Results for 'Efficient Market Hypothesis'

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  1.  87
    When efficient market hypothesis meets Hayek on information: beyond a methodological reading.Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger & Thomas Delcey - 2019 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (2):97-116.
    Hayek and the Efficient Market Hypothesis are often seen as proposing a similar theory of prices. Hayek is seen as proposing to understand prices as information conveyer, incorporating inform...
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    Methodology of examining the efficient markets hypothesis - gradual evolution or paradigmatic leaps?Michal Vyletelka - 2021 - E-Logos 28 (2):16-25.
    Článok reflektuje historický vývoj skúmania hypotézy efektívnych trhov s vybranými stanoviskami metodológie vedy. Z vedeckého skúmania finančných trhov sa zdá, že aj napriek zdanlivým paradigmatickým prechodom medzi jednotlivými hypotézami o efektivite trhov sa úroveň vedeckého poznania menila kontinuálne, predovšetkým kvôli postupnej aplikácii nových analytických inštrumentov a nových metód testovania. Protichodné vedecké teórie vznikali a boli testované súbežne, rozdiel medzi ich prijatím a zamietnutím spočíval na sile empirických dôkazov poskytnutých v danom časovom období. Vývoj skúmaných teórií s postupne robustnejším metodickým rámcom (...)
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    A comparison between qualitative and quantitative histories: the example of the efficient market hypothesis.Franck Jovanovic - 2018 - Journal of Economic Methodology 25 (4):291-310.
  4. Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioural Finance.Andrei Shleifer - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The efficient markets hypothesis has been the central proposition in finance for nearly thirty years. It states that securities prices in financial markets must equal fundamental values, either because all investors are rational or because arbitrage eliminates pricing anomalies. This book describes an alternative approach to the study of financial markets: behavioral finance. This approach starts with an observation that the assumptions of investor rationality and perfect arbitrage are overwhelmingly contradicted by both psychological and institutional evidence. In actual (...)
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    Financial markets.Julia Black - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article analyses the current state of empirical legal research in the law and the regulation of financial markets. It aims to provide a brief survey of the main work done either by lawyers or by others but which is pertinent to the operation of law and regulation. It focuses on six main areas of research and debates. These are the debates on the efficient markets hypothesis and mandatory disclosure rules in securities regulation; studies on behavioralism and their (...)
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    Information in Financial Markets.Catherine Greene - 2019 - In Mark Addis, Fernand Gobet & Peter Sozou (eds.), Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences. Springer Verlag.
    The concept of ‘information’ is central to our understanding of financial markets, both in theory and in practice. Analysing information is not only a critical part of the activities of many financial practitioners, but also plays a central role in the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). The central claim of this paper is that different data can count as information in fi-nancial markets and that particular investors do not consider all of the available data. This suggests that firstly, (...)
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  7.  73
    An Inefficient Truth.Charles W. Collier - 2011 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 23 (1):29-71.
    The Efficient Market Hypothesis often seems to suggest only that most people cannot outguess the financial markets. But the originator of the hypothesis, Eugene Fama, made the stronger claim that people cannot outguess the financial markets because financial-market prices are correct: They incorporate all known information accurately. This view omits the role that human traders’ interpretations of information must play if the information is to prompt them to buy or sell. Buyers and sellers disagree about (...)
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  8.  21
    Financial markets.Julia Black - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article analyses the current state of empirical legal research in the law and the regulation of financial markets. It aims to provide a brief survey of the main work done either by lawyers or by others but which is pertinent to the operation of law and regulation. It focuses on six main areas of research and debates. These are the debates on the efficient markets hypothesis and mandatory disclosure rules in securities regulation; studies on behavioralism and their (...)
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  9.  50
    A Worldwide Examination of Exchange Market Quality: Greater Integrity Increases Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Frederick H. de B. Harris & Shan Ji - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):147-170.
    We develop a framework for assessing security market quality, relating five elements of market design to three metrics of market integrity and two metrics of market efficiency. We empirically implement this integrity–efficiency MQ framework by testing a hypothesis that trade-based ramping manipulation at the close raises execution costs on 24 security markets worldwide. Estimating a simultaneous equations model of ramping incidence, spreads, and the probability of deploying real-time surveillance, we show that quoted bid-ask spreads are (...)
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  10. Life without Virtue: Economists Rule; Review Essay of Dani Rodrik's Economics Rules.S. M. Amadae - 2020 - Economic Issues 25 (2):51-70.
