Results for 'Eric Pearce Caragata'

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  1. Entangled Life: Organism and Environment in the Biological and Social Sciences.Gillian Barker, Eric Desjardins & Trevor Pearce (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Despite the burgeoning interest in new and more complex accounts of the organism-environment dyad by biologists and philosophers, little attention has been paid in the resulting discussions to the history of these ideas and to their deployment in disciplines outside biology—especially in the social sciences. Even in biology and philosophy, there is a lack of detailed conceptual models of the organism-environment relationship. This volume is designed to fill these lacunae by providing the first multidisciplinary discussion of the topic of organism-environment (...)
  2.  12
    Methodological Problems With Online Concussion Testing.Jameson Holden, Eric Francisco, Anna Tommerdahl, Rachel Lensch, Bryan Kirsch, Laila Zai, Alan J. Pearce, Oleg V. Favorov, Robert G. Dennis & Mark Tommerdahl - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  3.  39
    The Prince and The Discourses.Niccolò Machiavelli, Christian Edward Detmold, Max Lerner, Luigi Ricci & Eric Reginald Pearce Vincent - 1950 - New York: The Modern Library. Edited by Niccolò Machiavelli.
  4.  20
    Gillian Barker, Eric Desjardins, and Trevor Pearce Entangled life: organism and environment in the biological and social sciences: Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2014, Series: History, philosophy and theory of the life sciences, vol. 4, 279 pp, € 107,09.Antonine Nicoglou - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (2):222-224.
  5. Interview with Nick Bostrom and David Pearce.David Pearce - unknown
    ANDRÉS LOMEÑA: Transhumanism, or human enhancement, suggests the use of new technologies to improve mental and physical abilities, discarding some aspects as stupidity, suffering and so forth. You have been described as technoutopian by critics who write on “Future hypes”. In my opinion, there is something pretty much worse than optimism: radical technopessimism, managed by Paul Virilio, deceased Baudrillard and other thinkers. Why is there a strong strain between the optimistic and pessimistic overview?
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    A model for Pavlovian learning: Variations in the effectiveness of conditioned but not of unconditioned stimuli.John M. Pearce & Geoffrey Hall - 1980 - Psychological Review 87 (6):532-552.
  7.  60
    Broadening Our Understanding of Human Resource Management for Improved Environmental Performance.Jone L. Pearce, Anne-Laure P. Winkler & Florencio F. Portocarrero - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (1):14-53.
    This article evaluates the effect of different human resource management (HRM) practices on organizations’ environmental performance. We develop a model to evaluate the influence of a broad range of HRM practices, including environmental performance criteria in managers’ performance evaluations and two types of internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices: socially responsible employee benefits and corporate volunteering practices. To this end, we analyze a sample of 142 manufacturing companies that have completed B Lab’s Impact Assessment process to certify their environmental performance. (...)
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    Logical properties of the structuralist concept of reduction.David Pearce - 1982 - Erkenntnis 18 (3):307 - 333.
  9. Finding the will to recover: philosophical perspectives on agency and the sick role.S. Pearce & H. Pickard - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):831-833.
    Recovery from a range of common medical conditions requires patients to have the will to change their behaviour. The authors argue that the proper recognition of the role of willpower in recovery is necessary for effective treatment.
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    Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy.Trevor Pearce - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In Pragmatism’s Evolution, Trevor Pearce demonstrates that the philosophical tradition of pragmatism owes an enormous debt to specific biological debates in the late 1800s, especially those concerning the role of the environment in development and evolution. Many are familiar with John Dewey’s 1909 assertion that evolutionary ideas overturned two thousand years of philosophy—but what exactly happened in the fifty years prior to Dewey’s claim? What form did evolutionary ideas take? When and how were they received by American philosophers? Although (...)
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    Philosophical meditations: talks to college girls.Haywood Jefferson Pearce - 1917 - Boston: The Stratford Co..
    Being versus seeming.--Doing versus dreaming.--The aristocracy of service.--Emotion, intellect and action.--Love, fear, hate.--Freedom thru the truth.--The limitations of knowledge.
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    The Enclosing Word Order in the Latin Hexameter. II.T. E. V. Pearce - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (02):298-.
