Results for 'Elizabeth Savage'

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  1.  68
    Stakeholder Collaboration: Implications for Stakeholder Theory and Practice. [REVIEW]Grant T. Savage, Michele D. Bunn, Barbara Gray, Qian Xiao, Sijun Wang, Elizabeth J. Wilson & Eric S. Williams - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):21-26.
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    A Gateway to Hell, a Gateway to Paradise: The North African Response to the Arab Conquest.Michael Bonner & Elizabeth Savage - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):269.
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    Sexual savages/sexual sovereignty: Australian colonial texts and the postcolonial politics of nationalism.Elizabeth A. Povinelli - 1994 - Diacritics 24 (2/3):122-150.
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    Chapter one. Savage sensibilities.Elizabeth Rose Wingrove - 2000 - In Rousseau's Republican Romance. Princeton University Press. pp. 24-57.
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    Nigel Rothfels. Savages and Beasts: The Birth of the Modern Zoo. xii + 268 pp., illus., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. $34.95. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Hanson - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):406-407.
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    Pluralism provides the best chance for addressing big questions about music.Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Studying a complex cultural phenomenon like music requires many kinds of expertise. Savage et al. adopt a pluralistic approach, considering multiple forms of evidence and perspectives from multiple fields. This commentary argues that a similar scholarly ecumenicism should be embraced by more studies of music and other cultural phenomena.
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    André and François André Michaux. Henry Savage, Jr., Elizabeth J. Savage.Joseph Ewan - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):170-171.
  8. The Foundations of Statistics.Leonard Savage - 1954 - Wiley Publications in Statistics.
    Classic analysis of the subject and the development of personal probability; one of the greatest controversies in modern statistcal thought.
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  9. Perceiving bimodally specified events in infancy.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Four-month-old infants can perceive bimodally speciiied events. They respond to relationships between the optic and acoustic stimulation that carries information about an object. Infants can do this by detecting the temporal synchrony of an object’s sounds and its optically specified impacts. They are sensitive both to the common tempo and to the simultaneity of such sounds and visible impacts. These findings support the view that intermodal perception depends at least in part on the detection of invariant relationships in patterns of (...)
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  10. Love and mate selection in the 1990s.Elizabeth Rice Allgeier & Michael W. Wiederman - 1991 - Free Inquiry 11 (3):25-27.
  11. The Epistemology of Justice.Elizabeth Anderson - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (1):6-29.
    In arguing about justice, different sides often accept common moral principles, but reach different conclusions about justice because they disagree about facts. I argue that motivated reasoning, epistemic injustice, and ideologies of injustice support unjust institutions by entrenching distorted representations of the world. Working from a naturalistic conception of justice as a kind of social contract, I suggest some strategies for discovering what justice demands by counteracting these biases. Moral sentiments offer vital resources to this end.
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  12. (1 other version)What Matters in Survival: Self-determination and The Continuity of Life Trajectories.Heidi Savage - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (1):37-56.
    In this paper, I argue that standard psychological continuity theory does not account for an important feature of what is important in survival – having the property of personhood. I offer a theory that can account for this, and I explain how it avoids the implausible consequences of standard psychological continuity theory, as well as having certain other advantages over that theory.
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  13. The Democratic University: The Role of Justice in the Production of Knowledge.Elizabeth S. Anderson - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):186-219.
    What is the proper role of politics in higher education? Many policies and reforms in the academy, from affirmative action and a multicultural curriculum to racial and sexual harassment codes and movements to change pedagogical styles, seek justice for oppressed groups in society. They understand justice to require a comprehensive equality of membership: individuals belonging to different groups should have equal access to educational opportunities; their interests and cultures should be taken equally seriously as worthy subjects of study, their persons (...)
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  14. The Theory of Statistical Decision.Leonard J. Savage - 1951 - Journal of the American Statistical Association 46:55--67.
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  15. The social epistemology of morality: learning from the forgotten history of the abolition of slavery.Elizabeth Anderson - 2016 - In Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker (eds.), The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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  16. Psychology for Christian Ministry.Fraser Watts, Rebecca Nye & Sara Savage - 2002
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  17. Outlaws.Elizabeth Anderson - 2014 - The Good Society 23 (1):103-113.
    In this article, I argue that mass incarceration belongs to a category of social status interventions by which the modern state either withholds the ordinary protections and benefits of the law from outlawed groups or subjects them to private punishment based on their mere membership in those groups. In the US these groups include immigrants and resident Latinos, the homeless, the poor and poor blacks, sex workers, and ex-convicts. Outlawry is a fundamentally anti-democratic practice that cannot be justified in terms (...)
