Results for 'Education, Higher Curricula'

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  1.  92
    Transforming science curricula in higher education: Feminist contributions.Bonnie Spanier - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):467-480.
    Feminist contributions to the science curricula in higher education constitute invaluable but often overlooked resources for truly effective communication about science. Here I share a sampling of feminist science studies and discuss the origins of this effort to create inclusive and less biased science curricula that serve all students and citizens. Challenges from scientists center on assumptions and values about the appropriate relationship between science and politics, while challenges from educators extend to assumptions about how science has (...)
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    Curricula without Boundaries: Developing an Ecological Connection for Higher Education Curricula.Chia-Ling Wang - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (13):1402-1411.
    This study was conducted to address the concept of higher education curricula and its practice from an ecological perspective. First, the significance of ecology is investigated based on two streams of thought; the ecological concept of the university proposed by Ronald Barnett; and the text, The Three Ecologies authored by the Italian philosopher Félix Guattari. Second, the notion of ecology is explored, and thoughts on the ecological curriculum and its feasibility are elaborated. Third, outcome-based education is currently the (...)
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  3. Commentary on “transforming science curricula in higher education: Feminist contributions” (b. spanier).Bonnie Shulman - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):481-484.
  4.  42
    Marketing higher education: The promotion of relevance and the relevance of promotion.Anthony Lowrie & Hugh Willmott - 2006 - Social Epistemology 20 (3):221 – 240.
    This paper examines the marketization of higher education. It takes the curriculum development for a degree sponsored by industry as a focus for exploring the involvement of industry and, more specifically, prospective employers, in shaping higher education provision. Empirical material gathered from a three and a half-year ethnographic study is used to illustrate how mundane promotional work associated with sponsored curricula operates to reconstitute higher education. It is shown how, in the process of introducing sponsored (...) into the university, a market relevance discourse is merged with traditional discourse to promote a new discursive order and thereby contribute to the reformation of university education. This hybrid discourse (of tradition and relevance) makes traditional resistance to the encroachment of "relevance" into university education more difficult to justify, and perhaps impossible to sustain. Nonetheless, it produces new antagonisms that provide future sites of resistance. (shrink)
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    Ethics Incognito: Detecting Ethically Relevant Courses Across Curricula in Higher Education.Martino Ongis, David Kidd & Jess Miner - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):269-286.
    As colleges and universities seek to invigorate ethics education, they need methods to identify where and describe how ethics is already present across their curricula. Meeting this need is complicated by the fact that much ethics education occurs in courses not explicitly focused on ethics or morality. In this paper, we review recent methodological advances before presenting a new Ethics Course Identification Tool (ECIT) that combines application of an expert-derived weighted dictionary and natural language processing methods to identify ethics-related (...)
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  6. Primary School Curricula Towards Sustainable Peace Education in Post-genocide Rwanda.Edouard Ntakirutimana & Emmanuel Niyibizi - 2024 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 5:199-214.
    Rwanda is a country that experienced the tragic genocide against Tutsi in 1994. In the aftermath of this, a number of initiatives were taken in the country for sustainable peace through reconstruction and reconciliation. In the education sector, peace and values education is part of the school curricula. The study at hand explores, through document analysis, the perspectives of peace education in primary school curricula of Rwanda. This study aims at explicit and implicit perspectives in which primary school (...)
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  7.  21
    Higher Education Students’ Reflective Journal Writing and Lifelong Learning Skills: Insights From an Exploratory Sequential Study.Dorit Alt, Nirit Raichel & Lior Naamati-Schneider - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Reflective journal writing has been recognized as an effective pedagogical tool for nurturing students’ lifelong learning skills. With the paucity of empirical work on the dimensionality of reflective writing, this research sought to qualitatively analyze students’ RJ writing and design a generic reflection scheme for identifying dimensions of reflective thinking. Drawing on the theoretical scheme, another aim was to design and validate a questionnaire to measure students’ perceptions of their reflective writing experiences. The last aim was to quantitatively measure the (...)
