Results for 'Feng Zhan'

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  1.  23
    Learning Burnout: Evaluating the Role of Social Support in Medical Students.Jia-Yu Zhang, Tao Shu, Ming Xiang & Zhan-Chun Feng - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Burnout is a stress-induced syndrome considered to be closely related to work. Although social support could relief burnout syndrome, its effect on learning burnout in medical students remains unclear. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the association between learning burnout and social support in Chinese medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was distributed to students who participated in online learning in a medical college in Wuhan during the COVID-19 epidemic. We used the Lian version of the Maslach (...)
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    Reproductive health status, knowledge, and access to health care among female migrants in Shanghai, China.Wang Feng, Ping Ren, Zhan Shaokang & Shen Anan - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):603.
    As the largest labour flow in human history, the recent rise in migration in China has opened up unprecedented opportunities for millions of Chinese to rearrange their lives. At the same time, this process has also posed great challenges to Chinese migrants, especially female migrants, who not only face a bias against ‘outsiders’ but also have a greater need for reproductive health-related services in their migratory destinations. Based on data collected via multiple sources in Shanghai, China’s largest metropolis, this study (...)
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    Wu Rulun yu Fuze Yuji jiao yu si xiang bi jiao yan jiu: ji yu she hui bian qian shi jiao.Feng Zhan - 2013 - Hefei Shi: Anhui jiao yu chu ban she.
  4.  63
    Multiple Neural Networks Malfunction in Primary Blepharospasm: An Independent Components Analysis.Xiao-Feng Huang, Meng-Ru Zhu, Ping Shan, Chen-Hui Pei, Zhan-Hua Liang, Hui-Ling Zhou, Ming-Fei Ni, Yan-Wei Miao, Guo-Qing Xu, Bing-Wei Zhang & Ya-Yin Luo - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  5.  25
    Processing Self-Related Information Under Non-attentional Conditions Revealed by Visual MMN.Sizhe Cheng, Xinhong Li, Qingchen Zhan, Yapei Wang, Yaning Guo, Wei Huang, Yang Cao, Tingwei Feng, Hui Wang, Shengjun Wu, Fei An, Xiuchao Wang, Lun Zhao & Xufeng Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Mismatch negativity of event-related potentials is a biomarker reflecting the preattentional change detection under non-attentional conditions. This study was performed to explore whether high self-related information could elicit MMN in the visual channel, indicating the automatic processing of self-related information at the preattentional stage. Thirty-five participants were recruited and asked to list 25 city names including the birthplace. According to the difference of relevance reported from the participants, we divided names of the different cities into high, medium, and low self-related (...)
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    Equity Incentives and Corporate Fraud in China.Lars Helge Hass, Monika Tarsalewska & Feng Zhan - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (4):723-742.
    This paper explores how managers’ and supervisors’ equity incentives impact the likelihood of committing corporate fraud in Chinese-listed firms. Previous research has shown that corporate fraud in China is a widespread phenomenon and has severe consequences for affected firms and executives. However, our understanding of the reasons that fraud is committed in a Chinese setting has been very limited thus far. This is an increasingly important topic, because corporate governance is rapidly changing in China, and it is unclear whether adopting (...)
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  7. Feng Youlan zhe xue si xiang yan jiu.Zhan'guo Chen - 1999 - Beijing Shi: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Shuang feng bing zhi, er shui fen liu: Zhu Guangqian Zong Baihua mei xue bi jiao yan jiu.Zhan Xiao - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Yi dai zhe ren Feng Youlan.Zhan'guo Chen - 2011 - Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she. Edited by Renyu Wang.
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    Zhan zheng chong tu de zhan lüe yu jun shi de zhe xue =.Feng Liu - 2009 - Ha'erbin Shi: Ha'erbin chu ban she. Edited by Nuo Xu.
    本书共分10章, 内容包括:"国之大事:战争的经度与纬度", "战略类型:'八面玲珑'与'十面埋伏'", "智库:战略思维与军事哲学范本", "兵道至上:较量与交锋的利器"等.
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    Wei wu shi guan de xing cheng he fa zhan shi gang yao =.Jingyuan Feng - 2014 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
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  12. (1 other version)Zhongguo gu dai zhe xue di luo ji fa zhan.Qi Feng - 1983 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo jing xiao.
