...)
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  26. Peregrinazioni di una coscienza inquieta per il ritorno della guerra in Europa.Daniele Mancini - 1999
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  27. Interpretazioni novecentesche di Thomas Hobbes.Massimo Mancini (ed.) - 1999 - Turin, Italy: Giappichelli.
    Lettura prospettica di un caposaldo del pensiero hobbesiano: il sorgere del rapporto tra l'uomo ed il potere, tra la naturale condizione umana e la nozione di civiltà, attraverso due frammenti particolarmente rappresentativi della concezione hobbesiana del passaggio dallo stato di natura alla civiltà: il tredicesimo capitolo del Leviathan, sulla condizione naturale dell'uomo, ed il quinto capitolo, sulle cause ed origini della civitas, del De cive, giacché la mera esistenza dell'uomo ed il suo riconoscimento di una legge naturale, a giudizio di (...)
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  28. Antiquum congium ponderare. Metrologia e antiquaria tra XVII e XVIII sec.L. Mancini - 2003 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 24:145-164.
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    Ancient Egyptian Wisdom for the Internet: Ancient Egyptian Justice and Ancient Roman Law Applied to the Internet.Anna Mancini - 2002 - Upa.
    Ancient Egyptian Wisdom for the Internet demonstrates that the legal philosophy and knowledge of ancient civilizations are of great value in helping us deal with the Internet. Through a challenging exploration of ancient legal knowledge this book offers new perspective on how to deal with, and best profit from the Internet.
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    Anorexia Nervosa, a multi-disciplinary approach: from biology to philosophy.Antonio Mancini, Silvia Daini & Louis Caruana (eds.) - 2010 - Nova Science Publishers.
    This is a book that attempts to propose itself as a new trigger in the wide world of anorexia nervosa. The originality of its proposal consists in approaching anorexia nervosa, not only by endocrinological and psychological perspectives, but also by anthropological, philosophical and ethical point of view. In this way it's not only an update of specific literature, but also an integration with a new method to study this condition. The purpose of the book is to approach anorexia nervosa from (...)
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    Are positive appraisals always adaptive?Anthony D. Mancini - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    A.C.S. Peacock, Mediaeval Islamic Historiography and Political Legitimacy: Balʿamī’s Tārīkhnāma.Derek J. Mancini-Lander - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (2):609-614.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 2 Seiten: 609-614.
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    Adnotationes super Lucanum 8, 618.Alessio Mancini - 2020 - Hermes 148 (3):383.
    the scholion to Lucan, “Bellum Civile” 8, 618 that is found in the “Adnotationes super Lucanum” is at first sight pointless, but it becomes immediately meaningful if we accept the idea that the scholiast commented the text by systematically comparing it with Livy’s narrative on those same events. This approach casts a new light on how these ancient commentators read Lucan and can be also useful to solve exegetical issues.
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    A textual note on propertius 2.26.23.Alessio Mancini - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):847-849.
    non, si Cambysae redeant et flumina Croesi,dicat ‘De nostro surge, poeta, toro’. In these two lines Propertius is proud to say that his puella would not dismiss him for the fabulous treasures of some dives amator. The problem is caused by the interpretation of Cambysae as given in all the manuscripts; it is difficult to understand both as a genitive singular and as a nominative plural. This form of the genitive is not, in fact, recorded before Apul. Fl. 15.12, and (...)
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  35. Beierwaltes e la trascendentalità del pensiero.Sandro Mancini - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (1):191-210.
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    Commenta Bernensia ad Lucan. 8, 824–826.Alessio Mancini - 2022 - Hermes 150 (3):376.
    the scholion of the “Commenta Bernensia” to Lucan 8, 824–826 about the Sibylline oracle concerning the prohibition for the Romans to send a military contingent to Egypt reveals both the influence of late antique commentaries cum notis variorum and the presence of allegedly genuine details about the history of the late Roman republic from sources now lost.
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  37. Classical-like description of quantum dynamics by means of symplectic tomography.Stefano Mancini, Vladimir I. Man'ko & Paolo Tombest - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (6):801-824.
