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Ronald Dworkin [61]Ronald W. Dworkin [3]
  1. Taking rights seriously.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 1977 - London: Duckworth.
    This is the first publication of these ideas in book form. 'It is a rare treat--important, original philosophy that is also a pleasure to read.
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  2. Law’s Empire.Ronald Dworkin - 1986 - Harvard University Press.
    With incisiveness and lucid style, Dworkin has written a masterful explanation of how the Anglo-American legal system works and on what principles it is grounded. Law’s Empire is a full-length presentation of his theory of law that will be studied and debated for years to come.
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  3. Justice for hedgehogs.Ronald Dworkin - 2011 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    Baedeker -- Independence. Truth in morals -- External skepticism -- Morals and causes -- Internal skepticism -- Interpretation. Moral responsibility -- Interpretation in general -- Conceptual interpretation -- Ethics. Dignity -- Free will and responsibility -- Morality. From dignity to morality -- Aid -- Harm -- Obligations -- Politics. Political rights and concepts -- Equality -- Liberty -- Democracy -- Law -- Epilogue. Dignity indivisible.
  4. What is equality? Part 2: Equality of resources.Ronald Dworkin - 1981 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 10 (4):283 - 345.
  5. What is equality? Part 1: Equality of welfare.Ronald Dworkin - 1981 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 10 (3):185-246.
  6. (1 other version)Taking Rights Seriously.Ronald Dworkin - 1979 - Ethics 90 (1):121-130.
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  7. Life's Dominion: An Argument About Abortion and Euthanasia.Ronald Dworkin - unknown
    In 1993, Professor of Jurisprudence, Ronald Dworkin of Oxford University and Professor of Law at New York University, delivered the Georgetown Law Center’s thirteenth Annual Philip A. Hart Memorial Lecture: "Life’s Dominion: An Argument About Abortion and Euthanasia." Dworkin is Professor of Philosophy and Frank Henry Sommer Professor of Law at New York University. He received B.A. degrees from both Harvard College and Oxford University, and an LL.B. from Harvard Law School and clerked for Judge Learned Hand. He was associated (...)
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  8. Objectivity and Truth: You’d Better Believe it.Ronald Dworkin - 1996 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 25 (2):87-139.
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    Life's Dominion.Melissa Lane & Ronald Dworkin - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (176):413.
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  10. Justice in robes.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge: Belknap Press.
    In the course of that critical study he discusses the work of many of the most influential lawyers and philosophers of the era, including Isaiah Berlin, Richard ...
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  11. Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Written by the world's best-known political and legal theorist, Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution is a collection of essays that discuss almost all of the great constitutional issues of the last two decades, including abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, homosexuality, pornography, and free speech. Professor Dworkin offers a consistently liberal view of the Constitution and argues that fidelity to it and to law demands that judges make moral judgments. He proposes that we all interpret the abstract language (...)
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  12. A Matter of Principle.Law's Empire.Ronald Dworkin - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (5):284-291.
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    Is Democracy Possible Here?: Principles for a New Political Debate.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Politics in America are polarized and trivialized, perhaps as never before. In Congress, the media, and academic debate, opponents from right and left, the Red and the Blue, struggle against one another as if politics were contact sports played to the shouts of cheerleaders. The result, Ronald Dworkin writes, is a deeply depressing political culture, as ill equipped for the perennial challenge of achieving social justice as for the emerging threats of terrorism. Can the hope for change be realized? Dworkin, (...)
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  14. "Sovereign virtue" revisited.Ronald Dworkin - 2002 - Ethics 113 (1):106-143.
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    What is Equality?Ronald Dworkin - 1984 - R. Dworkin.
  16. Equality, Luck and Hierarchy.Ronald Dworkin - 2003 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 31 (2):190-198.
  17. A New Philosophy for International Law.Ronald Dworkin - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (1):2-30.
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  18. Comment on Narveson: In defense of equality: Ronald Dworkin.Ronald Dworkin - 1983 - Social Philosophy and Policy 1 (1):24-40.
    Professor Narveson's comments about my papers on equality are both penetrating and comprehensive. I cannot hope to discuss all the issues he raises in any detail. But there is a special problem: his main question is about what I have not said. He asks how I might defend equality of resources other than simply by describing a version of it, and of course this question will require some extended discussion. But he is right to say that this is his most (...)
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    Religion without God.Ronald Dworkin - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Religious atheism? -- The universe -- Religious freedom -- Death and immortality.
