Frank A. Lewis [27]Frank Lewis [4]F. D. Lewis [3]Frederick Lewis [2]
Ford Lewis [2]Forbes D. Lewis [2]F. Lewis [1]Feylyn Lewis [1]

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  1. Substance and predication in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book takes up the central themes of Aristotle's metaphysical theory and the various transformations they undergo prior to their full expression in the Metaphysics. Aristotle's metaphysics is bedevilled by classic puzzles involving such notions as form, predication, universal, and substance, which result from his attempt to adapt the various requirements on primary substance developed in his earlier works so that they fit the very different metaphysical picture in his later work. Professor Lewis argues that Aristotle is himself aware of (...)
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    How Aristotle gets by in Metaphysics Zeta.Frank A. Lewis - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Frank A. Lewis presents a close study of book Zeta of Aristotle's Metaphysics, one of his most dense and controversial texts, commonly understood to contain his deepest thoughts on the definition of substance and related metaphysical issues. Lewis argues that Aristotle returns to the causal view of primary substance from his Posterior Analytics.
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  3. Accidental sameness in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 42 (1):1 - 36.
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    Teleology and Material/Efficient Causes in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1988 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 69 (1):54-97.
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    Aristotle on the Unity of Substance.Frank A. Lewis - 1995 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 76 (3-4):222-265.
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  6. Aristotle on the homonymy of being.Frank A. Lewis - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68 (1):1–36.
    The topic of homonymy, especially the variety of homonymy that has gone under the title, “focal meaning,” is of fundamental importance to large portions of Aristotle’s work-not to mention its central place in the ongoing controversies between Aristotle and Plato. It is quite astonishing, therefore, that the topic should have gone so long without a book-length treatment. And it is all the more gratifying that the new book on homonymy by Christopher Shields should be so comprehensive, and of such uniformly (...)
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  7. (1 other version)A Map of Metaphysics Zeta.Frank A. Lewis - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):158-164.
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  8. Predication, Things, and Kinds in Aristotle’s Metaphysics.Frank A. Lewis - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (4):350-387.
    What in Aristotle corresponds, in whole or (more likely) in part, to our contemporary notion of predication? This paper sketches counterparts in Aristotle's text to our theories of expression and of truth, and on this basis inquires into his treatment of sentences assigning an individual to its kinds. In some recent accounts, the Metaphysics offers a fresh look at such sentences in terms of matter and form, in contrast to the simpler theory on offer in the Categories . I argue (...)
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  9. Self-knowledge in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1996 - Topoi 15 (1):39-58.
  10. Parmenides' modal fallacy.Frank Lewis - 2009 - Phronesis 54 (1):1-8.
    In his great poem, Parmenides uses an argument by elimination to select the correct "way of inquiry" from a pool of two, the ways of is and of is not , joined later by a third, "mixed" way of is and is not . Parmenides' first two ways are soon given modal upgrades - is becomes cannot not be , and is not becomes necessarily is not (B2, 3-6) - and these are no longer contradictories of one another. And is (...)
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  11. What's the matter with prime matter.Frank A. Lewis - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 34:123-146.
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    A Map of Metaphysics Zeta.Frank A. Lewis - 2001
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    (1 other version)Is there Room for Anaxagoras in an Aristotelian Theory of Mind.F. Lewis - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25:89-129.
  14.  58
    Knowledge and the Eyewitness: Plato Theaetetus 201 a-c.Frank A. Lewis - 1981 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):185-197.
    Replying to Theaetetus’ suggestion that knowledge is true opinion at Tht. 200e, Socrates remarks that ‘a whole profession’ testifies against this definition. The orator practises the art of persuasion, not to teach people, but make them believe whatever he wants. If a robbery has taken place, for example, he cannot in a short time teach adequately the truth about what happened to people who were not on the scene.
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  15. Form, matter, and mixture in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis & Robert Bolton (eds.) - 1996 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Explores different applications of Aristotle's hypothesis on the components of form, matter and pyschological states.
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    Parmenides on separation and the knowability of the Forms: Plato Parmenides 133a ff.Frank A. Lewis - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 35 (2):105 - 127.
  17. Foul Play in Plato's Aviary: "Theaetetus" 195B ff.Frank A. Lewis - 1973 - Phronesis 18:262.
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  18. Higher Tablet Use Is Associated With Better Sustained Attention Performance but Poorer Sleep Quality in School-Aged Children.Karen Chiu, Frances C. Lewis, Reeva Ashton, Kim M. Cornish & Katherine A. Johnson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There are growing concerns that increased screen device usage may have a detrimental impact on classroom behaviour and attentional focus. The consequences of screen use on child cognitive functioning have been relatively under-studied, and results remain largely inconsistent. Screen usage may displace the time usually spent asleep. The aim of this study was to examine associations between screen use, behavioural inattention and sustained attention control, and the potential modifying role of sleep. The relations between screen use, behavioural inattention, sustained attention (...)
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    Note on the doctrine of memory-traces.F. H. Lewis - 1933 - Psychological Review 40 (1):90-96.
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    Substance, Predication, and Unity in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (2):521-549.
  21.  17
    (1 other version)What is Aristotle's Theory of Essence?Frank A. Lewis - 1984 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 10:89-131.
