Results for 'Fernando Rottier'

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  1.  7
    Suma contra los cosmopolitas: el fracaso de la sociedad multicultural.Fernando Rottier - 2012 - [San José, Costa Rica]: Fernando Rottier.
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    Definite clause grammars for language analysis—A survey of the formalism and a comparison with augmented transition networks.Fernando C. N. Pereira & David H. D. Warren - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 13 (3):231-278.
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    Critique in translation.Mayanthi Fernando - 2019 - Critical Research on Religion 7 (2):182-188.
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    Rediscovering Richard Held: Activity and Passivity in Perceptual Learning.Fernando Bermejo, Mercedes X. Hüg & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The FAN principle and weak König's lemma in herbrandized second-order arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (9):102843.
    We introduce a herbrandized functional interpretation of a first-order semi-intuitionistic extension of Heyting Arithmetic and study its main properties. We then extend the interpretation to a certain system of second-order arithmetic which includes a (classically false) formulation of the FAN principle and weak König's lemma. It is shown that any first-order formula provable in this system is classically true. It is perhaps worthy of note that, in our interpretation, second-order variables are interpreted by finite sets of natural numbers.
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    Investigación clínica y buenas prácticas clínicas. Más historias por contar.Fernando Suárez Obando - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):188-204.
    Clinical Research and Good Clinical Practice. More Stories to TellPesquisa clínica e boas práticas clínicas. Mais histórias por contarFor guaranteeing the ethical conduct of scientific research on human beings in which the interest in the health and well-being of the participating subjects prevail, various guidelines, standards, and parameters have been established for the scientific community. One of these regulatory parameters is good clinical practice, which, after its implementation by Resolution 2378 of 2008, has become a highly relevant guide for clinical (...)
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    Revitalizing Catholic Social Thought in a Multireligious World.Sahayadas Fernando - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (1):123-141.
    Religion does influence personal choices and behavior, even today. In a multireligious society, religions and religious groups influence social life and public policy considerably. Hitherto, Catholic social teaching, thought, and practice were essentially, if not exclusively, based on the Christian vision of socioeconomic and political realities, without paying much attention to the existence and role of the world’s great religions and religious traditions in this endeavor. To revitalize Catholic social teaching in today’s world, the Church must enter into critical dialogue (...)
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    Educación y comunicación en el Sofista de Platón.Fernando Pascual - 2015 - Alpha Omega 18 (1):23-60.
    Plato’s Sophist offers important elements of his educational theory. This article begins with a brief introduction to this work, and then presents an analysis of several ideas that appear throughout it, with a special emphasis on those dealing directly or indirectly with the central theme of education and human communication. The article concludes with a summary of the work’s main arguments.
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    La filosofía, una promesa de viajero. Semblanza de José Jara.Fernando Longás - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (2):7-10.
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    Corrigendum: The Importance of the Validation of M/EEG With Current Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease.Fernando Maestú, Pablo Cuesta, Omar Hasan, Alberto Fernandéz, Michael Funke & Paul E. Schulz - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  11. Una sociabilidad oblicua: mujeres en el Marruecos moderno.Fernando Rodríguez Mediano - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (2):385-402.
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  12. La realidad de las "apariencias" según Parménides de Elea.Fernando Montero Moliner - 1959 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 5:3-10.
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  13. ""La fenomenología del" yo" de Jean-Paul Sartre.Fernando Montero - 1980 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):327-346.
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    Die Logik als Kathartikon des Verstandes und ihre Methode als Modell der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Fernando Moledo - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1305-1312.
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  15. Dos nociones wittgensteinianas en torno a la filosofía.Fernando Álvarez Ortega - 1990 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 69:375-381.
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    The co-ordination principles: A problem for bilateralism.Fernando Ferreira - 2008 - Mind 117 (468):1051-1057.
