Results for 'Felix Thoemmes'

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  1.  13
    Commentary: Causal Effects in Mediation Modeling: An Introduction with Applications to Latent Variables.Emil N. Coman, Felix Thoemmes & Judith Fifield - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  2.  40
    Does Gender of Administrator Matter? National Study Explores U.S. University Administrators' Attitudes About Retaining Women Professors in STEM.Wendy M. Williams, Agrima Mahajan, Felix Thoemmes, Susan M. Barnett, Francoise Vermeylen, Brian M. Cash & Stephen J. Ceci - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:204041.
    Omnipresent calls for more women in university administration assume these women will prioritize using resources and power to increase female representation, especially in STEM fields where women are most underrepresented. However, empirical evidence is lacking for systematic differences in female versus male administrators’ attitudes. Do female administrators agree on which strategies are best, and do men see things differently? To answer this question, we explored United States college and university administrators’ opinions regarding policies, strategies, and structural changes in their organizations (...)
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  3. Drei Freischärler des Geistes : Ernst Jünger, Horst Janssen und Bob Dylan.Johannes Thoemmes - 2015 - In Georg Knapp, Freiheit. Tübingen: Attempto Verlag Tübingen.
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    Introduction.Jens Thoemmes - 2014 - Temporalités 20.
    La revue Temporalités a 10 ans. Cette simple phrase est juste, mais elle dissimule néanmoins tout un processus qui a mené de la parution d’un premier bulletin, en 1984, à sa reconnaissance largement établie dans le monde académique en 2014. À cet anniversaire de 10 ans se rajoute donc l’anniversaire des 30 ans de l’idée même énoncée par le fondateur du bulletin, William Grossin, de créer un instrument de liaison entre chercheurs attachés aux études temporelles en sciences humaine..
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    Kann noch Heimat sein?: Variationen zu den letzten von Martin Heidegger niedergeschriebenen Worten.Martin Thoemmes - 2012 - Hagen-Berchum: Eisenhut Verlag.
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    Philosophy News.Thoemmes Antiquarian - 1997 - Cogito 11 (2):137.
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    Hegel: Early British Studies.Thoemmes Press (ed.) - 1990 - Routledge.
    The discovery and interpretation of Hegel by British philosophers, most of them trained in the empirical tradition, is one of the most fascinating confrontations in the intellectual history of more recent British philosophy. Forgotten and ignored by English scholars, British Idealism, although short-lived, has recently been rediscovered as an important philosophical movement in its own right.
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  8. What We Together Can (Be Required to) Do.Felix Pinkert - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):187-202.
    In moral and political philosophy, collective obligations are promising “gap-stoppers” when we find that we need to assert some obligation, but can not plausibly ascribe this obligation to individual agents. Most notably, Bill Wringe and Jesse Tomalty discuss whether the obligations that correspond to socio-economic human rights are held by states or even by humankind at large. The present paper aims to provide a missing piece for these discussions, namely an account of the conditions under which obligations can apply to (...)
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  9. What If I Cannot Make a Difference (and Know It).Felix Pinkert - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):971-998.
    When several agents together produce suboptimal outcomes, yet no individual could have made a difference for the better, Act Consequentialism counterintuitively judges that all involved agents act rightly. I address this problem by supplementing Act Consequentialism with a requirement of modal robustness: Agents not only ought to produce best consequences in the actual world, but they also ought to be such that they would act optimally in certain counterfactual scenarios. I interpret this Modally Robust Act Consequentialism as Act Consequentialism plus (...)
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    Procreative Prerogatives and Climate Change.Felix Pinkert & Martin Sticker - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):44-66.
    One of the most provocative claims in current climate ethics is that we ought to have fewer children, because procreation brings new people into existence and thereby causes large amounts of additional greenhouse gas emissions. The public debate about procreation and climate change is frequently framed in terms of the question of whether people may still have any children at all. Yet in the academic debate it is a common position that, despite the large carbon impact of procreation, it is (...)
