Results for 'FiEtP Guide'

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  1. Servicio de Suscripciones Muntaner 88, 5 1a 08011 Barcelona, Spain.John RLevell & FiEtP Guide - 1998 - Vivarium 9:18.
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    Ethics Consultation at the End of Life.Guide Decision Making - 2008 - In Micah D. Hester, Ethics by committee: a textbook on consultation, organization, and education for hospital ethics committees. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Attitudes towards natural sources of uncertainty for gains and losses.Mohamed El Guide, Yassine Kaouane, Sonia Mun & Hayat Zouiten - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-41.
    Little is known about how ambiguity attitudes change when consequences are flipped from gains to losses, particularly in the context of natural sources. Focusing on two such sources of uncertainty - the voter participation rates in the 2019 European elections in France and the UK - we report econometric estimations that jointly capture parametric specifications of attitudes and beliefs in the gain and loss domains. For checking purposes, we also compute indexes of ambiguity attitudes proposed by Baillon et al. (2018). (...)
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    erG A.Brief Guide Resource-Sensitivity-A. - 2003 - In R. Oehrle & J. Kruijff, resource sensitivity, binding, and anaphora. kluwer.
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  5. The Gray Area for Incorruptible Scientific Research.An Exploration Guided Merton’S. & Norms Conceived - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez, Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 149.
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    Facts, figures and ideas.A. Guide To - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Christopher Tollefsen.A. Guided Tour - 2004 - In Mark J. Cherry, Natural Law and the Possibility of a Global Ethics. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 39.
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    A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies.Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers increasingly engage in practical work with other disciplines and the world at large. This volume draws together the lessons learned from this work--including philosophers' contributions to scientific research projects, consultations on matters of policy, and expertise provided to government agencies and non-profits--on how to effectively practice philosophy. Its 22 case studies are organized into five sections: I Collaboration and Communication II Policymaking and the Public Sphere III Fieldwork in the Academy IV Fieldwork in the Professions V Changing Philosophical Practice (...)
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  9. Guiding principles in physics.Enno Fischer - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-20.
    Guiding principles are central to theory development in physics, especially when there is only limited empirical input available. Here I propose an approach to such principles looking at their heuristic role. I suggest a distinction between two modes of employing scientific principles. Principles of nature make descriptive claims about objects of inquiry, and principles of epistemic action give directives for further research. If a principle is employed as a guiding principle, then its use integrates both modes of employment: guiding principles (...)
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    Confucius: A Guide for the Perplexed.Yong Huang - 2013 - Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Of the three main teachings in Chinese culture, Confucianism has exerted the most profound and lasting influence in China.While Confucianism (a term coined by Westerners) refers to a tradition (Ruism) that predated Confucius, it is most closely associated with Confucius (551-479 BCE), who determined its later development. Confucius' ideas are reflected in his conversations with students, mostly recorded in the Analects. However, this book also brings into discussion those sayings of Confucius that are recorded in other texts, greatly expanding our (...)
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  11. The guide of the perplexed: complete in one volume.Moses Maimonides - 2025 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The Guide of the Perplexed, a monument of rabbinical exegesis written by Moses Maimonides at the end of the twelfth century, has exerted an immense and continuing influence on Jewish thought. Written as a letter to a disciple, The Guide of the Perplexed aims to liberate readers from a literal understanding of the Bible. It does so with an explanation of biblical terms related to key themes such as corporeality, place, humans, and nature. This reprint presents the Shlomo (...)
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    A Guide to Eric Voegelin's Political Reality.Montgomery C. Erfourth - 2013 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This guide is an exploration of political reality as understood by Eric Voegelin. Voegelin employed the revolutionary concepts found in ancient Greek noetic and Christian pneumatic philosophy that describe political reality and the means to know it. This guide begins with a biographical sketch of Voegelin, the historical milieu that inspired his resistance to "unreality" and terms and symbols he uses to identify the spiritual sickness he believes is destroying Western civilization's traditional basis of order, it then examines (...)
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    A Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time.John Llewelyn (ed.) - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    _An indispensable guide to the major work of one of the twentieth century's most influential thinkers._.
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  14. (1 other version)A guide to naturalizing semantics.Barry M. Loewer - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller, A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 108-126.
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    Guides for the Journey: John Macmurray, Bernard Lonergan, and James Fowler.David G. Creamer - 1996 - Upa.
    Guides for the Journey is an introduction to the lives and thoughts of three significant thinkers: John Macmurray, Bernard Lonergan, and James Fowler. The book shows how their work is helpful in interpreting our lives and the world in which we live. Written for the introductory student or reader, this book makes Macmurray, Lonergan, and Fowler's work more accessible and is the first book to actually compare the thought of the three. Throughout the book, quotations from their writings help the (...)
