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  1. 根据最新的本体论和认识论, 我们应该有怎样的教育理论.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:385-401.
    As per my new theory in ontology and cognition, the theory of education could be demonstrated. My this paper is to demonstrate the theory of education as per my new ontology and cognition. Following is my new theory in ontology and cognition: New ontology: The Onto is the uniform contradiction being. The essence of people: The uniform contrast body within people’s body, is “ego and nonego. “New Cognition: Cognition course moves by the force from the contrast between the Ego and (...)
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    明确哲学的研究对象.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:133-141.
    From the daily life, how to get the access to philosophy, what is the approaches to philosophy? Regarding the big topics /big affair in the world, are they related to the philosophy? what and how shall the philosophy do? About some concept, word, have we already fully confirmed their meaning? What shall the philosophy do to make their meaning clear and confirmed? Refers to the philosophy itself, have we already confirmed its study object? What is Philosophy? what is the main (...)
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    一切人文知识的根本根据是什么.Dongkai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:383-391.
    RENE DESCARTES had a dream, to find out the root basis theory for human’s all knowledge. Obviously in 16th century, that was only a dream. Since the onto is the root basis of everything, then, the knowledge of everything should have their root in the onto. Believing in this law, the philosophiers like Descartes in the thousands years history, had the same dream--to find out the root basis theory for all the knowledge. This root basis theory for knowledge, in fact, (...)
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    黑格尔认识论和本体论的根本错 误以及我的新的本体论和认识论.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 34:73-84.
    Almost all think Hegel’s Ontology and Cognition is wrong. Yeah, his is wrong. But, what mistake? What mistake is the essential one? How to demonstrate Hegel’s this essential mistake in his great Ontology and Cognition system? This section is Ontology. But, Ontology can not be there without the Cognition. Hegel’s great achievement in philosophy history is his Cognition. While, His main mistake is also in his Cognition, and, his that mistake in Cognition is at the basis of hisOntology, his wrong (...)
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    A Breakthrough in the Logical Deduction about the Cognition Theory.Dongkai Li - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (8).
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    Dao” Cannot Produce “One.Dongkai Li - 2016 - Philosophy Study 6 (10).
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    哲学的混乱是因为丢失了研究对象.Dongkai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:369-381.
    It could be said that after Hegel’s, Philosophy in the world begun its downturn, falling in chaos during more than one hundred years. The Science study the specific thing replaced the philosophy as the King position in human’s knowledge. But, in fact, the science was born by philosophy. From 19th century, people could study the specific object by way of science, not philosophy. Of course, the best way to study the specific thing is the science. But, to study the onto, (...)
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    本体就是矛盾对立统一体.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:263-265.
    From the very beginning of Philosophy. The Onto was just the target object of human’s thinking. Aristotle ever demonstrated that the Onto is a pure format being. (本体是纯 形式体) Then, what is this Onto? What is this pure format being? I present an answer in my this paper. If an object could exist independently, then, I call it “ZHUTI”(主体); If a “ZHUTI” could be felt, then, I call it “SHITI”(实体), such as the stone, the tree; If a “ZHUTI” could not (...)
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    Phenomenology is Not Philosophy.Dongkai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 19:69-76.
    From the very beginning of philosophy, people know the reality, the onto is hided in the phenomena, philosophy’s task is to find out the essence, the reality hided in the phenomena. At the time about early 20th century, there came out a kind of philosophy, called Phenomenology, ever developed ardently during last century for several decades, even now, it is still there, continue split philosophy, bring confusion to philosophy. Philosophy was produced by study the essence of object, especially the onto (...)
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    人权就是天赋的.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 11:161-164.
    In order to meet the demand from ego, “I” move.”I” need the freedom to move, the purpose of my move is for my (ego) demand to support my living. And, only “I” know my this living demand, others, who are not in my body, so they do not know. So, in order to make “I” live, “I” must have the right and freedom to move/act/work. Without that right and freedom, “I” can not move, then, can not meet the demand from (...)
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    Target the Object of Philosophy.Dongkai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:67-73.
    From the daily life, how to get the access to philosophy, what is the approaches to philosophy? Regarding the big topics /big affair in the world, are they related to the philosophy? what and how shall the philosophy do? About some concept, word, have we already fully confirmed their meaning? What shall the philosophy do to make their meaning clear and confirmed? Refers to the philosophy itself, have we already confirmed its study object? What is Philosophy? what is the main (...)
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    自由的自然受限是道 德和法律的伦理基础.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:147-154.
    As per my new ontology and cognition theory, in my this paper, I demonstrate theory about Moral and Law, point out, the naturally limited freedom is the basis of moral and law. Following is my new ontology and cognition: New ontology: The onto is the uniform contradiction being. The essence of people: The uniformcontrast body within people’s body, is “ego and nonego”. New Cognition: Cognition course moves by the force from the contrast between the Ego and Nonego within an exist (...)
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    本体论在古中国和古希腊分别是怎样开始的.DongKai Li - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:267-274.
    From the beginning of human, human’s thinking about the nature object begun refers to the root basis of everything, the people in all the parts of the world, from the far far old time, begun their thinking. In old Greece, there are theory or understanding about the Onto produced by many famous person with big name such as THALES, ANAKSIMANDROS, PUTHAGORAS, HERAKLEITOS. By Herakleitos, the understanding of the onto in Greece got a very good step. While in China, almost at (...)
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