Results for 'Fore Fore'

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  1. Dogo Raphäel Doko Triet: Un hombre de paz.Vicente Forés - 2005 - Contrastes 39:134-139.
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    Newton on a Horse: A Critique of the Historiographies of ‘Technology’ and ‘Modernity’.Michael Fores - 1985 - History of Science 23 (4):351-378.
    “In the absence of a guiding theory, problems of technology, like those of the most primitive fields of science, had to be solved empirically” ( The new Cambridge modern history, concerning 1688–1751). “The striking fact is not merely that mathematical aptitude was diffused amongst large numbers of dons, divines, physicians, antiquaries and gentry …; but that it had become with many of them a passion, a supposed key to the knowledge of man, society and the universe … in the unspecialized (...)
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    Operationalizing Ethical Becoming as a Theoretical Framework for Teaching Engineering Design Ethics.Grant A. Fore & Justin L. Hess - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1353-1375.
    Ethical becoming represents a novel framework for teaching engineering ethics. This framework insists on the complementarity of pragmatism, care, and virtue. The dispositional nature of the self is a central concern, as are relational considerations. However, unlike previous conceptual work, this paper introduces additional lenses for exploring ethical relationality by focusing on indebtedness, harmony, potency, and reflective thought. This paper first reviews relevant contributions in the engineering ethics literature. Then, the relational process ontology of Alfred North Whitehead is described and (...)
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  4. Entrevista-homenaje a Gonzalo Anaya.Vicente Forés - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:143-149.
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    Ethical Becoming and Ethical Inquiry Among Earth Sciences Faculty.Grant A. Fore, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko, Justin L. Hess, Martin A. Coleman, Mary F. Price, Brandon H. Sorge & Elizabeth A. Sanders - 2024 - Teaching Ethics 24 (1):25-51.
    This study examines the outcomes of a four-year faculty learning community (FLC) that aimed to transform departmental ethics curriculum by supporting Earth Sciences faculty members as they ethically inquired into their teaching of ethics and refined existing courses in alignment with an Integrated Community-Engaged Learning and Ethical Reflection (ICELER) framework. We present ethnographic case studies that unpack processes through which three faculty members transformed undergraduate courses. We assembled case studies by triangulating interview data, course artifacts, and faculty reflections. We examine (...)
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    Die Emergenz der sowjetischen Faktografie.Devin Fore - 2015 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 89 (3):376-403.
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  7. Norman Mailer.Vicente Forés - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:136-143.
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    Science and the ‘Neolithic Paradox’.Michael Fores - 1983 - History of Science 21 (2):141-163.
  9. We'll Teach Shining Shoes: School Divisions Response to State-Mandated Standards.L. C. Fore & M. J. Biermann - 1998 - Journal of Social Studies Research 22:28-34.
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    Homo ET Machina: Of Divided Labour, Revolutions and a History of Marvels.Michael Fores - 1994 - History of Science 32 (1):63-87.
    We have but one simple method of delivering our sentiments, namely, we must bring men to particulars and their regular series and order, and they must for a while renounce their notions, and begin to form an acquaintance with things. [Translated from Francis Bacon, Novum organum, 1620]1 Truth, he [Bacon] wrote, was not the daughter of Authority, but of Time. [ The Cambridge modern history, 1902]2.
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    Constructed Science and the Seventeenth Century ‘Revolution’.Michael Fores - 1984 - History of Science 22 (3):217-244.
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    Theories of Industrial Society. Richard J. Badham.Michael Fores - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):570-571.
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    A Systematic Literature Review of US Engineering Ethics Interventions.Justin L. Hess & Grant Fore - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):551-583.
    Promoting the ethical formation of engineering students through the cultivation of their discipline-specific knowledge, sensitivity, imagination, and reasoning skills has become a goal for many engineering education programs throughout the United States. However, there is neither a consensus throughout the engineering education community regarding which strategies are most effective towards which ends, nor which ends are most important. This study provides an overview of engineering ethics interventions within the U.S. through the systematic analysis of articles that featured ethical interventions in (...)
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  14. HiSlory of Science.David Goodman, Michael Fores, Hans Radder & Kurt Danziger - forthcoming - History of Science.
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    Correction: Transforming Ethics Education Through a Faculty Learning Community: “I’m Coming Around to Seeing Ethics as Being Maybe as Important as Calculus”.Justin L. Hess, Elizabeth Sanders, Grant A. Fore, Martin Coleman, Mary Price, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko & Brandon Sorge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (6):1-2.