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  13. Chu tu wen xian yu ru dao guan xi.Feng Cao (ed.) - 2012 - Guilin Shi: Lijiang chu ban she.
    Chu tu wen xian yu ru dao guan xi " nei rong jian jie: ru dao guan xi shi yi xiang gui mo hong da de yan jiu ke ti, ta she ji daozheng ge Zhongguo si xiang shi de nei zai jie gou he fa zhan guo cheng, she ji dao Zhongguo wen hua jin hou de zou xiang, yi yi zhong da. Er shi shi ji yi hou, yi huo de le shu liang ke guan de yan (...)
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    Yin ni de feng yan: Zheng Guanying shang zhan feng yun lu.Zhizhong An - 2018 - Beijing Shi: Dang dai shi jie chu ban she.
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    Jie du Feng Youlan: Zhongguo zhe xue de fa zhan.Changcheng Liu - 2010 - [Beijing]: Jiu zhou chu ban she.
  16.  15
    Zhongguo xian dai zhi jue lun yan jiu.jun Hu - 2014 - Beijing Shi: Beijing ta xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu xi tong jie shi le zhi jue lun si xiang zai zhong guo xian dai zhe xue fa zhan yan bian de gui ji, Fen xi le liang shu ming, Xiong shi li, Feng you lan, He lin, Mou zong san, Fang dong mei, Tang jun yi deng ren yun yong zhi jue fang fa lai jian gou ge zi zhe xue si xiang ti xi zhi de yu shi, Ji you zhuan ti yan jiu de (...)
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    Song Ming li xue yu Ming dai wen xue.Kefu Song - 2013 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu tan tao le Song Ming li xue yu Ming dai wen xue de guan xi, bing yi ren ge feng fan wei zhong dian shen ru yan jiu le Ming dai wen xue de chuang zuo yu liu bian, jian gou le Ming dai wen xue de chuang zuo yu liu bian jian gou le Ming dai wen xue de fa zhan ti xi, dui Ming dai zhong yao zuo jia, zuo pin ti chu le du (...)
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  18. Zhan Jianfeng xue shu lun zhu xuan.Jianfeng Zhan - 1997 - Wuhan: Hua zhong shi fan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Dasong Zhang.
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    Zhan Ruoshui quan ji.Ruoshui Zhan - 2020 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Mingtong Huang.
    现存湛若水著作有数百卷之巨,版本系统较为复杂,重要刻本分藏海峡两岸,造成相关文献整理的严重滞后.本次整理在细致全面的版本调查基础上利用了湛若水著作的所有现存版本,择优确定底本校本,加以校勘,标点,为读 者贡献出一部完整的湛若水著作集成.全套书共二十二册,本册为第十六册.
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  20. Religion, the Nature of Ultimate Owner, and Corporate Philanthropic Giving: Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du, Wei Jian, Yingjie Du, Wentao Feng & Quan Zeng - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):235-256.
    Using a sample of Chinese listed firms for the period of 2004–2010, this study examines the impact of religion on corporate philanthropic giving. Based on hand-collected data of religion and corporate philanthropic giving, we provide strong and robust evidence that religion is significantly positively associated with Chinese listed firms’ philanthropic giving. This finding is consistent with the view that religiosity has remarkable effects on individual thinking and behavior, and can serve as social norms to influence corporate philanthropy. Moreover, religion and (...)
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  21. Feng Youlan shou gao = Feng Youlan Manuscripts.Youlan Feng - 1939 - [China],:
    The collection contains published and unpublished essays, lecture transcripts, notes, poems, etc., often with handwritten edits and comments. Topics vary, with a focus on Chinese philosophy, comparison of Chinese and Western thought, contemporary intellectual and social reform movements, biographical reflections and self-criticism. The collection may reflect how 20th century political developments, especially the Cultural Revolution, impacted Feng Youlan's thought.
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  22. Short-term meditation increases blood flow in anterior cingulate cortex and insula.Yi-Yuan Tang, Qilin Lu, Hongbo Feng, Rongxiang Tang & Michael I. Posner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  23. I am no abstract object: a novel challenge to mind uploading.Xinyi Zhan - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-17.
