Results for 'Fabio Henrique Ciquini'

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  1. A estrutura mítica narcísica no imaginário midiático e nas selfies.Fabio Henrique Ciquini - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (1).
    O artigo discute o modo como o imaginário midiático e as selfies atualizam o mitologema do mito grego de Narciso. Partindo de um diagnóstico cultural sobre as selfies, argumenta-se como esta narrativa de estética fugaz reforça a compulsão pela imagem e a pasteurização da subjetividade. Vinculando as selfies ao macroambiente midiático, explica-se este sob o conceito de imaginário em Kamper (2016) e mediosfera em Contrera (2010). Em seguida, explica-se de que modo a estrutura mítica, o mitologema, do mito grego de (...)
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    Biopolítica e economia.Fábio Henrique Duarte - 2019 - Perspectivas 3 (1):22-40.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma leitura do modo como a biopolítica, em autores como Foucault e Agamben, reflete sobre a economia em sua constituição contemporânea, desde a sua formação moderna, numa ordem que é liberal e capitalista. Em um primeiro momento, busca-se apresentar uma contextualização, indicando a relação entre Mercado e Estado no mundo moderno, destacando alguns destes aspectos fundamentais. Em seguida, almeja-se refletir e expor a relação entre a biopolítica e economia, privilegiando aquilo que Foucault realizou (...)
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    Evangelicals in Brazil.Fabio Henrique Cruz - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (178).
    The evangelical movement has shown a significant growth among the Brazilian population in recent decades, which has also manifested itself in political representation and, consequently, draws the attention for the political projects that this group raises. For this reason, studies in this area are extremely relevant to understand how this relationship between religious and seculars should take place in the public space. After analysis based on the hypothetical-deductive methodology, it was found that both religious and people with different worldviews should (...)
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  4. Apontamentos sobre a relação entre liberdade de imprensa e identidade profissional dos jornalistas.Kênia Beatriz Ferreira Maia & Fabio Henrique Pereira - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (2):191-202.
    This paper discuss the relations between the conception of freedom of press and the construction of a professional identity on journalism. As a departure point, we do bibliographical revision of the press freedom definition as it was initially elaborated by Illuminist philosophers. After that, we investigate how such concepts integrate journalists’ self- legitimating discourse and also how it participates on the construction of their identity.
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    (1 other version)Ontologia da liberdade na rede. A guerra das narrativas na Internet e a luta social na democracia.Henrique Antoun & Fábio Malini - 2011 - Multitudes 5:184-197.
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    Winning hearts and minds through a policy promoting the agroecological paradigm in universities.Fabio Grigoletto, Fernando Silveira Franco, Henrique Carmona Duval, Vanilde Ferreira Souza-Esquerdo & Ricardo Serra Borsatto - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):5-18.
    Brazil stands out at the global level for having implemented several policies intending to promote agroecology as a productive paradigm for small-holder farmers. However, the impacts of this process of institutionalization of agroecology still lack research and debates that evaluate the effectiveness of these policies. In this paper, we assess and discuss the impacts of a policy specifically focused on education in agroecology, the support to the establishment of Centers for the Study of Agroecology and Organic Production (NEAs) in more (...)
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    Physiology Responses and Players’ Stay on the Court During a Futsal Match: A Case Study With Professional Players.Julio Wilson Dos-Santos, Henrique Santos da Silva, Osvaldo Tadeu da Silva Junior, Ricardo Augusto Barbieri, Matheus Luiz Penafiel, Roberto Nascimento Braga da Silva, Fábio Milioni, Luiz Henrique Palucci Vieira, Diogo Henrique Constantino Coledam, Paulo Roberto Pereira Santiago & Marcelo Papoti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physiological responses in futsal have not been studied together with temporal information about the players’ stay on the court. The aim of this study was to compare heart rate and blood lactate concentration responses between 1-H and 2-H considering the time of permanency of the players on the court at each substitution in a futsal match. HR was recorded during entire match and [La−] was analyzed after each substitution of seven players. %HRmean and [La−] mean did not differ between 1-H (...)
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    (1 other version)Civil society and social auditing.Adrian Henriques - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (1):40–44.
    ‘Social auditing’ is everywhere. An increasing number of companies – and also public and voluntary sector organisations – are trying to assess their social performance systematically. Shell, BP and General Motors are among them. How are they doing it? What impact do NGOs and civil society organisations have on this process? Do they have a privileged place in social audits? This article looks at these questions, and sets out a framework for understanding social audits and civil society. Examples are drawn (...)
