Results for 'Eugenia Vanina'

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  1.  14
    Ideas and Society in India from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries.James Heitzman & Eugenia Vanina - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):360.
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    Naive causality: a mental model theory of causal meaning and reasoning.Eugenia Goldvarg & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (4):565-610.
    This paper outlines a theory and computer implementation of causal meanings and reasoning. The meanings depend on possibilities, and there are four weak causal relations: A causes B, A prevents B, A allows B, and A allows not‐B, and two stronger relations of cause and prevention. Thus, A causes B corresponds to three possibilities: A and B, not‐A and B, and not‐A and not‐B, with the temporal constraint that B does not precede A; and the stronger relation conveys only the (...)
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    Delusions in the two-factor theory: pathological or adaptive?Eugenia Lancellotta & Lisa Bortolotti - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (2):37-57.
    In this paper we ask whether the two-factor theory of delusions is compatible with two claims, that delusions are pathological and that delusions are adaptive. We concentrate on two recent and influential models of the two-factor theory: the one proposed by Max Coltheart, Peter Menzies and John Sutton (2010) and the one developed by Ryan McKay (2012). The models converge on the nature of Factor 1 but diverge about the nature of Factor 2. The differences between the two models are (...)
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    Epistemic foundations of cuisine: A socio-cognitive study of the configuration of cuisine in historical perspective.Vanina Leschziner - 2006 - Theory and Society 35 (4):421-443.
    This article is a study of the development of modern European cuisine through an examination of the socio-cognitive schemas which shape the way social actors think of and about food. While the historical phase that spans from the late middle ages to modernity has been widely studied (mainly by historians) I advance a new interpretation which focuses on the influence of cognitive patterns on the structure of cuisine — the ways of eating, cooking and serving food. I argue that the (...)
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  5.  22
    O corpo transversal. Notas sobre a estranheza da aprendizagem dos nomes.Eugénia Vilela - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 12:37-45.
    Um livro, uma criança, uma escritora louca, uma língua sem tradução literal: os sentidos descentram-se de um significado despótico. Todos são estrangeiros a todos. Não existe uma figura única do ser estrangeiro. Há, aí, uma condição poética. Aprender é traduzir: viver a irredutibilidade de ser outro. Indefinidamente. Desde um gesto pelo qual a educação se desenha na forma de interrogação das condições de im-possibilidade de leitura e de escrita da vida. Aprender faz-se no gesto de sobreviver, resistir, criar na experiência (...)
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    Poéticas Anarchivísticas Algoritmos que activan el patrimonio audiovisual.Vanina Yael Hofman Matusevich & Valentina Montero - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:363-381.
    En las últimas décadas la apropiación y construcción de archivos ha ido ganando terreno dentro de las prácticas artísticas, permitiendo visibilizar las políticas de archivo y los órdenes sociales a los que responden. Al mismo tiempo, han propuesto modos divergentes de activación de la memoria, problematizando creativamente las jerarquías y protocolos tradicionales, constituyéndose, así, en lo que podemos llamar estrategias anarchivísticas. Considerando que, en el seno de la cultura digital, la IA (Inteligencia Artificial) se ha vuelto clave en la gestión (...)
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    Medicalización como problema de salud internacional. La prensa escrita online sobre TDAH en Argentina (2001-2017).Eugenia Bianchi, Silvia Adriana Faraone, Milagros Luján Oberti & Costanza Leone - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 24:17-51.
    En el contexto de cambios del proceso de globalización, la medicalización constituye una problemática central en la agenda de salud internacional. Durante la década de 1990, comenzó la expansión internacional del diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH), entre otros factores, merced a la creciente relevancia de actores no médicos en el proceso y de legislaciones específicas para diferentes diagnósticos. El artículo busca contribuir a un análisis del espacio que le otorga la prensa escrita on line a (...)
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    Good death, bad death and ritual restructurings: the New Year ceremonies of the Phunoy in northern Laos.Vanina Bouté - 2012 - In Paul Williams & Patrice Ladwig (eds.), Buddhist funeral cultures of Southeast Asia and China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 99.
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    Volvera empezar: la argumentación interaccional en contextos terapéuticos.Alicia Eugenia Carrizo - 2017 - Pragmática Sociocultural 5 (1):87-111.
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  10.  19
    Making Dreams Come True: Parental and Community Involvement in the Rural African American Schools in Burke County, Georgia Between 1930 and 1955.Eugenia M. Fulcher - 2000 - Education and Culture 16 (2):3.
  11.  41
    La cuestión de la subjetividad en el campo de la comunicación. Una reflexión epistemológica.Vanina Papalini - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 3.