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  8.  50
    African higher education and decolonizing the teaching of philosophy.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1854-1867.
    In recent years, different places in the world have witnessed demands for the decolonization of education. Nevertheless, it is not completely clear how this ought to be carried out. There are various factors that influence what such decolonization may entail, including the geographical place for decolonization and the discipline being decolonized. This requires a specific analysis of each context. In this article, I wish to make a proposal for how to carry out the decolonization of philosophy teaching at the university (...)
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  9.  11
    Higher Education Professors and Administrative Leaders’ Perspectives on AI Ethics Across the Curriculum in advance.Sevinj Iskandarova & Oris Griffin - forthcoming - Teaching Ethics.
    The increasing presence of technology in higher education institutions requires a co-creation process among faculty members and administrative leaders to implement AI education. Unfortunately, most educators currently lack the necessary knowledge and skills to assess AI applications. Fitzpatrick’s research in 2023 revealed that only 6% of instructors had utilized ChatGPT for work, while a significant 32% expressed the need for greater familiarity with such tools. Interestingly, students tend to adapt to AI much more swiftly than their teachers. As advanced (...)
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  10.  98
    How are Australian higher education institutions contributing to innovative teaching and learning through virtual worlds?Brent Gregory, Sue Gregory, Bogdanovych A., Jacobson Michael, Newstead Anne & Simeon Simoff and Many Others - 2011 - In Gregory Sue (ed.), Ascilite (Australian Society of Computers in Tertiary Education). Ascilite.
    Over the past decade, teaching and learning in virtual worlds has been at the forefront of many higher education institutions around the world. The DEHub Virtual Worlds Working Group (VWWG) consisting of Australian and New Zealand higher education academics was formed in 2009. These educators are investigating the role that virtual worlds play in the future of education and actively changing the direction of their own teaching practice and curricula. 47 academics reporting on 28 Australian higher (...)
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  11.  65
    Ethics Teaching in Higher Education for Principled Reasoning: A Gateway for Reconciling Scientific Practice with Ethical Deliberation.Mehmet Aközer & Emel Aközer - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):825-860.
    This paper proposes laying the groundwork for principled moral reasoning as a seminal goal of ethics interventions in higher education, and on this basis, makes a case for educating future specialists and professionals with a foundation in philosophical ethics. Identification of such a seminal goal is warranted by the progressive dissociation of scientific practice and ethical deliberation since the onset of a problematic relationship between science and ethics around the mid-19th century, and the extensive mistrust of integrating ethics in (...)
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  12.  44
    Education for the Aesthetics of Sport in Higher Education in the Sports Sciences – The Particular Case of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries.Teresa Oliveira Lacerda - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):235-250.
    In this paper it is argued why and how the aesthetics of sport should be included in higher education curricula in sport sciences. It is claimed that within the scope of philosophy of sport, aesthetics has its own role to play, since it provides a ‘sensible knowledge’ that should not be undervalued, and philosophers of sport must be aware of this. Providing examples from Portugal and Brazil, it is enunciated how these countries have been taking seriously and incorporated (...)
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  13.  20
    Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education.Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
    We start with a simple question: If you could reinvent higher education for the 21st century, what should it look like? We began by taking a hard look at problems in traditional higher education, and innovated in many ways to address these problems head-on: We have created a new curriculum, focusing on what we call "practical knowledge"; we have developed new pedagogy, based on the science of learning; we have used technology in novel ways, to deliver small seminars (...)
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  14.  22
    When Students Rally for Anti-Racism. Engaging with Racial Literacy in Higher Education.Hari Prasad Adhikari-Sacré & Kris Rutten - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):48.
