Results for 'Eva Juan Linares'

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  1. La crisis del cáncer.Eva Juan Linares - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Política, nacionalismo, estado.Cornejo Linares & Juan Carlos - 1966 - Buenos Aires,: Cruz y Fierro.
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    Tópicos iconográficos y cultura material en una relación de fiestas novohispana de 1621.Eva Valero Juan - 2020 - Arbor 196 (797):564.
    Si en las relaciones de fiestas virreinales la profusa descripción de todos los elementos que revisten el acontecimiento es una de sus marcas de estilo, el texto de 1621 titulado Verdadera relación de una máscara que los artífices del gremio de la platería de México y devotos del glorioso San Isidro hicieron en honra de su gloriosa beatificación resulta paradigmático sobre la relevancia de la cultura material para la construcción de la imagen de Carlos V y de todos los elementos (...)
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    How far did we get? How far to go? A European survey on postgraduate courses in evidence‐based medicine.Regina Kunz, Eva Nagy, Sjors F. P. J. Coppus, Jose I. Emparanza, Julie Hadley, Regina Kulier, Susanne Weinbrenner, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Amanda Burls, Juan B. Cabello, Tamas Decsi, Andrea R. Horvath, Jacek Walzak, Marcin P. Kaczor, Gianni Zanrei, Karin Pierer, Roland Schaffler, Katja Suter, Ben W. J. Mol & Khalid S. Khan - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1196-1204.
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    (1 other version)Experiencia Moral y Acción Comunicativa.Humberto Giannini, Juan José Fuentes, Eva Hamamé, Isabel Álvarez & Nicole Gardella - 2008 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 64:5-15.
    La comunicación está referida a la categoría de la acción, pero no dirigida inmediatamente al mundo, sino a promover algún tipo de respuesta en otro sujeto. Y es este campo limitado -dominio de la interacción humana- el objeto propio de la ética. Communication refers to the category of action, but it is not directed to the world immediately. Instead, it is oriented to elicit a certain type of answer from somebody else. This constrained field -domain of the human interaction- is (...)
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  6. Mapping Value Co-creation Literature in the Technology and Innovation Management Field: A Bibliographic Coupling Analysis.Juan-José Nájera-Sánchez, Marta Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado & Eva-María Mora-Valentín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    El Crucificado, lugar histórico de la Verdad. El problema de la verdad en los Tratados de san Agustín sobre el evangelio de Juan.Pedro Antonio Reyes Linares - 2004 - Augustinus 49 (192-193):107-145.
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    Math Anxiety and Working Memory Updating: Difficulties in Retrieving Numerical Information From Working Memory.Santiago Pelegrina, M. José Justicia-Galiano, M. Eva Martín-Puga & Rocío Linares - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Decidim: redes políticas y tecnopolíticas para la democracia participativa.Xabier Barandiaran, Antonio Calleja, Arnau Monterde, Pablo Aragón, Juan Linares, Carol Romero & Andrés Pereira - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:137-150.
    Decidim es una plataforma digital de democracia participativa desarrollada por el Ajuntament de Barcelona. Decidim es, además, un proyecto tecnopolítico que implica multitud de códigos más allá del informático. Distinguimos tres planos analíticos que sirven para conceptualizar de forma holística y sistemática el proyecto Decidim: un plano político, uno tecnopolítico, y un plano técnico. Decidim emerge como ejemplo de lo que denominamos “redes políticas” caracterizadas, frente a las “redes sociales”, por hacer del vínculo político y la construcción de inteligencia y (...)
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    (1 other version)Notas Acerca de la Moralidad de la Acción.Humberto Giannini, Eva Hamamé & Juan José Fuentes - 2011 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 67:167-182.
    Nuestro texto no trata el tema lógico-lingüístico de las proposiciones, sino el tema ético de la comunicación humana. Comunicar es vincularse a otro ser humano mediante alguna referencia al mundo. A la ética importa describir y clasificar las diversas especies que se crean a través de la acción comunicativa y sus posibles transgresiones. Tema importante para comprender por qué toda acción humana -pero, en especial, la acción comunicativa-es éticamente evaluable, es el estudio que aquí se hace del concepto aristotélico-tomista de (...)
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  11. Selected Papers from the 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2005)-Tokenising, Stemming and Stopword Removal on Anti-spam Filtering Domain. [REVIEW]Jose R. Mendez, Eva L. Iglesias, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Diaz & Juan M. Corchado - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 449-458.