    In this paper, I attempt to set out some of the main views about essence which Aristotle puts forward in Book Z of theMetaphysics.A central feature of Aristotle's account, as we shall see, is his distinction between primary and secondary cases of essence, and a similiar distinction in connection with the related notions of substance and definition. This division between primary and secondary cases means that Aristotle may well have two very different sorts of remark to make about essence, or (...)
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  22.  21
    Two Paradoxes in the Theaetetus.Frank A. Lewis - 1973 - In J. M. E. Maravcsik (ed.), Patterns in Plato's thought. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 123--149.
  23.  29
    Supersession and Superseded Causes in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 2023 - Phronesis 68 (4):384-409.
    Aristotle’s theory of causes requires a first, unmoved mover outside the sublunary world, along with soul as first and unmoved mover in the natural world below. Aristotle separates the charmed group of causes headed by soul that are jointly sufficient for typical animal behaviour from external causes. The border between external and charmed is permeable: crops growing in the field are co-opted to become an instrument of soul that nourishes the animal. (Instruments of soul like the sumphuton pneuma are internal (...)
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    Ethical Considerations When Conducting Pan-European Research with and for Adolescent Young Carers.Elizabeth Hanson, Feylyn Lewis, Francesco Barbabella, Renske Hoefman, Giulia Casu, Licia Boccaletti, Agnes Leu, Valentina Hlebec, Irena Bolko, Sara Santini, Miriam Svensson, Saul Becker & Lennart Magnusson - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):125-158.
    Adolescent young carers (AYCs) are a sub-group of young carers who carry out significant or substantial caring tasks and assume a level of responsibility which would usually be associated with an adult. They are a potentially vulnerable group of minors because of the risk factors associated with their caring role. AYCs face a critical transition phase from adolescence to adulthood often with a lack of tailored support from service providers. The recently completed European funded ‘ME-WE’ project, which forms the focus (...)
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    On unsolvability in subrecursive classes of predicates.Forbes D. Lewis - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (1):55-67.
  26.  9
    The Use of Lists in the Study of Undecidable Problems in Automata Theory.J. Hartmanis & F. D. Lewis - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):347-347.
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    Automatically Generating Plans for Manufacturing.Billy Harris, Diane J. Cook & Frank Lewis - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (3):279-319.
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    A Hitchhiker's Guide to Metaphysics Zeta.Frank A. Lewis - 2000 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 15:101-28.
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  29. (1 other version)A Nose by Any Other Name: Sameness, Substitution, and Essence in Metaphysics Z 5.Frank A. Lewis - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 28:161-91.
  30.  50
    Biologie, logique et métaphysique chez Aristote.Frank A. Lewis - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (4):623-625.
  31.  24
    Colloquium 4.Frank A. Lewis - 1999 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):101-128.
  32.  50
    Classes of Recursive Functions and Their Index Sets.F. D. Lewis - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):291-294.
  33.  10
    Form and Matter.Frank A. Lewis - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 162–185.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Some Metaphysical Preliminaries The Introduction of Matter and Form The Hierarchy of Form and Matter Matter and Potentiality, Form and Actuality; the Teleological Conception of Matter Form, Matter, and the “Unity of Substance” Prime Matter Entrapment and the Homonymy of the Body and Its Organs Note Bibliography.
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    Friend or Foe?—Some Encounters with Plato in Aristotle Metaphysics Zeta.Frank Lewis - 2003 - Modern Schoolman 80 (4):365-390.
  35.  18
    The Enumerability and Invariance of Complexity Classes.F. D. Lewis - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):349-349.
  36.  13
    The Impact of Transformations in National Cultural Identity upon Competing Constitutional Narratives in the United States of America.Frederick Lewis - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (2):177-195.
    Shifts in the national cultural identity of the US have been reflected in shifts in the US’ dominant constitutional narratives. For the United States, “inter-legality” has been less a matter of dealing with alternative non-state legal narratives than of contending with constantly arising and competing narratives about the “correct” nature of the “official” legal order of the state. The US Supreme Court has claimed to have the “last word” in resolving these arguments but because that Court is so often sharply (...)
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    The Tractatus.Frank T. Lewis - 1973 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 2 (1):11-24.
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    Louise Hay. On creative sets and indices of partial recursive functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 120 no. 2 , pp. 359–367. - Louise Hay. Isomorphism types of index sets of partial recursive functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 17 , pp. 106–110. - Louise Hay. Index sets of finite classes of recursively enumerable sets. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 34 , pp. 39–44. [REVIEW]Forbes D. Lewis - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):186-187.
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    Symbolic Conflict and the First Amendment: US Supreme Court Adjudication of the Expression of Condensation Symbols. [REVIEW]Frederick Lewis - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (2):207-220.
    The interpretation of the US Constitution by the Supreme Court of the US has often focused on conflicts arising from intense differences over the meaning attached to symbols including armbands, flags and banners; statues of the Ten Commandments and other religious symbols; depictions involving indecent images; and the conflicting perceptions of, and reactions to, “dirty” words. The symbols involved in these conflicts are essentially condensation symbols, and divisions over these decisions reflect cultural rifts that manifest themselves in the profoundly different (...)
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