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  18. aCCENT TrumpS raCE iN GuiDiNG ChilDrEN'S SOCial prEfErENCES.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    A series of experiments investigated the effect of speakers’ language, accent, and race on children’s social preferences. When presented with photographs and voice recordings of novel children, 5-year-old children chose to be friends with native speakers of their native language rather than foreign-language or foreign-accented speakers. These preferences were not exclusively due to the intelligibility of the speech, as children found the accented speech to be comprehensible, and did not make social distinctions between foreign-accented and foreign-language speakers. Finally, children chose (...)
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  19. Intention.Elizabeth Anscombe - 1963 - Blackwell.
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  20. Between time and eternity : neoplatonic precursors to Cusanus' conception of "non-temporal time" in De aequalitate.Elizabeth Brient - 2019 - In Gerald Christianson & Thomas M. Izbicki (eds.), Nicholas of Cusa and times of transition: essays in honor of Gerald Christianson. Boston: Brill.
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    Pragmatism as a Way of Life.Elizabeth F. Cooke - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):754-766.
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    Life on the island.Elizabeth Corey - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):999-1010.
    Walker Percy was both a medical doctor and a serious Catholic—a scientist and a religious believer. He thought, however, that science had become hegemonic in the twentieth century and that it was incapable of answering the most fundamental needs of human beings. He thus leveled a critique of the scientific method and its shortcomings in failing to address the individual person over against the group. In response to these shortcomings Percy postulates a religious understanding of human life, one in which (...)
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    Handstand (poem).Elizabeth Crowell - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (2):302.
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    l U Stress, Deprivation, and Adult Neurogenesis.Elizabeth Gould - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 139.
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    Note from the book review editor.Elizabeth Higginbotham - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (3):230-231.
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  26. Perception of unity, persistence, and identity: Thoughts on infants' conceptions of objects.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox (eds.), Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 89--113.
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    Amelia Rauser, The Age of Undress. Art, Fashion, and the Classical Ideal in the 1790s.Elizabeth Claire - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):290-293.
    Le 11 mai 1793, Sir Gilbert Elliot écrit une lettre à sa femme dans laquelle il s’étonne d’une nouvelle mode qu’il a observée au bal offert par une amie. Lady Abercorn organise une soirée dansante « où se trouve une douzaine de femmes vêtues en statues, c’est-à-dire, avec la gaine placée juste en dessous des seins et une draperie de tissu qui tombe ». Sir Elliot précise que ces femmes « n’étaient pas tout à fait dénudées, mais l’effet était néanmoins (...)
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    Clinical Sociological Perspectives on Illness and Loss: The Linkage of Theory and Practice.Elizabeth J. Clark, Jan M. Fritz & Patricia Perri Rieker - 1990 - Charles Press Pubs(PA).
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  29. Chile.Elizabeth Lira - 2011 - In Carlos M. Beristain, Carolina Moreno, Ana Marcela Herrera & Patricia Tappata de Váldez (eds.), Contribution of truth, justice and reparation policies to Latin American democracies. San José, Costa Rica: Inter-American Institute for Human Rights.
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    La investigación socio-jurídica: aproximaciones críticas.Elizabeth Ramírez Llerena - 2001 - Santafé de Bogotá: Ediciones Doctrina y Ley.
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  31. The evolution and ontogeny of ordinal numerical ability.Elizabeth M. Brannon & Herbert S. Terrace - 2002 - In Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt (eds.), The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 197--204.
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  32. Sen, ethics, and democracy.Elizabeth Anderson - unknown
    Amartya Sen’s ethical theorizing helps feminists resolve the tensions between the claims of women’s particular perspectives and moral objectivity. His concept of ‘‘positional objectivity’’ highlights the epistemological significance of value judgments made from particular social positions, while holding that certain values may become widely shared. He shows how acknowledging positionality is consistent with affirming the universal value of democracy. This article builds on Sen’s work by proposing an analysis of democracy as a set of institutions that aims to intelligently utilize (...)
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    Books in Review.Elizabeth Kiss - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (2):344-348.
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    The Silence of Technology.Elizabeth S. Goodstein - 2022 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 55 (1):4-12.
    ABSTRACT This essay meditates on the entanglement of history and memory with forgetfulness, with silencing, with what is before or outside speech. Recalling along the way a few of the manifold varieties of the unthinkable made manifest in recent events, it notes the same mute iteration that led Freud to the death drive, only to be troubled once again by the very same repetitions enfolded in the diagnosis of cultural malaise Freud built upon his insight. Turning to Georg Simmel’s Philosophy (...)
