Results for 'E. Alon'

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  1.  11
    Speeding up inferences using relevance reasoning: a formalism and algorithms.Alon Y. Levy, Richard E. Fikes & Yehoshua Sagiv - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 97 (1-2):83-136.
  2. Compositionality in visual perception.Alon Hafri, E. J. Green & Chaz Firestone - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e277.
    Quilty-Dunn et al.'s wide-ranging defense of the Language of Thought Hypothesis (LoTH) argues that vision traffics in abstract, structured representational formats. We agree: Vision, like language, is compositional – just as words compose into phrases, many visual representations contain discrete constituents that combine in systematic ways. Here, we amass evidence extending this proposal, and explore its implications for how vision interfaces with the rest of the mind.
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    R. A. Duff, Lindsay Farmer, S. E. Marshall, Massimo Renzo and Victor Tadros : The Constitution of the Criminal Law: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 250 pp, ISBN: 978-0-19-967387-2.Alon Harel - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (3):603-610.
    This book is a collection consisting of an introduction and nine essays that explore foundational aspects of criminal law. As the introduction makes clear, the book is eclectic and the essays can be classified under three main headings. The first group of essays explores the political constitution of criminal law as part of the institutional structure of the state. The second group of essays investigates the question of the authority of criminal law and its potential to create reasons for action. (...)
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    Automated Video Analysis of Non-verbal Communication in a Medical Setting.Yuval Hart, Efrat Czerniak, Orit Karnieli-Miller, Avraham E. Mayo, Amitai Ziv, Anat Biegon, Atay Citron & Uri Alon - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  5. The Absolute and the Failure to Think of the Ontological Difference Heidegger's Critique of Hegel.Alon Segev - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:453-472.
    The aim of this paper is to examine Heidegger’s critique of Hegel and to determine whether it is justified. Heidegger claims that Hegel tries to reduce everything to a single absolute entity, to the absolute knowing subject. The result is the identification of being and nothing, as Hegel formulates it at the beginning of his Logic. Hegel identifies being with nothing because being has no references, no predicates, no properties. Heidegger agrees with Hegel that being and nothing are the same, (...)
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  6. Etsbeʻotai la-milḥamah: sipurim madhimim, ʻuvdot meratḳot, maʼamarim meḥazḳim, meḥḳarim mezaʻazeʻim, ḥaśifot koʻavot be-nośe ha-maḥshev, ha-inṭernet ha-makhshirim halo kesherim, ṿe-khol nośe ha-seraṭim.Alon Farḥi - 2015 - [Israel]: [Alon Farḥi].
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  7. A phone in a basket looks like a knife in a cup: Role-filler independence in visual processing.Alon Hafri, Michael Bonner, Barbara Landau & Chaz Firestone - 2024 - Open Mind.
    When a piece of fruit is in a bowl, and the bowl is on a table, we appreciate not only the individual objects and their features, but also the relations containment and support, which abstract away from the particular objects involved. Independent representation of roles (e.g., containers vs. supporters) and “fillers” of those roles (e.g., bowls vs. cups, tables vs. chairs) is a core principle of language and higherlevel reasoning. But does such role-filler independence also arise in automatic visual processing? (...)
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  8. A normative aspect of imagining: taking on a (quasi-)doxastic role.Alon Chasid - 2024 - In Íngrid Vendrell Ferran & Christiana Werner (eds.), Imagination and Experience: Philosophical Explorations. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter explores a noteworthy, as-yet-unanalysed normative aspect of imagining. It begins by examining cases where imaginings are deemed erroneous, showing that imaginings can “go wrong” not only by failing to represent that which the imaginer intends to imagine, or is asked to imagine by an external source (e.g. a work of fiction), but also when imaginings arise unbidden. That unintended, non-deliberate imaginings can be erroneous shows that there must be a norm or commitment that is inherent to imagining, a (...)
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    For You Alone: Emmanuel Levinas and the Answerable Life. By Terry A. Veling.Jennifer E. Rosato - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (1):167-170.
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    Systems analysis in the study of the motor-control system: Control theory alone is insufficient.R. E. Kearney & I. W. Hunter - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):553-554.
  11.  16
    Promoting academic integrity through a stand-alone course in the learning management system.Diane L. Sturek, Kenneth E. A. Wendeln, Gina Londino-Smolar & M. Sara Lowe - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    IntroductionThis case study describes the process faculty at a large research university undertook to build a stand-alone online academic integrity course for first-year and transfer students. Because academic integrity is decentralized at the institution, building a more systematic program had to come from the bottom-up (faculty developed) rather than from the top down (institutionally mandated).Case descriptionUsing the learning management system, faculty and e-learning designers collaborated to build the course. Incorporating nuanced scenarios for six different types of misconduct (consistent with the (...)
