Results for 'Douglas Doohan'

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  1.  35
    Soil balancing within organic farming: negotiating meanings and boundaries in an alternative agricultural community of practice.Caroline Brock, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Steven Culman, Douglas Doohan & Catherine Herms - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):449-465.
    Soil balancing is widely used in organic farming, but little is known about the practice because technical knowledge and goals for the practice are produced and negotiated within an alternative community of practice (CoP). We used a review of the private soil balancing literature and semi-structured interviews with farmers and consultants to document the knowledge, shared meanings, and goals of key actors within the soil balancing CoP. Our findings suggest this CoP is dominated by discourse between private consultants and farmers, (...)
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    Including growers in the “food safety” conversation: enhancing the design and implementation of food safety programming based on farm and marketing needs of fresh fruit and vegetable producers. [REVIEW]Jason S. Parker, Robyn S. Wilson, Jeffrey T. LeJeune & Douglas Doohan - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (3):303-319.
    Experts identified water quality, manure, good handling practices (including personal hygiene and equipment sanitation), and traceability as critical farm problem areas that, if addressed, are likely to decrease risk associated with microbial contamination of fresh produce from all scales of agriculture. However, the diverse nature of production strategies used by produce farmers presents multiple options for addressing foodborne illness issues while simultaneously creating potential complications. We use a mental models methodology to enhance our understanding of the underlying factors and assumptions (...)
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  3. On Douglas Edwards' The Metaphysics of Truth: The Author Meets His Critics.Douglas Edwards, Nathan Kellen, David Taylor & Michael Lynch - 2024 - In Adam C. Podlaskowski & Drew Johnson, Truth 20/20: How a Global Pandemic Shaped Truth Research. Synthese Library. pp. 19-56.
    This chapter is an edited transcription of an author-meets-critics session at the Truth 20|20 Conference, on Douglas Edwards’ award-winning book, The Metaphysics of Truth (2018, Oxford University Press). The Metaphysics of Truth tackles fundamental questions about the role of truth in connections between language and the world. Edwards proposes a pluralist account, according to which sentences in different domains get to be true in different ways. Kellen’s questions center around how to locate Edwards’s pluralist account given certain distinctions between (...)
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  4. Science, Policy, and the Value-Free Ideal.Heather Douglas - 2009 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Douglas proposes a new ideal in which values serve an essential function throughout scientific inquiry, but where the role values play is constrained at key points, protecting the integrity and objectivity of science.
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    American sociology, realism, structure and truth: an interview with Douglas V. Porpora.Douglas V. Porpora & Jamie Morgan - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (5):522-544.
    ABSTRACT In this wide-ranging interview Professor Douglas V. Porpora discusses a number of issues. First, how he became a Critical Realist through his early work on the concept of structure. Second, drawing on his Reconstructing Sociology, his take on the current state of American sociology. This leads to discussion of the broader range of his work as part of Margaret Archer’s various Centre for Social Ontology projects, and on moral-macro reasoning and the concept of truth in political discourse.
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    Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter L. Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault, and Jürgen Habermas.Mary Douglas, Robert Wuthnow, James Davison Hunter, Albert Bergesen & Edith Kurzweil - 1984 - Boston ; London : Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    First published in 1984, Cultural Analysis is a systematic examination of the theories of culture contained in the writings of four contemporary social theorists: Peter L. Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault, and Jürgen Habermas. This study of their work clarifies their contributions to the analysis of culture and shows the converging assumptions that the authors believe are laying the foundation for a new approach to the study of culture. The focus is specifically on culture, a concept that remains subject (...)
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  7. Four concepts of social structure Douglas V. Porpora.Douglas V. Porpora - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (2):195–211.
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  8. By Douglas Kellner ( Kellner - unknown
    During the Gulf war, CNN correspondent Peter Arnett distinguished himself with its courageous reporting in Iraq while under fire by the U.S.-led coalition which dropped more bombs on Iraq than were unleashed in World War II. Reporting live from Baghdad throughout the war, Arnett provided vivid daily accounts of life in Iraq during one of the most sustained air attacks in history. From his live telephone reporting of the early hours of the U.S. attack on Iraq in January 1991 through (...)
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  9. A Bibliography of Douglas Walton’s Published Works, 1971-2007.Douglas Walton - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (1):135-147.
    A Bibliography of Douglas Walton’s Published Works, 1971-20.