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  16. Practice-guided public health philosophy.Somogy Varga - 2021 - Health Promotion International 36.
    Although highly relevant, philosophical theory and philosophical competences are rarely integrated in empirical public health research. We suggest a variant of applied philosophy that is valuable for the development and improvement of public health research. We call it practice-guided public health philosophy because: (i) research questions derive from public health challenges, i.e. real-life concerns that relate to the prevention of disease or the promotion of health and well-being, (ii) the ultimate test of success lies within an empirical framework aiming to (...)
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    Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program by Dániel Paksi and Mihály Héder.Alessio Tartaro - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program by Dániel Paksi and Mihály HéderAlessio TartaroPAKSI, Dániel and Mihály Héder. Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program. Wilmington, Del.: Vernon Press, 2022. xxiii + 209 pp. Cloth, $65.00Famous for the concept of "tacit knowledge," Polanyi is a figure who looms (...)
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    Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed: a philosophical guide.Alfred L. Ivry - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A concise biography -- The Mishneh Torah -- Maimonides' graeco-islamic philosophical heritage -- The guide of the perplexed: paraphrases and analyses -- Wrestling with language (guide I, introduction and chapters 1-68) -- Paraphrase -- Analysis -- Kalm claims and counterclaims (guide I, chapters 69-76) -- Paraphrase -- Analysis -- Philosophy affirmed and qualified; creation (guide II, introduction -- And chapters 1-31) -- Paraphrase -- Analysis -- Prophecy (guide II, chapters 32-48) -- Paraphrase -- Analysis -- (...)
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  19. The Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics.Richard M. Gale (ed.) - 2002 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    __ __ __The Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics__ is a definitive introduction to the core areas of metaphysics. It brings together sixteen internationally respected philosophers that demonstrate how metaphysics is done as they examine topics including causation, temporality, ontology, personal identity, idealism, and realism.
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  20. Guide to Ground.Kit Fine - 2012 - In Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder, Metaphysical grounding: understanding the structure of reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 37--80.
    A number of philosophers have recently become receptive to the idea that, in addition to scientific or causal explanation, there may be a distinctive kind of metaphysical explanation, in which explanans and explanandum are connected, not through some sort of causal mechanism, but through some constitutive form of determination. I myself have long been sympathetic to this idea of constitutive determination or ‘ontological ground’; and it is the aim of the present paper to help put the idea on a firmer (...)
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    “Being Guided”: What Oncofertility Patients’ Decisions Can Teach Us about the Efficacy of Autonomy, Agency, and Decision- Making Theory in the Contemporary Clinical Encounter.Alexis Paton - 2019 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 12 (2):18-35.
    Recent research on patient decision-making reveals a disconnect between theories of autonomy, agency, and decision-making and their practice in contemporary clinical encounters. This study examines these concepts in the context of female patients making oncofertility decisions in the United Kingdom in light of the phenomenon of “being guided.” Patients experience being guided as a way to cope with, understand, and defer difficult treatment decisions. Previous discussions condemn guided decision-making, but this research suggests that patients make an informed, autonomous decision to (...)
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    The guide to the perplexed: a new translation.Moses Maimonides - 2024 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Lenn Evan Goodman & Phillip I. Lieberman.
    Maimonides' Guide to the Perplexed is among the most influential texts within Jewish philosophy: a twelfth-century masterwork that seeks to navigate the straits between religion and philosophy. The Guide was written around 1190 in Classical Arabic by Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides or as Rambam, a medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages. The Guide to the Perplexed, written as a letter from a (...)
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  23. A writing guide for professional philosophers.Neil Mehta - manuscript
    This guide focuses on the content and form of excellent philosophical writing, with further comments on reading, thinking, writing processes, publication strategies, and self-cultivation.
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    Guided by Voices: Moral Testimony, Advice, and Forging a 'We'.Eric Wiland - 2021 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    We often rely on others for guidance about what to do. But wouldn't it be better to rely instead on only your own solo judgment? Deferring to others about moral matters, after all, can seem to conflict what Enlightenment demands. In Guided by Voices, however, Eric Wiland argues that there is nothing especially bad about relying on others in forming your moral views. You may rely on others for forming your moral views, just as you can your views about anything (...)
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    The Blackwell Guide to Ancient Philosophy.Christopher Shields (ed.) - 2003 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _The Blackwell Guide to Ancient Philosophy_ provides a comprehensive treatment of the principal figures and movements of philosophy from its origins before Socrates, through the towering achievements of Plato and Aristotle, and into its final developments in late antiquity. Provides a comprehensive guide to ancient philosophy from the pre-Socratics to late antiquity. Written by a cast of distinguished philosophers. Covers the pre-Socratics, the sophistic movement, Epicureanism, academic skepticism, stoicism, and the neo-Platonists. Features an index and a comprehensive bibliography (...)