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  12.  79
    The Problem of Salvation in Kant’s Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone.Gordon E. Michalson - 1997 - International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (3):319-328.
  13.  23
    (1 other version)Leaving the dice alone : pointlessness and helplessness at Wernham-Hogg (UK).Wim Vandekerckhove & Eva E. Tsahuridu - 2008 - In Jeremy Wisnewski (ed.), The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life. Blackwell.
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  14. Form without matter.E. J. Lowe - 1998 - Ratio 11 (3):214–234.
    Three different concepts of matter are identified: matter as what a thing is immediately made of, matter as stuff of a certain kind, and matter in the (dubious) sense of material ‘substratum’. The doctrine of hylomorphism, which regards every individual concrete thing as being ‘combination’ of matter and form, is challenged. Instead it is urged that we do well to identify an individual concrete thing with its own particular ‘substantial form’. The notions of form and matter, far from being correlative, (...)
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  15.  36
    An Economic Rationale for the Legal Treatment of Omissions in Tort Law: The Principle of Salience.Assaf Jacob & Alon Harel - 2002 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 3 (2).
    This paper provides an economic justification for the exemption from liability for omissions in torts and for the exceptions to this exemption. It interprets the differential treatment of acts and omissions under tort law as a proxy for a more fundamental distinction between harms caused by multiple injurers, where each one can single-handedly prevent the harm, and harms caused by a single injurer. Since the overall cost to which a group of injurers is exposed is constant, attributing liability to many (...)
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    J. B. Hofmann: Lateinische Umgangssprache. Zweite, durch Nachträge vermehrte Auflage. Pp. xvi+214. Heidelberg: Winter, 1936. Paper, RM. 4.50 (bound, 6); the Nachtrage alone, I. [REVIEW]E. C. Woodcock - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (05):203-.
  17.  16
    Historical Pragmatics: Philosophical Essays.Robert E. Butts - 2010 - Springer.
    For 35 years, the critical and creative writings of Robert E. Butts have been a notable and welcome part of European and North American philosophy. A few years ago, James Robert Brown and Jiirgen Mittelstrass feted Professor Butts with a volume entitled An Intimate Relation (Boston Studies vol. 116, 1989), essays by twenty-six philosophers and historians of the sciences. And that joining of philosophers and historians was impressive evidence of the 'intimate relation' between historical illumination and philosophical understanding which is (...)
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    The Function of Several Property and Freedom of Contract*: RANDY E. BARNETT.Randy E. Barnett - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1):62-94.
    Suppose you are on a commercial airplane that is flying at 35,000 feet. Next to you sits a man who appears to be sleeping. In fact, this man has been drugged and put upon the plane without his knowledge or consent. He has never flown on a plane before and, indeed, has no idea what an airplane is. Suddenly the man awakes and looks around him. Terrified by the alien environment in which he finds himself, he searches for a door (...)
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  19. A consumer‐based teleosemantics for animal signals.Ulrich E. Stegmann - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):864-875.
    Ethological theory standardly attributes representational content to animal signals. In this article I first assess whether Ruth Millikan’s teleosemantic theory accounts for the content of animal signals. I conclude that it does not, because many signals do not exhibit the required sort of cooperation between signal‐producing and signal‐consuming devices. It is then argued that Kim Sterelny’s proposal, while not requiring cooperation, sometimes yields the wrong content. Finally, I outline an alternative view, according to which consumers alone are responsible for conferring (...)
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  20.  13
    Peter Kivy., Music Alone.Ronald E. Roblin - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):129-130.
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    The social side of shame: approach versus withdrawal.Ilona E. De Hooge, Seger M. Breugelmans, Fieke M. A. Wagemans & Marcel Zeelenberg - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1671-1677.
    ABSTRACTAt present, the consequences and functions of experiences of shame are not yet well understood. Whereas psychology literature typically portrays shame as being bad for social relations, motivating social avoidance and withdrawal, there are recent indications that shame can be reinterpreted as having clear social tendencies in the form of motivating approach and social affiliation. Yet, until now, no research has ever put these alternative interpretations of shame-motivated behaviours directly to the test. The present paper presents such a test by (...)
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  22.  27
    A Philosophy of Seeing: The Work of the Eye/‘I’ in Early Years Educational Practice.E. Jayne White - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (3):474-489.
