Results for 'Fabrice Teulon'

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  1.  76
    Ramón y Cajal. Explorador de Selvas Vírgenes.Agustín Albarracín Teulón - 1997 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 14:171.
    Se intenta poner de manifiesto, en este artículo, a través de un somero análisis de la biografía y de la obra de Santiago Ramón y Cajal, como su contribución a la historia de la histología no fue un fruto del azar, sino de una profunda investigación propiciada por su deseo de saber.
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    Social Appraisal and Social Referencing: Two Components of Affective Social Learning.Fabrice Clément & Daniel Dukes - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):253-261.
    Social learning is likely to include affective processes: it is necessary for newcomers to discover what value to attach to objects, persons, and events in a given social environment. This learning relies largely on the evaluation of others’ emotional expressions. This study has two objectives. Firstly, we compare two closely related concepts that are employed to describe the use of another person’s appraisal to make sense of a given situation: social appraisal and social referencing. We contend that social referencing constitutes (...)
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  3. Grounding and truth-functions.Fabrice Correia - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (211):251-279.
    How does metaphysical grounding interact with the truth-functions? I argue that the answer varies according to whether one has a worldly conception or a conceptual conception of grounding. I then put forward a logic of worldly grounding and give it an adequate semantic characterisation.
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  4. The Ontogenesis of Trust.Fabrice Clément, Melissa Koenig & Paul Harris - 2004 - Mind and Language 19 (4):360-379.
    Psychologists have emphasized children's acquisition of information through firsthand observation. However, many beliefs are acquired from others' testimony. In two experiments, most 4yearolds displayed sceptical trust in testimony. Having heard informants' accurate or inaccurate testimony, they anticipated that informants would continue to display such differential accuracy and they trusted the hitherto reliable informant. Yet they ignored the testimony of the reliable informant if it conflicted with what they themselves had seen. By contrast, threeyearolds were less selective in trusting a reliable (...)
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    “Virtue Engineering” and Moral Agency: Will Post-Humans Still Need the Virtues?Fabrice Jotterand - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (4):3-9.
    It is not the purpose of this article to evaluate the techno-scientific claims of the transhumanists. Instead, I question seriously the nature of the ethics and morals they claim can, or soon will, be manipulated artificially. I argue that while the possibility to manipulate human behavior via emotional processes exists, the question still remains concerning the content of morality. In other words, neural moral enhancement does not capture the fullness of human moral psychology, which includes moral capacity and moral content. (...)
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  6. Emotion, Fiction and Rationality.Fabrice Teroni - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):113-128.
    The aim of this article is to explore in a systematic way the rationality of emotions elicited when we engage with works of fiction. I first lay out the approach to the emotions on which my discussion is premised. Next, I concentrate on two facets of emotional rationality—the first pertains to the relation between emotions and the mental states on which they are based, the second to the relation between emotions and the judgements and behaviour they elicit. These observations about (...)
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  7. The Self of Shame.Fabrice Teroni & Julien A. Deonna - 2009 - In Mikko Salmela & Verena Mayer (eds.), Emotions, Ethics, and Authenticity. John Benjamins. pp. 33-50.
    The evaluations involved in shame are, intuitively at least, of many different sorts. One feels ashamed when seen by others doing something one would prefer doing alone (social shame). One is ashamed because of one’s ugly nose (shame about permanent traits). One feels ashamed of one’s dishonest behavior (moral shame), etc. The variety of evaluations in shame is striking; and it is even more so if one takes a cross-cultural perspective on this emotion. So the difficulty – the “unity problem” (...)
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  8. Grounding, Essence, And Identity.Fabrice Correia & Alexander Skiles - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (3):642-670.
    Recent metaphysics has turned its focus to two notions that are—as well as having a common Aristotelian pedigree—widely thought to be intimately related: grounding and essence. Yet how, exactly, the two are related remains opaque. We develop a unified and uniform account of grounding and essence, one which understands them both in terms of a generalized notion of identity examined in recent work by Fabrice Correia, Cian Dorr, Agustín Rayo, and others. We argue that the account comports with antecedently (...)
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  9. Fundamentality from grounding trees.Fabrice Correia - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5965-5994.
    I provide and defend two natural accounts of fundamentality for facts that do justice to the idea that the “degree of fundamentality” enjoyed by a fact is a matter of how far, from a ground-theoretic perspective, the fact is from the ungrounded facts.
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  10. Emotions and formal objects.Fabrice Teroni - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):395-415.
