Results for 'Éric Gagnon'

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    Sur la photographie sociale.Éric Gagnon - 1994 - Horizons Philosophiques 5 (1):74-83.
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    Aldo Trucchio, Les deux langages de la modernité. Jean Starobinski entre littérature et science, Lausanne, Éditions BHMS, « Bibliothèque d’histoire de la médecine et de la santé », 2021, 242 pages. [REVIEW]Éric Gagnon - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):319-322.
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  3. De la pudeur dans les soins.Éric Gagnon & Romane Marcotte - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (1):1-12.
    Modesty is omnipresent in health care, particularly in the care of highly dependent persons and which involves a significant intrusion into their intimacy. However, it is still little discussed in health care ethics. This article presents a conceptual exploration of the notion of modesty and its manifestations in healthcare, more specifically their moral dimension and the challenges they pose for health care institutions. Since modesty calls for the protection of the integrity, dignity and vulnerability of the person being cared for, (...)
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    Speaking Out and Being Heard Residents’ Committees in Quebec’s Residential Long-Term Care Centre.Éric Gagnon, Michèle Clément & Lilianne Bordeleau - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (4):308-322.
    Residents’ councils in Quebec’s residential and long-term care centres have the mandate to promote the improvement of living conditions for residents, to assess their level of satisfaction, and to defend their rights. Based on two studies on the autonomy of councils, we examined how committees can express themselves on topics other than those the management is already aware of, to reveal various previously unknown aspects of the services, and to voice unexpressed concerns. We are especially interested in what makes management (...)
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    Éthique au quotidien et éthique commune. L’Éthique au quotidien, Montréal, Québec-Amérique, 1990, 224 p. [REVIEW]Éric Gagnon - 1991 - Horizons Philosophiques 2 (1):37.
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  6. (1 other version)Le comité d'éthique, la vie privée et l'intimité. Interpréter les droits des usagers.Michèle Clément & Éric Gagnon - 2013 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 8 (1):70-90.
    Le respect de la vie privée et de l’intimité est un droit reconnu aux usagers des services de santé et des services sociaux par différents codes d’éthique, par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec et par la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux. Pour autant, la signification que prend ce droit demeure incertaine. Il n’y a pas une signification, mais bien des significations. S’appuyant sur un important travail d’observation dans deux comités (...)
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    The Québec Complaint Examination System: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Purpose and Intake of Complaints. [REVIEW]Michèle Clément & Éric Gagnon - 2006 - Health Care Analysis 14 (1):51-63.
    Québec's complaint examination system has devoted considerable effort to supporting dissatisfied users who may wish to register complaints. It is open to question, however, whether this level of effort has, in fact, aided users in filing their complaints, and whether, once filed, the intake and processing of complaints has been rigorous and fair. Has the intake and handling of complaints at least improved? This is the question we shall attempt to answer here by presenting the results of our study concerning (...)
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    Ethnicity, Equality and Voice: The Ethics and Politics of Representation and Participation in Relation to Equality and Ethnicity. [REVIEW]Nelarine Cornelius, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Fiona Wilson, Suzanne Gagnon, Robert MacKenzie & Eric Pezet - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (S1):1-7.
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    Philosophie des âges de la vie: pourquoi grandir? pourquoi vieillir?Eric Deschavanne - 2007 - Paris: Grasset. Edited by Pierre-Henri Tavoillot.
    Qui, de nos jours, veut encore " faire son âge "? Les enfants sont adolescents de plus en plus tôt, les jeunes le restent de plus en plus tard, les adultes rechignent à quitter leur jeunesse, et les vieux n'aspirent qu'à en connaître une seconde... Alors que la vie est plus longue et plus sûre que jamais, les étapes qui en rythmaient autrefois le cours semblent aujourd'hui confuses. Pourquoi grandir? Pourquoi vieillir? De telles questions sont désormais ouvertes. Incertitudes dans l'éducation, (...)
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    Normative nursing ethics: A literature review and tentative recommendations.Eric Vogelstein & Alison Colbert - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):7-15.
