Results for 'Erik Werba'

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  1.  35
    Consequentialism Reconsidered.Erik Carlson - 1995 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    In Consequentialism Reconsidered, Carlson strives to find a plausible formulation of the structural part of consequentialism. Key notions are analyzed, such as outcomes, alternatives and performability. Carlson argues that consequentialism should be understood as a maximizing rather than a satisficing theory, and as temporally neutral rather than future oriented. He also shows that certain moral theories cannot be reformulated as consequentialist theories. The relevant alternatives for an agent in a situation are taken to comprise all actions that they can perform (...)
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  2. A Simulation Approach to Veritistic Social Epistemology.Erik J. Olsson - 2011 - Episteme 8 (2):127-143.
    In a seminal book, Alvin I. Goldman outlines a theory for how to evaluate social practices with respect to their “veritistic value”, i.e., their tendency to promote the acquisition of true beliefs in society. In the same work, Goldman raises a number of serious worries for his account. Two of them concern the possibility of determining the veritistic value of a practice in a concrete case because we often don't know what beliefs are actually true, and even if we did, (...)
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    What Preferences Really Are.Erik Angner - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (4):660-681.
    Daniel M. Hausman holds that preferences in economics are total subjective comparative evaluations—subjective judgments to the effect that something is better than something else all things told—and that economists are right to employ this conception of preference. Here, I argue against both parts of Hausman’s thesis. The failure of Hausman’s account, I continue, reflects a deeper problem, that is, that preferences in economics do not need an explicit definition of the kind that he seeks. Nonetheless, Hausman’s labors were not in (...)
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    Editorial Overview: Public Science and Technology Scholars: Engaging Whom?Erik Fisher - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):607-620.
    Science policy mandates across the industrialized world insinuate more active roles for publics, their earlier participation in policy decisions, and expanded notions of science and technology governance. In response to these policies, engaged scholars in science studies have sought to design and conduct exercises aimed at better attuning science to its public contexts. As demand increases for innovative and potentially democratic forms of public engagement with science and technology, so also do the prospects for insights from science studies to contribute (...)
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    A Primer on Energy Conditions.Erik Curiel - 2016 - In Dennis Lehmkuhl, Gregor Schiemann & Erhard Scholz (eds.), Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories. New York, NY: Birkhauser. pp. 43-104.
    An energy condition, in the context of a wide class of spacetime theories, is, crudely speaking, a relation one demands the stress-energy tensor of matter satisfy in order to try to capture the idea that "energy should be positive". The remarkable fact I will discuss in this paper is that such simple, general, almost trivial seeming propositions have profound and far-reaching import for our understanding of the structure of relativistic spacetimes. It is therefore especially surprising when one also learns that (...)
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  6. Reliabilism, Stability, and the Value of Knowledge.Erik J. Olsson - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (4):343 - 355.
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  7. (1 other version)More Problems for the Counterfactual Comparative Account of Harm and Benefit.Erik Carlson - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):795-807.
    The counterfactual comparative account of harm and benefit has several virtues, but it also faces serious problems. I argue that CCA is incompatible with the prudential and moral relevance of harm and benefit. Some possible ways to revise or restrict CCA, in order to avoid this conclusion, are discussed and found wanting. Finally, I try to show that appealing to the context-sensitivity of counterfactuals, or to the alleged contrastive nature of harm and benefit, does not provide a solution.
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    Wrestling with Public Input on an Ethical Analysis of Scientific Research.Erik Parens, Michelle N. Meyer, Patrick Turley, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Nanibaa’ A. Garrison, Shawneequa L. Callier & Daphne Oluwaseun Martschenko - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (2):S50-S65.
    Bioethicists frequently call for empirical researchers to engage participants and community members in their research, but don't themselves typically engage community members in their normative research. In this article, we describe an effort to include members of the public in normative discussions about the risks, potential benefits, and ethical responsibilities of social and behavioral genomics (SBG) research. We reflect on what might—and might not— be gained from engaging the public in normative scholarship and on lessons learned about public perspectives on (...)
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  9. On Some Impossibility Theorems in Population Ethics.Erik Carlson - 2022 - In Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Tim Campbell & Elizabeth Finneron-Burns (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.
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    Motivation, time course, and heterogeneity in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Response to Taylor, McKay, and Abramowitz (2005).Erik Z. Woody & Henry Szechtman - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):658-661.
  11. Is it possible to measure happiness?: The argument from measurability.Erik Angner - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 3 (2):221-240.
