Results for 'European literature History and criticism.'

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  1.  7
    The art of distances: ethical thinking in twentieth-century literature.Corina Stan - 2018 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Adorno and Barthes on the question of the right (di)stance -- The pathos of distances in "a world of banished people" -- George Orwell's critique of sincerity and the obligation of tactlessness -- The inferno of saviors: notes in the margin of Elias Canetti's lifework -- A socialism of distances, or on the difficulties of wise love: Iris Murdoch's secular community -- "The world in me": the distantiality of everyday life -- In search of a whole self: Benjamin's childhood (...)
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  2. Picturing the Prophets: Should Art Create Doubt?: Children's literature -- History and criticism.Bluitgen KÃ¥re - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):10-14.
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  3. Kunst und objektive Wahrheit: Essays zur Literaturtheorie und -geschichte.György Lukács - 1977 - Leipzig: P. Reclam. Edited by Werner Mittenzwei.
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    La cura Goethe: poesia e storia in Benedetto Croce.Rosalia Peluso - 2022 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    Kod maĭbutnʹoho: kryza li︠u︡dyny v evropeĭsʹkiĭ filosofiï vid ekzystent︠s︡ializmu do ukraïnsʹkoho shistdesi︠a︡tnyt︠s︡tva = Code of the future: The Crisis of human being in the European philosophy from Existentialism to the period of the Ukrainian ʻSixties.Dmytro Drozdovsʹkyĭ - 2006 - Kyïv: Vsesvit.
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    Modern european literature in the classroom.Joseph Remenyi - 1948 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 6 (3):259-264.
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    The Revival of Antique Philosophy in the Renaissance.John L. Lepage - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book examines the revival of antique philosophy in the Renaissance as a literary preoccupation informed by wit.
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  8. Twarze nowoczesności.Lech Sokół - 2021 - Warszawa: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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    Schopenhauer et la création littéraire en Europe.Christian Berg (ed.) - 1989 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Schopenhauer, "le vieux prophete", disait Nietzsche. Paru en 1819 dans l'obscurite la plus totale, son ouvrage majeur, Le Monde comme Volonte et comme representation, lui a valu d'atteindre en 1900 a une celebrite posthume telle qu'aucun penseur n'en a jamais connue - influence que son extension meme a fini par occulter aujourd'hui. Car Schopenhauer a fait cristalliser la crise des croyances qui marque la fin du XIXe siecle, dessinant pour l'avenir la physionomie de l'homme moderne. Un homme qui sous un (...)
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    Communication, literature, cultural memory: The case of Sir John Beaumont.Roger D. Sell - 2011 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 2 (1):109-126.
    Literary-communicational theory offers a foundation for two types of literary criticism whose workings are basically ameliorative: mediating criticism, which seeks to bridge the gaps between writers and readers who are differently positioned; and communicational criticism, which offers an ethical assessment of literary writing as communication. The present article illustrates the processes of mediating criticism, by trying to help its own readers understand the religio-historical sitedness of the early-seventeenth-century English Catholic poet, Sir John Beaumont. More extensively, the article pays attention to (...)
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    Xi fang wen yi li lun shi gang =.Langshan Miao (ed.) - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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    Menschenwissen: zur Poetik des religiösen Menschen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.Markus Steinmayr - 2006 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    Religioses Wissen dient in der Fruhen Neuzeit nicht nur der Bestimmung eines metaphysischen Erwartungshorizonts. Es stellt vielmehr das Fundament der Selbstthematisierung des Menschen in der religiosen Autobiographie und seiner normativen Beschreibung in der religiosen Anthropologie dar. Die Studie zeigt, dass die kulturgeschichtliche Dynamik der Sakularisierung fur das 17. und 18. Jahrhundert darin besteht, Spannungen zwischen erbaulichem und literarischem Schreiben, zwischen religioser und medizinischer Anthropologie und zwischen dem religiosen und profanen Leben zuallererst zu erzeugen. Die Autobiographie und der Bildungsroman ersetzen das (...)
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  13. The Economy of Manichean Allegory: The Function of Racial Difference in Colonialist Literature.Abdul R. JanMohamed - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):59-87.
