Results for 'Fedor Freund'

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  1.  27
    Short Proofs for Slow Consistency.Anton Freund & Fedor Pakhomov - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (1):31-49.
    Let Con↾x denote the finite consistency statement “there are no proofs of contradiction in T with ≤x symbols.” For a large class of natural theories T, Pudlák has shown that the lengths of the shortest proofs of Con↾n in the theory T itself are bounded by a polynomial in n. At the same time he conjectures that T does not have polynomial proofs of the finite consistency statements Con)↾n. In contrast, we show that Peano arithmetic has polynomial proofs of Con)↾n, (...)
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    The Priority of Natures against The Identity of Indiscernibles: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Yaḥyā b. 'Adī, and Avicenna on Genus as Matter.Fedor Benevich - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (2):205-234.
    A central question in the history of metaphysics concerns the ontological status of such notions as 'redness,' 'humanity,' or 'animality,' which one calls 'universals.' Since one uses these notions to describe objects in the real world, it may seem intuitive that they exist in extramental reality: one says that universals are 'real'. Famously, though, several problems arise from this view. A central problem known both to medieval and contemporary scholars goes as follows: I look at a red rose and recognize (...)
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    Avicennian essentialism.Fedor Benevich - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (3):410-433.
    Essentialism can be defined as a metaphysical theory according to which things have essential and accidental properties. In this paper, I will address Avicennian essentialism, that is, essentialism...
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  4.  46
    Perceiving things in themselves: Abū l-barakāt al-baġdādī’s critique of representationalism.Fedor Benevich - 2020 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 30 (2):229-264.
    RésuméQuels sont les objets de la perception? Deux réponses célèbres à cette question soutiennent que ce sont soit les images des objets extramentaux, c'est-à-dire la façon dont ils nous apparaissent, soit les objets eux-mêmes. Dans cet article, je présente une analyse de cette question par Abū l-Barakāt al-Baġdādī, un savant post-avicennien dont l'impact sur l'histoire de la philosophie islamique a été largement négligé. Abū l-Barakāt s'est opposé au dualisme épistémologique traditionnel aristotélicien-avicennien, qui établit une distinction entre la perception sensorielle des (...)
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    Positivity effect and decision making in ageing.Fedor Levin, Susann Fiedler & Bernd Weber - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-15.
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    El gobierno representativo.Julien Freund & Juan Carlos Valderrama-Abenza (eds.) - 2017 - Madrid: Ediciones Encuentro. Translated by Juan Carlos Valderrama Abenza.
    En estos tres artículos, que aparecen por primera vez en castellano, bosqueja el autor junto a una teoría general de la representación política, una relectura del problema permanente de la clasificación de los regímenes. Destaca en ellos particularmente el tratamiento de la cuestión de las causas de la corrupción de todas las formas de gobierno, incluida la democracia. Maquiaveliano riguroso y consciente, Freund no esquiva ninguno de los grandes problemas que siguen dividiendo hoy a quienes se acercan -no siempre (...)
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  7.  12
    Rationality, transitivity, and contraposition.Michael Freund, Daniel Lehmann & Paul Morris - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 52 (2):191-203.
  8.  56
    The Reality of the Non-Existent Object of Thought.Fedor Benevich - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 6 (1).
    One of the most widespread claims combining epistemology and metaphysics in post-Avicennian Islamic philosophy was that every object of thought is real. In Muʿtazilite reading, it was endorsed due to a theory of knowledge which states that knowledge is a connection or relation between the knower and the object known. Avicennists accepted it due to the rule that in a proposition “s is p” if p is something positive s has to be positive and real too. Hence, insofar as one (...)
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  9.  36
    Individuation and identity in Islamic philosophy after Avicenna: Bahmanyār and Suhrawardī.Fedor Benevich - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (1):4-28.
    ABSTRACTScholarship on medieval philosophy has rightfully acknowledged the historical and systematical merit of Avicenna’s thought in all divisions of philosophy. Avicenna however did not...
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  10.  23
    Reflection ranks and ordinal analysis.Fedor Pakhomov & James Walsh - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1350-1384.
    It is well-known that natural axiomatic theories are well-ordered by consistency strength. However, it is possible to construct descending chains of artificial theories with respect to consistency strength. We provide an explanation of this well-orderedness phenomenon by studying a coarsening of the consistency strength order, namely, the$\Pi ^1_1$reflection strength order. We prove that there are no descending sequences of$\Pi ^1_1$sound extensions of$\mathsf {ACA}_0$in this ordering. Accordingly, we can attach a rank in this order, which we call reflection rank, to any$\Pi (...)