    A ubiquitous argument against mental-state accounts of well-being is based on the notion that mental states like happiness and satisfaction simply cannot be measured. The purpose of this paper is to articulate and to assess this “argument from measurability.” My main thesis is that the argument fails: on the most charitable interpretation, it relies on the false proposition that measurement requires the existence of an observable ordering satisfying conditions like transitivity. The failure of the argument from measurability, however, does not (...)
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  12. The philosophical roots of Ernst Mach's economy of thought.Erik C. Banks - 2004 - Synthese 139 (1):23-53.
    A full appreciation for Ernst Mach's doctrine of the economy of thought must take account of his direct realism about particulars (elements) and his anti-realism about space-time laws as economical constructions. After a review of thought economy, its critics and some contemporary forms, the paper turns to the philosophical roots of Mach's doctrine. Mach claimed that the simplest, most parsimonious theories economized memory and effort by using abstract concepts and laws instead of attending to the details of each individual event (...)
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    Organic Unities and Conditionalism About Final Value.Erik Carlson - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (2):175-181.
  14.  7
    Opaque Theism and Divine Testimony.Erik Wielenberg - 2024 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 9 (1).
    A much-discussed objection to skeptical theism is that skeptical theism implies that divine testimony cannot provide us with knowledge. Here I argue that it is not skeptical theism that raises doubts about the trustworthiness of divine testimony; rather, the vast amount of inscrutable evil in our world together with God’s track record of deception is the source of the trouble. I draw on that insight to develop further my divine deception argument (Wielenberg 2014). The argument I will defend goes roughly (...)
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    Frauds in scientific research and how to possibly overcome them.Erik Boetto, Davide Golinelli, Gherardo Carullo & Maria Pia Fantini - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):19-19.
    Frauds and misconduct have been common in the history of science. Recent events connected to the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted how the risks and consequences of this are no longer acceptable. Two papers, addressing the treatment of COVID-19, have been published in two of the most prestigious medical journals; the authors declared to have analysed electronic health records from a private corporation, which apparently collected data of tens of thousands of patients, coming from hundreds of hospitals. Both papers have been (...)
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  16.  44
    From planning to entrepreneurship: On the political economy of scientific pursuit.Erik Baker - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):27-35.
  17. Deliberation, Foreknowledge, and Morality as a Guide to Action.Carlson Erik - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (1):71-89.
    In Section 1, I rehearse some arguments for the claim that morality should be ``action-guiding'', and try to state the conditions under which a moral theory is in fact action-guiding. I conclude that only agents who are cognitively and conatively ``ideal'' are in general able to use a moral theory as a guide to action. In Sections 2 and 3, I discuss whether moral ``actualism'' implies that morality cannot be action-guiding even for ideal agents. If actualism is true, an ideal (...)
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    Aristoteles og vårt politiske fellesskap.Erik Christensen - 2008 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 26 (4):320-324.
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  19. The ultimate think tank: The rise of the Santa Fe Institute libertarian.Erik Baker - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (3-4):32-57.
    Why do corporations and wealthy philanthropists fund the human sciences? Examining the history of the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), a private research institute founded in the early 1980s, this article shows that funders can find as much value in the social worlds of the sciences they sponsor as in their ideas. SFI became increasingly dependent on funding from corporations and libertarian business leaders in the 1990s and 2000s. At the same time, its intellectual work came to focus on the underlying (...)
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    Fiona Ellis, God, Value, and Nature: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, 220 pp., $99.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78 (1):131-135.
    In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that just about everyone agrees that the highest good is eudaimonia while disagreeing with one another about what eudaimonia is. A similar situation exists among many contemporary philosophers: they agree that naturalism is true while disagreeing with one another about what naturalism is. By their lights, the claim that a given entity exists is worth taking seriously only if the entity in question is compatible with naturalism ; otherwise, the entity is queer or spooky (...)
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    Coercion and Consent in Contested Exchange.Erik Olin Wright & Michael Burawoy - 1990 - Politics and Society 18 (2):251-266.
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    Equality, Community, and “Efficient Redistribution”.Erik Olin Wright - 1996 - Politics and Society 24 (4):353-367.
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    Errata for "Women in the Class Structure".Erik Olin Wright - 1989 - Politics and Society 17 (2):246-247.
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    Making Capital Socially Accountable: An Introduction to Robin Blackburn and Ewald Engelen.Erik Olin Wright - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (2):131-134.
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    Martin Sklar's Theory of Capitalism and Socialism.Erik Olin Wright - 2019 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2019 (186):139-148.
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  26. Why something like socialism is necessary for the transition to something like communism.Erik Olin Wright - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):657-672.