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    The Imagination of Graham Greene.Elizabeth Sewell - 1954 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 29 (1):51-60.
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    Dossier: Étienne Balibar on Althusser's Dramaturgy and the Critique of Ideology.Elizabeth Weed & Ellen Rooney (eds.) - 2015 - Duke University Press.
    Most readers of Louis Althusser first enter his work through his writings on ideology. In an important new essay Étienne Balibar, friend and colleague of Althusser, offers an original reading of Althusser’s idea of ideology, drawing on both recently published posthumous writing and Althusser's work on the Piccolo Teatro di Milano. Balibar’s essay uncovers the intricate workings of interpellation through Althusser’s essays on the theater. If debates on dialectical materialism belong to a distant history, Balibar suggests, the question of ideology (...)
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  37. The transfer, storage and procurement of human cells and tissues (Seventh International Workshop, Dublin).Elizabeth Yuko & Bert Gordijn - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer (eds.), The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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  38. Parental Influence on Eating Behavior: Conception to Adolescence.Jennifer S. Savage, Jennifer Orlet Fisher & Leann L. Birch - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):22-34.
    Eating behaviors evolve during the first years of life as biological and behavioral processes directed towards meeting requirements for health and growth. For the vast majority of human history, food scarcity has constituted a major threat to survival, and human eating behavior and child feeding practices have evolved in response to this threat. Because infants are born into a wide variety of cultures and cuisines, they come equipped as young omnivores with a set of behavioral predispositions that allow them to (...)
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    Pragmatics and language change.Elizabeth C. Traugott - 2012 - In Keith Allan & Kasia Jaszczolt (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 549--565.
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    Effect of an initial reward magnitude on subsequent resistance to extinction.Elizabeth D. Capaldi - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):283.
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    The limits of conversation”: “Pragmatism, pluralism, and religion.Elizabeth Cooke - 2005 - Southwest Philosophy Review 21 (1):205-212.
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    A Sea of Troubles: Pairing Literary and Informational Texts to Address Social Inequality.Elizabeth James & B. H. James - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Sea of Troubles shows teachers how literature and informational texts can work together to enhance each other and, by extension, enhance students’ abilities to critically think and respond to the sea of troubles that pervades society.
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    The Provenance, Date, and Patron of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 308.Elizabeth Eva Leach - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):283-321.
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    Global Discovery Activities: For the Elementary Grades.Elizabeth Crosby Stull - 2004 - Jossey-Bass.
    _Global Discovery Activities_ is a ready-to-use guide that helps students learn and appreciate cultures from around the world. Each section explores a different culture and includes recommendations for children’s books, folk tales, celebrations, games, songs, arts and crafts, and foods. This informative and fun-filled book contains more than 400 activities and 150 full-page reproducible activity sheets. _Global Discovery_ will help your students learn about the cultures of * Africa * Asia * Australia and New Zealand * Canada * Caribbean and (...)
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  45. The Roman Gaze: Vision, Power, and the Body (Book).Elizabeth S. Sutherland - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125 (3):462-465.
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    A simple model for the fate of the cytokinesis midbody remnant: Implications for remnant degradation by autophagy.Elizabeth Faris Crowell, Jean-Yves Tinevez & Arnaud Echard - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):472-481.
    When a cell divides, it produces two daughter cells initially connected by a cytokinesis bridge, which is eventually cut through abscission. One of the two daughter cells inherits a bridge “remnant”, which has been proposed to be degraded by autophagy. The fate and function of remnants is attracting increasing attention, as their accumulation appears to influence proliferation versus differentiation of the daughter cells. Here, we present a simple model for bridge and remnant turnover in a dynamic cell population. We demonstrate (...)
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  47. A History of Philosophy in America. Volume 2.Elizabeth Flower & Murray G. Murphey - 1978 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 14 (4):327-333.
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    Nursing in a postemotional society.Elizabeth A. Herdman RN BA PhD - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):95–103.
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    Armstrong and the Direct Realist Theory of Perception.Elizabeth Potter - 1980 - Journal of Critical Analysis 8 (3):75-88.
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    The knowledge argument and the inadequacy of scientific knowledge.Elizabeth Schier - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (1):39-62.
    Recently a number of authors have responded to the knowl-edge argument by suggesting that Mary could learn about new physi-cal facts upon release (Flanagan, 1992; Mandik, 2001; Stoljar, 2001; Van Gulick, 1985). A key step in achieving this is a demonstration that there are facts that can be known via colour experience that cannot be learnt scientifically. In this paper I develop an account of scientific and visual knowledge on which there is a difference between the knowledge provided by science (...)
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