Results for 'Ethics (Ancient Greek)'

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  1.  17
    Ancient Greek and Byzantine Political Ethics.Michail Mantzanas - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):249-258.
    The political morality that Plato and Aristotle supported was governed by various anthropological and social determinants, which means that they focused on man understood as a citizen and interpreted through the dialectic as well as through the prospects of the city’s happiness, since for both of them man was a social animal. The political ethics of Plato and Aristotle does not endanger the political community with political bankruptcy. This political morality does not start from intransigent principles to reach a (...)
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  2. Ancient greek ethics.Keith Lehrer, Communitarianism Individualism, Robert E. Goodin, Consensus Interruptus, Simon Blackburn & Normativity à la Mode - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5:423-425.
  3.  8
    Psychology of Happiness in Ancient Greek and Roman Ethics.Miira Tuominen - 2024 - In Virpi Mäkinen & Simo Knuuttila, Moral Psychology in History: From the Ancient to Early Modern Period. Springer. pp. 177–196.
    In this chapter, I consider the views of happiness (eudaimonia) from the perspective of soul in ancient Greco-Roman philosophical schools. I consider the specific way in which most schools connect happiness to soul: either as Aristotle, identifying happiness with the human good he defines it as soul’s activity in accordance with virtue or as the soul’s virtuous state as the Stoics. The Stoics famously consider a virtuous state of one’s soul to be sufficient for happiness, and it has been (...)
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    Philia and Agape: Ancient Greek Ethics of Friendship and Christian Theology of Love.Jonas Holst - 2021 - In Soraj Hongladarom & Jeremiah Joven Joaquin, Love and Friendship Across Cultures: Perspectives From East and West. Springer Singapore. pp. 55-65.
    Based on a philosophical interpretation of the Ancient concepts, philia and agape, the present contribution offers a comparative study of the ancient Greek ethics of friendship and the Christian theology of love. While the former tradition understands philia as a finite relationship between human selves within a sociopolitical context, agape is regarded by the latter tradition as the bond of love which God grants all humans who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Despite the fundamental (...)
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy Iv: Aristotle's Ethics.John P. Anton & Anthony Preus (eds.) - 1971 - State University of New York Press.
    Paper edition ($18.95) not seen. The essays in this collection have been selected from a much larger set of papers on Aristotle's ethics, presented before the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy during the past decade.
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, vol. IV: Aristotle's Ethics.Christopher Megone, John P. Anton & Anthony Preus - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (173):528.
  7.  28
    On the Relation between Technê and Ethical Sphere in Ancient Greek.Tuba Nur Umut - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):191-213.
    This study tries to show the relation between technê and the ethical sphere in the Ancient Greek through mythology and the philosophical literature. Both in mythology and in the philosophical framework the benefits of technê and the power provided by technê for humanity are emphasized. And technê is considered as competence increases the control of human beings in practical areas. However, the ambiguous character of the human experience related to technê and the morally problematic character of this field (...)
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  8. Virtue and Knowledge: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics.William J. Prior - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1991, this book focuses on the concept of virtue, and in particular on the virtue of wisdom or knowledge, as it is found in the epic poems of Homer, some tragedies of Sophocles, selected writings of Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers. The key questions discussed are the nature of the virtues, their relation to each other, and the relation between the virtues and happiness or well-being. This book provides the background and interpretative framework to (...)
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    The relevance of ancient greeks to modern business? A dialogue on business and ethics.Gordon Pearson & Martin Parker - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (4):341 - 353.
    What follows is a dialogue, in the Platonic sense, concerning the justifications for "business ethics" as a vehicle for asking questions about the values of modern business organisations. The protagonists are the authors, Gordon Pearson – a pragmatist and sceptic where business ethics is concerned – and Martin Parker – a sociologist and idealist who wishes to be able to ask ethical questions of business. By the end of the dialogue we come to no agreement on the necessity (...)
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  10.  46
    Some Weak Points in Ancient Greek Ethics.Charles W. Super - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (2):176-193.
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    Some Weak Points in Ancient Greek Ethics.Charles W. Super - 1912 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (2):176.
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  12. The fragility of goodness: luck and ethics in Greek tragedy and philosophy.Martha Craven Nussbaum - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a study of ancient views about 'moral luck'. It examines the fundamental ethical problem that many of the valued constituents of a well-lived life are vulnerable to factors outside a person's control, and asks how this affects our appraisal of persons and their lives. The Greeks made a profound contribution to these questions, yet neither the problems nor the Greek views of them have received the attention they deserve. This book thus recovers a central dimension (...)
