Results for 'Emmanuelle Hénin'

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  1.  27
    Le modèle antique et la transformation de l’idée de patrimoine sous la Révolution française.Emmanuelle Hénin - 2007 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 26:159.
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    Subversion des hiérarchies et séduction des genres mineurs.Cécile Gauthier, Emmanuelle Hénin & Virginie Leroux (eds.) - 2016 - Paris ;: Peeters.
    En littérature comme en peinture, le brouillage des hiérarchies est aussi constant que leur formulation, tant l'acte créateur se confond avec leur transgression et leur déplacement. L'importance théorique des genres paraît disproportionnée au regard de leur influence réelle sur la création littéraire et artistique. En revanche, leur impact se fait bien plus ressentir sur la réception des oeuvres, car ils fournissent des critères de jugement et permettent d'instaurer dans le système des beaux-arts une manière d'ordre politique. La transgression des hiérarchies (...)
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    Emmanuelle Hénin, Xavier-Laurent Salvador, Pierre-Henri Tavoillot (dir.), Après la déconstruction. L’université au défi des idéologies, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2023.Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):204-206.
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    Making “minority voices” heard in transnational roundtables: the role of local NGOs in reintroducing justice and attachments.Emmanuelle Cheyns - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):439-453.
    Since the beginning of the new millennium, initiatives known as roundtables have been developed to create voluntary sustainability standards for agricultural commodities. Intended to be private and voluntary in nature, these initiatives claim their legitimacy from their ability to ensure the participation of all categories of stakeholders in horizontal participatory and inclusive processes. This article characterizes the political and material instruments employed as the means of formulating agreement and taking a variety of voices into consideration in these arenas. Referring to (...)
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    Introduction to the symposium.Emmanuelle Cheyns & Lone Riisgaard - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):409-423.
    A number of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) and commodity roundtables have been created since the 1990s to respond to the growing criticism of agriculture’s environmental and social impacts. Driven by private and global-scale actors, these initiatives are setting global standards for sustainable agricultural practices. They claim to follow the new standard-making virtues of inclusiveness and consensus and base their legitimacy on their claim of balanced representation of, and participation by, all categories of stakeholders. This principle of representing a wide range of (...)
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    Return of Research Results: General Principles and International Perspectives.Emmanuelle Lévesque, Yann Joly & Jacques Simard - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):583-592.
    Five years ago, an article co-written by some of us presented an emerging trend to disclose some individual genetic results to research participants within the international research community. At the time, ethical norms and scholarly publications on the return of results often did not distinguish between the return of research results in general and the return of unexpected results. Both technologies and research practices have evolved significantly. Today whole genome and exome sequencing are increasingly affordable and frequently used in genetic (...)
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    Of dilemmas and tensions: a qualitative study of palliative care physicians’ positions regarding voluntary active euthanasia in Quebec, Canada.Emmanuelle Bélanger, Anna Towers, David Kenneth Wright, Yuexi Chen, Golda Tradounsky & Mary Ellen Macdonald - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (1):48-53.
    ObjectivesIn 2015, the Province of Quebec, Canada passed a law that allowed voluntary active euthanasia. Palliative care stakeholders in Canada have been largely opposed to euthanasia, yet there is little research about their views. The research question guiding this study was the following: How do palliative care physicians in Quebec position themselves regarding the practice of VAE in the context of the new provincial legislation?MethodsWe used interpretive description, an inductive methodology to answer research questions about clinical practice. A total of (...)
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    La rhétorique : art de la preuve ou art de la persuasion ?Emmanuelle Danblon - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (2):213-231.
    Cet article propose une nouvelle enquête sur l ’ ancien concept de preuve rhétorique. Seront examinées les notions suivantes : le tekmerion (l ’ indice), le paradeigma (l ’ exemple) et le topos (lieu), afin d ’ éclairer leur lien apparemment paradoxal avec la persuasion et la validité. Le propos est de montrer qu ’ un tel paradoxe peut être résolu grâce à une conception stratifiée de la rationalité, où la raison archaïque soutient la persuasion, tandis que la raison moderne (...)
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    Les normes interrogées par le handicap.Emmanuelle Moreau Fillion - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-2 (16-2):5-7.
    La 9e Conférence Alter organisée par l’École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP-Rennes, France) et la Société Alter les 8 et 9 avril 2021 proposait d’interroger la construction de la normalité. Plus précisément, nous voulions questionner le système de pensée qui structure plus ou moins implicitement nos sociétés, selon lequel être “valide” serait la norme, et cela aux deux sens, souvent assimilés, de la situation la plus répandue et la plus souhaitable. Ce phénomène est pointé par la...
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    Tim Causer, Margot Finn, et Philip Schofield, dirs., Jeremy Bentham and Australia: Convicts, utility and empire.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 24.
