Results for 'F. Volkel'

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  1. Review of volume 7 of'Aletheia', a new critical journal of philosophy, theology, history and politics. [REVIEW]F. Volkel - 1998 - Hegel-Studien 33:299-299.
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    (1 other version)Tongan honorifics and their underlying concepts of mana and tapu.Svenja Völkel - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (1):25-56.
    The Tongan language has honorific registers, called a ‘language of respect’ (Churchward 1953). These are two limited sets of lexemes used to refer to people of chiefly and kingly rank and thus honour the societal stratification. Anthropological-linguistic research reveals that these honorifics are atapu-motivated linguistic practice. The Polynesian concept oftapu(source of the loanwordtaboo) means that entities with moremana(‘supernatural power’) such as persons of higher rank and their personal belongings are ‘sacred’, and it is ‘forbidden’ to get in physical touch with (...)
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    (1 other version)Causation in the Law.F. S. McNeilly - 1959 - Philosophy 37 (139):83-84.
    An updated and extended second edition supporting the findings of its well-known predecessor which claimed that courts employ common-sense notions of causation in determining legal responsibility.
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  4. What constitutes the numerical diversity of mathematical objects?F. MacBride - 2006 - Analysis 66 (1):63-69.
  5. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.F. L. Cross - unknown
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    Business Meta-Ethics: An Analysis of Two Theories.F. Neil Brady & Craig P. Dunn - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):386-398.
    Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to defend traditional ethical theory (utilitarianism and deontology) for its application in business against a more recent model consisting of utility, rights, and justice. This is done in three parts: First, we provide a conceptual argument for the superiority of the traditional model; second, we demonstrate these points through an examination of three short cases; and third, we argue for the capability of the traditional model to account for universais and particulars in ethics.
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  7. Objectivity and Aesthetics.F. N. Sibley & Michael Tanner - 1968 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 42 (1):31-72.
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    Organ Markets and the Ends of Medicine.F. D. Davis & S. J. Crowe - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (6):586-605.
    As the gap between the need for and supply of human organs continues to widen, the aim of securing additional sources of these “gifts of the body” has become a seemingly overriding moral imperative, one that could—and some argue, should—override the widespread ban on organ markets. As a medical practice, organ transplantation entails the inherent risk that one human being, a donor, will become little more than a means to the end of healing for another human being and that he (...)
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    Phronesis, clinical reasoning, and Pellegrino's philosophy of medicine.F. Daniel Davis - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (1-2):173-195.
    In terms of Aristotle's intellectual virtues, the process of clinical reasoning and the discipline of clinical medicine are often construed as techne (art), as episteme (science), or as an amalgam or composite of techne and episteme. Although dimensions of process and discipline are appropriately described in these terms, I argue that phronesis (practical reasoning) provides the most compelling paradigm, particularly of the rationality of the physician's knowing and doing in the clinical encounter with the patient. I anchor this argument, moreover, (...)
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    A critical analysis of Kohlberg' S contributions to the study of moral thought.F. E. Trainer - 1977 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 7 (1):41–64.
  11. The Divine Politics of Thomas Hobbes: An Interpretation of Leviathan.F. C. Hood - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (2):258-260.
  12. Verifiability in Flew, A.F. Waismann - 1951 - In Gilbert Ryle & Antony Flew, Logic And Language. New York,: Blackwell. pp. 35--68.
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    Philosophies premieres et philosophie regressive.F. Gonsrth & Ch Perelman - 1949 - Dialectica 3 (3):175-191.
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    From a Continental Point of View: The Role of Logic in the Analytic-Continental Divide.F. D. Agostini - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9 (3):349-367.
    My discussion addresses the differences between analytic and continental philosophy concerning the use of logic and exact reasoning in philosophical practice. These differences are mainly examined in the light of the controversial dominance of Hegel's concept of logic (and theory of concept) in twentieth-century continental philosophy. The inquiry is developed in two parts. In the first (Sections 1-2), I indicate some aspects of the analytic-continental divide, pointing to the role that the topic 'logic and philosophy' plays in it. In the (...)