    We describe the results and implications of a literature review that identifies the number of normative and empirical articles, respectively, that have appeared in Nursing Ethics in each year from 1994 to 2017. The results of our analysis suggest a powerful trend away from normative scholarship and toward empirical investigation within the field of nursing ethics, both overall and comparatively. We argue that there are several important negative consequences of this trend, and we propose some potential solutions to address them.
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  11. Causation, Decision Theory, and Bell’s Theorem: A Quantum Analogue of the Newcomb Problem.Eric G. Cavalcanti - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (3):569-597.
    I apply some of the lessons from quantum theory, in particular from Bell’s theorem, to a debate on the foundations of decision theory and causation. By tracing a formal analogy between the basic assumptions of causal decision theory (CDT)—which was developed partly in response to Newcomb’s problem— and those of a local hidden variable theory in the context of quantum mechanics, I show that an agent who acts according to CDT and gives any nonzero credence to some possible causal interpretations (...)
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    Poetics of Relation.Eric Prieto, Edouard Glissant & Betsy Wing - 1990 - Substance 27 (1):144.
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  13. The Logical Structure of Kinds.Eric Funkhouser - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book uncovers a logical structure that is common to many, if not all, of the kinds posited by scientific taxonomies. Specification relations, such as those holding between determinates and determinables (determination), are central to this logical investigation of kinds. The species–genus relation is a familiar specification relation for substantival kinds, but this book focuses on adjectival kinds—whose instances are properties—instead. Determination relations are then used to structure kinds at the same level of abstraction into property spaces, which in turn (...)
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    Trusting Advice and Weakness of Will.Eric Wiland - 2004 - Social Theory and Practice 30 (3):371-389.
  15.  59
    Performing the ethico-aesthetic paradigm.Eric Alliez & Brian Massumi - unknown
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    Sharing Responsibility for Divesting from Fossil Fuels.Eric S. Godoy - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (6):693-710.
    Governments have been slow to address climate change. If non-governmental agents share a responsibility in light of the slow pace of government action then it is a collective responsibility. I examine three models of collective responsibility, especially Iris Young's social connection model, and assess their value for identifying a collective, among all emitters, that can share responsibility. These models can help us better understand both the growth of the movement to divest from fossil fuels and the nature of responsibility for (...)
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    (1 other version)La BD "Espace protégé" visant à la prévention des abus sexuels en milieu scolaire.Eric Dacheux - 2009 - Hermes 54.
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    Thomas Love Peacock: Critic of scientific progress.Eric Robinson - 1954 - Annals of Science 10 (1):69-77.
  19. Experiencing the future: Kantian thoughts on Husserl.Eric M. Rubenstein - 2000 - Idealistic Studies 30 (1):61-77.
    Rosenberg's The Thinking Self also takes Husserl to task. Without going into the details here, Rosenberg finds Husserl's reliance on retentions to be inadequate. Instead, Rosenberg proposes that previous representations enter into our unified, instantaneous awareness of a succession as ones of which we are aware that we are, or were, aware of; as items of so-called meta-awareness. But this account falls prey to the same worries as Husserl's. For again, it is by no means clear what a series of (...)
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  20.  11
    Editorial 22.Eric Scerri - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 8 (1):1-2.
  21.  39
    Folk psychology versus pop sociobiology.Eric Alden Smith - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):85-86.
  22.  76
    From Adam Smith to darwin; some neglected evidence.Eric Schliesser - unknown
    In this paper I call attention to Adam Smith’s “Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Languages” in order to facilitate understanding Adam Smith from a Darwinian perspective. By ‘Darwinian’ I mean a position that explains differential selection over time through natural mechanisms. First, I argue that right near the start of Wealth of Nations Smith signals that human nature has probably evolved over a very long amount of time. Second, I connect this evidence with an infamous passage on infanticide in (...)
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  23. Infinity.Eric Steinhart - 2007 - In Encyclopedia of American Philosophy. Routledge.