    Despite all its merits, the vast majority of critical attention devoted to colonialist literature restricts itself by severely bracketing the political context of culture and history. This typical facet of humanistic closure requires the critic systematically to avoid an analysis of the domination, manipulation, exploitation, and disfranchisement that are inevitably involved in the construction of any cultural artifact or relationship. I can best illustrate such closures in the field of colonialist discourse with two brief examples. In her book (...)
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  14.  56
    A History of Modern Criticism. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):365-365.
    The first two volumes of a four-volume study, destined surely to become the standard work in its field. Literary criticism in the broadest sense is the book's subject, but the author tries to avoid purely philosophical aesthetics at one extreme--Kant is given 3 pages to Schiller's 24--as well as unsubstantiated judgments of taste at the other. Since he tries to see the past as bearing upon and productive of the literary theory of the present, the book might be said to (...)
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  15.  22
    The History of Reception of Charles S. Peirce in Greece.Christos A. Pechlivanidis - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    Despite the great interest on Peirce’s work in Europe especially from the 1960s onwards, Peirce’s name in Greek literature could be found only in introductory books of philosophy and in particular in those concerned with the theory of language. An exception is Evangelos Papanoutsos’ Pragmatism or Humanism: Elaboration and Criticism of the Theories of a Great Current of Contemporary Philosophy (Papanoutsos 1924), which studies pragmatism as it had been shaped mainly by F. C. S. Schiller. Refer...
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  16.  44
    Latin Literature: A History (review).Richard F. Thomas - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):471-475.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Latin Literature. A HistoryRichard F. ThomasGian Biagio Conte. Latin Literature. A History. Translated by Joseph B. Solodow. Revised by Don Fowler and Glenn W. Most. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xxxiii 1 827 pp. $65.00.The work under review is a translation of Gian Biagio Conte’s 1987 book Letteratura latina; Manuale storico dalle origini alla fine dell’ impero, a book whose title (...)
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  17.  35
    "The great ocean of knowledge": the influence of travel literature on the work of John Locke.Ann Talbot - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    This book explores the way in which, working within the investigative tradition associated with the Royal Society, the philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) used ...
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    Ethik und Politik des Aristoteles in der Frühen Neuzeit.Christoph Strosetzki & Uwe Baumann (eds.) - 2016 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
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  19.  20
    Literary Criticism, a Short History[REVIEW]G. S. R. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):169-170.
    The authors aptly describe their work as a narrative. The protagonists are sometimes great thinkers, sometimes ideas about literary criticism, sometimes different approaches to literature whose intermingling histories are here described. At the same time the authors are in quest of a varied and many-sided presentation of the nature and writing of literature. Accordingly the insights of philosophers and literary men are stressed more than the consistency of their opinions; understanding is valued more highly than the certainty of (...)
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  20. Khu Sim Khad Kyis Dkrog. Me-lce - 2005 - Kan-SuʼU Mi Rigs Dpe Skrun Khaṅ.
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  21.  12
    Four Dilemmas: Theory, Criticism, History, Faith: Sketches on the Threshold of Literary Anthropology.Dorota Heck - 2010 - Księgarnia Akademicka.
    Dilemma one, Between the theoretical concepts and authorial intention -- Dilemma two, Good manners and eristic -- Dilemma three, Between strangeness and familiarity -- Dilemma four, Between scholarly research and faith.
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  22.  37
    The Analysis of Culture Revisited: Pure Texts, Applied Texts, Literary Historicisms, Cultural Histories.Warren Boutcher - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (3):489-510.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 64.3 (2003) 489-510 [Access article in PDF] The Analysis of Culture Revisited:Pure Texts, Applied Texts, Literary Historicisms, Cultural Histories Warren Boutcher School of English and Drama, Queen Mary, University of London Theory What is the relationship between study of canonical texts and broader social and cultural history? This question lies behind the contemporary academic issue of historicism and the public "culture (...)
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  23.  20
    The Narrative Shape of Truth: Veridiction in Modern European Literature.Ilya Kliger - 2011 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Draws on philosophical and novelistic texts from the Western European and Russian canons to explore a crucial moment in the epistemological history of narrative and present a nonreductive way of conjugating the histories of philosophy and ...
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  24.  14
    'Kubla Khan' and the Fall of Jerusalem: The Mythological School in Biblical Criticism and Secular Literature 1770-1880.E. S. Shaffer & Friedrich Hölderlin - 1975 - Cambridge University Press.