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    Distributed Control of a Manufacturing System with One-Dimensional Cellular Automata.Irving Barragan-Vite, Juan C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora, Norberto Hernandez-Romero, Joselito Medina-Marin & Eva S. Hernandez-Gress - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    We present a distributed control modeling approach for an automated manufacturing system based on the dynamics of one-dimensional cellular automata. This is inspired by the fact that both cellular automata and manufacturing systems are discrete dynamical systems where local interactions given among their elements can lead to complex dynamics, despite the simple rules governing such interactions. The cellular automaton model developed in this study focuses on two states of the resources of a manufacturing system, namely, busy or idle. However, the (...)
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    Control of developmental networks by Rac/Rho small GTPases: How cytoskeletal changes during embryogenesis are orchestrated.Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Angelina Zheleva, Irene Gastaca & Juan Cabello - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1246-1254.
    Small GTPases in the Rho family act as major nodes with functions beyond cytoskeletal rearrangements shaping the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo during development. These small GTPases are key signal transducers that integrate diverse developmental signals to produce a coordinated response in the cell. In C. elegans, the best studied members of these highly conserved Rho family small GTPases, RHO‐1/RhoA, CED‐10/Rac, and CDC‐42, are crucial in several cellular processes dealing with cytoskeletal reorganization. In this review, we update the functions described for the (...)
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    Modeling of Throughput in Production Lines Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks.Federico Nuñez-Piña, Joselito Medina-Marin, Juan Carlos Seck-Tuoh-Mora, Norberto Hernandez-Romero & Eva Selene Hernandez-Gress - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Identify Material and Relevant CSR Performance Indicators.Marta de la Cuesta, Juan Diego Paredes & Eva Pardo - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:479-488.
    This study focuses on the application of multicriteria decision-making techniques, specifically the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to identify corporate socialresponsibility information which both companies and stakeholders consider relevant and material. This work explains how the AHP methodology was applied in the selection of material indicators in corporate social responsibility reporting, the interpretation of these indicators and their relative importance. The results of this study are summarized in 60 indicators distributed in four areas: environment, economy, corporate governance and social. As this (...)
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    The embryonic cell lineage of Caenorhabditis elegans: A modern hieroglyph.Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Angelina Zheleva, Rafael Torres-Pérez & Juan Cabello - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (3):237-239.
    Graphical AbstractNowadays, in the Internet databases era, certain knowledge is being progressively lost. This knowledge, which we feel is essential and should be acquired through education, is the understanding of how the pioneer researchers faced major questions in their field and made their discoveries.
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    El amor en María Magdalena. Una lectura al evangelio de Juan según Buenaventura.Eva Reyes-Gacitúa & Oscar Gayoso-Donzé - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (3):411-427.
    Este artículo aborda la figura de María Magdalena en la exégesis bonaventuriana del evangelio de Juan. A este propósito, se contextualiza el autor y la obra, y se analizan los pasajes del In Ioan referidos a María Magdalena en el contexto de la resurrección. En una primera sección se muestra la solicitud y diligencia de María Magdalena. Posteriormente, se desarrolla su fervor y amor en relación con la misión que se le otorga; finalmente se analiza la dinámica del encuentro (...)
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    La vida buena, sus técnicas y sus figuraciones, Juan Pablo Pino-Posada y Andrés Vélez-Posada (Eds.), 2022, Universidad EAFIT, 217 p. [REVIEW]María Camila Zamudio-Mir - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):409-412.
    El libro La vida buena, sus técnicas y sus figuraciones presenta una serie de respuestas contemporáneas a una pregunta milenaria: ¿qué es la buena vida y cómo alcanzarla? Esta, como las grandes preguntas de la historia del pensamiento, continúa sin responderse y se renueva cada cierto tiempo para responder a los cambios éticos, culturales, políticos y económicos de las sociedades. De allí que las reflexiones contenidas en este volumen sean de gran relevancia para el debate actual sobre cómo entender la (...)
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    Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio.Juan Álvarez-Cienfuegos Fidalgo - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 65:137-158.
    En el presente artículo hago un resumen de «Esas Indias equivocadas y malditas» de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio. La principal idea que desarrolla es que el discurso de los conquistadores, y hasta la actualidad muchos historiadores, legitimaba la conquista de América en nombre de la religión, de la civilización o del progreso; por ello, todo el dolor de las «naciones indias» estaría justificado por su incorporación a la historia universal. A continuación, presento los comentarios hechos por Juan Antonio Ruescas Juárez, (...)
