Results for 'Fatima El-Tayeb'

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  1.  95
    ‘Gays who cannot properly be gay’: Queer Muslims in the neoliberal European city.Fatima El-Tayeb - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (1):79-95.
    The article traces the framing of Muslim Europeans as the continent’s Other by focusing on the silencing of queer Muslims within public debates around ‘Islam and homosexuality’. Ignoring class as a factor in the violence produced by the gentrification of urban spaces, the pitting of the gay community against the Muslim community posits the latter as a threat to the continent’s foundations that needs to be contained through forms of spatial governance in line with the neoliberal restructuring of the city. (...)
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    Religion and Politics under the Early ʿAbbāsids: The Emergence of the Proto-Sunnī EliteReligion and Politics under the Early Abbasids: The Emergence of the Proto-Sunni Elite.Tayeb El-Hibri & Muhammad Qasim Zaman - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):686.
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    The Early Arabic Historical Tradition: A Source Critical Study.Tayeb El-Hibri, Albrecht Noth & Michael Bonner - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):114.
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    ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb and the Abbasids.Tayeb El-Hibri - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4):763.
    This article explores the possibility of mutual legitimation between Sunni religious foundations and Abbasid political interests. The main argument centers on anecdotes that elevate the images of al-ʿAbbās as imam and of his son Ibn ʿAbbās as the expert of the science of hadith. It shows the overall relation between historical and religious anecdotes, and how the medieval reader could not accept the authority of hadith collections from their first student, Ibn ʿAbbās, without accepting the political primacy of the Abbasid (...)
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    EEG efficient classification of imagined right and left hand movement using RBF kernel SVM and the joint CWT_PCA.Rihab Bousseta, Salma Tayeb, Issam El Ouakouak, Mourad Gharbi, Fakhita Regragui & Majid Mohamed Himmi - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):621-629.
    Brain–machine interfaces are systems that allow the control of a device such as a robot arm through a person’s brain activity; such devices can be used by disabled persons to enhance their life and improve their independence. This paper is an extended version of a work that aims at discriminating between left and right imagined hand movements using a support vector machine classifier to control a robot arm in order to help a person to find an object in the environment. (...)
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    Reinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Hārūn al-Rashīd and the Narrative of the ʿAbbāsid CaliphateReinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate.Paul M. Cobb & Tayeb El-Hibri - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):109.
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    The Quantum Quagmire: Can Consciousness Collapse the Wavefunction.Dr Fatima El-Mahdi - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (1):80-90.
    The perplexing relationship between consciousness and quantum mechanics remains one of science's greatest enigmas. The "wavefunction collapse" phenomenon, where a quantum system's superposition of possibilities resolves into a single definite state upon measurement, has ignited heated debates about the role of consciousness in shaping reality. This article delves into the heart of this "quantum quagmire," exploring various interpretations of wavefunction collapse and their implications for the nature of consciousness and the observer-observed relationship.
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    El ojo del cocodrilo, de Val Plumwood.Fatima Lomelin - 2025 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 57 (158):300-307.
    En 1985, mientras Val Plumwood navegaba sola en su canoa en el Parque Nacional Kakadu (Australia), un cocodrilo gigante de agua salada la atrapó, la ahogó y dio tres giros de la muerte con su cuerpo. Después de sobrevivir a este encuentro, Val empezó a escribir sobre la vida y la muerte en términos ecológicos y la existencia humana pensada como presa y comida para la naturaleza.
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    “ El sueno de rapiña" de Carlos reyles: Crítica de la modernidad Y contrapunto temporal.Fátima Regina Nogueira - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 25.
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    Butler, E. M. El mito del mago.Fátima Gutiérrez - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:414.
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  11. Luis de, OP:"¿ Es ortodoxo el Cristo de Unamuno?,".Fátima Luque - 1943 - Ciencia Tomista 64:65-70.
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  12.  21
    Vinciane Despret. Habitar como pájaro.Fatima Lomelin - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (155):268-273.