    This review essay of Economics Rules situates Dani Rodrik’s contribution with respect to the 2007–2008 global economic crisis. This financial meltdown, which the eurozone did not fully recover from before the Covid-19 pandemic, led to soul- searching among economists as well as a call for heterodox economic approaches. Yet, over the past decade, instead the economics profession has maintained its orthodoxy. Rodrik’s Economics Rules offers a critique of the economics profession that is castigating but mild. It calls for economists to (...)
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  11.  25
    A Composite Index for Measuring Stock Market Inefficiency.Raffaele Mattera, Fabrizio Di Sciorio & Juan E. Trinidad-Segovia - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Market inefficiency is a latent concept, and it is difficult to be measured by means of a single indicator. In this paper, following both the adaptive market hypothesis and the fractal market hypothesis, we develop a new time-varying measure of stock market inefficiency. The proposed measure, called composite efficiency index, is estimated as the synthesis of the most common efficiency measures such as the returns’ autocorrelation, liquidity, volatility, and a new measure based on the (...)
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  12.  24
    A Quantum Theory of Money and Value, Part 2: The Uncertainty Principle.David Orrell - 2017 - Economic Thought 6 (2):14.
    Economic forecasting is famously unreliable. While this problem has traditionally been blamed on theories such as the efficient market hypothesis or even the butterfly effect, an alternative explanation is the role of money – something which is typically downplayed or excluded altogether from economic models. Instead, models tend to treat the economy as a kind of barter system in which money's only role is as an inert medium of exchange. Prices are assumed to almost perfectly reflect the (...)
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  13.  11
    Physics and Finance: S-Terms and Modern Finance as a Topic for Science Studies.Donald MacKenzie - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (2):115-144.
    This article argues that modern finance should be an important object of attention. Particularly worthy of study are three demarcations: the changing disciplinary boundary of economics, the distinction between private and public knowledge, and the legal and cultural demarcation between legitimate trading and gambling. The balance between what Barnes calls N-type and S-type terms in finance is different from, for example, that in physics, but that is no criticism of finance theory: the activities of those who disbelieve finance theory’s (...) market hypothesis probably make the hypothesis more true. The case of Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing theory is drawn on to argue that the loops of self-reference intrinsic to S-terms seem predominantly performative: they increase the truth of finance theory’s typical assumptions. S-loops in the financial markets do not always promote stability, however, as is shown here by a case study of the fate of the hedge fund, Long-Term Capital Management. (shrink)
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    Testing the Insider Trading Anomaly in FTSE-350.Jinxia Meng, Leping Huang & Zhou Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent studies, numerous anomalies against the weak and semi-strong-forms of efficient market hypothesis have been found insignificant after controlling the small-firm effect. We investigate whether the insider trading anomaly, a major anomaly against the strong-form of EMH, can survive after excluding small firms with a novel data set and document several new findings. We find a substantially larger number of insider purchases than sales, while the average volume of insider sales is much higher than the average (...)
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    Soros's Reflexivity Concept in a Complex World: Cauchy Distributions, Rational Expectations, and Rational Addiction.John B. Davis - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):368-376.
    George Soros makes an important analytical contribution to understanding the concept of reflexivity in social science by explaining reflexivity in terms of how his cognitive and manipulative causal functions are connected to one another by a pair of feedback loops (Soros, 2013). Fallibility, reflexivity and the human uncertainty principle. Here I put aside the issue of how the natural sciences and social sciences are related, an issue he discusses, and focus on how his thinking applies in economics. I argue that (...)
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  16. The ethics of the new finance.James O. Horrigan - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (2):97 - 110.
    This paper examines the normative ideas flowing from the contemporary theories that make up the New Finance. These theories include the Irrelevance Theorem, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Options Pricing Model, and Agency Theory. The behavioral consequences that would ensue if everyone took the normative precepts of the New Finance seriously are subjected to a Kantian analysis to determine their ethical implications. It is concluded that the corporate world in the New Finance is a place (...)
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  17.  89
    To specialize or to innovate? An internalist account of pluralistic ignorance in economics.Rogier De Langhe - 2014 - Synthese 191 (11):2499-2511.