    La cuestión de la subjetividad en el campo de la comunicación. Una reflexión epistemológica.
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    (1 other version)Una corte de caballeros para elNuevo Mundo: los proyectos (utópicos) de Gonzalo Fernández de OviedoA court of knights for the New World: Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo’s (utopical) projects.Vanina María Teglia - 2012 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 2 (1).
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  13.  30
    The Goods and Services Directive: Limitations and Opportunities.Eugenia Caracciolo Di Torella - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (3):337-347.
    The Goods and Services Directive adopted in December 2004 is the very first European Community instrument to implement the principle of gender equality outside the workplace. As such it has the potential to close an important gap in European Union law. This note, however, contends that the limited scope of application of the Directive, together with doubts surrounding its legal base and position within the overall gender equality framework of the Union, have significantly undermined its potential. Nevertheless, it is suggested (...)
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  14. Tendinţe actuale în estetica fenomenologică.Nicolae Vanina - 1974 - București : Editura știinţifică,:
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  15.  12
    Corpos Inhabitáveis - Wandering, philosophy and memory.Eugénia Vilela - 2000 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 31:35.
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  16.  27
    The Role of Saliency in Learning First Words.Eugenia Wildt, Katharina J. Rohlfing & Ingrid Scharlau - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  17.  57
    Your pain is not mine: A critique of clinical empathy.Eugenia Stefanello - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (5):486-493.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 486-493, June 2022.
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    Is the biological adaptiveness of delusions doomed?Eugenia Lancellotta - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (1):47-63.
    Delusions are usually considered as harmful and dysfunctional beliefs, one of the primary symptoms of a psychiatric illness and the mark of madness in popular culture. However, in recent times a much more positive role has been advocated for delusions. More specifically, it has been argued that delusions might be an answer to a problem rather than problems in themselves. By delivering psychological and epistemic benefits, delusions would allow people who face severe biological or psychological difficulties to survive in their (...)
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  19.  40
    Inhibitory control as a moderator of threat-related interference biases in social anxiety.Eugenia I. Gorlin & Bethany A. Teachman - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (4):723-735.
  20.  9
    Following Arguments Wherever They Lead: Women, Choices and Simone de Beauvoir.Eugenia N. Zimmerman - 1993 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 10 (1):187-194.
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    “Us” and “Them” in Betty Friedan and Simone de Beauvoir.Eugenia N. Zimmerman - 1999 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 15 (1):163-168.
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  22.  36
    Marking the counterfactual: ERP evidence for pragmatic processing of German subjunctives.Eugenia Kulakova, Dominik Freunberger & Dietmar Roehm - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:91674.
    Counterfactual conditionals are frequently used in language to express potentially valid reasoning from factually false suppositions. Counterfactuals provide two pieces of information: their literal meaning expresses a suppositional dependency between an antecedent (If the dice had been rigged...) and a consequent (… then the game would have been unfair). Their second, backgrounded meaning refers to the opposite state of affairs and suggests that, in fact, the dice were not rigged and the game was fair. Counterfactual antecedents are particularly intriguing because (...)
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  23.  7
    Simone de Beauvoir, Mary McCarthy and the “Woman” Intellectual.Eugenia N. Zimmerman - 1994 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 11 (1):111-114.
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  24.  29
    Oswald revisited: the effect of focus and context.Eugenia Kulakova & Stefan Rinner - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-15.
    In this paper, we will present an analysis of the Oswald example that takes a closer look at the antecedents of the Oswald minimal pair. We will argue that diverging foci in the antecedents of the Oswald example result in different truth conditions of the conditionals, explaining the difference in truth values between the two sentences. Although the explanation will incorporate aspects of Stalnaker’s theory of conditionals, it will go beyond Stalnaker’s analysis of the Oswald example on one crucial point. (...)
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  25.  9
    Protosyntax: A thetic (unaccusative) stage?Eugenia Casielles & Ljiljana Progovac - 2012 - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 9:29-48.
    We have questioned the assumption that SV (agent-action) structures are basic and primary and have shown that thetic VS unaccusative structures, involving an event+theme unit, are better candidates for simple, primary proto-syntactic “fossils.” We have shown that thetic unaccusative structures are simpler syntactically, prosodically, semantically and informationally, and have suggested that this is due to the fact that syntactic evolution progressed from a stage with thetic statements (with no arguments, such as It is cold, or with only one argument, typically (...)
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  26. Weekly reports: A two‐way feedback tool.Eugenia Etkina - 2000 - Science Education 84 (5):594-605.
  27.  25
    L'epicureismo di pampinea.Francisco Javier Santa Eugenia - 2000 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 62 (3):641-646.