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  13.  89
    The Ethical Power of Music: Ancient Greek and Chinese Thoughts.Yuhwen Wang - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (1):89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.1 (2004) 89-104 [Access article in PDF] The Ethical Power of Music:Ancient Greek and Chinese Thoughts Yuhwen Wang Both the ancient Chinese and Greeks from around the fifth century B.C. to around third century A.D. recognized the immense impact that music has on the development of one's personality, and both regarded it as crucial in cultivation for the proper disposition in (...)
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  14.  9
    Creative visualizations of ethical principles of Ancient Greek Cynicism and their significance to modern society.Vytis Valatka - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (1).
    This article analyzes the application of creative visualization in the ethics of Ancient Greek Cynicism. The author concentrates on visualizations of 2 fundamental ethical principles (vicious chase of pleasures and virtuous radical temperance) and their relevance to modern society. The author comes to a conclusion that Cynics visualized the first principle through the image of a never-ending wheel of slavery and a concrete illness – dropsy, whereas the second one was visualized through the image of remedy for (...)
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  15. Ancient Greek Recognition? Homer, Plato, and the Struggle for Honor.Jonathan Fine - forthcoming - In Thomas Khurana & Matthew Congdon, The Philosophy of Recognition. Routledge.
    According to a prominent narrative, the problem of recognition arises in the modern period in opposition to premodern notions of honor. This chapter invites us to reconsider this narrative by examining two views of honor in ancient Greek thought. I first show that Homeric honor includes contestable norms of reciprocal respect and esteem for individual virtue. I then show how Plato appropriates the Homeric view in his ethical psychology yet articulates a competing view of the nature and value (...)
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  16.  96
    Aidōs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature.Douglas L. Cairns - 1993 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction; Aidos in Homer; From Hesiod to the Fifth Century; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; The Sophists, Plato, and Aristotle; References; Glossary; Index of Principal Passages; General Index.
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  17.  75
    Was Eudaimonism Ancient Greek Common Sense?Guy Schuh - 2019 - Apeiron 52 (4):359-393.
    I argue that Eudaimonism was not Ancient Greek common sense. After dividing Eudaimonism into Psychological and Normative varieties, I present evidence from Greek literature that the Ancient Greeks did not commonsensically accept Eudaimonism. I then review, and critique, evidence that has been offered for the opposite claim that Eudaimonism was Ancient Greek common sense. This claim is often called on to explain why Ancient Greek philosophers embraced Eudaimonism; the idea is that they (...)
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  18.  9
    Ethics in Ancient Greek Literature: Aspects of Ethical Reasoning from Homer to Aristotle and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Ioannis N. Perysinakis. Edited by Maria Liatsi. Pp. x, 229, De Gruyter, 2020, €99.95. [REVIEW]Robin Waterfield - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):353-354.
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  19. From Greek Polis to Modern State: Hegel's Critique of Ancient Greek Ethical Life.David W. Loy - 2003 - Dissertation, Saint Louis University
    Hegel's relationship to the Greek ideal of his day is well known: early in his career he saw the Greeks as an alternative to modernity, but by 1805 he had retreated from the Greek ideal, although he still admired the Greeks. Despite agreement that the Greeks played a central role in Hegel's thought, only a few commentators have offered an interpretation of Hegel's account of Greek ethical life. This dissertation presents just such an interpretation. ;I begin by (...)
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  20.  13
    Sci‐Fi Western or Ancient Greek Tragedy?Caterina Ludovica Baldini - 2018 - In James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels, Westworld and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 206–215.
    Westworld is a political show in the ancient Greek sense, involving everyone in a storyline that looks into the deepest social and ethical issues. This chapter explores the impact of ancient Greek literary forms and traditions to discuss both the aesthetics of the series and its specific concepts of suffering, time, and becoming. If Westworld is a tragedy it will offer people a catharsis, purging feelings of fear and pity. The catharsis in Westworld comes from sympathizing (...)
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  21.  30
    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. IV: Aristotle's Ethics. Edited by John P. Anton and Anthony Preus** Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. V: Aristotle's Ontology. Edited by Anthony Preus and John P. Anton. [REVIEW]Jacques Follon - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (1):108-110.
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    Early Greek Ethics.David Wolfsdorf (ed.) - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Early Greek Ethics is the first volume devoted to philosophical ethics in its "formative" period. It explores contributions from the Presocratics, figures of the early Pythagorean tradition, sophists, and anonymous texts, as well as topics influential to ethical philosophical thought such as Greek medicine, music, friendship, and justice.
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    Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy.David Wolfsdorf - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Key Themes in Ancient Philosophy series provides concise books, written by major scholars and accessible to non-specialists, on important themes in ancient philosophy that remain of philosophical interest today. In this volume Professor Wolfsdorf undertakes the first exploration of ancient Greek philosophical conceptions of pleasure in relation to contemporary conceptions. He provides broad coverage of the ancient material, from pre-Platonic to Old Stoic treatments; and, in the contemporary period, from World War II to the (...)
