Results for 'E. Acs'

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  1.  83
    Can We Falsify the Consciousness-Causes-Collapse Hypothesis in Quantum Mechanics?Jos’E. Ac’Acio de Barros & Gary Oas - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (10):1294-1308.
    In this paper we examine some proposals to disprove the hypothesis that the interaction between mind and matter causes the collapse of the wave function, showing that such proposals are fundamentally flawed. We then describe a general experimental setup retaining the key features of the ones examined, and show that even a more general case is inadequate to disprove the mind-matter collapse hypothesis. Finally, we use our setup provided to argue that, under some reasonable assumptions about consciousness, such hypothesis is (...)
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    Svetska vlada za svetski mir.Ače Sajkoski - 2015 - Skopje: Bata pres plus.
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    Adamiani, goni, ġirebuleba.Akaki Bregaże, G. Pʻacʻacʻia & D. Kʻerkʻaże (eds.) - 1991 - Tʻbilisi: "Mecʻniereba".
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  4. Some fundamental problems of the application of position modulated address-code system in integrated telephone networks.E. Acs - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 3--29.
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  5. A ressonância ética da negação em Sartre (considerações sobre liberdade, angústia e valores em L'être et le néant).Ac Yazbek - 2005 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 7 (2):141-164.
    Resumo: A partir da caracterização sumária das figuras da liberdade, da angústia e da responsabilidade, expostas em L'être et le néant de Jean-Paul Sartre, o artigo pretende lançar luzes sobre a afirmação da falta de fundamento dos valores adotados em nossa moralidade cotidiana - o que implica em explicitar uma certa ressonância ética da negação na filosofia sartreana, bem como a conseqüente tentação do humano à falsificação existencial, que se manifesta em sua tentativa de elidir a angústia proveniente da liberdade (...)
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    Critiques of theistic arguments.Ac Grayling - 2013 - In Stephen Bullivant & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 38.
    Within the history of western philosophy, there have been a number of classic ways of arguing for the existence of God. The most important of these are the teleological argument, the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, the moral argument, and a loose family of pragmatic considerations affirming the prudence or desirability of theistic belief. Demonstrating the weaknesses of these approaches is crucial for establishing the ‘negative’ case for atheism. This essay begins by defining what it is that philosophers normally means (...)
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  7. Lo Stato tra diritto e politica. A partire dall'integrazione di Rudolf Smend.Ac Amato Mangiameli - 1989 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 66 (2):357-373.
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  8. Ação comunitária e o compartilhamento de saberes na mediação no Museu do Homem do Nordeste e Engenho Massangana.Murilo Dayo & Rayanne Santos E. Tayane Ferreira - 2021 - In Edna Silva & Silvia Paes Barreto (eds.), Anísio, Anísios Teixeira: um educador no Museu do Homem do Nordeste. Recife, PE: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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  9. Interlangue sans transfert ou AC d'AE.E. Pietri - 1983 - Contrastes 6:23-29.
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    Scientific thought and its burdens: a study on the history and philosophy of science.Alparslan Açıkgenç - 2021 - Istanbul: Ibn Haldun University Press.
    Scientific thought and its burdens is a book to search for the ways in which science has been understood in history and the way we conceive it today. It argues that every human phenomenon has certain mental frameworks through which it is manifested. Then it raises the question: through which mental frameworks is science manifested? First of all, science is a cognitive activity and as such it is an attempt to acquire knowledge of certain objects or phenomena around us. In (...)
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  11. L'autoreferenzialità luhmanniana. A proposito di normalizzazione dell'improbabile e improbabilità del normale.Ac Amato Mangiameli - 1989 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 66 (3):482-493.
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  12. BATCHELOR, STEPHEN (1994) The Awakening of the West (London, Aquarian). BUSWELL, JR, ROBERT, E.(1992) The Zen Monastic Experience (Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press). COIXINSON, DIANE & WILKINSON, ROBERT (1994) Thirty Five Oriental Philosophers (London, Rout-ledge). [REVIEW]Bg Gokhale & Ac Graham - 1995 - Asian Philosophy 5 (1):99.
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  13. Significado, verdade e ação: ensaios de filosofia analítica da Souza Filho & Danilo Marcondes (eds.) - 1986 - Niterói: EDUFF.
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    Blaydes on Euripides Adversaria Critica in Euripidem. Scripsit ac Collegit F. H. M. Blaydes, M.A., LL.D. Halis Saxonum. 1901. 10 M. [REVIEW]E. H. Blakeney - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (04):220-.