    Academic and corporate research departments alike face a crucial dilemma: to exploit known frameworks or to explore new ones; to specialize or to innovate? Here I show that these two conflicting epistemic desiderata are sufficient to explain pluralistic ignorance and its boom-and-bust-like dynamics, exemplified in the collapse of the efficient markets hypothesis as a modern risk management paradigm in 2007. The internalist nature of this result, together with its robustness, suggests that pluralistic ignorance is an inherent feature rather (...)
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  18.  82
    Decision making and equilibria.Aldo Rustichini - 2012 - Synthese 187 (1):293-304.
    In economics and in the social sciences, the study of decision making of the single individual is an important preliminary step to provide a sound foundation for the analysis of equilibria in economic and social systems. Neuroeconomic analysis of the process has been a recent fruitful development in this direction. In the more recent past a new direction of research has emerged, studying the interplay of the decision making of the single individual with the economic and social environment that surrounds (...)
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  19. Perpetual anarchy : From economic security to financial insecurity.S. M. Amadae - 2017 - Finance and Society 2 (3):188-96.
    This forum contribution addresses two major themes in de Goede’s original essay on ‘Financial security’: (1) the relationship between stable markets and the proverbial ‘security dilemma’; and (2) the development of new decision-technologies to address risk in the post-World War II period. Its argument is that the confluence of these two themes through rational choice theory represents a fundamental re-evaluation of the security dilemma and its relationship to the rule of law governing market relations, ushering in an era of (...)
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  20.  12
    Econometric Modeling to Measure the Efficiency of Sharpe’s Ratio with Strong Autocorrelation Portfolios.Karime Chahuán-Jiménez, Rolando Rubilar-Torrealba & Hanns de la Fuente-Mella - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    Sharpe’s ratio is the most widely used index for establishing an order of priority for the portfolios to which the investor has access, and the purpose of this investigation is to verify that Sharpe’s ratio allows decisions to be made in investment portfolios considering different financial market conditions. The research is carried out by autoregressive model of the financial series of returns using Sharpe’s ratio for evaluations looking over the priority of financial assets which the investor can access while (...)
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  21.  29
    A Kuhnian perspective on asset pricing theory.Nicholas J. Mangee - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):28-45.
    This article argues that the field of asset pricing theory is undergoing a scientific revolution in Kuhnian terms. The orthodox view is one of determinate change in causal processes and inherent stability whereby financial markets, left unfettered, allocate nearly perfectly society's scare capital. However, decades of mounting anomalous evidence against the implications of stable causal processes perpetuated by conventional models based on efficient markets and the rational expectations hypothesis have paved the way for alternative avenues of research. Although (...)
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  22. Efficient Markets and Alienation.Barry Maguire - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    Efficient markets are alienating if they inhibit us from recognizably caring about one another in our productive activities. I argue that efficient market behaviour is both exclusionary and fetishistic. As exclusionary, the efficient marketeer cannot manifest care alongside their market behaviour. As fetishistic, the efficient marketeer cannot manifest care in their market behaviour. The conjunction entails that efficient market behavior inhibits care. It doesn’t follow that efficient market behavior is (...)
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  23.  6
    (1 other version)Scientific method: how science works, fails to work, and pretends to work.John Staddon - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    Basic science -- Experiment -- Null hypothesis statistical testing -- Social science: psychology -- Social science: economics -- Behavioral economics -- "Efficient" markets -- Summing up.
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    Semi-strong form market hypothesis: Evidence from cnbc's Jim Cramer's mad money stock recommendations.Elizabeth Dodson - 2006 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 7.
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  25. Does Marketing Activity Contribute to a Society’s Well-Being? The Role of Economic Efficiency.M. Joseph Sirgy, Grace B. Yu, Dong-Jin Lee, Shuqin Wei & Ming-Wei Huang - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):91-102.
    Does the level of marketing activity in a country contribute to societal well-being or quality of life? Does economic efficiency also play a positive role in societal well-being? Does economic efficiency also moderate or mediate the marketing activity effect on societal well-being? Marketing activity refers to the pervasiveness of promotion expenditures and number of retail outlets per capita in a country. Economic efficiency refers to the extent to which the economy is unhampered by corruption, burdensome government regulation, and a large (...)
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  26. Between Market Failures and Justice Failures: Trade-Offs Between Efficiency and Equality in Business Ethics.Charlie Blunden - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):647–660.
    The Market Failures Approach (MFA) is one of the leading theories in contemporary business ethics. It generates a list of ethical obligations for the managers of private firms that states that they should not create or exploit market failures because doing so reduces the efficiency of the economy. Recently the MFA has been criticised by Abraham Singer on the basis that it unjustifiably does not assign private managers obligations based on egalitarian values. Singer proposes an extension to the (...)