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  16. Grip Strength, Neurocognition, and Social Functioning in People WithType-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia.María Aliño-Dies, Joan Vicent Sánchez-Ortí, Patricia Correa-Ghisays, Vicent Balanzá-Martínez, Joan Vila-Francés, Gabriel Selva-Vera, Paulina Correa-Estrada, Jaume Forés-Martos, Constanza San-Martín Valenzuela, Manuel Monfort-Pañego, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola, Miguel Ruiz-Veguilla, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro & Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Frailty is a common syndrome among older adults and patients with several comorbidities. Grip strength is a representative parameter of frailty because it is a valid indicator of current and long-term physical conditions in the general population and patients with severe mental illnesses. Physical and cognitive capacities of people with SMIs are usually impaired; however, their relationship with frailty or social functioning have not been studied to date. The current study aimed to determine if GS is a valid predictor (...)
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    Transforming Ethics Education Through a Faculty Learning Community: “I’m Coming Around to Seeing Ethics as Being Maybe as Important as Calculus”.Justin L. Hess, Elizabeth Sanders, Grant A. Fore, Martin Coleman, Mary Price, Sammy Nyarko & Brandon Sorge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-29.
    Ethics is central to scientific and engineering research and practice, but a key challenge for promoting students’ ethical formation involves enhancing faculty members’ ability and confidence in embedding positive ethical learning experiences into their curriculums. To this end, this paper explores changes in faculty members’ approaches to and perceptions of ethics education following their participation in a multi-year interdisciplinary faculty learning community (FLC). We conducted and thematically analyzed semi-structured interviews with 11 participants following the second year of the FLC. Qualitative (...)
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    The Fore-Temporal Underlying Character of the Living present and the Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness. 윤진욱 - 2019 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 82:49-96.
    후설 현상학은 제일철학적 철저주의의 이념에 의거하여 절대적 근원성의 해명을 추구한 철학이다. 이에 따라 후설 현상학이 궁극적으로 밝혀낸 절대적 근원성은 바로 선험적 주관성의 생생한 현재이다. 이 선험적 주관성의 생생한 현재는 모든 시간을 구성하는 근원시간화로서의 선시간적 근원성이다. 다시 말해 생생한 현재는 최초의 시간화인 자기현재화로서의 자기시간화를 통한 선험적 주관성의 시간적 자기구성의 가능 근거로서 궁극적으로 기능하는 근원자아이다. 이뿐만 아니라 생생한 현재는 모든 대상성을 시간위치적으로 시간화된 시간객체로서 구성하는 선험적 주관성의 시간적 대상구성의 가능 근거로서 궁극적으로 기능하는 근원자아이다. 이러한 생생한 현재는 시간화된 이후에야 비로소 성립하는 선험적 주관성의 (...)
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  19. Fore-drawn.Melville Chaning-Pearce - 1950 - London,: Rockliff.
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  20. Fore- and Background in Conscious Non-Demonstrative Inference.Anders Nes - 2019 - In Anders Nes & Timothy Hoo Wai Chan (eds.), Inference and Consciousness. London: Routledge. pp. 199-228.
    It is often supposed one can draw a distinction, among the assumptions on which an inference rests, between certain background assumptions and certain more salient, or foregrounded, assumptions. Yet what may such a fore-v-background structure, or such structures, consist it? In particular, how do they relate to consciousness? According to a ‘Boring View’, such structures can be captured by specifying, for the various assumptions of the inference, whether they are phenomenally conscious, or access conscious, or else how easily available (...)
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    Fore-given Forgiveness.Mary Beth Mader - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (S1):16-24.
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    The Fore-Structure of Eliade's Hermeneutlcs.Carl Olson - 1988 - Philosophy Today 32 (1):43-53.
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    Fore-word 3: Giving Shape to the One Matter.Kenneth Maly - 2008 - In Heidegger's Possibility: Language, Emergence - Saying Be-Ing. University of Toronto Press.
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    Fore-word 2: The Word.Kenneth Maly - 2008 - In Heidegger's Possibility: Language, Emergence - Saying Be-Ing. University of Toronto Press.
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    Back‐ and fore‐grounding ontology: exploring the linkages between critical realism, pragmatism, and methodologies in health & rehabilitation sciences.Ryan DeForge & Jay Shaw - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (1):83-95.