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  11.  9
    Testimonial Knowledge in Classical Kalām and Islamic Law.Fedor Benevich - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis:1-31.
    Many social epistemologists suggest that testimonies may be considered a valid source of knowledge, no less than, for instance, direct observation. In this article, I will focus on the accounts of testimonial knowledge in classical kalām and Islamic law. I will present the arguments for why Islamic philosophers and jurists believe that testimonies convey knowledge. I will address the main disagreement in Islamic philosophy regarding the nature of testimonial knowledge, whether we can apply an internalist model of epistemic justification to (...)
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  12.  49
    The Logic of Sortals: A Conceptualist Approach.Max A. Freund - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Sortal concepts are at the center of certain logical discussions and have played a significant role in solutions to particular problems in philosophy. Apart from logic and philosophy, the study of sortal concepts has found its place in specific fields of psychology, such as the theory of infant cognitive development and the theory of human perception. In this monograph, different formal logics for sortal concepts and sortal-related logical notions are characterized. Most of these logics are intensional in nature and possess, (...)
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  13.  11
    On the notion of concept I.Michael Freund - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (4-5):570-590.
  14.  29
    On the complexity of the closed fragment of Japaridze’s provability logic.Fedor Pakhomov - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (7-8):949-967.
    We consider the well-known provability logic GLP. We prove that the GLP-provability problem for polymodal formulas without variables is PSPACE-complete. For a number n, let L0n\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${L^{n}_0}$$\end{document} denote the class of all polymodal variable-free formulas without modalities ⟨n⟩,⟨n+1⟩,...\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\langle n \rangle,\langle n+1\rangle,...}$$\end{document}. We show that, for every number n, the GLP-provability problem for formulas from L0n\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${L^{n}_0}$$\end{document} (...)
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  15.  46
    Reducing omega-model reflection to iterated syntactic reflection.Fedor Pakhomov & James Walsh - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (2).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 23, Issue 02, August 2023. In mathematical logic there are two seemingly distinct kinds of principles called “reflection principles.” Semantic reflection principles assert that if a formula holds in the whole universe, then it holds in a set-sized model. Syntactic reflection principles assert that every provable sentence from some complexity class is true. In this paper, we study connections between these two kinds of reflection principles in the setting of second-order arithmetic. We prove that, for (...)
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  16.  62
    On Philosophy.Fedor Girenok - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):29-31.
    In this article the author holds that progress in philosophy is a vague concept. Its criteria are not universally acknowledged. All that is clear is that philosophy does not develop in a linear way. Philosophy is polydiscoursive. As for the past fifty years, the author believes three important things happened in philosophy. (1) It has been shown that consciousness exists not within one individual but spreads within a community of people; (2) philosophy has discovered autism, a result that helps us (...)
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  17. A Case Study in Arabic Doxography: Šahrastānī's Account of Pythagoras and Its Ismāʻīlī Background.Fedor Benevich - 2022 - In Andreas Lammer & Mareike Jas (eds.), Received Opinions: Doxography in Antiquity and the Islamic World. Boston: BRILL.
  18.  17
    Statistical vs. Pragmatic Inference.John E. Freund, Thomas A. Cowan & C. West Churchman - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):62-63.
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    Die Idee der Toleranz im England der Grossen Revolution.Michael Freund - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (1):84-88.
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  20.  24
    Reply.Fedor I. Girenok - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):313-314.
  21.  4
    Historical materialism--the marxist sociology.Fedor Vasilʹevich Konstantinov - 1965 - [Moscow]: Novosti Press Agency Pub. House. Edited by Vladislav Zhanovich Kelle.
  22.  8
    Materializm historyczny.Fedor Vasil'evič Konstantinov (ed.) - 1956 - [Warszawa]: Książka i Wiedza.
  23.  6
    (1 other version)Further papers of Stcherbatsky.Fedor Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoĭ - 1971 - [Calcutta]: Indian Studies, Past & Present. Edited by Harish C. Gupta & Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya.
    A short report on the trip to India.--Philosophical doctrine of Buddhism.--Logic in ancient India.--The doctrine of categorical imperative in the Brāhmaṇas.
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  24. Filosofiia individualʹnosti.Fedor Shperk - 1895
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    (1 other version)Philosophy of Religion. An Almanac. Volumes I & II.Fedor Stanzhevskiy - 2010 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 15 (2):446-457.
  26.  28
    Some Historical Sources of the Apparent Intuitive Truth of Individualism.Fedor Stanzhevskiy - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (1):38-69.