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  11. Procreation, Footprint and Responsibility for Climate Change.Felix Pinkert & Martin Sticker - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (3):293-321.
    Several climate ethicists have recently argued that having children is morally equivalent to over-consumption, and contributes greatly to parents’ personal carbon footprints. We show that these claims are mistaken, for two reasons. First, including procreation in parents’ carbon footprints double-counts children’s consumption emissions, once towards their own, and once towards their parents’ footprints. We show that such double-counting defeats the chief purpose of the concept of carbon footprint, namely to measure the sustainability and equitability of one’s activities and choices. Furthermore, (...)
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  12.  32
    Épistémès temporelles et conflits armés. Introduction.Thomas Lindemann & Jens Thoemmes - 2015 - Temporalités 21.
    Malgré l’ubiquité de la question des temporalités avant, pendant, et même après la guerre, très peu d’études ont systématisé la façon dont les visions temporelles structurent la décision d’un recours à la force armée et à la praxis de la guerre. Dans les grandes théories de la guerre, le temps est le plus souvent appréhendé de manière objectiviste, au singulier, supposant l’univocité universel..
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    In Memoriam.Jean-Marc Thoemmes Ramos - 2024 - Temporalités 39.
    La revue _Temporalités_ est une nouvelle fois endeuillée avec la disparition de l’un ses proches collaborateurs. Nous avons appris en effet le décès de Max Reinert survenu à Brest, le dimanche 28 janvier. Il avait 80 ans. Max avait exercé ses compétences d’ingénieur de recherche dans divers laboratoires dont le dernier fut le PRINTEMPS. Claude Dubar qui en était le Directeur en 2004 avait tenu à associer notre ami aux travaux de l’équipe fondatrice de la revue. Son implication dans le (...)
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    Rethinking the role of sham TMS.Felix Duecker & Alexander T. Sack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Mark Burgin’s Contribution to the Foundation of Mathematics.Felix M. Lev - 2023 - Philosophies 9 (1):8.
    In this paper, I attempt to describe Mark Burgin’s results in non-Diophantine mathematics, which are important for the foundation of mathematics and its application in quantum field theory. In particular, the elimination of divergences in quantum electrodynamics is described.
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  16. Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlung Vol.Felix Klein - 1921 - Springer Verlag.
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    When are collective obligations too demanding?Felix Pinkert - 2018 - In Kendy Hess, Violetta Igneski & Tracy Lynn Isaacs, Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics, and Social Justice. Nw York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    The Infinite in Mathematics.Felix Kaufmann & Brian Mcguinness - 1978 - Philosophical Review 89 (1):137-140.
  19.  22
    Deliberation for autonomous robots: A survey.Félix Ingrand & Malik Ghallab - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):10-44.
  20. Machiavelli and Guicciardini.Felix Gilbert - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (3):263-266.
  21. Bilattices with Implications.Félix Bou & Umberto Rivieccio - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (4):651-675.
    In a previous work we studied, from the perspective ofAlgebraic Logic, the implicationless fragment of a logic introduced by O. Arieli and A. Avron using a class of bilattice-based logical matrices called logical bilattices. Here we complete this study by considering the Arieli-Avron logic in the full language, obtained by adding two implication connectives to the standard bilattice language. We prove that this logic is algebraizable and investigate its algebraic models, which turn out to be distributive bilattices with additional implication (...)
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    Strata of experience.Felix Kaufmann - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (3):313-324.
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  23.  25
    Schelling: filosofía de la revelación como dialéctica de la historia.Félix Duque - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (3).
    RESUMENLa filosofía del último Schelling debiera entenderse más bien como una hermenéutica de la libertad, cuyos soportes metódicos serían la dialéctica y la narración. La primera, al contrario de la hegeliana, se escendiría en un desequilibrio que pasa a tensión por contraposición de los extremos y que es al fin superada por un tercer término que se yergue libremente sobre los dos pasos anteriores: una dialéctica, pues, discontinua por superación, no por asunción. A su vez, y en una recuperación suo (...)
