Results for 'Exoticization, Cuban identity, Hollywood Industry'

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  1.  11
    Image, nation and Cuban identity in the Hollywood discourse.Jorge Luis Lanza Caride - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (28):99-124.
    Las primeras imágenes cinematográficas rodadas por los estadounidenses en Cuba se remontan a la Guerra Hispano cubana norteamericana, anterior al surgimiento de Hollywood y su consolidación como industria del espectáculo. Los filmes producidos en esta etapa constituyen el preámbulo del denominado cine de propaganda política que, según el historiador Román Gubern, ha llegado hasta la actualidad y, sobre todo, develan el carácter manipulador que desde sus inicios ha tenido el lenguaje cinematográfico. Entre las décadas del `30 y `40 los (...)
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    California irredenta.Josef Chytry - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (2):270-284.
    Kevin Starr’s Golden Dreams is the culmination to some forty years of scholarship on the unfolding theme of a “California Dream,” that imaginal component to the growth of the self-identity and increasing international economic power of the most populous state in the American Union. Indeed, the period 1950–1963 that the book meticulously covers forms in many ways the most imposing manifestation of that Dream. This essay reviews the central features of Starr’s account, particularly the infrastructural foundations in transportation, water supply, (...)
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    Cuban Identity and the Angolan Experience. By Christabelle Peters. Pp. xii, 230, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan, 2012, £55.00. [REVIEW]Guy Lancaster - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (2):377-377.
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  4. Has Industrialization Benefited No One? Climate Change and the Non-Identity Problem.Ramon Das - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (4):747-759.
    Within the climate justice debate, the ‘beneficiary pays’ principle holds that those who benefit from greenhouse emissions associated with industrialization ought to pay for the costs of mitigating and adapting to their adverse effects. This principle constitutes a claim of inter-generational justice, and it is widely believed that the non-identity problem raises serious difficulties for any such claim. After briefly sketching the rationale behind ‘beneficiary pays,’ this paper offers a new way of understanding the claim that persons in developed societies (...)
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  5. Industrial Nostalgia and Working-Class Identity.Alfred Archer & Leonie Smith - 2024 - In Tobias Becker & Dylan Trigg (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nostalgia. Routledge. pp. 341-353.
    This chapter brings together important contributions from geographers, historians, sociologists and media theorists, and looks at these through the lens of social philosophy on the nature of resistance and oppression, to articulate and understand both the positive and negative ways in which industrial nostalgia shapes present-day working-class identities. Celebrations of abandoned industrial sites have been criticised by some as inflicting a form of violence on working-class people (High and Lewis 2007), transforming sites of working-class loss into objects of nostalgic appreciation (...)
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    Ethical Identity in East Asia: a New Scientific-Industrial Revolutionary Epoch.Kim Baeg-Hee - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 89:391-411.
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    Revisiting Binarism: Hollywood’s Representation of Arabs.Chadi Chahdi - 2018 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 83:19-30.
    Publication date: 27 August 2018 Source: Author: Chadi Chahdi This article throws into relief the tropes by which Hollywood has come to churn out identical Arabs bent on destruction, yet ones that need to be salvaged. However, the salvation process is never complete because the Arabs are not worthy of redemption, which sinks them further into the abyss of darkness. The representation of Arabs in Hollywood movies mostly aims at disseminating a stereotypical image that demeaningly homogenizes their cultures (...)
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    Talking ‘facts’: identity and rationality in industry perspectives on genetic modification.George Cheney, C. Kay Weaver & Alison Henderson - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (1):9-41.
    Despite the potential political impact of industry attempts to influence public policy about genetic modification, little research has focused on critical understanding of industry perspectives. This article explores the rhetorical and discursive construction of public messages about this controversial issue by two major New Zealand export industries. The kiwifruit industry advocates a very cautious public policy position, while the dairy industry has been a strong advocate for the commercial development of genetic modification. We demonstrate that these (...)
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  9. Bank crisis, economic crisis, identity crisis? Upper literary industry crisis and redefinition of capitalism.Christoph Henning - 2010 - Philosophische Rundschau 57 (3):254 - 271.