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    Bergson e outros temas.Henrique Stodieck - 1966 - Florianópolis: [Roteiro].
    Bergson e a sociologia.--Problemas de filosofía do direito.--Direito e evolucionismo.--Código de Hamurabi e codificac̦ões anteriores.--Ideais jurídicos.--Problemas da planificac̦ão através do direito.--Aspectos da sociologia juridíca de Gurvitch.--A problemática da sociologia política.
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    The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law.Henrique Carvalho - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Through a theoretical examination of the preventive turn in criminal law and justice which has gained momentum in Anglo-American criminal justice systems since the late-twentieth century, The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law demonstrates how recent transformations in criminal law and justiceare intrinsically related to and embedded in the way liberal society and liberal law have been imagined, developed, and conditioned by its social, political, and historical context. Henrique Carvalho identifies a tension between the idea of punishment as an expression (...)
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    "Et in Florentina ego": Luigi Fiacchi e o "Locus amoenus".Henrique F. Cairus & Jeannie Bressan Annibolete de Paiva - 2019 - Letras 1 (S1):265–280.
    In this paper, we aim to bring to discussion the concept of locus amoenus, a common denomination of locus communis (topos, for the greeks), that makes reference to the ideal landscape according to the norms of the ancient idyllic poetry. We will describe and analyze the locus amoenus from an 18th century Italian poetry perspective, more specifically from the fables of Luigi Fiacchi, a poet and Catholic priest of that century. The analysis will focus on the references, either direct or (...)
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  12. O injustificado não-reconhecimento Das famílias simultâneas: Uma análise constitucional.Jessica Petrovich Henriques - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Eric Voegelin's History of political ideas. The bones of contention of the political animal.Mendo Castro-Henriques - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):99-112.
    The History of Political Ideas by the German-American philosopher Eric Voegelin is a monumental work of around 2,600 pages. It remained unpublished during his lifetime, and it came to light through the American edition and the now completed Portuguese edition. Being the author of the first world edition of an abridged version of the History of Political Ideas ; the translator of the first three volumes of the 2012-2018 Portuguese edition; and the author of The civil philosophy of Eric Voegelin (...)
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    Gauging the boundary in field-space.Henrique Gomes - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 67:89-110.
    Local gauge theories are in a complicated relationship with boundaries. Whereas fixing the gauge can often shave off unwanted redundancies, the coupling of different bounded regions requires the use of gauge-variant elements. Therefore, coupling is inimical to gauge-fixing, as usually understood. This resistance to gauge-fixing has led some to declare the coupling of subsystems to be the \textit{raison d'\^etre} of gauge \cite{RovelliGauge2013}. Indeed, while gauge-fixing is entirely unproblematic for a single region without boundary, it introduces arbitrary boundary conditions on the (...)
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  15.  15
    As críticas de Sokal e Bricmont ao pós-modernismo: uma sistematização.Henrique Napoleão Alves - 2022 - Aufklärung 9 (3):123-142.
    As críticas de Sokal e Bricmont ao pós-modernismo contidas na obra “Imposturas Intelectuais” causaram diferentes reações no Brasil e no exterior. Entre nós, não houve, contudo, um estudo acadêmico que se dedicasse exclusivamente a compreender, sistematizar e descrever as ideias sobre o pós-modernismo contidas na obra como um todo. O presente artigo pretende suprir essa lacuna e contribuir para a literatura existente. Para cumprir o objetivo geral de compreensão, sistematização e descrição mencionado, a investigação filosófica da obra visou i) as (...)
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    [Recensão a] Éric Fottorino (dir.) Le Français a‑t‑il perdu sa langue? Regards croisés sur la langue française: évolutions et débats.Marisa das Neves Henriques - 2018 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 27 (54):353-355.
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  17. A periphery between two centres?: Portugal on the scientific route from Europe to China (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries).Henrique Leitão - 2003 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 233:19-46.
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    Laboratório tecnopolítico do Comum: protótipos, reticulação e potência da situação.Henrique Zoqui Martins Parra - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (2).