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    La teoría (de la secesión) de la minoría permanente a la luz de la democracia deliberativa.Félix Ovejero - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (18):45-68.
    Este artículo utiliza la perspectiva de la democracia deliberativa para evaluar la teoría de la minoría permanente como posible motivo de secesión. Según esta teoría, los catalanes constituyen minorías permanentes que, en ningún caso, podrían obtener las mayorías parlamentarias que les permitan separarse. Históricamente, esta circunstancia habría propiciado las condiciones para un abuso permanente. Hoy en día, impediría el éxito de los procesos de secesión, lo que no dejaría otra alternativa que eludir los medios democráticos. El artículo concluye que este (...)
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    The Evolution and Function of Cognition.Felix E. Goodson - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    Appropriate as a textbook for graduate courses, _The Evolution and Function of Cognition_ provides a systematic and progressively inclusive integration of the facts and principles of cognitive psychology. It includes contributions of information processing and reaction, and emphasizes historical continuity. In addition, the book shows how evolutionary psychology fits in with the mainstream of thought in psychological theory. _The Evolution and Function of Cognition_ will benefit scholars and researchers interested in the general topics of evolutionary psychology and cognitive science.
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    De la vida buena a la procura auténtica. El viejo Aristóteles y el joven Heidegger.Félix Duque - 2020 - Studia Heideggeriana 9:161-182.
    Contra el “Yo soy” de la Modernidad, explicitado y hasta ejecutado como “Yo soy uno de tantos”, Heidegger realza con Kierkegaard el instante ejemplar de la “repetición”. Es ella la que llama a Heidegger desde Aristóteles, “repetido” desde las nociones de pólis y philía, con centro cordial en el eû zên. Ello implica una mutación de la idea religiosa de “culpa” en el rasgo existentivo de la “deuda” de estar-siendo-sidos: cada uno de nosotros somos deudores de la existencia del otro, (...)
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  27.  29
    Jacob Burckhardt's Student Years: the Road to Cultural History.Felix Gilbert - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (2):249.
  28.  45
    Intersubjectivity and ecology: Habermas on natural history.Felix Kämper - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):520-531.
  29.  20
    Carl Schmitts Reichsordnung: Strategie Für Einen Europäischen Großraum.Felix Blindow - 1999 - De Gruyter.
    Carl Schmitt hat in seiner Schrift 'Völkerrechtliche Großraumordnung mit Interventionsverbot für raumfremde Mächte' von 1939 versucht, dem Reichsbegriff zu einer völkerrechtlichen Renaissance zu verhelfen. 'Reich' ist bei ihm gedacht als Kern einer europäischen Hegemonialordnung. Die Präsentation dieser Konzeption hat im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland sofort eine lebhafte Debatte ausgelöst. Der Verfasser versucht, sie nachzuzeichnen, wobei auf bisher unveröffentlichte Dokumente aus dem umfangreichen Nachlass Carl Schmitts zurückgegriffen wird. Der Autor weist auch auf die Parallelen zwischen Schmitts Konzeption vom 'totalen Staat' und jene vom (...)
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  30.  19
    Hegel, la «edad heroica» y el Islam.Félix Duque - 2018 - Pensamiento 74 (280):387-409.
    Confrontado el actual modo global de vida y de pensamiento con el fenómeno ubicuo del llamado «terrorismo internacional», centrado en el yihadismo islamista, parece conveniente explorar la genealogía de la tormentosa relación de Occidente con el mundo islámico, a través de la poderosa lente —no exenta de ideología eurocristocéntrica— de la filosofía hegeliana, lo cual quizá permita ir poniendo al descubierto los juicios y prejuicios que, profundamente soterrados, moran entre una y otra cosmovisión, basados en buena medida en diferencias «religiosas» (...)