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  24. [Book review] aidos, the psychology and ethics of honour and shame in ancient greek literature. [REVIEW]A. W. H. Adkins - 1994 - Ethics 105 (1):181-.
  25.  12
    Prior, William J.: Virtue and knowledge. An Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics, Routledge, London, 1991, 224 págs.Ana Marta González - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico:628-629.
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    Virtue and Knowledge: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics.A. D. M. Walker - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (4):210-212.
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  27. John P. Anton and Anthony Preus, eds., Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy IV: Aristotle's Ethics Reviewed by.Glen Koehn - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (6):377-379.
  28.  16
    The comparison enter Reason-oriented ethics of the Occident and discipline-oriented ethics of the Orient -Focusing on the Ancient Greek Philosophy and the (neo)confucian philosophy-.Yang Sunjin - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 75:257-278.
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  29.  53
    "Ethics, practical reasoning, and political philosophy in antiquity and in Christian, jewish, and islamic philosophy": A joint conference of the society for the study of islamic philosophy and science (SSIPS); the society for ancient greek philosophy (SaGP); and the international society for neoplatonic studies (ISNS): A report.George Rudebusch - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (4):429-433.
  30.  37
    Ethical-cultural Maps of Classical Greek Philosophy: the Contradiction between Nature and Civilization in Ancient Cynicism.Vytis Valatka & Vaida Asakavičiūtė - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):39-53.
    This article restores the peculiar ethical-cultural cartography from the philosophical fragments of Ancient Greek Cynicism. Namely, the fragments of Anthistenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Crates, Dio Chrysostom as well as of the ancient historians of philosophy are mainly analyzed and interpreted. The methods of comparative analysis as well of rational resto-ration are applied in this article. The authors of the article concentrate on the main characteristics of the above mentioned cartography, that is, the contradiction between maps of nature (...)
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  31. The fragility of goodness: luck and ethics in Greek tragedy and philosophy.Martha C. Nussbaum - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Symposion in Ancient Greek Society and Thought.Fiona Hobden - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    The symposion was a key cultural phenomenon in ancient Greece. This book investigates its place in ancient Greek society and thought by exploring the rhetorical dynamics of its representations in literature and art. Across genres, individual Greeks constructed visions of the party and its performances that offered persuasive understandings of the event and its participants. Sympotic representations thus communicated ideas which, set within broader cultural conversations, could possess a discursive edge. Hence, at the symposion, sympotic styles and (...)
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  33.  6
    Ancient Greek and Roman science: a very short introduction.Liba Taub - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Ancient Greece is often considered to be the birthplace of science and medicine, and the explanation of natural phenomena without recourse to supernatural causes. These early natural philosophers - lovers of wisdom concerning nature - sought to explain the order and composition of the world, and how we come to know it. They were particularly interested in what exists and how it is ordered: ontology and cosmology. They were also concerned with how we (...)
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  34.  16
    Reason and analysis in ancient Greek philosophy: essays in honor of David Keyt.David Keyt, Georgios Anagnostopoulos & Fred D. Miller (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    This distinctive collection of original articles features contributions from many of the leading scholars of ancient Greek philosophy. They explore the concept of reason and the method of analysis and the central role they play in the philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. They engage with salient themes in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and political theory, as well as tracing links between each thinker’s ideas on selected topics. The volume contains analyses of Plato’s Socrates, focusing on his views (...)
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  35.  12
    Studies in ancient Greek philosophy: in honor of Professor Anthony Preus.D. M. Spitzer (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Spanning a wide range of texts, figures, and traditions from the ancient Mediterranean world, this volume gathers far-reaching, interdisciplinary papers on Greek philosophy from an international group of scholars. The book's sixteen chapters address an array of topics and themes, extending from the formation of philosophy from its first stirrings in archaic Greek as well as Egyptian, Persian, Mesopotamian, and Indian sources, through central concepts in ancient Greek philosophy and literatures of the classical period and (...)
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  36. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy I.John P. Anton & George L. Kustas (eds.) - 1971 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    The essays in this volume treat a wide variety of fundamental topics and problems in ancient Greek philosophy. The scope of the section on pre-Socratic thought ranges over the views which these thinkers have on such areas of concern as religion, natural philosophy and science, cosmic periods, the nature of elements, theory of names, the concept of plurality, and the philosophy of mind. The essays dealing with the Platonic dialogues examine with unusual care a great number of central (...)
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  37.  9
    The ethics of Socrates: a compilation of the teachings of the father of Greek and Roman philosophy, as reported by his disciples, Plato and Xenophon, and developed and commented upon by Aristotle, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and others.Miles Menander Dawson - 1924 - New York: Haskell House Publishers.
