Results for 'Emil Koch'

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  1.  2
    Valeurs de rappels de̓sthétique comparative.Emile Schaub-Koch - 1958 - [Lisbonne]: Publication Sous les Auspices de l'International Institute of Arts and Letters.
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    Das Bewusstsein der Transcendenz oder der Wirklichkeit: ein psychologischer Versuch.Emil Koch - 1895 - Max Niemeyer.
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  3. Uber naturwissenschaftliche Hypothesen.Emil Koch - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16:101.
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    Søren Kierkegaard og Emil Boesen.Carl Koch - 1901 - Kjøbenhavn,: Schønberg.
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    Plotin, Traité 36 (I, 5). Introduction, traduction, commentaires et notes par Alessandro Linguiti, traduction de l’italien par Anna Chiara Peduzzi. [REVIEW]Isabelle Koch - 2008 - Philosophie Antique 8:297-298.
    Ce nouvel opus de la collection Les écrits de Plotin a été rédigé en italien par A. Linguiti, puis traduit en français par A.C. Peduzzi, la traduction française du texte grec de Plotin ayant naturellement été vérifiée par A. Linguiti. Les citations de Plotin extraites d’autres traités (dans l’Introduction et le Commentaire) sont données dans la traduction d’Émile Bréhier. Ce travail, en grande partie inédit, bénéficie de recherches déjà publiées par A. Linguiti dans un ouvrage plus volumineux...
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    Di Novensides and Di Indigetes.Emil Goldmann - 1942 - Classical Quarterly 36 (1-2):43-.
    Until the issue of Altheim's book Roemische Religionsgeschichte there was little doubt about the correctness of Wissowa's view that the two groups of the diindigetes and the di novensides combined with each other represent the whole of theRoman pantheon, the di indigetes being the old, indigenous deities of the Roman people, inherited so to speak from the days of Romulus, the di novensides the new deities, imported in historical times from foreign peoples. This view has now been abandoned, owing to (...)
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  7. Freedom, Equality, and Justifiability to All: Reinterpreting Liberal Legitimacy.Emil Andersson - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics 26 (4):591-612.
    According to John Rawls’s famous Liberal Principle of Legitimacy, the exercise of political power is legitimate only if it is justifiable to all citizens. The currently dominant interpretation of what is justifiable to persons in this sense is an internalist one. On this view, what is justifiable to persons depends on their beliefs and commitments. In this paper I challenge this reading of Rawls’s principle, and instead suggest that it is most plausibly interpreted in externalist terms. On this alternative view, (...)
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  8. Karl Barth's Alternatives for Liberal Theology: A Comment.Emil Brunner - 1960 - Hibbert Journal 59:319.
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    Filozof a vedec so srdcom umelca (k 100. Výročiu úmrtia WilliamA jamesa).Emil Višňovský - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (5).
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  10. What is conceptual engineering good for? The argument from nameability.Steffen Koch & Gary Lupyan - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    It is often assumed that how we talk about the world matters a great deal. This is one reason why conceptual engineers seek to improve our linguistic practices by advocating novel uses of our words, or by inventing new ones altogether. A core idea shared by conceptual engineers is that by changing our language in this way, we can reap all sorts of cognitive and practical benefits, such as improving our theorizing, combating hermeneutical injustice, or promoting social emancipation. But how (...)
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  11. Man in Revolt: A Christian Anthropology.Emil Brunner & Olive Wyon - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (56):500-502.
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  12. Are we aware of neural activity in primary visual cortex.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 1995 - Nature 375:121-23.
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    The Sources of Religious Insight.Emil C. Wilm & Josiah Royce - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22 (2):229.
  14. Complexity of admissible rules.Emil Jeřábek - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (2):73-92.
    We investigate the computational complexity of deciding whether a given inference rule is admissible for some modal and superintuitionistic logics. We state a broad condition under which the admissibility problem is coNEXP-hard. We also show that admissibility in several well-known systems (including GL, S4, and IPC) is in coNE, thus obtaining a sharp complexity estimate for admissibility in these systems.
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    Proof complexity of intuitionistic implicational formulas.Emil Jeřábek - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (1):150-190.
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    Interpretation und Wahrheit.Emil Angehrn & Bernard Baertschi - 1998
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    Sein Leben schreiben: Wege der Erinnerung.Emil Angehrn - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Das Buch erkundet Wege und Umwege des Gedachtnisses in Philosophie und erzahlender Literatur. Es fragt nach der existentiellen Bedeutung der Erinnerung: Wieso verlangt der Mensch nach Erinnerung? Wonach strebt die Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit? Lebenserinnerung verfolgt ein zweifaches Ziel: die zerrinnende Zeit anzuhalten und sich in seinem Leben gegenwartig zu werden. Sie wehrt sich gegen das Vergehen und Vergessen, in ihr sucht der Mensch sich zu finden und sich uber sein Leben zu verstandigen. Erinnerung vollzieht sich in mannigfachen Formen. (...)
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    Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in a Globalized World.Emil Višňovský - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2).