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    Part 2 – primary health care workforce policy intricacies: multidisciplinary team1 case analysis.Margot Félix-Bortolotti - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):400-404.
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    An Unpublished Letter from Herbert of Cherbury to Grotius on the Expeditio in Ream Insulam: Commentary, Text, and Translation.Felix Waldmann - 2018 - Grotiana 39 (1):1-14.
  33. Salvific Community. Part One: Ignatius of Loyola.Felix Körner - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (3):593-609.
    What is salvific community for Ignatius of Loyola? It is communion with Christ, a dynamic for which Ignatius used the expression ‹societies Jesu›. This wording has a revealing intertextuality. ‹Societas› is the Vulgate’s rendering of Pauline and Johannine koinōnia: «sharing in (Christ)». The NT overtones of the Ignatian experience of communion can be explored regarding a theology of relationship (person), of action (history) and of the Church (representation). Being a person is understood as being friend and servant, history as the (...)
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  34. Der Gott Israels, Jesu und Muhanmmds? Trinitätstheologie als Regula im interreligiösen Gespräch.Felix Körner - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (1):139-158.
    The article analyses the problems and possibilities in saying that Judaism, Christianity and Islam ‹have the same God›.
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    The Reception of Sophocles' Representation of Physical Pain.Felix Budelmann - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (4):443-467.
    Two of Sophocles' surviving tragedies contain scenes that portray the main character in excruciating pain for a sustained period of time: Philoctetes and Trachiniae. This article discusses three important stages in the reception history of these pain scenes: (1) Hercules Oetaeus, attributed to Seneca, (2) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Laocoon treatise, and (3) recent European adaptations. In each case, it analyzes how the later playwrights, directors, and theorists responded to certain complexities inherent in Sophocles' representation of pain. The conclusion considers this (...)
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  36. Schelling. La naturaleza - en dios, o los problemas de un guión.Félix Duque - 2007 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 40:7-28.
    Mediante un análisis de la escritura schellingiana, en cuanto combinación de narración y retórica, se intenta esclarecer el pasaje capital de las Investigaciones filosóficas de 1809, relativo a la naturaleza — en Dios: un problema que conlleva la escisión primordial entre el fondo divino y su existencia, con la consiguiente apertura de una difícil libertad, humana, demasiado humana.
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    Relevance and the Role of Labels in Categorization.Felix Gervits, Megan Johanson & Anna Papafragou - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13395.
    Language has been shown to influence the ability to form categories. Nevertheless, in most prior work, the effects of language could have been bolstered by the fact that linguistic labels were introduced by the experimenter prior to the categorization task in ways that could have highlighted their relevance for the task. Here, we compared the potency of labels to that of other non‐linguistic cues on how people categorized novel, perceptually ambiguous natural kinds (e.g., flowers or birds). Importantly, we varied whether (...)
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    Stability based on single-agent deviations in additively separable hedonic games.Felix Brandt, Martin Bullinger & Leo Tappe - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 334 (C):104160.
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    The English face of Machiavelli.Felix Raab - 1964 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    This is an important work of scholarship with regard to Machiavelli and the development of political thought in England. It charts the reactions of successive English thinkers to Machiavelli’s challenge, and the different aspects of Machiavelli’s thought which were perceived in the changing context of English history. There is the Machiavelli of Catholic and Protestant reformers, the Machiavelli of Raleigh and Bacon, of the royalist Clarendon and the republican Harrington. Through their eyes the reader can see the gradual process whereby (...)
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    Euhemerus and Euhemerism in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.Felix Schlichter - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (4):653-683.
    This paper looks at the way in which scholars of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries conceptualized the relationship between sacred history and pagan mythology through the lens of their approach to the ancient Greek writer Euhemerus. It argues that the popular contemporary tendency to equate Euhemerism with the historical interpretation of pagan mythology is the product of early eighteenth century French mythography, during which time scholars divested the study of pagan myth from the study of biblical history and thereby sought (...)
