Results for 'Families Moral and ethical aspects.'

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  1.  5
    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency (...)
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    Ethical aspects of a predictive test for Huntington’s Disease.Petra Lilja Andersson, Åsa Petersén, Caroline Graff & Anna-Karin Edberg - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (5):565-575.
    Background: A predictive genetic test for Huntington’s disease can be used before any symptoms are apparent, but there is only sparse knowledge about the long-term consequences of a positive test result. Such knowledge is important in order to gain a deeper understanding of families’ experiences. Objectives: The aim of the study was to describe a young couple’s long-term experiences and the consequences of a predictive test for Huntington’s disease. Research design: A descriptive case study design was used with a (...)
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  3. Ethical aspects of donor consent in transplantation.John Mahoney - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (2):67-70.
    Two recent events have caused renewed anxiety concerning the ethics of donor transplantation. The first is the report of the British Transplantation Society and the second is the Bill introduced by Mr Tam Dalyell MP (see page 61 of this issue) in which he seeks to establish by law that unless an individual in his life time has expressly contracted out his organs may after death be used for transplantation. Dr Mahoney in this paper therefore examines from the point of (...)
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    Nurses' Sensitivity To the Ethical Aspects of Clinical Practice.Lorys F. Oddi, Virginia R. Cassidy & Cheryl Fisher - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (3):197-209.
    The purpose of this study was to describe the extent to which nurses perceive the ethical dimensions of clinical practice situations involving patients, families and health care professionals. Using the composite theory of basic moral principles and the professional standard of care established by legal custom as a framework, situations involving ethical dilemmas were gleaned from the nursing literature. They were reviewed for content validity, clarity and representativeness in a two-stage process by expert panels. The situations (...)
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    The Jewish family ethics textbook.Neal Scheindlin - 2021 - Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society.
    The Jewish Family Ethics Textbook guides teachers and students of all ages and backgrounds in mining classical and modern Jewish texts to inform decision making on hard choices.
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  6. Medical ethics at Notre Dame: The J. Philip Clarke Family lectures, 1988-1999.Margaret Monahan Hogan & David Solomon (eds.) - 2007 - [South Bend, Ind.?]: The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
    1988 : Does being a Christian physician really matter? / Edmund D. Pellegrino, response by John Robinson -- 1989: Clinical medical ethics: a review of the first decade / Mark Siegler, response by Maura Ryan -- 1990 : Who or what is an embryo? / Richard McCormick, response Margaret Monahan Hogan -- 1991: Euthanasia: Where is the debate going? / Daniel Callahan, response by Paul Weithman -- 1992: The moral inevitability of two tiers of health care / H. Tristram (...)
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    Wirklichkeit der Familie und protestantischer Diskurs: Ethik im Kontext von Re-Produktionsverhältnissen, Geschlechterkultur und Moralregime.Sabine Plonz - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Was macht heute die Wirklichkeit der Familie aus und wie erklart sich ihre Vernachlassigung im protestantisch-ethischen Diskurs? Beide Fragen hangen sachlich zusammen: Sabine Plonz entwickelt einen praxis- und regimetheoretischen Begriff der Familie, der normative Aspekte einbezieht. Sie stellt dar, wie restaurativ und patriarchalisch denkende protestantische Akteure die Ideologie- und Sozialgeschichte von Wohlfahrtsstaat und Familie beeinflusst haben; und sie zeigt, wie diese Moraldiskurse den Regimewandel spiegeln. Viele Quellenzitate machen die Rekonstruktion lebendig. Uberlegungen zu einer evangelischen Ethik des privaten Lebens nehmen die (...)
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    Ethical Aspects of Judging the Alternative Treatment of Children With Cancer.Karin Enskär - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (1):51-62.
    In recent decades the improved treatment of childhood cancer has increased the proportion of children being cured. However, the intensive treatment required also implies a heavy burden for the children and their families. The purpose of this article is to judge the ethical aspects of different treatment regimens used for children with cancer by means of a case study. The analysis is based on the ethical model by Beauchamp and Childress. The assessment is based on every person, (...)
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    Family-Centered Culture Care: Touched by an Angel.Jesus A. Hernandez - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (4):376-383.