    It is often claimed that emotions are linked to formal objects. But what are formal objects? What roles do they play? According to some philosophers, formal objects are axiological properties which individuate emotions, make them intelligible and give their correctness conditions. In this paper, I evaluate these claims in order to answer the above questions. I first give reasons to doubt the thesis that formal objects individuate emotions. Second, I distinguish different ways in which emotions are intelligible and argue that (...)
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  11. Semantics for analytic containment.Fabrice Correia - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (1):87-104.
    In 1977, R. B. Angell presented a logic for analytic containment, a notion of relevant implication stronger than Anderson and Belnap's entailment. In this paper I provide for the first time the logic of first degree analytic containment, as presented in [2] and [3], with a semantical characterization—leaving higher degree systems for future investigations. The semantical framework I introduce for this purpose involves a special sort of truth-predicates, which apply to pairs of collections of formulas instead of individual formulas, and (...)
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    The Epistemological Disunity of Memory.Fabrice Teroni - 2014 - In Anne Reboul (ed.), Mind, Values and Metaphysics: Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, vol. 2. New York: Springer. pp. 183-202.
    A long-standing debate surrounds the question as to what justifies memory judgements. According to the Past Reason Theory, these judgements are justified by the reasons we had to make identical judgements in the past, whereas the Present Reason Theory claims that these justifying reasons are to be found at the time we pass the memory judgements. In this paper, I defend the original claim that, far from being exclusive, these two theories should be applied to different kinds of memory judgements. (...)
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    Embodied ethics: Levinas’ gift for enactivism.Fabrice Métais & Mario Villalobos - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):169-190.
    This paper suggests that the enactive approach to ethics could benefit from engaging a dialogue with the phenomenology of Emmanuel Levinas, a philosopher who has given ethics a decisive role in the understanding of our social life. Taking the enactive approach of Colombetti and Torrance as a starting point, we show how Levinas’ philosophy, with the key notions of face, otherness, and responsibility among others can complement and enrich the enactive view of ethics. Specifically, we argue that Levinas can provide, (...)
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  14. An Impure Logic of Representational Grounding.Fabrice Correia - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (5):507-538.
    I give a semantic characterisation of a system for the logic of grounding similar to the system introduced by Kit Fine in his “Guide to Ground”, as well as a semantic characterisation of a variant of that system which excludes the possibility of what Fine calls ‘zero-grounding’.
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  15. Modality, Quantification, and Many Vlach-Operators.Fabrice Correia - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (4):473-488.
    Consider two standard quantified modal languages A and P whose vocabularies comprise the identity predicate and the existence predicate, each endowed with a standard S5 Kripke semantics where the models have a distinguished actual world, which differ only in that the quantifiers of A are actualist while those of P are possibilist. Is it possible to enrich these languages in the same manner, in a non-trivial way, so that the two resulting languages are equally expressive-i.e., so that for each sentence (...)
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  16. Human Dignity and Transhumanism: Do Anthro-Technological Devices Have Moral Status?Fabrice Jotterand - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (7):45-52.
    In this paper, I focus on the concept of human dignity and critically assess whether such a concept, as used in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, is indeed a useful tool for bioethical debates. However, I consider this concept within the context of the development of emerging technologies, that is, with a particular focus on transhumanism. The question I address is not whether attaching artificial limbs or enhancing particular traits or capacities would dehumanize or undignify persons but (...)
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  17. (Finean) essence and (priorean) modality.Fabrice Correia - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (1):63–84.
    In Fine 1994, Kit Fine challenges the view that the notion of essence is to be understood in terms of the metaphysical modalities, and he argues that it is not essence which reduces to metaphysical modality, but rather metaphysical modality which reduces to essence. In this paper I put forward a modal account of essence and argue that it is immune from Fine’s objections. The account presupposes a non‐standard, independently motivated conception of the metaphysical modalities which I dub Priorean. Arthur (...)
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  18. Temporal existence and temporal location.Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1999-2011.
    We argue that sensitivity to the distinction between the tensed notion of being something and the tensed notion of being located at the present time serves as a good antidote to confusions in debates about time and existence, in particular in the debate about how to characterise presentism, and saves us the trouble of going through unnecessary epicycles. Both notions are frequently expressed using the tensed verb ‘to exist’, making it systematically ambiguous. It is a commendable strategy to avoid using (...)
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  19. Metaphysical grounding: understanding the structure of reality.Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Some of the most eminent and enduring philosophical questions concern matters of priority: what is prior to what? What 'grounds' what? Is, for instance, matter prior to mind? Recently, a vivid debate has arisen about how such questions have to be understood. Can the relevant notion or notions of priority be spelled out? And how do they relate to other metaphysical notions, such as modality, truth-making or essence? This volume of new essays, by leading figures in contemporary metaphysics, is the (...)