    O artigo apresenta a proposta de um dispositivo de investigação denominado Laboratório Tecnopolíticodo Comum. Inspirados em conceitos de Simondon e outros autores, propomos um modo de conhecer que se realizamediante a construção de arranjos sociotécnicos alternativos em torno de problemas situados de comunidades deafetados. Uma mesopolítica atravessada pela produção do Comum em três deslocamentos: da política discursivapara a política do protótipo ; dos problemas da escalabilidade aos problemasde transdução e reticulação; dos problemas do pensamento estratégico aos problemas dapotência da situação.
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  19. Averroïs.Henrique Antonio Pereira - 1939 - Pôrto,: Edições "Pensamento".
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    Ciencia y tecnología en el umbral del siglo.Henrique Rattner - 2004 - Polis 7.
    El artículo reflexiona sobre el papel de los científicos y trabajadores en investigaciones tecnológicas en la sociedad contemporánea, y realiza un balance crítico del avance de las ciencias. Postula el fracaso de la ciencia en su promesa de llevar progreso, racionalidad y armonía a la convivencia humana, y a tornarse en factor de emancipación de la humanidad. Cuestiona el rol de la ciencia al servicio del poder y conecta crisis de la ciencia con crisis del sistema, para proponer luego una (...)
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    Por el rescate de la Utopía.Henrique Rattner - 2007 - Polis 16.
    La globalización que barre el planeta ha resultado en una serie de paradojas e incertidumbres para las personas. Aunque haya impulsado poderosamente la producción de bienes y servicios y del comercio internacional, su expansión para todos los bordes del mundo deterioró el estado del medio ambiente y destruyó las comunidades tradicionales rurales e indígenas. La desestabilización de los lazos de cooperación y de solidaridad tradicionales dejó a millones de seres humanos aislados y, sin perspectiva de romper el “círculo vicioso” de (...)
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    Rorty vs. Popper, or “conversation” vs. “argumentation”.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2018 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 27 (54):257-276.
    Neste artigo, as filosofias de Rorty e de Popper são comparadas na perspetiva das suas implicações sociais, culturais e políticas. O autor foca‑se em dois conceitos nucleares: conversação e argumentação. Ele argumenta que o contexto histórico e filosófico dessas filosofias é basicamente o mesmo: a problemática das consequências do holismo, no que diz respeito à teoria da significação, para o estatuto da própria filosofia – uma problemática como aquela que Quine, Kuhn, e Popper estabeleceram desde os anos sessenta do século (...)
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    Decreased responsiveness to reward in depression.Jeffrey B. Henriques & Richard J. Davidson - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (5):711-724.
  24.  78
    Frequently Asked Questions About Shape Dynamics.Henrique Gomes & Tim Koslowski - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (12):1428-1458.
    Barbour’s interpretation of Mach’s principle led him to postulate that gravity should be formulated as a dynamical theory of spatial conformal geometry, or in his terminology, “shapes.” Recently, it was shown that the dynamics of General Relativity can indeed be formulated as the dynamics of shapes. This new Shape Dynamics theory, unlike earlier proposals by Barbour and his collaborators, implements local spatial conformal invariance as a gauge symmetry that replaces refoliation invariance in General Relativity. It is the purpose of this (...)
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  25. A puzzle about the fixity of the past.Fabio Lampert - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):426-434.
    It is a widely held principle that no one is able to do something that would require the past to have been different from how it actually is. This principle of the fixity of the past has been presented in numerous ways, playing a crucial role in arguments for logical and theological fatalism, and for the incompatibility of causal determinism and the ability to do otherwise. I will argue that, assuming bivalence, this principle is in conflict with standard views about (...)
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  26. How (not) to construct worlds with responsibility.Fabio Lampert & Pedro Merlussi - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10389-10413.
    In a recent article, P. Roger Turner and Justin Capes argue that no one is, or ever was, even partly morally responsible for certain world-indexed truths. Here we present our reasons for thinking that their argument is unsound: It depends on the premise that possible worlds are maximally consistent states of affairs, which is, under plausible assumptions concerning states of affairs, demonstrably false. Our argument to show this is based on Bertrand Russell’s original ‘paradox of propositions’. We should then opt (...)
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    Changing the Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation, and Subjectivity.Julian Henriques, Wendy Hollway, Cathy Urwin, Couze Venn & Valerie Walkerdine - 1998 - Routledge.
    _Changing the Subject_ is a classic critique of traditional psychology in which the foundations of critical and feminist psychology are laid down. Pioneering and foundational, it is still _the _groundbreaking text crucial to furthering the new psychology in both teaching and research. Now reissued with a new foreword describing the changes which have taken place over the last few years, _Changing the Subject _will continue to have a significant impact on thinking about psychology and social theory.
