Results for 'Ethel Klein'

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  1.  81
    Explanation in the science of consciousness: From the neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) to the difference makers of consciousness.Colin Klein, Jakob Hohwy & Tim Bayne - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (II).
    At present, the science of consciousness is structured around the search for the neural correlates of consciousness. One of the alleged advantages of the NCCs framework is its metaphysical neutrality—the fact that it begs no contested questions with respect to debates about the fundamental nature of consciousness. Here, we argue that even if the NCC framework is metaphysically neutral, it is structurally committed, for it presupposes a certain model—what we call the Lite-Brite model—of consciousness. This, we argue, represents a serious (...)
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  2. The complex act of projecting oneself into the future.Stan Klein - 2013 - WIREs Cognitive Science 4:63-79.
    Research on future-oriented mental time travel (FMTT) is highly active yet somewhat unruly. I believe this is due, in large part, to the complexity of both the tasks used to test FMTT and the concepts involved. Extraordinary care is a necessity when grappling with such complex and perplexing metaphysical constructs as self and time and their co-instantiation in memory. In this review, I first discuss the relation between future mental time travel and types of memory (episodic and semantic). I then (...)
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  3. Making the case that episodic recollection is attributable to operations occurring at retrieval rather than to content stored in a dedicated subsystem of long-term memory.Stan Klein - 2013 - Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7 (3):1-14.
    Episodic memory often is conceptualized as a uniquely human system of long-term memory that makes available knowledge accompanied by the temporal and spatial context in which that knowledge was acquired. Retrieval from episodic memory entails a form of first–person subjectivity called autonoetic consciousness that provides a sense that a recollection was something that took place in the experiencer’s personal past. In this paper I expand on this definition of episodic memory. Specifically, I suggest that (a) the core features assumed unique (...)
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  4. The Influence of Firm Size on the ESG Score: Corporate Sustainability Ratings Under Review.Samuel Drempetic, Christian Klein & Bernhard Zwergel - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):333-360.
    The concept of sustainable and responsible (SR) investments expresses that every investment should be based on the SR investor’s code of ethics. To a large extent the allocation of SR investments to more sustainable companies and ethical practices is based on the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) scores provided by rating agencies. However, a thorough investigation of ESG scores is a neglected topic in the literature. This paper uses Thomson Reuters ASSET4 ESG ratings to analyze the influence of firm (...)
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  5. The self and its brain.Stan Klein - 2012 - Social Cognition 30 (4):474-518.
    In this paper I argue that much of the confusion and mystery surrounding the concept of "self" can be traced to a failure to appreciate the distinction between the self as a collection of diverse neural components that provide us with our beliefs, memories, desires, personality, emotions, etc (the epistemological self) and the self that is best conceived as subjective, unified awareness, a point of view in the first person (ontological self). While the former can, and indeed has, been extensively (...)
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  6. Cognitive Ontology and Region- versus Network-Oriented Analyses.Colin Klein - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (5):952-960.
    The interpretation of functional imaging experiments is complicated by the pluripotency of brain regions. As there is a many-to-one mapping between cognitive functions and their neural substrates, region-based analyses of imaging data provide only weak support for cognitive theories. Price and Friston argue that we need a ‘cognitive ontology’ that abstractly categorizes the function of regions. I argue that abstract characterizations are unlikely to be cognitively interesting. I argue instead that we should attribute functions to regions in a context-sensitive manner. (...)
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  7. Logics for Analyzing Games.Johan Van Benthem & Dominik Klein - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Assessing the Plurality of Actors and Policy Interactions: Agent-Based Modelling of Renewable Energy Market Integration.Marc Deissenroth, Martin Klein, Kristina Nienhaus & Matthias Reeg - 2017 - Complexity:1-24.
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    Targumic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections.Bernard Grossfeld & Michael L. Klein - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):176.
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    Die klassische Antike in der Tradition des Islam.Everett K. Rowson & Felix Klein-Franke - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):187.
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    The Rise and Fall of the Science Advisor to the President of the United States.Roger Pielke & Roberta Klein - 2009 - Minerva 47 (1):7-29.
    The president’s science advisor was formerly established in the days following the Soviet launch of Sputnik at the height of the Cold War, creating an impression of scientists at the center of presidential power. However, since that time the role of the science advisor has been far more prosaic, with a role that might be more aptly described as a coordinator of budgets and programs, and thus more closely related to the functions of the Office of Management and Budget than (...)