    Mind uploading—the transference of mind from a biological brain to a computer— offers the alluring possibility of immortality. This paper provides a novel challenge to mind uploading, focusing on the distinction between abstract objects and concrete individuals. Uploads are abstract objects, while currently, persons are concrete indi- viduals. This presents a dilemma: if the mind is concrete, uploading it to a computer is impossible. Alternatively, if mind uploading is feasible, the resulting abstract upload cannot be numerically identical to the original (...)
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  24. Feng Ding wen ji.Ding Feng & Feng Ding Wen Ji Bian Ji Zu - 1987 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Feng Dawen zi xuan ji =.Dawen Feng - 2017 - Guangzhou Shi: Zhongshan da xue chu ban she.
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    Feng Jingyuan wen ji.Jingyuan Feng - 1999 - Zhengzhou Shi: Zhong zhou gu ji chu ban she.
  27. Feng Qi xue shu.Qi Feng & Weiping Chen - 1999 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang ren min chu ban she. Edited by Weiping Chen.
  28.  11
    Feng Youlan du shu yu zuo ren.Youlan Feng - 2011 - Beijing: Guo ji wen hua chu ban gong si.
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  29. Feng Youlan de dao lu.Youlan Feng - 1974 - Edited by Youlan Feng.
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  30. Feng Youlan juan.Youlan Feng - 1996 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Weixi Hu.
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  31. Feng Youlan ji.Youlan Feng - 1993 - Beijing: Qun yan chu ban she. Edited by Kejian Huang & Xiaolong Wu.
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  32. Feng Youlan tan zhe xue.Youlan Feng - 2006 - Beijing: Dang dai shi jie chu ban she.
  33.  10
    Feng Youlan wen ji.Youlan Feng - 2008 - Changchun Shi: Changchun chu ban she. Edited by Hanming Shao & Zhongliang Zhang.
    Di 1 juan. San song tang zi xu -- di 2-3 juan. Zhongguo zhe xue shi -- di 4-5 juan. Zhen yuan liu shu -- di 6 juan. Zhongguo zhe xue jian shi [translation of Short history of Chinese philosophy] -- di 7-9 juan. Zhongguo zhe xue shi xin bian -- di 10 juan. Zhe xue lun wen ji.
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  34. Feng Youlan xuan ji =.Youlan Feng - 2005 - Changchun Shi: Jilin ren min chu ban she. Edited by Lai Chen.
  35. Feng Youlan xue shu jing hua lu.Youlan Feng - 1988 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian shou du fa xing suo fa xing.
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  36.  10
    Feng Youlan xue shu lun zhu zi xuan ji.Youlan Feng - 1992 - Beijing: Beijing shi fan xue yuan chu ban she.
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  37. Feng Youlan xue shu wen hua sui bi.Youlan Feng - 1996 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Zhonghua Li.
  38. Feng Youlan yu cui.Youlan Feng - 1993 - Beijing: Xinhua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Lai Chen.
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  39. Feng Youlan zi shu.Youlan Feng - 2004 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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  40.  14
    Feng Youlan zhe si lu.Youlan Feng - 2019 - Chengdu Shi: Tian di chu ban she.
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  41.  9
    Feng Youlan zi shu: wan nian zi shu xue lin chun qiu.Youlan Feng - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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  42. Feng shi wen jian ji.Feng Yan Zhuan - 1992 - In Chong Wang, 論衡: 外十一種. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  43.  28
    Industry Reputation Crisis and Firm Certification: A Co-evolution Perspective.Yanying Chen, Liang Ping & Feng Helen Liang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):761-780.
    Industry reputation crises trigger producers and consumers to switch to certification as a signal of quality, especially in a weak institutional environment. In this paper, we posit that firm certification as a signaling mechanism involves the co-evolution of firms and consumers. We investigate the impact of industry reputation crises on firm certification as a response strategy. Feedback between producers and consumers causes producers to seek more certifications over time to differentiate themselves from competitors. However, the proliferation of certifications may dilute (...)