    Ce volume collectif accompagne, à quelques mois d’intervalle, la publication de l’édition critique des textes consacrés par Bentham à l’Australie (_Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia_) chez UCL Press sous la direction de Tim Causer et Philip Schofield. Les versions numériques des deux ouvrages sont disponibles en accès ouvert sur le site de l’éditeur. Bentham consacre un premier essai au système pénal en Australie en 1791, à peine six ans après le début des déportations de prisonniers (...)
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    How are norms challenged by disabilities?Emmanuelle Moreau Fillion - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-2 (16-2):9-11.
    The 9th Alter Conference organised by the EHESP School of Public Health (Rennes, France) and Alter Society, on April 8 and 9, 2021, was devoted to questioning the construct of the concept of normality. More specifically, we wanted to challenge the common view which, rather covertly structures our societies, according to which being “valid” is the norm, in two often compounded ways, of being the most widespread and the most desirable situation. This view is expounded in the notion of “ableism”...
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    Modeling the suppression task under weak completion and well-founded semantics.Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Steffen Hölldobler & Christoph Wernhard - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (1-2):61-85.
    Formal approaches that aim at representing human reasoning should be evaluated based on how humans actually reason. One way of doing so is to investigate whether psychological findings of human reasoning patterns are represented in the theoretical model. The computational logic approach discussed here is the so-called weak completion semantics which is based on the three-valued ᴌukasiewicz logic. We explain how this approach adequately models Byrne’s suppression task, a psychological study where the experimental results show that participants’ conclusions systematically deviate (...)
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    Organisational predisposition toward change and innovation.Emmanuelle Avon - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (2):115.
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  14. Les substances chimiques utilisées à des fins de contrôle : un statut juridique controversé.Emmanuelle Bernheim - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):14-23.
    In Quebec, control measures – isolation, restraints and chemical substances – have been the subject of a legislative framework since 1998. However, since that date, chemical substances have been at the heart of a debate on their legal status, between therapy and control. In 2015, the Ministry of Health and Social Services published a revised Reference Framework that is supposed to establish guidelines for chemical substances used for control purposes. A review of this framework, however, reveals several inconsistencies, continuing an (...)
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    Yvonne Knibiehler, Martine Sagaert, Les Mots des mères du xvii.Emmanuelle Berthiaud - 2017 - Clio 45.
    Ces livres semblent à première vue assez similaires puisqu’ils se consacrent tous les deux à l’étude de la maternité, de l’époque moderne jusqu’à nos jours, et accordent une place importante à la littérature. Les mutations importantes de la maternité ces dernières décennies rendent pertinentes l’étude des représentations et du vécu des mères dans le temps long. Ce champ historiographique est cependant loin d’être vierge en France ; de nombreux travaux lui ont été consacrés depuis les années 1...
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    Clinique et soins psychiques des enfants exposés aux violences intrafamiliales.Emmanuelle Bonneville - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 232 (2):95-113.
    De nombreux enfants sont confrontés à des violences intrafamiliales de forme, nature et origine différentes. Elles peuvent susciter des vécus émotionnels susceptibles de constituer des expériences traumatiques et avoir des effets délétères à long terme sur leur développement et leur vie psychique, particulièrement lorsqu’elles sont répétées et subies à un âge précoce. Inscrit principalement dans le référentiel de la métapsychologie psychanalytique, cet article propose une présentation de la clinique des troubles relationnels qui peuvent mettre en danger ou en échec l’offre (...)
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    In Memoriam (2) : David Lieberman.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 23.
    As a graduate student, years before I met David Lieberman, I had read _ The Province of Legislation Determined. _ I was immediately taken by the breath of his knowledge and the lack of affectation of his style. These qualities struck me again when I met him in person at several ISUS conferences, including the one he hosted so wonderfully in UC Berkeley in 2008. Generosity is a rare quality in academia. David’s friendship and the interest he displayed in the (...)
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    Jeremy Bentham, Preparatory Principles, ed. Douglas G. Long and Philip Schofield, The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2018 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 14.
    Au cours des années 1770, ayant trouvé sa vocation de réformateur du droit et guidé par le principe du plus grand bonheur du plus grand nombre, Jeremy Bentham rassemble ses idées dans de volumineux manuscrits qu’il classe sous le titre de « principes préparatoires ». La publication récente de ces feuillets par Douglas Long et Philip Schofield entr’ouvre la porte de l’atelier du philosophe au tout début de sa carrière. Car la décennie 1770 est particulièrement féconde pour Bentham. C’est pend...
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    L’énergie radicale de Touki Bouki.Emmanuelle Chérel - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):33-40.