    Despite a decade of diversity policy plans, a wave of student rallies has ignited debates across western European university campuses. We observe these debates from a situated call for anti-racism in Belgian higher education institutions, and critically reflect on the gap between diversity policy discourse and calls for anti-racism. The students’ initiatives make a plea for racial literacy in the curriculum, to foster a critical awareness on how racial hierarchies have been educated through curricula and institutional processes. Students (...)
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  15.  38
    Views on strategies for higher agricultural education in support of agricultural and rural development.W. D. Maalouf - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (4):40-49.
    Agricultural and rural development programs can only succeed if they are based on effective participation and support of actors from the policymaking stage through all levels, including field personnel and primary producers. But these actors must possess the knowledge, attitude, and skills necessary to execute their tasks. For this reason, agricultural education and training has an integral part to play in any agricultural and rural development effort. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has made significant contributions (...)
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  16.  45
    Assessing the State of Ethics Education in General Education Curricula at U.S. Research Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges.Jeremiah Kim, Drew Chambers, Ka Ya Lee & David Kidd - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):19-40.
    Higher education is seeing renewed calls for strengthening ethics education, yet there remains a dearth of research on the state of ethics education across undergraduate curricula. Research about ethics in higher education tends to be localized and often isolated to fields of graduate study. In contribution to a contemporary, landscape understanding of ethics education, we collected data on the placement and prevalence of ethics instruction within the general education curricula at 507 major U.S. colleges and universities. (...)
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  17. Higher Education's Microcredentialing Craze: A Postdigital-Deweyan Critique.Shane J. Ralston - 2021 - Postdigital Science and Education 3 (1):83-101.
    As the value of a university degree plummets, the popularity of digital microcredentials has soared. Similar to recent calls for the early adoption of Blockchain technology, the so-called ‘microcredentialing craze’ could be no more than a fad, marketing hype or another case of ‘learning innovation theater’. Alternatively, the introduction of these compact skills- and competency-based online certificate programs might augur the arrival of a legitimate successor to the four-year university diploma. The thesis of this article is that the craze for (...)
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  18.  15
    Improving Well-Being in Higher Education: Adopting a Compassionate Approach.Frances A. Maratos, Paul Gilbert & Theo Gilbert - 2019 - In Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick (eds.), Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This chapter directs attention to calls to integrate compassion training in curricula throughout the education system. Following a review of current Higher Education aims and objectives, and the potential psychological impacts that these can have on staff and students, we outline a case for compassion based initiatives in education. We discuss the nature and functions of compassion, as well as how compassion can heighten prosocial competencies. We then consider how compassion based approaches can be - and have been (...)
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  19.  88
    Doing Diversity Work in Higher Education in Australia.Sara Ahmed - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (6):745-768.
    This paper explores how diversity is used as a key term to describe the social and educational mission of universities in Australia. The paper suggests that we need to explore what diversity ‘does’ in specific contexts. Drawing on interviews with diversity and equal opportunities practitioners, the paper suggests that ‘diversity’ is used in the face of what has been called ‘equity fatigue’. Diversity is associated with what is new, and allows practitioners to align themselves and their units with the existing (...)
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  20.  28
    Integrating soft skills in higher education and the EFL classroom: Knowledge beyond language learning.Elena Spirovska Tevdovska - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (2):95-106.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of soft skills in the context of higher education and in the context of the foreign language learning classroom. The article aims to define the notion of soft skills and to offer possible ways of grouping soft skills. It also provides ways of including soft skills instruction in the context of higher education. In addition, the article aims to propose models of implementing soft skills in foreign language learning (...)
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  21.  28
    Seeking Approval: International Higher Education Students’ Experiences of Applying for Human Research Ethics Clearance in Australia.K. Davis, L. Tan, J. Miller & M. Israel - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (3):421-436.
    University human research ethics application procedures can be complicated and daunting, especially for international students unfamiliar with the process and the language. We conducted focus groups and interviews with four research higher degree and 21 Master’s coursework international students at an Australian university to gain their views on the human ethics application process. We found the most important influences on their experience were: the time it took to do an application; support from supervisors, peers and others; their own language (...)