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  27. Ethics, Efficiency, and the Market.Allen E. Buchanan - 1985 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a systematic evaluation of the main arguments for and against the market as an instrument of social organization, balancing efficiency and justice. It links the distinctive approaches of philosophy and economics to this evaluation.
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  28.  19
    Analysis and Classification of Mobile Apps Using Topic Modeling: A Case Study on Google Play Arabic Apps.Ahlam Fuad & Maha Al-Yahya - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Mobile app stores provide an extremely rich source of information on app descriptions, characteristics, and usage, and analyzing these data provides insights and a deeper understanding of the nature of apps. However, manual analysis of this vast amount of information on mobile apps is not a simple and straightforward task; it is costly in terms of human effort and time. Computational methods such as topic modeling can provide an efficient and satisfactory approach to mobile app information analysis. Topic modeling (...)
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    Clarté du discours et représentation politique.Henri Capron & Jean-Claude Kruseman - 1986 - Res Publica 28 (2):179-195.
    Assuming that the political information provided to the voters directly determines the communication efficiency of the political system in a democratic framework, this paper therefore proposes and tests some hypotheses explaining the politician's behaviour in that respect. Those hypotheses are tested on statements made by major Belgian parties' leaders at the eve of the 1978 and 1981 national elections. Having first related the degree of reserve on the politician's statement with his party's share in the constituency, a positive relationship is (...)
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  30. Efficiency and the futures market in organs.Andreas Albertsen - 2023 - Monash Bioethics Review 41 (1):66-81.
    There has been considerable debate over regulated organ markets. Especially current markets, where people sell one of their kidneys while still alive, have received increased attention. Futures markets remain an interesting and under-discussed alternative specification of a market-based solution to the organ shortage. Futures markets pertain to the sale of the right to procure people’s organs after they die. There is a wide range of possible specifications of the futures market. There are, however, some major unaddressed efficiency concerns. (...)
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    Market Fairness: The Poor Country Cousin of Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Angelo Aspris, Sean Foley & Frederick H. de B. Harris - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):5-23.
    Both fairness and efficiency are important considerations in market design and regulation, yet many regulators have neither defined nor measured these concepts. We develop an evidencebased policy framework in which these are both defined and measured using a series of empirical proxies. We then build a systems estimation model to examine the 2003–2011 explosive growth in algorithmic trading on the London Stock Exchange and NYSE Euronext Paris. Our results show that greater AT is associated with increased transactional efficiency and (...)
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  32.  18
    Efficient Monopolies: The Limits of Competition in the European Property Insurance Market.Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book presents startling evidence that state monopolies can produce better outcomes than the free market. It provides an empirical comparison of the property insurance market in five European countries: Britain, Spain, France, Switzerland, and Germany. The market and cost structures of insurers in each country are described, and particular features of each market and the outcomes for customers examined. The regulatory frameworks vary widely from country to country and so do the market outcomes, both (...)
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  33.  54
    Ethics, Efficiency and the Market.David Schweickart - 1991 - Philosophical Review 100 (3):501.
  34.  22
    Efficiency and the NHS: A Case for Internal Markets.David Allen - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (1):52-53.
  35.  13
    Product quality, network effects, and efficiency of network markets.Dan Zhao & Yan Song - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:1001445.
    The objective of our study is to capture the roles of product quality and network effects in the success and efficiency of network markets under strategic settings that defined in terms of market share as a strategic factor and profit as a financial indicator. The research paper shows that the efficiency of network markets depends heavily on the phase adjustment of competition models and the balance of network effects and product quality among enterprises. the network market is always (...)
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    Climate Change and Financial Market Efficiency.Andrea Liesen - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (4):511-539.
    This dissertation abstract and reflection commentary present the work of Dr. Andrea Liesen. The dissertation examines the informational efficiency of financial markets to price the systematic risk stemming from climate change for European companies. The abstract provides an overview of the underlying theory, introduces the development of hypotheses, the method applied, and data gathered, as well as selected implications of results. The reflection commentary discusses the author’s views of the research process as a junior scholar.
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  37.  22
    Ethics, Efficiency, and the Market.C. Dyke - 1986 - Environmental Ethics 8 (3):275-276.
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  38.  25
    Stock market efficiency, insider dealing and market abuse: the UK experience.Paul Barnes - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (1/2):38-50.