    An Asian Indian Hindu family chose no intervention and hospice care for their newborn with hypoplastic right heart syndrome as an ethical option, and the newborn expired after five days. Professional nursing integrates values-based practice and evidence-based care with cultural humility when providing culturally responsive family-centered culture care. Each person’s worldview is unique as influenced by culture, language, and religion, among other factors. The Nursing Team sought to understand this family’s collective Indian Hindu worldview and end-of-life beliefs, values, and (...)
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    Exploring morally relevant issues facing families in their decisions to monitor the health-related behaviours of loved ones.D. Gammon, E. K. Christiansen & R. Wynn - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):424-428.
    Patient self-management of disease is increasingly supported by technologies that can monitor a wide range of behavioural and biomedical parameters. Incorporated into everyday devices such as cell phones and clothes, these technologies become integral to the psychosocial aspects of everyday life. Many technologies are likely to be marketed directly to families with ill members, and families may enlist the support of clinicians in shaping use. Current ethical frameworks are mainly conceptualised from the perspective of caregivers, researchers, developers (...)
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  11.  51
    Clinical ethics in assisting euthanasia: Avoiding malpractice in drug application.Gerrit K. Kimsma - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (4):439-443.
    The debate on the ethical permissibility of euthanasia in medicine has a corollary in the ethical application of drugs. The overall moral limits of medical treatment apply evenly to the moral acceptability of the pharmacological aspect of the act of euthanasia. The pharmacological aspect of the act is of ethical importance not only for the person requesting an active ending of his or her life, but also for the grieving family. Keywords: effectivity, ideal euthanaticum, patient's/family's (...)
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  12.  52
    Ethical aspects of an urban catastrophe.Antonio Argandoña - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (7):511 - 530.
    As a consequence of the collapse of a building in Barcelona, in December 1990, it was discovered that a large number of dwellings, mainly in Barcelona but also in other towns of Catalonia, were affected by a structural defect known as aluminosis, consisting of a deterioration of the reinforced concrete manufactured using aluminous cement, which considerably reduced its strength and that of the steel embedded in the concrete. This brought to light a series of economic, social, political and also (...) problems, such as the use of the aluminous cement itself — a quality product but which requires careful handling —, the lack of regulation concerning the product and its use in construction, the poor state of repair of the buildings affected, the careless manner in which they had been built, the lag in technical knowledge, the financial situation of the people affected by the aluminosis, etc.This document provides a full account of the events and their historical, technical, economic and legal background, paying particular attention to the ethical problems created by the situation. (shrink)
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  13.  22
    Paediatric patient and family-centred care: ethical and legal issues.Randi Zlotnik Shaul (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book provides the reader with a theoretical and practical understanding of two health care delivery models: the patient/child centred care and family-centred care. Both are fundamental to caring for children in healthcare organizations. The authors address their application in a variety of paediatric healthcare contexts, as well as the ethical and legal issues they raise. Each model is increasingly pursued as a vehicle for guiding the delivery of health care in the best interests of children. Such models of (...)
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    Effects of Family Socialization in the Organizational Commitment of the Family Firms from the Moral Economy Perspective.Manuel Carlos Vallejo & Delia Langa - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (1):49 - 62.
    This study examines the effects of socializing activity of the owned family in family firms in order to find out if the special characteristics of the socializing processes in this type of firm can contribute to defining a climate that favors employees' commitment to the organization.For this purpose, this study uses the main arguments of the sociological approach known as moral economy. The data required for this analysis was collected using a self-administered postal questionnaire and the results show that (...)
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    Ethical issues in the psychotherapies.Martin Lakin - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mental health professionals face many complex questions in the course of their work with clients and patients. Among the most difficult are dilemmas that involve ethical issues. This book presents a forthright exploration of these dilemmas and the ethical considerations they raise. Drawing on extensive interviews, the author identifies common ethical problems that practitioners encounter. What happens, for example, when personal interests intrude into therapy? How can the therapist make an accurate assessment of his or her appropriateness (...)
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    Ethical aspects of researching subjective experiences in early-stage dementia.Hanna-Mari Pesonen, Anne M. Remes & Arja Isola - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (5):651-661.