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    In defense of deference: International human rights as standards of review.Andreas Føllesdal - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (4):526-547.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Supplement to a critique of Piron's system of questions and propositions.F. Thieffine, N. Hadjisavvas & M. Mugur-Schächter - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (7-8):645-649.
    A previous critique of the relevance of Piron's questions-propositions system as a generator of quantum mechanics by interpretation is reinforced and brought to a close by further investigation.
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    Racial differences in the intelligence of school children.F. L. Goodenough - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (5):388.
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    The injustice of excluding laboratory rats, mice, and birds from the animal welfare act.F. Barbara Orlans - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (3):229-238.
    : A major shortcoming of the Animal Welfare Act is its exclusion of the species most-used in experimentation-rats, mice, and birds. Considerations of justice dictate that extension of the law to these three species is the morally right thing to do. A brief history of how these species came to be excluded from the laws protecting laboratory animals is also provided, as well as discussion of the implications and significance of expanding the law.
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    Plutarch on the Stoics.F. H. Sandbach - 1940 - Classical Quarterly 34 (1-2):20-.
    In Hermes, lxxiv , p. 1 Professor M. Pohlenz publishes an article entitled ‘Plutarchs Schriften gegen die Stoiker’ which throws much light on these important sources for Stoicism. I had myself made a study of these works, and for the most part find myself in complete agreement, but in my opinion something can be added to his inquiry into Plutarch's sources; and I venture to think that the subject repays attention not so much for itself as because it illustrates an (...)
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  20. Analytic-Synthetic VI.F. Waismann - 1952 - Analysis 13 (4):73 - 89.
  21. Timelessness and Time Dependence of Human Consciousness From a Scientific Western Viewpoint.F. K. Jansen - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (8).
    Eastern philosophy and western science have convergent and divergent viewpoints for their explanation of consciousness. Convergence is found for the practice of meditation allowing besides a time dependent consciousness, the experience of a timeless consciousness and its beneficial effect on psychological wellbeing and medical improvements, which are confirmed by multiple scientific publications. Theories of quantum mechanics with non-locality and timelessness also show astonishing correlation to eastern philosophy, such as the theory of Penrose-Hameroff (ORC-OR), which explains consciousness by reduction of quantum (...)
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    What constitutes consent when parents and daughters have different views about having the HPV vaccine: qualitative interviews with stakeholders.F. Wood, L. Morris, M. Davies & G. Elwyn - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):466-471.
    Objective The UK Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine programme commenced in the autumn of 2008 for year 8 (age 12–13 years) schoolgirls. We examine whether the vaccine should be given when there is a difference of opinion between daughters and parents or guardians. Design Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. Participants A sample of 25 stakeholders: 14 professionals involved in the development of the HPV vaccination programme and 11 professionals involved in its implementation. Results Overriding the parents' wishes was perceived as problematic (...)
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    Nothing remains : notes on Fichte's "irrational gap" in the 1804 Wissenschaftslehre.F. Scott Scribner - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb, Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 119-130.
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  24. Compatibilidade entre Holismo e Funcionalismo sobre Categorias Psicológicas Ordinárias com uma Perspectiva Comportamental.F. Lazzeri - 2014 - Discusiones Filosóficas 15.
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    Induction, indifference and guessing.F. John Clendinnen - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (3):340 – 344.
  26.  31
    The effect of mechanical twinning on the tensile modulus of polyethylene.F. C. Frank, V. B. Gupta & I. M. Ward - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (174):1127-1145.
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  27. Democracy and the Quaker Method.F. E. Pollard, Beatrice E. Pollard & R. S. W. Pollard - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (94):277-278.
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    Greek Fish-Names.F. A. Wood - 1927 - American Journal of Philology 48 (4):297.
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    Les sciences et la philosophie.F. Gonseth - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (1):25-44.