    DEFORGE R and SHAW J. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 83–95 Back‐ and fore‐grounding ontology: exploring the linkages between critical realism, pragmatism, and methodologies in health & rehabilitation sciencesAs two doctoral candidates in a health and rehabilitation sciences program, we describe in this paper our respective paradigmatic locations along a quite nonlinear ontological‐epistemological‐axiological‐methodological chain. In a turn‐taking fashion, we unpack the tenets of critical realism and pragmatism, and then trace the linkages from these paradigmatic locations through to the methodological choices (...)
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    La forêt de Tronçais en Bourbonnais.Jacques Chevalier - 1940 - Paris,: Éditions de la Chronique des lettres françaises.
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    Bringing space to the fore: Beyond postmodernism to interrogating fundamental malleable spatial preconditions for language and experience.Paul Downes - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1632-1633.
  28. Heidegger’s Concept Of Fore-structure And Textual Interpretation.Ka-Wing Leung - 2011 - Phainomena 79:23-40.
    The concept of fore-structure is central to Heidegger’s idea of interpretation. Gadamer later incorporated this concept into his own theory of philosophical hermeneutics. But there are indeed certain signifcant differences between their accounts of the fore-structure, and these differences are o ften neglected by scholars. This essay will first present Heidegger’s concept of fore-structure, and then we will demonstrate the differences between Heidegger and Gadamer. At last, we will draw out some implications of Heidegger’s concept of (...)-structure to textual Interpretation. (shrink)
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    Fore-word 1: Situating the Work.Kenneth Maly - 2008 - In Heidegger's Possibility: Language, Emergence - Saying Be-Ing. University of Toronto Press.
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    On the hermeneutic fore-structure of scientific research.Dimitri Ginev - 1999 - Continental Philosophy Review 32 (2):143-168.
    The paper provides an overview of the hermeneutic and phenomenological context from which the idea of a “constitutional analysis” of science originated. It analyzes why the approach to “hermeneutic fore-structure of scientific research” requires to transcend the distinction between the context of justification and the context of discovery. By incorporating this approach into an integral “postmetaphysical philosophy of science”, I argue that one can avoid the radical empiricism of recent science studies, while also preventing the analysis of science's discursive (...)
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    The indelible role of the interpretive researcher's fore‐structure in traversing the hermeneutic circle.Lee SmithBattle, Ashley D. Schmuke, Patricia A. Dettenmeier & Katie A. Donahue - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12668.
    Phenomenological researchers are obliged to grasp the epistemological and ontological differences between the Husserlian and Heideggerian branches of phenomenology to avoid misappropriating phenomenological terms or mischaracterizing study design. To that end, we spell out the key differences between both phenomenological traditions as background for describing the indelible role that the researcher's background assumptions, or fore‐structure, play in interpretive studies. We draw on our four studies to illustrate how we traversed the hermeneutic circle to disclose, challenge, and refine the personal, (...)
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    Background to the fore.Paul MacDonald - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 11:56-56.
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    1. The "Fore" of Fore-Understanding.John E. Murray - 1994 - In Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics. Yale University Press. pp. 92-95.
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    Sound Changes In Foreing Borrowings And Dialects Of Elazığ City.Birol İpek - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1558-1573.
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    Before the Fore-Book II.Edmond Jabes & Rosmarie Waldrop - 1983 - Substance 11 (4):187.
  36. Bringing Reflection to the Fore Using Narrative Construction.J. Mason - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):334-335.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Building Bridges to Algebra through a Constructionist Learning Environment” by Eirini Geraniou & Manolis Mavrikis. Upshot: In striving to support transition or bridging between arithmetic and algebra through software, Geraniou & Mavrikis come up against the need for learners not simply to “reflect” on what they have been doing, but to withdraw from action every so often, consider what actions have been effective, and construct their own narrative to hold together actions and goals and (...)
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    Baroque Sherlock: Benjamin’s friendship between «criminal and detective» in its fore- and afterlife.Alice Barale - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):163-169.
    The starting point of this paper is a statement that Benjamin makes in a group of notes he writes for his project of a detective novel. Benjamin writes here that «criminal and detective could be so friends [so befreundet sein] as Sherlock Holmes and Watson». We’ll try to understand the meaning of this statement through the investigation of the detective topic in two moments of its fore and afterlife: its fore life in Benjamin’s meditation on the baroque and (...)
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    The Latin Construction Fore/Futurum (Esse) Ut (I): Syntactic, Semantic, Pragmatic, and Diachronic Considerations.Laurence D. Stephens - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (4).
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    Two Accounts of the Hermeneutic Fore-structure of Scientific Research.Dimitri Ginev - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (4):423-445.
