Results for 'Elenore Eriksson'

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  1.  20
    Law Week 2006.Larry King, Elenore Eriksson, Bill Redpath, Councillor Bill Coombes, Wayne Sharwood, Janean Richards, Vice President Julie Dobinson & Act Wla - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Law Week Launch.Michael Blyth, Andrew Cunich, Christine Lowe, Ben Caddaye, Bill Redpath, Elenore Eriksson, A. C. T. Women Lawyers Dinner, Mary O’Connor, Sonia Hay & President Bill Redpath Contemplating Ethos - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Peter G. Kirchschläger: Ethisches Entscheiden.Elenor Jain - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (2):141-145.
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    Heidemarie Bennent-Vahle: Gelassen bleiben – vor allem, wenn der Druck zunimmt. Eine philosophische Ermutigung.Elenor Jain - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (4):348-352.
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    Probleme philosophischer Mystik: Festschrift für Karl Albert zum siebzigsten Geburtstag.Elenor Jain & Reinhard Margreiter (eds.) - 1991 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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  6. Schein und zeit. Betrachtungen zur asthetik digitaler bildwelten.Elenor Jain - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 43 (1):5-14.
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  7. Karl Albert: Platonismus.Elenor Jain - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (4):313.
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    Bernt Knauber: Seinsbewältigung. Die vergessene Hauptfrage der Philosophie.Elenor Jain - 2022 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 75 (1):34-38.
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  9. Der Verlust des Seins im Technologischen Zeitalter.Elenor Jain - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:357-371.
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  10. Seinserfahrung und Kulturkritik.Elenor Jain, Rolf KüHN, Rolf SCHÖNBERGER & Claus Artur Scheier - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:357-449.
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    Die Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft. Kant und die Modernität seines Denkens.Elenor Jain - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (4):323-328.
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    Über die Seele.Elenor Jain - 2012 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 65 (2):185-199.
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    Dagmar Kiesel, Cleophea Ferrari (Hg.): Tugend.Elenor Jain - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (4):357-363.
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    Gilles Ménage: Geschichte der Philosophinnen.Elenor Jain - 2019 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 72 (3):247-251.
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    Barbara Neymeyr: Schillers Moralästhetik als verfehlte Kant-Kritik und die,Kalokagathia‘-Idee.Elenor Jain - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (2):132-136.
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    Erfahrung des Seins: Reflexionen zur Philosophie Karl Alberts.Elenor Jain - 1986 - Sankt Augustin: H. Richarz.
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    Andreas Kablitz: „Daran ist die Gesellschaft schuld!“ Zur Vorgeschichte eines Diktums der Moderne.Elenor Jain - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (2):162-166.
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    Eduard Zwierlein: Krummes Holz – Aufrechter Gang. Immanuel Kant als Weisheitslehrer.Elenor Jain - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (3):223-228.
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    Ursula Wolf: Ethik der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung.Elenor Jain - 2013 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 66 (3):292-295.
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    Oliver Schlaudt: Das Technozän. Eine Einführung in die evolutionäre Technikphilosophie.Elenor Jain - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (3):267-272.
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    Rosa Maria Marafioti: Heideggers und Gadamers Wiederentdeckung der.Elenor Jain - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (2):120-125.
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    Dieter Henrich: Furcht ist nicht in der Liebe. Philosophische Betrachtungen zu einem Satz des Evangelisten Johannes.Elenor Jain - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (1):84-86.
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    Dagmar Kiesel, Cleophea Ferrari (Hg.): Seele. Orient und Okzident, Bd. 2.Elenor Jain - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (3):295-304.
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    Eduard Zwierlein: Die Umwälzung der Welt. Pest – Corona – Klimawandel. Lebenskunst in großen Krisen.Elenor Jain - 2022 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 75 (4):330-336.
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    Florian Arnold: Die Architektur der Lebenswelt. Entwürfe nach der philosophischen Anthropologie Hans Blumenbergs.Elenor Jain - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (1):40-43.
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    Schwachsinniges Geschlecht oder Symbolon?: Reflexionen zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Feminismus.Elenor Jain - 1989 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag Richarz.
  27.  57
    Educação crítica: uma possibilidade de formação "ambientalista" para professores de educação física.Soraya Corrêa Domingues & Elenor Kunz - 2010 - Filosofia E Educação 2 (2):p - 332.
