Results for 'Emmy Allard'

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  1. Allard, Emmy, Die Angriffe gegen Descartes und Malebranche im Journal de Trévoux 1701-1715. [REVIEW]K. Schwandtke - 1915 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 20:327.
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    Care situations demanding moral courage: Content analysis of nurses’ experiences.Emmi Kleemola, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Olivia Numminen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):714-725.
    Background: Nurses encounter complex ethical dilemmas in everyday nursing care. It is important for nurses to have moral courage to act in these situations which threaten patients’ safety or their good care. However, there is lack of research of moral courage. Purpose: This study describes nurses’ experiences of care situations demanding moral courage and their actions in these situations. Method: A qualitative descriptive research design was applied. The data were collected with an open-ended question in the questionnaire used in validation (...)
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    Attentional Disengagement Deficits Predict Brooding, but Not Reflection, Over a One-Year Period.Eric S. Allard & Ilya Yaroslavsky - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Supporting Trustworthy AI Through Machine Unlearning.Emmie Hine, Claudio Novelli, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-13.
    Machine unlearning (MU) is often analyzed in terms of how it can facilitate the “right to be forgotten.” In this commentary, we show that MU can support the OECD’s five principles for trustworthy AI, which are influencing AI development and regulation worldwide. This makes it a promising tool to translate AI principles into practice. We also argue that the implementation of MU is not without ethical risks. To address these concerns and amplify the positive impact of MU, we offer policy (...)
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  5. Artificial intelligence with American values and Chinese characteristics: a comparative analysis of American and Chinese governmental AI policies.Emmie Hine & Luciano Floridi - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):257-278.
    As China and the United States strive to be the primary global leader in AI, their visions are coming into conflict. This is frequently painted as a fundamental clash of civilisations, with evidence based primarily around each country’s current political system and present geopolitical tensions. However, such a narrow view claims to extrapolate into the future from an analysis of a momentary situation, ignoring a wealth of historical factors that influence each country’s prevailing philosophy of technology and thus their overarching (...)
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  6. The irreducibility of collective obligations.Allard Tamminga & Frank Hindriks - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):1085-1109.
    Individualists claim that collective obligations are reducible to the individual obligations of the collective’s members. Collectivists deny this. We set out to discover who is right by way of a deontic logic of collective action that models collective actions, abilities, obligations, and their interrelations. On the basis of our formal analysis, we argue that when assessing the obligations of an individual agent, we need to distinguish individual obligations from member obligations. If a collective has a collective obligation to bring about (...)
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    Geographers versus Managers: Expert Influence on the Construction of Values Underlying Flood Insurance in the United States.Emmy Bergsma - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (6):687-705.
    A democratic premise is that expert influence should not extend into the political domain of environmental policymaking. This article analyses the relationship between experts and policymakers in the historical development of the National Flood Insurance Program as a flood governance strategy in the United States. The article draws three conclusions. First, while experts asserted great influence on the development of this policy program, underlying values were evaluated and judged by policymakers. Second, as socio-political values changed, new types of experts were (...)
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    Biobank consent under the GDPR: are potential sample donors informed about all lawful uses of biobank data?Emmi Kaaya - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (4):567-577.
    This paper analyses the information disclosures in two biobank consent documents used by biobanks operating under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The aim of the analysis is to investigate how these documents inform potential sample donors about possible future uses of biobank data. The findings suggest that the consent documents provide potentially misleading information regarding the range of possible future uses of biobank data. Based on these information disclosures, potential sample donors may reasonably believe that the data can only (...)
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    Rationalism and the silencing and distorting of Indigenous voices.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (7):1024-1047.
    The politics of reconciliation, in Canada, finds its origin in judgements of the Supreme Court affirming the objective of reconciling the sui generis authority and continued distinct existence of I...
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    Au-delà et en deça de l’homme social : les pôles de la pensée de Rousseau.Gérard Allard - 1987 - Philosophiques 14 (2):264-298.
    La pensée de Jean-Jacques Rousseau est essentiellement une pensée politique, qui oscille entre un pôle transpolitique, que le citoyen de Genève incarne, par exemple, dans les personnages du législateur, du pédagogue et du sage, et un pôle prépolitique, où figurent l'homme naturel, le marginal et l'homme sensible. C'est en examinant quelques pages de trois grandes oeuvres de Rousseau: l'« Emile », « Du contrat social » et « Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse », que je tenterai d'éclaircir brièvement ces points. (...)