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  28. O destino das ''formas analíticas'' do ''comparativo de superioridade'' de dois advèrbios dervivados de adjectivos: bem e mal.Henrique Barroso - 1998 - Humanitas 50:827-834.
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  29. A Filosofia Analítica e Kant.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):883-899.
    O presente artigo brota da constatação de que, desde os seus inícios, com Frege, Russell e Wittgenstein, a filosofia analítica partiu do pressuposto de que Kant era o seu principal inimigo de entre os grandes autores da história da filosofia. Uma vez eliminados o papel fundamental da ideia de um sujeito de conhecimento e o psicologismo que daí se seguia, e reposto no seu devido lugar, quer dizer, depurado de implicações epistemológicas espúrias, o estatuto da lógica como empreendimento radical de (...)
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    The Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development for Well-Being in Organizations.Annamaria Di Fabio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  31. Holism as the empirical significance of symmetries.Henrique Gomes - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-41.
    Not all symmetries are on a par. For instance, within Newtonian mechanics, we seem to have a good grasp on the empirical significance of boosts, by applying it to subsystems. This is exemplified by the thought experiment known as Galileo’s ship: the inertial state of motion of a ship is immaterial to how events unfold in the cabin, but is registered in the values of relational quantities such as the distance and velocity of the ship relative to the shore. But (...)
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    From Decent Work to Decent Lives: Positive Self and Relational Management in the Twenty-First Century.Annamaria Di Fabio & Maureen E. Kenny - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Bogency and Goodacies: On Argument Quality in Virtue Argumentation Theory.Fabio Paglieri - 2015 - Informal Logic 35 (4):65-87.
    Virtue argumentation theory has been charged of being incomplete, given its alleged inability to account for argument cogency in virtue-theoretical terms. Instead of defending VAT against that challenge, I suggest it is misplaced, since it is based on a premise VAT does not endorse, and raises an issue that most versions of VAT need not consider problematic. This in turn allows distinguishing several varieties of VAT, and clarifying what really matters for them.
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  34. (1 other version)Artifacts and affordances: from designed properties to possibilities for action.Fabio Tollon - 2021 - AI and Society 2:1-10.
    In this paper I critically evaluate the value neutrality thesis regarding technology, and find it wanting. I then introduce the various ways in which artifacts can come to influence moral value, and our evaluation of moral situations and actions. Here, following van de Poel and Kroes, I introduce the idea of value sensitive design. Specifically, I show how by virtue of their designed properties, artifacts may come to embody values. Such accounts, however, have several shortcomings. In agreement with Michael Klenk, (...)
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    Zilsel’s Thesis, Maritime Culture, and Iberian Science in Early Modern Europe.Henrique Leitão & Antonio Sánchez - 2017 - Journal of the History of Ideas 78 (2):191-210.
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    Expropriated Minds: On Some Practical Problems of Generative AI, Beyond Our Cognitive Illusions.Fabio Paglieri - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-30.
    This paper discusses some societal implications of the most recent and publicly discussed application of advanced machine learning techniques: generative AI models, such as ChatGPT (text generation) and DALL-E (text-to-image generation). The aim is to shift attention away from conceptual disputes, e.g. regarding their level of intelligence and similarities/differences with human performance, to focus instead on practical problems, pertaining the impact that these technologies might have (and already have) on human societies. After a preliminary clarification of how generative AI works (...)
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    Instruments and artisanal practices in long distance oceanic voyages.Henrique Leitão - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (3):189-202.
    Scientific instruments are not neutral artefacts; the perception of their value is greatly determined not only by the objects themselves and the function they perform, but also by the context of their use. In the 16th and 17th centuries, scientific instruments – not only nautical ones – acquired a prominent place in European societies that greatly transcended the specific narrow professional circles that used them. This has already been noted as being an important feature in the development of science in (...)
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  38. Quantum Causal Modelling.Fabio Costa & Sally Shrapnel - 2016 - New Journal of Physics 18 (6):063032.
    Causal modelling provides a powerful set of tools for identifying causal structure from observed correlations. It is well known that such techniques fail for quantum systems, unless one introduces 'spooky' hidden mechanisms. Whether one can produce a genuinely quantum framework in order to discover causal structure remains an open question. Here we introduce a new framework for quantum causal modelling that allows for the discovery of causal structure. We define quantum analogues for core features of classical causal modelling techniques, including (...)
