Results for 'Elvira Alonso'

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  1.  4
    Ortega y el tiempo de las masas.Hugo Aznar, Manuel Menéndez Alzamora & Elvira Alonso (eds.) - 2018 - Pozuelo de Alarcón: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    La Generación del 14. España ante su modernidad inacabada, por Hugo Aznar, Elvira Alonso y Manuel Menéndez, eds.José Miguel Martínez Castelló - 2016 - Quaderns de Filosofia 3 (2):175-178.
    Reseña del llibro La Generación del 14. España ante su modernidad inacabada, editado por Hugo Aznar, Elvira Alonso y Manuel Menéndez.
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    Aznar, Hugo; Alonso, Elvira y Menéndez, Manuel (eds.) (2018). Ortega y el tiempo de las masas.Jordi Gonzàlez Parra - 2020 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 65:157.
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    Cows and unicorns: two replies to Mr. Resnick.Clyde Laurence Hardin & Alonso Church - 1962 - Analysis 23 (1):13-14.
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    La disputa contra Aristóteles y sus seguidores.Hernando Alonso de Herrera - 2003 - [Spain]: Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Turismo : Universidad de León. Edited by María Isabel Lafuente, Sánchez Manzano & María Asunción.
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    Does the Logical Truth (existx) (fx v fx) Entail that at Least One Individual Exists?Arnold Kapp & Alonso Church - 1953 - Analysis 14 (1):2-3.
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    On voluntarism and the role of governments in CSR: towards a contingency approach.Nikolay A. Dentchev, Mitchell Balen & Elvira Haezendonck - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):378-397.
    In the corporate social responsibility literature, the principle of voluntarism is predominant and implies that responsible business activities are discretionary and reach beyond the rule of law. This principle fails to explain that governments have a great interest in CSR and exercise influence on firms’ CSR activities. Therefore, we argue in favour of a contingency approach on voluntarism in CSR. To this end, we analyse the academic literature to demonstrate how governments are part of the CSR debate. We selected 703 (...)
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    Faiblesse de la volonté et maîtrise de soi.René Lefebvre & Alonso Tordesillas (eds.) - 2009 - Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
    Juger qu'une action est la bonne et cependant en effectuer une autre : la chose est d'apparence si paradoxale qu'on a commencé par en nier la possibilité. Les études réunies ici traitent de la façon dont les philosophes antiques. Platon, Aristote ou les stoïciens. ont, de Socrate à Plotin, entrepris de penser l'acrasie et son opposé. la maîtrise de soi. Elles envisagent l'infléchissement ultérieur du questionnement chez les penseurs chrétiens. d'Augustin à Thomas d'Aquin et au stoïcisme moderne. et proposent des (...)
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    Outcomes and abilities.Bernard Gert & Alonso Church - 1973 - Analysis 33 (6):188.
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    Austin on whether every proposition has a contradictory.Charles Sayward & Alonso Church - 1967 - Analysis 27 (5):167-170.
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    “El hombre no tiene naturaleza”. Un examen de la metafísica orteguiana.Marcos Alonso Fernández - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 45 (1):69-85.
    Este artículo trata de analizar la célebre frase orteguiana “e_l hombre no tiene naturaleza, sino que tiene… historia_” dentro del contexto de su obra, mostrando su génesis y su evolución, así como las interpretaciones que se le han venido dando a la misma. Junto a este análisis, se mostrará también la importancia de esta idea dentro de la filosofía de Ortega, así como la relevancia que estas ideas podrían tener para una posible reforma de la metafísica tradicional.
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    Tarski and proper classes.Philip Hugly & Alonso Church - 1980 - Analysis 40 (4):205-207.
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    Contradiction, assertion and 'Frege's point'.Graham Priest & Alonso Church - 1989 - Analysis 49 (1):23-26.
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    On death as a limit.James Van Evra & Alonso Church - 1971 - Analysis 31 (5):170-176.
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    Undesirable Difficulty Effects in the Learning of High-Element Interactivity Materials.Ouhao Chen, Juan C. Castro-Alonso, Fred Paas & John Sweller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375102.
    According to the concept of desirable difficulties, introducing difficulties in learning may sacrifice short-term performance in order to benefit long-term retention of learning. We describe three types of desirable difficulty effects: testing, generation, and varied conditions of practice. The empirical literature indicates that desirable difficulty effects are not always obtained and we suggest that cognitive load theory may be used to explain many of these contradictory results. Many failures to obtain desirable difficulty effects may occur under conditions where working memory (...)