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    Transformations of Lamarckism: From Subtle Fluids to Molecular Biology.Eva Jablonka & Snait Gissis (eds.) - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In 1809--the year of Charles Darwin's birth--Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published Philosophie zoologique, the first comprehensive and systematic theory of biological evolution. The Lamarckian approach emphasizes the generation of developmental variations; Darwinism stresses selection. Lamarck's ideas were eventually eclipsed by Darwinian concepts, especially after the emergence of the Modern Synthesis in the twentieth century. The different approaches--which can be seen as complementary rather than mutually exclusive--have important implications for the kinds of questions biologists ask and for the type of research they conduct. (...)
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    Percentages and reasons: AI explainability and ultimate human responsibility within the medical field.Eva Winkler, Andreas Wabro & Markus Herrmann - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-10.
    With regard to current debates on the ethical implementation of AI, especially two demands are linked: the call for explainability and for ultimate human responsibility. In the medical field, both are condensed into the role of one person: It is the physician to whom AI output should be explainable and who should thus bear ultimate responsibility for diagnostic or treatment decisions that are based on such AI output. In this article, we argue that a black box AI indeed creates a (...)
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  22. Pragmatism and Epistemic Democracy.Eva Erman - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
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  23. Bare statistical evidence and the legitimacy of software-based judicial decisions.Eva Schmidt, Maximilian Köhl & Andreas Sesing-Wagenpfeil - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-27.
    Can the evidence provided by software systems meet the standard of proof for civil or criminal cases, and is it individualized evidence? Or, to the contrary, do software systems exclusively provide bare statistical evidence? In this paper, we argue that there are cases in which evidence in the form of probabilities computed by software systems is not bare statistical evidence, and is thus able to meet the standard of proof. First, based on the case of State v. Loomis, we investigate (...)
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    Meaningful Human Control over AI for Health? A Review.Eva Maria Hille, Patrik Hummel & Matthias Braun - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Artificial intelligence is currently changing many areas of society. Especially in health, where critical decisions are made, questions of control must be renegotiated: who is in control when an automated system makes clinically relevant decisions? Increasingly, the concept of meaningful human control (MHC) is being invoked for this purpose. However, it is unclear exactly how this concept is to be understood in health. Through a systematic review, we present the current state of the concept of MHC in health. The results (...)
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    Coenhabiting Interpersonal Inter-Identities in Recurrent Social Interaction.Juan Manuel Loaiza & Mark M. James - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    We propose a view of identity beyond the individual in what we call interpersonal interidentities (IIIs). Within this approach, IIIs comprise collections of entangled stabilities that emerge in recurrent social interaction and manifest for those who instantiate them as relatively invariant though ever-evolving patterns of being (or more accurately, becoming) together. Herein, we consider the processes responsible for the emergence of these IIIs from the perspective of an enactive cognitive science. Our proposal hinges primarily on the development of two related (...)
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    Disconnected – Impaired Interoceptive Accuracy and Its Association With Self-Perception and Cardiac Vagal Tone in Patients With Dissociative Disorder.Eva Schäflein, Heribert C. Sattel, Olga Pollatos & Martin Sack - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Silent Screams; Lily's Story.Eva V. Regel - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):19-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Silent Screams; Lily's StoryEva V. Regel"Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated, the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the scream, healing can begin."—Danielle Bernock, "Emerging Wings; A true story of Lies, Pain and the Love that Heals."Some patients stay with you long after they leave. (...)
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    Vida, natalidad y libertad en Hannah Arendt: Objeciones a ciertas lecturas biopolíticas del pensamiento arendtiano.Juan José Fuentes - 2011 - Isegoría 44:239-255.
    Este trabajo analiza ciertas controversias en torno a las interpretaciones biopolíticas de Arendt. Recientemente, algunos de sus comentaristas han enfatizado las nuevas perspectivas teóricas que ciertos conceptos claves de Arendt podrían ofrecer desde el paradigma biopolítico. Sin embargo, estas reinterpretaciones no parecen ser fieles al fundamento original de tales conceptos —la fenomenología—. Intentaré mostrar aquí que es necesario: a) precisar la viabilidad de estas interpretaciones; b) calibrar su alcance; y c) hacer visible el riesgo de operar con ellas una tergiversación (...)
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    Aus dem Leben der Form: Studien zum Nachleben von Goethes Morphologie in der Theoriebildung des 20. Jahrhunderts.Eva Axer - 2021 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. Edited by Eva Geulen, Alexandra Heimes, Michael Bies, Ross Shields & Georg Toepfer.
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    Time gestalt and the observer.Eva Ruhnau - 1995 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Conscious Experience. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh. pp. 165--184.