    Dr Schaffer outlines the development of the mythological school of European Biblical criticism, especially its German origins and its reception in England, and studies the influence of this movement in the work of specific writers: Coleridge Hölderlin, Browning, and George Eliot. The 'higher criticism' treated sacred scripture as literature and as history, as the product of its time, and the highest expression of a developing group consciousness; it challenged current views on the authorship and dating of the (...)
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  25.  9
    Handbuch Literatur und Philosophie.Hans Feger (ed.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler.
    Wie nah sind sich Literatur und Philosophie? Die beiden Disziplinen stehen für ganz unterschiedliche Formen der Welterkenntnis und der Erkenntnisvermittlung. Doch ohne das Verständnis des jeweils anderen Bereiches kommen die literaturwissenschaftliche und die philosophische Analyse schnell an ihre Grenzen. Dass es zahlreiche Berührungspunkte zwischen Literatur und Philosophie gibt, zeigt dieses Handbuch. In 16 ausführlichen Kapiteln schafft es einen Überblick über Problemkonstellationen, bei denen die Trennung beider Fachgebiete relativiert oder aufgehoben ist.
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  26.  15
    After Derrida: literature, theory and criticism in the 21st century.Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    It is important for the materialist historian, in the most rigorous way possible, to differentiate the construction of a historical state of affairs from what one customarily calls its "reconstruction." The "reconstruction" in empathy is one- dimensional. "Construction" presupposes "destruction." Almost fourteen years after the death of Jacques Derrida, the least one can say is that his inheritance is as contested and fraught with rivalries, rejections, and appropriations as at the time of the flowering of Deconstruction in American universities in (...)
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  27.  5
    ʻAlāqat al-adab bi-shakhṣīyat al-ummah.عبدالرحمن العشماوي - 2002 - al-Riyāḍ: Maktabat al-ʻUbaykān.
    Ethics; Islamic literature; history and criticism.
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    The philosophy of English literature.John Thomas Ingram Bryan - 1930 - Tokyo,: Maruzen company.
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  29.  43
    L'Architecture flamboyante en FranceModern French CriticismVersions of Baroque, European Literature in the Seventeenth Century.Robert W. Uphaus, Roland Sanfacon, John K. Simon & Frank J. Warnke - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (1):138.
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    Studies in Jain literature.Vaman Mahadeo Kulkarni - 2001 - Ahmedabad: Shresthi Kasturbhai Lalbhai Smarak Nidhi.
  31.  13
    New Images of the Natural in France: A Study in European Cultural History 1750-1800.D. G. Charlton - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
    The latter half of the eighteenth century saw radical changes in the way nature - both external and human nature - was perceived. It is these new perceptions, these new images of the 'the natural' that this book examines: new appreciations of the 'sublime' wildness of landscape; new revelations by the life sciences of natural creative fecundity; new assertions of the innocence of 'natural man', as illustrated by the noble savage, the contented peasant, the happy family; a new sense of (...)
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    al-Wāqiʻīyah al-rūḥīyah fī al-adab wa-al-falsafah.Muḥammad Shibl Kawmī - 2017 - al-Qāhirah: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb. Edited by Muḥammad ʻInānī.
    Arabic literature; history and criticism.
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  33.  17
    ASYNDETON IN LATIN - (J.N.) Adams Asyndeton and its Interpretation in Latin Literature. History, Patterns, Textual Criticism. Pp. xxx + 751, ill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Cased, £130. ISBN: 978-1-108-83785-9. [REVIEW]Esperanza Torrego - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):114-116.
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    Dolore, felicità, uguaglianza: saggi di storia delle idee.Corrado Rosso - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Edited by Martino Rossi Monti.
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    Figury wyobraźni XX wieku: wykłady o literaturze z perspektywy filozofii kultury.Jan Kurowicki - 2000 - Toruń: Wydawn. Adam Marszałek.
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  36.  7
    "Fröhliche Wissenschaft": zur Genealogie des Lachens.Kevin Liggieri (ed.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Seit jeher treibt das Lachen als anthropologische Grundkonstante Philosophen, Wissenschaftler und Kunstler um. Obwohl sich der Mensch im Lachen nonverbal verstandigt, bleibt diese soziale Geste hochst komplex, da in ihr Limitation sowie Transgression, Einschliessung wie Ausgrenzung stecken. Lachen wurde in der Geschichte teils als wahnsinnig, blasphemisch oder destruktiv, ebenso haufig aber auch als gutmutig, heilig und heilend konnotiert; Lachen ist ein paradoxes Phanomen. Im Band soll durch Interdisziplinaritat diesem Paradoxon Rechnung getragen werden. Mit Beitragen von Nina Bartsch, Peter Friedrich, Holger (...)