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    Vom Gott der Aufklärung zum Gott der Religion: Franz Rosenzweigs Brief an Rudolf Ehrenberg vom September 1910 und sein Kampf gegen die Geschichte als Theodizee.Enrico Lucca & Roberto Navarrete Alonso - 2016 - Naharaim 10 (2):303-319.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 10 Heft: 2 Seiten: 303-319.
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    Los géneros imaginarios de lo sagrado. El budismo en el marketing publicitario.María Jesús Alonso Seoane - 2010 - Aposta 46:5.
    Se analizan en este artículo las características simbólicas del género en el espacio de lo sagrado. Para ello se realiza un estudio de la imagen del budismo que los publicistas vienen haciendo en los últimos tiempos. Oriente ha identificado virtudes como la compasión y la sabiduría con géneros que nuestro marco cultural ha cambiado por completo. Se ejemplifican las conclusiones con un breve análisis publicitario, que emplea imágenes, tanto visuales como narrativas, del budismo en un intento de proporcionar un valor (...)
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    Adriana Cavarero: Relating narratives. Storytelling and selfhood, Routledge, Nueva York y Londres, 2000.Victor Alonso Rocafort - 2003 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 3:134-137.
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  19. 'What-for' Questions and the Use of Sentences.Charles E. Caton & Alonso Church - 1956 - Analysis 17 (4):87.
    The author discusses the argument between alan r white and gilbert ryle concerning whether or not one can talk of the use of a sentence. His contention is that they did not notice that there are two types of 'what for' questions, And therefore white's argument against ryle does not hold. (staff).
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    Cross-cultural similarities in category structure.Christian D. Schunn & Alonso H. Vera - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (3):273 – 287.
    Categories, as mental structures, are more than simply sums of property frequencies. A number of recent studies have supported the view that the properties of categories may be organised along functional lines and possibly dependency structures more generally. The study presented here investigates whether earlier findings reflect something unique in the English language/North American culture or whether the functional structuring of categories is a more universal phenomenon. A population of English-speaking Americans was compared to a population of Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong (...)
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    Paradox and semantical correctness.Philip Hugly & Alonso Church - 1979 - Analysis 39 (4):166.
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    Misconceptions about moral notions.Roger A. Shiner & Alonso Church - 1976 - Analysis 36 (2):55-67.
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  23. La crítica de Vico a Descartes.Gemma Muñoz-Alonso López - 1992 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2:51.
    Las referencias de Vico a Descartes y a los cartesianos son constantes a lo largo de su obra. A pesar de su oposición y de su polémica contra la filosofía cartesiana, pensamos que la influencia del cartesianismo en Vico es mayor de la que este autor hubiera podido reconocer. Tratamos de exponer, a grandes rasgos, la postura de Vico y de Descartes con respecto al conocimiento matemático, análisis que nos permite un mejor entendimiento de sus planteamientos filosóficos.Vico's references to Descartes (...)
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    La lógica que aprendimos.Huberto Marraud González & Enrique Alonso - 2003 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 18 (3):327-349.
    Este trabajo constituye una revisión de los contenidos, orientación y objetivos de una parte significativa de los manuales de lógica elemental de las décadas de 1960 y 1970 redactados por autores españoles. En concreto, analizamos los prólogos, los rudimentos previos, y la presentación de los distintos cálculos que aparecen en tales obras. El estudio de la semántica, los contenidos metateóricos o las extensiones de la lógica elemental quedan para una segunda etapa de esta investigación.
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    Can the generalization argument be reinstated?William G. Lycan & Alonso Church - 1972 - Analysis 32 (3):76.
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    Repeat Traffic Offenders Improve Their Performance in Risky Driving Situations and Have Fewer Accidents Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention.Sabina Baltruschat, Laura Mas-Cuesta, Antonio Cándido, Antonio Maldonado, Carmen Verdejo-Lucas, Elvira Catena-Verdejo & Andrés Catena - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Risky decision-making is highly influenced by emotions and can lead to fatal consequences. Attempts to reduce risk-taking include the use of mindfulness-based interventions, which have shown promising results for both emotion regulation and risk-taking. However, it is still unclear whether improved emotion regulation is the mechanism responsible for reduced risk-taking. In the present study, we explore the effect of a 5-week MBI on risky driving in a group of repeat traffic offenders by comparing them with non-repeat offenders and repeat offenders (...)
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  27. Los paisajes sorianos de Antonio Machado. Recreación de algunos paisajes evocadores.Francisco Alonso Otero - 2009 - In Eduardo Martínez de Pisón & Nicolás Ortega (eds.), Los valores del paisaje. Soria: Fundación Duques de Soria.
