Christopher J. Eberle [19]Rolf A. Eberle [15]Thomas S. Eberle [10]Rolf Eberle [3]
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  1.  35
    Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics.Christopher J. Eberle - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    What role should a citizen's religious convictions play in her political activities? Is she, for example, permitted to decide on the basis of her religious convictions to support laws that criminalize abortion or discourage homosexual relations? Christopher Eberle is deeply at odds with the dominant orthodoxy among political theorists about the relation of religion and politics. His argument is that a citizen may responsibly ground her political commitments on religious beliefs, even if her only reasons for her political commitments are (...)
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  2.  70
    Nominalistic systems.Rolf A. Eberle - 1970 - Dordrecht,: Reidel.
    1. 1. PROGRAM It will be our aim to reconstruct, with precision, certain views which have been traditionally associated with nominalism and to investigate problems arising from these views in the construction of interpreted formal systems. Several such systems are developed in accordance with the demand that the sentences of a system which is acceptable to a nominalist must not imply the existence of any entities other than individuals. Emphasis will be placed on the constructionist method of philosophical analysis. To (...)
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  3. Hempel and Oppenheim on explanation.Rolf Eberle, David Kaplan & Richard Montague - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (4):418-428.
    Hempel and Oppenheim, in their paper 'The Logic of Explanation', have offered an analysis of the notion of scientific explanation. The present paper advances considerations in the light of which their analysis seems inadequate. In particular, several theorems are proved with roughly the following content: between almost any theory and almost any singular sentence, certain relations of explainability hold.
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  4.  79
    The Impact of Interactive Corporate Social Responsibility Communication on Corporate Reputation.David Eberle, Guido Berens & Ting Li - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):731-746.
    Companies increasingly communicate about corporate social responsibility (CSR) through interactive online media. We examine whether using such media is beneficial to a company’s reputation. We conducted an online experiment to examine the impacts of interactivity in CSR messages on corporate reputation and word-of-mouth intentions. Our findings suggest that an increase in perceived interactivity leads to higher message credibility and stronger feelings of identification with the company, which also boost corporate reputation and word-of-mouth. This result implies that using interactive channels to (...)
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  5.  52
    Replacing one theory by another under preservation of a given feature.Rolf A. Eberle - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (4):486-501.
    The conditions are examined under which one theory is said to be replaceable by another, while preserving those features of the original theory which made it serviceable for a given purpose. Among such replacements, special attention is given to ones which qualify as so-called reductions of a theory, and some theorems are proved concerning the notion of a reduction.
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  6.  82
    A logic of believing, knowing, and inferring.Rolf A. Eberle - 1974 - Synthese 26 (3-4):356 - 382.
  7.  49
    Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and Ethnomethodology’s Program.Thomas S. Eberle - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (2):279-304.
    This paper discusses ethnomethodology's program in relation to the phenomenological life-world analysis of Alfred Schutz. A recent publication of Garfinkel's early writings sheds new light on how he made use of phenomenological reflections in order to create a new sociological approach. Garfinkel used Schutz's life-world analysis as a source of inspiration, called for 'misreading' in the sense of an alternate reading and developed a new, empirical approach to the analysis of social order which he called 'ethnomethodology'. Ethnomethodologists usually acknowledge the (...)
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  8.  49
    Interaction and Everyday Life: Phenomenological and Ethnomethodological Essays in Honor of George Psathas.Christina Papadimitriou, David Rehorick, Hwa Yol Jung, Lester Embree, Ilja Srubar, Martin Endress, Thomas Eberle, Jochen Dreher, Kwang-ki Kim, Thomas Wilson, Lenore Langsdorf, Kenneth Liberman, Tim Berard, Lorenza Mondada, Aug Nishizaka, Peter Weeks, Hisashi Nasu & Frances Chaput Waksler (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Through a wide-ranging international collection of papers, this volume provides theoretical and historical insights into the development and application of phenomenological sociology and ethnomethodology and offers detailed examples of research into social phenomena from these standpoints. All the articles in this volume join together to testify to the enormous efficacy and potential of both phenomenological sociology and ethnomethodology.
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  9. Consensus, Convergence, and Religiously Justified Coercion.Christopher Eberle - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (4):281-304.
    The last several decades have witnessed a vibrant discussion about the proper political role of religion in pluralistic liberal democracies. An important part of that discussion has been a dispute about the role that religious and secular reasons properly play in the justification of state coercion. Most of the theorists who have participated in that discussion have endorsed a restrictive understanding of the justificatory role available to religious reasons. Most importantly, advocates of that restrictive understanding deny that state coercion that (...)