    Sería fácil afirmar que el objetivo de este texto es humanizar a los pájaros, concluir lecciones sobre los humanos a partir de su relación con ellos o utilizarlos como excusa para hablar de nosotros, pero Habitar como pájaro no hace nada de eso. De hecho, logra algo más minucioso, complejo y profundo: recoger sonidos y añadir opuestos. Así, el contrapunto como técnica melódica para conjugar voces es fundamental para entender el rigor y el detalle del libro, no sólo porque es (...)
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    Sobre la modernidad y el otro en la obra Islands of decolonial love de Leanne Simpson.Maria de Fátima Lopes Vieira Falcão, Naiana Siqueira Galvão, Gislãne Gonçalves Silva & Cícero da Silva - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):394-407.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir la modernidad y el otro en la obra Islands of Decolonial Love, de Leanne Simpson. El autor presenta una voz indígena persuasiva que ha atraído la atención de muchos lectores más allá de las fronteras del Canadá sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la tierra y los indígenas, el extractivismo y el medio ambiente. En la obra enfocada, el autor acerca al lector no indígena a la construcción del conocimiento indígena presentando un material que va más (...)
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    Guía temático-bibliográfica para el estudio de las "Epistulae ad lucilium" de L.A. Séneca.María Angelita Fátima Martín Sánchez - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:263-305.
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  15. Guía temático-bibliográfica para el estudio de las "Epistulae ad Lucilium" de L. A. Séneca.María A. Fátima Martín Sánchez - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:263-306.
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    Exploring the Impact of Positive Levers of Control on Organisational Resilience: The Mediating Role of Open Innovation.Mustapha Razzouki, Mohamed Jallal El Adnani, Fatima Touhami & Salah Ben Hammou - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1716-1731.
    This study explores how positive control levers (belief systems and interactive control systems) affect organisational resilience, focusing on the role of open innovation as a mediator. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to business managers and analysed using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach. The sample comprised 349 Moroccan industrial companies. The results demonstrate that positive control levers significantly impact open innovation and organisational resilience. Additionally, open innovation acts as a mediator, indirectly influencing the relationship between (...)
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    Notas sobre la relación entre el amor y el perdón en el pensamiento político de Hannah Arendt.María Fátima Lobo - 2016 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 19 (36-37):299-318.
    En 1953 Hannah Arendt se refirió al perdón como “[…] una de las más grandes capacidades humanas y quizá la más audaz de las acciones […]”. La explicación llegó años más tarde con La Condición Humana (1958), el gran libro de la acción de Arendt. En él se afirma que el valor fundamental del perdón en la vida público-política fue descubierto y expresado por Jesús de Nazareth. Este descubrimiento no fue reconocido como tal por el pensamiento político y, por ende, (...)
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    Mirando a la antigüedad grecorromana: Para pensar, con Arendt, el sentido de praxis Y lexis.Maria Fátima Lobo - 2020 - Argos 1 (38):50-69.
    Este trabajo versa sobre la teoría de la acción de Hannah Arendt tal como la encontramos en La condición Humana, obra de1958. En ella Arendt busca recuperar la identidad y el sentido de la acción humana como actividad del hombre qua hombre y como materia prima de la política. Para ello, recurre a dos experiencias fundamentales de la cultura política occidental: la polis griega y la res publica romana. El resultado es una teoría de la acción que se ha considerado (...)
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    Notas para una sociología de la cultura bética: El debate ideológico en la Córdoba decimonónica.María Angelita Fátima Martín Sánchez - 1988 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 15:295-305.
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  20. Notas para una sociología de la cultura bética: el debate ideológico en la Córdoba decimonónica.María A. Fátima Martín Sánchez - 1988 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 15:295-306.
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    O agonismo como conceito articulador entre crise, democracia e educação.Lidiane Fatima Grutzmann & Joel Cezar Bonin - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):1013-1050.