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  20. Generic essence, objectual essence, and modality.Fabrice Correia - 2006 - Noûs 40 (4):753–767.
    When thinking about the notion of essence or of an essential feature, philosophers typically focus on what I will call the notion of objectual essence. The main aim of this paper is to argue that beside this familiar notion stands another one, the notion of generic essence, which contrary to appearance cannot be understood in terms of the familiar notion, and which also fails to be correctly characterized by certain other accounts which naturally come to mind as well. Some of (...)
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  21. Propositional logic of essence.Fabrice Correia - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (3):295-313.
    This paper presents a propositional version of Kit Fine's (quantified) logic for essentialist statements, provides it with a semantics, and proves the former adequate (i.e. sound and complete) with respect to the latter.
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  22. Unfreezing the spotlight: tense realism and temporal passage.Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz - 2019 - Analysis 80 (1):21-30.
    Realism about tense is the view that the contrast between what was, what is and what will be the case is real, and not merely a projection of our ways of thinking. Does this view entail realism about temporal passage, namely the view that time really passes, in the same sense of ‘real’? We argue that the answer is affirmative for many versions of tense realism, and indeed for all sensible versions. We thereby address an important conceptual issue regarding these (...)
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  23. Husserl on foundation.Fabrice Correia - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (3):349–367.
    In the third of his Logical Investigations, Husserl draws an important distinction between two kinds of parts: the dependent parts like the redness of a visual datum or the squareness of a given picture, and the independent parts like the head of a horse or a brick in a wall. On his view, the distinction is to be understood in terms of a more fundamental notion, the notion of foundation. This paper is an attempt at clarifying that notion. Such attempts (...)
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  24. To Trust or not to Trust? Children’s Social Epistemology.Fabrice Clément - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (4):531-549.
    Philosophers agree that an important part of our knowledge is acquired via testimony. One of the main objectives of social epistemology is therefore to specify the conditions under which a hearer is justified in accepting a proposition stated by a source. Non-reductionists, who think that testimony could be considered as an a priori source of knowledge, as well as reductionists, who think that another type of justification has to be added to testimony, share a common conception about children development. Non-reductionists (...)
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  25. Emotional Experience: Affective Consciousness and its Role in Emotion Theory.Fabrice Teroni & Julien Deonna - 2020 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 102-123.
    This paper explores substantive accounts of emotional phenomenology so as to see whether it sheds light on key features of emotions. To this end, we focus on four features that can be introduced by way of an example. Say Sam is angry at Maria’s nasty remark. The first feature relates to the fact that anger is a negative emotion, by contrast with positive emotions such as joy and admiration (valence). The second feature is how anger differs from other emotions such (...)
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  26. Existential Dependence and Cognate Notions.Fabrice Correia - 2005 - Philosophia Verlag.
    The purpose of the book is to clarify the notion of existential dependence and cognate notions, such as supervenience and the notion of an internal relation. I defend the view that such notions are best understood in terms of the concept of metaphysical grounding, i.e. the concept of one fact obtaining in virtue of other facts, where ‘in virtue of’ has a distinctively metaphysical meaning.
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    Patient education as empowerment and self-rebiasing.Fabrice Jotterand, Antonio Amodio & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):553-561.
    The fiduciary nature of the patient-physician relationship requires clinicians to act in the best interest of their patients. Patients are vulnerable due to their health status and lack of medical knowledge, which makes them dependent on the clinicians’ expertise. Competent patients, however, may reject the recommendations of their physician, either refusing beneficial medical interventions or procedures based on their personal views that do not match the perceived medical indication. In some instances, the patients’ refusal may jeopardize their health or life (...)
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    Weak Necessity on Weak Kleene Matrices.Fabrice Correia - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-90.
    A possible world semantics for standard modal languages is presented, where the valuation functions are allowed to be partial, the truth–functional connectives are interpreted according to weak Kleene matrices, and the necessity operator is given a “weak” interpretation. Completeness and incompleteness results for some (axiomatic) systems are then established. Extensions of these modal logics in which figure “statability” operators are also examined.
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    Promoting Equity in Health Care through Human Flourishing, Justice, and Solidarity.Fabrice Jotterand, Ryan Spellecy, Mary Homan & Arthur R. Derse - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (1):98-109.