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  15. Attfield, R., Environmental Philosophy: Principles and Prospects, Aldershot, Avebury, 1994, viii, 262, Stg.£ 35.00 (cloth). Ayers, M., Locke: Epistemology and Ontology, London,. Routledge, 1993 [1991], xii, 341, A $59.95 (paper). Baier, AC, Moral Prejudices: Essays on Ethics, Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press, 1994. [REVIEW]E. Balibar - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (4).
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  16. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder. In van der Kolk BA, McFarlane AC, Weisaeth L (eds): Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind.B. O. Rothbaum & E. B. Foa - 1996 - Body and Society. New York, Guilford Press 491.
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    Sex differences in pain: Evolutionary links to facial pain expression. Commentary on AC de C. Williams. Facial expression of pain: An evolutionary account. [REVIEW]E. Keogh & A. Holdcroft - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 98:281.
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  18. Comptes rendus. H. Grotius, Ordinum Hollandiae ac Westfrisiae Pietas.J. LagrÉ & E. - 1998 - Archives de Philosophie 61 (4):743.
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    De Francisci Henno vita, opere ac doctrina morali by Bernardus Alaimo.E. M. Buytaert - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (4):459-462.
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    Olumlama ve Olumsuzlama İbn Sîn'’nın el-İb're’sini Helenistik Şarihlerle Birlikte Okumak.E. Burak Şaman - 2022 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 8 (1):1-23.
    Aristoteles’in Peri Hermêneias’ta olumlama ve olumsuzlama arasında ortaya attığı öncelik ve sonralık ilişkisinin mantık açısından yükleme ve hüküm bağlamında birtakım önemli sonuçları olmuştur. Mantıksal bakımdan karşımıza çıkan problem olumlama, yani bir şeyi bir başka şey hakkında öne sürme ile olumsuzlamanın, yani bir şeyi başka bir şeyden ayırarak öne sürmenin söz olmak bakımından aynı statüde olup olmadıklarına ilişkindir. İbn Sînâ, eş-Şifâ külliyatının Peri Hermêneias’a karşılık gelen eseri olan, el-İbâre’nin birinci makalesinin beşinci faslında (el-İbâre, I.5) olumlama ve olumsuzlamayı bu mantıksal sorun bakımından (...)
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    VI(A) AC Ratione Sebastian Posch: P. Ovidius Noso, Tristia I. Interpretationen, Band I: Die Elegien 1–4. (Commentationes Aenipontanae, 28.) Pp. 197. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner, 1983. Paper, öS. 492/DM. 60. [REVIEW]E. J. Kenney - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (2):284-287.
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  22. The Non-Appearance of the Phoenix at Tacitus Annals 6.28.Elizabeth E. Keitel - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):429-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Non-Appearance of the Phoenix at Tacitus Annals 6.28Elizabeth KeitelBook 6 is the stepchild of the first hexad of the Annals, little studied and even less appreciated, perhaps because of the large lacuna which breaks the continuity of the narrative after book 4, perhaps because of its allegedly static and monotonous content summarized thus by Syme: “The concluding book of the hexad carries a dreary epilogue down to the (...)
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  23. Acute cerebral edema: evidence for the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen and comparison to other modalities.E. P. Kindwall - forthcoming - A Critical Review. In: Camporesi Em and Barker Ac, Editors. Hyperbaric Oxygen: A Critical Review. Bethesda, Md: Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.
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    Tina (AC) Besley and Michael A. Peters, Subjectivity and Truth: Foucault, Education, and the Culture of Self (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007), ISBN: 978-0820481951. [REVIEW]Bernadette M. Baker & Katharina E. Heyning - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:148-153.
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    Magnetic phase diagram of the ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice compound CeAgSb 2 up to 80 kbar.V. A. Sidorov, E. D. Bauer, N. A. Frederick, J. R. Jeffries, S. Nakatsuji, N. O. Moreno, J. D. Thompson, M. B. Maple & Z. Fisk - unknown
    Electrical resistivity and ac-calorimetric measurements reveal a complex magnetic phase diagram for single crystals of the ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice compound CeAgSb2 at high pressures up to 80 kbar. The ferromagnetic order at TC = 9.6 K at ambient pressure is completely suppressed at a critical pressure PC = 35 kbar. Another magnetic transition, possibly antiferromagnetic, found above 27 kbar, attains a maximum value TN 6 K at 44 kbar and then appears to be completely suppressed by 50 kbar. Thermodynamic and transport (...)
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    (1 other version)The independence of Ramsey's theorem.E. M. Kleinberg - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):205-206.