    Resumo: Este artigo visa tensionar e imbricar os conceitos de crise e de democracia sob o prisma da educação. Partimos da elasticidade e complexidade de cada um dos termos para, em seguida, utilizando como instrumento os diagramas de Venn e Pierce, auscultarmos as articulações, intersecções e problematizações possíveis. Este exercício é tanto filosófico-conceitual quanto político, na medida que tem por objetivo verificar as responsabilidades, os limites e as potencialidades da educação na atual crise da democracia. Bauman (2000) e Morin (1979) (...)
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    Letramentos bilíngues de estudantes surdos no ensino superior.Sueli de Fátima Fernandes - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):217-241.
    Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre o processo de letramentos bilíngues de estudantes surdos no ensino superior. Tomamos a enunciação verbo-visual como categoria bakhtiniana que direciona as hipóteses de leitura em português pelos estudantes surdos e ocupa centralidade na produção textual sinalizada em língua brasileira de sinais. Da obra do folclorista Câmara Cascudo foram selecionadas lendas brasileiras para análise textual de elementos coesivos que operam nas estratégias de referenciação no texto narrativo em língua brasileira de sinais (...)
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  23. The Continuity of the Finite and the Infinite: The Debates on Baqā in Ash'arite Kalām.Fatima Akkaya Oge - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (59):23-32.
    Eş‘arî kelâmında, kadîm ve hâdis varlıklar için sürekliliği ifade eden bekâ kavramının mâhiyeti hakkında ihtilâf edilmiştir. Bekânın, bâkīnin varlığına zâit bir sıfat olduğunu kabul eden İmâm Eş‘arî (öl. 324/935-36) bu ihtilâflı meselenin bir tarafıdır. Bekâyı bir mâna olarak ispat konusunda İmâm Eş‘arî’ye, Ebû İshâk el-İsferâyînî’nin (öl. 418/1027) katıldığı görülmektedir. Meselenin diğer tarafını ise hayatının ilk dönemlerinde, Eş‘arî gibi düşünüp, bekânın mâna olarak ispatı görüşünü benimseyen ve sonrasında bu görüşü terk ederek bekânın varlığa döndüğünü ilk defa savunan Ebû Bekr el-Bâkıllânî (öl. (...)
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    Prevalence of Bullying Behaviors Among Students From a National University in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study.Fatima Al-Darmaki, Haleama Al Sabbah & Dalia Haroun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThis study aims to investigate bullying behaviors among college students at one of the national universities in UAE, and also to examine the psychological characteristics of those who were exposed to, or have experienced bullying.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted on 839 undergraduate students at one of the national universities in the UAE. Students from all colleges participated in this study and were selected by using stratified random sampling. Participants completed a bullying survey designed for the study, in addition to three (...)
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    Cooperación Invisible. El proyecto MARIA (Métodos de Apoyo y Recursos Interactivos de Aprendizaje).Ángel Fidalgo Blanco & Fátima Azucena Fernández Cabanillas - 2009 - Arbor 185 (Extra):139-153.
    Las redes sociales se han convertido en el elemento estrella de la red en los últimos años. A través de ellas miles de personas comparten informaciones con otros con los que tienen algún interés común. El problema actual de algunas de ellas radica en la dificultad a la hora de coordinar esos recursos aportados, una labor que se complica a la hora de intentar recuperar todos esos datos vertidos. Desde el Laboratorio de Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información se ha (...)
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    200 Años de Independencia de Brasil: el balance de una Historia con muchas caras.Raylane Andreza Dias Navarro Barreto & Rosa Fátima de Souza Chaloba - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Pensar a Brasil en el contexto del Bicentenario de la Independencia fue nuestra propuesta. Las celebraciones que prosiguieron al año de 1822 fueron, todas ellas, de carácter oficial y con tenor estatal, para no decir del gobierno. Su misión era conmemorar la libertad, la idea de un futuro promisor, de nación libre y, para esto, se recordaba a las fuerzas armadas, responsables oficiales por la sustentación del grito de “independencia o muerte”, tan evocado en los libros de historia de Brasil (...)
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    La formación en ciudadanía en la esfera pública. Las relaciones jurídicas cuasi públicas en el caso de la desegregación racial en las escuelas de los Estados Unidos.Alexander P. Espinoza-Rausseo & Jhenny de Fátima Rivas-Alberti - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 49:225-258.