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    Searching for meso‐level superordinate identities: An assessment of managerial value orientations across six industries.James Weber - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (4):393-409.
    Values research generally confirms that personally held values influence an individual's decision processes and behavior. Yet this academic research often is limited to the individual or organizational level of analysis. This study utilizes social identity and personal values theories to search for the presence of superordinate identities emerging at the meso level from six different industries. The six selected industries—accounting, banking, construction, education, energy, and manufacturing—represent a mix of highly respected and disrespected industries, as well as industries that have an (...)
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    Potential Cuban agricultural export profile under open trade between the U. S. and Cuba.Jose Alvarez & William A. Messina - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):61-74.
    The sweeping changes that have taken place in the Eastern European countries and the former Soviet Union have detrimentally impacted an already weak Cuban economy. The establishment of the Special Period (1990-) embodies increasing austerity, especially in the inputs market. Recent economic liberalization policies in Cuba may lead to a more market-oriented economy, the lifting of the U. S. embargo, and commercial relations between the two countries. There is concern on the potential impact that resumption of trade may have (...)
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    Conflict of interest in the Hollywood film industry.Thomas E. Borcherding & Darren Filson - 2001 - In Michael Davis & Andrew Stark (eds.), Conflict of interest in the professions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 249.
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    Peripheral vision: cultural industries and cultural identities in Turkey.Asu Aksoy & Kevin Robins - 1997 - Paragraph 20 (1):75-99.
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    Toward Sustainable Consumption Behavior in Online Education Industry: The Role of Consumer Value and Social Identity.Songyu Jiang, Nuttapong Jotikasthira & Ruihui Pu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The prosperous development of online education in the digital age harvested countless consumers. Education for sustainable development is an important proposition for both academic community and practitioner, however, current little studies have shed light on Sustainable Consumption Behavior in online education industry. The Consumer Value Theory and Social Identity Theory as theoretical basis linked with the field of Sustainable Consumption Behavior. This study is to further investigate the role of consumer value and social identity in the relation to Sustainable (...)
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    Exploring the Role of CSR in the Organizational Identity of Hospitality Companies: A Case from the Spanish Tourism Industry.Patricia Martínez, Andrea Pérez & Ignacio Rodríguez del Bosque - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):47-66.
    Recently, organizational identity is being given more attention than ever before in the business world. This notion has grown substantially in importance in the hospitality industry. Facing increased competition, hospitality companies are driven to project a positive image to their stakeholders. Therefore, these organizations have begun to develop new organizational identity programs as part of their strategies to achieve their desired identities. This study analyzes the role of corporate social responsibility in the definition of the Organizational Identity of these (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Multinational Corporation Identity: Norwegian Strategies in the Chilean Aquaculture Industry.Lars Huemer - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):265 - 277.
    This study brings an organizational identity perspective to the debate regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR) and multinational corporations (MNCs). The basic proposition is that organizational identities warrant closer attention since they influence CSR strategies. It is further argued that a more explicit distinction between principles and practices, or between 'being' and 'doing', is needed when debating whether multiple organizational identities are required for MNCs operating in locations characterized by different stakeholder demands. In terms of identity construction, two translation processes are (...)
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  17.  8
    Hollywood puzzle films.Warren Buckland (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    From Inception to The Lake House, moviegoers are increasingly flocking to narratologically complex puzzle films. These puzzle movies borrow techniques--like fragmented spatio-temporal reality, time loops, unstable characters with split identities or unreliable narrators--more commonly attributed to art cinema and independent films. The essays in Hollywood Puzzle Films examine the appropriation of puzzle film techniques by contemporary Hollywood dramas and blockbusters through questions of narrative, time, and altered realities. Analyzing movies like Source Code, The Butterfly Effect, Donnie Darko, Déjà (...)
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  18.  25
    The Nature of the Relationship Between Corporate Identity and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from The Retail Industry.Cláudia Simões & Roberta Sebastiani - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (3):423-453.
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  19. World slavery and caribbean capitalism-the Cuban sugar-industry, 1760-1868-slavery in capitalism-the rise and demise of the united-states antebellum cotton culture-la falta de brazos-land and labor in the coffee economies of 19th-century latin-America. [REVIEW]Sw Mintz - 1991 - Theory and Society 20 (3):383-392.