    As possibilidades de diálogo pedagógico entre os campos da Educação Ambiental e Formação Humana nos cursos de Educação Física é objeto deste estudo. Buscando revisar e evidenciar os princípios e objetivos construídos historicamente da Educação Ambiental e a atual realidade da formação de professores, identificando os limites e possibilidades para a construção de uma proposta crítica pedagógica que altera a lógica na Formação de Professores em Educação Física a partir do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão e a Educação Ambiental.The possibilities (...)
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  28. What are degrees of belief.Lina Eriksson & Alan Hájek - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (2):185-215.
    Probabilism is committed to two theses: 1) Opinion comes in degrees—call them degrees of belief, or credences. 2) The degrees of belief of a rational agent obey the probability calculus. Correspondingly, a natural way to argue for probabilism is: i) to give an account of what degrees of belief are, and then ii) to show that those things should be probabilities, on pain of irrationality. Most of the action in the literature concerns stage ii). Assuming that stage i) has been (...)
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    Corpses, Maggots, Poodles and Rats: Emotional Selection Operating in Three Phases of Cultural Transmission of Urban Legends.Kimmo Eriksson & Julie C. Coultas - 2014 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 14 (1-2):1-26.
    In one conception of cultural evolution, the evolutionary success of cultural units that are transmitted from individual to individual is determined by forces of cultural selection. Here we argue that it is helpful to distinguish between several distinct phases of the transmission process in which cultural selection can operate, such as a choose-to-receive phase, an encode-and-retrieve phase, and a choose-to-transmit phase. Here we focus on emotional selection in cultural transmission of urban legends, which has previously been shown to operate in (...)
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  30. Matters of ambiguity: faultless disagreement, relativism and realism.John Eriksson & Marco Tiozzo - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (6):1517-1536.
    In some cases of disagreement it seems that neither party is at fault or making a mistake. This phenomenon, so-called faultless disagreement, has recently been invoked as a key motivation for relativist treatments of domains prone to such disagreements. The conceivability of faultless disagreement therefore appears incompatible with traditional realists semantics. This paper examines recent attempts to accommodate faultless disagreement without giving up on realism. We argue that the accommodation is unsatisfactory. However, the examination highlights that “faultless” is multiply ambiguous. (...)
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  31. Non-Cognitivism and the Classification Account of Moral Uncertainty.John Eriksson & Ragnar Francén Olinder - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):719-735.
    ABSTRACTIt has been objected to moral non-cognitivism that it cannot account for fundamental moral uncertainty. A person is derivatively uncertain about whether an act is, say, morally wrong, when her certainty is at bottom due to uncertainty about whether the act has certain non-moral, descriptive, properties, which she takes to be wrong-making. She is fundamentally morally uncertain when her uncertainty directly concerns whether the properties of the act are wrong-making. In this paper we advance a new reply to the objection (...)
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  32. Straight talk: Conceptions of sincerity in speech.John Eriksson - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (2):213-234.
    What is it for a speech act to be sincere? The most common answer amongst philosophers is that a speech act is sincere if and only if the speaker is in the state of mind that the speech act functions to express. However, a number of philosophers have advanced counterexamples purporting to demonstrate that having the expressed state of mind is neither necessary nor sufficient for speaking sincerely. One may nevertheless doubt whether these considerations refute the orthodox conception. Instead, it (...)
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    The Process of Responsibility, Decoupling Point, and Disengagement of Moral and Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: Empirical Findings and Prescriptive Thoughts.David Eriksson & Göran Svensson - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):281-298.
    The aim of the paper is to explore and assess the process of responsibility, decoupling point, and disengagement of moral responsibility, in combination with business sustainability in supply chains. The research is based on a qualitative approach consisting of two multifaceted case studies, each including multiple case companies and different empirical research characteristics, and a review of BSus in supply chain literature. The case studies apply moral disengagement to propose how moral responsibility can deteriorate in supply chains, and the literature (...)
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  34. The interference problem for the betting interpretation of degrees of belief.Lina Eriksson & Wlodek Rabinowicz - 2013 - Synthese 190 (5):809-830.
    The paper’s target is the historically influential betting interpretation of subjective probabilities due to Ramsey and de Finetti. While there are several classical and well-known objections to this interpretation, the paper focuses on just one fundamental problem: There is a sense in which degrees of belief cannot be interpreted as betting rates. The reasons differ in different cases, but there’s one crucial feature that all these cases have in common: The agent’s degree of belief in a proposition A does not (...)
