Results for 'Francesc Bononad I. Brines'

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  1.  15
    El cuerpo, intermediario espiritual.Francesc Bononad I. Brines - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:199.
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    La filosofia social i política de Francesc Eiximenis.Lluís Brines I. Garcia - 2004 - [Spain]: Novaedició.
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    Anecdotologi de Francesc Pujols.Francesc Pujols & Isidre Clopas I. Batlle (eds.) - 2010 - Barcelona: Editorial Dux.
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    PLATÓ. Diàlegs. Vols. X i XI: La República, llibres I-IV; Vol. XI: llibres V-VII.Francesc Casadesús Bordoy & Josep Montserrat I. Torrents - 1994 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 22:139-140.
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    Social Brain Matters: Stances on the Neurobiology of Social Cognition.Oscar Vilarroya & Francesc Forn I. Argimon - 2007 - Rodopi.
    This book examines philosophical and scientific implications of Neodarwinism relative to recent empirical data. It develops explanations of social behavior and cognition through analysis of mental capabilities and consideration of ethical issues. It includes debate within cognitive science among explanations of social and moral phenomena from philosophy, evolutionary and cognitive psychology, neurobiology, linguistics, and computer science. Cognitive Science (CS) provides an original corpus of scholarly work that makes explicit the import of cognitive-science research for philosophical analysis. Topics include the nature, (...)
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    Francesc Pujols i Morgades: el filòsof heterodox.Joan Cuscó I. Clarasó - 2008 - Barcelona: Publicacions de L'Abadia de Montserrat.
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  7. Una mirada geográfica al fenómeno de la brujería.Francesc Roma I. Casanovas - 2008 - Studium 14:201-218.
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    El ADN: un microcosmos al servicio de la justicia.Francesc Frances I. Bozal - 2016 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    Nietzsche: History, culture, state.Francesc Ballesteros I. Balbastre - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 7:25.
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    La crisi de l'edat moderna.Francesc Maspons I. Anglasell - 1956 - Palma de Mallorca,: Editorial Moll.
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  11. El arte de tejer como paradigma del buen político en Platón.Francesc José Casadesús I. Bordoy - 2010 - Daimon: Revista de Filosofia Supplemento 3:9-18.
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  12. Estado y partidos en el pensamiento de Benedetto Croce.Francesc Morató I. Pastor - 2000 - Res Publica. Murcia 5:87-110.
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    The justification of the whole philosophy of education.Francesc Ballesteros I. Balbastre - 1994 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 22:151.
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    Juan Luis Vives: un gran humanista.Hernàndez I. Dobon & Francesc Jesús - 2019 - [Valencia]: Editorial Sargantana.
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    (1 other version)Ideology and Education.Francesc Ballesteros I. Balbastre - 1992 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 19:131.
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  16. Escrits d'economia i finances, 1925.Francesc Roca - 1998 - In Joan Crexells I. Vallhonrat (ed.), Obra Completa. Barcelona: Edicions de la Magraña.
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  17. Lire Le Capital, Tome I: L. Althusser, J. Ranciere, P. Macherey; Tome II: L. Althusser, E. Balibar, R. Establet.Francesc Agües - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):133-134.
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    On the standard and rational completeness of some axiomatic extensions of the monoidal t-Norm logic.Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (2):199 - 226.
    The monoidal t-norm based logic MTL is obtained from Hájek''s Basic Fuzzy logic BL by dropping the divisibility condition for the strong (or monoidal) conjunction. Recently, Jenei and Montgana have shown MTL to be standard complete, i.e. complete with respect to the class of residuated lattices in the real unit interval [0,1] defined by left-continuous t-norms and their residua. Its corresponding algebraic semantics is given by pre-linear residuated lattices. In this paper we address the issue of standard and rational completeness (...)
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  19. Breus propositions que contenen molta sentència: els proverbis lul· lians i les «formes sentencioses».Francesc Tous Prieto - 2011 - Studia Lulliana 51 (106):77-98.