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  10.  44
    Basic human worth and religious restraint.Christopher J. Eberle - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (1-2):151-181.
    The Doctrine of Religious Restraint is the claim that citizens and officials in a liberal democracy should not support coercive laws that they know to require a religious rationale. The most prominent argument for the Doctine of Religious Restraint appeals to the claim that we ought to treat each person as having basic worth: citizens and officials ought to obey the Doctrine of Religious Restraint because doing so is required in order for them to respect their compatriots as persons who (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and the Methodology of the Social Sciences.Thomas S. Eberle - 2010 - Human Studies 33 (2-3):123-139.
    This Alfred Schutz Memorial Lecture discusses the relationship between the phenomenological life-world analysis and the methodology of the social sciences, which was the central motive of Schutz’s work. I have set two major goals in this lecture. The first is to scrutinize the postulate of adequacy, as this postulate is the most crucial of Schutz’s methodological postulates. Max Weber devised the postulate ‘adequacy of meaning’ in analogy to the postulate of ‘causal adequacy’ (a concept used in jurisprudence) and regarded both (...)
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  12.  13
    Religion and liberal democracy.Christopher J. Eberle - 2002 - In Robert L. Simon (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 292–318.
    The prelims comprise: Justificatory Liberalism Justificatory vs. Mere Liberalism Why Public Justification? The Argument from Respect Evaluation of Larmore's Argument from Respect A General Problem for the Argument from Respect The Argument from Religious Warfare The Argument from Divisiveness What Is Public Justification? Conclusion Notes Bibliography.
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  13.  43
    Just War and Cyberwar.Christopher J. Eberle - 2013 - Journal of Military Ethics 12 (1):54-67.
  14.  37
    Some complete calculi of individuals.Rolf A. Eberle - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (4):267-278.
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  15.  42
    Denotationless terms and predicates expressive of positive qualities.Rolf A. Eberle - 1969 - Theoria 35 (2):104-123.
  16.  15
    Irreconcilable Disagreement.Christopher J. Eberle - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (3):457-484.
    John Rawls’s articulation of what makes for justice in war includes one of his most interesting, yet least discussed, assessments of religion and state coercion. Rawls claims that “the duties of the statesman in political liberalism” are incompatible with adherence to “the Catholic doctrine of double effect” when that doctrine precludes the deliberate targeting of innocent and harmless human beings in a “supreme emergency.” I explicate Rawls’s argument in favor of that claim, articulate various theological objections, and assess some proposed (...)
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  17.  79
    Religion, pacifism, and the doctrine of restraint.Christopher J. Eberle - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (2):203-224.
    The doctrine of restraint is the claim that citizens and legislators ought to restrain themselves from making political decisions solely on religious grounds. That doctrine is normally construed as a general constraint on religious arguments: an exclusively religious rationale "as such" is an inappropriate basis for a political decision, particularly a coercive political decision. However, the most common arguments for the doctrine of restraint fail to show that citizens and legislators ought to obey the doctrine of restraint, as we can (...)
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  18.  57
    Goodman on likeness and differences of meaning.Rolf A. Eberle - 1978 - Erkenntnis 12 (1):3 - 16.
  19.  9
    Justice and the Just War Tradition: Human Worth, Moral Formation, and Armed Conflict.Christopher J. Eberle - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Justice and the Just War Tradition_ articulates a distinctive understanding of the reasons that can justify war, of the reasons that cannot justify war, and of the role that those reasons should play in the motivational and attitudinal lives of the citizens, soldiers, and statesmen who participate in war. Eberle does so by relying on a robust conception of human worth, rights, and justice. He locates this theoretical account squarely in the Just War Tradition. But his account is not merely (...)
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  20.  24
    Ought the Mighty To Punish Blasphemers?Christopher J. Eberle - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:390-394.
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  21.  33
    Rights, Goods, and Proportionate War.Christopher J. Eberle - 2016 - The Monist 99 (1):70-86.
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  22. The Thisness of Nowness and the Highness of Man: A Contribution to Existentialist Thought.Rolf A. Eberle - manuscript
    A tongue-in-cheek send-up of certain aspects of existentialism written by a well-known logician and philosopher who had a serious affair with existentialism in his youth. It was never submitted for publication and is finally being made available here posthumously with the permission of Helen Eberle. To the best of my recollection it was written some time in the mid/late 1980s. -- Gary H. Merrill.