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  35. Do Ethical Guidelines Give Guidance? A Critical Examination of Eight Ethics Regulations.Stefan Eriksson, Anna T. Höglund & Gert Helgesson - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1):15-29.
    The number of legal and nonlegal ethical regulations in the biomedical field has increased tremendously, leaving present-day practitioners and researchers in a virtual crossfire of legislations and guidelines. Judging by the production and by the way these regulations are motivated and presented, they are held to be of great importance to ethical practice. This view is shared by many commentators. For instance, Commons and Baldwin write that, within the nursing profession, patient care can be performed unethically or ethically depending on (...)
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  36. Homage to Hare: Ecumenism and the Frege‐Geach Problem.John Eriksson - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1):8-35.
    The Frege‐Geach problem is probably the most serious worry for the prospects of any kind of metaethical expressivism. In a recent article, Ridge suggests that a new version of expressivism, a view he calls ecumenical expressivism, can avoid the Frege‐Geach problem.1 In contrast to pure expressivism, ecumenical expressivism is the view that moral utterances function to express not only desire‐like states of mind but also beliefs with propositional content. Whereas pure expressivists’ solutions to the Frege‐Geach problem usually have rested on (...)
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  37. Expressivism, Attitudinal Complexity and Two Senses of Disagreement in Attitude.John Eriksson - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (4):775-794.
    It has recently become popular to apply expressivism outside the moral domain, e.g., to truth and epistemic justification. This paper examines the prospects of generalizing expressivism to taste. This application has much initial plausibility. Many of the standard arguments used in favor of moral expressivism seem to apply to taste. For example, it seems conceivable that you and I disagree about whether chocolate is delicious although we don’t disagree about the facts, which suggests that taste judgments are noncognitive attitudes rather (...)
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    The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics.Stefan Eriksson & Gert Helgesson - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):163-170.
    This paper describes and discusses the phenomenon ‘predatory publishing’, in relation to both academic journals and books, and suggests a list of characteristics by which to identify predatory journals. It also raises the question whether traditional publishing houses have accompanied rogue publishers upon this path. It is noted that bioethics as a discipline does not stand unaffected by this trend. Towards the end of the paper it is discussed what can and should be done to eliminate or reduce the effects (...)
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  39. Elaborating Expressivism: Moral judgments, Desires and Motivation.John Eriksson - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (2):253-267.
    According to expressivism, moral judgments are desire-like states of mind. It is often argued that this view is made implausible because it isn’t consistent with the conceivability of amoralists, i.e., agents who make moral judgments yet lack motivation. In response, expressivists can invoke the distinction between dispositional and occurrent desires. Strandberg (Am Philos Quart 49:81–91, 2012) has recently argued that this distinction does not save expressivism. Indeed, it can be used to argue that expressivism is false. In this paper I (...)
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    Cognitivism and the argument from evidence non-responsiveness.John Eriksson & Marco Tiozzo - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-18.
    Several philosophers have recently challenged cognitivism, i.e., the view that moral judgments are beliefs, by arguing that moral judgments are evidence non-responsive in a way that beliefs are not. If you believe that P, but acquire (sufficiently strong) evidence against P, you will give up your belief that P. This does not seem true for moral judgments. Some subjects maintain their moral judgments despite believing that there is (sufficiently strong) evidence against the moral judgments. This suggests that there is a (...)
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    Animal derived products may conflict with religious patients' beliefs.Axelina Eriksson, Jakob Burcharth & Jacob Rosenberg - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):48.
    Implants and drugs with animal and human derived content are widely used in medicine and surgery, but information regarding ingredients is rarely obtainable by health practitioners. A religious perspective concerning the use of animal and human derived drug ingredients has not thoroughly been investigated. The purpose of this study was to clarify which parts of the medical and surgical treatments offered in western world-hospitals that conflicts with believers of major religions.
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    Cross-Cultural Differences in Emotional Selection on Transmission of Information.Kimmo Eriksson, Julie C. Coultas & Mícheál de Barra - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 16 (1-2):122-143.
    Research on cultural transmission among Americans has established a bias for transmitting stories that have disgusting elements. Conceived of as a cultural evolutionary force, this phenomenon is one type of emotional selection. In a series of online studies with Americans and Indians we investigate whether there are cultural differences in emotional selection, such that the transmission process favours different kinds of content in different countries. The first study found a bias for disgusting content among Americans but not among Indians. Four (...)
