Results for 'Fra Angelico'

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  1.  20
    Getting Fra Angelico’s splotch out: rehabilitating visual cognitive semiotics.Ian Verstegen - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):1-18.
    Most contemporary approaches to meaning presume the limitation of semiotics (Didi-Huberman, Gumbrecht, Belting). The question of what kind of “semiotics” is required has not been asked. However, without some general science of meaning it is impossible to reform theory without committing past errors or ignoring progress. In the interest of reconnecting contemporary interests in “presence” to long-evolving needs, I review the ossification and decline of one theory of semiotics that serves as the tacit model rejected today. I return to problems (...)
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    Marta e Maria no Getsêmani de Fra Angelico: luzes medievais na releitura de tradições e textos bíblicos.Ivoni Richter Reimer - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36).
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  3. William Hood, Fra Angelico at San Marco. New Haven, Conn., and London: Yale University Press, 1993. Pp. xvi, 338; color frontispiece, 168 color illustrations, 94 black-and-white illustrations. $60. [REVIEW]Mary-Ann Winkelmes - 1995 - Speculum 70 (1):155-157.
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  4. " Nacimiento de Venus" de Sandro Botticelli como apostasía: Metamorfosis de la" Anunciación" de Fra Angélico.Hector Solsona Quilis - 2009 - A Parte Rei 61:10.
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    Tout l'œuvre peint de... Paris, Flammarion. 23,5 × 31, ill., 64 pl. en coul. (Les Classiques de l'Art), relié, jaguette en coul/Fra Angelico, Introduction par Andrée Berne-Joffroy. Traduit de l'italien par Alain Veinstein. Documentation Umberto Baldini, 1970, 120 p./Memling. Introduction de Jacques Foucart. Traduit de l'italien par Alain Veinstein. Documentation de Giorgo T. Faggin, 1973, 116 p./Georges de La Tour. Documentation et catalogue raisonné par Jacques Thuillier, 1973, 104 p./Braque, 1908-1929. Introduction de Pierre Descargues. Traduit de l'italien par Simone Darse. Documentation de Massimo Carra, 1973, 112 p. [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):201-204.
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    Giustizia: fra analogia e univocità. Da Tommaso d’Aquino a Tommaso De Vio.Nicolás Lázaro - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:305-320.
    Il presente contributo indaga la trasformazione della definizione di “giustizia” da Tommaso d’Aquino (analogica) a Tommaso De Vio (univoca). Esaminando la connessione fra logica e filosofia morale si considera il tema della virtù e l‘interpretazione del pensiero dell’Angelico da parte del Gaetano. Si intende approfondire il rapporto fra la giustizia e il bene comune attraverso l’uso dell’analogia (Tommaso) o in altri termini (Gaetano). Il lavoro fa riferimento anche alla tesi di S. Hofstadter, secondo cui l’analogia è quasi un a (...)
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    Art and the Word of God (Arte e la Parola di Dio): A Study of Angelico Rinaldo Zarlenga, O.P. ed. by Vincent I. Zarlenga, O.P. [REVIEW]Benedict Ashley - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):164-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:164 BOOK REVIEWS "was presented with wine in the name of the whole University." That evening, one of the feasters recalled that this was the man who had written the foremost theological defense of the Royal Supremacy: the following morning, when Gardiner asked for vessels and vestments to say Mass before proceeding on his way, they were refused him, as to an excommunicate or a schismatic. This incident is (...)
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    Georges didi-huberman: Une esthétique du symptôme.Maud Hagelstein - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 34:81-96.
    En 1990, Georges Didi-Huberman, filósofo e historiador del arte contemporáneo, anuncia que va a elaborar una «estética del síntoma». La expresión está cargada de consecuencias epistemológicas. Nos proponemos exponer aquí las claves de tal filosofía del arte y aclarar los problemas que plantea. ¿Cuáles son, según Didi-Huberman, los síntomas de las imágenes? Antes de responder a esta pregunta es preciso hacer un rodeo por el pensamiento crítico de Freud mostrando lo que es para él un síntoma y evocando sobre todo (...)
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    Summa Contra Gentiles III, Chapters 131–135: A Rare Glimpse into the Heart as Well as the Mind of Aquinas.Lawrence B. Porter - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):245-263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES III, CHAPTERS 131-135: A RARE GLIMPSE INTO THE HEART AS WELL AS THE MIND OF AQUINAS LAWRENCE B. PORTER Setoii Hall University South Orange, New Jersey Introduction BERNARDO GUI, Saint Thomas's thirteenth-century biographer, relates in his Legenda S. Thomae the story of how once upon a time Saint Thomas was seated at the table of King Louis IX of France. Far removed from mere dinner conversation, (...)
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    The Art Criticism Of John Ruskin.John Ruskin & Robert L. Herbert - 1987 - Da Capo Press.
    "Ruskin was the most important aesthetic authority of the 19th century. In his dozens of books and lectures he wrote about the qualities of art. the key figure, the history that connected one to another. In The Stones of Venice, Modern Painters, Seven Lamps of Architecture he developed rules and standards that are amazingly contemporary in their range of sympathies. However, Ruskin wrote thousands of pages of criticism; for the modern reader his thought needs always to be rediscovered. This anthology (...)