  27. Conceptual tools for causal analysis in the social sciences.Erik Weber - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds.), Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 197--213.
  28.  24
    Reason and Political Economy in Hume.Erik W. Matson - 2019 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 12 (1):26-51.
    This paper examines some connections between Hume’s epistemology in his Treatise of Human Nature and his political economy. I make three claims: First, I argue that it is the development of Hume’s account of the faculty of reason in Book I of the Treatise that leads him to emphasize social science—including political economy—and the humanities over more abstract modes of intellectual inquiry. Second, I argue that Hume’s conception of reason has implications for his methodology in political economy. His perception of (...)
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  29.  87
    Classical Black Holes Are Hot.Erik Curiel - unknown
    In the early 1970s it is was realized that there is a striking formal analogy between the Laws of black-hole mechanics and the Laws of classical thermodynamics. Before the discovery of Hawking radiation, however, it was generally thought that the analogy was only formal, and did not reflect a deep connection between gravitational and thermodynamical phenomena. It is still commonly held that the surface gravity of a stationary black hole can be construed as a true physical temperature and its area (...)
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  30. Aesthetic Appreciation of Silence.Erik Anderson - 2020 - Contemporary Aesthetics 18.
    We enjoy sounds. What about silence: the absence of sound? Certainly not all, but surely many of us seek out, attend to, and appreciate silence. But, if nothing is there, then there is nothing to possess aesthetic qualities that might engage aesthetic interest or reward aesthetic attention. This is at least puzzling, perhaps even paradoxical. In this paper, I attempt to dispel the sense of paradox and provide a way to understand aesthetic appreciation of silence. I argue that silence can (...)
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    Can teachers motivate students to learn?Erik E. J. Thoonen, Peter J. C. Sleegers, Thea T. D. Peetsma & Frans J. Oort - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (3):345-360.
    Research on motivation has mainly concentrated on the role of goal orientation and self?evaluation in conducting learning activities. In this paper, we examine the relative importance of teachers? teaching and their efficacy beliefs to explain variation in student motivation. Questionnaires were used to measure the well?being, academic self?efficacy, mastery goal orientation, performance avoidance, intrinsic motivation and school investment of students (n = 3462) and the teaching practices and teachers? sense of self?efficacy (n = 194) in primary schools. Results of the (...)
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  32. Unification and Explanation: A Comment on Halonen and Hintikka, and Schurz.Erik Weber & Maarten Van Dyck - 2002 - Synthese 131 (1):145 - 154.
    In this article we criticize two recent articles that examine the relation between explanation and unification. Halonen and Hintikka (1999), on the one hand, claim that no unification is explanation. Schurz (1999), on the other hand, claims that all explanation is unification. We give counterexamples to both claims. We propose a pluralistic approach to the problem: explanation sometimes consists in unification, but in other cases different kinds of explanation (e.g., causal explanation) are required; and none of these kinds is more (...)
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    It's All Very Well for You to Talk! Situationally Disqualifying Ad Hominem Attacks.Erik C. W. Krabbe & Douglas Walton - 1993 - Informal Logic 15 (2).
    The situationally disqualifying ad hominem attack is an argumentative move in critical dialogue whereby one participant points out certain features in his adversary's personal situation that are claimed to make it inappropriate for this adversary to take a particular point of view, to argue in a particular way, or to launch certain criticisms. In this paper, we discuss some examples of this way of arguing. Other types of ad hominem argumentation are discussed as well and compared with the situationally disqualifying (...)
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  34.  12
    World without End.Erik Meganck - 2021 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):65-89.
    In this article, I want to make the following points, none of which are totally new, but their constellation here is meant to be challenging. First, world is not a (Cartesian) thing but an event, the event of sense. This event is opening and meaning – verbal tense. God may be a philosophical name of this event. This is recognized by late-modern religious atheist thought. This thought differs from modern scientific rationalism in that the latter’s so-called areligious atheism is actually (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Real and Virtual Places.Erik Champion (ed.) - 2018 - UK: Routledge.
    Routledge is running a monograph sale through June 11th. Readers can now access The Phenomenology of Real and Virtual Places free-of-charge for seven days then the eBook can be purchased for £10/$15. Go to the online tfstore kortext com and look for the book using: the-phenomenology-of-real-and-virtual-places-384647 (EPUB version) the-phenomenology-of-real-and-virtual-places-390649 (PDF version) or check attached hyperlinks below. ABSTRACT: This collection of essays explores the history, implications, and usefulness of phenomenology for the study of real and virtual places. While the influence of (...)