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  20. Two concepts of liberty.Ronald Dworkin - 1991 - In Isaiah Berlin, Edna Ullmann-Margalit & Avishai Margalit, Isaiah Berlin: a celebration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 100--109.
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  21. Hart's Postscript and the Character of Political Philosophy.Ronald Dworkin - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (1):1-37.
    Several years ago I prepared a point-by-point response to this postscript as a working paper for the NYU Colloquium in Legal, Moral and Political Philosophy. I have not yet published that paper, but I understand that copies of it are in circulation. I do not intend to recapitulate the arguments of that working paper, but instead to concentrate on one aspect of Hart's Postscript, which is his defence of Archimedean jurisprudence. I shall have something to say about his own legal (...)
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  22. Law as Interpretation.Ronald Dworkin - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):179-200.
    The puzzle arises because propositions of law seem to be descriptive—they are about how things are in the law, not about how they should be—and yet it has proved extremely difficult to say exactly what it is that they describe. Legal positivists believe that propositions of law are indeed wholly descriptive: they are in fact pieces of history. A proposition of law in their view, is true just in case some event of a designated law-making kind has taken place, and (...)
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    Perfectionism and Neutrality: Essays in Liberal Theory.Bruce Ackerman, Richard J. Arneson, Ronald W. Dworkin, Gerald F. Gaus, Kent Greenawalt, Vinit Haksar, Thomas Hurka, George Klosko, Charles Larmore, Stephen Macedo, Thomas Nagel, John Rawls, Joseph Raz & George Sher - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Editors provide a substantive introduction to the history and theories of perfectionism and neutrality, expertly contextualizing the essays and making the collection accessible.
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  24. Autonomy and the demented self.Ronald Dworkin - 2006 - In Stephen A. Green & Sidney Bloch, An anthology of psychiatric ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 293--6.
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    Ronald Dworkin Replies.Ronald Dworkin - 2004 - In Justine Burley, Dworkin and His Critics: With Replies by Dworkin. Philosophers and their Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 337–395.
    This chapter contains section titled: Part I Part II Part III Part IV.
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  26. Judicial discretion.Ronald Dworkin - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (21):624-638.
  27. The Philosophy of law.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 1977 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Echoing the debate about the nature of law that has dominated legal philosophy for several decades, this volume includes essays on the nature of law and on law not as it is but as it should be. Wherever possible, essays have been chosen that have provoked direct responses from other legal philosophers, and in two cases these responses are included. Contributors include H.L.A. Hart, R.M. Dworkin, Lord Patrick Devlin, John Rawls, J.J. Thomson, J. Finnis, and T.M. Scanlon.
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  28. Ronald Dworkin replies.Ronald Dworkin - 2004 - In Justine Burley, Dworkin and His Critics: With Replies by Dworkin. Philosophers and their Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 337--395.
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  29. Constitutionalism and Democracy1.Ronald Dworkin - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):2-11.
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    Review of Ronald Dworkin: A matter of principle[REVIEW]Ronald Dworkin - 1987 - Ethics 97 (2):481-483.
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    A Clinical Perspective on Placebo Research: Looking Back, Looking Forward.Ronald W. Dworkin - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (9):54-55.
  32. Artificial intelligence.Ronald W. Dworkin - 2020 - In Gabrielle Kennedy, In/search re/search: imagining scenarios through art and design. Amsterdam: Sandberg Instituut.
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    L'empire du droit.Ronald Dworkin - 1994 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    L'empire du droit est le maître ouvrage de Ronald Dworkin, étudié et discuté par les professeurs et les théoriciens, par les juristes et les juges, par les étudiants et les acteurs de la vie politique aux Etats-Unis et ailleurs. Comment les juges établissent-ils le droit (et comment devraient-ils le faire)? Il montre que les juges doivent se prononcer sur les cas difficiles en interprétant, au lieu de se contenter d'appliquer, les jugements rendus antérieurement, et il énonce une théorie générale de (...)
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  34. A Theory of Civil Disobedience.Ronald Dworkin - 1970 - In Howard Evans Kiefer & Milton Karl Munitz, Ethics and social justice. Albany,: State University of New York Press.
  35. Bakke's Case: Are Quotes Unfair?Ronald Dworkin - 2000 - In Bernard Boxill, Race and Racism. Oxford University Press.
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  36. The case for legalised euthanasia.Ronald Dworkin, Thomas Nagel, Robert Nozick, John Rawls, Thomas Scanlon & Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1997 - The Philosophers' Magazine 1 (1):26-31.