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  28. Anorexia y bulimia en las mujeres: entre la inseguridad y la autonomía.Eugenia Gil García - 2006 - Critica 56 (933):82-84.
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    Metaforice loquendo: de l'analogia a la metàfora en els Començaments de medicina de Ramon Llull1.Eugènia Gisbert - 2004 - Studia Lulliana 44 (100):17-52.
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    Bayesian Computation Methods for Inference in Stochastic Kinetic Models.Eugenia Koblents, Inés P. Mariño & Joaquín Míguez - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
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    Influence exerted on drug prescribing by patients' attitudes and expectations and by doctors' perception of such expectations: a cohort and nested case‐control study.Eugenia Lado, Manuel Vacariza, Carlos Fernández-González, Juan Jesús Gestal-Otero & Adolfo Figueiras - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (3):453-459.
  32.  10
    Notas sobre uma relação entre (des) ocupação do território e uso da informação, em tempos de neoliberalismo.Eugênia Vitória Camera Loureiro - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:337-348.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é o de examinar processos de exclusão e expulsão que vem se ampliando nos diversos aspectos da vida sob as condições atuais do neoliberalismo e como se manifesta na ocupação/desocupação do território, no papel da informação nesse processo e como as alterações das condições tanto da ocupação da terra quanto de produção e uso da informação impostas podem resultar na expulsão de moradores e na exclusão de usuários. Este trabalho também aponta possibilidades de surgimento de condições (...)
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  33.  23
    La opción por las armas. Nueva izquierda revolucionaria y violencia política en Chile (1965-1970).Eugenia Palieraki - 2008 - Polis 19.
    Este artículo se focaliza en el Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) y la problemática de la violencia política, que fue central en su historia. Abarcaremos el período 1965-1970 y estudiaremos el discurso que tuvo el MIR sobre este punto, construido tanto en los escritos teóricos como en los discursos de sus dirigentes, el lugar y el rol que ocupó la violencia en la práctica política del MIR, y por último la articulación entre prácticas políticas y representaciones. El artículo está estructurado (...)
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  34.  40
    Estudios de la gubernamentalidad: La subjetividad como categoría de la política.Vanina Papalini, Marcelo Córdoba & Leonardo Marengo - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Este artículo consiste de una referencia razonada a un conjunto definido de conceptos desarrollados en el seno de lo que ha llegado a conocerse como estudios de la gubernamentalidad. Comienza narrando sucintamente las vicisitudes conceptuales de un grupo de estudiosos anglosajones cuya apuesta intelectual, inspirada en gran medida por la analítica foucaultiana del poder, fue pensar la política sin reducirse—ni privilegiar—al Estado en tanto principio explicativo. A continuación, tras poner el foco sobre la noción de “procesos de subjetificación”, demuestra en (...)
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    Para una discusión sobre la tecnología.Vanina Papalini - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 2.
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  36. Social context and historical emergence: The underlying dimension of medical ethics.Eugenia M. Porto - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (2).
    I argue that work in medical ethics which attempts to humanize medicine without examining hidden assumptions (about medicine's ontology, explanations, goals, relationships) has the dehumanizing effect of legitimating practices which treat persons as abstractions. After illustrating the need to reexamine the field of medical ethics and the doctor-patient relationship in particular, I use Foucault's work to provide a social, historical framework for discussion. This background begins to demonstrate that doctor-patient relationships cannot be made satisfactory by new hospital policies or interpersonal (...)
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  37.  30
    The Memory and the Ailing Imagination at Immanuel Kant.Eugenia Zaiţev - 2018 - Cultura 15 (1):115-124.
    In the present paper, we substantiate the theory according to which the ailments of imagination presented by Immanuel Kant, especially in his work Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, are sources of artistic creation. It is obvious that not anyone suffering from melancholia, nostalgia, hypochondria or any other ailment of the soul, which Immanuel Kant refers to, becomes a creator of culture. Genius is required for this, but instead of diminishing the creative power of the genius, it seems to (...)
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  38.  37
    Are delusions adaptive? An empirical and philosophical study on delusions in OCD.Eugenia Lancellotta - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Delusions are usually depicted in one of two contrasting ways. They are either characterized as harmful and dysfunctional beliefs or as fostering engagement with the environment and sometimes even psychological wellbeing in the face of psychological or biological difficulties – something which, according to some accounts, would make them biologically adaptive. It is this “adaptive hypothesis” that I focus on in this paper, by empirically investigating the adaptiveness of delusions in a sample of people suffering from OCD. The paper shows (...)
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    Further Conversationes.Eugenia Ames - 1998 - Overheard in Seville 16 (16):19-20.