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  27. Ent︠s︡iklopedīi︠a︡ prava.Fedor Vasilʹevich Taranovskiĭ - 1923 - [Berlin]:
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  28. Uchit li religii︠a︡ dobru?Fedor Semenovich Taratunskiĭ - 1964
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  29.  40
    Fire and heat: Yaḥyā B. ʿadī and avicenna on the essentiality of being substance or accident.Fedor Benevich - 2017 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 27 (2):237-267.
    Avicenna's analysis of the definition of substance and accident repeatedly emphasizes two points: one and the same essence cannot be substance in one instance and accident in another; whetherxis extrinsic or intrinsic for an underlying subject,ydoes not tell us anything as to whetherxis substance or not. Both points are development in an argument against certain unnamed people who claimed the opposite. In this article I will show that Avicenna's opponents are to be identified with the mainstream Baghdad Peripatetic School which (...)
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  30.  24
    Traditions of American ‘Democracy’.Fedor Kapelusz - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (4):272-293.
    This is a translation of an article which appeared in 1928 in the journal Red Virgin Soil (Krasnaya nov) founded by Aleksandr Voronsky. Its author, the Russian Marxist Fedor Kapelusz, makes use of the now largely-ignored book of Algie Simons, Social Forces in American History (1911). In comparing America’s past to its present, Kapelusz offers a sharp political assessment and at the same time a contribution to the materialist conception of American history.
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  31.  6
    How strong are single fixed points of normal functions?Anton Freund - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):709-732.
    In a recent paper by M. Rathjen and the present author it has been shown that the statement “every normal function has a derivative” is equivalent to $\Pi ^1_1$ -bar induction. The equivalence was proved over $\mathbf {ACA_0}$, for a suitable representation of normal functions in terms of dilators. In the present paper, we show that the statement “every normal function has at least one fixed point” is equivalent to $\Pi ^1_1$ -induction along the natural numbers.
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  32.  12
    On the revision of preferences and rational inference processes.Michael Freund - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 152 (1):105-137.
  33.  11
    Lettres de la vallée: méditations philosophiques et politiques.Julien Freund - 2021 - Paris: La Nouvelle Librairie éditions. Edited by Gilles Banderier.
    "À son décès, Julien Freund laissait parmi ses papiers un recueil de textes inédits, sous forme épistolaire, adressés à ses amis et collègues : les Lettres de la vallée. Dans ces méditations, rédigées en sa retraite vosgienne - qui n'est pas sans évoquer la Hütte de Heidegger, de l'autre côté du Rhin - et loin des servitudes propres aux écrits universitaires, l'auteur de L'Essence du politique s'exprime en toute liberté, à bâtons rompus, sur ses sujets de prédilection (le politique, (...)
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  34.  31
    Essentialität Und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna Und Die Aristotelische Tradition.Fedor Benevich - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    In _Essentialität und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition_ stellt Fedor Benevich Avicennas Theorie der Essenz und der wissenschaftlichen Bestimmung essentieller und notwendiger Attribute in einem historischen Kontext der aristotelischen Tradition. In _Essentialität und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition_ Fedor Benevich presents Avicenna’s theory of essence and the scientific determination of essential and necessary attributes in its historical context of the Aristotelian tradition.
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    Education for Populism: Systemic Indoctrination and Closed-Mindedness.Fedor Korochkin - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (1):63-78.
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    Predication and sortal concepts.Max A. Freund - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):3085-3106.
    We shall distinguish between sortal predication and standard predication. The former kind of predication necessarily involves sortal concepts but the latter, as it is customarily viewed, does not. It is generally thought that the only essential occurrence of a concept in a standard predication is the concept being predicated. In this paper, we shall put forward an alternative view. We shall propose to understand standard predication as a cognitive act essentially requiring sortal concepts. We shall call this view conceptual predication (...)
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  37.  21
    A note on ordinal exponentiation and derivatives of normal functions.Anton Freund - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (3):326-335.
    Michael Rathjen and the present author have shown that ‐bar induction is equivalent to (a suitable formalization of) the statement that every normal function has a derivative, provably in. In this note we show that the base theory can be weakened to. Our argument makes crucial use of a normal function f with and. We shall also exhibit a normal function g with and.
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  38.  17
    What is effective transfinite recursion in reverse mathematics?Anton Freund - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):479-483.
    In the context of reverse mathematics, effective transfinite recursion refers to a principle that allows us to construct sequences of sets by recursion along arbitrary well orders, provided that each set is ‐definable relative to the previous stages of the recursion. It is known that this principle is provable in. In the present note, we argue that a common formulation of effective transfinite recursion is too restrictive. We then propose a more liberal formulation, which appears very natural and is still (...)
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  39.  22
    Computable aspects of the Bachmann–Howard principle.Anton Freund - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):2050006.