    The issue of democracy is alive once more. There is a growing number of works debating the current state of democracy both in theory and practice.1 In particular a pragmatist conception of democracy has also been revived. Not only has a Deweyan version of a participatory democracy become the focus but the intricacies of a Rortian version have also come to the forefront, from both sympathetic as well as critical viewpoints.2 Thus the impression that the contemporary world is in quite (...)
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    U-Topoi: Ästhetik und politische Praxis bei Ernst Bloch.Rainer Ernst Zimmermann & Gerd Koch (eds.) - 1996 - Mössingen-Talheim: Talheimer Verlag.
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    Independent bases of admissible rules.Emil Jerábek - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (3):249-267.
    We show that IPC, K4, GL, and S4, as well as all logics inheriting their admissible rules, have independent bases of admissible rules.
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  21. God and Man. Four Essays in the Nature of Personality.Emil Brunner - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):365-365.
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  22. I Believe in the Living God: Sermons on the Apostles Creed.Emil Brunner & John Holden - 1961
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    Wissenschaft und Glaube.Emil Brunner - 1944 - E. Rentsch.
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    Real closures of models of weak arithmetic.Emil Jeřábek & Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1):143-157.
    D’Aquino et al. (J Symb Log 75(1):1–11, 2010) have recently shown that every real-closed field with an integer part satisfying the arithmetic theory IΣ4 is recursively saturated, and that this theorem fails if IΣ4 is replaced by IΔ0. We prove that the theorem holds if IΣ4 is replaced by weak subtheories of Buss’ bounded arithmetic: PV or $${\Sigma^b_1-IND^{|x|_k}}$$. It also holds for IΔ0 (and even its subtheory IE 2) under a rather mild assumption on cofinality. On the other hand, it (...)
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    Iterated multiplication in $$ VTC ^0$$ V T C 0.Emil Jeřábek - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):705-767.
    We show that \, the basic theory of bounded arithmetic corresponding to the complexity class \, proves the \ axiom expressing the totality of iterated multiplication satisfying its recursive definition, by formalizing a suitable version of the \ iterated multiplication algorithm by Hesse, Allender, and Barrington. As a consequence, \ can also prove the integer division axiom, and the \-translation of induction and minimization for sharply bounded formulas. Similar consequences hold for the related theories \ and \. As a side (...)
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    Iterated multiplication in $$ VTC ^0$$.Emil Jeřábek - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):705-767.
    We show that $$ VTC ^0$$, the basic theory of bounded arithmetic corresponding to the complexity class $$\mathrm {TC}^0$$, proves the $$ IMUL $$ axiom expressing the totality of iterated multiplication satisfying its recursive definition, by formalizing a suitable version of the $$\mathrm {TC}^0$$ iterated multiplication algorithm by Hesse, Allender, and Barrington. As a consequence, $$ VTC ^0$$ can also prove the integer division axiom, and (by our previous results) the $$ RSUV $$ -translation of induction and minimization for sharply (...)
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  27. Der Mensch in der Geschichte-Konstellationen historischer Identität.Emil Angehrn - 2018 - In Emil Angehrn & Gerd Jüttemann (eds.), Identität und Geschichte. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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  28. Geschichte und Identität.Emil Angehrn - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):99-99.
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    Handlungserklärung und Rationalität. Zur Methodologie Max Webers.Emil Angehrn - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 37 (3):341 - 362.
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    Mit Geschichte(n) leben.Emil Angehrn - 2015 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 63 (2).
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  31. Vom Sinn des Sinnlosen: Die Herausforderung der Psychoanalyse für die Philosophie.Emil Angehrn - 2009 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 13.
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    Standards of equality and Hume's view of geometry.Emil Badici - 2011 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92 (4):448-467.
    It has been argued that there is a genuine conflict between the views of geometry defended by Hume in the Treatise and in the Enquiry: while the former work attributes to geometry a different status from that of arithmetic and algebra, the latter attempts to restore its status as an exact and certain science. A closer reading of Hume shows that, in fact, there is no conflict between the two works with respect to geometry. The key to understanding Hume's view (...)
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    The legal philosophies of Lask, Radbruch, and Dabin.Emil Lask, Gustav Radbruch, Jean Dabin & Kurt Wilk (eds.) - 1950 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
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    The ubiquity of conservative translations.Emil Jeřábek - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):666-678.
    We study the notion of conservative translation between logics introduced by (Feitosa & D’Ottaviano2001). We show that classical propositional logic (CPC) is universal in the sense that every finitary consequence relation over a countable set of formulas can be conservatively translated into CPC. The translation is computable if the consequence relation is decidable. More generally, we show that one can take instead of CPC a broad class of logics (extensions of a certain fragment of full Lambek calculus FL) including most (...)
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    Some further ideas regarding the neuronal basis of awareness.Christof Koch & Francis Crick - 1994 - In Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis (eds.), Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. MIT Press. pp. 93.
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    ... Gesammelte schriften.Emil Lask & Eugen Herrigel - 1923 - Tübingen,: Mohr. Edited by Eugen Herrigel.