    This article deals with the concept of infinity in classical American philosophy. It focuses on the philosophical and technical developments of infinity in the 19th Century American thinkers Royce and Peirce.
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    “On an Argument for the Relational View of Belief”.Eric Stiffler - 1981 - Dialectica 35 (3):351-355.
    The view that belief is a dyadic relation between a believer and some other object, e.g., a proposition, appears to receive support from the fact that we can infer ‘There is something that Jones believes' from ordinary belief ascriptions such as ‘Jones believes that the tallest man is wise’. On consideration, however, it turns out that even a crude nonrelational view of belief can accommodate this inference. In order to permit the inference the nonrelationalist must read‘ There is something that (...)
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  25. The State of Play on Living Wills.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Limited Force and the Return of Reprisals in the Law of Armed Conflict.Eric A. Heinze & Rhiannon Neilsen - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (2):175-188.
    Armed reprisals are the limited use of military force in response to unlawful actions perpetrated against states. Historically, reprisals provided a military remedy for states that had been wronged by another state without having to resort to all-out war in order to counter or deter such wrongful actions. While reprisals are broadly believed to have been outlawed by the UN Charter, states continue to routinely undertake such self-help measures. As part of the roundtable, “The Ethics of Limited Strikes,” this essay (...)
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  27. The A Priori‐Operator and the Nesting Problem.Eric Johannesson & Sara Packalén - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):169-176.
    Many expressions intuitively have different epistemic and modal profiles. For example, co-referring proper names are substitutable salva veritate in modal contexts but not in belief-contexts. Two-dimensional semantics, according to which terms have both a so-called primary and a secondary intension, is a framework that promises to accommodate and explain these diverging intuitions. The framework can be applied to indexicals, proper names or predicates. Graeme Forbes argues that the two-dimensional semantics of David Chalmers fails to account for so-called nested contexts. These (...)
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  28. A Defense of the Autonomy of Ethics: Why Value Is Not Like Water.Eric H. Gampel - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):191-209.
    There has recently been a revival of interest in ‘naturalizing’ ethics. A naturalization seeks to vindicate ethical realism — the idea that ethical judgments can be true reflections of a moral reality — without violating the naturalist constraint that science sets the limits of ontology. The recent revival has been prompted by examples of successful scientific reduction (e.g. temperature, water), and by the emergence of new, nonreductive naturalist strategies (e.g. for biological and mental properties). In this paper, I argue against (...)
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    Dynamic Effects of Self-Relevance and Task on the Neural Processing of Emotional Words in Context.Eric C. Fields & Gina R. Kuperberg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  30. Irrationality, charity, and ambivalence.Eric Wiland - 2020 - In Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds. New York: Routledge.
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    On the continuity of reference of the elements: a response to Hendry.Eric R. Scerri - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (2):308-321.
    Robin Hendry has recently argued that although the term ‘element’ has traditionally been used in two different senses, there has nonetheless been a continuity of reference. The present article examines this author’s historical and philosophical claims and suggests that he has misdiagnosed the situation in several respects. In particular it is claimed that Hendry’s arguments for the nature of one particular element, oxygen, do not generalize to all elements as he implies. The second main objection is to Hendry’s view that (...)
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  32.  48
    Standardization and the democratic design of information and communication technology.Eric J. Iversen, Thierry Vedel & Raymund Werle - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (2):104-126.
    The way information and communication technology (ICT) develops can promote or hinder the democratic potential of this critical societal infrastructure. Concerns about the role standards development organizations (SDOs) play in this context predate the “digital age” but are reemerging amid substantial changes in the institutional landscape of standardization. This article explores the increasingly critical link between the institutional design of SDOs and the democratic design of ICT. We review some principles of democracy in terms of the design of technology, apply (...)
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    Naturalness: Is the “Natural” Preferable to the “Artificial”?Eric Katz - 2016 - Environmental Ethics 38 (2):241-244.
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    Decision-making at the border of viability: determining the best interests of extremely preterm infants.Eric Vogelstein - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):773-779.