    In this article, we develop a non-rights-based argument based on beneficence (i.e., the welfare of individuals and communities) and justice as the disposition to act justly to promote equity in health care resource allocation. To this end, we structured our analysis according to the following main sections. The first section examines the work of Amartya Sen and his equality of capabilities approach and outlines a framework of health care as a fundamental human need. In the subsequent section, we provide a (...)
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    Behavioral distraction by auditory novelty is not only about novelty: The role of the distracter’s informational value.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier, Jane V. Elsley & Jessica K. Ljungberg - 2010 - Cognition 115 (3):504-511.
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    As time goes by: eternal facts in an ageing universe.Fabrice Correia - 2011 - Paderborn: Mentis. Edited by Sven Rosenkranz.
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  32. The logic of relative fundamentality.Fabrice Correia - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 6):1279-1301.
    I introduce a proof system for the logic of relative fundamentality, as well as a natural semantics with respect to which the system is both sound and complete. I then “modalise” the logic, and finally I discuss the properties of grounding given a suggested account of this notion in terms of necessity and relative fundamentality.
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  33. L. Elwonger (U. of Nebraska-Lincoln): "Physical Constants and Essentialist Arguments for Necessitarianism" - Commentator : B. Rettler (U. of Notre-Dame), plus "Comments on Elwonger and Rettler" by Fabrice Pataut. [REVIEW]Fabrice Pataut - unknown
    Many philosophers hold that physical laws have a unique modal status known as nomic necessity which is weaker than metaphysical necessity. This orthodox view has come into question in the past few decades. In particular, the metaphysical view known as essentialism has provided an argument that the laws of nature are necessary in the strongest possible sense. It seems obvious to many that at least some essentialist arguments in favor of the necessity of scientific claims are going to be sound. (...)
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    A 200‐amino acid ATPase module in search of a basic function.Fabrice Confalonieri & Michel Duguet - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (7):639-650.
    A fast growing family of ATPases has recently been highlighted. It was named the AAA family, for ATPases Associated to a variety of cellular Activities. The key feature of the family is a highly conserved module of 230 amino acids present in one or two copies in each protein. Despite extensive sequence conservation, the members of the family fulfil a large diversity of cellular functions: cell cycle regulation, gene expression in yeast and HIV, vesicle‐mediated transport, peroxisome assembly, 26S protease function (...)
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    L'écologie, combien de divisions?Fabrice Flipo - 2015 - Vulaine-sur-Seine: Éditions du Croquant. Edited by Christian Pilichowski & Corinne Morel Darleux.
    L'écologie d'aujourd'hui est plurielle. Mais quels sont les véritables clivages qui se cachent derrière la valse des étiquettes, entre décroissance, écosocialisme, buen vivir, croissance verte ou développement humain durable? Face à ces différentes approches, les enjeux liés à l'urgence écologique sont toutefois les mêmes : réchauffement climatique, épuisement des énergies fossiles, risque nucléaire, stérilisation des sols, pollutions et impacts sur la santé, réduction de la biodiversité, accroissement des inégalités. Les divergences d'analyse entre les grands acteurs de l'écologie politique sont-elles un (...)
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  36. Origines et contexte de la réflexion sur Les alternatives à la peine de Mort.Fabrice Hoarau - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 62:17-36.
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    Incompleteness, constructivism and truth.Fabrice Pataut - 1998 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 6:63.
    Although G¨odel proved the first incompleteness theorem by intuitionistically respectable means, G¨odel’s formula, true although undecidable,seems to offer a counter-example to the general constructivist or anti-realistclaim that truth may not transcend recognizability in principle. It is arguedhere that our understanding of the formula consists in a knowledge of itstruth-conditions, that it is true in a minimal sense and, finally, that it is recognized as such given the consistencyand ω-consistency of P. The philosophical lesson to be drawn from G¨odel’sproof is that (...)
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    Adequacy Results for Some Priorean Modal Propositional Logics.Fabrice Correia - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (2):236-249.
    Standard possible world semantics for propositional modal languages ignore truth-value gaps. However, simple considerations suggest that it should not be so. In Section 1, I identify what I take to be a correct truth-clause for necessity under the assumption that some possible worlds are incomplete (i.e., "at" which some propositions lack a truth-value). In Section 2, I build a world semantics, the semantics of TV-models, for standard modal propositional languages, which agrees with the truth-clause for necessity previously identified. Sections 3–5 (...)
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  39. On the Reduction of Necessity to Essence.Fabrice Correia - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84 (3):639-653.