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    Academe vs. Hollywood: Sweet Liberty, or the Dilemmas of Historical Representation on Film.Guy Spielmann - 2021 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40:165-181.
    In Sweet Liberty, writer and director Alan Alda dramatizes the process of turning a scholarly study about the American Revolutionary War into a Hollywood film; he does so in ways that bring out the ethical complexities of adaptation, and eventually takes them to a meta-filmic level rarely seen in non-experimental cinema. While Sweet Liberty initially comes off as a light comedy with a predictable plot and ending, on closer inspection it compels us to reflect on the relationship between historical (...)
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    Book Review: Cinema and gender studies: society, identity and styles of representation in the golden age of hollywood. Veronica Pravadelli, La grande Hollywood. Stili di vita e di regia nel cinema classico americano: [The Great Hollywood] Styles of directing and lifestyles in American classical cinema, Marsilio: Venezia, 2007, 287 pp., ISBN 978-88-3179220-2. [REVIEW]Antonietta Buonauro & Paola Bono - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):431-433.
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    Industrial citizenship, cosmopolitanism and European integration.Nathan Lillie & Chenchen Zhang - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1):93-111.
    There has been an explosion of interest in the idea of European Union citizenship in recent years, as a defining example of postnational cosmopolitan citizenship potentially replacing or layered on top of national citizenship. We argue this form of EU citizenship undermines industrial citizenship, which is a crucial support for social solidarity on which other types of citizenship are based. Because industrial citizenship arises from collectivities based on class identities and national institutions, it depends on the national territorial order and (...)
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    Book Review: The Inquisition in Hollywood: Politics in the Film Industry, 1930–1960, Naming Names. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Black - 1983 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13 (1):123-126.
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    Personal identity in the space of virtual culture: on the example of geek and glam subcultures.L. V. Osadcha - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 22:90-98.
    _Purpose._ The article presents exploring the cultural and anthropological traits of consumers and producers of cultural services and products in the digital epoch. There have been singled out two types of cultural subjectivity according to the aim of a person’s activity in the virtual net: either production of things, services, and technologies or the consumption and creative use of all mentioned innovations. So these sociocultural formations are called "geek" and "chic" subcultures. _Theoretical basis._ The historical genealogy of the definitions was (...)
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    Russian Women in the Defence Industry and the Transformation of their Identities.Tarja Cronberg - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (3):263-281.
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    Ethnic Identity of Members of the Tuva Diaspora in Abakan.Е. Ю Немкова - 2022 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):143-154.
    The work analyzes the results of a pilot socio-cultural study of the Tuvan diaspora of the city of Abakan, conducted by researchers of the N.F. Katanov Khakass State University. The results of the study describe the social structure of the analyzed ethnic group, the level of interaction between members, the reasons for moving to another national region, as well as the activity of socio-cultural attitudes. In addition, atten­tion is focused on the level of expression of the ethnic identity of representatives (...)
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    Terminal Indifference: The Hollywood War Film Post-September 11.Kim Toffoletti & Victoria Grace - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):62-83.
    Speaking about the state of the Hollywood film industry at the 2008 Academy Awards, the Oscars’ host – comedian Jon Stewart – made the following wry assessment: ‘Not all films did as well as Juno obviously. The films that were made about the Iraq War, let’s face it, did not do as well. But I’m telling you, if we stay the course and keep these movies in the theatres we can turn this around. I don’t care if it (...)
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    Coal, Identity, and the Gendering of Environmental Justice Activism in Central Appalachia.Yvonne A. Braun & Shannon Elizabeth Bell - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (6):794-813.
    Women generally initiate, lead, and constitute the rank and file of environmental justice activism. However, there is little research on why there are comparatively so few men involved in these movements. Using the environmental justice movement in the Central Appalachian coalfields as a case study, we examine the ways that environmental justice activism is gendered, with a focus on how women’s and men’s identities both shape and constrain their involvement in gendered ways. The analysis relies on 20 interviews with women (...)