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  37. Dworkin versus equality of welfare Dick Arneson.Ronald Dworkin - unknown
    Dworkin wonders, in so far as we might be for equality, to some degree, what would we be for? He thinks equality is a complex, multi-faceted ideal. One facet is distributional equality. Here the question is, concerning money and other resources to be privately owned by individuals, when is the distribution an equal one? Equality of welfare “holds that a distributional scheme treats people as equals when it distributes or transfers resources among them until no further transfer would leave them (...)
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  38. What is Sacred?Ronald Dworkin - 2001 - In John Harris, Bioethics. Oxford University Press.
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    (2 other versions)Reply to Paul Ricoeur.Ronald Dworkin - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (3):287-290.
  40. Wasserstrom: The Judicial DecisionThe Judicial Decision. Richard A. Wasserstrom.Ronald Dworkin - 1964 - Ethics 75 (1):47-.
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    12. Women and Pornography.Ronald Dworkin - 2006 - In Jessica Spector, Prostitution and Pornography: Philosophical Debate About the Sex Industry. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. pp. 296-309.
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  42. Diamonds in the cosmic sands.Ronald Dworkin - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 54 (54):22-31.
    “Even the statement ‘There are no such things as moral duties’ is a claim about moral duties. There is no neutral position. If I say, ‘Are there any such things as moral duties?’ and you say, ‘No’, you’re not being neutral. You’re making a decision. You’re deciding that rich people have no duty to help poor people. That’s what you’re saying.”.
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  43. John Rawls.Ronald Dworkin - 2003 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 11 (1):7-8.
    John Rawls was, we know, the most influential political philosopher of his time. I want to talk about the influence of his ideas not just in philosophy but in the broader theory of government, and in political and intellectual life more generally. Though he never aimed at this—indeed he held out against it—he was one of the very few preeminent intellectuals whose work, like Freud’s and Darwin’s, quickly crossed from a single academic field into the academy generally and then into (...)
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    52. A Matter of Principle.Ronald Dworkin - 2014 - In Bernard Williams, Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 256-261.
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  45. Jonathan Wolff.Miriam Cohen Christofidis, Roger Crisp, Avner de-Shalit, Simon Duffy, Ronald Dworkin, Alon Harel, John Harris, W. D. Hart, Dan Hausman & Richard Hull - 2009 - In Kimberley Brownlee & Adam Cureton, Disability and Disadvantage. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  46. Contemporary Political Philosophy. An Anthology.Ronald Dworkin - 2006
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    ¿Deben nuestros jueces ser filósofos? ¿Pueden ser filósofos?Ronald Dworkin - 2010 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 32:7-29.
    Este ensayo analiza una salida al dilema de si los jueces deben o pueden ser filósofos. A partir de una valoración de los dramáticos asuntos que deben resolver los jueces, y que inevitablemente los remiten a cuestiones filosóficas, se sustentará que es válido pensar que pueden ser lo suficientemente filósofos como para aliviar el punto nodal del dilema. En el proceso de toma de decisiones los jueces afrontan problemas, especialmente en las áreas del derecho público, que requieren juicios sobre cuestiones (...)
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    From Liberal Values to Democratic Transition: Essays in Honor of Janos Kis.Ronald Dworkin (ed.) - 2003 - Central European University Press.
    The book contains twelve essays by Stephen Holmes, Frances M. Kamm, Mária Ludassy, Steven Lukes, Gyorgy Markus, András Sajó, Gáspár Miklós Tamás, Andrew Arato, Timothy Garton Ash, Béla Greskovits, Will Kymlicka, and Aleksander Smolar. The studies explore a wide scope of subjects that belong to disciplines ranging from moral philosophy, through theory of human rights, democratic transition, constitutionalism, to political economy. The common denominator of the studies collected is their reference to the scholarly output of János Kis, in honor of (...)
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    Khuuliĭn ėzėnt gu̇rėn.Ronald Dworkin - 2015 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: KhZU̇Kh-iĭn Khėvlėkh U̇ĭldvėr. Edited by I︠A︡nsanzhavyn Ochirsu̇kh.
    Translation of the world reknowned legal philosophy book.
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  50. La autonomía y el yo demente.Ronald Dworkin - 1997 - Análisis Filosófico 17 (2):145-156.
    In this article author considers the rights, not of someone who was born and always been demented but of someone who has been competent in the past. He asks if a competent person´s right to autonomy includes the power to dictate hat life prolonging treatment be denied him later, even if he, when demented, pleads for it. To answer this question he considers the extension of contemporary and precedent autonomy and the consecuences holding and evidentiary view or the integrity perspective (...)
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