  38.  20
    Ancient Greek Philosophy II: Aristotle.Hugh Lawson-Tancred - 1995 - In A. C. Grayling, Philosophy 1: A Guide Through the Subject. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 398--439.
    Book synopsis: This is the first volume of a two-volume introduction to and guide through philosophy. It is intended to orientate, assist, and stimulate the reader at every stage in the study of the subject. Eleven extended essays have been specially commissioned from leading philosophers; each surveys a major area of the subject and offers an accessible but sophisticated account of the main debates. An extended introduction maps out the philosophical terrain and explains how the different subjects relate to each (...)
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  39.  61
    Virtue and Knowledge: an Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics[REVIEW]A. W. Price - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (2):499-500.
  40.  27
    [Book review] aidos, the psychology and ethics of honour and shame in ancient greek literature. [REVIEW]L. Cairns Douglas - 1994 - In Peter Singer, Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 105--1.
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  41. Aidōs D. L. Cairns: Aidōs. The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature. Pp. xvi + 474. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. £50. [REVIEW]M. J. Edwards - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (02):290-292.
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    Virtue and Knowledge: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics by William J. Prior. [REVIEW]Elinor West - 1994 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 87:239-240.
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  43. Principles of Good Governance Advocated by Ancient Greek Thinkers.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2018 - In Mrinal Kanti Basak & Riki Chakroborty, Good Governance: Some Ethical Issues. Progressive Publishers. pp. 66-78.
    Good governance, first appeared in the nineties within the United Nations, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund refers to describe how public organizations best conduct public affairs and deliver public goods and services. Today, about three decades later good governance seems to be still popular since there are still many challenges ahead for many governments especially in less-developed and developing countries. Hence the notion of good governance was emerged as a normative commencement of the principles, values and ethics (...)
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  44.  21
    Ancient Greek philosophy II: Aristotle.Hugh Lawson-Tancred - 1995 - In A. C. Grayling, Philosophy 1: A Guide Through the Subject. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 398--439.
    Book synopsis: This is the first volume of a two-volume introduction to and guide through philosophy. It is intended to orientate, assist, and stimulate the reader at every stage in the study of the subject. Eleven extended essays have been specially commissioned from leading philosophers; each surveys a major area of the subject and offers an accessible but sophisticated account of the main debates. An extended introduction maps out the philosophical terrain and explains how the different subjects relate to each (...)
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  45.  37
    Some Ancient Greek and Twentieth-Century Theories of Value.Richard Kraut - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (3):374-385.
    Plato puts goodness at the center of all practical thinking but offers no definition of it and implies that philosophy must find one. Aristotle demurs, arguing that there is no such thing as universal goodness. What we need, instead, is an understanding of the human good. Plato and Aristotle are alike in the attention they give to the category of the beneficial, and they agree that since some things are beneficial only as means, there must be others that are non-derivatively (...)
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  46.  10
    A problem in Greek ethics.John Addington Symonds - 1901 - New York,: Haskell House.
    This is a new edition of "A Problem in Greek Ethics," originally published in London in 1901 for "private circulation." Part of the project Immortal Literature Series of classic literature, this is a new edition of the classic work published in 1901-not a facsimile reprint. Obvious typographical errors have been carefully corrected and the entire text has been reset and redesigned by Pen House Editions to enhance readability, while respecting the original edition."A Problem in Greek Ethics" (...)
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  47.  92
    Individual and conflict in Greek ethics.Nicholas White - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    White opposes the long-standing view that ancient Greek ethics is fundamentally different from modern ethical views. He examines the ways in which Greek ethics has been interpreted since the 18th century, and traces the history in Greek ethical thought of the idea of conflict among human aims, in particular the conflict between conformity to ethical standards and one's own happiness.
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  48. Moderation in Greek and Islamic Traditions and a Virtue Ethics of the Quran.M. Ashraf Adeel - 2015 - American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 32 (3).
    This article looks at some of the salient analyses of moderation in the ancient Greek and the Islamic traditions and uses them to develop a contemporary view of the matter. Greek ethics played a huge role in shaping the ethical views of the Muslim philosophers and theologians, and thus the article starts with an overview of the revival of contemporary western virtue ethics--in many ways an extension of Platonic-Aristotelian ethics--and then looks at the place (...)
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  49.  12
    Greek ethical thought.Hilda Diana Oakeley - 1925 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
  50. The Life Worth Living in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy.David Machek - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The account of the best life for humans - i.e. a happy or flourishing life - and what it might consist of was the central theme of ancient ethics. But what does it take to have a life that, if not happy, is at least worth living, compared with being dead or never having come into life? This question was also much discussed in antiquity, and David Machek's book reconstructs, for the first time, philosophical engagements with the question (...)
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