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    Politische Lageanalyse: Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Arndt zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Januar 1993.Volker Beismann & Markus Josef Klein (eds.) - 1993 - Bruchsal: San Casciano Verlag.
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  13. Reading The guide of the perplexed as an intellectual challenge.Sarah Klein Braslavy - 1900 - In Charles Harry Manekin & Daniel Davies (eds.), Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)The problem of logic.William Ralph Boyce Gibson & Augusta Klein - 1908 - London,: A. and C. Black. Edited by Augusta Klein.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  15.  38
    Data, Privacy, and Agency: Beyond Transparency to Empowerment.Erika Versalovic, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):63-65.
    Separation-based accounts of privacy define privacy as being left alone and unaccessed. Pyrrho et al. propose a more control-based account where privacy is about having the age...
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  16.  27
    Condorcet e Kant: a esperança como horizonte do projeto político.Cristina Foroni Consani & Joel Thiago Klein - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):111-131.
    Este trabalho analisa o conceito de esperança nas obras de Condorcet e Kant. Defende-se que o conceito de esperança no progresso da humanidade é de fundamental importância para a compreensão da filosofia política de ambos os autores. Por um lado, esperança oferece um horizonte de sentido que protege suas propostas políticas de visões de mundo antagônicas; por outro, ela se incorpora no próprio projeto político tendo ao mesmo tempo a função de motivação e de criação de instituições políticas com caráter (...)
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    Geist und Heiliger Geist: philosophische und theologische Modelle von Paulus und Johannes bis Barth und Balthasar.Edith Düsing, Werner Neuer & Hans-Dieter Klein (eds.) - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  18. Geschichte und System.Erich Heintel, Klaus-Dieter Klein & Erhard Oeser (eds.) - 1972 - München,: Oldenbourg.
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  19. What are the benefits of broad horizons?Hans Joas & Barbro Klein - 2010 - In The benefit of broad horizons: intellectual and institutional preconditions for a global social science: festschrift for Bjorn Wittrock on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
  20. Visual-search for incomplete and complete box stimuli.Dg Purcell, Dg Klein & Al Stewart - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):510-510.
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    Constancy and the Changes: A Comparative Reading of Heng Xian.Esther S. Klein - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (2):207-224.
    This article explores the connection between the Heng Xian and the Changes of Zhou tradition, especially the “Tuan” and “Attached Verbalizations” commentaries. Two important Heng Xian terms—heng 恆 and fu 復—are also Changes of Zhou hexagrams and possible connections are explored. Second, the Heng Xian account of the creation of names is compared with the “Attached Verbalizations” account of the creation of the Changes of Zhou system. Third, the roles played by knowing and desire in both Heng Xian and the (...)
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  22.  14
    Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects: Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.Nick Huntington-Klein - 2020 - Journal of Causal Inference 8 (1):182-208.
    In Instrumental Variables (IV) estimation, the effect of an instrument on an endogenous variable may vary across the sample. In this case, IV produces a local average treatment effect (LATE), and if monotonicity does not hold, then no effect of interest is identified. In this paper, I calculate the weighted average of treatment effects that is identified under general first-stage effect heterogeneity, which is generally not the average treatment effect among those affected by the instrument. I then describe a simple (...)
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  23.  37
    Native Americans and the Burden of History.Kerwin Lee Klein - 2005 - Modern Intellectual History 2 (3):409-417.
  24. Anti-Semitism in the Neio Testament?Samuel Sandmel, Charlotte Klein, Wilson Tannenbaum & Rudin - 1978
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  25.  47
    Religionsethologie – die biologischen Wurzeln religiösen Verhaltens.Ina Wunn, Patrick Urban & Constantin Klein - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 22 (1):98-124.
    ZusammenfassungDer Artikel skizziert die Grundlagen einer neuen Subdisziplin innerhalb der Religionswissenschaft, der Religionsethologie. Religionsethologie lässt sich letztlich auf Charles Darwin selbst zurückführen, der bereits in seinem Buch The expression of the emotions in man and animals belegen konnte, dass jede Form von Verhalten für das Überleben der Art genau so wichtig ist wie die Adaptation des Phänotypus. In den Geisteswissenschaften wurde der Darwinsche Ansatz sofort aufgegriffen und von bedeutenden Forschern wie Karl Meuli, Aby Warburg und in jüngerer Zeit von Roy (...)