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  41. La fuga del Universo.Félix Duque - 1990 - Giornale di Metafisica 12 (2):183.
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    (1 other version)Libertad y comunidad en Hegel.Félix Duque - 2004 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 60:5-17.
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    An inversion in the wiring of an intercellular signal: evolution of Wnt signaling in the nematode vulva.Marie-Anne Félix - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (8):765-769.
    Signal transduction pathways are largely conserved throughout the animal kingdom. The repertoire of pathways is limited and each pathway is used in different intercellular signaling events during the development of a given animal. For example, Wnt signaling is recruited, sometimes redundantly with other molecular pathways, in four cell specification events during Caenorhabditis elegans vulva development, including the activation of vulval differentiation. Strikingly,a recent study finds that Wnts act to repress vulval differentiation in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus,1 demonstrating evolutionary flexibility in (...)
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    Validity of personality measurement in adults with anxiety disorders: psychometric properties of the Spanish NEO-FFI-R using Rasch analyses.Felix Inchausti, Joe Mole, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero & Javier Ortuño-Sierra - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Neuere Literatur zur deutschen Wehrwirtschaft.Felix Weil - 1938 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 7 (1-2):200-218.
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    On weakening the Deduction Theorem and strengthening Modus Ponens.Félix Bou, Josep Maria Font & José Luis García Lapresta - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (3):303-324.
    This paper studies, with techniques ofAlgebraic Logic, the effects of putting a bound on the cardinality of the set of side formulas in the Deduction Theorem, viewed as a Gentzen-style rule, and of adding additional assumptions inside the formulas present in Modus Ponens, viewed as a Hilbert-style rule. As a result, a denumerable collection of new Gentzen systems and two new sentential logics have been isolated. These logics are weaker than the positive implicative logic. We have determined their algebraic models (...)
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    Rational choice.Felix E. Oppenheim - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (12):341-350.
  48.  42
    Hábito y conflicto en Hegel.Félix Duque - 2021 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (4):e21074.
    Nada más habitual que el hábito. Y, sin embargo, de seguir a Aristóteles, no existirían virtudes entre nosotros, o sea: aptitudes y habilidades que acaban por configurar la existencia humana. En este ensayo se examina el desarrollo dialéctico del hábito en Hegel, desde la Antropología hasta la Eticidad : en el plano individual, desde el estado fetal y el desvarío en el alma sentiente hasta el autosentimiento de sí y el nacimiento del Yo; en el plano colectivo, se atiende más (...)
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    Apropiación cultural como injusticia epistémica. Sobre el problema de hablar por otros.Felix Alejandro Cristiá Batista - 2021 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (1):65-81.
    El presente texto aborda el problema de la apropiación cultural desde la injusticia epistémica y la ignorancia activa, es decir, teniendo como base el perjuicio a los sujetos como fuentes de conocimiento. La apropiación cultural debería ser entendida como una forma de injusticia epistémica que: a) involucra necesariamente una reducción de credibilidad de los sujetos como fuentes de información según estereotipos establecidos por los grupos hegemónicos; b) la apropiación epistémica de su producción cultural; y c) la gestión de la ignorancia (...)
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    Símbolo e intelecto en la filosofía de Jámblico: en torno a "De Mysteriis" 2.11.20-41.María Jesús Hermoso Félix - 2014 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 47:135-153.
    en el presente artículo abordamos la cuestión de la naturaleza del símbolo en la filosofía de Jámblico a través del análisis del pasaje de De Mysteriis 2.11.20-41. este pasaje ha servido de apoyo a la exégesis que ve en el símbolo un elemento apartado del intelecto. Según esta lectura, el símbolo habría sido introducido por Jámblico para salvar la debilidad del alma humana ante lo divino. éste habría dejado de confiar en las capacidades del hombre, abriéndose al ámbito de la (...)
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