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    A Guide to Heidegger’s Being and Time.Magda King - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    An indispensable guide to the major work of one of the twentieth century's most influential thinkers.
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  27. Quantum Ontology: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.Peter J. Lewis - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Metaphysicians should pay attention to quantum mechanics. Why? Not because it provides definitive answers to many metaphysical questions-the theory itself is remarkably silent on the nature of the physical world, and the various interpretations of the theory on offer present conflicting ontological pictures. Rather, quantum mechanics is essential to the metaphysician because it reshapes standard metaphysical debates and opens up unforeseen new metaphysical possibilities. Even if quantum mechanics provides few clear answers, there are good reasons to think that any adequate (...)
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    Guide to the Works of John Dewey. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):141-142.
    This guide is intended to be a comprehensive survey of Dewey's work. It consists of ten essays by Dewey scholars surveying an area of Dewey's work. Each essay is followed by a checklist of articles and books. The topics include divisions such as Dewey's Psychology, Philosophy and Philosophic Method, Logic and Theory of Knowledge, Ethics, etc. Contributors include Schneider, Hahn, Kennedy, Rucker, Leys, among others. Despite the enormous amount of work that must have gone into producing this volume, its (...)
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    Research guide in philosophy.Martin A. Bertman - 1974 - Morristown, N.J.: General Learning Press.
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  30. Tutorial Guide Philosophy of Science.Eleonora Montuschi - 1991 - Oxford University Press.
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    A Guide to Ethics and Moral Philosophy.Brent Adkins - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Brent Adkins traces the history of ethics and morality by examining six thinkers: Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, Mill, Nietzsche and Levinas. The book is divided into 3 sections - Ethics, Morality and Beyond. Two thinkers are paired in each section to show you how the important questions of moral philosophy have been answered so that you might better answer them for yourself. You'll learn what the philosophers actually said about how to live the best kind of life and, more importantly, why.
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  32. Guided Practice Makes Perfect: Habituation into Full Virtue in Aristotle’s Ethics.Karen Margrethe Nielsen - 2022 - In Jeremy Dunham & Komarine Romdenh-Romluc, Habit and the History of Philosophy. New York, NY: Rewriting the History of Philosophy.
  33. A Guide to Thought Experiments in Epistemology.Wesley Buckwalter - 2024 - In Blake Roeber, Ernest Sosa, Matthias Steup & John Turri, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
    The purpose of this chapter is to provide a guide for conducting thought experiments in epistemology effectively. The guide raises several considerations for best practices when using this research method. Several weaknesses in the way thought experiments are conducted are also identified and several suggestions are reviewed for how to improve them. Training in these research techniques promotes more productive scholarship in epistemology, saves time and resources wasted on less efficient approaches, and reduces the risk that researchers are (...)
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    Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application.Marsha Diane Mary Fowler (ed.) - 2008 - American Nurses Association.
    ability to understand the ongoing dynamic of the research process. This contrasts with the research team, which often spends little ...
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  35. A Guiding Framework for Micro-Social Doxastic-Intentional Dynamics.Jonathan Mize - manuscript
    Analytical sociology has provided the social sciences with a fresh, new perspective. But there are still many lacunae left to fill within sociological thought. In this paper I will address one of these gaps; I believe that sociology is missing a framework with which to adequately address the intersubjective, intentional nature of micro-social dynamics. I will introduce a rough outline of a formal system of intentionality—as it pertains to the micro-social—that observes the overall methodology and principles of analytical sociology. Moreover, (...)
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  36. A Guide to True Peace, or the Excellency of Inward and Spiritual Prayer.[author unknown] - 1946
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  37. A Guide to Bible Basics.[author unknown] - 2018
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  38. A guide to readings in philosophy.Richard Hope - 1939 - Ann Arbor, Mich.,: Edwards Borthers.
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  39. A Guide to Kant’s Treatment of Grace.Pablo Muchnik & Lawrence Pasternack - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 6:256-271.
    This Guide is designed to restore the theological background that informs Kant’s treatment of grace in Religion to its rightful place. This background is essential not only to understand the nature of Kant’s overall project in this book, namely, to determine the “association” or “union” between Christianity (as a historical faith) and rational religion, but also to dispel the impression of “internal contradictions” and conundrums” that contemporary interpreters associate with Kant’s treatment of grace and moral regeneration. That impression, we (...)
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  40. Reading Guide for Schiller's Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man.Nick Riggle & Samantha Matherne - manuscript
    An abridged reading guide for Friedrich Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, based on Matherne and Riggle's two-part paper, "Schiller on Freedom and Aesthetic Value". -/- Part I: British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4): 375-402. 2020 Part II: British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (1): 17-40. 2021.