    This paper proposes and employs a framework for determining whether life-saving treatment at birth is in the best interests of extremely preterm infants, given uncertainty about the outcome of such a choice. It argues that given relevant data and plausible assumptions about the well-being of babies with various outcomes, it is typically in the best interests of even the youngest preterm infants—those born at 22 weeks gestational age—to receive life-saving treatment at birth.
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    Is self-deception an effective non-cooperative strategy?Eric Funkhouser - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (2):221-242.
    Robert Trivers has proposed perhaps the only serious adaptationist account of self-deception—that the primary function of self-deception is to better deceive others. But this account covers only a subset of cases and needs further refinement. A better evolutionary account of self-deception and cognitive biases more generally will more rigorously recognize the various ways in which false beliefs affect both the self and others. This article offers formulas for determining the optimal doxastic orientation, giving special consideration to conflicted self-deception as an (...)
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  36.  22
    The Checkered Legacy of Marvin Farber’s Idiosyncratic Understanding of Phenomenology.Eric Chelstrom - 2019 - In Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 107-129.
    I endeavor to explore Farber’s work leading into the Foundation in order to construct an understanding both of his idiosyncratic interpretation of Husserl, and of what lead to Farber’s break with phenomenology. A great irony of Farber’s career may turn out to be that a scholar so deeply bothered by presuppositions and so committed a methodological pluralist may have discarded phenomenology because of his own philosophical commitments, a fact noted by Farber’s former student, Sang-Ki Kim. In an essay in Farber’s (...)
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    Décision, détermination, résolution.Éric Delassus - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:52.
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    Birgher Bergh: On Passive Imperatives in Latin. (Studia Latina Upsaliensia, 8.) Pp. 77. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1975. Paper.Eric Laughton - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (1):177-177.
  39.  20
    Le sens de la liberté chez Bergson.Éric Pommier - 2010 - Cahiers Philosophiques 122 (2):57-88.
    Trois objections au moins peuvent remettre en question la vocation de l’homme à la liberté. En premier lieu, l’indépendance à l’égard des déterminations extérieures, que suppose la liberté, ne semble-t-elle pas conduire à l’indifférence et à l’incapacité de choisir? En outre à supposer même que l’autodétermination soit possible dans la ressaisie pure de soi, comment, en second lieu, comprendre l’effectivité de ma résolution? Son inscription dans l’extériorité risque en effet d’en condamner la pureté. Enfin, la pensée de la liberté ne (...)
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  40. Naturalism.Eric Steinhart - 2019 - In Graham Oppy (ed.), A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy. Hoboken: Blackwell. pp. 152-66.
    The many kinds of naturalism fall into two main types. Dogmatic naturalists define naturalness using some rule. Progressive naturalists define naturalness in terms of a research program. This research program, illustrated by the sciences, progressively defines things ever more precisely using mathematics. Most traditional religious concepts fail to be natural on any type of naturalism. But progressive naturalists are open to naturalistic revisions of traditional concepts. They do not tie religion to the past, but welcome novel religious and spiritual naturalisms.
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    Die Grösse Max Webers.Eric Voegelin & Peter-Joachim Opitz - 1995
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  42. Nature in General as a System of Ends.Eric Watkins - 2014 - In Ina Goy & Eric Watkins (eds.). De Gruyter. pp. 117-130.
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    A history of the solar red shift problem.Eric Gray Forbes - 1961 - Annals of Science 17 (3):129-164.
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  44. (1 other version)Animalno kao elementarno.Gordana Đerić - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (1):349-351.
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  45. Eutanazija: konceptualizacija problema i bitnih distinkcija.Milijana Đerić - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):255-263.
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    Good Sense or Philosophy.Eric Weil & James G. Labadie - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (12):29-49.
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    Religious Education and the Limits of Political Liberalism.Eric Farr - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:506-518.
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  48. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures.Foner Eric - 2004
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    Editorial 24.Eric Scerri - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 8 (3):221-223.
  50.  25
    Editorial 43.Eric Scerri - 2013 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (1):1-2.
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