    This article is based on a qualitative longitudinal study that followed the subjective experiences of both people living with dementia and their family members during the early stages of the illness. The purpose of this article is to describe and reflect on the ethical and methodological issues that occurred during data collection. The article focuses on the situation of the person with dementia and the family member and the role of the researcher when conducting the research interviews. Based on (...)
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  17. Family Values: The Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships.Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift - 2014 - Princeton University Press.
    The family is hotly contested ideological terrain. Some defend the traditional two-parent heterosexual family while others welcome its demise. Opinions vary about how much control parents should have over their children's upbringing. Family Values provides a major new theoretical account of the morality and politics of the family, telling us why the family is valuable, who has the right to parent, and what rights parents should—and should not—have over their children. Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift argue that parent-child relationships produce (...)
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  18.  65
    Ethical Aspects of Climate Engineering.Betz Gregor & Sebastian Cacean - 2012 - KIT Scientific Publishing,.
    This study investigates the ethical aspects of deploying and researching into so-called climate engineering methods, i.e. large-scale technical interventions in the climate system with the objective of offsetting anthropogenic climate change. The moral reasons in favour of and against R&D into and deployment of CE methods are analysed by means of argument maps. These argument maps provide an overview of the CE controversy and help to structure the complex debate.
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    Ethical Aspects of Self-Forgiveness.Espen Gamlund - 2014 - SATS 15 (2):237-256.
    In this paper, I discuss some central ethical aspects of self-forgiveness. A first comparison is made between interpersonal forgiveness and self-forgiveness. It would seem that self-forgiveness follows much of the same structure as interpersonal forgiveness, although with some exceptions. One noticeable difference is that with self-forgiveness, the forgiver and forgiven is one and the same person. The main ethical question discussed is when self-forgiveness is morally permissible. I argue that self-forgiveness is only morally permissible when the wrongdoer acknowledges (...)
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  20.  47
    Why the Family is Beautiful (Lacan Against Badiou).Eleanor Kaufman - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (3/4):135-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why the Family is Beautiful (Lacan Against Badiou)Eleanor Kaufman (bio)The theory of ethics that can be distilled from the work of Jacques Lacan and Alain Badiou bears no resemblance to many commonly received notions of the ethical, especially any that would link ethics to a system of morality. In fact, ethics is not necessarily the central concept in their work, even in Lacan's The Ethics of Psychoanalysis or (...)
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  21.  46
    Psychosocial ethical aspects of AIDS.Michael W. Ross - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (2):74-81.
    The psychosocial morbidity associated with HIV infection and responses to such infection may exceed morbidity associated with medical sequelae of such infection. This paper argues that negative judgements on those with HIV infection or in groups associated with such infection will cause avoidable psychological and social distress. Moral judgements made regarding HIV infection may also harm the common good by promoting conditions which may increase the spread of HIV infection. This paper examines these two lines of argument with regard (...)
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  22.  87
    Family Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges.Carolyn McLeod & Francoise Baylis (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book concerns the ethics of having children through adoption or technologically-assisted reproduction. Some people who choose between these methods struggle between them. Others do not agonize in this way, perhaps because they have a profound desire for a genetic link to the child(ren) they will parent and so prefer assisted reproduction, they view adoption as the only morally decent choice in an overcrowded world, or for some other reason. This book critically examines moral choices that involve each of (...)
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    Ethical Aspects in Nordic Business Mergers: The Case of Electro-Business.Jari Syrjälä & Tuomo Takala - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (3):531-545.
    Postmerger integration is a highly challenging and demanding task. Its success depends not only on economic factors but also on the organisational members' feelings and their personal contribution to the new entity. Mergers are usually made for the sake of profitability in the first place, whereas less attention is paid to employees in such situations. This article describes various ethical observations made in our study on corporate mergers in the Nordic Electro-business industry. We examine how the organisational change was (...)
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    Ethical aspects of investor behavior.Pietra Rivoli - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (4):265 - 277.
    The neoclassical paradigm assumes that shareholders'' utility is solely a function of their wealth, and prescribes that management should act in a manner consistent with share price maximization. The stakeholder view also assumes that shareholders'' utility derives from wealth, but prescribes that managers must balance the shareholder wealth maximization objective against the rights of other constituencies. Thus, while neoclassicists and stakeholder theorists have different prescriptives for management behavior, their definitions of the shareholders'' interest are consistent — shareholders are self-interested economic (...)