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  29. Agency, Identity, and Aesthetic Experience in Three Post-Atomic Japanese Narratives: Yasunari Kawabata’s The Sound of the Mountain, Rio Kushida’s Thread Hell, and the Anime Film Barefoot Gen.Mara Miller - 2014 - In Nguyen Minh (ed.). Lexington Books.
    Since World War II Japanese artists have employed two seemingly contradictory ways of working, using aesthetics, materials, artistic methods technologies, and approaches that are either radically innovative and wildly experimental, or traditional/classical. Many other artists, however, in a move that seems paradoxical. have combined the two to explore the new themes of the post-atomic period. Three narrative works dealing with the effects of the World War II war effort and the atomic bombings that ended them, Yasunari Kawabata’s novel The Sound (...)
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  30.  35
    Deleuze's Three Syntheses Go to Hollywood: The Tripartite Cinema of Time Travel, Many Worlds and Altered States.David Deamer - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 23 (3):324-350.
    What is called “time travel” cinema is but one aspect in a tripartite series of interweaving modes of disjunctive narration which is also – simultaneously – a cinema of “many worlds” and “altered states”. Exploiting Gilles Deleuze's three syntheses of time, space, and consciousness from Difference and Repetition (1968) allows a conceptual development of these cinematic series through three popular Hollywood film cycles beginning with Planet of the Apes (Franklin J. Schaffner, 1968), The Terminator (James Cameron, 1984), and Back (...)
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    Pharmaceutical Industry discursives and the marketization of nursing work: a case example.Rusla Anne Springer - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (3):214-228.
    Increasing pharmaceutical industry presence in health care research and practice has evoked critical social, political, economic, and ethical questions and concern among health care providers, ethicists, economists, and the general citizenry. The case example presented of the ‘marketization’ of nursing practice not only reveals the magnitude of the purview of the pharmaceutical industry, it demonstrates how that industry imparts effect upon the organization of nursing work, an area of health care professional practice where the ethical polemic of (...)
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    Between the culture industry and art: Adorno’s approach to film.Stefanie Baumann - 2020 - In Robin Truth Goodman (ed.), Understanding Adorno, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 94-107.
    Although film for Adorno is first and foremost the principal agent of culture industry, he takes on an equivocal stance towards the medium and its aesthetic potentials for reasons inherent to the medium itself. Indeed, its disinterested recording of the empirical world leads to both, a semblance of immediacy easy to instrumentalize for propaganda or advertising purposes, and a non-subjective access to the world of objects, which disclose their societal imprint. Despite (or because of) its technological basis, film is (...)
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    From 'culture industry' to creative industries: an analysis of the mutation of the concept and its contemporary uses.Daniela Szpilbarg & Ezequiel Saferstein - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (2):99-112.
    El siguiente artículo toma como punto de partida al concepto de industria cultural desde sus principales exponentes, para exponer sus usos actuales. Este nació como concepto filosófico como parte de la obra de los autores representantes de la llamada Escuela de Frankfurt, Theodor Adorno y Max Horkheimer, con valiosos aportes de Walter Benjamin. En la actualidad ha mutado su definición, siendo utilizado de manera instrumentalpor parte del Estado y organismos internacionales, para definir al grupo de sectores de producción cultural y (...)
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  34.  68
    Gender, identity, and place: understanding feminist geographies.Linda McDowell - 1999 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Feminist approaches within the social sciences have expanded enormously since the 1960s. In addition, in recent years, geographic perspectives have become increasingly significant as feminist recognition of the differences between women, their diverse experiences in different parts of the world and the importance of location in the social construction of knowledge has placed varied geographies at the centre of contemporary feminist and postmodern debates. Gender, Identity and Place is an accessible and clearly written introduction to the wide field of issues (...)
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  35.  5
    The Impact of Streaming Platforms on Hollywood Film Financing: A Financial and Data-Driven Analysis of Disruptions and Strategies in the New Media Landscape.Aizhu Zhang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:869-883.