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  36. The history of Hayek’s theory of cultural evolution.Erik Angner - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (4):695-718.
    This paper traces the historical origins of Friedrich A. Hayek's theory of cultural evolution, and argues that Hayek's evolutionary thought was significantly inspired by Alexander M. Carr-Saunders and Oxford zoology. While traditional Hayek scholarship emphasizes the influence of Carl Menger and the British eighteenth-century moral philosophers, I claim that these sources underdetermine what was most characteristic of Hayek's theory, viz. the idea that cultural evolution is a matter of group selection, and the idea that natural selection operates on acquired as (...)
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    The Friedman‐Translation for Martin‐Löf's Type Theory.Erik Palmgren - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (3):314-326.
    In this note we show that Friedman's syntactic translation for intuitionistic logical systems can be carried over to Martin-Löf's type theory, inlcuding universes provided some restrictions are made. Using this translation we show that the theory is closed under a higher type version of Markov's rule.
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    L’équivoque de l’image chez Henri Maldiney.Erik Lind - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:221-243.
    Henri Maldiney’s aesthetics can be seen as an attempt to push traditional phenomenological descriptions of the image, such as can be found in the works of Husserl and Sartre, to their theoretical limits. In this paper, I examine how Maldiney’s phenomenological approach to visual works of art leads him to disclose a non-intentional dimension of the image which is that of “form.” At this level, the image is not primarily a structure or modification of consciousness, but a mode of presence (...)
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    The gift in therapy.Erik Abrams - 2006 - Philosophical Practice 2 (2):111-117.
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    Theoretical Deliberations on "Regulation as Productive Tool Use".Erik Axel - 2003 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (1):31-46.
    This paper is discusses some central points in a dissertation for the degree of dr. phil., "Regulation as Productive Tool Use - a Participatory Observation in the Control Room of a District Heating System." An earlier version of the paper was presented by the author as part of the defense of the dissertation at Roskilde University Center June 14 2002. As suggested by the title, the dissertation was an empirical study of regulation in a control room. The object of the (...)
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  41. Russell's hypothesis and the new physicalism.Erik C. Banks - 2009 - Proceedings of the Ohio Philosophical Association 6.
    Bertrand Russell claimed in the Analysis of Matter that physics is purely structural or relational and so leaves out intrinsic properties of matter, properties that, he said, are evident to us at least in one case: as the internal states of our brains. Russell's hypothesis has figured in recent discussions of physicalism and the mind body problem, by Chalmers, Strawson and Stoljar, among others, but I want to reject two popular interpretations: 1. a conception of intrinsic properties of matter as (...)
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    Polymorphic extensions of simple type structures. With an application to a bar recursive minimization.Erik Barendsen & Marc Bezem - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79 (3):221-280.
    The technical contribution of this paper is threefold.First we show how to encode functionals in a ‘flat’ applicative structure by adding oracles to untyped λ-calculus and mimicking the applicative behaviour of the functionals with an impredicatively defined reduction relation. The main achievement here is a Church-Rosser result for the extended reduction relation.Second, by combining the previous result with the model construction based on partial equivalence relations, we show how to extend a λ-closed simple type structure to a model of the (...)
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    A First Intuition: The Strange Force of the Québécois Spring.Érik Bordeleau & Brian Massumi - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
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  44. Organisational Processes in the Secondary Software Sector: A Case Study on Open Source Software Adoption.Brian Lings Erik Olsson - 2013 - Iris 34.
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    C. Meister (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion.Erik Meganck - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (1):186-187.
  46. About Enhancement.Erik Parens - 2009 - In Nick Bostrom & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Human Enhancement. Oxford University Press. pp. 181.
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    Regulation of adenylyl cyclase in LTP.Erik D. Roberson & J. David Sweatt - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):485-486.
    Our results on hippocampal long-term potentiation are considered in the context of Xia et al.'s hypothesis. Whereas the target article proposes presynaptic PKC involvement in adenylyl cyclase activation by phosphorylation of nenromodulin, we suggest an additional postsynaptic role involving RC3/nenrogranin. Finally, we examine the possibility that the adenylyl cyclase mutant mouse may display normal learning with a selective impairment of memory.
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    Ludwig Feuerbachs Lehre von der Religion.Erik Schmidt - 1966 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 8 (1):1-35.
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    Evaluation of research capacity building in the third world.Erik W. Thulstrup - 1998 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (4):90-101.
  50.  34
    Phenomenological Laws and their Application to Scientific Epistemic Explanation Problems.Erik Weber - 1990 - Logique Et Analyse 129 (29):175-189.
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