    The work of the eye has a powerful influence across culture and philosophy—not least in Goethe's approach to understanding. Aligned to aesthetic appreciation, seeing has the potential to offer an authorial gift of ‘other-ness’ when brought to bear on evaluative relationships. Yet this penetrating gaze might also be seen as limiting when put to work in the services of ‘other’. From the subtle sideways glance, to the lingering gaze of lovers, a look can mean many things. But the eye does (...)
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  23.  55
    Augustus and his Legionaries.E. G. Hardy - 1920 - Classical Quarterly 14 (3-4):187-.
    In the Monumentum Ancyranum Augustus makes some interesting and, if we can unravel them, undoubtedly important statements, from which certain deductions seem possible as to the number of his legionary soldiers, the rate of mortality among them, their length of service and the provisions made for them after their dicharge. Quite early in the Monument we get the following general assertion: ‘About five hundred thousand Roman citizens were bound to me by the military oath. Of these, after the due expiry (...)
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  24. Time asymmetry and quantum equations of motion.T. E. Phipps - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (4):435-455.
    Accepted quantum description is stochastic, yet history is nonstochastic, i.e., not representable by a probability distribution. Therefore ordinary quantum mechanics is unsuited to describe history. This is a limitation of the accepted quantum theory, rather than a failing of mechanics in general. To remove the limitation, it would be desirable to find a form of quantum mechanics that describes the future stochastically and the past nonstochastically. For this purpose it proves sufficient to introduce into quantum mechanics, by means of a (...)
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  25.  30
    Schiller Revisited: Aesthetic Play as the Solution to Halbbildung and Instrumental Reason.Lisbet Rosenfeldt Svanøe - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (3):34-53.
    In the fifth and sixth letter of Friedrich Schiller's On the Aesthetic Education of Man [Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen], which is based on letters written from 1793 to 1795 to his patron, the Duke of Augustenburg, Schiller critiques his contemporary society and culture. He describes how the organization of a state based on rationality alone does not develop but rather alienates man in a society in which "the dead letter succeeds the living intellect and a trained memory leads (...)
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  26. Do Lefty and Righty Matter More Than Lefty Alone?Johan E. Gustafsson & Petra Kosonen - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (5):1921-1926.
    Derek Parfit argues that fission is prudentially better for you than ordinary death. But is having more fission products with good lives prudentially better for you than having just one? In this paper, we argue that it is. We argue that, if your brain is split and the halves are transplanted into two recipients (who both have good lives), then it is prudentially better for you if both transplants succeed than if only one of them does (other things being equal). (...)
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  27.  48
    The role of practice and habituation in Socrates’ theory of ethical development.Mark E. Jonas - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):987-1005.
    ABSTRACTThe goal of this paper is to challenge the standard view that Socrates of the early Platonic dialogues is an intellectualist with respect to virtue. Through a detailed analysis of the educational theory laid out in the early dialogues, it will be argued that Socrates believes that the best way to cultivate virtues in his interlocutors is not to convince them of ethical truths by way of reason and argument alone, but to encourage them to participate in the practice of (...)
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  28.  25
    The Singular Nos in Vergil.E. H. W. Conway - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (3-4):177-.
    There can be few other uses in the Latin language which afford us so great an insight into the mental attitude of a writer at the moment of his writing, or which endow writing with so much of that personal colour which the voice alone gives in perfection, as does the singular use of the pronoun nos. All forms of this word which occur in the speeches of individuals, who are at the moment speaking independently, are either wholly singular uses, (...)
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  29. On the heights of despair.E. M. Cioran - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Born of a terrible insomnia--"a dizzying lucidity which would turn even paradise into hell"--this book presents the youthful Cioran, a self- described "Nietzsche still complete with his Zarathustra, his poses, his mystical clown's tricks, a whole circus of the heights." On the Heights of Despair shows Cioran's first grappling with themes he would return to in his mature works: despair and decay, absurdity and alienation, futility and the irrationality of existence. It also presents Cioran as a connoisseur of apocalypse, a (...)
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  30.  45
    You cannot find what you are not looking for: Population differences in relational reasoning are sometimes differences in inductive biases alone.Ivan G. Kroupin & Susan E. Carey - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):105007.
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    The Inscrutability of Moral Evil in Kant.Gordon E. Michalson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):246-269.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE INSCRUTABILITY O:F MORAL EVIL IN KANT ((W:HENCE COMETH EVIL?" Late in his career, Immanuel Kant would turn his attention to this perennial question with an elaborate account of " radical evil " in Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone. His discussion produced consternation among his admirers, such as Goethe, and continues to produce puzzlement among his commentators. Among the chief difficulties facing the modern-day interpreter has been (...)
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  32.  24
    The Althusserian legacy.E. Ann Kaplan & Michael Sprinker (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Verso.