    The rapid rise of streaming platforms such as Netflix and Disney+ has fundamentally disrupted traditional Hollywood film financing models. This paper examines the financial impacts of these platforms on Hollywood's established funding mechanisms, highlighting how they have reshaped revenue streams, investment patterns, and risk management strategies. By leveraging data analytics and financial modelling, this study explores how traditional studios and new media companies have adapted their financing strategies to align with the evolving digital landscape. Additionally, the paper delves (...)
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  36.  12
    Class After Industry: A Complex Realist Approach.David Byrne - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Pivot.
    The transition to twenty-first century post-industrial capitalism from the 'welfare' industrial capitalism of the twentieth century, has affected the ways in which class is lived in terms of relational inequality and the factors that structure identity. Class After Industry takes a complex realist approach to the dynamics of individual lives, places, the social structure and analyses their significance in terms of class. A wide range of quantitative and qualitative studies are drawn on to explore how 'life after industry' (...)
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    Low-carbon food supply: the ecological geography of Cuban urban agriculture and agroecological theory.Gustav Cederlöf - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):771-784.
    Urban agriculture in Cuba is often promoted as an example of how agroecological farming can overcome the need for oil-derived inputs in food production. This article examines the geographical implications of Cuba’s low-carbon urban farming based on fieldwork in five organopónicos in Pinar del Río. The article charts how energy flows, biophysical relations, and socially mediated ecological processes are spatially organised to enable large-scale urban agricultural production. To explain this production system, the literature on Cuban agroecology postulates a model (...)
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  38. Brand identity construction through the heritage of Chinese destination logos.Liling Liang & Cecilia Yin Mei Cheong - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    This research investigates how multimodality is applied in logos to build a heritage brand identity for Chinese destinations. As a historical country, China is known for its huge reserves of cultural and natural heritage, which ideally offers abundant resources for developing its tourism industry. These can be taken advantage of in branding its destinations. Kress and van Leeuwen’s Visual Grammar was adopted in this study to conduct a qualitative analysis of the images and words of destination logos collected from (...)
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  39. Immortality, Identity, and Desirability.Roman Altshuler - 2015 - In Michael Cholbi (ed.), Immortality and the Philosophy of Death. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 191-203.
    Williams’s famous argument against immortality rests on the idea that immortality cannot be desirable, at least for human beings, and his contention has spawned a cottage industry of responses. As I will intend to show, the arguments over his view rest on both a difference of temperament and a difference in the sense of desire being used. The former concerns a difference in whether one takes a forward-looking or a backward-looking perspective on personal identity; the latter a distinction between (...)
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    Racial identity, aesthetic surgery and Yorùbá African Values.Ademola K. Fayemi - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (3):250-257.
    The question of racial identity in the process and outcome of aesthetic surgery is gaining increasing attention in bioethical discourse. This paper attempts an ethical examination of the racial identity issues involved in aesthetic surgery. Dominant moral values in Western culture are explored in the evaluation of aesthetic surgery. The paper argues that African values are yet to receive the universal attention they arguably deserve especially in the rethinking of values underlying aesthetic surgery as racial transformation. Through a consideration of (...)
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    Religious identity, religious practice, and religious beliefs across countries and world regions.Ângela Leite, Bruno Nobre & Paulo Dias - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (2):107-132.
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the structure and measurement invariance of the religious identity, religious practice, and religious beliefs across cultures in six world regions (Asia, non-Western Europe, North America, Oceania, South America, and Western Europe) and across Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic regions (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD world regions. Confirmatory factory analysis examined whether the hypothesized measurement model fits the data; several multi-group confirmatory factor analyses were performed to examine measurement invariance through a progressive analytic strategy (...)
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    “The unbearable lightness of being” a post-industrial learner: Contemporary capitalism, education and critique.Susan L. Robertson & Jason Beech - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    In his 1984 allegorical novel, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera explores existential questions around freedom and identity, meaning and purpose, in a period of upheaval in Soviet dominated Czechoslovakia. In this paper we draw on the rich symbolism in Kundera’s novel to bring into view upheavals in the social relations underpinning contemporary societies, and the tensions between freedom and commitment, lightness and weight that seem to characterise the nature of work in post-industrial societies. Our paper addresses three tasks. (...)
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    How does moral identity promote employee voice behavior? The roles of work engagement and leader secure-base support.Na-Ting Liu, Shu-Chen Chen & Wei-Chu Lee - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (5):449-467.