    Le film Mille soleils de la cinéaste Mati Diop (Grand prix du FID de Marseille 2013) nous convie aujourd’hui à revoir le film de Djibril Diop Mambety, son premier long-métrage, Touki Bouki, le voyage de la hyène, considéré comme un classique du cinéma après avoir reçu le prix de la critique internationale du festival de Cannes en 1973. Par ses caractéristiques formelles très audacieuses et par les thèmes toujours actuels qu’il traite, ce film continue à nous questionner : que nous (...)
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  20.  17
    X. et Y. c/préfet de..Emmanuelle Chérel - 2013 - Multitudes 53 (2):155.
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    Réflexions sur la diversité des solitudes et leurs solutions.Emmanuelle Corbel - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (1):31-45.
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    Cossutta, F., éd., Descartes et l'argumentation philosophique.Emmanuelle Danblon - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 199:161-166.
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    Gross, Alan, et Dearin Ray, Perelman. The New Rhetoric.Emmanuelle Danblon - 2005 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 59 (233):441-442.
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    Grize, JB, Logique naturelle: Communications.Emmanuelle Danblon - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 201:445-448.
  25.  40
    Problematology, Language, Rhetoric.Emmanuelle Danblon - 2007 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (4):365-376.
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    Rigotti, F., La verità retorica: Etica, conoscenza e persuasione.Emmanuelle Danblon - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 199:166-170.
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  27.  32
    Application de la convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées : quels concepts et indicateurs pour une politique inclusive?Emmanuelle Fillion, Catherine Barral, Marie Cuenot & Pascale Roussel - 2015 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 9 (1):1-8.
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    Notes de lecture.Emmanuelle Fillion - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (3):231-235.
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    Note de lecture.Emmanuelle Fillion - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (1):53-57.
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    Foreigners and Refugees Behind Bars: How Flemish Prisons Tackle Linguistic Barriers.Emmanuelle Gallez - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (7-8):738-756.
    ABSTRACTAs a result of intensive mobility and migration over the last twenty-five years, multiculturalism and multilingualism have become a reality in European prisons. This “superdiversity” poses a serious challenge to the various stakeholders who need efficient and reliable communication. Yet this topic has been underresearched. According to statistics for the year 2014 issued by the Council of Europe, Belgium has a high rate of foreign inmates. Against this background, the aim of this exploratory research is to describe how the Flemish (...)
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  31. Le statut du texte biblique à la lumière de l'herméneutique de Ricoeur.Emmanuelle Lévy - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (4):355-368.
    Cet article s�attèle à montrer comment les notions principales de 1'herméneutique de Ric�ur (monde du texte/monde du lecteur, distanciation - appropriation, compréhension de soi, trois mimèsis) ont permis de penser de façon systématique la question du statut du texte biblique et de sa traduction dans un mémoire de licence de la Faculté de théologie de Neuchâtel, réalisé en 2006. Après une présentation du mémoire et de son contexte, les apports de la pensée de Ric�ur sont énumérés en quatrepoints: la théorie (...)
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  32. Ancienne et Nouvelle Alliances dans le dessein de Dieu: A propos d'un article récent.Emmanuelle Main - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118 (1):34-58.
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    L’anormalité du dommage : une notion juridique stabilisée?Emmanuelle Ollieric, Karen Azria, Alexandra Baslé, Renaud Clément & Clotilde Rougé-Maillart - 2018 - Médecine et Droit 2018 (151):81-89.
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    Understanding Animal Evolution: The Added Value of Sponge Transcriptomics and Genomics.Emmanuelle Renard, Sally P. Leys, Gert Wörheide & Carole Borchiellini - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (9):1700237.
    Sponges are important but often‐neglected organisms. The absence of classical animal traits (nerves, digestive tract, and muscles) makes sponges challenging for non‐specialists to work with and has delayed getting high quality genomic data compared to other invertebrates. Yet analyses of sponge genomes and transcriptomes currently available have radically changed our understanding of animal evolution. Sponges are of prime evolutionary importance as one of the best candidates to form the sister group of all other animals, and genomic data are essential to (...)
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    La tentation du thé'tre dans le roman : analyse de quelques tableaux chez Sade et Richardson.Emmanuelle Sauvage - 2001 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 20:147.
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  36. Promenade Samuel-De Champlain in Quebec City.Emmanuelle Vieira - 2008 - Topos 65:16.
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    Emmanuel Falque, Le passeur de Gethsémani. Angoisse, souffrance et mort. Lecture existentielle et phénoménologique.Emmanuel Tourpe - 1999 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 97 (2):382-384.
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    (1 other version)Emmanuele Riverso.Emmanuele Riverso - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:476-477.
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    Répondre d'autrui Emmanuel Lévinas.Emmanuel Lévinas & Paul Ricœur - 1989
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  40. Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children1.Marie-France Daniel & Emmanuelle Auriac - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (5):415-435.