    In "'Yes" and "No'" (2000), Ian Rumfitt proposed bilateralism--a use-based account of the logical words, according to which the sense of a sentence is determined by the conditions under which it is asserted and denied. One of Rumfitt's key claims is that bilateralism can provide a justification of classical logic. This paper raises a techical problem for Rumfitt's proposal, one that seems to undermine the bilateralist programme.
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  17. Humanitarian intervention: Loose ends.Fernando R. Tesón - 2011 - Journal of Military Ethics 10 (3):192-212.
    Abstract The article addresses three aspects of the humanitarian intervention doctrine. It argues, first, that the value of sovereignty rests on the justified social processes of the target state ? the horizontal contract. Foreign interventions, even when otherwise justified, must respect the horizontal contract. In contrast, morally objectionable social processes (such as the subjection of women) are not protected by sovereignty (intervention, of course, may be banned for other reasons). In addition, tyrants have no moral protection against interventions directed at (...)
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    Balancing Professional Ethics.Anoja Fernando - 2008 - Asian Bioethics Review:59-61.
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    Da ação ao comportamento: o espaço público da oikonomia.Fernando Gigante Ferraz - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 7 (1):1-8.
    O texto faz uma reflexão teórica a partir de Benjamin, Arendt, Foucault e Agamben. Em um primeiro momento faz-se uma análise da assertiva benjamineana de que “tornamo-nos muito pobres de experiências liminares”. Em seguida associamos essa idéia de “aniquilamento das transições” à idéia de homogeneidade e efemeridade da experiência urbana contemporânea. A partir desse ponto o texto articula essa homogeneidade com uma idéia de empobrecimento da esfera do comum, ou seja, do político, em prol de uma “gestão de necessidades”: a (...)
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  20. El intelecto agente en el s. XVI. La recapitulacion historica de Antonius Montecatini Ferrariensis.Juan Fernando Selles - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (4):203.
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  21. Game Over. Sobre los supervivientes digitales y la adicción a los juegos electrónicos.Fernando Castro Flórez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:154-159.
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    O homem racional Versus o homem intuitivo.Fernando Xavier Silva - 2020 - Filosofia E Educação 11 (2):377-384.
    Trata-se de uma resenha das obras Sobrinho de Rameau de Denis Diderot, Sobre a Verdade e Mentira no sentido Extra-Moral de Friedrich Nietzsche e A construção das ciências: introdução à filosofia e á ética das ciências de Gerárd Fourez. Os textos foram lidos com base nas seguintes questões: Quais são as bases de sustentação do conhecimento?; O que é a verdade e se é possível alcançá-la de forma objetiva; O que é a ciência e o que ela representa na busca (...)
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  23. Moral distance in dictators games.Fernando Aguiar, Pablo Brañas-Garza & Luis Miller - 2008 - Judgment and Decision Making 3 (4):344-354.
    We perform an experimental investigation using a dictator game in which individuals must make a moral decision —to give or not to give an amount of money to poor people in the Third World. A questionnaire in which the subjects are asked about the reasons for their decision shows that, at least in this case, moral motivations carry a heavy weight in the decision: the majority of dictators give the money for reasons of a consequentialist nature. Based on the results (...)
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  24. Eight Principles for Humanitarian Intervention.Fernando R. Tesón - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (2):93-113.
    When is humanitarian intervention legitimate and how should such interventions be conducted? This article sets out eight liberal principles that underlie humanitarian intervention, some of them abstract principles of international ethics and others more concrete principles that apply specifically to humanitarian intervention. It argues that whilst these principles do not determine the legitimacy of particular interventions, they should ?incline? our judgments towards approval or disapproval. The basic principles include the liberal idea that governments are the mere agents of the people, (...)
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  25. Todo ángel es terrible.Fernando Vásquez Rodríguez - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 11:100-103.
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    Topic-Based Communication Between Agents.Rustam Galimullin & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-49.