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    Moved by Morality: An Essay on the Practicality of Moral Thought and Talk.John Eriksson - 2006 - Dissertation, Uppsala University
    It is part of our everyday experience that there is a reliable connection between moral opinions and motivation. Thinking that an act is right (wrong) tends to be accompanied by motivation to (avoid to) perform the act in question. This is mirrored in moral talk. We tend to think that someone who says that he thinks that it is right (wrong) to act in a certain way without being motivated, to some extent, will most likely be speaking insincerely. Moveover, moral (...)
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  44. Explaining Disagreement: A Problem for (Some) Hybrid Expressivists.John Eriksson - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (1):39-53.
    Hybrid expressivists depart from pure expressivists by claiming that moral sentences express beliefs and desires. Daniel Boisvert and Michael Ridge, two prominent defenders of hybrid views, also depart from pure expressivists by claiming that moral sentences express general attitudes rather than an attitude towards the subject of the sentence. This article argues that even if the shift to general attitudes helps solve some of the traditional problems associated with pure expressivism, a view like Ridge's, according to which the descriptive meaning (...)
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    Using Models to Predict Cultural Evolution From Emotional Selection Mechanisms.Kimmo Eriksson & Pontus Strimling - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (2):79-92.
    Cultural variants may spread by being more appealing, more memorable, or less offensive than other cultural variants. Empirical studies suggest that such “emotional selection” is a force to be reckoned with in cultural evolution. We present a research paradigm that is suitable for the study of emotional selection. It guides empirical research by directing attention to the circumstances under which emotions influence the likelihood that an individual will influence another individual to acquire a cultural variant. We present a modeling framework (...)
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    Platitudes and Opacity: Explaining Philosophical Uncertainty.John Eriksson & Ragnar Francén - 2024 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 37 (1):81-103.
    In The Moral Problem, Smith defended an analysis of moral judgments based on a number of platitudes about morality. The platitudes are supposed to constitute conceptual constraints which an analysis of moral terms must capture “on pain of not being an analysis of moral terms at all”. This paper discusses this philosophical methodology in light of the fact that the propositions identified as platitudes are not obvious truths – they are propositions we can be uncertain about. This, we argue, is (...)
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    Deleuze and sport: towards a general athleticism of thought.Jonnie Eriksson & Kalle Jonasson - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (2):159-174.
    The French philosopher Gilles Deleuze repeatedly referred to a wide range of sports and games throughout his career. This article assembles a comprehensive view of the philosophy of sport seen from Deleuze’s perspective. By studying the development of how he discussed different sports and games, and by pinpointing the concepts he constructed with reference to them, the article attests to the merits of a Deleuzian philosophy of sports. His term athleticism is utilised as a node to overview his allusions to (...)
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  48. Self-expression, expressiveness, and sincerity.John Eriksson - 2010 - Acta Analytica 25 (1):71-79.
    This paper examines some aspects of Mitchell Green’s account of self-expression. I argue that Green fails to address the distinction between success and evidential notions of expression properly, which prevents him from adequately discussing the relation between these notions. I then consider Green’s explanation of how a speech act shows what is within, i.e., because of the liabilities one incurs and argue that this is false. Rather, the norms governing speech acts and liabilities incurred give us reason to think that (...)
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    Moral Practice after Error Theory: Negotiationism.Björn Eriksson & Jonas Olson - 2018 - In Richard Garner & Richard Joyce, The End of Morality: Taking Moral Abolitionism Seriously. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 113-130.
    We first deal with a few preliminary matters and discuss what-if any-distinct impact belief in moral error theory should have on our moral practice. Second, we describe what is involved in giving an answer to our leading question and take notice of some factors that are relevant to what an adequate answer might look like. We also argue that the specific details of adequate answers to our leading question will depend largely on context. Third, we consider three extant answers to (...)
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  50.  23
    Gender Differences in the Interest in Mathematics Schoolwork Across 50 Countries.Kimmo Eriksson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although much research has found girls to be less interested in mathematics than boys are, there are many countries in which the opposite holds. I hypothesize that variation in gender differences in interest are driven by a complex process in which national culture promoting high math achievement drives down interest in math schoolwork, with the effect being amplified among girls due to their higher conformity to peer influence. Predictions from this theory were tested in a study of data on more (...)
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