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  25.  57
    Ethical aspects of Battlefield Euthanasia.Daniel Messelken - 2014 - In Messelken Daniel & Baer Hans U., Proceedings of the 3rd ICMM Workshop on Military Medical Ethics. BBO. pp. 36-53.
    Battlefield euthanasia, the purposeful killing of wounded soldiers (or even civi- lians) in order to hasten their foreseeable death, has been an issue in military medicine and in soldiers’ moral codes at all times. During conflicts since anti- quity, there have been severely wounded who would not die immediately but whose fate seemed clear, nevertheless. But can it ever be morally justified to kill those wounded out of mercy in order to end their suffering? Can death ever be the (...)
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    Ethical Aspects of the Use of Stem Cell Derived Gametes for Reproduction.Heidi Mertes & Guido Pennings - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (3):267-278.
    A lot of interest has been generated by the possibility of deriving gametes from embryonic stem cells and bone marrow stem cells. These stem cell derived gametes may become useful for research and for the treatment of infertility. In this article we consider prospectively the ethical issues that will arise if stem cell derived gametes are used in the clinic, making a distinction between concerns that only apply to embryonic stem cell derived gametes and concerns that are also relevant (...)
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  27. Ru jia lun li zheng ming ji: yi "qin qin hu yin " wei zhong xin = A collection of contention about Confucian ethics.Qiyong Guo (ed.) - 2004 - Wuhan: Hubei jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Ethical aspects of donor insemination.G. R. Dunstan - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (1):42-44.
    Professor Dunstan has selected certain aspects of the preceding papers on artificial insemination by donor and subjected these to the scrutiny of a moral theologian.
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    Ethical Aspects of Dual Coding.Aviva Geva - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:5-24.
    Rapid development of e-learning courses for ethics-and-compliance programs led to substantial success in producing engaging multimedia training toolkits aimed at breaking through barriers of indifference and distrust by combining learning with fun. However, a pleasant training experience is no guarantee of its ultimate success in improving organizational ethics. Drawing on Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory, this paper presents a model for evaluating multimedia learning from a moral viewpoint. The main argument advanced in the paper is that entertaining multimedia training modules, (...)
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  30.  3
    Phenomenon of moral distress through the aspect of interpretive interactionism.Hsun-Kuei Ko, Chi-Chun Chin, Min-Tao Hsu & Shu-Li Lee - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1484-1493.
    Background: Most previous studies on moral distress focused on the factors that cause moral distress, paying inadequate attention to the moral conflict of nurses’ values, the physician–nurse power hierarchy, and the influence of the culture. Research objective: To analyze the main causes for moral distress with interpretive interactionism. Research design: A qualitative study was adopted. Participants: Through purposeful sampling, 32 nurses from 12 different departments were chosen as the samples. Ethical considerations: Approval from the Institutional (...)
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  31.  66
    Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges ed. by Françoise Baylis, Carolyn McLeod.Sara Goering - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (3):5-13.
    This fascinating anthology focuses on the question of how we make families, and how bionormative assumptions shape or distort our collective thinking about parenting, children’s welfare, and state obligations to parents and children. The editors are primarily interested in the question of whether parents’ moral responsibilities toward children differ for children produced through assistive reproductive technologies compared to children brought into the family via adoption. As the editors point out, in the realm of ART, most of the philosophical (...)
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  32.  23
    Not by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption by Gilbert C. Meilaender.Thomas O'Brien - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):209-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Not by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption by Gilbert C. MeilaenderThomas O'BrienNot by Nature but by Grace: Forming Families through Adoption Gilbert C. Meilaender notre dame, in: university of notre dame press, 2016. 136 pp. $25.00I was adopted as an infant through a Catholic Charities office in 1961, and just three years ago, thanks to an online DNA analysis service, I met both (...)