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    Constructing legitimation in Scottish newspapers: The case of the independence referendum.María Luisa Carrió-Pastor & Francisco Alonso-Almeida - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (6):621-635.
    This study is concerned with the use of epistemic legitimising strategies in online newspaper articles dealing with the Scottish referendum. In this sense, we seek to explore cases of epistemic stance that indicate epistemological positioning and persuade readers of the veracity of propositions. Our study covers Scottish journal articles published online within 5 days prior to results day. In this article, we are interested in the way the Scottish newspapers deal with the topic of the independence referendum and the degree (...)
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  29. El derecho de propiedad.En Alonso de Veracruz - 2002 - Ideas Y Valores 51 (118):85.
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    O marxismo e a "fundamentação das ciências humanas".Alberto Alonso Muñoz - 1993 - Discurso 21:119-136.
    Investigando o projeto merleau-pontiano de fundamentação das ciências humanas, notadamente a sociologia e a antropologia, este artigo procura compreender as críticas de Merleau-Ponty à ontologia marxista (de forma genérica) em Les Aventures de la Dialectique, ressaltando a impossibilidade de descrição, desse ponto de vista, das características ontológicas dos fenômenos históricos nos termos de uma totalização dialética da história.
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    (1 other version)Conference on computability, complexity and randomness: Isaac Newton institute, cambridge, uk july 2-6, 2012.Elvira Mayordomo & Wolfgang Merkle - forthcoming - Association for Symbolic Logic: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
    Elvira Mayordomo and Wolfgang Merkle The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 135-136, March 2013.
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  32. The Promise and Limit of Kant’s Theory of Justice: On Race, Gender and the Structural Domination of Labourers.Elvira Basevich - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (4):541-555.
    This article applies Charles W. Mills’ notion of the domination contract to develop a Kantian theory of justice. The concept of domination underlying the domination contract is best understood as structural domination, which unjustifiably authorizes institutions and labour practices to weaken vulnerable groups’ public standing as free, equal and independent citizens. Though Kant’s theory of justice captures why structural domination of any kind contradicts the requirements of justice, it neglects to condemn exploitive gender- and race-based labour relations. Because the ideal (...)
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  33. Homenaje a Muñoz Alonso.Adolfo Muñoz Alonso & Angel González Alvarez - 1975 - [Universidad Complutense de Madrid],].
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    Fray Alonso de la Vera Cruz: antología sobre el hombre y la libertad.Alonso de la Vera Cruz - 2002 - México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Edited by Mauricio Beuchot.
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    It's Sad but I Like It: The Neural Dissociation Between Musical Emotions and Liking in Experts and Laypersons.Elvira Brattico, Brigitte Bogert, Vinoo Alluri, Mari Tervaniemi, Tuomas Eerola & Thomas Jacobsen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  36. What Is Philosophy of Music Education and Do We Really Need It?Elvira Panaiotidi - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (3):229-252.
    The article deals with the problem of the disciplinary identification of thephilosophy of music education. It explores alternative approaches to thephilosophy of music education and its relation to musical pedagogy. On thebasis of this analysis an account of the philosophy of music education as aphilosophical discipline is suggested and its specific function identified.
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  37. Self-Respect and Self-Segregation: A Du Boisian Challenge to Kant and Rawls.Elvira Basevich - 2022 - Social Theory & Practice 48 (3):403-27.
    In this essay I develop W.E.B. Du Bois’s concept of double consciousness to demonstrate the limitations of Kant’s and Rawls’s models of self-respect. I argue that neither Kant nor Rawls can explain what self-respect and resistance to oppression warrants under the conditions of violent and systematic racial exclusion. I defend Du Bois’s proposal of voluntary black self-segregation during the Jim Crow era and explain why Du Bois believes that the black American community has a moral right to assert its self-respect (...)
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    El frío concepto de lo humano. Vínculos feministas prometedores.Elvira Burgos Díaz - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (7):e230113.
    En este trabajo la noción moderna occidental de sujeto se presenta como problema. El objetivo que se persigue es analizar los efectos dañinos y violentos que ocasiona. Se argumenta que el sujeto impermeable, rígido, autónomo, racional, asfixia la vida en su multiplicidad. Con esta finalidad, se realiza una reflexión crítica del dualismo metafísico en la que se mostrará que las aportaciones feministas son las más adecuadas para problematizar al sujeto abstracto descorporalizado y para articular concepciones de la subjetividad menos excluyentes (...)
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  39. Ágave desmembrado a Penteo. Un modo de la actitud moral.Elvira Burgos Díaz - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:297-302.