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    L'artiste et le philosophe: phénoménologie des correspondances esthétiques.Philippe Grosos - 2016 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Qu'ont de commun Pascal et la peinture de La Tour? La théologie de Thomas d'Aquin et les fresques de Fra Angelico? La philosophie de Schelling et la musique de Liszt? La pensée de Diderot et les toiles de Fragonard, ou encore la phénoménologie de Maldiney et les sculptures de Giacometti? Et si œuvres d'art et œuvres philosophiques, dans leurs façons d'être au monde, tissaient de profondes correspondances, souvent même à l'insu de leur créateur? C'est la thèse de Philippe Grosos (...)
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    Ideology and Iconology.Giulio Carlo Argan & Rebecca West - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (2):297-305.
    Is it possible to compose a history of images? It is obvious that history can be composed only from that which is intrinsically historical; history has an order of its own because it interprets and clarifies an order which already exists in the facts. But is there an order in the birth, multiplication, combination, dissolution and re-synthesis of images? Mannerism had discredited or demystified form with its pretense of reproducing an order which does not exist in reality. But is the (...)
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    V.N. Ilyin. Italian Culture, Italian Humanism and Florence.Ольга Игоревна Кусенко & Олег Тимофеевич Ермишин - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (2):100-117.
    The first published essay by V.N. Ilyin about the culture of the Italian Renaissance introduces readers to the Renaissance concept of the author and his more general historiosophical views. This vibrant emotional text, full of philosophical and theological inspirations, transfers the readers to fifteenthcentury Florence, to the very heart of the Renaissance flourishing under the Medici dynasty. Ilyn reflects on the masterpieces of Fra Beato Angelico, Filippo Lippi, Benozzo Gozzoli, and other outstanding representatives of the Quattrocento. In connection with (...)
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    ¿Cuántos y cuántos pasos no anduvimos descalzos? Apuntes para una teopoética de la hospitalidad.José Pedro Angélico - 2021 - Tábano 18:144-157.
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    Zu-Gänge in die Sache des Denkens: gesammelte Vorträge.Ekkehard Fräntzki - 1988 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus.
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    Les modeles et l'algebre logique.R. Fra�ss� - 1960 - Synthese 12 (2-3):197-201.
  17. La cugina infernale E la Mirabile illusione.Il Dulcitius di Rosvita Fra & Drammaturgia E. Innografia - 2006 - Mediaevalia 27:155.
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  18.  44
    The Nature of Truth.María José Frápolli - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    The book offers a proposal on how to define truth in all its complexity, without reductionism, showing at the same time which questions a theory of truth has to answer and which questions, although related to truth, do not belong within the scope of such a theory. Just like any other theory, a theory of truth has its structure and limits. The semantic core of the position is that truth-ascriptions are pro-forms, i.e. natural language propositional variables. The book also offers (...)
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    Nikolaus von Kues und das Problem der absoluten Subjektivität.Ekkehard Fräntzki - 1972 - Meisenheim am Glan,: A. Hain.
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  20. Saying, meaning and referring: essays on François Recanati's philosophy of language.María José Frápolli (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The distinguished philosopher of language, Francois Recanati, has proposed a wide-ranging truth-conditional model of pragmatics. In this collection, various aspects of his theories are addressed by distinguished contributors, and are then commented on or answered by Recanati himself. This allows the reader to be drawn into the central debate within philosophy of language and cognitive science as to what kind of pragmatics system is needed.
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  21. Biḳoret ha-deʻot ṿeha-emunot = Ein Kriterium der Vernunft--und Glaubenserkenntnisse.Nachman Fränkel - 1901 - Drohobycz: Bi-defus A. H. Zupniḳ.
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  22. (1 other version)Physics 1981-1990.Tore Frängsmyr & Gösta Ekspong (eds.) - 1993 - River Edge, N.J.: World Scientific.
  23. Externalism, deference and availability.Maria J. Frápolli - 2007 - In María José Frápolli (ed.), Saying, meaning and referring: essays on François Recanati's philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  24. O Curso de Odontologia da ULBRA-Campus Cachoeira do Sul.Fra Bastos - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (1):91-99.
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  25. Conștiință și luciditate: eseu asupra subiectivității.Vasile Frăteanu - 1987 - Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia.
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    Una aproximación a la filosofía del lenguaje.María José Frápolli - 1998 - Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Edited by Esther Romero.
  27. Critica gîndirii mitice.Vasile Frăteanu - 1980 - Cluj-Napoca: Dacia.
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    Die Kehre: Heideggers Schrift "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit": Urfassungen und Druckfassungen.Ekkehard Fräntzki - 1985 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Ensayos de filosofía, psicología, educación, literatura, política, teología.José Antonio Fránquiz - 1991 - Ponce, P.R.: Casa Paoli, Centro de Investigaciones Folklóricas de Puerto Rico. Edited by Narciso Vilaró Canals.
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    Essai sur la logique de l'indeterminisme et la ramification de l'espace-temps.Roland Fra�ss� - 1974 - Synthese 29 (1-4):27-54.