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  22.  13
    Hope, utopia and creativity in higher education: pedagogical tactics for alternative futures.Craig A. Hammond - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Reappraising ideas associated with Ernst Bloch, Roland Barthes and Gaston Bachelard within the context of a utopian pedagogy, Hope, Utopia and Creativity in Higher Education reframes the transformative, creative and collaborative potential of education offering new concepts, tactics and pedagogical possibilities. Craig A. Hammond explores ways of analysing and democratising not only pedagogical conception, knowledge and delivery, but also the learning experience, and processes of negotiation and peer-assessment. Hammond shows how the incorporation of already existent learner hopes, daydreams, and (...)
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  23.  91
    The Presence of Business Ethics and CSR in the Higher Education Curricula for Executives.José Luis Fernández Fernández & Anna Bajo Sanjuán - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:25-38.
    This paper analyses the study plans and programmes offered in Spain to present and future businesspeople and executives in the academic year 2009-10. These offerings represent business administration studies in all Spanish universities, as well as postgraduate programmes taught by the universities themselves and/or other business schools. This is of special relevance because there are few data for assessing how our executives are trained, even though such data areessential to any attempt to improve corporate performance. Clearly, business ethics, corporate social (...)
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  24.  35
    Indian university reform.Higher Education - 1966 - Minerva 5 (1):47-81.
  25.  25
    Higher Education in the Making. [REVIEW]Eugene Thomas Long - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (3):645-647.
    In this engaging study, George Allan—Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and long time academic Dean at Dickinson College—brings us into the heart of the current debates about undergraduate curricula led by canonists on the one side and anti-canonists on the other side. Dogmatically defending the traditional educational canon, rejecting it, or vastly expanding its content with respect to historical eras, ethnic groups, or disciplinary traditions, Allan argues, are all recipes for disaster. The first six chapters of the book are devoted (...)
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  26.  38
    AI Ethics in Higher Education: Insights from Africa and Beyond.Caitlin C. Corrigan, Simon Atuah Asakipaam, Jerry John Kponyo & Christoph Luetge (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book tackles the pressing problem of integrating concerns related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics into higher education curriculums aimed at future AI developers in Africa and beyond. For doing so, it analyzes the present and future states of AI ethics education in local computer science and engineering programs. The authors share relevant best practices and use cases for teaching, develop answers to ongoing organizational challenges, and reflect on the practical implications of different theoretical approaches to AI (...)
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  27.  20
    Turning the moral compass towards transformative research ethics: An inflection point for humanised pedagogy in higher education.S. Singh - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (2):42.
    Ethical guidance in research is underpinned by the need to show respect for study participants by upholding autonomy in participant decision-making, and confidentiality and protection of individual rights, privacy and interests, yet decision-making could also be influenced by the participant’s sociocultural and belief systems. This calls for a more Africanised approach to research ethics where these values and beliefs are upheld. While national and international ethics guidelines do exist, there is little evidence that such a paradigm shift in research ethics (...)
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  28.  22
    Consciousness-based education: a foundation for teaching and learning in the academic disciplines.Dara Llewellyn & Craig Pearson (eds.) - 2011 - Fairfield, Iowa 52557: Consciousness-Based Books, Maharishi University of Management.
    Consciousness-based education and Maharishi Vedic science -- Consciousness-based education and education -- Consciousness-based education and physiology and health -- Consciousness-based education and physics -- Consciousness-based education and mathematics -- Consciousness-based education and literature -- Consciousness-based education and art -- Consciousness-based education and management -- Consciousness-based education and government -- Consciousness-based education and computer science -- Consciousness-based education and sustainability -- Consciousness-based education and world peace.