    The fact that the enclosing word order is not common in Latin prose, and is first found to any extent in the neoteric poet Catullus and in Cicero's Aratea, raises the possibility that they may owe this feature of their style to Alexandrian influence. In one way at least, in the inversion of connecting particles, atque, nam, etc., Alexandrian influence on Catullus' word order is generally admitted, e.g.
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    Picturing the World, by John C. Gilmour.A. G. Pleydell-Pearce - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (1):92-94.
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    Is there any theoretical justification for a nonstatement view of theories?David Pearce - 1981 - Synthese 46 (1):1 - 39.
  15. Are We Free to Break the Laws of Providence?Kenneth L. Pearce - 2020 - Faith and Philosophy 37 (2):158-180.
    Can I be free to perform an action if God has decided to ensure that I do not choose that action? I show that Molinists and simple foreknowledge theorists are committed to answering in the affirmative. This is problematic for their status as theological incompatibilists. I suggest that strategies for preserving their theological incompatibilism in light of this result should be based on sourcehood. However, the path is not easy here either, since Leibniz has shown how theological determinists can offer (...)
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    New foundations for metascience.David Pearce & Veikko Rantala - 1983 - Synthese 56 (1):1 - 26.
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  17.  24
    Social Innovation Is a Team Sport: Combining Top-Down and Shared Leadership for Social Innovation.Craig L. Pearce & Daan van Knippenberg - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (5):1067-1072.
    Leading social innovation is challenging. Creating enduring social innovation requires navigating the tension of simultaneously engaging top-down and shared leadership. We outline the crux of the challenge and provide key takeaways and practical advice for the tandem deployment of top-down and shared leadership for social innovation success.
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  18. William King on Free Will.Kenneth L. Pearce - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    William King's De Origine Mali contains an interesting, sophisticated, and original account of free will. King finds 'necessitarian' theories of freedom, such as those advocated by Hobbes and Locke, inadequate, but argues that standard versions of libertarianism commit one to the claim that free will is a faculty for going wrong. On such views, free will is something we would be better off without. King argues that both problems can be avoided by holding that we confer value on objects by (...)
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  19.  42
    The unfolding of the historical style in modern cosmology: Emergence, evolution, entrenchment.Jacob Pearce - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 57:17-34.
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  20.  29
    A model for stimulus generalization in Pavlovian conditioning.John M. Pearce - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (1):61-73.
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    Comments on a criterion of theoreticity.David Pearce - 1981 - Synthese 48 (1):77 - 86.
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  22.  43
    The Enclosing Word Order in the Latin Hexameter. I.T. E. V. Pearce - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (01):140-.
    In poem 64 Catullus, as Fordyce points out in his edition , often has lines enclosed by a noun and its adjective, e.g.: 5 auratam optantes Colchis avertere pellem Very often, but not always, a syntactical unit is enclosed as well as the line. This is perhaps not surprising, considering the prevalence of punctuation at the end of the line in this poem. Nevertheless, an examination of the lines will show that when a noun and adjective1 enclose both line and (...)
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  23.  33
    A Pattern of Word Order in Latin Poetry.T. E. V. Pearce - 1968 - Classical Quarterly 18 (2):334-354.
    In each example an adjective is separated from its noun by a verb and an unqualified noun. The separation by the verb may be regarded as conditioned by the metre, but not the further separation by the unqualified noun, as the qualified and unqualified nouns are metrically interchangeable. Horace would appear to prefer the wider separation to the less wide.
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  24.  53
    Situation Critical: For a Critical, Reflexive, Realist, Emancipatory Social Science.Frank Pearce, Jon Frauley & Ronjon Datta - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (2):227-247.
    This paper articulates the commitments, contours and justifications for a pluralist but non-eclectic critical, realist, reflexive social science with emancipatory aims. In it, we stress that social science can and should be used to guide the conceptualization of desirable and viable forms of social organization and their conditions of realization. In this regard, we advocate explanatory theorizing as an ethical duty of social scientists and as a moral good in itself as well as being an inherent epistemological component of scientific (...)
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  25.  55
    On the methodology of possible worlds semantics. I. Correspondence theory.David Pearce & Heinrich Wansing - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (4):482-496.