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  37. Literary theory from Plato to Barthes: an introductory history.Richard Harland - 1999 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Richard Harland provides a lucid account of all the major movements in literary theory up to the late 1960s. In a lucid and accessible style, he unfolds a comprehensive "story" of literary theory in all its manifestations. Because contemporary literary theory depends heavily upon European thinkers, the book has an international focus, and its coverage extends from philosophers to social theorists to linguists. Harland explains the essential principles of each theoretical position, looking behind particular critical judgments and interpretations in (...)
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  38. Izba i kamenʹ: filosofskai︠a︡ proza.Pavel Kuznet︠s︡ov - 2014 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  39. A philosophy of literature.Raymond Tschumi - 1961 - Philadelphia,: Dufour Editions.
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  40.  9
    Miroirs de l'identité: la littérature hantée par la philosophie.Jean-François Marquet - 2009 - Paris: Cerf.
  41.  15
    Textes au corps: promenades et musardises sur les terres de Marie Madeleine Fontaine.Didier Kahn, Elsa Kammerer, Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé, Marine Molins, Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou & Marie-Madeleine Fontaine (eds.) - 2015 - Genève: Librairie Droz S.A..
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    Mythos Ursprung: Modelle der Arche zwischen Antike und Moderne.Constanze Baum & Martin Disselkamp (eds.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  43.  6
    Aufklärung zwischen Nationalkultur und Universalismus.Brunhilde Wehinger (ed.) - 2007 - [Hannover]: Wehrhahn.
  44.  6
    Literatures of the world: beyond world literature.Ottmar Ette - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Mark W. Person.
    Beginning with Erich Auerbach's reflections on the Goethean concept of world literature, Ottmar Ette unfolds the theory and practice of Literatures of the World. Today, only those literary theories which are oriented upon a history of movement are still capable of doing justice to the confusing diversity of highly dynamic, worldwide transformations. This is because they examine transareal pathways in the field of literature. This volume captures literary processes of exchange and transformation between the Mediterranean, Atlantic and (...)
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  45.  32
    What Isn't History: The Snares of Demystifying Ideological Criticism.Robert Markley - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (3):647-657.
    Oscar Kenshur’s “Demystifying the Demystifiers: Metaphysical Snares of Ideological Criticism” should go a long way toward convincing most readers that the cure for “ideological” criticism is worse than the disease. His attempt to uncouple ideology and epistemology in Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan and Michael Ryan’s Marxism and Deconstruction belongs to an increasingly popular subgenre of metacriticism, the “more-historical-than-thou” offensive against Marxists and new historicists for their alleged essentialist procedures.1 There is no question that Kenshur raises significant issues about the nature of (...)
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  46.  11
    A szabadulás esélyei a libertínusok fogságából.Ádám Fejér, Natália Szalma & Sándor Albert (eds.) - 1998 - [Szeged]: József Attila Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara.
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  47.  8
    Die Rezeption Friedrich Nietzsches in der kroatischen Literatur um die Jahrhundertwende.Mirjana Stančić - 1993 - Bochum: N. Brockmeyer.
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  48.  49
    Literary Historiography from National to European Literature.Nullo Minissi - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (12):87-94.
    The division of literature by language and nation has become so common that it seems to be obvious and natural. But it is not so, and moreover this not even a very old practice. But the national literary histories, apart from their political-cultural aims, are without justification since the history of literature in its themes, subjects and forms has rarely been confined to one nation. Quite large cultural areas exist, bound by space and time, in which literary (...)
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  49.  18
    Narrative Hospitality in Late Victorian Fiction: Novel Ethics.Rachel Hollander - 2012 - Routledge.
    Bringing together poststructuralist ethical theory with late Victorian debates about the morality of literature, this book reconsiders the ways in which novels engender an ethical orientation or response in their readers, explaining how the ...
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  50. Die Rezeption Arthur Schopenhauers in der kroatischen Literatur und Philosophie.C. Mirjana Stanci - 1994 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
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