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  40. Posmodernidad y Sistemas Alternativos de Administración de Justicia.Eugenia Harris Bravo & Ana Julia Bozo - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 9 (3):391-403.
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    Una poética del género: la escritura mistraliana en Niña Errante.Eugenia Brito - 2014 - Aisthesis 55:29-39.
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  42.  10
    Bake infinite pie with X + Y.Eugenia Cheng - 2022 - New York: Little, Brown and Company. Edited by Amber Ren.
    X and Y are desperate to bake infinite pie! With the help of quirky and uber-smart Aunt Z, X and Y will use math concepts to bake their way to success!
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  43.  23
    Correction to: Oswald revisited: the effect of focus and context.Eugenia Kulakova & Stefan Rinner - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-1.
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    Aspectos da inteligência artificial e o princípio da precaução de uso da ia no planejamento de comunidades urbanas.Eugênia Vitória Camera Loureiro - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7369.
    Este trabalho visa contribuir para o entendimento do conceito de inteligência artificial - IA, e estagio atual de desenvolvimento. Hoje esse campo do conhecimento se desenvolve muito rapidamente e existe ainda pouca massa crítica para o exercicio de ideias muito consolidadas. Nesse sentido observar experiências que usam de alguma forma inteligência artificial pode ser de utilidade. Para o exame dessas experiências este trabalho vai se concentrar na área de aplicação do planejamento de cidades e comunidades urbanas, incluindo o modelo baseado (...)
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  45.  13
    De cómo hablar del amor en la guerra. Una lectura sobre las polaridades pasionales en El arte de la guerra de Nicolás Maquiavelo.Eugenia Mattei - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2):263-274.
    Resumen En el presente artículo se analiza la presencia de polaridades pasionales en El arte de la guerra de Nicolás Maquiavelo. Primero, se analiza de modo sucinto los frescos de Ambrogio Lorenzetti que se encuentran en el Palacio Comunal de Siena, poniendo particular atención en las presencias de la guerra y la paz para realizar posteriormente una comparación con el abordaje de Maquiavelo. Segundo, se analiza cómo la literatura especializada aborda este tratado militar de Maquiavelo. Tercero, se examinan las referencias (...)
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  46.  19
    El conflicto y la institución: Claude Lefort, lector de Nicolás Maquiavelo.Eugenia Mattei - 2019 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 13:33-53.
    The aim of this article is to investigate how Lefort’s interpretation of Machiavelli’s works, during the period 1950-1972, influences his later writings. This will be done through a double objective: Firstly, Lefort gives an account of the relationship that exists between his theory of modern democracy –and the indeterminacy that is consubstantial– and the Machiavellian notion of the Republic; and, onthe other hand, how the importance of personal leadership for Machiavelli to think the political regimes is occluded. This double objective (...)
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    El pueblo y las pasiones: un análisis de los Discorsi sopra prima deca di Tito Livio de Nicolás Maquiavelo.Eugenia Mattei - 2018 - Agora 37 (1).
    The aim of this article is to analyze how Niccolò Machiavelli conceptualizes the people in the Discorsi sopra prima deca di Tito Livio. For this purpose, in first place, we will sequentially restore the mentions on people that are linked to the passions. In second place, we will focus on the treatment of the different passions. Finally, we will illuminate what kind of people are at stake and how the people intervene in the construction of the political bond.
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    Una escritura alusiva: el Castruccio Castracani de Nicolás Maquiavelo.Eugenia Mattei - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 17 (29):79-95.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la figura de Castruccio Castracani de Nicolás Maquiavelo quien desarrolla una particular escritura que es necesario seguir de cerca: a partir de este análisis podemos encontrar insumos para interrogar cómo operan los liderazgos en la obra maquiaveliana y cómo los líderes interactúan con el pueblo a través de un círculo pasional que se genera entre ambos. A estos efectos, procederemos en este artículo del siguiente modo: en primer lugar, restableceremos la historia que reconstruye Maquiavelo (...)
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    Abelardo Villegas, pensamiento y acción.Eugenia Revueltas & Emigdio Aquino (eds.) - 2003 - México, D.F.: Dirección General de Estudios de Posgrado, UNAM.
  50.  18
    Humanities-as-Technique: New Images of Knowledge and Ontological Construction.Eugenia Samostienko - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (6):473-492.
    The sociocultural landscape of contemporaneity can be represented as a porous inhomogeneous space consisting of border zones. These zones, understood by P. Galison as “local coordination of beliefs and actions,” can be deployed due to already existing conditions, for example, a project may arise at a university. However, such zones do not create sustainable social configurations and infrastructures associated with new areas of knowledge. In this article, we expand the concept of trading zones and call them zones requiring local ontologies (...)
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