    La desegregación racial en las escuelas norteamericanas planteó la discusión acerca de sí y bajo cuáles condiciones puede ser admitido el efecto horizontal del derecho de igualdad en relaciones entre particulares. En principio, bajo los términos de la doctrina de la state action la conducta discriminatoria de los particulares quedaría fuera del ámbito de aplicación de la cláusula de igual protección de la Decimocuarta Enmienda, debido a que ésta sólo es aplicable frente a la acción del Estado. Nos preguntamos si (...)
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    Gramáticas de la convivencia. Estudio sobre la convivencia en La Salut y Sant Joan de Llefià, Badalona.Victoria Sánchez Antelo, Mònica Plana, Fátima Taleb, Isidre Ferreté, Hassan Hammich, Muniba Munir, Josep Palau, Antonio de la Rosa, Pilar Laporta & Mònica Tolsanas - 2008 - Polis 20.
    Los procesos migratorios suponen repensar las relaciones, tránsitos y vivencias de las comunidades receptoras. En este sentido, el análisis de los escenarios de convivencia urbana implica redescubrir las historias viejas y nuevas de la inmigración, de la construcción del barrio, de la conformación de sus actores colectivos y de los espacios urbanos comunes. En el análisis de los escenarios de convivencia más conflictivos, encontramos giros discursivos que buscan responsabilizar a la inmigración reciente de problemáticas estructurales que se viven como irremediables. (...)
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    Dan Pedoe. The gentle art of mathematics. With drawings by Griselda El Tayeb. The English Universities Press Limited, London 1958, and The Macmillan Company, New York 1959, 143 pp. Second edition, Collier Books, New York1963, 159 pp. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):675-675.
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    Dan Pedoe. The gentle art of mathematics. With drawings by Griselda El Tayeb. The English Universities Press Limited, London 1958, and The Macmillan Company, New York 1959, 143 pp. Second edition, Collier Books, New York1963, 159 pp. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):675.
  31.  19
    Tayeb el-Hibri, The Abbasid Caliphate -A History-, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021, xxviii + 330 sayfa, 3 harita, ISBN: 978-1-316-63439-4. [REVIEW]Ömer Yilmaz - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1655-1660.
    The Abbasid caliphate covers about five centuries; It represents a period when fiqh/theological sects were formed, classical works on Islamic sciences were compiled, and important historical, scientific, and cultural centers such as Baghdad were established. The influence of this period on Muslim societies continues to this day. Based on this, the Abbasids; It is the subject of research in terms of religion, history, and politics. Tayep al-Hibri's work named "The Abbasid Caliphate -A History-" which has gained a well-deserved reputation with (...)
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    Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs. By Tayeb el-Hibri.Isabel Toral-Niehoff - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1).
    Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs. By Tayeb el-Hibri. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Pp. xiii + 466. $60.
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    One Parable, Two Interpretations: Pope Francis and William Langland on the Good Samaritan.Sheryl Overmyer - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):541-559.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:One Parable, Two Interpretations:Pope Francis and William Langland on the Good Samaritan*Sheryl OvermyerInterpretations of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37) focus on its theology, ethics, ecclesiology, and even moral psychology. The parable has much to say regarding holiness. It treats how to become holy and distinct acts of holiness, the exemplar of holiness, and the reality and effects of sin. In the history of interpretation, the parable (...)
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    Review of The Abbasid Caliphate: A History. [REVIEW]Hayrettin Yücesoy - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (3):738-740.
    The Abbasid Caliphate: A History. By Tayeb El-HiBri. Cambridge: CamBridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xxxii + 330, illus. $89.99 (cloth); $29.99 (paper); $24 (ebook).
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    Analyzing the Prophet Mohammad's Symbolic Horse in His Spiritual Ascension.Tayebe Jafary & Morteza Hashemi - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (1):p74.