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    Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques.Colette Sirat, Sara Klein-Braslavy, Philippe Bobichon & Olga Weijers (eds.) - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Les oeuvres de Gersonide (Levi b. Gershom ou Gerson, Leon de Bagnols, philosophe juif provencal 1288-1344) portent essentiellement sur quatre domaines: les commentaires qu'il a consacres aux commentaires d'Averroes, les questions philosophiques et theologico-philosophiques (livres I a IV, VI des Guerres du Seigneur), les commentaires biblioques et des travaux astronomiques (dont le livre V des Guerres). Dans les trois premiers domaines, la maniere dont il a travaille, l'ordonnancement des idees et leur mise en oeuvre sont ici compares a ceux qui (...)
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  27.  66
    Shifting attention to the flash-lag effect.Marcus Vinícius C. Baldo & Stanley A. Klein - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):198-199.
    An attention shift from a stationary to a changing object has to occur in feature space, in order to bind these stimuli into a unitary percept. This time-consuming shift leads to the perception of a changing stimulus further ahead along its trajectory. This attentional framework is able to accommodate the flash-lag effect in its multiple empirical manifestations.
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    (2 other versions)Construing and constructing others.Mark Snyder & Olivier Klein - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (1):53-67.
    When individuals hold expectations about other people, they can elicit from these targets behaviors that are consistent with their expectations, even if these expectations are independent of the target’s real characteristics. In this paper, we consider the role that this phenomenon, known as behavioral confirmation, plays in shaping the social perceptions of perceivers, targets, and outside observers. As well, we address the value of laboratory research on behavioral confirmation for understanding the dynamics and outcomes of social interactions in naturally occurring (...)
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  29.  15
    Adorno-Handbuch: Leben, Werk, Wirkung.Richard Klein, Johann Kreuzer & Stefan Müller-Doohm (eds.) - 2011 - Stuttgart: Metzler.
    Prägender Denker für die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Das Handbuch präsentiert den aktuellen Diskussionsstand zu Werk und Wirkung Theodor W. Adornos. Es beleuchtet zentrale Fragestellungen des wegweisenden Philosophen und bietet inhaltliche und methodische Werkzeuge zur Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Schriften. Über 40 Beiträger lassen die verschiedenen Zugangsweisen in der Beschäftigung mit Adorno deutlich werden. So kommt der spezifisch interdisziplinäre Charakter des Adornoschen Philosophierens hervorragend zum Ausdruck.
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    The half-life of policy rationales: How new technology affects old policy issues.Fred E. Foldvary & Daniel B. Klein - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (3):82-92.
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  31. Based Society.Read M. Diket & Sheri R. Klein - 2016 - In Eugénie Angèle Samier (ed.), Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leadership. New York: Routledge.
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    Spatial displacement of numbers on a vertical number line in spatial neglect.Urszula Mihulowicz, Elise Klein, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Klaus Willmes & Hans-Otto Karnath - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  33.  40
    A review on functional and structural brain connectivity in numerical cognition.Korbinian Moeller, Klaus Willmes & Elise Klein - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  34.  17
    The Middle of Somewhere: Rural Education Partnerships and Innovation.Sara L. Hartman & Bob Klein (eds.) - 2023 - Harvard Education Press.
    _Highlights innovative partnership practices that help create educational opportunities for students in rural schools across the United States._ As editors Sara L. Hartman and Bob Klein acknowledge, rural places have long experienced systemic inequities that decrease rural students' access to education, yet many rural schools and communities have found creative means to make up for the dearth of outside resources. _The Middle of Somewhere_ brings to light a wide variety of partnerships that have been forged between K–12 schools, communities, (...)
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    Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle.Landon D. C. Elkind & Alexander Mugar Klein (eds.) - 2024 - London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book examines Bertrand Russell’s complicated relationships to the women around him, and to feminism more generally. The essays in this volume offer scholarly reassessments of these relationships and their import for the history of feminism and of analytic philosophy. Russell is a founder of analytic philosophy. He has also been called a feminist due to his public, decades-long advocacy for women’s rights and equality of the sexes. But his private behavior towards wives and sexual partners, and his apparently dismissive (...)
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    Oktoberrevolution – Humanismus – Menschenwürde.Manfred Buhr & Matthäus Klein - 1967 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 15 (s1).