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  10. Commonsense Consequentialism: Wherein Morality Meets Rationality.Douglas W. Portmore - 2011 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press USA.
    Commonsense Consequentialism is a book about morality, rationality, and the interconnections between the two. In it, Douglas W. Portmore defends a version of consequentialism that both comports with our commonsense moral intuitions and shares with other consequentialist theories the same compelling teleological conception of practical reasons. Broadly construed, consequentialism is the view that an act's deontic status is determined by how its outcome ranks relative to those of the available alternatives on some evaluative ranking. Portmore argues that outcomes should (...)
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  11. Human Flourishing and the Appeal to Human Nature*: DOUGLAS B. RASMUSSEN.Douglas B. Rasmussen - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):1-43.
    If “perfectionism” in ethics refers to those normative theories that treat the fulfillment or realization of human nature as central to an account of both goodness and moral obligation, in what sense is “human flourishing” a perfectionist notion? How much of what we take “human flourishing” to signify is the result of our understanding of human nature? Is the content of this concept simply read off an examination of our nature? Is there no place for diversity and individuality? Is the (...)
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  12. Paul's Vision of Church.Helen Doohan - 1989
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    Douglas Cock Replies.Douglas J. Cock - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (1):149-150.
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    Metaphysics Douglas McDermid.Douglas McDermid - 2007 - In Constantin V. Boundas, The Edinburgh Companion to the Twentieth Century Philosophies. Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh Press. pp. 156-171.
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  15. Peer-review practices of psychological journals: The fate of published articles, submitted again.Douglas P. Peters & Stephen J. Ceci - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):187-255.
    A growing interest in and concern about the adequacy and fairness of modern peer-review practices in publication and funding are apparent across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Although questions about reliability, accountability, reviewer bias, and competence have been raised, there has been very little direct research on these variables.The present investigation was an attempt to study the peer-review process directly, in the natural setting of actual journal referee evaluations of submitted manuscripts. As test materials we selected 12 already published (...)
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    The Objective(s) of Responsible Brains.Douglas Husak - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (2):267-281.
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  17. Rule-Consequentialism and Irrelevant Others: Douglas W. Portmore.Douglas W. Portmore - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (3):368-376.
    In this article, I argue that Brad Hooker's rule-consequentialism implausibly implies that what earthlings are morally required to sacrifice for the sake of helping their less fortunate brethren depends on whether or not other people exist on some distant planet even when these others would be too far away for earthlings to affect.
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    Community and Alienation: Essays on Process Thought and Public Life.Douglas Sturm - 1988 - Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press.
    Douglas Sturm, a major ethical thinker, here presents ten intriguing essays that lay the groundwork for a communitarian political theory. Drawing on the work of Alfred North Whitehead and Bernard E. Meland, Sturm brings the implications of process thought, especially its principle of internal relations, to bear on the interpretation and evaluation of our social and political life. He argues that American individualism, including its curious transmutations into the forms of corporativism, racism, and nationalism is a constraint that deprives (...)
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  19. A humanist approach to morality and ethics.Douglas McCarty - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 115:9.
    McCarty, Douglas Morality and ethics would be recognised by virtually everyone as a necessity in human society. In fact morality and ethics are the very foundations on which human society is built. Humans are complex individuals, with personal needs, desires, inclinations, dispositions and preferences, but are also naturally predisposed to live in social groups large and small with similarly complex individuals.
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    Countable thin Π01 classes.Douglas Cenzer, Rodney Downey, Carl Jockusch & Richard A. Shore - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 (2):79-139.
    Cenzer, D., R. Downey, C. Jockusch and R.A. Shore, Countable thin Π01 classes, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 79–139. A Π01 class P {0, 1}ω is thin if every Π01 subclass of P is the intersection of P with some clopen set. Countable thin Π01 classes are constructed having arbitrary recursive Cantor- Bendixson rank. A thin Π01 class P is constructed with a unique nonisolated point A and furthermore A is of degree 0’. It is shown that no (...)
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  21. The Value of Cognitive Values.Heather Douglas - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):796-806.
    Traditionally, cognitive values have been thought of as a collective pool of considerations in science that frequently trade against each other. I argue here that a finer-grained account of the value of cognitive values can help reduce such tensions. I separate the values into groups, minimal epistemic criteria, pragmatic considerations, and genuine epistemic assurance, based in part on the distinction between values that describe theories per se and values that describe theory-evidence relationships. This allows us to clarify why these values (...)