  31. Prelude to Aesthetics.Eva Schaper - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (170):351-352.
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  32. Why Can Computers Understand Natural Language?Juan Luis Gastaldi - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):149-214.
    The present paper intends to draw the conception of language implied in the technique of word embeddings that supported the recent development of deep neural network models in computational linguistics. After a preliminary presentation of the basic functioning of elementary artificial neural networks, we introduce the motivations and capabilities of word embeddings through one of its pioneering models, word2vec. To assess the remarkable results of the latter, we inspect the nature of its underlying mechanisms, which have been characterized as the (...)
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    Far East as a weapon for revolution? Reflections on the role of Eastern philosophy in the work of Byung-Chul Han.Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Andrés Botero Bernal & Javier Orlando Aguirre Román - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 67:5-24.
    The purpose of this paper is to expose the function of the culture and thought of the Far East, expressed in Japanese Zen Buddhism and Chinese Chan (as well as, in general, in Chinese philosophy and culture), within the thought of Byung-Chul Han. This dimension of the Korean's work has not been sufficiently deepened in the analyses that are made of him. This error leads to mistakes such as stating that there is no emancipation proposal in Han or that his (...)
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    La inteligencia artificial como cuestión empírica: Un comentario de “Computing machinery and intelligence”.Juan Antonio Valor Yébenes - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-16.
    En “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, de 1950, Turing acaba afirmando la posibilidad de procedimientos automáticos computacionales que sustituyan al pensamiento humano. Son reconocidas las críticas de Searle a este artículo, que se han retomado y ampliado a propósito de la actual discusión sobre el alcance y los límites de la inteligencia artificial. Especialmente relevantes al respecto resultan los últimos trabajos de Žižek y Larson, así como la defensa de las propuestas de Turing que ha realizado Daniel Dennett, especialmente en su (...)
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    Vivir bajo el realismo capitalista. Trabajo muerto, violencia positiva y hauntología en el filme Aloners (2021).Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento & Herivelto Pereira de Souza - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):8-25.
    El artículo busca desarrollar cómo es que dentro del filme Aloners (2021) se desenvuelve una crítica a la violencia positiva que identifica a la sociedad capitalista contemporánea. Para conseguir esta meta, el escrito se divide en tres momentos: el primero, que desarrolla el modo en que se entiende el trabajo muerto dentro del filme; el segundo, que se ocupa de profundizar en el modo en que se producen patologías sociales desde el ejercicio de una violencia positiva sobre la subjetividad del (...)
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    “Appearing As Such” in Patocka’s A-Subjective Phenomenology.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (2):121-136.
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    The Hungarian Nominal Functional Sequence.Éva Dékány - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The Hungarian Nominal Functional Sequence combines the methods of syntactic cartography with evidence from compositional semantics in a comprehensive exploration of the structure of Noun Phrases. Proceeding from the lexical core to the top of DP, it uses Hungarian as a window on the underlying universal functional hierarchy of Noun Phrases, but it also regularly complements and supports the analysis with cross-linguistic evidence. The book works out a minimal map of the extended NP in the sense that the proposed hierarchy (...)
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  38. Introduction. Kurt Gödel's philosophical notebooks and the tradition of notebook writing.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2019 - In Kurt Gödel, Philosophical Notebooks, vol. 1: Philosophy I Maxims 0. De Gruyter. pp. 129-153.
    One will not be able to categorize and understand Gödel’s philosophical notebooks unless one considers them in the context of the tradition of notebook writing. This tradition produced a type of text with specific characteristics. For an appropriate reading of the notes, one should keep in mind those characteristics as well as the function of notebooks for an author’s thinking and for their creative process. This helps to avoid misinterpretations as well as rash (mis)judgments and (mis)readings.
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    On the affinities between Bacon's philosophy and skepticism.Luiz Aa Eva - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (111):0-0.
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  40. La perfección en el pensamiento de Antonio Royo Marín, OP.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2006 - Ciencia Tomista 133 (431):417.
    En este artículo el profesor Manuel Ángel Martínez expone los temas más importantes de la reflexión teológica de Antonio Royo Marín. Se centra especialmente en una de sus obras más importantes La Teología de la Perfección. Royo Marín ha sido un predicador infatigable. Muestra de ello son los numerosos escritos que dejó y su amplia divulgación entre muchos fieles cristianos. Varios grupos, repartidos en diversos lugares del mundo, siguen nutriéndose de su teología. La profundidad con la que están escritos y (...)
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    Poder, Contingencia y Orden Social En la Teoría de Los Medios Simbólicamente Generalizados de Niklas Luhmann.Juan Pablo Gonnet - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:121-143.