    In this article, I examine various aspects of the application of Heidegger's motif of interpretative articulation (the core phenomenological motif of existential analytic) to the constitutional analysis of meaningful objects in scientific research that are contextually ready-to-hand. It is my contention that not only the concepts of the ‘fore-structure of understanding’ and the ‘as-structure of interpretation’, but also the extended concepts of the ‘hermeneutic fore-structure of meaning constitution’ and ‘characteristic hermeneutic situation’ are the keys to understanding the interpretative (...)
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    William Ockham on Divine Fore‐Knowledge and Future Contingency.William Lane Craig - 1988 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 69 (2):117-135.
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    Bringing Intersectionality to the Fore in COVID-19.Suze G. Berkhout & Lisa Richardson - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):159-161.
    It was an afternoon in the early stages of the pandemic when Lisa Richardson and I ran into each other at the hospital coffee line. Standing six feet apart and decked out in masks, scrub caps, and face shields, we were almost unrecognizable to one another and to ourselves. The pandemic was of course top of mind, but our conversation quickly turned to what was being articulated about the pandemic and why it was being heralded as a "disaster for feminism". (...)
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    Political Economy to the Fore: Burke, Malthus and the Whig Response to Popular Radicalism in the Age of the French Revolution.D. McNally - 2000 - History of Political Thought 21 (3):427-448.
    In the face of new forms of popular radicalism in the 1790s, British Whigs turned increasingly hostile to the French Revolution and doctrines of radical social improvement. Yet, rather than turn to Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France to frame their anti-radical arguments, Whiggism took up the claims of Thomas Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population. By eschewing the voluntarist idiom of Burke's Reflections in favour of a Newtonian rhetoric which resonated with the discursive traditions of radicalism itself, (...)
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    Zoilo, Costantino e le fores martyrum catanesi. Ancora sull'epigrafe di Iulia Florentina.Cristina Soraci - 2017 - Klio 99 (1):238-259.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 1 Seiten: 238-259.
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    Art and Education in Dewey: Accomplishing Unity, Bringing Newness to the Fore.Vasco D'Agnese - 2016 - Education and Culture 32 (2):80-98.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of art in Deweyan thought, making a case for the relationship among art, experience, and education. I will do so by drawing on both Deweyan works—primarily Art as Experience1 and chapter nine of Experience and Nature2—and scholarly literature devoted to the issue.3 Based on such precedents, I wish to argue that art plays a central function in Deweyan thought. Dewey conceived of art as the basis on which to deepen, enlarge, (...)
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    Galicia studies in language: historical semantics brought to the fore.Beata Kopecka, Marta Pikor-Niedziałek, Agnieszka Uberman & Grzegorz Kleparski (eds.) - 2012 - Chełm: Wydawn. TAWA.
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  46. Narcissisme patriotique et fantastique des superstitions de la religiosité dans la Narcisa (1818) de CT Fores.Jean Lacroix - 2001 - Iris 22:261-276.
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    Marking time: Derrida, Blanchot, Beckett, des Forêts, Klossowski, Laporte.Ian Maclachlan - 2012 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    Drawing on the work of Jacques Derrida, Marking Time presents an innovative account of literary time, in which the temporality and ontology of the literary are seen to be essentially intertwined. Individual chapters trace the stakes of this view of time for the status and 'economy' of the literary text across five 20th-century writers in French whose work is characterized by a fundamental and searching self-questioning: Maurice Blanchot, Samuel Beckett, Louis-René des Forêts, Pierre Klossowski, and Roger Laporte. A final chapter (...)
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  48. clearly sacrifice precision and resolution in their predic-tion to achieve more generality and robustness in fore-casting. The State-Transition Paradigm. The state-transition paradigm is a powerful approach to.G. I. S. Intelligent - forthcoming - Fourth Annual Conference on Ai, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems.
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  49. Crossin'Over They used to tell me, told me, hold me, held up, down knelling bowed down 'fore their cross'.How Ah Got Ovah Ooh - 1994 - The Griot 13:34.
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    Emerging Market Multinationals and International Corporate Social Responsibility Standards: Bringing Animals to the Fore.Germano Glufke Reis & Carla Forte Maiolino Molento - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):351-368.
    The literature presents a broad approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, which aggregates a diversity of issues, such as the environment, labor conditions, and human rights. We addressed the impact of increasing CSR demands during the internationalization of emerging market multinationals on one particular subject, animal welfare. This subject raises important ethical concerns, especially as we understand that animals are sentient beings. Through content analysis of annual reports, we tracked the evolution of AW-CSR activities throughout the internationalization of two large Brazilian (...)
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