    We have previously established that [Formula: see text]-comprehension is equivalent to the statement that every dilator has a well-founded Bachmann–Howard fixed point, over [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we show that the base theory can be lowered to [Formula: see text]. We also show that the minimal Bachmann–Howard fixed point of a dilator [Formula: see text] can be represented by a notation system [Formula: see text], which is computable relative to [Formula: see text]. The statement that [Formula: see text] (...)
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  40.  39
    Problem solving stages in the five square problem.Anna Fedor, Eörs Szathmáry & Michael Öllinger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:135954.
    According to the restructuring hypothesis, insight problem solving typically progresses through consecutive stages of search, impasse, insight, and search again for someone, who solves the task. The order of these stages was determined through self-reports of problem solvers and has never been verified behaviorally. We asked whether individual analysis of problem solving attempts of participants revealed the same order of problem solving stages as defined by the theory and whether their subjective feelings corresponded to the problem solving stages they were (...)
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  41.  96
    Nonmonotonic reasoning: From finitary relations to infinitary inference operations.Michael Freund & Daniel Lehmann - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (2):161 - 201.
    A. Tarski [22] proposed the study of infinitary consequence operations as the central topic of mathematical logic. He considered monotonicity to be a property of all such operations. In this paper, we weaken the monotonicity requirement and consider more general operations, inference operations. These operations describe the nonmonotonic logics both humans and machines seem to be using when infering defeasible information from incomplete knowledge. We single out a number of interesting families of inference operations. This study of infinitary inference operations (...)
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  42.  18
    Predicative collapsing principles.Anton Freund - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):511-530.
    We show that arithmetical transfinite recursion is equivalent to a suitable formalization of the following: For every ordinal \alpha there exists an ordinal /beta such that 1 + \beta \cdot (\beta + \alpha) admits an almost order preserving collapse into \beta. Arithmetical comprehension is equivalent to a statement of the same form, with \beta \cdot \alpha at the place of \beta \cdot (\beta + \alpha). We will also characterise the principles that any set is contained in a countable coded ω-model (...)
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  43.  46
    Supracompact inference operations.Michael Freund - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (3):457 - 481.
    When a proposition is cumulatively entailed by a finite setA of premisses, there exists, trivially, a finite subsetB ofA such thatB B entails for all finite subsetsB that are entailed byA. This property is no longer valid whenA is taken to be an arbitrary infinite set, even when the considered inference operation is supposed to be compact. This leads to a refinement of the classical definition of compactness. We call supracompact the inference operations that satisfy the non-finitary analogue of the (...)
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  44.  36
    Corrigendum to Reducing ω-model reflection to iterated syntactic reflection.Fedor Pakhomov & James Walsh - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (3).
    We fix a gap in a proof in our paper Reducing ω-model reflection to iterated syntactic reflection.
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    On a Question of Krajewski's.Fedor Pakhomov & Albert Visser - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):343-358.
    In this paper, we study finitely axiomatizable conservative extensions of a theoryUin the case whereUis recursively enumerable and not finitely axiomatizable. Stanisław Krajewski posed the question whether there are minimal conservative extensions of this sort. We answer this question negatively.Consider a finite expansion of the signature ofUthat contains at least one predicate symbol of arity ≥ 2. We show that, for any finite extensionαofUin the expanded language that is conservative overU, there is a conservative extensionβofUin the expanded language, such that$\alpha (...)
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  46. Проблема систематизації філософських категорій: Історико-філософська концептуалізація.Fedor Vlasenko - 2017 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 69:37-43.
    The article attempts to explain the difficulty of systematization of philosophical categories. Philosophical categories are defined as common forms of cognitive and world view attitude of the man to the nature, society and his own existence. The article also analyses basic approaches to the process of creating the system of philosophical categories in the history of philosophical thought. The review of the major historical phases of philosophical interpretation of categories allows to state the existence of the problematic issue connected with (...)
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  47.  12
    Preferential reasoning in the perspective of Poole default logic.Michael Freund - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 98 (1-2):209-235.
  48.  22
    Out of mind, out of heart: Attention affects duration of emotional experience.Alexandra M. Freund & Andreas Keil - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):549-557.
  49. An analysis of judicial reasoning.Paul A. Freund - 1964 - In Sidney Hook (ed.), Law and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
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  50.  43
    On the confirmation of scientific theories.John E. Freund - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (1):87-94.
    It has been questioned whether it is at all possible to give the term “probability” one uniform and consistent interpretation not merely in mathematics, statistics, evaluation of evidence, testing of hypotheses but also in any situation where we want to express a degree of belief. The question itself of assigning a probability to our belief in a scientific theory has raised important questions of an epistemological as well as mathematical nature.
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