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  23.  20
    Classification by Comparison with Paradigms.Rolf Eberle - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (4):295 - 304.
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  24.  70
    Why restraint is religiously unacceptable.Christopher J. Eberle - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (3):247-276.
    I begin this essay by articulating an argument in support of the claim that theistic citizens ought not to support coercive policies for which they lack an adequate secular rationale. That argument employs various claims regarding God's nature to show: (i) that theistic citizens should expect to discern secular corroboration for each religiously grounded moral truth to which they adhere; and (ii) theistic citizens should doubt any religiously grounded moral claim for which they cannot discern an adequate secular rationale. I (...)
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  25.  73
    Yoes on non-atomic systems of individuals.Rolf A. Eberle - 1968 - Noûs 2 (4):399-403.
  26.  22
    Book discussion.Christopher Eberle - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (1):75-80.
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  27.  18
    A Study in Xenological Phenomenology: Alfred Schutz’s Stranger Revisited.Thomas S. Eberle - 2021 - Schutzian Research 13:27-50.
    This keynote takes a fresh look at Schutz’s essay on “The Stranger” of 1944. After a brief reflection on the probably universal topos of the stranger, it discerns three different kinds of strangeness in that essay: 1. the otherness of the other and the inaccessibility of the other’s experiences; 2. the strangeness vs. familiarity of elements of knowledge; and 3. the social acceptance by the in-group. Then some methodological implications of Schutz’s approach are pondered, his somewhat hidden offer of an (...)
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  28. Basic human worth : Religious and secular perspectives.Christopher J. Eberle - 2008 - In Yujin Nagasawa & Erik Wielenberg (eds.), New waves in philosophy of religion. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 167.
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  29.  49
    Comments on Carnahan, Anderson, and Wolterstorff.Christopher J. Eberle - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2):437-445.
    In this paper, I reflect on a number of issues raised in Kevin Carnahan’s “Religion, and not just Religious Reasons, in the Public Square: A Consideration of Robert Audi’s and Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Religion in the Public Square” and Eric A. Anderson’s “Religiously Conservative Citizens and the Ideal of Conscientious Engagement: A Comment on Wolterstorff and Eberle.” In response to Carnahan, I argue that recent discussions of the proper public role of religious reason do not depend on an objectionable conception of (...)
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  30. Diagrams and Natural Deduction: Theory and Pedagogy of Hyperproof.Ruth Eberle - 1995 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    The logical system Hyperproof and the computer implementation of it--both created by Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy--present a radical new approach to modeling and teaching about reasoning. Hyperproof is a heterogeneous proof system that uses both sentences and diagrams as steps in proofs. This dissertation addresses important logical, philosophical, and pedagogical issues that Hyperproof raises. We formalize the syntax and semantics of Hyperproof, show that the major inference rules are valid, and give completeness results for four subsystems of Hyperproof. We (...)
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  31.  6
    Die Grundlagen der Sittlichkeit in philosophischer und theologischer Sicht.Adolf Eberle - 1946 - Bamberg,: Meisenbach. Edited by Josef Schneider.
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  32.  49
    God’s Nature and the Rationality of Religious Belief.Chris Eberle - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (2):152-169.
    If something like Reformed Epistemology is correct, an agent is innocent in regarding certain ways of forming beliefs to be reliable until those ways have been proven guilty. An important species of argument purporting to show guilt (1) identifies the ways of forming beliefs at the core of our cognitive activity, (2) isolates the features of our core practices which account for their reliability, and (3) determines whether or not peripheral practices which ought to have those features enjoy at least (...)
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  33.  48
    God, War, and Conscience.Christopher J. Eberle - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (3):479-507.
    Many military officers believe that they morally ought to obey legal orders to fight even in unjust wars: they have a moral obligation to exercise indiscriminate obedience to legal orders to fight. I argue that officers should not be required to exercise indiscriminate obedience: certain theistic commitments to which many citizens and officers adhere prohibit indiscriminate obedience to legal orders to fight. This theistic argument constitutes adequate reason not to require officers to exercise indiscriminate obedience. However, this raises a further (...)
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  34.  99
    Is Philosophy a Branch of Logic?Rolf A. Eberle - 1986 - The Monist 69 (2):163-176.
    According to the customary view, logic is a mere subdiscipline or ad junct of philosophy in so far as it is relevant to philosophy at all, and a sub discipline of mathematics to the extent that it is not. Thus, philosophy is taken to have traditional proprietary rights on "its" logic. I would like to examine here the reverse proprietary attitude, according to which philosophy is a branch of logic.