    ABSTRACT This study seeks exploration of how employees’ moral identity is related to voice behavior in the current organizational dynamics. By integrating the self-consistency theory with a situational strength perspective, a moderated mediation model was constructed to examine connections among moral identity, leader secure-base support, work engagement, and voice behavior. Surveys were collected at 2 time points, 1 month apart, from 206 full-time employees in various organizations and industries in Taiwan. Supporting results indicated that employees’ moral identity was positively related (...)
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    “Double Consciousness,” Cultural Identity and Literary Style in the Work of René Ménil.Celia Britton - 2020 - CLR James Journal 26 (1):119-132.
    The notion of double consciousness, as a characterization of black subjectivity, is basic to Ménil’s critique of the alienated “mythologies” of Antillean life and its self-exoticizing literature. Double consciousness renders cultural identity deeply problematic. But it has other, more positive, manifestations, closer to a Bakhtinian idea of dialogism. Thus he praises Césaire’s use of irony as a dual voice. Ménil’s valorization of complexity and ambiguity in literature, against the simple naturalism favoured by the Communist Party but which he insists is (...)
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    The questions for post-apartheid South African missiology in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Eugene Baron - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):11.
    South African missiology has seen a shift in its praxis since the late 20th century. David J. Bosch made a crucial contribution in this regard. The shift includes mission as a contextualised praxis and agency. In mission studies, agency has become necessary in postcolonial mission, primarily because of the loss of identity of the oppressed in colonised countries. Through contextual theologies of liberation, African theology, Black Theology of Liberation and postcolonial studies, theologians were able to reflect on the human dignity (...)
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    The work identity of leaders in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.Stephanie Meadows & Roslyn De Braine - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The world of work is being changed at an unprecedented rate as a result of the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This rate of change was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which left organizations and their leadership to deal with myriad of challenges. These changes also impacted leaders’ identities in their work and their roles in their organizations. We examine how leaders responded to the various workplace challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and what this meant for their work (...)
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    Musical Identity in Contemporary Creative Works Among Thai Jazz Artists.Kittitach Sumpowthong & Kyle Fyr - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:997-1005.
    This study aims to explore the musical identity of Thai contemporary jazz artists by examining their attitude, musical content, and music creation process. Thirteen informants participated in this qualitative study through in-depth interviews. The results demonstrated that musical identity could be divided into three categories: 1) regional musical identity, 2) individual musical identity and 3) cultural musical identity. The factors associated with the emergence of musical identity include musical movements and phenomena, integration between two musical styles in terms of articulation (...)
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    The changing identity of research: A cultural and conceptual history.Benoît Godin & Désirée Schauz - 2016 - History of Science 54 (3):276-306.
    Science as a body of knowledge (natural and/or social) and as a method (experimental and hermeneutic) has been discussed and debated for centuries among philosophers and ‘men of science’ (scientists). This paper looks at research, the latest element added to the discourse on science. Science as research (an activity or practice), conducted at the level of individuals or organizations, has received increased attention over the course of the twentieth century in public discourse on what science is. This paper documents how (...)
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    Lesbian Identities In Audiovisual Productions.María Concepción Unanue Cuesta - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-12.
    The proposal of the research is to review and analyse the role of the media as constructors of social imaginaries, and to do so, we will analyse the power of the audiovisual industry to create and re-create stereotypes about lesbians, and as generators of a social imaginary, we will also analyse lesbian plots and characters, through which direct messages are sent to society in general, but also to lesbians.Finally, after conducting discussion groups and focus groups with lesbians who have (...)
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  50. Progressive and Conservative Firms in Multistakeholder Initiatives: Tracing the Construction of Political CSR Identities Within the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.Maximilian J. L. Schormair & Kristin Huber - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):454-495.
    The proliferation of multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs) over the past years has sparked an intense debate on the political role of corporations in the governance of global business conduct. To gain a better understanding of corporate political behavior in multistakeholder governance, this article investigates how firms construct a political identity when participating in MSIs. Based on an in-depth case study of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh—an MSI established after the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory complex (...)
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