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    Ethics Commentary.Michael Robertson - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):230-234.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics CommentaryMichael Robertson, Senior Research FellowThe French philosopher Michel Foucault once recounted the story of the English King, George III, being restrained by his guards at the direction of his physician Dr. Willis. King George, presumably deranged by a psychotic mania consequent upon porphyria, was incapable of self-rule and his power was usurped by the medical profession in an act of coercion tantamount to treason. This for Foucault was (...)
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    A Model of Johannine Ethics.Cornelis Bennema - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):433-456.
    Johannine ethics was a problematic topic for a long time and has only been an acceptable and fruitful area of research since 2012. To stimulate and guide future research, this article proposes a model of Johannine ethics that consists of five aspects: (1) Graeco-Roman virtue ethics is the broad ethical context for Johannine ethics; (2) family is the theological context for Johannine ethics; (3) mimesis is central to Johannine ethics; (4) moral reasoning is the cognitive route to ethics; (...)
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  35.  39
    The ethical implications of preventing hospital delirium in older adults: A scoping review.Janet Delgado, Ana Toledo Chávarri, Ana María de Pascual Y. Medina, Beatriz León Salas, María del Mar Trujillo Martín & Pedro Serrano Aguilar - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210944.
    Introduction Hospital delirium is a frequent, serious, costly, and underrecognized acute disorder of attention and cognition. Therefore, the prevention of hospital delirium is not only desirable for patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the health system itself, but also a moral duty. Objective To identify and synthetize the main ethical aspects that arise related to the prevention of hospital delirium in patients 65 years and older. Methods A scoping review was carried out in Embase, Medline, and Web of Science. (...)
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    Exploring the Ethical Aspects of Leadership: From a Korean Perspective.Dong Min Kim, Jang Wan Ko & Seon-Joo Kim - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (2):113-131.
    Theories of ethical leadership provide important insights about the effect of leader’s ethics on the relationship between leaders and followers. However, there is an increasing demand for addressing key constructs that enhance the capacity to explain theoretical aspects of ethical leadership. The purpose of this study is to expand the theoretical framework of ethical leadership based on Korean traditional leadership by focusing on personal cultivation, morality, and social responsibility. Using a framework of intrapersonal process as leadership and (...)
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    Moral partiality.Yong Li - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Situated within the framework of Confucian family-oriented ethics, this book explores the issue of familial partiality and specifically discusses whether it is morally praiseworthy to love one's family partially. In reviewing the tension between familial partiality and egalitarian impartiality from different perspectives while also drawing on binary metrics to understand the issue - that is, the weak and strong sense of familial partiality in Confucian moral theory - the author carefully discusses the efficacy of three major arguments to justify (...)
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    The Ethics of Bankruptcy.Jukka Kilpi - 1998 - Routledge.
    The fundamental ethical problem in bankruptcy is that insolvents have promised to pay their debts but can not keep their promise. The Ethics of Bankruptcy examines the morality of bankruptcy. The author compares and contrasts the Humean doctrine of promises as useful conventions with the Kantian view of autonomous agency constituting promissory obligations; he explores ethical concerns raised by forgiveness, utilitarianism and distributive justice and the moral aspects of insolvents' contractual, fiduciary, tortious and criminal liability. Finally, the (...)
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    (1 other version)Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift: Family Values: The Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships: Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 978–0–691–12691–3, 240 pp., Hardback, Index, $35.Jörg Löschke - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):541-543.
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    Taking the burden off: a study of the quality of ethics consultation in the time of COVID-19.Lulia Kana, Andrew Shuman, Raymond De Vries & Janice Firn - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4):244-249.
    BackgroundThe quality of ethics consults is notoriously difficult to measure. Survey-based assessments cannot capture nuances of consultations. To address this gap, we conducted interviews with health professionals who requested ethics consults during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodHealthcare professionals requesting ethics consultation between March 2020 and May 2020 at a tertiary academic medical centre were eligible to participate. We asked participants to comment on the consults they called and thematically analysed responses to identify features associated with optimal quality consultations.ResultsOf (...)
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    Kabŏm.Sang-jŏng Yi - 2020 - Kyŏngsang-bukto Andong-si: Han'guk Kukhak Chinhŭngwŏn. Edited by MyŏNg-Gyun Kim.
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    The moral challenge of communism: some ethical aspects of Marxist-Leninist society.William Ernest Barton - 1966 - London,: Friends Home Service Committee.