    In [3] F. P. Ramsey proved as a theorem of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZF) with the Axiom of Choice (AC) the following result:(1) Theorem. Let A be an infinite class. For each integer n and partition {X, Y} of the size n subsets of A, there exists an infinite subclass of A all of whose size n subsets are contained in only one of X or Y.
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    Affective and Enjoyment Responses to Sprint Interval Training in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Mingzhu Hu, Mary E. Jung, Jinlei Nie & Zhaowei Kong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sprint interval training is characterized by intensity of “all-out” effort and superior time-efficiency compared to traditional moderate-intensity continuous training and has been proposed as one viable solution to address the commonly reported barrier of lack of time for physical activity. While substantial physiological benefits of participation in SIT have been well-documented, the psychological responses to SIT are less clear. No systematic review has been conducted thus far to respond to the assumption that its supramaximal intensity will induce adverse feelings. Therefore, (...)
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  28. A consumer‐based teleosemantics for animal signals.Ulrich E. Stegmann - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):864-875.
    Ethological theory standardly attributes representational content to animal signals. In this article I first assess whether Ruth Millikan’s teleosemantic theory accounts for the content of animal signals. I conclude that it does not, because many signals do not exhibit the required sort of cooperation between signal‐producing and signal‐consuming devices. It is then argued that Kim Sterelny’s proposal, while not requiring cooperation, sometimes yields the wrong content. Finally, I outline an alternative view, according to which consumers alone are responsible for conferring (...)
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  29. È ancora attuale per la Compagnia di Gesù l'insegnamento della dottrina cristiana ai pueri ac rudes?Maurizio Costa - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (1):88-112.
    Starting from a historical-juridical study of A. M. de Aldama on the origin and evolution of the reference to the teaching of Christian doctrine to pueri contained in the formula of final vows of all priests in the Society of Jesus, the author investigates the meaning of this ministry and its importance today. In an analytic section, the article traces the historical development of the ministry of education in Christian doctrine to pueri and rudes in the experience of Ignatius and (...)
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    Toward a Gibbsian approach to the problems of growth and cancer.Herbert E. Salzer - 1957 - Acta Biotheoretica 12 (3):135-166.
    Certain sections ofJosiah Willard Gibbs's thermodynamics papers might be applicable to biological equilibrium and growth, normal or abnormal.Gibbs added terms⌆ Μ i dm i to the differential of the internal energy dε=tdη−pdΝ, where μi=δεδmi is the potential of substancem i , to provide for chemical as well as thermal and mechanical equilibrium. In this article a further generalization is suggested, to include biological equilibrium by adding to de terms of the form GdN, the variableN being the number of cells, where (...)
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  31. E-mail: [email protected].Matthew Donald - unknown
    It is proposed that the physical structure of an observer in quantum mechanics is constituted by a pattern of elementary localized switching events. A key preliminary step in giving mathematical expression to this proposal is the introduction of an equivalence relation on sequences of spacetime sets which relates a sequence to any other sequence to which it can be deformed without change of causal arrangement. This allows an individual observer to be associated with a finite structure. The identification of suitable (...)
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    The Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem Plus Countable Choice Do Not Imply Dependent Choice.Paul Howard & Jean E. Rubin - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):410-420.
    Two Fraenkel-Mostowski models are constructed in which the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem is true. In both models, AC for countable sets is true, but AC for sets of cardinality 2math image and the 2m = m principle are both false. The Principle of Dependent Choices is true in the first model, but false in the second.
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  33.  12
    Commentaria ac disputationes in primam partem divi thomae: de Deo Uno e Trino.Francisco Suárez, Balthasar Thomas, Hermann Lipp & Mylius Birckmann - 1620 - Ex Officina Typographica Balthasari Lippij Sumptibus Hermanni Mylij Birckmanni.
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    Açıklamalı felsefe eserleri bibliyografyası: Arap harfli Türkçe basmalar.Ömer Mahir Alper - 2004 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Kitabevi.
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    José Enes: poesia, Açores e filosofía.Miguel Real - 2009 - Lisboa: Fonte da Palavra.
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  36. (1 other version)Il diágramma di poliperconte E la politica in grecia nell'anno 319/8 ac.Elisabetta Poddighe - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    La didattica del greco e del latino: De ordine docendi ac studendi e altri scritti.Battista Guarini - 2002 - Bari: Edipuglia srl. Edited by L. Piacente.
  38.  30
    Praeceptum iustum ac stabile, sufficienter promulgatum. Dogmatica giuridica e suggestioni teologiche nel «sistema delle fonti» di Francisco Suárez.Franco Todescan - 2018 - Quaestio 18:487-506.
    This essay is drawn up to represent Francisco Suárez's system of laws. The civil law is mainly founded on the legislator's will, but this law must also be fair. The law of nations is divided into a...