    Louis Althusser remained until his death in 1990 the most controversial of the “master thinkers” who emerged from the turbulent Parisian intellectual scene of the 1960s. The publication of his bestselling posthumous “autobiography”, L'avenir dure longtemps, has now refueled some of these controversies. Hugely influential, whether lauded or vilified, Althusser occupies a unique place in contemporary philosophy. What is certain is that Althusserian themes and motifs continue to constitute a vital region in materialist thought. The Althusserian Legacy is the first (...)
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  33.  69
    Epicureans on Marriage as Sexual Therapy.Kelly E. Arenson - 2016 - Polis 2 (33):291-311.
    This paper argues that although Epicureans will never marry for love, they may find it therapeutic to marry for sex: Epicureans may marry in order to limit anxiety about securing a sexual partner if they are prone to such anxiety and if they believe their prospective partner will satisfy them sexually. The paper shows that Epicureans believe that the process of obtaining sex can be a major source of anxiety, that it is acceptable for the sage to marry under certain (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Locke on Language.E. J. Ashworth - 1984 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):45 - 73.
    Locke's main semantic thesis is that words stand for, or signify, ideas. He says this over and over again, though the phraseology he employs varies. In Book III chapter 2 alone we find the following statements of the thesis: ‘ … Words … come to be made use of by Men, as the Signs of their Ideas’ [III.2.1; 405:10-11); The use then of Words, is to be sensible Marks of Ideas; and the Ideas they stand for, are their proper and (...)
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  35.  42
    "Catcher" in and out of History.James E. Miller Jr - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):599-603.
    [The Catcher in the Rye's] catalogue of characters, incidents, expressions could be extended indefinitely, all of them suggesting that Holden's sickness of soul is something deeper than economic or political, that his revulsion at life is not limited to social and monetary inequities, but at something in the nature of life itself - the decrepitude of the aged, the physical repulsiveness of the pimpled, the disappearance and dissolution of the dead, the terrors of sex, the hauntedness of human aloneness, the (...)
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  36.  25
    Better governance in academic health sciences centres: moving beyond the Olivieri/Apotex Affair in Toronto.L. E. Ferris, P. A. Singer & C. D. Naylor - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):25-29.
    The Toronto experience suggests that there may be several general lessons for academic health sciences complexes to learn from the Olivieri/Apotex affair regarding the ethics, independence, and integrity of clinical research sponsored by for profit enterprises. From a local perspective, the OAA occurred when there already was a focus on the complex and changing relationships among the University of Toronto, its medical school, the fully affiliated teaching hospitals, and off campus faculty because of intertwined interests and responsibilities. The OAA became (...)
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  37.  10
    The German Aesthetic Tradition (review).Kirk E. Pillow - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):565-566.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 565-566 [Access article in PDF] Kai Hammermeister. The German Aesthetic Tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xv + 259. Cloth, $60.00. Paper, $22.00. This history of German (or more accurately, Germanic) aesthetics surveys the tradition stretching from Alexander Baumgarten to Theodor Adorno. The author has divided his survey into three thematic parts. In the first, "The Age of Paradigms," (...)
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  38. AL-AZMEH, A.(1990) Ibn Khaldun, London, Routledge. ALON, ILAI (1991) Socrates in Mediaeval Arabic Literature, Leiden, EJ Brill. BENN, CHARLES D.(1991) The Cavern Mystery Transmission, Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press. BHARADWAJA, VK (1990) Form and Validity in Indian Logic, Shimla, Indian Institute of Advanced Study. BLACK, DEBORAH L.(1990) Logic and Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics in Mediaeval Arabic Philosophy. [REVIEW]E. J. Leiden, Michael Fuss, Har Gibb, Jh Kramers, Salim Kemal, Richard Kieckehefer, George D. Bond, Bk Matilal, Oxford Oxford & W. Montgomery Watt - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (1):117.
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    Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor.E. J. Jardas, David Wasserman & David Wendler - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):304-310.
    The patient preference predictor is a proposed computer-based algorithm that would predict the treatment preferences of decisionally incapacitated patients. Incorporation of a PPP into the decision-making process has the potential to improve implementation of the substituted judgement standard by providing more accurate predictions of patients’ treatment preferences than reliance on surrogates alone. Yet, critics argue that methods for making treatment decisions for incapacitated patients should be judged on a number of factors beyond simply providing them with the treatments they would (...)
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    Contextual regularity and complexity of neuronal activity: From stand‐alone cultures to task‐performing animals.A. Ayali, E. Fuchs, Y. Zilberstein, A. Robinson, O. Shefi, E. Hulata, I. Baruchi & E. Ben-Jacob - 2004 - Complexity 9 (6):25-32.