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  29.  9
    The Pedagogy of Compassion at the Heart of Higher Education.Paul Gibbs (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers a moral rather than instrumental notion of university education whilst locating the university within society. It reflects a balancing of the instrumentalization of higher education as a mode of employment training and enhances the notion of the students' well-being being at the core of the university mission. Compassion is examined in this volume as a weaving of diverse cultures and beliefs into a way of recognizing that diversity through a common good offers a way of preparing (...)
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  30.  28
    Shifting the discourse of plagiarism and ethics: a cultural opportunity in higher education.Hyunjin Jinna Kim & Huseyin Uysal - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):163-176.
    Plagiarism is a pervasive challenge throughout academia perpetuated by the advent of technology, lack of ethical education, and the ambiguity in its definition. Plagiarism in the United States’ higher education settings has gained more attention over the years as international student population has increased. Considering how higher education institutions are growing as international spaces due to globalization, it is crucial to closely examine ethical issues concerning the diverse and multicultural student population. A prevailing view of plagiarism asserts that (...)
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  31.  14
    Residual post-pandemic ICT literacy in higher education.O. Miguel Campos Tejero - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-10.
    The COVID-19 pandemic forced higher educational institutions to an emergent transition to online education, which required that teachers and students were ICT literate enough to continue with their curricula. As most universities in Japan have already transitioned back to face-to-face lessons, this study aimed to analyze the process of acquisition and use of ICT knowledge in a pre, mid and post-pandemic scenario. Findings showed a drastic gap of ICT literacy between teachers and students. However, results suggest that the (...)
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  32.  78
    Transcending post-truth: Open educational practices in the information age.Michael Glassman, Shantanu Tilak & Min Ju Kang - 2023 - Distance Education 44 (4):637-654.
    This paper discusses operationalization of open educational practices (OEP) using innovative, Internet-influenced pedagogies to expose dangers of post-truth narratives. The first part reviews interpretations of OEP (associated with open-access and tools, collaboration, problem-centered learning, and democratic pedagogy) and explores possibilities for creating educational initiatives where students learn to create problem-solving communities mirroring an informationally healthy society. The second part suggests our society has reached a post-truth crossroads. Post-truth was initially discussed in the 1990s—a reification of critical theorists’ pessimism of social (...)
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  33.  15
    Philosophy modules on journalism courses at Polish higher education establishments and the search for meaning. A few remarks for discussion.Rafał Leśniczak - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 58 (3).
    The article refers to the issue of journalism education at university, in terms of the philosophical categories of meaning and truth. The author analyses the curricula of selected Polish higher education institutions in the majors of journalism and social communication, and refers to studies on education in journalism ethics in Poland conducted in 2015–2016. In his academic reflection, he indicates the inadequacy of university education for the proper preparation of journalists for fulfilling their profession when faced with the (...)
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  34. Connecting environmental sustainability education to practical applications for tourism students in Thailand.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Minh Huan Nguyen, Davy Budiono, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Tourism education plays a key role in shaping students’ engagement with sustainability by providing them with the knowledge and skills to address environmental challenges and encouraging them to promote sustainable practices in the industry. This study explores how four years of tourism education at Prince of Songkla University in Phuket, Thailand, influence students’ knowledge, attitudes, and intentions toward sustainability. Despite gaining theoretical knowledge of sustainability principles, the findings reveal a decline in students’ willingness to adopt environmental sustainability practices as their (...)
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  35.  31
    Powers of the mind: the reinvention of liberal learning in America.Donald Nathan Levine - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    It is one thing to lament the financial pressures put on universities, quite another to face up to the poverty of resources for thinking about what universities should do when they purport to offer a liberal education. In Powers of the Mind, former University of Chicago dean Donald N. Levine enriches those resources by proposing fresh ways to think about liberal learning with ideas more suited to our times. He does so by defining basic values of modernity and then considering (...)
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  36.  45
    The assessment challenge of social and collaborative learning in higher education.David Boud & Margaret Bearman - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):459-468.