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    Letters from Lacan.Douglas Sadao Aoki - 2006 - Paragraph 29 (3):1-20.
    The infamous difficulty of Lacan's writing has its own, very apt synecdoche: the matheme. What makes this ‘little letter’ that structures the signifier so apposite a device is how it stymies even those sophisticated readers for whom Lacan is as close-readable as Mallarm e. The proposition offered here is that this crisis of reading is not the consequence of either some terrible mistake or egregious failing in character, but rather a typically Lacanian move by which his text stages the very (...)
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    Jin Y. Park in Conversation with Erin McCarthy, Leah Kalmanson, Douglas L. Berger, and Mark A. Nathan.Douglas L. Berger, Leah Kalmanson, Erin McCarthy, Mark A. Nathan & Jin Y. Park - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (2):155-182.
    These essays engage Jin Y. Park’s recent translation of the work of Kim Iryŏp, a Buddhist nun and public intellectual in early twentieth-century Korea. Park’s translation of Iryŏp’s Reflections of a Zen Buddhist Nun was the subject of two book panels at recent conferences: the first a plenary session at the annual meeting of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy and the second at the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association on a group program session sponsored by the (...)
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    Ignoring Qualifications as a Subfallacy of Hasty Generalization.Douglas N. Walton - 1990 - Logique Et Analyse 33 (29):113.
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    Moore and Ryle: Two Ontologists, Laird Addis, Douglas Lewis.Laird Addis & Douglas Lewis - 1965 - University of Iowa.
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  26. The Influence of Business Ethics Education on Moral Efficacy, Moral Meaningfulness, and Moral Courage: A Quasi-experimental Study.Douglas R. May, Matthew T. Luth & Catherine E. Schwoerer - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):67-80.
    The research described here contributes to the extant empirical research on business ethics education by examining outcomes drawn from the literature on positive organizational scholarship (POS). The general research question explored is whether a course on ethical decision-making in business could positively influence students’ confidence in their abilities to handle ethical problems at work (i.e., moral efficacy), boost the relative importance of ethics in their work lives (i.e., moral meaningfulness), and encourage them to be more courageous in raising ethical problems (...)
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  27. State of the Field: Why novel prediction matters.Heather Douglas & P. D. Magnus - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):580-589.
    There is considerable disagreement about the epistemic value of novel predictive success, i.e. when a scientist predicts an unexpected phenomenon, experiments are conducted, and the prediction proves to be accurate. We survey the field on this question, noting both fully articulated views such as weak and strong predictivism, and more nascent views, such as pluralist reasons for the instrumental value of prediction. By examining the various reasons offered for the value of prediction across a range of inferential contexts , we (...)
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    (1 other version)Berkeley's Philosophy of Mathematics.Douglas M. Jesseph - 1993 - University of Chicago Press. Edited by Kenneth Winkler.
    In this first modern, critical assessment of the place of mathematics in Berkeley's philosophy and Berkeley's place in the history of mathematics, Douglas M. Jesseph provides a bold reinterpretation of Berkeley's work.
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    Nietzsche and Modernity.Douglas Kellner - 1991 - International Studies in Philosophy 23 (2):3-17.
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    Political liberalism and Confucian democracy.Douglas Lackey - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (1):3-4.
    The Philosophical Forum, Volume 52, Issue 1, Page 3-4, Spring 2021.
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    The Philosophical Forum: Our First Thirty-Five Years.Douglas Lackey - 2004 - Philosophical Forum 35 (4):457-458.
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    Morality with an Accent.Douglas Romney - 2009 - Stance 2 (1):61-66.
    In this paper, the difficulties inherent in the debate between moral nativists and antinativists, who differ in their beliefs on the nature of systems of morality, are shown to exemplify the need for philosophers to support their views with empirical data. Furthermore, it proposes that an empirical study of first-generation immigrant populations has the potential to resolve the debate over moral nativism, as it would allow researchers to observe the moral “critical period.” Based on the recent philosophical advances made through (...)
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    Placement of topic changes in conversation.Douglas W. Maynard - 1980 - Semiotica 30 (3-4).
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  34. Rejecting the Ideal of Value-Free Science.Heather Douglas - 2007 - In Harold Kincaid, John Dupre & Alison Wylie, Value-Free Science: Ideals and Illusions? New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 120--141.