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    Le temoignage intellectuellement manifesté.Jean-Louis Allard - 1988 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 4:273-280.
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  12. T.H. Green’s Theory of Positive Freedom: From Metaphysics to Political Theory.James W. Allard - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (4):538-539.
    Although T. H. Green is primarily remembered today as a moral and political philosopher, many of his philosophical concerns owe their origins to the Victorian crisis of faith in which a widespread belief in the literal truth of Scripture confronted seemingly incompatible scientific theories. Green attributed this crisis to the inability of science and religion to find accommodation in the popular version of empiricism widely accepted by educated men and women of his day. In his 371-page introduction to Hume’s Treatise, (...)
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    Citations for the Human Rights and Nursing Awards 2008.Emmie Chanika - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):431-433.
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    Waarheid als limiet van onderzoek: de ontoereikendheid van Charles Sanders Peirce' waarheidsopvatting.Allard Tamminga - 2001 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 93 (2):73-92.
    In order to come to grips with Peirce's definition of truth as the ideal limit of inquiry, I give a succinct exposition of Peirce's theory of inquiry and his philosophical logic, paying attention to several types of reasoning and their interrelations. Subsequently, the arguments of a contemporary apologist of Peirce's notion of truth, C.J. Misak, are subjected to a scrutiny and found to be insufficient, as the principle of bivalence is defended improperly and, as a Peircean definition of truth, turns (...)
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  15. Expansion and contraction of finite states.Allard Tamminga - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (3):427-442.
    We present a theory that copes with the dynamics of inconsistent information. A method is set forth to represent possibly inconsistent information by a finite state. Next, finite operations for expansion and contraction of finite states are given. No extra-logical element — a choice function or an ordering over (sets of) sentences — is presupposed in the definition of contraction. Moreover, expansion and contraction are each other's duals. AGM-style characterizations of these operations follow.
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  16. Collective obligations, group plans and individual actions.Allard Tamminga & Hein Duijf - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (2):187-214.
    If group members aim to fulfill a collective obligation, they must act in such a way that the composition of their individual actions amounts to a group action that fulfills the collective obligation. We study a strong sense of joint action in which the members of a group design and then publicly adopt a group plan that coordinates the individual actions of the group members. We characterize the conditions under which a group plan successfully coordinates the group members' individual actions, (...)
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  17. Deontic logic for strategic games.Allard Tamminga - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (1):183-200.
    We develop a multi-agent deontic action logic to study the logical behaviour of two types of deontic conditionals: (1) conditional obligations, having the form "If group H were to perform action aH, then, in group F's interest, group G ought to perform action aG" and (2) conditional permissions, having the form "If group H were to perform action aH, then, in group F's interest, group G may perform action aG". First, we define a formal language for multi-agent deontic action logic (...)
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    The Logical Foundations of Bradley's Metaphysics: Judgment, Inference, and Truth.James W. Allard - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a major contribution to the study of the philosopher F. H. Bradley, the most influential member of the nineteenth-century school of British Idealists. It offers a sustained interpretation of Bradley's Principles of Logic, explaining the problem of how it is possible for inferences to be both valid and yet have conclusions that contain new information. The author then describes how this solution provides a basis for Bradley's metaphysical view that reality is one interconnected experience and how this (...)
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    Navigating the Divide: Healing Practices and Collective Wellbeing in a Nairobi Clinic.Emmy Corey - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (2):383-400.
    This paper analyzes ethnographic and historical data to emphasize the importance of framing health as collective wellbeing. Exploring missionary medical campaigns during the colonial period in East Africa, I connect the institutional legacy of Euro-American Protestant missions on the contemporary frameworks of US global public health provisions at my research site, Mwana Mwema Program. At this network of faith-based, USAID clinics in Kenya that provide treatment for children living with HIV, practitioners care for the wider community within a global health (...)
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  20. What experiments can teach us about justice and impartiality: vindicating experimental political philosophy.Aurélien Allard & Florian Cova - forthcoming - In Hugo Viciana, Fernando Aguiar & Antonio Gaitán (eds.), Issues in Experimental Moral Philosophy. Routledge.
    While psychologists and political scientists have long investigated issues of interest to philosophers, the development of political experimental philosophy has remained limited. This slow progress is surprising, given that political philosophers commonly acknowledge the relevance of empirical data for normative theorizing. In this chapter, we illustrate the importance of empirical data by outlining recent developments in three domains related to theories of justice, where empirical results reinforce or endanger popular philosophical theories. Our first showcase concerns the boundaries of the concept (...)