    Beginning from the ancient times human has always valued the historical individuals and events and by exaggerating their features and circumstances have created mythical and audacious characters and phenomena. In the history of Islam the same is true regarding the Prophet Mohammad in its unique manner, that accounts for his spiritual ascension and a mythic horse named Boraq. The wonder of the ascension somehow highlighted the other events of in the Prophet Mohammad's life and since "horse" has been an essential (...)
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    Die Materieauffassung in der islamisch-arabischen Philosophie des Mittelalters.Tayeb Tisini - 1973 - Berlin,: de Gruyter.
  37.  30
    Analysis of Aḥmed Cevdet Pasha’s Preface to the Translation of The Qurʾān, and His Work Named Lüghāt-i Ḳurʾāniye Ḥaqqında Lāḥiqa-i Sharīfa, the Examination of Its Sources and Comparison with his Terjeme-i Sharīfa.Murat Kaya - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1021-1043.
    Aḥmed Cevdet Pasha (d. 1312/1895) is one of the influential and prominent Ottoman scholars in history and law. Besides history and law, he also produced works on literature, sīra (the life of the Prophet) and tafsīr (the Qur’anic exegesis). In the last years of his life, Cevdet Pasha aimed to translate the Qurʾān including short comments on the verses, but this work was remained limited to the sūrah al-Baqara. Correspondingly to this translation named Terjeme-i Sharīfa, he prepared a glossary to (...)
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  38. O que é metafísica.Jaimir Conte & Oscar Federico Bauchwitz - 2011 - Natal, RN, Brasil: Editora da UFRN.
    Atas do III Colóquio Internacional de Metafísica. [ISBN 978-85-7273-730-2]. Sumário: 1. Prazer, desejo e amor-paixão no texto de Lucrécio, por Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire; 2. Anaximandro: física, metafísica e direito, por Celso Martins Azar Filho; 3. Carta a Guimarães Rosa, por Cícero Cunha Bezerra; 4. Ante ens, non ens: La primacía de La negación em El neoplatonismo medievel, por Claudia D’Amico; 5. Metafísica e neoplatonismo, por David G. Santos; 6. Movimento e tempo no pensamento de Epicuro, por Everton da Silva (...)
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    Enverî Erzincānī and Mawlūd al-Sharīf.Seydi Ki̇raz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):461-495.
    Many mawlids (mawlid al-nabī) have been written as a reflection of the love for the prophet Muhammad. Süleymān Çelebi’s (d. 825/1422) Wasila al-nacāt, has been seen as the founding work in Turkish literature in this category. The effect of Wasila al-nacāt has continued for centuries, and inspired many other mawlids. One of them is Enverī Erzincānī’s work named Mawlūd al-sharīf (Sumbul al-gulzār al-kalām al-kadīm). In literature tradition, mawlids are written in masnawī in ​​verse form, Mawlūd al-sharīf was written in style. (...)
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    Nurses’ perception of ethical climate and organizational commitment.Fariba Borhani, Tayebe Jalali, Abbas Abbaszadeh & Aliakbar Haghdoost - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (3):278-288.
    The high turnover of nurses has become a universal issue. The manner in which nurses view their organization’s ethical climate has direct bearing on their organizational commitment. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between nurses’ perception of ethical climate and organizational commitment in teaching hospitals in the southeastern region of Iran. A descriptive analytical design was used in this study. The sample consisted of 275 nurses working in four teaching hospitals in the southeastern region of Iran. (...)
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  41. Expert System for Castor Diseases and Diagnosis.Fatima M. Salman & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (3):1-10.
    Background: The castor bean is a large grassy or semi-wooden shrub or small tree. Any part of the castor plant parts can suffering from a disease that weakens the ability to grow and eliminates its production. Therefore, in this paper will identify the pests and diseases present in castor culture and detect the symptoms in each disease. Also images is showing the symptom form in this disease. Objectives: The main objective of this expert system is to obtain appropriate diagnosis of (...)
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  42. Scars from Home: Social Geography, Familial Relations, and Patriarchy.Saba Fatima - forthcoming - In Georgi Gardiner & Micol Bez, The Philosophy of Sexual Violence. Routledge.