  35. Not Just A Tool: Why Social-Media Use Is Bad and Bad For Us, and The Duty to Quit.Douglas R. Campbell - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (1):107-112.
    With an eye on the future of global ethics, I argue that social-media technologies are not morally neutral tools but are, for all intents and purposes, a kind of agent. They nudge us to do things that are bad for us. Moreover, I argue that we have a duty to quit using social-media platforms, not just on account of possible duties to preserve our own well-being but because users are akin to test subjects on whom developers are testing new nudges, (...)
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    An evaluation of the key-word technique for the acquisition of Korean vocabulary by military personnel.Douglas Griffith - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (1):12-14.
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    Are All Bets Off?Douglas Groothuis - 2001 - Philosophia Christi 3 (2):517-523.
  38. Critical faults and fallacies of questioning.Douglas N. Walton - 1991 - Journal of Pragmatics 15:337--366.
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    Philosophy and the Public Realm: Proceedings of the Fifth Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.Douglas W. Shrader (ed.) - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Combines the work of promising college students with essays by distinguished scholars.
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    Examining Holistic Medicine.Douglas Stalker & Clark N. Glymour (eds.) - 1985 - Prometheus Books.
    Essays discuss the history, philosophy, methodology, and practices of holistic medicine.
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  41. Doors into Life.Douglas V. Steere - 1948
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    Natural Law, Liberal Religion, and Freedom of Association: James Luther Adams on the Problem of Jurisprudence.Douglas Sturm - 1992 - Journal of Religious Ethics 20 (1):179-207.
    In contrast to classical natural law theory and traditional individualist liberalism, James Luther Adams develops a version of natural law doctrine grounded in liberal religion. In its ontological dimension, his natural law doctrine is derived from a communal understanding of the character of reality. In its institutional dimension, his natural law doctrine promotes a kind of democracy in which freedom of association is central. From this perspective, law is a practice intended to empower persons through their several associations in the (...)
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    Architecture and Deconstruction: a survey.Douglas Tallack - 1996 - Paragraph 19 (1):68-79.
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    A New Disproof of the Compatibility of Foreknowledge and Free Choice: DOUGLAS P. LACKEY.Douglas P. Lackey - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (3):313-318.
    Old philosophical problems never die, but they can be reinterpreted. In this paper, I offer a reinterpretation of the problem of reconciling divine omniscience and human free will. Classical discussions of this problem concentrate on the nature of God and the concept of free will. The present discussion will focus attention on the concept of knowledge, drawing on developments in epistemology that resulted from the posing of a certain problem by Edmund Gettier in 1963.
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    Semantics, Linguistics, and Criticism.Douglas F. Stalker - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (1):139-139.
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    Goods and Virtues.Douglas N. Walton - 1986 - Noûs 20 (2):263-268.
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  47. Douglas P. Lackey -- the moral case for unilateral nuclear disarmament.Douglas P. Lackey - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (3-4):157-171.
  48. Sociology's causal confusion.Douglas Porpora - 2008 - In Ruth Groff, Revitalizing causality: realism about causality in philosophy and social science. New York: Routledge.
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    The dilemma of dominance.Douglas Allchin - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):427-451.
    The concept of dominance poses several dilemmas. First, while entrenched in genetics education, the metaphor of dominance promotes several misconceptions and misleading cultural perspectives. Second, the metaphors of power, prevalence and competition extend into science, shaping assumptions and default concepts. Third, because genetic causality is complex, the simplified concepts of dominance found in practice are highly contingent or inconsistent. The conceptual problems are illustrated in the history of studies on the evolution of dominance. Conceptual clarity may be fostered, I claim, (...)
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  50.  50
    Ricoeur's Metaphor and Narrative Theories as a Foundation for a Theory of Symbol: DOUGLAS R. McGAUGHEY.Douglas R. McGaughey - 1988 - Religious Studies 24 (4):415-437.
    The Issues at Issue: Heidegger declares metaphor to be a function of metaphysics. Ricoeur's tension theory of metaphor takes the understanding of metaphor beyond metaphysics. Ricoeur's theory of metaphor is a theory of metaphorical statement not of naming. The classical, lexical theory of metaphor focuses on a primary meaning of each metaphor. As such metaphor is merely ornamentation in language. What it names could more appropriately be accomplished in literal language. In contrast, metaphor is understood by Ricoeur to be a (...)
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