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  44.  57
    Mean square exponential synchronization for impulsive coupled neural networks with time-varying delays and stochastic disturbances.Ze Tang, Ju H. Park, Tae H. Lee & Jianwen Feng - 2016 - Complexity 21 (5):190-202.
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    Dynamic Traffic Congestion Simulation and Dissipation Control Based on Traffic Flow Theory Model and Neural Network Data Calibration Algorithm.Li Wang, Shimin Lin, Jingfeng Yang, Nanfeng Zhang, Ji Yang, Yong Li, Handong Zhou, Feng Yang & Zhifu Li - 2017 - Complexity:1-11.
    Traffic congestion is a common problem in many countries, especially in big cities. At present, China’s urban road traffic accidents occur frequently, the occurrence frequency is high, the accident causes traffic congestion, and accidents cause traffic congestion and vice versa. The occurrence of traffic accidents usually leads to the reduction of road traffic capacity and the formation of traffic bottlenecks, causing the traffic congestion. In this paper, the formation and propagation of traffic congestion are simulated by using the improved medium (...)
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  46. A Case for Modal Fragmentalism.Yiwen Zhan - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1309-1328.
    The idea of fragmentalism has been proposed by Kit Fine as a non-standard view of tense realism. This paper examines a modal version of the view, called modal fragmentalism, which combines genuine realism and realism of modality. Modal fragmentalism has been recently discussed by Iaquinto. But unlike Iaquinto, who primarily focused on possibilities de re, in this paper, we focus on expressions of possibilities de dicto. We argue that the chief idea of modal realism should be that different worlds are (...)
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  47.  33
    When and How Underdog Expectations Promote Cheating Behavior: The Roles of Need Fulfillment and General Self-efficacy.Thomas M. Tripp, Kristine M. Kuhn, Zhiyu Feng & Teng Iat Loi - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):375-395.
    AbstractExtant research has demonstrated that underdog expectations—individuals’ perceptions that others view them as unlikely to succeed—can have positive implications for motivating performance. In this paper, we draw on self-determination theory to examine how and when underdog expectations can have detrimental consequences for both the employee and the organization. Specifically, we propose that underdog expectations can decrease employees’ need fulfillment, which in turn leads to more cheating behavior. Furthermore, we theorize that the indirect effect of underdog expectations on cheating behavior via (...)
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  48. The ¬K¬K rule and the structurally unknowable.Yiwen Zhan - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1-11.
    Rosenkranz (2021) offered a logic and a detailed account of justification, according to which justification that p can be analyzed as a form of second-level ignorance: ¬K¬Kp. An intuition behind the analysis is that the justified subject has the potential, at least in a nearby world, to either come to know p or come to know ¬Kp. However, given Rosenkranz’s hyperintensional semantics for modeling knowledge states, we can always construct, out of an ¬K¬K-agent’s knowledge state, epistemic possibilities that prohibit the (...)
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  49.  15
    A Difference of Past Self-Evaluation Between College Students With Low and High Socioeconomic Status: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Xinlei Zang, Kaige Jin & Feng Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Socioeconomic status refers to the social position or class according to their material and non-material social resources. We conducted a study with 60 college students to explore whether SES affects past self-evaluation and used event-related potentials in a self-reference task that required participants to judge whether the trait adjectives describing themselves 5 years ago were appropriate for them. Behavioral data showed that individuals’ positive past self-evaluations were significantly higher than individuals’ negative past self-evaluations, regardless of high or low SES. Individuals (...)
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  50.  36
    The practical turn in philosophy: A revival of the ancient art of living through modern philosophical practice.Xiaojun Ding, Peter Harteloh, Tianqun Pan & Feng Yu - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (4-5):517-534.
    Philosophical practice, an art of living rooted in ancient traditions, is enriched by modern techniques such as individual counseling, Socratic group dialogues, and organizational consulting. Philosophical counseling, a key aspect of this practice, employs traditional philosophical frameworks and rational reasoning to address clients' concerns, distinguishing itself from psychotherapy while respecting individual autonomy. The growing Western interest in Asian philosophies also underscores a shared pursuit of wisdom, spirituality, and meaning. This paper examines the development, key features, and leading proponents of philosophical (...)
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