    There is a general tension between the individualised nature of current assessment practices in higher education and a collaborative approach to learning. This results in many dilemmas for educators as they try to balance academic integrity concerns and student preferences with social or collaborative assessment practices, including peer assessment, group assignments and direct assessment of teamwork or collaboration. This paper argues that focussing on singular assessment tasks or experiences tends to lead to marginal effects. Rather, we suggest that the (...)
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  37.  27
    The Education of Sam Sanders.T. S. Poetter - 2006 - Hamilton Books.
    Set in 2029, The Education of Sam Sanders tells the story of an 8th grader searching for meaning in his school experiences. In a public school system beset by the finality and rigidity of standardized tests and curriculums, Sam Sanders, with the help of his teacher and mother, defies the system and creates something new: a curriculum that enlightens rather than categorizes students. In this hopeful yet frightening look at an educational future not too far from our own, we encounter (...)
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    The efficacy of integrating spirituality into undergraduate nursing curricula.Meryem Yilmaz & Hesna Gurler - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (8):929-945.
    Background: Attention to patients’ spirituality, as a moral obligation of care, is now widely accepted in nursing practice. However, until recently, many nursing programs have paid little attention to spirituality. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the impact of two different curricula, used to teach undergraduate nursing students, on increasing nursing student awareness of spirituality in the care of patients. Research design: A quasi-experimental post-intervention two-group design was conducted in 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 academic years. Participants and (...)
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  39.  14
    Socially just pedagogies and social justice: The intersection of teaching ethics at higher education level and social justice.John S. Klaasen - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):7.
    This article is part of a longer term project between the Department of Religion and Theology at the University of the Western Cape and Umea University in Sweden. At both the institutions the teaching of ethics as a module within social science curricula has been an important focus area. The critical investigation of the growth of the ethics modules in the Department of Religion and Theology addresses questions of the growth in the number of students taking ethics as a (...)
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    Talent and Education: Present Status and Future Directions.E. Paul Torrance (ed.) - 1960 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Talent and Education was first published in 1960. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.The problem of identification, development, and utilization of talented young people is a matter of prime concern to all who are interested in the welfare of the individual and the future of the nation. This book, constituting a progress report on research related to the problem, will be of (...)
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  41. Do medical schools teach medical humanities? Review of curricula in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.Jeremy Howick, Lunan Zhao, Brenna McKaig, Alessandro Rosa, Raffaella Campaner, Jason Oke & Dien Ho - 2021 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (1):86-92.
    Rationale and objectives: Medical humanities are becoming increasingly recognized as positively impacting medical education and medical practice. However, the extent of medical humanities teaching in medical schools is largely unknown. We reviewed medical school curricula in Canada, the UK and the US. We also explored the relationship between medical school ranking and the inclusion of medical humanities in the curricula. -/- Methods: We searched the curriculum websites of all accredited medical schools in Canada, the UK and the US (...)
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    The relationship of ethics education to moral sensitivity and moral reasoning skills of nursing students.Mihyun Park, Diane Kjervik, Jamie Crandell & Marilyn H. Oermann - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):568-580.
    This study described the relationships between academic class and student moral sensitivity and reasoning and between curriculum design components for ethics education and student moral sensitivity and reasoning. The data were collected from freshman (n = 506) and senior students (n = 440) in eight baccalaureate nursing programs in South Korea by survey; the survey consisted of the Korean Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire and the Korean Defining Issues Test. The results showed that moral sensitivity scores in patient-oriented care and conflict were (...)
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  43. Philosophy of Education as an Academic Discipline in Turkey: The Past and the Present. [REVIEW]Hasan Ünder - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):405-431.
    This article aims to present the past and present state and future possibilities of philosophy of education as an academic discipline in Turkey as related to teacher training programs and academic studies in higher education institutions. It takes philosophy of education as consisting of the approaches that have emerged in its history. It has come to Turkey as a part of the modernization of education. It seems that during the Republican era in Turkey before World War II, mainly due (...)