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  35. Kants Straftheorie in ihrer Bedeutung für die Entwicklung einer Theorie der Straffälligenpädagogik.H. -J. Eberle - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1):90.
  36. Kant theory of punishment and its importance for the development of a theory of the education of criminals.Hj Eberle - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1):90-106.
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  37.  85
    Logic with a relative truth predicate and “that”-terms.Rolf A. Eberle - 1984 - Synthese 59 (2):151 - 185.
  38.  40
    Non-atomic systems of individuals revisited.Rolf A. Eberle - 1969 - Noûs 3 (4):431-434.
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  39. Nominalistic Systems: The Logic and Semantics of Some Nominalistic Positions.Rolf A. Eberle - 1965 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
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  40.  87
    Ontologically neutral arithmetic.Rolf A. Eberle - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (1):67-94.
  41.  45
    Phenomenological Sociology Reconsidered: On The New Orleans Sniper.Thomas S. Eberle - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (1):121-132.
  42.  36
    Religious conviction in the profession of arms.Christopher J. Eberle & Rick Rubel - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (3):171-185.
    Abstract Many political theorists have argued that religious reasons should play a rather limited role in public or political settings. So, for example, according to the Doctrine of Religious Restraint, citizens and legislators ought not allow religious reasons to play a decisive role in justifying public policies. Many military professionals seem to believe that some version of that doctrine applies in military settings, that is, that military professionals should not allow their religious convictions to determine how they exercise command authority. (...)
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  43.  20
    (2 other versions)Regaining Sense-connections after Cerebral Hemorrhage.Thomas S. Eberle - 2013 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 5 (2013):81-102.
    This study is a kind of applied phenomenology, or more precisely, of applied phenomenological hermeneutics. I argue that phenomenologists hardly analyze concrete phenomena but prefer to engage in theoretical debates, and therefore I call for more applied studies. The case of a patient who suffered a cerebralhemorrhage is used in order to reconstruct how she slowly regained everyday sense-connexions. The case is very interesting as the patient was rather disoriented when waking up from an artificial coma of several weeks, and (...)
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  44.  84
    Semantic Analysis Without Reference to Abstract Entities.Rolf A. Eberle - 1978 - The Monist 61 (3):363-383.
    Alonzo Church has repeatedly argued that the semantic analysis of certain contexts requires reference to abstract entities of various kinds. The problem, arising from this argument for nominalists, will be examined first. Then we shall attempt to meet Church’s challenge by constructing and informally describing a semantics which was inspired by Nelson Goodman’s distinction between primary and secondary extensions. According to that semantics, no expression of the object language will make reference to any abstract or non-actual entity while the system (...)
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  45.  39
    Shari’a Reasoning and the Justice of Religious War.Christopher J. Eberle - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):195-211.
    Most contemporary advocates of the Just War Tradition (JWT) condemn religious war. If they are correct, waging war should be a secular affair, fully justifiable on non-religious grounds. This secularized understanding of the JWT draws on normative commitments that lead many political theorists to advocate in favor of a secularized politics in western liberal polities. As a matter of historical fact and contemporary commitment, many Muslims have rejected the secularized conception of the morality of war found in contemporary conceptions of (...)
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  46.  31
    The relativization of truth to functions: Its expressive power and ontic import.Rolf A. Eberle - 1982 - Noûs 16 (3):443-451.
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  47.  12
    Universals as Designata of Predicates.Rolf Eberle - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (2):151 - 157.
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  48.  8
    (1 other version)The handbook of the study of play.James Ewald Johnson, Scott G. Eberle, Thomas S. Henricks & David Kuschner (eds.) - 9999 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Handbook of the Study of Play brings together, in two volumes, thinkers whose diverse interests at the leading edge of scholarship and practice define the current field. Because play is an activity that humans have shared across time, place, and culture, and in their personal developmental timelines - and because this behavior stretches deep into the evolutionary past - no single discipline can lay claim to exclusive rights to study the subject. Thus, this handbook features the thinking of evolutionary (...)
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  49.  13
    Retrieval Practice Fails to Insulate Episodic Memories against Interference after Stroke.Bernhard Pastötter, Hanna Eberle, Ingo Aue & Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50.  31
    Why is it crucial to reintegrate pathology into cancer research?Jaime Rodriguez-Canales, Franziska C. Eberle, Elaine S. Jaffe & Michael R. Emmert-Buck - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (7):490-498.
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