    In his influential paper ‘‘Essence and Modality’’, Kit Fine argues that no account of essence framed in terms of metaphysical necessity is possible, and that it is rather metaphysical necessity which is to be understood in terms of essence. On his account, the concept of essence is primitive, and for a proposition to be metaphysically necessary is for it to be true in virtue of the nature of all things. Fine also proposes a reduction of conceptual and logical necessity in (...)
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    Memory identification and its failures.Fabrice Teroni - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    When we remember, we often know that we do. How does this memory identification proceed? After having articulated some constraints on an attractive account of memory identification, this paper explores three types of accounts that respectively appeal to features of memory content, of memory as an activity, and of memory as an attitude. It offers reasons to favour an attitudinal account giving pride of place to the feeling of familiarity.
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  41. Raymond Aron et la défense de la liberté: nationalisme, libéralisme et post-modernité: journée d'études, Brest, 18 novembre 2014.Fabrice Bouthillon (ed.) - 2016 - Paris: Éditions de Fallois.
    Si un philosophe a fondé son oeuvre sur la conscience historique, c'est bien Raymond Aron. Le rapprochement entre Aron et la post-modernité pourrait surprendre. Il en va tout autrement si l'on considère la conception historique de la post-modernité : celle-ci suit logiquement les Temps Modernes. Elle comprend alors les deux siècles de tensions idéologiques qui ont suivi 1789, jusqu'à la chute du mur de Berlin. Raymond Aron a commenté et pensé les convulsions apocalyptiques du dernier siècle post-moderne. D'où l'idée de (...)
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  42. Nothing to Come: A Defence of the Growing Block Theory of Time.Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. Edited by Sven Rosenkranz.
    This monograph is a detailed study, and systematic defence, of the Growing Block Theory of time (GBT), first conceived by C.D. Broad. The book offers a coherent, logically perspicuous and ideologically lean formulation of GBT, defends it against the most notorious objections to be found in the extant philosophical literature, and shows how it can be derived from a more general theory, consistent with relativistic spacetime, on the pre-relativistic assumption of an absolute and total temporal order. -/- The authors devise (...)
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    The Formalities of Temporaryism without Presentness.Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (2):181-202.
    Temporaryism—the view that not always everything always exists—comes in two main versions: presentism and expansionism (aka the growing block theory of time). Both versions of the view are commonly formulated using the notion of being present, which we, among others, find problematic. Expansionism is also sometimes accused of requiring extraordinary conceptual tools for its formulation. In this paper, we put forward systematic characterizations of presentism and expansionism which involve neither the notion of being present nor unfamiliar conceptual tools. These characterizations (...)
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  44. Atomism and Atelic Conceptualization.Fabrice Bothereau - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):221-28.
  45. Un substitut pragmatique a la peine de Mort: Les pactes catalans (xvie-xviiie siecle).Fabrice Desnos - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 62:53-70.
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    Rodent models of age-related cognitive disorders. A few considerations on their nature and limits.Fabrice Gzil, Christine Tobin & Laure Rondi-Reig - unknown
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    La réparation des préjudices résultant d’un accident de la circulation en droit prospectif.Fabrice Leduc - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):421-427.
    S’agissant de la réparation des préjudices résultant d’un accident de la circulation, le droit prospectif de la responsabilité civile oscille entre rafistolage déceptif et procrastination pusillanime, alors qu’un véritable chamboulement eût été le bienvenu.
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  48. Why are emotions epistemically indispensable?Fabrice Teroni & Julien Deonna - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (1):91-113.
    Contemporary philosophers are attracted by the Indispensability Claim, according to which emotions are indispensable in acquiring knowledge of some important values. The truth of this claim is often thought to depend on that of Emotional Dogmatism, the view that emotions justify evaluative judgements because they (seem to) make us aware of the relevant values. The aim of this paper is to show that the Indispensability Claim does not stand or fall with Emotional Dogmatism and that there is actually an attractive (...)
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  49. On the relation between modality and tense.Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (6):586-604.
    ABSTRACT We critically review two extant paradigms for understanding the systematic interaction between modality and tense, as well as their respective modifications designed to do justice to the contingency of time’s structure and composition. We show that on either type of theory, as well as their respective modifications, some principles prove logically valid whose truth might sensibly be questioned on metaphysical grounds. These considerations lead us to devise a more general logical framework that allows accommodation of those metaphysical views that (...)
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    Towards a cognitive model of distraction by auditory novelty: The role of involuntary attention capture and semantic processing.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier - 2008 - Cognition 109 (3):345-362.
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