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    Accès aux médicaments : quelle responsabilité pour les compagnies pharmaceutiques?Caroline Allard - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (4):645-670.
    The moral responsibility of pharmaceutical companies is often invoked when discussing the difficulties faced by developing countries regarding their access to medication. In this article, I wish to criticize one strategy of attributing responsibility to pharmaceuticals, according to which moral responsibility originates from the analogy between enterprise and individual moral agent. I will propose an alternative strategy linking responsibility to the functions of the enterprise using a distinction between the organizational and occupational functions of a pharmaceutical company. Despite its interest, (...)
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    CHIRPAZ, François, L'homme dans son monde : essai sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau; TODOROV, Tzvetan, Frêle bonheur : essai sur RousseauCHIRPAZ, François, L'homme dans son monde : essai sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau; TODOROV, Tzvetan, Frêle bonheur : essai sur Rousseau.Gérald Allard - 1986 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 42 (2):270-272.
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    Les aleas de la reproduction sociale: ‘Le cas de la bourgeoisie d'sarles sous le second empire’.Paul Allard - 1982 - History of European Ideas 3 (1):11-21.
    This article is a revised version of a lecture delivered at the Colloque ‘Histoire des Mentalités, Histoire des résistances, ou les Prisons de longue durée, Aix-La Baume, 20–21–22 septembre 1980.
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    L’énigme et la culture littéraire d’Augustin.Guy-H. Allard - 1974 - Philosophiques 1 (2):61-78.
    Après avoir montré brièvement la place et le rôle de l'énigme en culture littéraire, cet article s'attache à montrer les procédés littéraires à l'oeuvre dans l'analyse augustinienne de deux grandes énigmes : l'homme-individu, l'homme-société. L'énigme qu'Augustin trouve au fond de l'homme, c'est d'abord une controversia , conflit qui le conduit à postuler la présence de ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui l'inconscient ; mais ici l'herméneutique est menée avec des concepts littéraires et non médico-biologiques. D'autre part, les rapports sociaux de l'homme ne (...)
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  25. Realism, anti-realism, and absolute idealism.James W. Allard - 2007 - In R. E. Auxier & L. E. Hahn (eds.), The Philosophy of Michael Dummett. Open Court. pp. 31--127.
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    Wollheim on Bradley on Subjects and Predicates.James W. Allard - 1986 - Idealistic Studies 16 (1):27-40.
    The best introduction to Bradley is Richard Wollheim’s F. H. Bradley. Neither derogatory nor intensely partisan, Wollheim systematically addresses the central issues in Bradley’s philosophy, while in the process explaining and evaluating Bradley’s main arguments. One of the many merits of Wollheim’s book is that in it Bradley does not appear as a wild-eyed metaphysician, a modern Parmenides, but rather as a writer intent on separating logic from psychology. Wollheim continually stresses the importance of logic in Bradley’s thought and takes (...)
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    Saving Human Lives and Rights: Recommendations for Protecting Human Rights When Adopting COVID-19 Vaccine Passports.Emmie Hine, Jessica Morley, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - In Francesca Mazzi (ed.), The 2022 Yearbook of the Digital Governance Research Group. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 117-130.
    The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused social and economic devastation. As the milestone of two years of ‘living with the virus’ approaches, governments and businesses are attempting to develop means of reopening society whilst still protecting public health. However, developing interventions – particularly technological interventions – that find a safe, socially acceptable, and ethically justifiable balance between these two seemingly opposing demands is extremely challenging. There is no one right solution, but the current most popular ‘solution’ is the so-called ‘COVID-19 (...)
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    Are locus equations sufficient or necessary for obstruent perception?Allard Jongman - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):271-272.
    Two issues are addressed in this commentary: the universality and the “psychological reality” of locus equations as cues to place of articulation. Preliminary data collected in our laboratory suggest that locus equations do not reliably distinguish place of articulation for fricatives. Additionally, perception studies show that listeners can identify place of articulation based on much less temporal information than that required for deriving locus equations.
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  29. Economische eenzijdigheid.Allard Plate - forthcoming - Idee.
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    In de ban van de metafysica: de identiteitstheorieën van Place, Smart en Armstrong.Allard Tamminga - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (3):553-575.