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  39.  16
    Aconselhamento genético e responsabilidade civil: as ações por concepção indevida (wrongful conception), nascimento indevido (wrongful birth) e vida indevida (wrongful life).Iara Antunes de Souza - 2014 - Belo Horizonte: Arraes Editores.
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    Du bonheur d'être réac.Denis Tillinac - 2014 - [Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer]: Équateurs.
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  41. Aristotele, Teofrasto e la letteratura giuridica attica del IV secolo aC.Livio Rossetti - 1999 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 76 (4):651-682.
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    Uma leitura arendtiana sobre ação política e amor mundi no espaço público.João Victor Pinto Gonçalo de Souza, Rebeka Cristina Rosa Borges & Rita de Cássia Souza Tabosa Freitas - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (1):80-91.
    O presente artigo busca traçar um estudo político-filosófico e se dedica a articular as nuances do conceito arendtiano de ação, sobre o entendimento do agir humano dentro do espaço público. Observar as nuances e a imprevisibilidade pela qual a ação humana é expressa frente à convivência entre iguais e diferentes no espaço público é enxergar a forma com a qual as singularidades humanas e o fenômeno da revelação das identidades se tornam evidentes. Dessa maneira, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho (...)
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  43.  9
    Radical Hermeneutics: Repetition, Deconstruction and the Hermeneutic Project by John D. Caputo. [REVIEW]Robert E. Lauder - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):722-725.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS people will in fact he causally influenced to do B as well. The former is a philosophical issue and the latter is an empirical one. There are many interesting issues in these last three chapters. But the most important planks in Rachels's radical view are his distinction between biological and biographical life and his Bare Difference argument against the active killing/passive letting die distinotion. This hook contains (...)
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    Utopia e pragmatismo em educação: desafios e perspectivas: actas do II Colóquio de Filosofia da Educação, realizado na Universidade dos Açores nos dias 27 e 28 de Maio de 1999.Emanuel Oliveira Medeiros (ed.) - 2002 - Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores.
  45. Commentariorum Ac Disputationum in Tertiam Partem Diui Thomae. Tomus Primus. Priorum Viginti Sex Quætionum Eius Partis Expositionem Complectens. Auctore P. Francisco Suarez, E Societate Iesu, in Collegio Eiusdem Societatis Academiæsalamanticensis Sacrætheologiæprofessoris.Francisco Suárez, Balthasar Thomas & Lipp - 1604 - Ex Officina Typographica Balthasari Lippij, Sumptibus Arnoldi Mylij.
  46. Relación política e historia de los sermones 105, 346, 346 AC para comprender una teología de la historia en el predicador Agustín y su proyección en América Latina. [REVIEW]Néstor Raúl Sánchez Larrota - 2002 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 44 (130):11-106.
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  47.  14
    Survey of Informed Consent Procedures in Urology: Disclosing Resident Participation to Patients.Eric A. Singer, Alexandra L. Tabakin, Arnav Srivastava, Labeeqa Khizir & Juliana E. Kim - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (2):190-195.
    The American Urological Association (AUA) and American College of Surgeons (ACS) codes of professionalism require surgeons to disclose the specific roles and responsibilities of trainees to patients during the informed consent process. The objective of this study is to analyze how these requirements are met by urology training programs. An anonymous electronic survey was distributed to the program directors (PDs) of the 143 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education urology residency programs in the United States in 2021. Information was collected (...)
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    M. Tulii Ciceronis Opera philosophica: Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Franciscus l'Honore e Societatis Jeus ; Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini.Marcus Tullius Cicero, François L'honoré, Claude Thiboust & Pierre Esclassan - 1689 - Apud Viduam Claudii Thiboust, Et Petrum Esclassan,.
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  49. Phlabiou Iosephou Eis Makkabaious Logos E P[E]Ri Autokratoros Logismon. = Flavij Iosephi de Maccabæs; Seu de Rationis Imperio Liber Manuscripti Codicis Ope, Longe, Quam Antehac, & Emendatior & Auctior: Cum Latina Interpretatione Ac Notis Ioannis Luidi.Flavius Fourth Book of Maccabees, John Josephus & Lloyd - 1590 - Excudebat Iosephus Barnesius.
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  50. Joachim of Fiore, Liber de concordia Novi ac Veteris Testamenti, ed. E. Randolph Daniel. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 73/8.) Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1983. Paper. Pp. lxii, 455; 13 black-and-white facsimile illustrations. $18. [REVIEW]Sandra L. Zimdars-Swartz - 1986 - Speculum 61 (2):429-431.
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