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    A guide to the Guide to the perplexed: a reader's companion to Maimonides' masterwork.Lenn Goodman - 2024 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    In this volume, noted philosopher Lenn E. Goodman shares the insights gained over a lifetime of pondering the meaning and purpose of Maimonides' celebrated Guide to the Perplexed. Written in the late twelfth century, Maimonides' Guide aims to help religiously committed readers who are alive to the challenges posed by reason and the natural sciences to biblical and rabbinic tradition. Keyed to the new translation and commentary by Lenn E. Goodman and Phillip I. Lieberman, this volume follows Maimonides' (...)
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    What guides pretence? Towards the interactive and the narrative approaches.Zuzanna Rucińska - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (1):117-133.
    This paper will explore one aspect of the relationship between pretence and narratives. I look at proposals about how scripts play guiding roles in our pretend play practices. I then examine the views that mental representations are needed to guide pretend play, reviewing two importantly different pictures of mental guiders: the Propositional Account and the Model Account. Both accounts are individualistic and internalistic; the former makes use of language-like representations, the latter makes use of models, maps and images. The (...)
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    Guiding the Future: Rethinking the Role of Advance Directives in the Care of People with Dementia.Barak Gaster & Thaddeus Mason Pope - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S1):33-39.
    When people lose capacity to make a medical decision, the standard is to assess what their preferences would have been and try to honor their wishes. Dementia raises a special case in such situations, given its long, progressive trajectory during which others must make substituted judgments. The question of how to help surrogates make better‐informed decisions has led to the development of dementia‐specific advance directives, in which people are given tools to help them communicate what their preferences are while they (...)
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  44. Memory-guided attention: control from multiple memory systems.J. Benjamin Hutchinson & Nicholas B. Turk-Browne - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (12):576-579.
    Attention is strongly influenced by both external stimuli and internal goals. However, this useful dichotomy does not readily capture the ubiquitous and often automatic contribution of past experience stored in memory. We review recent evidence about how multiple memory systems control attention, consider how such interactions are manifested in the brain, and highlight how this framework for ‘memory-guided attention’ might help systematize previous findings and guide future research.
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    Structure‐guided insights on the role of NS1 in flavivirus infection.David L. Akey, W. Clay Brown, Joyce Jose, Richard J. Kuhn & Janet L. Smith - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (5):489-494.
    We highlight the various domains of the flavivirus virulence factor NS1 and speculate on potential implications of the NS1 3D structure in understanding its role in flavivirus pathogenesis. Flavivirus non‐structural protein 1 (NS1) is a virulence factor with dual functions in genome replication and immune evasion. Crystal structures of NS1, combined with reconstructions from electron microscopy (EM), provide insight into the architecture of dimeric NS1 on cell membranes and the assembly of a secreted hexameric NS1‐lipid complex found in patient sera. (...)
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    Readers' guide to books on philosophy.R. J. Duckett (ed.) - 1974 - [Shrewsbury (c/o Hon. Publications Officer, County Libraries Group, 7 London Rd., Shrewsbury Salop S: Library Association, County Libraries Group.
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    Guiding Questions and Changing Directions: How My Mind Has and Has Not Changed.June O'Connor - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 25 (2):221 - 232.
    Reflecting on a career that temporally coincides with that of the JRE and discloses a like commitment to approaching ethics through attention to multiple religious traditions, the author traces the evolution of her abiding interest in socio-historical expressions of religious convictions and the processes of ethical reflection and analysis that accompany and challenge these. As her research has increasingly focused on a North-South axis, the compelling voices of the poor have provided moral insight and have reformed the author's questions about (...)
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    A Guide to Comparing Health Care Expenditures in the 1996 MEPS to the 1987 NMES.Samuel H. Zuvekas & Joel W. Cohen - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (1):76-86.
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    Guiding Preschool Play for Cultural Learning: Preschool Design as Cultural Niche Construction.Robin Samuelsson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:545846.
    This paper explores how preschools can be purposefully designed to aid cultural learning through guided play practices. In recent literature, there has been a renowned interest in the role of the exogenous environment in psychological processes, including learning. The idea that the design of preschools can meaningfully be seen as cultural niche construction and that guided play practices in these environments can aid the preparation for cultural action is promoted, and a theoretical framework is presented. The empirical data draw from (...)
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    Bourdieu and after: a guide to relational phenomenology.Will Atkinson - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Pierre Bourdieu was the most influential sociologist of the later 20th Century. The framework he developed continues to inspire countless researchers across the globe and provokes intense debates long after his death. Novel concepts, innovative applications and countless elaborations spring up every day, bulking out and shaping a distinct, if not always entirely consistent, body of work that might be characterised as a recognisable tradition. For those coming to Bourdieu for the first time, therefore, and interested in using his ideas (...)
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