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  20. Maximality in finite-valued Lukasiewicz logics defined by order filters.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert & Lluis Godo - 2019 - Journal of Logic and Computation 29 (1):125-156.
    In this paper we consider the logics L(i,n) obtained from the (n+1)-valued Lukasiewicz logics L(n+1) by taking the order filter generated by i/n as the set of designated elements. In particular, the conditions of maximality and strong maximality among them are analyzed. We present a very general theorem that provides sufficient conditions for maximality between logics. As a consequence of this theorem, it is shown that L(i,n) is maximal w.r.t. CPL whenever n is prime. Concerning strong maximality (i.e. maximality w.r.t. (...)
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    Geografia de l'absurd.Francesc Torralba Roselló - 1993 - Lleida: Pages.
    Jean Paul Sarte, Franz Kafka i Milan Kundera: tres mirades diferents sobre la realitat, tres percepcions del món que participen d'un mateix rerafons filosòfic, d'una mateixa sensibilitat: l'absurd. Tres obres que neixen, creixen i maduren sota l'eclipsi de Déu, en l'atmosfera de la buidor més penetrant i la negació radical del sentit. L'ésser és estantís, feble, pura representació, i la vida humana una comèdia tragicòmica que comença per casualitat i s'acaba també per pura casualitat. Però l'home ha de viure, i (...)
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    Subvarieties of BL-algebras generated by single-component chains.Antonio Di Nola, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluís Godo & Salvatore Sessa - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (7):673-685.
    In this paper we study and equationally characterize the subvarieties of BL, the variety of BL-algebras, which are generated by families of single-component BL-chains, i.e. MV-chains, Product-chain or Gödel-chains. Moreover, it is proved that they form a segment of the lattice of subvarieties of BL which is bounded by the Boolean variety and the variety generated by all single-component chains, called ŁΠG.
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    Punt d'inflexió: lectura de Kierkegaard.Francesc Torralba Roselló - 1992 - Lleida: Pagès Editors.
    La història del pensament occidental travessa ara per ara un punt d'inflexió, un instant de vacil·lació, de dubte i de recerca. El fil conductor de la Modernitat s'ha exhaurit i l'esperit desencisat cerca noves formes de pensar i noves cosmovisions. Les idees rectores de la Modernitat han caigut de l'escambell i la corba del pensament travessa un moment delicat, un instant que cal meditar pausadament. Aquest moment inestable i fugisser és la postmodernitat. S'acosta una nova era de l'esperit, però encara (...)
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    Geografía de l'absurd.Francesc Torralba Roselló - 1993 - Lleida: Pagès editors.
    Jean Paul Sarte, Franz Kafka i Milan Kundera: tres mirades diferents sobre la realitat, tres percepcions del món que participen d'un mateix rerafons filosòfic, d'una mateixa sensibilitat: l'absurd. Tres obres que neixen, creixen i maduren sota l'eclipsi de Déu, en l'atmosfera de la buidor més penetrant i la negació radical del sentit. L'ésser és estantís, feble, pura representació, i la vida humana una comèdia tragicòmica que comença per casualitat i s'acaba també per pura casualitat. Però l'home ha de viure, i (...)
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    Kantisme i sentit comú en Francesc X. Llorens i Barba.Misericòrdia Anglès I. Cervelló - forthcoming - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía.
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    Irony and musical intermediality in Vals by Francesc Trabal.Moisés Llopis I. Alarcón - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 49:108-123.
    Resumen: El artículo analiza la musicalización de la ficción presente en Vals de Francesc Trabal, considerada su obra maestra. El artículo sugiere una lectura diferente de la novela a partir del concepto de intermedialidad y mediante dos ejes: la imitación y la tematización. De esta manera se observa que la relación entre esta ficción musicalizada y la noción de ironía metaficcional es muy estrecha y ayuda a entender el juego lúdico establecido por Trabal.: This paper analyzes the musicalization of (...)