  43. Tax Avoidance in Family Business: The Ethical Perspective of CEO Transgenerational Responsibility.Alessandro Cirillo, Maria Angela Manzi, Jonathan Bauweraerts & Salvatore Sciascia - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    Exploring the intricacies of heterogeneity in tax avoidance practices within family firms, a growing trend acknowledges the significant role of chief executive officers (CEOs) in setting the ethical tone and shaping corporate tax strategies. However, these studies often overlook the influence of the CEO’s transgenerational orientation, which becomes crucial when assessing ethics in family businesses. Therefore, the paper aims to analyse to what extent the CEO’s transgenerational responsibility (the moral obligation that incumbent leaders have vis-à-vis next generation family (...)
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    Family caregivers and the ethical relevance of moral identity.Mario Kropf & Martina Schmidhuber - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12670.
    Many people want to spend the last stages of their lives at home, in familiar surroundings, and possibly with people they know. However, this increasing desire on the part of older, ill, or even dying people also makes support from other people unavoidable, which in many cases involves family members, loved ones, or even friends. These family caregivers care for the person concerned, even though they lack the professional skills of nursing staff, for example, and have usually not been prepared (...)
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    International aspects of organizational ethics in educational systems.Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky - 2018 - Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
    This book takes a unique organizational approach towards understanding the concept of ethics in educational systems. It provides a global perspective and connects theory and praxis through team-based simulations, case studies and scenarios, thus presenting an integrative approach towards tackling teachers' withdrawal behaviors.
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    Pietas: spór o filozoficzne podstawy moralnych obowiązków wobec rodziców = Pietas: the controversy over the philosophical bases of moral duties towards parents.Marek Czachorowski - 2014 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
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    Textbook descriptions of people with psychosis – some ethical aspects.Terje Emil Fredwall & Inger Beate Larsen - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1554-1565.
    Background: Textbooks are central for the education of professionals in the health field and a resource for practitioners already in the field. Objectives: This article focuses on how 12 textbooks in psychiatric nursing and psychiatry, published in Norway between 1877 and 2012, describe and present people with psychosis. Research design: We used qualitative content analysis. Ethical considerations: The topic is published textbooks, made available to be read by students, teachers and professionals, and no ethical approval was required. Findings: (...)
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    Aspects of indignity in nursing home residences as experienced by family caregivers.Dagfinn Nåden, Arne Rehnsfeldt, Maj-Britt Råholm, Lillemor Lindwall, Synnøve Caspari, Trygve Aasgaard, Åshild Slettebø, Berit Sæteren, Bente Høy, Britt Lillestø, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad & Vibeke Lohne - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (7):0969733012475253.
    The overall purpose of this cross-country Nordic study was to gain further knowledge about maintaining and promoting dignity in nursing home residents. The purpose of this article is to present results pertaining to the following question: How is nursing home residents’ dignity maintained, promoted or deprived from the perspective of family caregivers? In this article, we focus only on indignity in care. This study took place at six different nursing home residences in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Data collection methods in (...)
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    Non-technical skills in operating room nursing: Ethical aspects.Ingrid Hanssen, Inger Lise Smith Jacobsen & Sisilie Havnås Skråmm - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1364-1372.
    Background Non-technical skills are cognitive and interpersonal skills underpinning technical proficiency. Ethical values and respect for human dignity make operating room nurses responsible for nursing decisions that are clinically and technically sound and morally appropriate. Aim To learn what ethical issues operating room nurses perceive as important regarding non-technical skills. Research design Qualitative individual in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviews were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s six phases for thematic analysis. Participants and research context Eleven experienced perioperative/operating room (...)
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    Ethical practice in the human services: from knowing to being.Richard D. Parsons - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Karen L. Dickinson.
    Ethical Practice in the Human Services by Richard D. Parsons and Karen L. Dickinson moves beyond addressing ethical issues and principles to helping readers actually practice ethical behavior through awareness of their personal morals, values, and choices. With coverage of ethical standards from six different associations, the text addresses ethical issues and principles in social work, counseling, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Robust pedagogy includes case illustrations and guided exercises to give readers a deeper (...)
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