    Les quatre lettres publicées ci‐dessous font suite à une discussion personnelle qui à eu lieu a Lund entre M. le professeur Ernesto Grassi, de ľ lstituto di Studi Filosofici de ľUniversité de Rome, hôte de ľUniversité de Zurich pour le semestre ?hiver 1947‐1948 et le semestre ?été 1948, et M. Ferdinand Gonseth. Rappelons encore que M. Grassi dirige la collection Ueberlieferung und Auftrag qui paraît chez Francke, à Berne. Nous serions heureux si quelques lecteurs voulaient également intervenir dans cette discussion (...)
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    Some Textual Notes on Plutarch's Moralia.F. H. Sandbach - 1941 - Classical Quarterly 35 (3-4):110-.
    So run two lines on the title-page of Marcianus 250 . Whether the Moralia still benefit the character or no, they may still serve to sharpen the wits; for in spite of the work of Meziriac, Reiske, and Wyttenbach, Madvig, Bernardakis, and Wilamowitz, to mention only some of those who have brought learning and sagacity to the task of emendation, there are still hundreds of passages which cry halt to the reader and challenge him to divine what Plutarch wrote.
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    Paviland cave, the “Red Lady”, the Deluge, and William Buckland.F. J. North - 1942 - Annals of Science 5 (2):91-128.
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  32. The Concept of Law in the Aristotelian Politics.F. L. Lisi - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy.
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  33. What is the meaning of contemporary educational nationalism.F. Margonis - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Der Chor im Agamemnon des Aeschylus.F. G. A. & Richard Arnoldt - 1881 - American Journal of Philology 2 (8):520.
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    The Legal Term of Caesar's Governorship in Gaul.F. E. Adcock - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):14-.
    It may be affirmed with some confidence that on this topic no generally accepted solution will be found in default of new evidence, for which we can only faintly hope. Against certainty on the matter it would seem that the Everlasting has fixed his canon: quis iustius induit arma scire nefas. Dogmatism is out of place; we must be content with whatever theory is least difficult to reconcile with the texts and with a reasonable interpretation of the course of events (...)
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  36. From Dialogue to Epilogue: Marxism and Catholicism To-Morrow.F. J. ADELMANN - 1968
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  37. Appunti per una riflessione filosofica sull'ecologia.F. D' Agostino - 1979 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 71:426.
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  38. Giustizia e misericordia. Fondamenti filosofici e teologici della sanzione penale.F. D' Agostino - 1989 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 66 (1):3-23.
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    Value pluralism, public justification, and post-modernism: The conventional status of political critique.F. D' Agostino - 1995 - Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (3):351-366.
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  40. Due fonti laerziane: Sozione e Demetrio di Magnesia.F. Aronadio - 1990 - Elenchos 11 (1):203-255.
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    The mind and its mechanism.F. Aveling - 1928 - The Eugenics Review 19 (4):299.
  42. Christian themes through bharatanatyam.F. Barboza - 1982 - Journal of Dharma 7 (2):189-201.
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    Georges Bataille: figure dell'eros.F. Bassan & Sara Colafranceschi (eds.) - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  44. Speech recognition technology.F. Beaufays, H. Bourlard, Horacio Franco & Nelson Morgan - 2002 - In Michael A. Arbib, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second Edition. MIT Press.
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  45. The Epistle to the Philippians.F. W. Beare - 1959
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    The Ladd-Franklin blues.F. Birren - 1930 - Psychological Review 37 (1):88-90.
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    Das Leben der Himmelsfee 'Gro-ba bzaṅ-moDas Leben der Himmelsfee 'Gro-ba bzan-mo.F. A. Bischoff, Rudolf Kaschewski & Pema Tsering - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):318.
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    En quel sens Les probabilités sont‐elLes subjectives?F. Bonsack - 1965 - Dialectica 19 (3‐4):329-344.
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    L'intrico dell'io.F. Bonicalzi & Silvano Facioni (eds.) - 2014 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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  50. ""Downfall and history-Note on" original sin" in GB Vico.F. Botturi - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 97 (1):29-54.
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