    The dynamical equations of quantum mechanics are rewritten in the form of dynamical equations for the measurable, positive marginal distribution of the shifted, rotated, and squeezed quadrature introduced in the so-called “symplectic tomography”. Then the possibility of a purely classical description of a quantum system as well as a reinterpretation of the quantum measurement theory is discussed and a comparison with the well-known quasi-probabilities approach is given. Furthermore, an analysis of the properties of this marginal distribution, which contains all the (...)
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  38. Comunicazione e argomentazione giuridica.Massimo Mancini - 2014 - Rome: COM.
    Si analizza lo stretto rapporto tra il diritto (in particolare, il linguaggio giuridico) e la comunicazione fin dall'antichità, segnatamente in relazione al concetto di legittimazione della sovranità; si esaminano alcuni aspetti metodologici comunicativi (in special modo informativi) e giuridici alla luce delle loro prospettive storiche ed economiche. Si presentano ed analizzano alcuni differenti orizzonti comunicativi, quali quelli propri delle scienze economiche e, nelle scienze giuridiche, quelli connessi alla struttura proposizionale e argomentativa del discorso giuridico, con particolare riferimento alle teorie dell'argomentazione (...)
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    Critica e libertà: guida alla "Critica della ragion pura" di Immanuel Kant.Roberto Mancini - 2021 - Macerata: Eum.
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    Come leggere Maritain.Italo Mancini - 1993 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Congetture su Dio: singolarità, finalismo, potenza nella teologia razionale di Nicola Cusano.Sandro Mancini - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  42. Diritto e comunicazione tra economia e filosofia.Massimo Mancini - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (1):85-108.
    The essay analyzes the relation between Law and Communication from a philosophical point of view. The Author criticizes the position which considers Law just a deductive structure bounded in its definitions. Law is – on the contrary – an expression of social life, and so Law itself is not only a whole of apodictic proposition, but it is also the world of persuasion and probability: this means that Logic and Rhetoric are both parts of Law. Communication – thus – is (...)
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    Dio e la filosofia.Italo Mancini & Daniele Goldoni (eds.) - 1991 - Milano: Guerini.
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  44. Diritto e societa.I. Mancini - 1994 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 71 (3):517.
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    Deliberat Nero: una declamazione ‘nascosta’ in Suet. Ner. 47.2.Alessio Mancini - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):324-331.
    In a passage of the Life of Nero concerning the emperor’s indecision over what to do after the revolt of the provincial armies, it can clearly be seen that there is an influence from an argumentative structure particular to a certain type of deliberative oratory, the suasoria triplex. This influence may be due simply to Suetonius’ familiarity with the declamatory exercises in vogue at the rhetorical schools, but some hints allow us to suppose the existence of a suasoria theme that (...)
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  46. Democrazia, ordinamento e costituzione da J.-J. Rousseau a FPG Guizot.Massimo Mancini - 2000 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 77 (2):161-191.
    Il concetto di democrazia ed i progetti di costituzione elaborati da Rousseau vengono posti a confronto con la teoria del governo rappresentativo di Guizot: in particolare vengono esaminate le prospettive olistiche e individualistiche nel processo di individuazione della volontà generale attraverso il suffragio. Il ruolo della volontà prevale nella teoria rappresentativa di Rosseau, mentre per Guizot la ragione deve essere predominante sulla volontà. La libertà viene considerata irrinunciabile da Rousseau, che però non accetta una libertà di fede, preferendo l'istituzione di (...)
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    Des systèmes de guerre à une société de paix.Roberto Mancini & Brigitte Rollet - 2014 - Diogène n° 243-243 (3/4):85-100.
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    Discovering Viking America.J. M. Mancini - 2002 - Critical Inquiry 28 (4):868-907.
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    Esperimenti con la libertà: coscienza di sé e trasformazione dell'esistenza.Roberto Mancini - 2017 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Exploiting functional dependencies in declarative problem specifications.Toni Mancini & Marco Cadoli - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (16-17):985-1010.
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