    For centuries, philosophy has been considered as an intellectual activity requiring complex cognitive skills and predispositions related to complex (or critical) thinking. The Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach aims at the development of critical thinking in pupils through philosophical dialogue. Some contest the introduction of P4C in the classroom, suggesting that the discussions it fosters are not philosophical in essence. In this text, we argue that P4C is philosophy.
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    Degeneracy and Complexity in Neuro-Behavioral Correlates of Team Coordination.Silke Dodel, Emmanuelle Tognoli & J. A. Scott Kelso - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  42. Informal Caregiver Burnout? Development of a Theoretical Framework to Understand the Impact of Caregiving.Pierre Gérain & Emmanuelle Zech - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Wage Cuts and Managers’ Empathy: How a Positive Emotion Can Contribute to Positive Organizational Ethics in Difficult Times.Joerg Dietz & Emmanuelle P. Kleinlogel - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):461-472.
    Using the lens of positive organizational ethics, we theorized that empathy affects decisions in ethical dilemmas that concern the well-being of not only the organization but also other stakeholders. We hypothesized and found that empathetic managers were less likely to comply with requests by an authority figure to cut the wages of their employees than were non-empathetic managers. However, when an authority figure requested to hold wages constant, empathy did not affect wage cut decisions. These findings imply that empathy can (...)
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    Is it righteous to be?: interviews with Emmanuel Lévinas.Emmanuel Lévinas - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Jill Robbins.
    Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1995) is at the center of the renewed debate over the question of the ethical. In the context of the phenomenological tradition, Levinas defines ethics as an originary response to the face of the other. Between 1982 and 1992, Levinas gave numerous interviews, closing a distinguished sixty-year career. Of the twenty interviews collected in this volume, seventeen appear in English for the first time. In the interviews Levinas sets forth the central features of his ethical philosophy. He underlies (...)
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    Universal Design for the Workplace: Ethical Considerations Regarding the Inclusion of Workers with Disabilities.Claire Doussard, Emmanuelle Garbe, Jeremy Morales & Julien Billion - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):285-296.
    This paper examines the ethical issues of the inclusion of workers with disabilities in the workplace with a cross-fertilization approach between organization studies, the ethics of care, and a movement from the field of architecture and design that is called Universal Design (UD). It explores how organizations can use UD to develop more inclusive workplaces, first by applying UD principles to workspaces and second by showing how UD implies an integrative understanding of inclusion from the workspace to the workplace. Moreover, (...)
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    How Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Employee Cynicism: The Mediating Role of Organizational Trust.Carolina Serrano Archimi, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Hina Mahboob Yasin & Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):907-921.
    This study examines to what extent perceived corporate social responsibility reduces employee cynicism, and whether trust plays a mediating role in the relationship between CSR and employee cynicism. Three distinct contributions beyond the existing literature are offered. First, the relationship between perceived CSR and employee cynicism is explored in greater detail than has previously been the case. Second, trust in the company leaders is positioned as a mediator of the relationship between CSR and employee cynicism. Third, we disaggregate the measure (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas’s “The Spiritual Essence of Antisemitism (according to Jacques Maritain)”.Emmanuel Levinas & Michael Portal - 2021 - Levinas Studies 15:1-7.
    The following is an early, previously untranslated essay by Emmanuel Levinas concerning “the metaphysics of antisemitism.” This essay, published originally in 1938 for Paix et Droit, concerns the shared history and destiny of Jews and Christians, religious groups who maintain a relation of essential “foreignness” to, and so “do not belong” to, the “pagan” world. Levinas distinguishes between the long history of Jewish-Christian antagonism and the newer Nazi-style antisemitism, a particularly insidious “racism” that threatens both Jews and Christians. Levinas calls (...)
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    Does Informal Caregiving Lead to Parental Burnout? Comparing Parents Having Children With Mental and Physical Issues.Pierre Gérain & Emmanuelle Zech - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  49. Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children1.Marie Daniel & Emmanuelle Auriac - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (5):415-435.
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    Bourcier, Benjamin, and Mikko Jakonen, editors. British Modern International Thought in the Making. Politics and Economy from Hobbes to Bentham. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. [REVIEW]Emmanuelle de Champs - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 26.
    In 2014 David Armitage announced an ongoing “international turn” in intellectual history and welcomed the new conversations opening up “between historians, political theorists, International Relations scholars and international lawyers”. Nearly ten years later, Duncan Bell’s essay on “Inter national Relations and Intellectual history” sketched a brief survey of the field and pointed to its continuing vitality and its potential in opening new and exciting territories for scholarship. _ British Modern International Thought in the Making _, edited by Benjamin Bourcier (Centre (...)
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