    1. Fichtes idealismus und die geschichte. Rechtsphilosophie. Hegel in seinem verhältnis zur weltanschaung der aufklärung. Gibt es einen "Primat der praktischen vernunft" in der logik?--2. Die logik der philosophie und die kategorienlehre. Die lehre vom urteil.--3. Platon. Zum system der logik. Zum system der wissenschaften.
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  37. (1 other version)The Unconscious Homunculus.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 2000 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. MIT Press. pp. 3-11.
  38. What Can Historicising Rawls Achieve?Emil Andersson & Nicolas Olsson Yaouzis - 2024 - Analyse & Kritik 46 (2):305-318.
    This essay explores the implications of historicising John Rawls’s theory of justice. While historical research on Rawls and his social context has provided valuable insights, some scholars argue that historicising carries significant philosophical consequences. This paper critically examines one such argument that contends that historicising Rawls’s theory demonstrates its contextual nature, undermines its diagnostic powers, and leads to its complete dissolution. We offer a reconstruction of this argument and show that it fails. Further, while we argue that this argument fails, (...)
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    Das Denken der Geschichte. Hegels Theorie des Geistes zwischen Geschichtsphilosophie und Philosophiegeschichte.Emil Angehrn - 2014 - In Jürgen Stolzenberg & Fred Rush (eds.), Geschichte/History. De Gruyter. pp. 198-215.
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    Dual weak pigeonhole principle, Boolean complexity, and derandomization.Emil Jeřábek - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1-3):1-37.
    We study the extension 123) of the theory S21 by instances of the dual weak pigeonhole principle for p-time functions, dWPHPx2x. We propose a natural framework for formalization of randomized algorithms in bounded arithmetic, and use it to provide a strengthening of Wilkie's witnessing theorem for S21+dWPHP. We construct a propositional proof system WF , which captures the Π1b-consequences of S21+dWPHP. We also show that WF p-simulates the Unstructured Extended Nullstellensatz proof system of Buss et al. 256). We prove that (...)
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  41. Ameliorative projects, psychological essentialism, and the power of nouns.Steffen Koch - forthcoming - Mind and Language.
    Ameliorative projects design and propagate new linguistic content for some expressions we use for political or social justice purposes. These projects are often driven by an anti-essentialist agenda: they aim to debunk the idea that social categories such as “woman,” “man,” or “race” are constituted by natural essences. But critics argue that nouns tend to trigger essentialist thinking. And because ameliorative projects typically retain nouns, it is argued that these projects cannot achieve their anti-essentialist goals. In response, I argue that (...)
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    Recursive functions and existentially closed structures.Emil Jeřábek - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (1):2050002.
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between various conditions implying essential undecidability: our main result is that there exists a theory T in which all partially recursive functions are representable, yet T does not interpret Robinson’s theory R. To this end, we borrow tools from model theory — specifically, we investigate model-theoretic properties of the model completion of the empty theory in a language with function symbols. We obtain a certain characterization of ∃∀ theories interpretable in (...)
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    A good guy with a drone: On the ethics of drone warfare.Emil Archambault - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (3):169-175.
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    Iterated Mixed Strategies and Pascal’s Wager.Emil Badici - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (4):487-494.
    Mixed strategies have been used to show that Pascal’s Wager fails to offer sufficient pragmatic reasons for believing in God. Their proponents have argued that, in addition to outright belief in God, rational agents can follow alternatives strategies whose expected utility is infinite as well. One objection that has been raised against this way of blocking Pascal’s Wager is that applying a mixed strategy in Pascal’s case is tantamount to applying an iterated mixed strategy which, properly understood, collapses into the (...)
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    Kvanvig on Reducing Personal to Doxastic Justification.Emil Salim - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (2):699-702.
    In his book The Intellectual Virtues and the Life of the Mind: On the Place of the Virtues in Contemporary Epistemology, Jonathan Kvanvig argues that there is an interchangeability of personal and doxastic justification, which ‘blocks the quick route to virtue epistemology’. To prove that personal justification is reducible to doxastic justification, he utilizes λ-calculus expressions that aim to show the logical equivalence of the two notions of justification. In this paper, I argue that he has made an illegitimate move (...)
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    The strength of sharply bounded induction.Emil Jeřábek - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (6):613-624.
    We prove that the sharply bounded arithmetic T02 in a language containing the function symbol ⌊x /2y⌋ is equivalent to PV1.
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  47. Sense and history at the limits of making.Emil Angehrn - 2021 - In Jan-Ivar Lindén (ed.), To Understand What Is Happening. Essays on Historicity. Boston: BRILL.
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  48. Eine Neuausgabe von Stadlers Schrift über Kants Teleologie.Emil Lorenz - 1912 - Kant Studien 17:159.
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    Evolving Notions of Geometry in String Theory.Emil J. Martinec - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (1):156-173.
    The unfolding of string theory has led to a successive refinement and generalization of our understanding of geometry and topology. A brief overview of these developments is given.
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    Simboli e narrazioni del diritto in Giambattista Vico.Emil Mazzoleni - 2020 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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