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  31. Recht und Gerechtigkeit bei Hans Kelsen.Karl Joachim Fränkel - 1965 - [n.p.,:
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    Research Ethics Committee Auditing: The Experience of a University Hospital. [REVIEW]Daniela Marchetti, Angelico Spagnolo, Marina Cicerone, Fidelia Cascini, Giuseppe La Monaca & Antonio G. Spagnolo - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (3):257-268.
    The authors report the first Italian experience of a research ethics committee (REC) audit focused on the evaluation of the REC’s compliance with standard operating procedures, requirements in insurance coverage, informed consent, protection of privacy and confidentiality, predictable risks/harms, selection of subjects, withdrawal criteria and other issues, such as advertisement details and justification of placebo. The internal audit was conducted over a two-year period (March 2009–February 2011) divided into quarters to better value the influence of the new insurance coverage regulation (...)
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  33. Frege, Sellars, Brandom : expresivismo e inferencialismo semánticos.María José Frápolli Sanz Y. Neftalí Villanueva Fernández - 2013 - In David Pérez Chico (ed.), Perspectivas en la filosofía del lenguaje. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
  34. François Recantai : contextualismo y Pragmática de las Condiciones de Verdad.María José Frápolli Sanz Y. Neftalí Villanueva Fernández - 2013 - In David Pérez Chico (ed.), Perspectivas en la filosofía del lenguaje. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
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    Fra egoisme til sjenerøsitet – kan toppidretten reformeres?Gunnar Breivik - 2010 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):39-56.
    Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i den norske idrettsmodellen der topp og bredde hører sammen, og der toppidrettsutøvere uvegerlig blir rollemodeller for barn og unge. Den moderne toppidretten er i økende grad preget av egoistiske holdninger der det dreier seg hele tiden om å skaffe seg fordeler. I denne artikkelen tar jeg opp egoisme, rettferdighet og sjenerøsitet som tre grunnleggende holdninger i idrettskonkurranser og drøfter hvorvidt man med inspirasjon fra sjenerøsitetsidealer og praktiske eksempler kan tenke seg en toppidrett som i større grad (...)
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    Fra Panikkar e Jung: un nuovo umanesimo interculturale.Giuseppe Cognetti - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  37. L'Angelico e la scultura.Ulrich Middeldorf - 1955 - Rinascimento 6:179-194.
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  38. Fra in vitro til in vivo.Roger Strand - 2003 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 38 (1-2):147-156.
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    Overflatehendelser: Fra Deleuze til Kahn.Michael Jasper - 2006 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 24 (3):169-184.
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    Ledelse i autenticitetens tidsalder – Fra undertrykkelse til udtrykkelse.Iben Krogsdal - 2009 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 56 (56).
    Ledelse i autenticitetens tidsalder – Fra undertrykkelse til udtrykkelse.
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    Olympiodoros fra Alexandria og hans commentar til Platons Phaidon.William Norvin - 1915 - Gyldendal,: Nordisk forlag.
  42.  11
    Fra retorica E innografia sul genere letterario delle laudes Dei di draconzio.Francesco Stella - 1988 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 132 (1-2):258-274.
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  43. Fra bøn til billede.Troels Myrup Kristensen - 2011 - In Ole Hã¸Iris & Birte Poulsen (eds.), Antikkens Verden. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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    Ovidio fra Parma e Berlino.Ulrich Schmitzer - 2009 - Paideia 64:599-620.
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    Kapitalismekritik fra norges største, nu afdøde, sociolog.Joachim S. Wiewiura - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76.
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    Estetikk: fra Platon til våre dager.Truls Winther & Odd Inge Langholm (eds.) - 1977 - Oslo: Tanum-Norli.
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    Fra tradizione e innovazione: La “Storia dei Filosofi” in Età Antica, Medievale e Moderna.Gregorio Piaia - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (3):3-15.
    Il graduale passaggio dall’antica “storia dei filoso” alla moderna “storia della filosofia” viene qui ricostruito nelle sue fasi essenziali, alla luce della dialettica fra tradizione e innovazione, che caratterizza il dialogo losoco inteso in senso diacronico. Ma in che senso è ancora possibile, oggi, parlare di una “storia della filosofia” distinta sia dall’attività losoco-ermeneutica sia dalla ricerca strettamente storica, qual è quella condotta dalla Intellectual history?
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    Fra scepsi e mathesis: il lungo cammino del pensiero occidentale alla ricerca del senso delle cose.Pier Franco Lisorini - 2021 - Venezia: Marcianum Press.
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    «Penger» (fra Økonomisk-filosofiskemanuskripter).Karl Marx - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (1):154-160.
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    Fra contemplazione E dominio note in margine al rapporto uomo-natura Nel pensiero medievale.Gregorio Piaia - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):843-851.
    As relações entre homem e natureza,no pensamento medieval, podem ser examinadaspor diversos ângulos e por todos eles leva-se emconsideração a Deus, como criador. As posiçõesextremas do homem ante a natureza situam-seentre a contemplação e o domínio. Dois pensadoressão aqui examinados: Hugo de São Víctor ePetrarca.
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