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    Geografia vital de Francesc Pujols.Joan Cuscó I. Clarasó - 2023 - Sabadell, Catalunya: Edicions Enoanda.
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    On Some Varieties of MTL-algebras.Carles Noguera, Francesc Esteva & Joan Gispert - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (4):443-466.
    The study of perfect, local and bipartite IMTL-algebras presented in [29] is generalized in this paper to the general non-involutive case, i.e. to MTL-algebras. To this end we describe the radical of MTL-algebras and characterize perfect MTL-algebras as those for which the quotient by the radical is isomorphic to the two-element Boolean algebra, and a special class of bipartite MTL-algebras,.
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    On triangular norm based axiomatic extensions of the weak nilpotent minimum logic.Carles Noguera, Francesc Esteva & Joan Gispert - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (4):387-409.
    In this paper we carry out an algebraic investigation of the weak nilpotent minimum logic and its t-norm based axiomatic extensions. We consider the algebraic counterpart of WNM, the variety of WNM-algebras and prove that it is locally finite, so all its subvarieties are generated by finite chains. We give criteria to compare varieties generated by finite families of WNM-chains, in particular varieties generated by standard WNM-chains, or equivalently t-norm based axiomatic extensions of WNM, and we study their standard completeness (...)
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    Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez, Olim Frits Tuyt, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):1081-1114.
    In this paper we provide a simplified, possibilistic semantics for the logics K45, i.e. a many-valued counterpart of the classical modal logic K45 over the [0, 1]-valued Gödel fuzzy logic \. More precisely, we characterize K45 as the set of valid formulae of the class of possibilistic Gödel frames \, where W is a non-empty set of worlds and \ is a possibility distribution on W. We provide decidability results as well. Moreover, we show that all the results also apply (...)
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  31. Obra completa.Joan Crexells I. Vallhonrat - 1996 - Barcelona: Edicions de la Magraña.
    -- 3. Escrits d'economia i finances, 1925 / pròleg de Francesc Roca.
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    Realitat i veritat en Francesc Pujols.Josep-Maria Terricabras (ed.) - 2015 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
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    Pensament i llegat de Francesc Xavier Llorens Barba.Joan Vergés Gifra (ed.) - 2017 - [Girona]: Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani.
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    Ferrer Costa, Joan, Feliu, Francesc y Fullana, Olga (eds.), The Biblical Book of Daniel: The Catalan Translation by the French Hebraist Maties Delcor. IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 19.Javier Del Barco del Barco - 2021 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 24:156-158.
    En este artículo se trata sobre la controvertida cuestión del origen de la amidá, principal oración del servicio religioso judío, en el contexto de creación de la liturgia rabínica tras la destrucción del Templo de Jerusalén en el año 70 d. C. Para ello se analiza primero su estructura formal y literaria, ofreciendo a continuación un análisis crítico sobre su origen que se hace eco del debate académico acerca de la cuestión. En apéndice se ofrece una traducción anotada de esta (...)
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    Contract and Theft Two Legal Principles Fundamental to the civilitas and res publica in the Political Writings of Francesc Eiximenis, Franciscan friar.Paolo Evangelisti - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:405-426.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beginning in the 20s of the last century, historical research into Eiximenis's life and writings has thrown into relief his contribution to the language and political ideas of the kingdoms and towns of the Catalan-Aragonese Crown. Of fundamental importance has been the work of medievalists from North America, and in particular that of Canadian scholars during the last decades of the twentieth century.More recently, a number of studies have (...)
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    The Quaestiones libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres . Part I: Author, Text and Reception.Christopher D. Schabel - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:171-255.
    This article examines the author, date, place, sources and reception of the Quaestiones libri Physicorum by the Catalan Augustinian Canon Francesc Marbres, usually attributed to “John the Canon.” The Quaestiones are perhaps the most influential philosophical work by an Augustinian Canon in the university era. From Barcelona, Marbres became a Canon of Tortosa Cathedral, a Master of Arts at Toulouse, and an advanced student in theology, probably at Paris, where he died. In his Quaestiones, compiled around 1330, his main (...)