    We investigate the genesis of metaphysical physicalism and its influence on the development of Place's, Smart's, and Armstrong's ideas on the relation between the mental and the physical. We first reconstruct the considerations that led Armstrong and Smart to a 'scientific' world view. We call 'metaphysical physicalism' the comprehensive theory on reality, truth, and meaning which ensued from this world view. Against the background of this metaphysical physicalism we study Armstrong's and Smart's analyses of secondary properties and the genesis of (...)
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    Expressivity results for deontic logics of collective agency.Allard Tamminga, Hein Duijf & Frederik Van De Putte - 2021 - Synthese 198 (9):8733-8753.
    We use a deontic logic of collective agency to study reducibility questions about collective agency and collective obligations. The logic that is at the basis of our study is a multi-modal logic in the tradition of *stit* logics of agency. Our full formal language has constants for collective and individual deontic admissibility, modalities for collective and individual agency, and modalities for collective and individual obligations. We classify its twenty-seven sublanguages in terms of their expressive power. This classification enables us to (...)
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  32. Katz’s revisability paradox dissolved.Allard Tamminga & Sander Verhaegh - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4):771-784.
    Quine's holistic empiricist account of scientific inquiry can be characterized by three constitutive principles: *noncontradiction*, *universal revisability* and *pragmatic ordering*. We show that these constitutive principles cannot be regarded as statements within a holistic empiricist's scientific theory of the world. This claim is a corollary of our refutation of Katz's [1998, 2002] argument that holistic empiricism suffers from what he calls the Revisability Paradox. According to Katz, Quine's empiricism is incoherent because its constitutive principles cannot themselves be rationally revised. Using (...)
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  33. Correspondence analysis for strong three-valued logic.Allard Tamminga - 2014 - Logical Investigations 20:255-268.
    I apply Kooi and Tamminga's (2012) idea of correspondence analysis for many-valued logics to strong three-valued logic (K3). First, I characterize each possible single entry in the truth-table of a unary or a binary truth-functional operator that could be added to K3 by a basic inference scheme. Second, I define a class of natural deduction systems on the basis of these characterizing basic inference schemes and a natural deduction system for K3. Third, I show that each of the resulting natural (...)
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  34. Ethical Issues Relating to the Health Effects of Long Working Hours.Allard E. Dembe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (S2):195-208.
    Considerable research evidence has accumulated indicating that there is an increased likelihood for illness and injury among employees working in long-hour schedules and schedules involving unconventional shift work. In addition, studies show that fatigue-related errors made by employees working in these kind of demanding schedules can have serious and adverse repercussions for public safety. As the result of these concerns, new protective legislation is being advocated in the United States, for instance, to restrict the hours of work among nurses and (...)
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  35. Logics of rejection: two systems of natural deduction.Allard Tamminga - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 146:169-208.
    This paper presents two systems of natural deduction for the rejection of non-tautologies of classical propositional logic. The first system is sound and complete with respect to the body of all non-tautologies, the second system is sound and complete with respect to the body of all contradictions. The second system is a subsystem of the first. Starting with Jan Łukasiewicz's work, we describe the historical development of theories of rejection for classical propositional logic. Subsequently, we present the two systems of (...)
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  36. Belief Dynamics: (Epistemo)logical Investigations.Allard Tamminga - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    C.S. Peirce's and Isaac Levi's accounts of the belief-doubt-belief model are discussed and evaluated. It is argued that the contemporary study of belief change has metamorphosed into a branch of philosophical logic where empirical considerations have become obsolete. A case is made for reformulations of belief change systems that do allow for empirical tests. Last, a belief change system is presented that (1) uses finite representations of information, (2) can adequately deal with inconsistencies, (3) has finite operations of change, (4) (...)
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  37. Equality Beyond Needs‐Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation.Aurélien Allard & Florian Cova - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):273-298.
    abstract The moral value of distributive equality constitutes one of the most contentious debates in political philosophy. Following Frankfurt, many philosophers have claimed that the intuitive appeal of equality is illusory and that egalitarian intuitions are fundamentally intuitions about the importance of satisfying basic needs. According to this argument, our intuitions tell us that inequality ceases to matter once a certain threshold has been reached. Despite the widespread appeal to intuitions regarding this issue, few empirical studies have tried to assess (...)
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    What information is necessary for speech categorization? Harnessing variability in the speech signal by integrating cues computed relative to expectations.Bob McMurray & Allard Jongman - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (2):219-246.
  39. A natural deduction system for first degree entailment.Allard M. Tamminga & Koji Tanaka - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (2):258-272.