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    Gesellschaft, Staat, Nation.Rudolf Burger, Hans-Dieter Klein & Wolfgang H. Schrader - 1996 - Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
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  38.  14
    Using position rather than color at the traffic light – Covariation learning-based deviation from instructions in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Robert Gaschler, Beate Elisabeth Ditsche-Klein, Michael Kriechbaumer, Christine Blech & Dorit Wenke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on instructions people can form task representations that shield relevant from seemingly irrelevant information. It has been documented that instructions can tie people to a particular way of performing a task despite that in principle a more efficient way could be learned and used. Since task shielding can lead to persistence of inefficient variants of task performance, it is relevant to test whether individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder – characterized by less task shielding – are more likely and quicker (...)
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    Farias Brito.Antonio Carlos Klein - 2004 - Fortaleza, CE: Edições Demócrito Rocha.
  40.  8
    Zhi shi yu jie tuo: cu cheng zong jiao zhuan hua zhi ti yan de Zang chuan fo jiao zhi shi lun = Knowledge and liberation: Tibetan Buddhist epistemology in support of transformative religious experience.Anne C. Klein - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Fa gu wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
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    Sobre a suposta impossibilidade de interpretar Kant como um construtivista austero.Marina B. G. Back & Joel T. Klein - 2023 - Kant E-Prints 17 (2):7-35.
    A argumentação desenvolvida no presente artigo se propõe a defender a interpretação austera do construtivismo em Kant das objeções a ela levantadas por Jeremy Schwartz (2017) em seu artigo _Was Kant a ‘Kantian Constructivist’?_. Tendo isso em vista, primeiramente, procede-se à reconstrução da interpretação de Schwartz para a distinção analítico-sintética na esfera prática a partir da caracterização por contradição e à indicação de objeções para sua aceitação. Na sequência, apresenta-se a caracterização de analiticidade por continência e como esta pode ser (...)
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  42.  26
    The Fragment-Targums of the Pentateuch According to Their Extant Sources.E. G. Clarke & Michael L. Klein - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (2):373.
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    Another Finitude: Messianic Vitalism and Philosophy (Political Theology Series). By AgataBielik‐Robson. Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2019, Pp. xxiii, 287, £85.00. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):167-167.
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    Geschichte und System.Erich Heintel, Klaus-Dieter Klein & Erhard Oeser (eds.) - 1972 - München,: Oldenbourg.
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  45. The wisdom of Ethel Percy Andrus.Ethel Percy Andrus - 1968 - Long Beach, Calif.,: National Retired Teachers Association. Edited by Dorothy Crippen.
  46.  22
    Value sentences and empirical research.Ethel M. Albert - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (3):331-338.
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  47. Festschrift für Joseph Klein zum 70. Geburtstag.Joseph Klein & Erich Fries (eds.) - 1967 - Göttingen,: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Women Philosophers: A Bio-Critical Source Book.Ethel Kersey & Calvin O. Schrag - 1989 - New York: Greenwood. Edited by Calvin O. Schrag.
    Women philosophers have not received their due in the discipline's reference works. Kersey's international biographical dictionary of women philosophers from ancient times up until the present redresses that situation.... This very capably fills a very evident gap in the philosophy reference corpus. Wilson Library Bulletin This work developed from Kersey's discovery that there existed no biographical dictionaries of women philosophers, and few references to women in textbooks on the history of philosophy. Intended to fill that void, this source book covers (...)
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  49.  21
    When Gendered Logics Collide: Going Public and Restructuring in a High-Tech Organization.Ethel L. Mickey - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):509-533.
    Gender scholars argued that gendered organizations theory needs updating as organizational logic has shifted amid neoliberal workplace transformations. This qualitative case study of a high-tech firm reveals how features of the traditional work logic remain resilient. I analyze the gendered implications of a high-tech startup restructuring and going public, finding the flexible organization to bureaucratize, implementing specialized jobs and a hierarchy with standardized career ladders. Going public creates conflicting gendered logics that place women at a structural disadvantage, relegating them to (...)
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  50.  40
    Patients with Cancer: their approaches to participation in treatment plan decisions.Ethel Ramfelt & Kim Lützén - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (2):143-155.
    The aim of this study was to explore experiences of participation in treatment planning decisions from the perspective of patients recently treated for colorectal cancer. Ten patients were purposively selected and interviewed. Constant comparative analysis, the core concept of grounded theory, was used. The dimensions were developed and organized into the main theme of ‘compliant participation in serious decisions’, which was composed of the two variations: complying with participation; and complying without participation. Complying with participation was characterized by feelings of (...)
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