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    Online design education: Searching for a middle ground.Katja Fleischmann - 2020 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 19 (1):36-57.
    At its heart, design is a studio-based discipline, which makes it difficult for design educators to adopt technology-driven changes into an online teaching and learning environment. Globally, few universities offer online undergraduate degree design courses, despite an overall growth in online higher degree curricula. Anecdotal evidence and limited research studies exploring the design educators’ view lament the potential loss of direct interactions between educator and design students in an online learning environment making it impossible to offer design education (...)
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    Social Responsibility of Educational Institutions in Supporting the Entrepreneurship Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Dhafallah Maghem Alotaibi, Yasmin Alaa El-din Ali Youssef, Fatma Ali Aboulhaded Ali, Asmaa Hassan Omran Hassan, Haifa Mohammed Sulaiman Al-Rubaian & Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Elfeky - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:132-156.
    This study aimed to identify the social responsibility of higher education institutions in supporting the entrepreneurship sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, To achieve this goal, the descriptive and analytical method was used, by designing a questionnaire and distributing it to the research sample, which consists of 200 students and workers at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University. The study found the importance of training and qualification in developing and stimulating entrepreneurship in the Kingdom, The lack of development (...)
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    Unintended Consequences? The Commodification of Ideas in Tertiary Education and their Effects on Muslim Students.Anke Iman Bouzenita & Bronwyn Wood - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):883-902.
    Islamic education, from a holistic point of view, is more than just the direct transmission of the pure Islamic sciences. It encompasses other branches of specialisation and ideally accompanies Muslims, through reflections of the Islamic worldview, during their formal and informal formation. This paper reflects how, in the contemporary tertiary education in the Islamic world, commodified concepts stemming from a non-Islamic worldview are being proliferated, and what the expected results are for Muslim students. The paper expounds on differences in worldview (...)
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    “Raising among themselves”: Black educational advancement and the morrill act of 1890. [REVIEW]Lee A. Craig - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (1):31-37.
    Debate over the curricula of Black colleges and universities dates back to before the turn of the century and involved such noted Black leaders as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. The 1890 Land-Grant Colleges eventually established in 17 southern and border states were created to provide institutions for the teaching of the agricultural and mechanical arts to African-Americans. However, due to their being chronically underfunded and understaffed during the early decades of their existence, they focused mainly on teacher (...)
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    The changing landscape of care: does ethics education have a new role to play in health practice?Julie Wintrup - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):22.
    In the UK, higher education and health care providers share responsibility for educating the workforce. The challenges facing health practice also face health education and as educators we are implicated, by the way we design curricula and through students’ experiences and their stories.
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  49. Online Communication Tools in Teaching Foreign Languages for Education Sustainability.Anna Shutaleva - 2021 - Sustainability 13:11127.
    Higher education curricula are developed based on creating conditions for implementing many professional and universal competencies. In Russia, one of the significant competencies for a modern specialist is business communication in oral and written forms in the Russian language and a foreign language. Therefore, teaching students to write in a foreign language is one of the modern requirements for young specialists’ professional training. This article aimed to study the tools of online communication that are used in teaching foreign (...)
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    Students embracing change towards more powerful learning environments in vocational education.Inge Placklé, Karen D. Könings, Wolfgang Jacquet, Arno Libotton, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer & Nadine Engels - 2018 - Educational Studies 44 (1):26-44.
    Students’ educational engagement is both an important predictor of study success and a key preventive factor for dropout. Vocational tracks in secondary education show high dropout rates. There is strong evidence that the solution to educational disengagement lies in student‐centred, powerful learning environments. This study investigates characteristics of PLEs from the perspective of students in vocational secondary education. Students’ perspectives on a learning environment are crucial for their satisfaction and learning engagement. Therefore, we investigated whether the perceived learning environment meets (...)
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