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  39. Sets of probability distributions, independence, and convexity.Fabio G. Cozman - 2012 - Synthese 186 (2):577-600.
    This paper analyzes concepts of independence and assumptions of convexity in the theory of sets of probability distributions. The starting point is Kyburg and Pittarelli’s discussion of “convex Bayesianism” (in particular their proposals concerning E-admissibility, independence, and convexity). The paper offers an organized review of the literature on independence for sets of probability distributions; new results on graphoid properties and on the justification of “strong independence” (using exchangeability) are presented. Finally, the connection between Kyburg and Pittarelli’s results and recent developments (...)
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    Positive Healthy Organizations: Promoting Well-Being, Meaningfulness, and Sustainability in Organizations.Annamaria Di Fabio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  41. Enthymematic parsimony.Fabio Paglieri & John Woods - 2011 - Synthese 178 (3):461 - 501.
    Enthymemes are traditionally defined as arguments in which some elements are left unstated. It is an empirical fact that enthymemes are both enormously frequent and appropriately understood in everyday argumentation. Why is it so? We outline an answer that dispenses with the so called "principle of charity", which is the standard notion underlying most works on enthymemes. In contrast, we suggest that a different force drives enthymematic argumentation—namely, parsimony, i.e. the tendency to optimize resource consumption, in light of the agent's (...)
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    Towards a general theory on the existence of typically nati onal philosophies: the Portuguese, the Austrian, the Italian, and other cases reviewed.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2012 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 21 (41):199-246.
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    What can we hold against populism?Fabio Wolkenstein - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (2):111-129.
    Populist movements have become key players in European politics. These movements are readily criticized by journalists or political rivals, yet none of the common objections to populism seems to arrest their success. This article turns to normative political theory to cultivate sensitivity to problems arising from some existing arguments against populism, and to explore possible alternatives. It offers a critical reading of prototypical liberal and conservative arguments against populism, and proposes that the principles of solidarity and procedure provide good grounds (...)
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    All Aboard!: Science and Ship Culture in Sixteenth-Century Oceanic Voyages.Henrique Leitão - 2016 - Early Science and Medicine 21 (2-3):113-132.
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    Agents of Popular Sovereignty.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):338-362.
    Popular sovereignty requires that citizens perceive themselves as being able to act and implement decisions, and that they are de facto causally connected to mechanisms of decision making. I argue that the two most common understandings of the exercise of popular sovereignty—which center on direct decision making by the people as a whole and the indirect exercise of democratic agency by elected representatives, respectively—are inadequate in this respect, and go on to suggest a complementary account that stresses the central role (...)
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    Credal networks.Fabio G. Cozman - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 120 (2):199-233.
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    Revisiting the constructivist turn in political representation.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):277-287.
    In recent times, representation theory has become one of the most productive and interesting sub-fields in democratic theory. Arguably, the most important theoretical innovation are the so-called ‘constructivist’ approaches to political representation. These approaches play a central role in Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation and The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation, two impressive volumes that take stock of the state of the art in representation theory. I discuss the two volumes by focusing on three broader and (...)
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  48. Wierenga on theism and counterpossibles.Fabio Lampert - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):693-707.
    Several theists, including Linda Zagzebski, have claimed that theism is somehow committed to nonvacuism about counterpossibles. Even though Zagzebski herself has rejected vacuism, she has offered an argument in favour of it, which Edward Wierenga has defended as providing strong support for vacuism that is independent of the orthodox semantics for counterfactuals, mainly developed by David Lewis and Robert Stalnaker. In this paper I show that argument to be sound only relative to the orthodox semantics, which entails vacuism, and give (...)
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    Legalism: Chinese-style constitutionalism?Henrique Schneider - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (1):46-63.
  50. Events and Event Talk: An Introduction.Fabio Pianesi & Achille C. Varzi - 2000 - In James Higginbotham, Fabio Pianesi & Achille C. Varzi, Speaking of events. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3–47.
    A critical review of the main themes arising out of recent literature on the semantics of ordinary event talk. The material is organized in four sections: (i) the nature of events, with emphasis on the opposition between events as particulars and events as universals; (ii) identity and indeterminacy, with emphasis on the unifier/multiplier controversy; (iii) events and logical form, with emphasis on Davidson’s treatment of the form of action sentences; (iv) linguistic applications, with emphasis on issues concerning aspectual phenomena, the (...)
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