    In this narrative, Fatima examines the interplay of critical consciousness, relational dynamics, and patriarchy within social-geographical spaces. Drawing on personal experiences, the chapter explores how patriarchal norms, internalized and perpetuated within intimate relationships and community networks, shape gendered expectations and limit agency from childhood through adulthood. While acknowledging the harms inflicted by these norms, it highlights the dual role of these spaces in fostering both oppression and connection. The essay looks at why simplistic solutions like geographic escape ignore the (...)
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  43. On the Edge of Knowing: Microaggression and Epistemic Uncertainty as a Woman of Color.Saba Fatima - 2017 - In Kirsti Cole & Holly Hassel, Surviving Sexism in Academia: Feminist Strategies for Leadership. Routledge. pp. 147-157.
    The precise nature of microaggression purposely obscures the exploration of the intentionality of perpetrator and the quantification of the harm committed. The act fits neatly into a system that privileges some and validates their reality to themselves and to us. This paper explores microaggression and recommends strategies for avoiding its harms.
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  44. I Know What Happened to Me: The Epistemic Harms of Microaggression.Saba Fatima - 2019 - In Jeanine Weekes Schroer & Lauren Freeman, Microaggressions and Philosophy. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 163-183.
    How do we know that what has happened to us is a microaggression? I claim in this chapter that our understanding about how we perceive microaggression is grounded in the cultivation and critical reflection about experiences of people who occupy marginalized social locations. My aim is to explore the nature of epistemic harms of microaggression in order to highlight how they diminish the microaggressed’s ability to generate and participate in making knowledge claims. I differentiate between the primary (direct) harm of (...)
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  45. Who Counts as a Muslim? Identity, Multiplicity and Politics.Saba Fatima - 2011 - Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 31 (3):339-353.
    My aim in this paper is to carve out a political understanding of the Muslim identity. The Muslim identity is shaped within a religious mold. Inseparable from this religious understanding is a political one that is valuable in its own right in order to secure any sustainable possibility of participating politically as Muslims within a democratic liberal democracy, such as the United States. Here I explore not the historical or theological formation of the Muslim identity, rather a metaphysical understanding of (...)
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  46. Navigating the #MeToo Terrain in an Islamophobic Environment.Saba Fatima - 2021 - Social Philosophy Today 37:57-74.
    In this paper, I explore the significance of an intersectional lens when it comes to our conversations surrounding the #MeToo movement, in particular the way that such a lens helps us in recognizing narratives of sexual assault and harassment that are not typically viewed as such. The mainstream discourse on #MeToo in the United States has been quite exclusionary when it comes to women who are non-dominantly situated within societal structures. In particular, this paper looks at how Muslim American women’s (...)
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    Exploring the organizational factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior: a review-based article.Zoha Fatima - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):29-45.
    The selling environment is becoming more and more competitive and organizations are trying to gain edge over the other companies. Producing quality goods is not enough. In such a scenario, organizations are trying to make improvements in their salesforce which can be made by making them more ethical. Therefore, it becomes important for the organization to know the factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior. This paper makes an attempt in this regard and explores the organizational antecedents of salesforce ethical behavior. The (...)
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    Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers.Fatima Tresh, Ben Steeden, Georgina Randsley de Moura, Ana C. Leite, Hannah J. Swift & Abigail Player - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Religious coping and young adult’s mental well-being during Covid-19: Testing a double moderated mediation model.Shameem Fatima, Mahnoor Arshad & Mamoona Mushtaq - 2022 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 44 (3):158-174.
    The literature describes religious coping as an important predictor of mental well-being. Present study is aimed at extending this knowledge by assessing whether specific religious coping regulates specific cognitive emotional responses to improve well-being during Covid pandemic, an extreme international event with significant impacts on individuals and communities. A sample of young adults responded to self-report measures of negative and positive religious coping, positive reappraisal, self-blaming, and mental well-being. Results revealed that positive religious coping was a positive predictor of mental (...)
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    Plant Studies May Lead Us to Rethink the Concept of Behavior.Fatima Cvrčková, Viktor Žárský & Anton Markoš - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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