  26.  23
    A constructive consistency proof of a fragment of set theory.Jon Pearce - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 27 (1):25-62.
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  27.  11
    Analytical Sociology: Its Logical Foundations and Relevance to Theory and Empirical Research.Joseph R. Pearce - 1994 - Upa.
    The focus on this volume is on logic and how the logic of foundational hierarchies may be applied to clarify the relationship between sociological theory and empirical research. The author articulates a logical calculus as a method for theory construction.
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  28.  49
    Chesterton's 1927 Visit to Poland.Joseph Pearce - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (1/2):267-274.
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  29. Discourse, ethics and advertising.R. Pearce - forthcoming - Business Ethics: Principles and Practice.
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    Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon. Edited by Uri Gabbay and Shai Secunda.Laurie Pearce - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (1).
    Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon. Edited by Uri Gabbay and Shai Secunda. Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, vol. 160. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014. Pp. vi + 469. €189.
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    Fascism and Chesterton.Joseph Pearce - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (1/2):69-79.
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    Heidegger and Sartre, by Joseph P. Fell.A. G. Pleydell-Pearce - 1980 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 11 (3):296-299.
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    II—Imagination and Perception.A. G. Pleydell-Pearce - 1974 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 5 (1):37-40.
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  34. Roads to Commensurability.David Pearce - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):155-157.
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    Three Approaches to Logical Correctness.Gareth R. Pearce - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-35.
    This paper outlines three broad ways one might think about logical correctness: the Realist approach, the One-Language approach and my own Neo-Carnapian view. Although the realist and one-language views have dominated the philosophy of logic in recent years, I argue against them, favouring of the Neo-Carnapian approach.
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    A Nominalist Alternative to Reference by Abstraction.Gareth Rhys Pearce - 2022 - Theoria 1:1-12.
    Theoria, EarlyView. -/- In his recent book Thin Objects, Øystein Linnebo (2018) argues for the existence of a hierarchy of abstract objects, sufficient to model ZFC, via a novel and highly interesting argument that relies on a process called dynamic abstraction. This paper presents a way for a nominalist, someone opposed to the existence of abstract objects, to avoid Linnebo's conclusion by rejecting his claim that certain abstraction principles are sufficient for reference (RBA). Section 1 of the paper explains Linnebo's (...)
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  37.  23
    Grace de Laguna’s Evolutionary Critique of Pragmatism.Trevor Pearce - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):88-97.
    This commentary aims to place Grace de Laguna’s critique of pragmatism in its historical context. It examines her 1904 response to Henry Heath Bawden, her 1909 attack on John Dewey’s immediate empiricism, and her 1910 book Dogmatism and Evolution, focusing on the following question: Why did she describe her approach as an attempt to complete the pragmatists’ Darwinian revolution in logic?
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  38.  75
    Realism and formal semantics.David Pearce & Veikko Rantala - 1982 - Synthese 52 (1):39--53.
    The doctrines of scientific realism have enjoyed a close and enduring, if not always harmonious, association with Tarski's semantic conception of truth and theories of formal semantics generally. From its inception Tarski's theory received unqualified support from some realists, like Karl Popper, who saw it as legitimizing the use of semantic notions in epistemology and the philosophy of science.
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  39. (1 other version)Logischer Rationalismus, Philosophische Schriften der Lemberg-Warschauer Schule.D. Pearce & J. Wolenski - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (3):393-394.
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    (1 other version)Peter Browne on the Metaphysics of Knowledge.Kenneth L. Pearce - 2020 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 88:215-237.
    The central unifying element in the philosophy of Peter Browne is his theory of analogy. Although Browne's theory was originally developed to deal with some problems about religious language, Browne regards analogy as a general purpose cognitive mechanism whereby we substitute an idea we have to stand for an object of which we, strictly speaking, have no idea. According to Browne, all of our ideas are ideas of sense, and ideas of sense are ideas of material things. Hence we can (...)
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  41.  76
    Thinking with the Cartesians and Speaking with the Vulgar: Extrinsic Denomination in the Philosophy of Antoine Arnauld.Kenneth L. Pearce - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (2):227-252.