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    The Time of the King: Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio.Joan Ramon Resina - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):49-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 49-77 [Access article in PDF] The Time of the King Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio Joan Ramon Resina There is something paradoxical about José Zorrilla's revision of the Don Juan legend, a certain contradiction between the play's structure and the logic of the action. The character of the protagonist, the form and implications of Don Juan's salvation, the strategies and temporality of seduction, (...)
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    Political Physiology in High School: Columbine and After.John Protevi - unknown
    In this paper I investigate the mechanics of killing, brining together neuroscience, military history, and the work of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari. Investigating the Columbine killers and the way they negotiate with the intensity of the act of killing allows me to construct a concept of “political physiology,” defined as “interlocking intensive processes that articulate the patterns, thresholds, and triggers of emergent bodies, forming assemblages linking the social and the somatic, with sometimes the subjective as intermediary.” (...)
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    Extractivist Ontologies: Lithium Mining and Anthropocene Imaginaries in Chile's Atacama Desert.Mauricio F. Collao Quevedo - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (2):78-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Extractivist OntologiesLithium Mining and Anthropocene Imaginaries in Chile's Atacama DesertMauricio F. Collao Quevedo (bio)The term energy transition generally refers to efforts to switch from one energy system to another. In light of the current climate crisis, energy transition projects have sought to move societies away from their reliance on fossil fuels and toward a renewables-based energy system. Yet such projects have not been easy to undertake. As Marie Forget (...)
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  40. Truthlikeness.I. Niiniluoto - 2005 - In Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer (eds.), The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge. pp. 854--857.
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    The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.I. Bernard Cohen - 1999 - Univ of California Press.
    Presents Newton's unifying idea of gravitation and explains how he converted physics from a science of explanation into a general mathematical system.
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    Serbian anti-corruption policy: Welcome to Potemkin’s village?Duyne van - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1):81-118.
    Organi zaduzeni za sprovodjenje zakona u Srbiji se mogu okarakterisati kao camera opskura: neprozirnost preovladava. Ovo ne uliva mnogo poverenja javnosti: istrazivanja koja su sprovele ili narucile UN otkrila su da se samo doktorima i politicarima manje veruje nego sudijama i tuziteljima. Korupcija predstavlja prekrsaj koji se veoma retko prijavljuje, buduci da zrtve imaju osecaj da vlast ne mari za korupciju - zasto je onda prijavljivati? Obimna statisticka analiza slucajeva korupcije koje su obradili tuzilastvo i sudovi pokazala je da se (...)
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    Scepticism about Unconscious Perception is the Default Hypothesis.I. Phillips - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):186-205.
    Berger and Mylopoulos (2019) critique recent scepticism about unconscious perception, focusing on experimental work from Peters and Lau, and theoretical work of my own. Central to their wide-ranging discussion is the claim that unconscious perception occupies a default status within both experimental and folk psychology. Here, I argue to the contrary that a conscious-perception-only model should be our default. Along the way, I offer my own analysis of Peters and Lau's study, assess the folk psychological status of unconscious perception, discuss (...)
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  44. Introducere în istoria filozofiei moderne.C. I. Gulian - 1974 - București: Editura enciclopedică.
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  45. Lenin i fizika.S. I. Vavilov - 1960 - Moskva,: Iad-vo Akademii nauk SSSR.
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  46. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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  47. Ėsteticheskoe nasledie V.I. Lenina i problemy iskusstva.A. I︠A︡ Zisʹ (ed.) - 1971 - [Moscow: "Iskusstvo".
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  48. Scientific Revolutions.I. Hacking - 1984 - Critical Philosophy 1 (1):97.
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  49. (3 other versions)The Fire and the Sun. Why Plato Banished the Artists.I. Murdoch - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (2):317-318.
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  50. (2 other versions)Hegel and Marx: The Concept of Need (Ian Hunt).I. Fraser - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (1):132-133.
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