    This paper is concerned with a natural deduction system for First Degree Entailment (FDE). First, we exhibit a brief history of FDE and of combined systems whose underlying idea is used in developing the natural deduction system. Then, after presenting the language and a semantics of FDE, we develop a natural deduction system for FDE. We then prove soundness and completeness of the system with respect to the semantics. The system neatly represents the four-valued semantics for FDE.
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  40. Completeness via correspondence for extensions of the logic of paradox.Barteld Kooi & Allard Tamminga - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):720-730.
    Taking our inspiration from modal correspondence theory, we present the idea of correspondence analysis for many-valued logics. As a benchmark case, we study truth-functional extensions of the Logic of Paradox (LP). First, we characterize each of the possible truth table entries for unary and binary operators that could be added to LP by an inference scheme. Second, we define a class of natural deduction systems on the basis of these characterizing inference schemes and a natural deduction system for LP. Third, (...)
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    Content Moderation in the Metaverse Could Be a New Frontier to Attack Freedom of Expression.Emmie Hine - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-10.
    This commentary examines the challenges faced by metaverse platforms in cross-border content moderation, focusing on the implications for freedom of expression and nondiscrimination. It highlights the difficulties in determining what to remove for which users as well as how to do so, which has serious implications for freedom of expression and our shared sense of reality. Proto-metaverse platforms such as Roblox and Minecraft face similar questions, but have not yet encountered major cross-jurisdictional issues because, as looking at traditional social media (...)
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    La fonction constructive de la délibération : de l’accord à l’ajustement.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):321-349.
    Yann Allard-Tremblay ,Aude Bandini | : Les théories épistémiques et délibératives de la démocratie soulignent l’importance du processus de la délibération quand l’objectif poursuivi est de parvenir à de bonnes décisions. Dans cet article, nous nous intéresserons aux différents mécanismes grâce auxquels une délibération publique à la fois ouverte, libre et inclusive, peut parvenir à de bonnes décisions, avant d’envisager ce que la délibération peut apporter en cas de désaccord. Nous nous concentrerons plus particulièrement ici sur la fonction constructive (...)
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  43. Virtue in Aristotle's Rhetoric: A Metaphysical and Ethical Capacity.Susan K. Allard-Nelson - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (3):245 - 259.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.3 (2001) 245-259 [Access article in PDF] Virtue in Aristotle's Rhetoric: A Metaphysical and Ethical Capacity Susan K. Allard-Nelson It has been argued that Aristotle's description of excellence (aretê) as a capacity (dynamis) in Rhetoric 1.9 is inconsistent with his treatment of excellence in Nicomachean Ethics 2.5, where he specifically argues that aretê is not a dynamis, but a hexis (i.e., a state or condition). (...)
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    Bradley’s Argument Against Correspondence.James W. Allard - 1980 - Idealistic Studies 10 (3):232-244.
    Despite periodic references to F. H. Bradley as a dogmatic metaphysician of the worst sort, or an unreformed, conservative, and nonhistorical Hegelian, one of his logical doctrines is now a commonplace: his analysis of the logical form of affirmative universal categorical statements. In “On Denoting” Russell adopted this analysis without discussion, merely noting that it had been “ably argued” by Bradley. Virtually all philosophers since have followed suit. It is now an accepted truth that statements like “All A’s are B” (...)
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    Jean Scot écrivain: actes du IVe colloque international, Montréal, 28 août-2 septembre 1983.Guy-H. Allard (ed.) - 1986 - Paris: Montrʹeal : Bellarmin.
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    La Conception Maritainienne de l’Intelligence Humaine dans Antimoderne.Jean-Louis Allard - 1993 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 9:83-95.
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    L'Humanisme intégral de Jacques Maritain: colloque de Paris et trois textes de Jacques Maritain.Jean-Louis Allard & Jacques Maritain (eds.) - 1988 - Paris: Editions Saint-Paul.
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    Machiavel, lecteur des Anciens.Gérald Allard - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (1):43-63.
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    Philosophie et Foi Chrétienne.Jean-Louis Allard - 1990 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 6:25-56.
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    The Epistemic Edge of Majority Voting Over Lottery Voting.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (3):207-223.
    I aim to explain why majority voting can be assumed to have an epistemic edge over lottery voting. This would provide support for majority voting as the appropriate decision mechanism for deliberative epistemic accounts of democracy. To argue my point, I first recall the usual arguments for majority voting: maximal decisiveness, fairness as anonymity, and minimal decisiveness. I then show how these arguments are over inclusive as they also support lottery voting. I then present a framework to measure accuracy so (...)
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