    Arnauld follows Descartes in denying that sensible qualities like color are modes of external objects. Yet, unlike Malebranche, he resists the apparent implication that ordinary statements like ‘this marble is white’ are false. Arnauld also follows Descartes in saying that we perceive things by having ideas of them. Yet, unlike Malebranche, he denies that this sort of talk implies the existence of intermediaries standing between the mind and its external objects. How can Arnauld avoid these implications? I argue that the (...)
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  42.  14
    Putting Barbarians in Their Place.Scott Pearce - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (2):441-449.
    In this review, we follow Haun Saussy through his The Making of Barbarians, examining how “those within,” the people of the traditional Chinese world, developed ideas of “those without,” constructing the “barbarian” so as to construct a Self. But the “self,” “that within,” was itself in an endless process of transformation, as new peoples entered the Chinese world to appropriate its various fineries. And of equal interest: some did not wish to enter at all. The route we will take on (...)
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  43. Truthlikeness and translation: A comment on Oddie.David Pearce - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (4):380-385.
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    Similarity and discrimination: A selective review and a connectionist model.John M. Pearce - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (4):587-607.
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  45. Locke, Arnauld, and Abstract Ideas.Kenneth L. Pearce - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (1):75-94.
    A great deal of the criticism directed at Locke's theory of abstract ideas assumes that a Lockean abstract idea is a special kind of idea which by its very nature either represents many diverse particulars or represents separately things that cannot exist in separation. This interpretation of Locke has been challenged by scholars such as Kenneth Winkler and Michael Ayers who regard it as uncharitable in light of the obvious problems faced by this theory of abstraction. Winkler and Ayers argue (...)
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    Naturalism and Despair: George Herbert Mead and Evolution in the 1880s.Trevor Pearce - 2016 - In Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner (eds.), The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 117-143.
    Trevor Pearce examines Mead’s early intellectual development and shows in detail how difficult it was for a young Christian at the time to integrate Darwin into his worldview. Pearce explores the deep existential crisis that resulted from these difficulties. Based on new and newly reevaluated biographical material, Pearce traces the development of Mead’s views through his years in college, in a longer phase of existential reorientation, and as a student of philosophy and psychology. Pearce also shows (...)
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  47.  66
    Leadership Centrality and Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility (CSIR): The Potential Ameliorating Effects of Self and Shared Leadership on CSIR.Craig L. Pearce & Charles C. Manz - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (4):563-579.
    Recent scandals involving executive leadership have significantly contributed to the topic of corporate social responsibility (CSR) becoming one of the most important concerns of the management literature in the twenty-first century. The antithesis of CSR is embodied in executive corruption and malfeasance. Unfortunately such things are all too frequent. We view the degree of centrality of leadership, and the primary power motivation of leaders, as key factors that influence the engagement in corruptive leader behavior and consequent corporate social ir-responsibility (CSIR) (...)
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  48.  40
    Irish Philosophy in the Age of Berkeley: Volume 88.Kenneth L. Pearce & Takaharu Oda (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume presents a selection of new articles examining the state of Irish philosophy during the lifetime of Ireland's most famous philosopher, Bishop George Berkeley (1685-1753). The thinkers examined include Berkeley, Robert Boyle, William King, William Molyneux, Robert Molesworth, Peter Browne, Jonathan Swift, John Toland, Thomas Prior, Samuel Madden, Arthur Dobbs, Francis Hutcheson, Mary Barber, Constantia Grierson, Laetitia Pilkington, Elizabeth Sican, and John Austin. This interdisciplinary collection includes attention both to local Irish concerns and to Ireland's relation to the broader (...)
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    On a new approach to metascience.David Pearce - 1981 - Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto Filosofian laitos. Edited by Veikko Rantala.
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    Research traditions, incommensurability and scientific progress.David Pearce - 1984 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 15 (2):261-271.
    Summary In hisProgress and its Problems, Laudan dismisses the problem of incommensurability in science by endorsing two general assertions. The first claims there are actually no incommensurable pairs of theories or research traditions; the second maintains that his problem-solving model of scientific progress would be able rationally to appraise even incommensurable pairs of theories or traditions (are compare them for their progressiveness). I argue here that Laudan fails to provide a plausible defence of either thesis, and that this creates some (...)
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