    Communication within groups of agents has been lately the focus of research in dynamic epistemic logic. This paper studies a recently introduced form of partial (more precisely, topic-based) communication. This type of communication allows for modelling scenarios of multi-agent collaboration and negotiation, and it is particularly well-suited for situations in which sharing all information is not feasible/advisable. The paper can be divided into two parts. In the first part, we present results on invariance and complexity of model checking. Moreover, we (...)
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    (1 other version)The Rawlsian Theory of International Law.Fernando R. Teson - 1995 - Ethics International Affairs 9 (1):79-99.
    Teson critiques a recent article by John Rawls in which Rawls extends his acclaimed political theory to include international relations.
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    P. Vandevelde (ed.), Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus.Nicolas Fernando de Warren - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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    The elusive search for a "gay gene".Fernando Saravi - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press. pp. 461.
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    Ethics goes to school.Fernando Savater - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 7:153.
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    La filosofía como anhelo de la revolución y otras intervenciones: ensayos.Fernando Savater - 1976 - Pamplona: I. Peralta.
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    Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics: Cases and Experiences.Fernando Ferri, Ned Dwyer, Saša Raicevich, Patrizia Grifoni, Husne Altiok, Hans Thor Andersen, Yiannis Laouris & Cecilia Silvestri (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book gathers case studies presented at the International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society. It highlights European initiatives and projects in various domains and contexts, each of which explores how to create guidelines and good practices for Responsible Research and Innovation and how to promote them among citizens, industry stakeholders, policy and decision makers, research funders and educational institutions to foster their adoption as a potential benchmark in establishing RRI processes. Further, the book discusses (...)
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    Equality and Community in G. A. Cohen’s Camping Trip Model: a Compromise with Fraternal Egalitarianism.Fernando Alberto Lizarraga - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):233-259.
    A partir de las críticas que el igualitarismo fraternal lanzó contra el igualitarismo de la suerte, G. A. Cohen propuso un compromiso a través del denominado modelo de campamento. Puesto que dicho trade-off no quedó formalizado, en este artículo se intenta aportar algunos elementos en tal dirección. En concreto, se argumenta: a) que Cohen tiende un primer puente hacia el igualitarismo fraternal al distinguir los aspectos de equidad y legitimidad en una concepción de lo justo, conjuntamente con la afirmación de (...)
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    A most artistic package of a jumble of ideas.Fernando Ferreira - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (2):205–222.
    In the course of ten short sections, we comment on Gödel's seminal dialectica paper of fifty years ago and its aftermath. We start by suggesting that Gödel's use of functionals of finite type is yet another instance of the realistic attitude of Gödel towards mathematics, in tune with his defense of the postulation of ever increasing higher types in foundational studies. We also make some observations concerning Gödel's recasting of intuitionistic arithmetic via the dialectica interpretation, discuss the extra principles that (...)
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  35. Educación y comunicación en el Organon de Aristóteles (segunda parte).Fernando Pascual - 2001 - Alpha Omega 4 (1):113-145.
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    Educación y comunicación en el libro I de la República de Platón.Fernando Pascual - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):321-347.
    This article seeks to highlight some elements of the theory of education and communication present in Book I of Plato’s Republic, first in an analytical way, and then in an attempt at synthesis.
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    A essência da matéria e o sentido da vida.Fernando Pinho de Almeida - 1967 - Coimbra,: Atlântida Editôra.
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  38. Dios y el hombre contemporáneo.Fernando Egea - 1966 - Madrid,: Editorial ZYX.
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  39. Leer como derecho humano (una primera aproximación).Fernando Flores Giménez - 2025 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 52:43-77.
    El artículo se plantea la posibilidad de abordar la lectura –el leer– como un derecho humano. Para ello se somete a las preguntas que la teoría general de los derechos utiliza para identificar las acciones que contienen los requisitos para ser consideradas como tales: por qué habría de ser la lectura un derecho, a quépropósito respondería, cuál es su naturaleza y a qué límites debería someterse. En esta primera aproximación, el texto presentado se detiene en el objeto de la lectura, (...)