    En este artículo reconstruimos el sentido que asume el problema del orden social en la teoría de los medios de comunicación simbólicamente generalizados de Niklas Luhmann. La hipótesis de lectura que deseamos elaborar es que en esta teorización se evidencia una parcial subordinación del problema sociológico del orden social al de la inquietud por las inciertas condiciones de posibilidad del control y/o la regulación de la acción en contextos de contingencia. Esto es, el problema del poder adquiere una inadvertida preeminencia. (...)
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    Where Did All the Sport Go? Negative Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Life-Spheres and Mental Health of Spanish Young Athletes.Juan Pons, Yago Ramis, Saul Alcaraz, Anna Jordana, Marta Borrueco & Miquel Torregrossa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    During the 2020, the pandemic caused by the massive spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus resulted in a global crisis. In Spain, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lockdown for almost 100 days and forced the sudden stop of sport practices and competitions. This interruption had a negative impact on high-level athletes’ mental health. However, its impact on young athletes, who are intrinsically developing a high-demanding dual career, remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed at describing and characterizing the general impact that COVID-19 (...)
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    Syntactic anchors: on semantic structuring.Juan Uriagereka - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    One of the major arenas for debate within generative grammar is the nature of paradigmatic relations among words. Intervening in key debates at the interface between syntax and semantics, this book examines the relation between structure and meaning, and analyses how it affects the internal properties of words and corresponding syntactic manifestations. Adapting notions from the Evo-Devo project in biology (the idea of 'co-linearity' between structural units and behavioural manifestations) Juan Uriagereka addresses a major puzzle: how words can be (...)
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    El programa fundacionalista del saber en la enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas.Juan J. Padial - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (3).
    RESUMENEste artículo trata del programa de la Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas deHegel. Programa que Hegel delinea en la introducción a dicha obra, y que culmina en el silogismo de silogismos que concluye su obra. Desde su comienzo y término cabe advertir (1) la diferencia de la Enciclopedia hegeliana con las enciclopedias dieciochescas, y (2) la relación de la ciencia filosófica hegeliana con lo empírico.PALABRAS CLAVEHEGEL, ENCICLOPEDIA, FUNDACIONALISMO, CIENCIAABSTRACTThis paper focus on the Hegelian program of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical (...)
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    El giro pragmatista: Introducción a “Las implicancias del pragmatismo para la educación”.Juan Manuel Saharrea, Fabio Campeotto & Claudio M. Viale - 2022 - Tópicos 43:306-331.
    El propósito del presente trabajo es ofrecer una contextualización de “Las implicancias del pragmatismo para la educación”, que traducimos en este número de la revista. El artículo está compuesto de tres partes que John Dewey escribe en diciembre de 1908, febrero y marzo de 1909. Nuestra hipótesis interpretativa es que este texto es fundamental en dos sentidos: en primer lugar, para entender los lazos de Dewey con la tradición pragmatista; en segundo lugar, para comprender su conceptualización del vínculo entre pragmatismo (...)
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    Croizat’s dangerous ideas: practices, prejudices, and politics in contemporary biogeography.Juan J. Morrone - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-45.
    The biogeographic contributions of Léon Croizat (1894–1982) and the conflictive relationships with his intellectual descendants and critics are analysed. Croizat’s panbiogeography assumed that vicariance is the most important biogeographic process and that dispersal does not contribute to biogeographic patterns. Dispersalist biogeographers criticized or avoided mentioning panbiogeography, especially in the context of the “hardening” of the Modern Synthesis. Researchers at the American Museum of Natural History associated panbiogeography with Hennig’s phylogenetic systematics, creating cladistic biogeography. On the other hand, a group of (...)
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  47. (1 other version)El mundo nuevo..Juan Stefanich - 1941 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Paraguay nuevo.
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  48. La doctrina del eterno retorno.Juan Diego Trejos - 1960 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 8:343-350.
  49. The Human Sciences and the Crisis of Epistemology: The Road to Heidegger's Critique of Modern Science.Juan Daniel Videla - 2001 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation studies modern European philosophy's reflection the historical appearance of the human sciences, under the spell of either positivist ideology or historicism, while also making their scientific character a philosophical issue. The work thus hopes to situate the human sciences in an historical context out of which they become unintelligible: the philosophical reflection that, throughout late modernity, has registered their progressive appearance as disciplines of an uncertain and often questioned degree of scientificity. In this way, it challenges a standard (...)
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  50. Las obras de Zuhd en Al-Andalus.Juan M. Vizcaíno - 1991 - Al-Qantara 12 (2):417-438.
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