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    Valores en estudiantes de derecho. Proyección a la ética profesional: desarrollo de valores en universitarios.Elvira Ivone Gonzalez - 2016 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 5 (1):103-117.
    La investigación contiene un diseño cuasi experimental, de campo, transversal, comparativo entre diez grupos de estudiantes universitarios en diferentes facultades de derecho, pertenecientes a diez Municipios del Estado de México. Población: 4,896 estudiantes de facultades estatales de derecho de donde se obtuvo una muestra aleatoria de 3,578 estudiantes perteneciente a diez facultades. Material y Procedimiento: Se aplicó: Cuestionario de Valores y antivalores VALANTI y Test de Valores de Allport donde se utilizó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov con rectificación Lilliefors para determinar (...)
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  41. Mircea Eliade's' Letters for a Provincial'. The answer from a provincial from the future.Elvira Groza - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (15):87-92.
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    Phantasmen der neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaften.Elvira Scheich - 1994 - Die Philosophin 5 (9):45-58.
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    al-ʿĀmirī, Abū l-Ḥasan.Elvira Wakelnig - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 73--75.
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    Towards an ecological ethics of academic responsibility: debunking power structures through relationality in Greek environmentalism.Elvira Wepfer - 2021 - Journal for Cultural Research 25 (1):88-103.
    . Towards an ecological ethics of academic responsibility: debunking power structures through relationality in Greek environmentalism. Journal for Cultural Research: Vol. 25, What should academics do about conspiracy theories? Moving beyond debunking to better deal with conspiratorial movements, misinformation and post-truth., pp. 88-103.
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    Rawls and Racial Justice.Elvira Basevich - manuscript
    This chapter explores the conceptual relation of facts about racial injustice to two key aspects of Rawls’s ideal theory. First, it explains why Rawls excludes race from his representation of a well-ordered society and why he believes this exclusion does not mean that justice as fairness cannot support racial justice. Second, it considers three recent accounts of the justificatory role of facts about racial injustice in justice as fairness, focusing on the methods of the Original Position and Reflective Equilibrium. It (...)
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  46. The Purpose of Life and the Meaning in Life: History of Philosophy and Limits of Rational Reconstruction.Elvira Chukhray - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):143-152.
    The article analyses whether it is correct to extrapolate the concept of "meaning in life" developed by Thaddeus Metz to the doctrines of ancient philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas. Is Metz’ concept of "purposes" that make "human life" meaningful analogous to Aquinas’ concept of "ultimate goal of man"? Significant points of Metz’ conception of "meaning in life" in our article are described and compared with Aquinas’ conception of "ultimate goal of man." As it turns out, these conceptions are only superficially similar. (...)
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  47. What is an Anti-Racist Philosophy of Race and History?Elvira Basevich - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (1):71-89.
    In this article, I defend the pragmatic relevance of race in history. Kant and Hegel's racist development thesis assumes that nonwhite, non-European racial groups are defective practical agents. In response, philosophers have opted to drop race from a theory of history and progress. They posit that denying its pragmatic relevance amounts to anti-racist egalitarianism. I dub this tactic “colorblind cosmopolitanism” and offer grounds for its rejection. Following Du Bois, I ascribe, instead, a pragmatic role to race in history. Namely, Du (...)
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  48. Reckoning With Kant on Race.Elvira Basevich - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (3):221-245.
    This essay develops Kant’s theory of reform to theorize racial justice reform. I assess the function of Kant’s philosophy of race as part of his nonideal theory of justice, which offers a racist pragmatic anthropology that uses the concept of race to determine the practical effectiveness of legislative reason. His philosophy of race defends a teleological account of the natural history of the human species to fulfill the requirements of justice and assumes that certain racial groups have failed to develop (...)
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  49. W.E.B. Du Bois’s Constructivist Theory of Justice.Elvira Basevich - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (2):170-195.
    This essay presents the normative foundation of W.E.B. Du Bois’s constructivist theory of justice in three steps. First, I show that for Du Bois the public sphere in Anglo-European modern states consists of a dialectical interplay between reasonable persons and illiberal rogues. Second, under these nonideal circumstances, the ideal of autonomy grounds reasonable persons’ deliberative openness, an attitude of public moral regard for others which is necessary for constructing the terms of political rule. Though deliberative openness is the essential vehicle (...)
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    Wittgenstein on rules: What follows and what does not.Elvira Schnabel - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25 (1):83–94.
    Elvira Schnabel; Wittgenstein on Rules: what follows and what does not, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 25, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 83–94, https.
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