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  40. La filosofía según el chapco.Fernando Andrés Téllez Guerrero - 2020 - In Roberto Barriga (ed.), Repensarnos: Taller de Pensamiento Crítico, Tarija 2020. Tarija: Taller de Pensamiento Crítico de Tarija.
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  41. El estatuto ontológico de las formas en Merleau-Ponty. Una interpretación entre la epokhé y la Gestalttheorie.Fernando Libonati - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 71:215-252.
    Este artículo reconstruye la definición de “forma” ofrecida en La estructura del comportamiento. Luego se evalúan dos interpretaciones posibles: una realista y otra denominada “idealista”. Se sostiene que la primera no logra explicar la originalidad de los distintos tipos de formas y, en consecuencia, tampoco su carácter noemático (ser para una conciencia), mientras que la segunda resulta incompatible con el carácter descriptivo (no antropomórfico) de las Gestalten y conduce a una concepción de la naturaleza que resulta problemática respecto de la (...)
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  42. Neuroética.Fernando Alcaraz Mendoza & Daniela Silva-Peyro Y. Francisco Javier Pérez Bouquet - 2021 - In Antonio Sánchez Antillón (ed.), Aplicación de los principios éticos en las psicologías. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México: ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara.
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  43. (1 other version)Miki and the myth of humanism.Fernando Wirtz - 2023 - In Tobias Endres, Ralf Müller & Domenico Schneider (eds.), Kyoto in Davos: Intercultural Readings of the Cassirer-Heidegger Debate. Boston: Brill.
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  44. Regular relations for temporal propositions.T. Fernando - unknown
    Relations computed by finite-state transducers are applied to interpret temporal propositions in terms of strings representing finite contexts or situations. Carnap–Montague intensions mapping indices to extensions are reformulated as relations between strings that can serve as indices and extensions alike. Strings are related according to information content, temporal span and granularity, the bounds on which reflect the partiality of natural language statements. That partiality shapes not only strings-as-extensions (indicating what statements are about) but also strings-as-indices (underlying truth conditions).
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  45. Legal reasoning and legal theory revisited.Fernando Atria - 1999 - Law and Philosophy 18 (5):537-577.
    This article deals with the relation between a theory of law and a theory of legal reasoning. Starting from a close reading of Chapter VII of H. L. A. Hart's The Concept of Law, it claims that a theory of law like Hart's requires a particular theory of legal reasoning, or at least a theory of legal reasoning with some particular characteristics. It then goes on to say that any theory of legal reasoning that satisfies those requirements is highly implausible, (...)
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  46. ¿ Repetir o producir? Los desafíos que ofrece la investigación a una universidad adventista•.Fernando Aranda Fraga - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57:65.
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  47. (1 other version)Evolución, rupturas y contramarchas en el constructivismo kantiano de John Rawls.Fernando Aranda Fraga - 2008 - Philosophica 31:103-126.
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  48. Sobre la supuesta neutralidad ética del Estado hobbesiano.Fernando Aranda Fraga - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:267-284.
    La concepción legalista de la justicia es una doctrina originada en la filosofía política de Hobbes. Para el filósofo inglés, son justos los actos que se conforman a la ley, e injustos lo contrario; lo único que se tiene en cuenta es el hecho del cumplimiento, y no la naturaleza y el fin del deber. Además, en la noción hobbesiana de equidad hay un aspecto fuertemente convencional, ya que el deber del soberano de obrar equitativamente se constituye en un motivo (...)
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  49. A neuroscientific approach and the God image.Fernando Garzon - 2008 - In Glendon Moriarty & Louis Hoffman (eds.), God Image Handbook for Spiritual Counseling and Psychotherapy: Research, Theory, and Practice. Haworth Pastoral Press.
  50. Nacionalismo e indigenismo en el MAS: los desafíos de la articulación hegemónica.Fernando Mayorga García - 2006 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 28:47-68.
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