  41.  11
    I Am Not Sure?Paul E. Levin - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):14-17.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I Am Not Sure?Paul E. LevinIt was a beautiful Friday morning, a few weeks into the summer. My schedule appeared lighter than usual and I even envisioned leaving work a bit early. Maybe a challenging bike ride before dinner. I was sitting in the chairman’s office having our weekly meeting. One of our junior faculty members called... he needed help. He was on call and a 32–year–old pregnant woman (...)
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    Contemporary Philosophy and its Origins. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):382-382.
    The general tenor of this introductory text is metaphilosophical, perhaps too much so for an introduction to twentieth century philosophy. The book is divided into sections on Realism, Idealism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, and Analysis. Each of these sections has an introduction of twenty or so pages which traces the currents in the history of philosophy which gave rise to Realism, Idealism, etc. in the twentieth century. Two spokesmen or "voices" for the general position or for some methodological consequences of the position (...)
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    Protecting Communities in Biomedical Research.Charles Weijer & E. J. Emanuel - unknown
    Although for the last 50 years, ethicists dealing with human experimentation have focused primarily on the need to protect individual research subjects and vulnerable groups, biomedical research, especially in genetics, now requires the establishment of standards for the protection of communities. We have developed such a strategy, based on five steps. (i) Identification of community characteristics relevant to the biomedical research setting, (ii) delineation of a typology of different types of communities using these characteristics, (iii) determination of the range of (...)
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    A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking (review).Jeremy E. Henkel - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):347-451.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese ThinkingJeremy E. HenkelA Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking. By François Jullien, translated by Janet Lloyd. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004. Pp. x + 202. $22.00.In A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking François Jullien argues that the different ways Chinese and Western thinkers have dealt with warfare and diplomacy reflect important differences in how (...)
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    Adam Smith Speaks to Our Times. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):303-303.
    Without extensive argument or elaboration of implications, the author presents Smith's views on ethical matters peculiarly important to our own era. Having previously assumed that Smith's statement alone is sufficient, the author permits him to speak extensively.--C. E. B.
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    The Needle in the Haystack: International Consortia and the Return of Individual Research Results.Susan E. Wallace - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):631-639.
    Where research was once strictly confined to one laboratory or office, investigators now widely share and compare their plans, analyses, and results. With the advent of genomic knowledge, researchers are seeking to understand the genetics and genomics of complex human disease. They are combining their efforts into international consortia in order to take on problems that face individuals around the world, such as cancer and malaria — problems that are too large to solve by one country alone. These consortia bring (...)
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    The regularity of manumission at Rome.Thomas E. J. Wiedemann - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (01):162-.
    The institution of slavery has served to perform different functions in different societies. The distinction between ‘closed’ and ‘open’ slavery can be a useful one: in some societies slavery is a mechanism for the permanent exclusion of certain individuals from political and economic privileges, while in others it has served precisely to facilitate the integration of outsiders into the community. ‘The African slave, brought by a foray to the tribe, enjoys, from the beginning, the privileges and name of a child, (...)
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    Prediction as an Impediment to Preparedness: Lessons from the US Hurricane and Earthquake Research Enterprises.Genevieve E. Maricle - 2011 - Minerva 49 (1):87-111.
    No matter one’s wealth or social position, all are subject to the threats of natural hazards. Be it fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or drought, the reality of hazard risk is universal. In response, governments, non-profits, and the private sector all support research to study hazards. Each has a common end in mind: to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities. While this end goal is shared across hazards, the conception of how to get there can diverge considerably. The earthquake and (...)
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    Beyond the self-legislation model of democracy.Mark E. Warren - 2010 - Ethics and Global Politics 3 (1):47-54.
    James Bohman’s Democracy across borders aims to conceptualize transnational democracy. But it is more than that: Bohman begins to articulate a paradigm shift in how we conceive democracy in complex, pluralized, globalized contexts comprised of multiple, overlapping constituencies which often have broad extension in space and time. The paradigm shift is not Bohman’s alone: it has been some time in the making*two decades at least*and has multiple sources in contemporary theories of power, inclusion and exclusion, pluralism, deliberation, as well as (...)
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    Marx, Justice, and the Dialectic Method, PHILIP J. KAIN Allen Wood has argued that for Marx the concept of justice belonging to any society grows out of that society's mode of production in such a way that each social epoch can be judged by its own standards alone, and, in Wood's view, capitalism is perfectly just, for Marx. Others, like ZI Hu.Berkeley an Abstraction & Daniel E. Flage - 1986 - New Scholasticism 60 (4).
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