  39.  14
    A neural efficiency hypothesis of age-related changes in human working memory performance.Bart Rypma - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 281--303.
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    Evaluation of Taiwan's IC industry production and market efficiencies under the consideration of corporate social responsibility.Tai-Yu Lin, Hsiao-Wen Chiang, Yung-Ho Chiu, Tzu-Han Chang & Chung-Tzer Liu - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Taiwan has a complete semiconductor industry chain and is important in global semiconductor manufacturing. In addition to considering operational conditions, companies have also attached importance to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in recent years. This research thus takes 60 integrated circuit (IC) companies in Taiwan as a research sample and adopts the Meta Two-stage dynamic RDM DDF (range directional model directional distance function) under an exogenous CSR model to explore their market stage efficiency and production stage efficiency. This study aimed (...)
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  41.  22
    Ethics, Efficiency, and the Market.David Gordon - 1986 - International Philosophical Quarterly 26 (1):96-98.
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    The politics of efficiencies, the efficiencies of politics: States vs. markets in environmental protection.Peter C. Yeager - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (2-3):231-253.
    In The Political Limits of Environmental Regulation: Tracking the Unicorn, Bruce Yandle identifies some of the key weaknesses of federal environmental regulation, including its regressive effects, its tendency to better serve selected political interests than the cause of environmental protection, and the EPA's failure to follow sensible priorities. Additional problems may also be cited, including the tendency to exclude citizens? voices from deliberations regarding the degree of pollution control. But Yandle's conclusion regarding the likely superiority of decentralized and market?sensitive (...)
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  43.  21
    An Empirical Examination of Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis: From Market Process to Austrian Business Cycle.David Coffee, Roger Lirely & Robert F. Mulligan - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (1):1-17.
    Minsky proposed classifying firms in three categories: hedge finance units which borrow no more than they are able to service in interest and principal out of operating cash flows, speculative finance units which are overleveraged to the point where they can service interest on their debt out of operating cash flows, but cannot repay the principal, and thus must continually roll over their existing debt, and Ponzi finance units, whose operating cash flows are inadequate even to service interest on their (...)
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  44.  87
    The morality and efficiency of market socialism.John E. Roemer - 1992 - Ethics 102 (3):448-464.
  45.  19
    Efficient Redistribution: New Rules for Markets, States, and Communities.Herbert Gintis & Samuel Bowles - 1996 - Politics and Society 24 (4):307-342.
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    The Impact of IFRS Adoption on the Comparability, Quality, and Efficiency of Financial Reporting in Public Administration and Emerging Markets.Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Diana Marcela Figueroa Fonseca & Williams Arturo Martinez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1190-1198.
    This article investigates the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the comparability, quality, and efficiency of financial reporting, both in public administration and in emerging markets. Through a quantitative approach, data from various public institutions and emerging market companies that have adopted IFRS in recent years were analyzed. The results indicate a significant improvement in the comparability and quality of financial reports, although accounting efficiency varies depending on the degree of implementation and administrative modernization (...)
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    Are financial markets efficient? Phase transition in the aggregation of information.Johannes Berg, Matteo Marsili, Aldo Rustichini & Riccardo Zecchina - 2002 - Complexity 8 (2):20-23.
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    Medical care and markets: conflicts between efficiency and justice.C. L. Buchanan & Elizabeth W. Prior (eds.) - 1985 - [Carleton, Vic.]: Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University.
  49. The market, competition, and equality.Peter Dietsch - 2010 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):213-244.
    How much inequality does market interaction generate? The answer to this question partly depends on the level of competition among economic agents. Yet, in their normative analysis of the market, theories of distributive justice focus on individual characteristics such as talents as determinants of income, and tend to ignore structural features such as competition. Economists, on the other hand, dispose of the conceptual tools to assess the distributive impact of competition, but their analysis is usually limited to allocative (...)
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  50.  53
    Rawls on Markets and Corporate Governance.Wayne Norman - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):29-64.
    ABSTRACT:Like most egalitarian political philosophers, John Rawls believes that a just society will rely on markets and business firms for much of its economic activity—despite acknowledging that market systems will tend to create very unequal distributions of goods, opportunities, power, and status. Rawls himself remains one of the few contemporary political philosophers to explore at any length the way an egalitarian theory of justice might deal with fundamental options in political economy. This article examines his arguments and conclusions on (...)
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